I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Western Joint Funding Committee will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Friday, 21 November 2014 1.00pm Whau Local
Board Office |
Western Joint Funding Committee
Chairperson |
Vanessa Neeson, JP |
Members |
Sandra Coney, QSO |
Catherine Farmer |
Tracy Kirkley |
Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel |
Denise Yates, JP |
(Quorum 3 members)
Glenn Boyd Relationship Manager Local Board Service (West)
Riya Seth Democracy Advisor
14 November 2014
Contact Telephone: (09) 826 5103 Email: riya.seth@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Western Joint Funding Committee 21 November 2014 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 5
5 Leave of Absence 5
6 Acknowledgements 5
7 Extraordinary Business 5
8 Notices of Motion 6
9 Facility Partnership project update – Te Rangi Hiroa Cycle Hub 7
10 Facility Partnership Fund (West) 2014/2015 25
11 Community Wellbeing Fund 2014/2015 43
12 Youth Programme Fund 2014/2015 211
13 Waitakere Heritage Fund Allocation 2014/2015 (Round 1) 327
14 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Welcome
2 Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
3 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Western Joint Funding Committee: a) Confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Friday, 13 June 2014, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
6 Acknowledgements
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
7 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
8 Notices of Motion
At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.
Western Joint Funding Committee 21 November 2014 |
Facility Partnership project update – Te Rangi Hiroa Cycle Hub
File No.: CP2014/26207
1. This report seeks approval from the Western Joint Funding Committee to transfer the funding allocated to the Te Rangi Hiroa Cycle Hub from the Department of Cycling to the Waitakere BMX club and extend the completion date to 30 June 2017.
Executive summary
2. The Department of Cycling, in partnership with the Waitakere BMX club, were successful in being allocated $175,000 from the Facility Partnership fund in 2010 towards the development of a cycle hub at Te Rangi Hiroa Reserve.
3. The Department of Cycling are unable to continue involvement in the project and as they are the entity that was allocated the funding, have requested it is transferred to the Waitakere BMX club.
4. The Waitakere BMX club and the NZ freestyle BMX club jointly submitted an updated proposal on what the cycle hub would include and how they plan to integrate with other developments at the reserve.
5. It is recommended that the funding is transferred to the Waitakere BMX club and that the completion date is extended to 30 June 2017.
That the Western Joint Funding Committee: a) Approves to reallocate the $175,000 of Facility Partnership funding from the Department of Cycling to the Waitakere BMX club and extend the completion date to 30 June 2017. |
6. The Department of Cycling, in partnership with the Waitakere BMX club, were successful in being allocated $175,000 from the Facility Partnership fund in 2010 towards the development of a cycle hub at Te Rangi Hiroa Reserve. The application indicated the development would include constructing a bridge to access the site, mountain bike track development, BMX track upgrade and beginner riding infrastructure (eg. skills area)
The Finance and Operational Performance Committee resolved to:
2. Approve the application by the Department of Cycling Incorporated to move onto stage three of the Leisure Facility Partnership Fund and allocate $175,000 to the project, subject to meeting stage three criteria and any other conditions set by the Leisure Facility Partnership Fund Review Group by 30 June 2012.
7. As the project progressed, the Department of Cycling concluded that they were unable to continue involvement in the project. The Department of Cycling were the entity allocated the funding and have requested it is transferred to the Waitakere BMX club as per the attached letter.
8. The Waitakere BMX club and the NZ freestyle BMX club have jointly submitted an updated proposal which is available as an attachment. The proposal outlines the desire for the two clubs to continue to develop a cycle hub and to make the most of the opportunity to integrate with the plans to develop an adjacent youth park facility. The proposal indicates the development will include an upgrade to the BMX track, an access bridge and water supply to the NZ Freestyle Jump Park site and a pump track.
9. The cycle hub proposal no longer includes the development of mountain bike tracks with the exit of the Department of cycling however the development of the access bridge will enable this to happen in the future if another mountain bike club becomes involves.
10. It is recommended that the funding is transferred to the Waitakere BMX club to lead the project in partnership with the NZ Freestyle BMX club. An extension to the completion date, to 30 June 2017, is also recommended to allow the clubs sufficient time to secure the required balance of funding and complete the planning and construction.
Local board views and implications
11. This project is located in the Henderson-Massey Local Board area. The Board are aware of the cycle hub development and recognise the benefit in integrating the cycle hub with the Board’s youth park which is planned to be developed adjacent to the BMX track.
Māori impact statement
12. The Māori Plan has a key direction to "improve quality of life" with a focus on health and wellness. Having access to facilities that enable participation in sporting opportunities can have a significant positive impact on improving quality of life.
13. There are no implementation issues identified and the funding is included in the Long-Term Plan. The Sport and Recreation Partnerships team within Parks Sport and Recreation will implement the decisions the Western Local Boards Joint Funding committee make on the Facility Partnership Fund.
No. |
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Te Rangi Hiroa Cycle Hub Proposal |
9 |
Author |
Paul Edwards - Recreation Partnership Projects Leader |
Authorisers |
Ken Maplesden - Sport and Recreation Adviser Lisa Tocker - Manager, Recreation Facilities & Service Delivery Central Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Western Joint Funding Committee 21 November 2014 |
Facility Partnership Fund (West) 2014/2015
File No.: CP2014/26208
1. This report seeks approval from the Western Joint Funding Committee to allocate funding from the Facility Partnership Fund (West) for 2014/2015.
Executive summary
2. The Facility Partnership Fund provides financial support to not-for-profit organisations either undertaking asset development work or completing a feasibility study for a facility. The purpose of this fund is to assist the development of accessible, multi-use community facilities with an emphasis on maximum use and increased community participation. The fund supports projects that can demonstrate multiple funding sources.
3. The Regional Development and Operations committee at their May 2012 meeting endorsed devolving legacy facility partnership budgets for the 2012/2013 financial year to existing local board sub-regional funding committees (RDO/2012/89). This approach has been approved for rollover in 2014/2015 by the Regional Strategy and Policy committee (REG/2014/36).
4. The 2014/2015 Facility Partnership Fund (West) received fourteen applications. Twelve of the applications were for facility development projects and two were for feasibility studies. Twelve applications were for projects within the Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges and Whau Local Boards and two were from outside these local boards.
5. The applications were reviewed and assessed by Council staff from the Sport and Recreation Partnership, Local and Sports Parks and Community facilities teams. It is recommended that five of the fourteen projects receive Facility Partnership Funding in 2014/2015.
That the Western Joint Funding Committee: a) Allocates Avondale College $320,000 towards the lighting and surfacing of their six asphalt hardcourts subject to meeting the criteria of the Facility Partnership Fund by 30 June 2017. b) Allocates Avondale Intermediate $100,000 towards the heating of their pool. An amount of up to $10,000 is to be made available to contribute to the costs of a business case. If Council are satisfied with the outcome of the business case, the balance of the $100,000 is to be made available subject to meeting the criteria of the Facility Partnership Fund by 30 June 2017. c) Allocates Netball Waitakere $50,000 towards the construction of additional stadium storage subject to meeting the criteria of the Facility Partnership Fund by 30 June 2017. d) Allocates Oratia United, on behalf of the Parrs Park user group, $20,000 towards the development of a feasibility study for a multi-purpose facility at Parrs Park subject to meeting the criteria of the Facility Partnership Fund by 30 June 2017. e) Allocatse Titirangi Waka Ama $10,000 towards the development of a feasibility study for a Waka Ama facility on the Manukau Harbour subject to meeting the criteria of the Facility Partnership Fund by 30 June 2017. |
6. The Facility Partnership Fund is a legacy Waitakere City Council fund with the authority for decision making with the governing body. At their May 2012 meeting however, the Regional Development and Operations committee endorsed devolving legacy facility partnership budgets for the 2012/2013 financial year to existing local board sub-regional funding committees:
b) That the Regional Development and Operations Committee endorses in principle the following with regard to the Community assistance programme:
ii. devolving legacy facility partnership budgets for the 2012 / 2013 financial year to existing local board sub-regional (‘cluster’) funding committees for distribution under the appropriate legacy council policy
7. The Regional Development and Operations committee at their March 2013 meeting resolved that the interim community funding arrangements in place be continued for 2013/2014:
That the Regional Development and Operations Committee:
a) endorse the continuation of the interim community funding programme for the 2013/2014 financial year, in accordance with current budgets and decision making delegations, due to the complexity of the range of funding models currently operating across the region, with the expectation that a new funding policy be in place for the 2014/2015 financial year, or before.”
8. The Regional Strategy and Policy Regional committee at their March 2014 meeting resolved that the existing funding arrangements be rolled over again endorsed for 2014/2015:
That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee:
b) endorse existing funding arrangements and grants schemes being rolled over for the 2014 /2015 financial year
9. At their October 2014 meetings, the Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges and Whau local boards approved the terms and reference of the Western Joint Funding committee which included delegation to that committee for decision making on the Facility Partnership Fund (HM/2014/196, WTK/2014/183, WH/2014/168).
10. The Facility Partnership Fund provides financial support to not-for-profit organisations either undertaking asset development work, or completing a feasibility study for a facility. The fund is operated under the legacy Waitakere City Council Facility Partnership Fund policy however to achieve operational consistencies some common guidelines were developed.
11. The purpose of this fund is to assist the development of accessible, multi-use community facilities with an emphasis on maximum use and increased community participation. The fund supports projects that can demonstrate multiple funding sources.
12. For a group to be eligible, they should be a not-for-profit legal entity (i.e. be registered as an incorporated society of charitable trust) or be a school or educational institution. For a project to be eligible it should:
· be a partnership project with multiple funders,
· be a facility with service delivery within Auckland Council boundaries,
· have a total value of over $50,000,
· align with, and have support from, regional/national bodies (as applicable/where relevant),
· be a facility development project,
· be a project on either council or non-council land, and/or
· be a feasibility study for facilities.
13. The 2014/2015 round of the Facility Partnership fund opened on 1 July 2014 and closed on the 15 August 2014. Fourteen applications were received with a total project value of $4,395 978 and requested a combined total of $2,552,104 from the $500,000 fund available. Twelve of the applications were for facility development projects and two were for feasibility studies. Twelve applications were for projects within the Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges and Whau Local Boards and two were from outside these local boards.
14. The applications were reviewed and assessed by Council staff from the Sport and Recreation Partnership, Local and Sports Parks and Community facilities teams. It is recommended that the following five projects receive Facility Partnership Funding in 2014/2015:
· Avondale College – Hardcourt surfacing and lighting,
· Avondale Intermediate – Pool heating,
· Netball Waitakere – Storage facility,
· Oratia United – Feasibility of Multi-purpose facility at Parrs Park, and
· Titirangi Waka Ama – Feasibility of a Waka Ama facility on the Manukau Harbour.
15. An overview and assessment of all projects is provided in the attachment.
Local board views and implications
16. At their October 2014 meetings the Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges and Whau local boards agreed that the Western Joint Funding Committee be given delegated authority to make funding decisions on the Facility Partnership Fund for 2014/2015, and that the committee’s Terms of Reference include the Facility Partnership Fund under the Decision Making section.
Māori impact statement
17. The Māori Plan has a key direction to "improve quality of life" with a focus on health and wellness. Having access to facilities that enable participation in recreational opportunities can have a significant positive impact on improving quality of life.
18. The Titirangi Waka Ama project is likely to positively impact Māori through the identification and assessment of safe and suitable locations to participate in Waka Ama.
19. There are no implementation issues identified and the funding is included in the Long-Term Plan. The Sport and Recreation Partnerships team within Parks Sport and Recreation will implement the decisions the Western Local Boards Joint Funding committee make on the Facility Partnership Fund.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Facility Partnership Fund (West) 2014/2015 Project Overviews |
29 |
Author |
Paul Edwards - Recreation Partnership Projects Leader |
Authorisers |
Ken Maplesden - Sport and Recreation Adviser Lisa Tocker - Manager, Recreation Facilities & Service Delivery Central Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Western Joint Funding Committee 21 November 2014 |
Community Wellbeing Fund 2014/2015
File No.: CP2014/23133
1. The purpose of this report is to present applications received for round one of the Community Wellbeing Fund 2014/2015. The Western Joint Funding Subcommittee is required to fund, part-fund or decline these applications.
Executive summary
2. For the 2014/2015 financial year, the Western Joint Funding Subcommittee set a total community funding budget of $56,500. This is the only round for the financial year.
3. Forty-four applications were received in this round, with a total requested of $220,533.
That the Western Joint Funding Committee: a) Considers the applications listed in Table One and agrees to fund, part-fund or decline each application in this round. Table One: Wellbeing Fund 2014/2015 Applications
4. In March 2013, the Regional Development and Operations Committee (RDOC) resolved to continue the interim community funding approach for the 2013/2014 financial year (RDO/2013/32).
5. One community funding round is scheduled for this financial year. This round closed on 15 July 2014.
6. Through the Community Wellbeing Fund, the subcommittee aims to provide small sums of money to assist voluntary and community groups to carry out their activities that respond to clearly defined community needs. Not-for-profit community and voluntary organisations that work in the Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges and Whau Local Board areas are able to apply.
7. This fund is allocated at the subcommittee’s discretion. In accordance with its fiduciary duties, the subcommittee is to act honestly, avoid conflicts of interest and act in what the subcommittee believes to be the best interests of the community.
8. Round one of the Community Wellbeing Fund closed on 15 July 2014. The fund was advertised through local community networks, local publications and on the Auckland Council website.
9. For the 2014/2015 financial year the Western Joint Funding Subcommittee set a total community funding budget of $56,500. None of this budget has been allocated to date.
10. Forty-four applications were received in this round, with a total requested of $220,553.00.
Local board views and implications
11. The subcommittee’s feedback on the Community Wellbeing Fund applications was sought at a workshop with the Western Joint Funding Subcommittee.
Māori impact statement
12. Community funding is a general programme of interest and accessible to a wide range of groups, including Maori. Maori are therefore likely to benefit alongside other groups in the community.
13. The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted annual plan.
14. Following the Western Joint Funding Subcommittee allocating funding for round one, Community Development, Arts and Culture will notify the applicants of the local board decision.
No. |
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Attachment A: Community Wellbeing Fund - 2014/2015 Application Summaries |
49 |
Author |
Kim Hammond - Community Grants and Support Officer West |
Authorisers |
Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Western Joint Funding Committee 21 November 2014 |
Attachment A: Community Wellbeing Fund 2014/2015
Application Summaries
Action Education Incorporated |
Personal Development Programmes |
Organisation Information |
Postal Address |
13 Maidstone Street Auckland Auckland 1021 |
Physical Address |
13 Maidstone Street Grey Lynn Auckland |
Website |
http://www.actioneducation.co.nz |
Legal Status |
Incorporated society |
Affiliation |
Year Founded |
1981 |
Objectives |
For over thirty years Action Education has been focusing on building a skilled community of people to bring creative programmes and to at risk areas of society. Action Education responds to the varied, complex and ever- changing needs of the young people we work with. Our greatest asset to do this effectively is the way we are able to engage hard to reach young people. |
Activities |
All our programmes have been designed using creative and interactive methods to engage young people in discussion and dialogue. Although they are fun and creative programmes, there is another layer to them which effectively help young people to examine their behaviours, attitudes and thinking - all critical parts of personal development. We have a range of programmes that develop both volunteers and young people, providing them with training focusing on personal development, teamwork, leadership and communication skills. Programmes aim to encourage discussions, review attitudes, and provide information so that isolation is reduced, personal skills are enhanced, and a greater level of wellness is attained. We run spoken word and poetry workshops, drama toolkit sessions, a Breakdown DJ programme and Anger Management workshop run in partnership with LSV. |
Umbrella organisation |
Contact Details |
Primary Contact |
Dayna Cooper Projects 09-361 7200 admin@actioneducation.co.nz |
Primary office holder |
Ramon Narayan Manager |
Funding History |
Funding Type |
Year funding allocated |
Funding value |
Funding purpose |
Contract/funding agreement |
2012 |
$5,696.00 |
Drama Toolkit |
Contract/funding agreement |
2012 |
$2,908.00 |
Spoken Word Groups |
Contract/funding agreement |
2012 |
$4,500.00 |
Personal Development Programmes |
Contract/funding agreement |
2013 |
$3,000.00 |
After School Spoken Word Programme |
Contract/funding agreement |
2013 |
$2,000.00 |
DJ Breakdown Programme |
Project activity/description |
What is your project/activity called? |
Personal Development Programmes |
What is your project/activity? |
We are requesting funding towards 2 Personal Development programmes held annually in the Henderson/Massey local board area. Each group has between 10-12 participants, directly involving the community. We are hopeful that with increased funding we will be able to hold more groups in this area in 2015. Personal development is one of our oldest and most popular programmes, aiming to guide young people on their journey of personal growth, self awareness, & the development of positive communication skills, thus equipping them with the confidence & skills to give back to their community & at risk/vulnerable populations. |
What activity or purchase will be funded with this grant? |
We are requesting funding assistance towards the facilitation and room rental costs of our personal development programmes due to run in Term 3 of 2014. Alongside our partnership with Youthline, it is also a prerequisite for continuing on to their counselling helpline training courses, providing them with personal growth and transferrable skills. It is a lively and varied programme, using experiential activities, games, discussions and a bit of interesting theory to give you lots of opportunities to find out more about yourself and build better communication and relationship-building skills as well. It is also great for helping individuals to learn more about working in a team, managing difference and conflict, building self esteem and confidence, goal setting and trust. |
Indicative dates for the project/activity? |
2014-06-01 - 2015-05-31 |
How many of your organisation volunteers will be involved in the activity/project? |
How many of your organisations paid staff will be involved in the activity/project? |
Will any other organisations be collaborating with you in the activity/project? Please list them and indicate their role. |
How will you acknowledge Auckland Council if your application is successful? |
We will acknowledge Auckland Council's support in our newsletter, online, formally within our accounts as well as in our annual reports and on posters/plaques within our building. |
Community benefits |
Where is the activity/project taking place? |
We hold personal development courses at 4 venues across Auckland in privately rented community centres in Ponsonby, Henderson, Browns Bay & Papatoetoe. Our volunteers come from across the Auckland region, so we have created spaces that are easy for them to access. This application is requesting funding only for the 2 groups that are held in Henderson. Volunteers come from all across Auckland and beyond to take part in this programme. |
What are the constituencies for your activity/project? |
Children and young people, Education/training, Community support: |
What is the main sector that benefits? |
Does your organisation work with or represent a specific ethnic group? |
No - all groups: |
What local board areas will benefit from you activity/project? What percentage of your activity will take place in each of these areas? |
Local board benefiting |
% of total benefit |
Henderson-Massey |
90 |
Whau |
5 |
Waitakere Ranges |
5 |
How have you established that there is a need for this activity/project? |
Our programmes are consistently in high demand and every semester there are waiting lists as we do not have sufficient funding for facilitators to run more groups to meet the capacity of people wanting to volunteer. This consistently high demand is testament to the need of the community, many of whom wish to develop themselves personally, and others who wish to gain the skills to help other people in subsequent training. Evaluations from previous group members have shown that this programme is both effective and useful in personal and professional development. |
What difference will the activity/project make to the target community? |
Our programmes have been developed so that the participants can learn and utilise greater interpersonal skills and develop life skills that foster greater wellness in their everyday lives. By supporting individuals to develop such skills, our programmes assist them in developing independence and self sufficiency that will equip them to give back to their communities.
Some of the benefits individuals can have include: - Furthering education/learning - Group dynamics - Awareness of key issues and methods of counselling - Reflecting, mirroring skills - Engagement with others - Personal growth through engaging with others - Encourage diversity of opinion - Development active listening skills - Build empathy - Foster awareness of judgements and consequences - Self-awareness and responsibility for own learning - Self-evaluation for participation and that of the group - Build self-esteem and positive self-concepts - Develop positive self-talk techniques - Dealing with conflict/Unsafe situations/managing risk - Developing confidence - Communication skills, verbal and nonverbal - How to give and receive feedback - Develop positive relationships skills - Build inner resources - Develop awareness of boundaries - safety and security. Identify safe and unsafe people. |
How will you know if you have made this difference? |
All our programmes are followed by evaluations from the participants so that the programmes continue to be effective and enjoyable. Our programmes remain flexible so that they can be changed to reflect the changing nature of our communities. Evaluation processes are essential so that we continue to reflect on and develop our ability to be with young people and the community effectively. All services provided by Action Education have evaluation processes in place, which are then analysed and reviewed on a regular basis, this ensures best practice and enables our programmes to be more effective. Personal Development Programmes in Auckland: • Really great to learn about myself - triggers, how I behave in situations (stressful and relationships) • I wasn't sure what to expect from this course. I have thoroughly enjoyed the course and have learned a lot about myself in the process. It allowed me to address some areas of my life that I was not aware existed • This experience exceeded any expectations I had. I have learnt so much about myself, others, etc. Working in a group was incredible. Every week there were amazing learnings and insights. Beth is incredible, I am very grateful. Thank you. • While I found the group personally challenging in some ways, I feel that overall the course was incredibly helpful. The group became like a family and I have thoroughly enjoyed participating and getting to know others. • A lot of the values and beliefs shared mirror my own • Amazing life changing • Really, really, really helpful in everyday life and helping me with relationships |
What expertise does your organisation have in delivering similar projects? |
Action Education have been providing creative programmes to young people & the community for over thirty years. Personal Development is one of our longest standing programmes, and one of our most successful. It is also extremely accessible to the wider community, while some of our other programmes are often restricted to schools and school-aged young people. Action Education's work has spanned a wide range of areas, which gives us a diversity of experience we can bring to our work. |
Activity/Project budget |
Please provide itemised costs of the project and show how much of each item is too funded by this grant? All costs must include GST |
Expenditure Item |
Total cost of Item |
Amount to be funded by grant |
Professional facilitation costs |
$2,100.00 |
$2,100.00 |
Admin & photocopying |
$100.00 |
Coordination |
$500.00 |
Evaluation reports |
$120.00 |
Room Rental |
$480.00 |
$509.00 |
What amount are you requesting from Auckland Council? |
$2,609.00 |
How will you raise the difference between the total expenditure and the grant request? (if necessary) |
Each group member provides a contribution to the course on a sliding scale according to income, starting at $80 per participant, which covers some of the administration, coordination and evaluation report overhead costs. This small contribution does not cover the full programme costs. It is important Action Education are able to offer this programme to those who otherwise might not have the opportunity to attend. However if we do not have support from grants we cannot run as many programmes, so we remain proactive in approaching other trusts and grants funding bodies for support for these costs. |
Have you (or will you) apply to any other organisations for funding for you activity/project |
Name of funder |
Amount applied for |
Status of request |
Amount received |
Should the activity/project continue outside of the funded period, how will you fund this? |
This programme runs on a semester-based schedule and has done so throughout the years it has been run. We currently have not applied for any other fundraising for the Henderson/Massey-based Personal Development groups that are going to begin in Term 3 of 2014, but in the event that we are declined funding from the Auckland Council Henderson/Massey Local Board, we will approach other funders prior to the courses starting. |
Antara Association Incorporated - Antara Free Natural Health Clinic |
Antara Free Natural Health Clinic |
Local Board applied to |
Application number |
West - Community Wellbeing Fund, 2014/2015 Round 1 |
<Application_ID> |
Organisation Information |
Postal address |
66 Taikata Road Te Atatu Peninsula Te Atatu Peninsula Auckland 0610 |
Physical address |
66 Taikata Road Te Atatu Penisula Auckland 0610 |
Website |
http://www.antara.org.nz |
Legal status |
Incorporated society |
Affiliation |
Year funded |
1988 |
Objectives |
The Primary objectives is to help those in the community who really need help that is not accessable by other means. where all services are provided free and all who work within the projects work for free. |
Activities |
Antara runs the Antara Free Natural Health Clinic in Te Atatu Peninsula. The Clinic opened in 1989 in Te Atatu which was an area in need of such services. Today the Clinic not only helps those in need in Te Atatu but those in the wider West Auckland area. The Clinic provides free treatment for all those in the community who cannot afford to pay for natural health care and counselling. The therapists are qualified practitioners who, along with the receptionists, work on a roster system providing free treatment for those in need. They receive no payment for their time. Current therapies being offered at the Clinic are: Individual and family counselling, Reiki, Bowen Technique, Hypnotherapy, nutrition and Naturopathy. |
Umbrella organisation |
Contact details |
Primary contact |
Josephine Marsden Treasurer |
Primary office holder |
Graham Marsden Chairman |
Funding history |
Funding type |
Year funding allocated |
Funding value |
Funding purpose |
Rates remission or grant |
2012 |
$ 673.00 |
net curtains |
Rates remission or grant |
2012 |
$ 718.00 |
therapy chairs |
Rates remission or grant |
2014 |
$ 700.00 |
rates remission |
Project activity/description |
What is your project/activity called? |
Antara Free Natural Health Clinic |
What is your project/activity? |
Antara runs the Antara Free Natural Health Clinic in Te Atatu Peninsula. The Clinic provides free treatment for all those in the community who cannot afford to pay for natural health care and family and individual counseling. |
What activity or purchase will be funded through this grant? |
A replacement couch for the Antara Clinic waiting room. The springs and upholstery of our old couch has worn out. The couch in the waiting room brings a warm, welcoming feeling for those attending the clinic. We have chosen the couch from Big Save furniture because we need one that is strong , durable and easily cleaned, |
Indicative dates for the project/activity? |
2014-11-01 - 2015-02-01 |
How many of your volunteers will be involved with the activity/project? |
25 Volunteers |
6240 Hours |
How many of your organisation paid staff will be involved in the activity/project? |
0 staff |
Will any other organisations be collaborating with you in the activity/project? Please list them and indicate their role |
How will you acknowledge the Local Board if your application is successful? |
Acknowledgement will be placed on our Clinic notice board, on the Antara website and in the Chairman's annual report. |
Community benefits |
Where is the activity taking place? |
The Antara Free Natural Health Clinic - 66 Taikata Rd Te Atatu Peninsula |
What are the constituencies for your activity/project? |
Children and/or young people, Community support, Health, mental health or disability: |
What is the main sector that benefits? |
Community support: , |
What local board area will benefit from your activity/project? What percentage of your activity will take place in each of these areas? |
Local board benefiting |
How much have you requested from other Local boards? |
% of total benefit |
Henderson-Massey |
$ 799.00 |
85 |
Upper Harbour |
$ |
5 |
Whau |
$ |
10 |
How have you established there is a need for this activity/project? |
n 1988 when we were planning to set up the natural health clinic for those unable to afford natural health care, we investigated different areas of the Auckland region. We found that Te Atatu Peninsular, at the time had a lot of people in the low- socio-economic group. Today we are now finding huge demand for the clinic from the community in the wider west Auckland area as well. We now have more therapists working at the clinic because of the continuing growing need in the wider west Auckland community. |
What difference will the activity/project make to the target community? |
The Clinic makes a huge difference to those people attending. Many people attending the Clinic come because they have nowhere else to go, are needing help and feel desperate and alone. These people are helped with dealing with physical, mental and emotional pain, trauma, depression and anger. The therapies offered help to relieve these problems and stresses so that the people can re-enter their community with high self-esteem, a sense of hope and positiveness. This all flows to those around them into the community in which they live. |
How will you know if you have made this difference? |
Every day, at the Clinic, we see this. Working at the Clinic for a time as a receptionist I constantly observed people coming to the Clinic in very sad circumstances and after a few weeks of therapy they are different people, happy and positive about the future. The staff experience this every day. We have many local organisations referring their clients to us, such as In-Work NZ Ltd, the Welsh Trust and the Women's Centre Waitakere City and local doctors. |
What expertise does your organisation have in delivering similar projects? |
All our Practitioners are qualified in their indivudual fields of Therapy. With over 20 years of running the Antara Free Natual Health Clinic the Antara Committee have gained huge skills in administering the association and running the Clinic. Amongst our members we have an Accountant and Therapists who give valuable input into the running of the clinic. |
Activity/project budget |
Please provide itemised costs of the project and show how much of each item is too be funded by this grant? |
Expenditure item |
Total cost of item |
Amount to be funded by grant |
Couch |
$ 2199.00 |
$ 2000.00 |
$ |
$ |
What is the total cost of the project? |
$ 2199.00 |
How much of your own funds is your organisation contributing to the project/activity? |
$ 199.00 |
What is the total amount you are requesting from the Local Board? |
$ 2000.00 |
How will you raise the difference between the total expenditure and the grant request? (if necessary) |
Have you (or will you) apply to any other organisation for funding for your activity/project? |
Name of funder |
Amount applied for |
Status of request |
Amount received |
$ |
$ |
Arthritis Foundation of New Zealand Incorporated |
Gout Education Services for Pacific Communities in West Auckland |
Local Board applied to |
Application number |
West - Community Wellbeing Fund, 2014/2015 Round 1 |
<Application_ID> |
Organisation Information |
Postal address |
P O Box 74-851 Greenlane Auckland 1546 |
Physical address |
Unit B 383 Khyber Pass Newmarket Auckland 1023 |
Website |
http://www.arthritis.org.nz |
Legal status |
Incorporated society |
Affiliation |
Year funded |
1966 |
Objectives |
Improving the lives of people affected by arthritis through raising awareness of the impact of the disease, education and information, advocacy, research and the provision of quality evidence based support services throughout New Zealand |
Activities |
One to one and Group Clinics for specific forms of arthritis, Workshops, Seminars, Living a healthy Life Courses, Gout Hui and education, Delivery at health Expos throughout NZ, with an emphasis on Maori and Pacific Health Expos, Community Information Sessions, Fit for Work, 0800 phone consultations and Advocating for our clients. |
Umbrella organisation |
Contact details |
Primary contact |
Jill Robinson National Grants Fundraiser |
Primary office holder |
Sandra Kirby CEO |
Funding history |
Funding type |
Year funding allocated |
Funding value |
Funding purpose |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 5673.00 |
Tongan and Samoan Brochures |
$ |
Project activity/description |
What is your project/activity called? |
Gout Education Services for Pacific Communities in West Auckland |
What is your project/activity? |
Educating and informing the Pacific Community of West Auckland about gout in a culturally appropriate way, to remove the cultural issues that provide a barrier to effective treatment of this disease which has a high incidence amongst Pacific communities. |
What activity or purchase will be funded through this grant? |
We request assistance towards our Pacific Island educator who works with the West Auckland Pacific community and other health providers to raise awareness of all forms of arthritis and its impact. The majority of her work in the West is around gout. |
Indicative dates for the project/activity? |
2014-11-03 - 2015-10-30 |
How many of your volunteers will be involved with the activity/project? |
8 Volunteers |
200 Hours |
How many of your organisation paid staff will be involved in the activity/project? |
1 staff |
Will any other organisations be collaborating with you in the activity/project? Please list them and indicate their role |
West Fono |
Referrals; and we do Uric acid testing |
Pacific Intergarted Health Care |
Referrals, we do uric acid testing there |
Geln Eden Methodist Church |
Venue for events |
How will you acknowledge the Local Board if your application is successful? |
Auckland Council's contribution would be acknowledged in our Annual Report |
Community benefits |
Where is the activity taking place? |
Gout Education Services for Pacific Island Community in West Auckland |
What are the constituencies for your activity/project? |
Ethnic or cultural association, Education or training, Health, mental health or disability: |
What is the main sector that benefits? |
Health, mental health ordisability: , |
What local board area will benefit from your activity/project? What percentage of your activity will take place in each of these areas? |
Local board benefiting |
How much have you requested from other Local boards? |
% of total benefit |
Henderson-Massey |
$ 0.00 |
40 |
Waitakere Ranges |
$ 0.00 |
30 |
Whau |
$ 0.00 |
30 |
How have you established there is a need for this activity/project? |
Arthritis NZ has established a Pacific Island Arthritis Educator role in response to the need from that community for culturally appropriate programmes to educate and inform about arthritis. Gout is 3 to 4 times more prevalent in Pacific communities with debilitating effects upon the individual and their whanau. There are cultural issues that prevent effective treatment of the disease. Our Pacific Island Educator works throughout Auckland and would spend about 25% of her time working with the Pacific community in West Auckland and most of that time is around gout education because of the high incidence amongst her clients. |
What difference will the activity/project make to the target community? |
The Pacific Island community in West Auckland would have An improved knowledge and understanding abut gout Their cultural barriers to treatment addressed Whanau understanding the strong genetic link in this disease Proper diagnosis and management leading to quality of life improving, fewer days at work lost and fewer emergency visits to the doctor for 'flare-ups' Long term effects of severe kidney and joint problems avoided |
How will you know if you have made this difference? |
Arthritis NZ evaluates all of its programmes through online surveys and evaluation questionnaires at our clinics, workshops, seminars etc. Independent evaluation by Auckland University has shown that our Gout Education programmes are reaching the target communities and also the number our of clients achieving a higher rate of target therapeutic levels of serum urate has increased |
What expertise does your organisation have in delivering similar projects? |
Started in 1966 since when we have been delivering services throughout New Zealand. Have worked closely with other health organisations in developing our gout education programmes which we have delivered for a number of years. In the last 18 months we have introduced a Gout Champions' Programme which has been widely acclaimed for its work addressing cultural issues around gout. |
Activity/project budget |
Please provide itemised costs of the project and show how much of each item is too be funded by this grant? |
Expenditure item |
Total cost of item |
Amount to be funded by grant |
Salary |
$ 15000.00 |
$ 2000.00 |
$ |
$ |
What is the total cost of the project? |
$ 15000.00 |
How much of your own funds is your organisation contributing to the project/activity? |
$ 10000.00 |
What is the total amount you are requesting from the Local Board? |
$ 2000.00 |
How will you raise the difference between the total expenditure and the grant request? (if necessary) |
Have you (or will you) apply to any other organisation for funding for your activity/project? |
Name of funder |
Amount applied for |
Status of request |
Amount received |
North and South Trust |
$ 5000.00 |
Approved |
$ 5000.00 |
Lottery Community Fund |
$ 10000.00 |
Approved |
$ 5000.00 |
$ |
$ |
Auckland Regional Migrant Services Charitable Trust |
Women's Well-Being Event for Migrant and Former Refugee Women |
Local Board applied to |
Application number |
West - Community Wellbeing Fund, 2014/2015 Round 1 |
<Application_ID> |
Organisation Information |
Postal address |
PO Box 7367 Mt Roskill Auckland 1440 |
Physical address |
Three Kings Plaza, 532 Mt Albert Road Three Kings Auckland 1440 |
Website |
http://www.arms-mrc.org.nz |
Legal status |
Charitable trust |
Affiliation |
Year funded |
2002 |
Objectives |
Mission: To provide quality leadership in facilitating the successful settlement of newcomers, economic empowerment of communities, and intercultural respect. |
Activities |
Face to face/phone/email information and support services for newcomers related to settlement, employment, and integration. Orientation programme for newcomers including settlement-information workshops, employment assistance workshops. Additional programmes for newcomers eg. Treaty of Waitangi, Pronunciation, Professional Speaking for Migrants Advice / training to service providers on issues of cultural responsiveness, use of interpreters, diversifying their volunteer base etc Community development projects involving former refugees eg. Safari Multicultural Playgroup Projects, WISE Collective. Coordination of regional and local settlement steering groups and settlement networks Production and dissemination of various settlement-related newsletters. Identification of key issues, local and regional, and instigation of responses to these. Advocacy and input for research related to migrants and refugees |
Umbrella organisation |
Contact details |
Primary contact |
Mary Dawson Chief Executive |
Primary office holder |
Navin Jhinghan Finance Officer |
Funding history |
Funding type |
Year funding allocated |
Funding value |
Funding purpose |
$ |
Project activity/description |
What is your project/activity called? |
Women's Well-Being Event for Migrant and Former Refugee Women |
What is your project/activity? |
The WISE Collective Project has its five key outcomes: Empowerment, Education, Enterprise, Employment and Equality of Access (to information, services, well-being etc). These are essential the successful settlement and greater integration of many stay-at-home mothers particularly from some cultural backgrounds, and from small minority groups. |
What activity or purchase will be funded through this grant? |
For hall hireage, assistance with van transport for isolated women, cost of translators and childcare assistants, lunch, and gift vouchers for speakers. |
Indicative dates for the project/activity? |
2016-02-01 - 2015-03-31 |
How many of your volunteers will be involved with the activity/project? |
4 Volunteers |
25 Hours |
How many of your organisation paid staff will be involved in the activity/project? |
5 staff |
Will any other organisations be collaborating with you in the activity/project? Please list them and indicate their role |
Auckland Refugee Community Coalition |
Partner and promoter |
How will you acknowledge the Local Board if your application is successful? |
On all flyers, banners, posters promoting the event. In our WISE newsletters, ARMS and ARCC annual reports, and on our ARMS website. In any news articles or other promotions relating to the event. |
Community benefits |
Where is the activity taking place? |
McLaren Park Henderson South Community Centre, 27 Corban Ave, Henderson |
What are the constituencies for your activity/project? |
Migrants or refugees: |
What is the main sector that benefits? |
Migrants and refugees: , |
What local board area will benefit from your activity/project? What percentage of your activity will take place in each of these areas? |
Local board benefiting |
How much have you requested from other Local boards? |
% of total benefit |
Henderson-Massey |
$ 0.00 |
75 |
Whau |
$ 0.00 |
25 |
$ |
How have you established there is a need for this activity/project? |
The WISE Collective Project has five key outcomes: Empowerment, Education, Enterprise, Employment and Equality of Access (to information, services, well-being etc), all essential the successful settlement and integration of stay-at-home mothers particularly from small minority groups.
The response to any trainings or learning opportunities provided by WISE women has been very positive with women extremely keen to access more learning and socialisation opportunities, to understand more about what is on offer in their local environment, to engage in more physical activity and to be able to share their skills and cultural backgrounds, with other women. |
What difference will the activity/project make to the target community? |
Greater integration for former refugee women, through various WISE activities - market stalls, WISE weekly hubs, catering activity, and practical courses. Opening of bridges between r more mainstream forms of wellbeing enhancement and former refugee women living in the West., opening their eyes and minds to community services and supports women's access to these other programmes, activities and services such as zumba classes. For example, WISE women can train as zumba teachers for their own communities as one example of the empowerment, education, enterprise and employment benefits of the WISE project. |
How will you know if you have made this difference? |
We will know by the number of participants and the follow-up that we will do in terms of encouraging more participation in wellbeing activities. This is captured in the evaluation framework that sits over all our former refugee programmes. |
What expertise does your organisation have in delivering similar projects? |
ARMS and ARCC are highly experienced in running events and community development projects, getting other organisations to collaborate with us, and in promoting our activities to the relevant community members. |
Activity/project budget |
Please provide itemised costs of the project and show how much of each item is too be funded by this grant? |
Expenditure item |
Total cost of item |
Amount to be funded by grant |
Hire of McLaren Henderson South Hub |
$ 500.00 |
$ 400.00 |
Van hire x 2 for 1 day - using same driver for Safari projects @ $80 per day |
$ 160.00 |
$ 160.00 |
Lunch |
$ 200.00 |
$ 200.00 |
Gift vouchers for 8 speakers @ $25 each |
$ 200.00 |
$ 200.00 |
2 Translators @ $20 per hour for 5 hours |
$ 200.00 |
$ 200.00 |
Childcare supervision - 2 people @ $20 per hour, 5 hours |
$ 200.00 |
$ |
What is the total cost of the project? |
$ 1460.00 |
How much of your own funds is your organisation contributing to the project/activity? |
$ 200.00 |
What is the total amount you are requesting from the Local Board? |
$ 1260.00 |
How will you raise the difference between the total expenditure and the grant request? (if necessary) |
Have you (or will you) apply to any other organisation for funding for your activity/project? |
Name of funder |
Amount applied for |
Status of request |
Amount received |
$ |
$ |
Auckland Single Parent’s Trust and Te Kaitiakitanga Tamaki Makaurau o te Matua Kotahitanga |
Single Parent's You're Brilliant |
Local Board applied to |
Application number |
West - Community Wellbeing Fund, 2014/2015 Round 1 |
<Application_ID> |
Organisation Information |
Postal address |
PO Box 20146 Glen Eden Auckland 0641 |
Physical address |
123 Solar Rd, Glen Eden Auckland 0602 |
Website |
http://www.singleparents.org.nz |
Legal status |
Charitable trust |
Affiliation |
Year funded |
2005 |
Objectives |
To empower single parents and their families to be the best they can be. To encourage and assist single parents to build healthy networks that provide practical support, especially for the 85% of our group who don't have family in NZ. To provide (helpful) tools and information. To link single parents and their families with other groups providing services. |
Activities |
The trust organises a variety of adult and family educational, social and recreational events and activities including camps, monthly support meetings, workshops and presentations, campaigns and other projects that work towards our objectives with and without speakers on subjects unique to single parents. The trust also provides online support and information. |
Umbrella organisation |
Contact details |
Primary contact |
Julie Whitehouse Treasurer |
Primary office holder |
Angela Roberts Chairperson |
Funding history |
Funding type |
Year funding allocated |
Funding value |
Funding purpose |
Contestable grant |
2012 |
$ 2500.00 |
camp and running costs |
$ |
Project activity/description |
What is your project/activity called? |
Single Parent's You're Brilliant |
What is your project/activity? |
Our project is to create awareness in the community with posters, brochures, ect that provide information and an online link to a website where they will receive information, support and a list of activities and events for single parents and their families. Also to attend camp. |
What activity or purchase will be funded through this grant? |
Website fees, domain name, ink, paper, posters, volunteer costs, and camp. |
Indicative dates for the project/activity? |
2014-11-01 - 2015-10-31 |
How many of your volunteers will be involved with the activity/project? |
40 Volunteers |
1000 Hours |
How many of your organisation paid staff will be involved in the activity/project? |
0 staff |
Will any other organisations be collaborating with you in the activity/project? Please list them and indicate their role |
How will you acknowledge the Local Board if your application is successful? |
We will put a council logo on the websites. We could put the council logo on posters but we would need your permission. |
Community benefits |
Where is the activity taking place? |
From Avondale to the west end (very end) of the motorway. We will do paperwork in Glen Eden and Ranui. |
What are the constituencies for your activity/project? |
Children and/or young people, Community support, Migrants or refugees, Health, mental health or disability, Ethnic or cultural association, other: single parents |
What is the main sector that benefits? |
Community support: , |
What local board area will benefit from your activity/project? What percentage of your activity will take place in each of these areas? |
Local board benefiting |
How much have you requested from other Local boards? |
% of total benefit |
Henderson-Massey |
$ 4771.50 |
30 |
$ |
How have you established there is a need for this activity/project? |
We started a single parent trust because there was nothing in Auckland that directly assisted single parents. We read many comments on websites asking if there was something and we learned there used to be a Birthright in Auckland that closed down.
We are single parents so we were able to describe our needs and we have been receiving feedback from single parents since 2005 on what they need.
We keep in close contact with Birthright and overseas single parent support groups. All the women's groups we have spoken to say our project fills a need. |
What difference will the activity/project make to the target community? |
Single parents will connect with us and other organisations in Auckland. The isolation will drop dramatically and we will see a lot of support given and received as single parents network online and offline. Our support groups and workshops will have more attendees and single parents will put up family events online as well as attend others. Their stress will drop and single parents will cope better as well as achieve goals and function well. Their children will thrive as the parents thrive. Single parents will get regular breaks thought out the year as they attend the camps. |
How will you know if you have made this difference? |
There will be an influx of single parents and single parents will give us feedback. As a long term, close nit group, we learn quickly what difference we make. |
What expertise does your organisation have in delivering similar projects? |
Our group is made up of single parents in all sorts of professions and from all walks of life. We are single parents and we have 8 years experience working with single parents in Auckland online and offline. |
Activity/project budget |
Please provide itemised costs of the project and show how much of each item is too be funded by this grant? |
Expenditure item |
Total cost of item |
Amount to be funded by grant |
posters |
$ 1050.00 |
$ 1050.00 |
camp |
$ 3400.00 |
$ 800.00 |
websites fees |
$ 276.00 |
$ 100.00 |
stationary & administration |
$ 12132.00 |
$ 1821.00 |
volunteer costs |
$ 10000.00 |
$ 1000.00 |
$ |
$ |
What is the total cost of the project? |
$ 26857.00 |
How much of your own funds is your organisation contributing to the project/activity? |
$ 1.00 |
What is the total amount you are requesting from the Local Board? |
$ 4771.00 |
How will you raise the difference between the total expenditure and the grant request? (if necessary) |
Have you (or will you) apply to any other organisation for funding for your activity/project? |
Name of funder |
Amount applied for |
Status of request |
Amount received |
Auckland Council (central) |
$ 4771.00 |
Proposed |
$ 0.00 |
Auckland Council (north) |
$ 4771.00 |
Proposed |
$ 0.00 |
$ |
$ |
Autism Eden Trust |
Hand Crafting Beads Seminar and Workshop |
Local Board applied to |
Application number |
West - Community Wellbeing Fund, 2014/2015 Round 1 |
<Application_ID> |
Organisation Information |
Postal address |
PO Box 15994 New Lynn Auckland 0640 |
Physical address |
28 Lynbrooke Ave Blockhouse Bay Auckland 0600 |
Website |
Legal status |
Charitable trust |
Affiliation |
Year funded |
2012 |
Objectives |
To provide the opportunity for everyone living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other Developmental Disorders to achieve their full potential by giving to them and their families education, training, and all accessible sources. To provide support to people with ASD to improve their quality of life and increase their life-skills and independence. |
Activities |
To transform the lives particularly of children and young people with Autism by helping to provide Applied Behaviour Analysis therapy and treatment (ABA) and Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children therapy (TEACCH) or any other recognized or innovative treatment programme. To provide and maintain suitable premises, equipment and facilities for the training, development and support of people with ASD. To promote and support home-based therapy, home-school integration therapy, home-school community integration therapy for children and young people with ASD. To help Asian families with ASD to have more information and resources in their own languages. |
Umbrella organisation |
Contact details |
Primary contact |
Xiaojing Zhao Trustee |
Primary office holder |
Min Zeng Manager |
Funding history |
Funding type |
Year funding allocated |
Funding value |
Funding purpose |
$ |
Project activity/description |
What is your project/activity called? |
Hand Crafting Beads Seminar and Workshop |
What is your project/activity? |
Hand crafting beads seminar and workshop will provide the general knowledge of crafting beads for Autism Eden Trust at Unit 3/44 Portage Road, New Lynn, Auckland. It can improve the social networking for the Autism families, improve communication skills for Autism people, as well as improve Autism people's fine motor skills and body co-ordinatiion abiltiy. |
What activity or purchase will be funded through this grant? |
Tutoring Fee and Cost of Materials. |
Indicative dates for the project/activity? |
2014-11-08 - 2015-01-10 |
How many of your volunteers will be involved with the activity/project? |
2 Volunteers |
20 Hours |
How many of your organisation paid staff will be involved in the activity/project? |
1 staff |
Will any other organisations be collaborating with you in the activity/project? Please list them and indicate their role |
How will you acknowledge the Local Board if your application is successful? |
We will publicly acknowledge Auckland Council's contribution towards this project in our newsletter and poster. |
Community benefits |
Where is the activity taking place? |
Unit 3/44 Portage Road, New Lynn, Auckland |
What are the constituencies for your activity/project? |
Children and/or young people, Community support, Education or training, Health, mental health or disability, Ethnic or cultural association, Arts, culture and/or heritage: |
What is the main sector that benefits? |
Health, mental health ordisability: , |
What local board area will benefit from your activity/project? What percentage of your activity will take place in each of these areas? |
Local board benefiting |
How much have you requested from other Local boards? |
% of total benefit |
Whau |
$ 2900.00 |
100 |
$ |
How have you established there is a need for this activity/project? |
Autism people need an enviroment to communicate as a group, this project can provide this to them and also can improve their concertration ability. |
What difference will the activity/project make to the target community? |
This project can provide the social networking for the Autism families, as well as improve the communication skills, fine motor skills, body balance and co-ordination ability for Autism people. |
How will you know if you have made this difference? |
According to scientific research, the activity of hand crafting beads can improve the fine motor skills and body balance for Autism people. We will have the meeting with Autism families to discuss the results and get the feedback of this project. |
What expertise does your organisation have in delivering similar projects? |
We had similar projects such as table tennis, basketball training and knitting seminar for Autism people before, the results shows that those activites actually can improve their co-ordination ability and social networking skills. |
Activity/project budget |
Please provide itemised costs of the project and show how much of each item is too be funded by this grant? |
Expenditure item |
Total cost of item |
Amount to be funded by grant |
material of hand crafting beads set |
$ 2300.00 |
$ 2300.00 |
tutoring fee |
$ 600.00 |
$ 600.00 |
$ |
$ |
What is the total cost of the project? |
$ 2900.00 |
How much of your own funds is your organisation contributing to the project/activity? |
$ |
What is the total amount you are requesting from the Local Board? |
$ 2900.00 |
How will you raise the difference between the total expenditure and the grant request? (if necessary) |
Have you (or will you) apply to any other organisation for funding for your activity/project? |
Name of funder |
Amount applied for |
Status of request |
Amount received |
$ |
$ |
Big Buddy Mentoring Trust |
Epson EH-TW550 Projector and Samsung Galaxy S5 Black Smartphone & Epson EH-TW550 Projector |
Local Board applied to |
Application number |
West - Community Wellbeing Fund, 2014/2015 Round 1 |
<Application_ID> |
Organisation Information |
Postal address |
P O Box 15 319 New Lynn, Auckland 0640 |
Physical address |
1806 Great North Road Avondale Auckland 0640 |
Website |
http://www.bigbuddy.org.nz |
Legal status |
Charitable trust |
Affiliation |
Big Buddy Mentoring Trusyt |
Year funded |
1997 |
Objectives |
To recruit volunteer men of good character to be long-term mentors of fatherless boys (aged 7 years onwards) to guide, support and be there for them so that they have improved educational and life outcomes and avoid drifting into aimlessness and gangs and/or becoming involved in the Justice system. |
Activities |
A Big Buddy, who is extensively screened for suitability, commits to weekly contact with a fatherless boy to do ordinary things a boy would normally do with his dad. Our Volunteer Mentors visit the boys in their own homes, keep close contact with their schools, liaise with the caregivers, monitor the Big Buddy/Little Buddy matches and ensures the effectiveness of the ongoing relationship. The Co-ordinators are heavily involved in the recruitment, training and placement of Big Buddies. We take referrals from all sources and provide the service to families of all ethnicities. |
Umbrella organisation |
Contact details |
Primary contact |
Richard Aston Chief Executive Officer |
Primary office holder |
Andrew Cook Chairperson |
Funding history |
Funding type |
Year funding allocated |
Funding value |
Funding purpose |
Contestable grant |
2012 |
$ 8500.00 |
salary |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 1309.00 |
equipment |
$ |
Project activity/description |
What is your project/activity called? |
Epson EH-TW550 Projector and Samsung Galaxy S5 Black Smartphone & Epson EH-TW550 Projector |
What is your project/activity? |
MSD has funded Big Buddy for the development of an extensive new database to support our expanded services. The CEO needs a new Smartphone to link to the increased capabilities of the database and with Volunteer Co-ordinators in the field. He also needs a projector to support his many community presentations. |
What activity or purchase will be funded through this grant? |
The Smartphone and the Projector |
Indicative dates for the project/activity? |
2014-11-01 - 2015-04-01 |
How many of your volunteers will be involved with the activity/project? |
95 Volunteers |
500 Hours |
How many of your organisation paid staff will be involved in the activity/project? |
1.25 staff |
Will any other organisations be collaborating with you in the activity/project? Please list them and indicate their role |
None Directly |
How will you acknowledge the Local Board if your application is successful? |
In our Annual Accounts and on our website |
Community benefits |
Where is the activity taking place? |
1806 Great North Road, Avondale, Auckland. |
What are the constituencies for your activity/project? |
Children and/or young people, Community support: |
What is the main sector that benefits? |
Children and/or young people: , |
What local board area will benefit from your activity/project? What percentage of your activity will take place in each of these areas? |
Local board benefiting |
How much have you requested from other Local boards? |
% of total benefit |
Whau |
$ 612.00 |
33 |
Waitakere Ranges |
$ 612.00 |
33 |
Henderson-Massey |
$ 613.00 |
34 |
How have you established there is a need for this activity/project? |
We have a well established track record of providing this service in Central Auckland and despite constant matches being made we have a waiting list of young boys waiting to be matched to a Big Buddy. |
What difference will the activity/project make to the target community? |
Statistics show that fatherless boys are hugely over-represented in crime statistics, and likewise that providing a mentor over a sustained period of time greatly reduces the likelihood of boys ending up in a life of crime and other unsatisfactory outcomes. More than this, the boys flourish under the care and guidance of their Big Buddies and go on to live full and satisfying lives. Our new database and having the equipment to link to it is vitaL for our ongoing work as the existing database is now almost dysfunctional and is a privacy/security risk. |
How will you know if you have made this difference? |
Our Co-ordinators regularly monitor and record relationship outcomes. The duration of the relationship is one marker. Caregivers also report in meetings the changes they have noted in the boy's behaviour and attitudes. Feedback from schools is recorded. Increases in referrals is another indicator of success. |
What expertise does your organisation have in delivering similar projects? |
After 16 years and stable staffing we have become very skilled at screening potential mentors and finding suitable matches, being quick to identify any relationship problems and in knowing how to support bothy the Big Buddy and the Little Buddy. |
Activity/project budget |
Please provide itemised costs of the project and show how much of each item is too be funded by this grant? |
Expenditure item |
Total cost of item |
Amount to be funded by grant |
Samsung GALAXY Smartphone |
$ 906.00 |
$ 906.00 |
Epson Projector |
$ 931.00 |
$ 931.00 |
$ |
$ |
What is the total cost of the project? |
$ 1837.00 |
How much of your own funds is your organisation contributing to the project/activity? |
$ 1.00 |
What is the total amount you are requesting from the Local Board? |
$ 1837.00 |
How will you raise the difference between the total expenditure and the grant request? (if necessary) |
Have you (or will you) apply to any other organisation for funding for your activity/project? |
Name of funder |
Amount applied for |
Status of request |
Amount received |
$ |
$ |
C.A.R.E Waitakere Trust |
Administrator salary |
Local Board applied to |
Application number |
West - Community Wellbeing Fund, 2014/2015 Round 1 |
<Application_ID> |
Organisation Information |
Postal address |
64 Waipani Rd Te Atatu Peninsula Auckland 0610 |
Physical address |
64 Waipani Rd Te Atatu Peninsula Auckland 0610 |
Website |
http://www.carewaitakere.org.nz |
Legal status |
Charitable trust |
Affiliation |
Year funded |
1997 |
Objectives |
To be the social service provider of choice in Waitakere City by delivering compassionate, affordable and professional services which enhance the wellbeing of children, adolescents and adults in our community. Coming Alongside to Restore and Empower: The people we serve are empowered to live healthier and more fulfilled lives. Injustices are challenged, people who are disadvantaged have hope. |
Activities |
COUNSELLING BUDGETING SERVICE GROUPS - Educational and therapy groups including • Building Families for Life (Parenting) • Angry Birds (teenage girls and anger – Pilot) • Storm Birds (children coping with trauma – Pilot) • Life Skills (strategies for coping with stress and overwhelming emotions • Seasons for Growth (children and adolescents coping with grief and loss) |
Umbrella organisation |
Contact details |
Primary contact |
Kathy Clist Director |
Primary office holder |
Lynn Goold Board Chairperson |
Funding history |
Funding type |
Year funding allocated |
Funding value |
Funding purpose |
Contestable grant |
2012 |
$ 1000.00 |
Training |
$ |
Project activity/description |
What is your project/activity called? |
Administrator salary |
What is your project/activity? |
The Administrator `s role is to provide administration to the Trust, provide receptionist duties and support those who through the circumstances of life are disadvantaged. They work part time hours per week and the role provides direct benefits to our clients. |
What activity or purchase will be funded through this grant? |
Salary costs. |
Indicative dates for the project/activity? |
2014-11-03 - 2015-11-02 |
How many of your volunteers will be involved with the activity/project? |
0 Volunteers |
0 Hours |
How many of your organisation paid staff will be involved in the activity/project? |
1 staff |
Will any other organisations be collaborating with you in the activity/project? Please list them and indicate their role |
How will you acknowledge the Local Board if your application is successful? |
In our annual accounts and on our website. |
Community benefits |
Where is the activity taking place? |
64 Waipani Rd, Te Atatu Peninsula, Auckland 0610 |
What are the constituencies for your activity/project? |
Ethnic or cultural association, Children and/or young people, Community support, Health, mental health or disability: |
What is the main sector that benefits? |
Children and/or young people: , |
What local board area will benefit from your activity/project? What percentage of your activity will take place in each of these areas? |
Local board benefiting |
How much have you requested from other Local boards? |
% of total benefit |
Waitakere Ranges |
$ |
100 |
$ |
How have you established there is a need for this activity/project? |
The Trust has a demand for services that is increasing. Salary grants are important to provide our services to clients and the community, and to maintain ongoing sustainability of the organisation. Our MSD contract does not fully fund our staff salaries and operating costs. |
What difference will the activity/project make to the target community? |
Our aim is to deliver compassionate, affordable and professional services which enhance the wellbeing of children, adolescents and adults in our community. |
How will you know if you have made this difference? |
Feedback from clients and statistics and outcomes recorded from MSD contract reporting. |
What expertise does your organisation have in delivering similar projects? |
With support from community funders we were able to double the size of C.A.R.E. House to meet the demand for our services. We were able to expand our counselling and budgeting services and add other programmes. |
Activity/project budget |
Please provide itemised costs of the project and show how much of each item is too be funded by this grant? |
Expenditure item |
Total cost of item |
Amount to be funded by grant |
administrator salary |
$ 39000.00 |
$ 3000.00 |
$ |
$ |
What is the total cost of the project? |
$ 39000.00 |
How much of your own funds is your organisation contributing to the project/activity? |
$ |
What is the total amount you are requesting from the Local Board? |
$ 3000.00 |
How will you raise the difference between the total expenditure and the grant request? (if necessary) |
Have you (or will you) apply to any other organisation for funding for your activity/project? |
Name of funder |
Amount applied for |
Status of request |
Amount received |
Auckland Airport Community Trust |
$ 10000.00 |
Proposed |
$ 0.00 |
$ |
$ |
Children's Autism Foundation |
Outreach Services and Workshop programmes |
Local Board applied to |
Application number |
West - Community Wellbeing Fund, 2014/2015 Round 1 |
<Application_ID> |
Organisation Information |
Postal address |
PO Box 301 220, Albany Auckland 0752 |
Physical address |
3 William Laurie Pl Albany Auckland 0752 |
Website |
http://www.autism.org.nz |
Legal status |
Charitable trust |
Affiliation |
N/A |
Year funded |
2003 |
Objectives |
Our mission is to provide direct support to families of children affected by autism, by providing them with professional advice and services, to manage the emotional and practical impacts of autism. Our vision is to enable children affected by autism to have the ability to lead rewarding and meaningful lives within their families and the community, |
Activities |
We offer services that equip families with the knowledge, skills and confidence to include their children with autism in the family and community. Programmes include: * Join In Community Programme - 'Join In' is a 10 week programme for children aged 7 to 16. The programmes are run in age specific groups for children and parents to participate in. * Outreach Programme - In the home family support for up to 21 years * Stepping Stones - Is a Positive Parenting Programme which is individualised and run from the home of the family. * Workshops - We regularly organise workshops with leading experts in the autism field. Our highly qualified staff and contractors, provide services that are evidence based and/or recognised by other worldwide autism organisations. |
Umbrella organisation |
Contact details |
Primary contact |
Teresa Moore General Manager |
Primary office holder |
Lynn Morrison Programme support (Admin) and Accounts |
Funding history |
Funding type |
Year funding allocated |
Funding value |
Funding purpose |
Contestable grant |
2104 |
$ 5000.00 |
South Social Investment fund for our JOin In Programme |
Contestable grant |
2014 |
$ 2500.00 |
Northern Strengthening - Join In Programme |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 10000.00 |
NS Rodney Outreach and Rent |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 20000.00 |
Central - Join in Programme |
Project activity/description |
What is your project/activity called? |
Outreach Services and Workshop programmes |
What is your project/activity? |
OUTREACH - Providing support for families with guidance from a qualified family consultant. The goal is to develop family resilience. Support is provided through home visits, phone calls, email and available during diagnosis and difficult transition periods. WORKSHOPS - Topics include: Strategies for Behaviour, Understanding Autism, sensory processing, staff education and social and friendship skills. |
What activity or purchase will be funded through this grant? |
For our service delivery of our Outreach and workshop programmes in the West of Auckland. Last year over 19% of our services were delivered in the West and we would like to increase this outreach for the area, due to an increasing demand |
Indicative dates for the project/activity? |
2014-11-03 - 2015-10-30 |
How many of your volunteers will be involved with the activity/project? |
8 Volunteers |
24 Hours |
How many of your organisation paid staff will be involved in the activity/project? |
5 staff |
Will any other organisations be collaborating with you in the activity/project? Please list them and indicate their role |
Child and Family Counselling |
Family Consultant |
How will you acknowledge the Local Board if your application is successful? |
Through our leaflets, posters, website and newsletters to over 650 members |
Community benefits |
Where is the activity taking place? |
West Auckland |
What are the constituencies for your activity/project? |
Children and/or young people, Community support, Migrants or refugees, Education or training, other: Families |
What is the main sector that benefits? |
Children and/or young people: , |
What local board area will benefit from your activity/project? What percentage of your activity will take place in each of these areas? |
Local board benefiting |
How much have you requested from other Local boards? |
% of total benefit |
Waitakere Ranges |
$ 5204.00 |
50 |
Henderson-Massey |
$ 5204.00 |
50 |
$ |
How have you established there is a need for this activity/project? |
At least 19% of our services in the Auckland area are delivered in West Auckland (based on 2012/2013 figures). There is an increasing need for our services in the past two year. In 2012/13 we delivered services to over 200 families Auckland Wide, in 2013/14 we have delivered services to over 600 families (or approximately 114 families in the West). We can work with a child for at least 10 years, after being recently diagnosed through their major transitions in schools etc. We have a waitlist of children/families requiring our support and with your help, we can provide services to. |
What difference will the activity/project make to the target community? |
We help the child and their family to first manage the diagnosis of Autism, by taking a practical, family-centric approach to assisting them through their major milestones, like transitioning schools. Our aim is to equip families with the strategies and mechanisms to demonstrate valuing and including a person with autism in the wider community. Thus, preventing isolation and dependency on respite care. Our programmes and support services focus on increasing the naturally occurring social and support networks of the individuals, enabling opportunities to contribute their unique gifts and strengths and enjoy a full meaningful life, in the community. |
How will you know if you have made this difference? |
We conduct surveys throughout the programmes, which show the progress of the child and family. Feedback forms are filled in at the end of each programme. We also get wonderful testimonials from families. We know we are making a difference as we are receiving more and more referrals from professionals, community groups and families. Unfortunately we have a waitlist, but with your help we could reduce this time waiting considerably. |
What expertise does your organisation have in delivering similar projects? |
We have highly qualified staff and contractors, and providing services that are recognised (evidence based or recognised by other autism organisations). We have been operating since 2003 and have regularly conducted workshops and outreach over this time. |
Activity/project budget |
Please provide itemised costs of the project and show how much of each item is too be funded by this grant? |
Expenditure item |
Total cost of item |
Amount to be funded by grant |
Family Consultant |
$ 10000.00 |
$ 10000.00 |
Phone and Internet |
$ 1209.00 |
$ 1209.00 |
$ |
$ |
What is the total cost of the project? |
$ 11209.00 |
How much of your own funds is your organisation contributing to the project/activity? |
$ 800.00 |
What is the total amount you are requesting from the Local Board? |
$ 10409.00 |
How will you raise the difference between the total expenditure and the grant request? (if necessary) |
Have you (or will you) apply to any other organisation for funding for your activity/project? |
Name of funder |
Amount applied for |
Status of request |
Amount received |
COGS Waitakere |
$ 13889.00 |
Awaiting Decision |
$ |
West - YOuth Programme fund 2014/15 |
$ 10409.00 |
Awaiting Decision |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Dayspring Trust |
Circle of Security Parenting |
Local Board applied to |
Application number |
West - Community Wellbeing Fund, 2014/2015 Round 1 |
<Application_ID> |
Organisation Information |
Postal address |
PO Box 20269 Glen Eden Auckland 0641 |
Physical address |
2 Seabrook Avenue New Lynn Auckland 0600 |
Website |
http://www.dayspring.co.nz |
Legal status |
Charitable trust |
Affiliation |
N/A |
Year funded |
1980 |
Objectives |
Since 1980, the Dayspring Trust has been successfully providing education, support and guidance to women in the community suffering from post natal stress disorders and maternal mental illness. The support offered is not only life-saving for the women, it means they bond effectively with their babies and children. Well mothers means well babies. |
Activities |
Dayspring offers: Dayspring Care Centre: Daily specialist parenting groups and practical life skills such as: Budgeting, cooking and meal planning, nutrition, sewing, handcrafts, art and women's health. Fee crèche. . Counselling Services: Our counsellors work with individuals, couples and children helping them cope with anxiety disorder, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychological and mental abuse, grief & loss, physical & sexual abuse and relationships
Secure Beginnings: Secure Beginnings is a home based program designed to strengthen and improve parent-child relationships, educating and supporting vulnerable mothers in how to form a secure attachment with their babies.
Supported Landlord Service: Dayspring operates supported accommodation where women can live and be supported Mental Health Community Support Work Service: (specializing in Maternal Mental Health). |
Umbrella organisation |
Contact details |
Primary contact |
Neville Aitchison Fundraising Coordinator |
Primary office holder |
Jane Bruce Chief Executive Officer |
Funding history |
Funding type |
Year funding allocated |
Funding value |
Funding purpose |
Contract or funding agreement |
2012 |
$ 794.85 |
Creche equipment project |
Contract or funding agreement |
2013 |
$ 1000.00 |
Circle of Security project |
Contract or funding agreement |
2013 |
$ 1500.00 |
Secure Beginnings project |
Project activity/description |
What is your project/activity called? |
Circle of Security Parenting |
What is your project/activity? |
Circle of Security is an intervention program which alters the developmental pathway of parents and their young children. A secure attachment between child and caregiver is critical to current and future well-being. Parents will learn to: • Build a secure base/safe haven relationship • Shift focus from behaviour management to enhancing the quality of the relationships. • Be taught the skill of self-reflection. |
What activity or purchase will be funded through this grant? |
The programme (weekly) presents video examples of secure and problematic parent/child interaction, healthy options in care giving, clarifying principles central to parent/child relationship. It implements decades of attachment research in an accessible step-by-step process. A free crèche is provided for the mothers who attend our programmes. Our funding request is for wages for 2 trained facilitator/counsellors to run the programme. |
Indicative dates for the project/activity? |
2014-11-03 - 2015-04-02 |
How many of your volunteers will be involved with the activity/project? |
Volunteers |
Hours |
How many of your organisation paid staff will be involved in the activity/project? |
4 staff |
Will any other organisations be collaborating with you in the activity/project? Please list them and indicate their role |
How will you acknowledge the Local Board if your application is successful? |
Auckland will be acknowledged in the newsletters, our Audited accounts, annual report and any promotional materials for the programme.. |
Community benefits |
Where is the activity taking place? |
Dayspring Care Centre, 2 Seabrook Avenue, New Lynn |
What are the constituencies for your activity/project? |
Children and/or young people, Health, mental health or disability: |
What is the main sector that benefits? |
Health, mental health ordisability: , |
What local board area will benefit from your activity/project? What percentage of your activity will take place in each of these areas? |
Local board benefiting |
How much have you requested from other Local boards? |
% of total benefit |
Whau |
$ 0.00 |
40 |
Henderson-Massey |
$ 0.00 |
30 |
Waitakere Ranges |
$ 0.00 |
30 |
How have you established there is a need for this activity/project? |
Since 1980, the Dayspring Trust has been successfully providing education, support and guidance to women in the community suffering from post natal stress disorders and maternal mental illness or have suffered the effects of violence and abuse. The support offered is not only life-saving for the women; it means they bond effectively with their babies and children. We have first-hand experience on the impact this has on mother/baby bonding process, and the associated risks of attachment disorder. Well mothers means well babies. |
What difference will the activity/project make to the target community? |
This early intervention parenting dvd program helps educates vulnerable mothers in forming a secure attachment with their babies, teaching them to respond better to babies needs; so the baby feels secure and able to explore the world. Babies and pre-school children with ‘insecure or disorganized attachment patterns’ often struggle when they get to school, have social problems and a high risk of developing into aggressive and stressed adults. This can lead to personality disorders, substance abuse and dysfunctional behavioural traits. Benefits accrue not only to mother and baby/child, but are felt by the entire family and the wider community. |
How will you know if you have made this difference? |
Participants are required to complete a Pre-Evaluation and at the end of the programme a Post Evaluation. Statistics report a definite shift in caregiving competencies, the ability to understand their infants/child's emotions and an improved relationship with their child. This programme allows us to observe and identify families and children that are at risk. We also have an in-home therapeutic attachment programme - the most at risk families will be referred to that programme for treatment. |
What expertise does your organisation have in delivering similar projects? |
Since 1980, Dayspring has a proven record of offering quality social services to families suffering from mental illness and post-natal depression. We have a long history of established interest and involvement with mothers and their babies who are living with post-natal depression, an ongoing mental illness, or have suffered the effects of violence and abuse. Dayspring Trust has played a leading role by being the only residential service in Auckland for women and their babies living with mental illness. |
Activity/project budget |
Please provide itemised costs of the project and show how much of each item is too be funded by this grant? |
Expenditure item |
Total cost of item |
Amount to be funded by grant |
2 x facilitators wage |
$ 2640.00 |
$ 2640.00 |
$ |
$ |
What is the total cost of the project? |
$ 2640.00 |
How much of your own funds is your organisation contributing to the project/activity? |
$ 1.00 |
What is the total amount you are requesting from the Local Board? |
$ 2640.00 |
How will you raise the difference between the total expenditure and the grant request? (if necessary) |
Have you (or will you) apply to any other organisation for funding for your activity/project? |
Name of funder |
Amount applied for |
Status of request |
Amount received |
$ |
$ |
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust NZ |
Auckland Outreach Worker based in West Auckland |
Local Board applied to |
Application number |
West - Community Wellbeing Fund, 2014/2015 Round 1 |
<Application_ID> |
Organisation Information |
Postal address |
PO Box 34892 Bitrkenhead Auckland 0746 |
Physical address |
22 Onetaunga Road Chatswood Auckland 0626 |
Website |
http://www.grg.org.nz |
Legal status |
Charitable trust |
Affiliation |
Na |
Year funded |
2001 |
Objectives |
Our objectives are to support grandparents who are fulltime caregivers to protect, care and provide for their grandchildren, to raise awareness of the advantages of grandparents acting as fulltime caregivers, when a child cannot be raised by their parents and to facilitate change in the legal and regulatory environment to ensure that fulltime caregiver grandparents receive appropriate support. |
Activities |
In keeping with our goal, ‘To empower full-time grandparent and whanau caregivers with the support and knowledge they need to raise the children in their care’ our portfolio of services supports first and foremost the grandparent so they are equipped and enabled to perform their role as fulltime caregiver. Our portfolio includes crisis support, education, training, local support groups, a comprehensive website, a monthly newsletter, advice ranging from legal to financial support to counselling and field officer support, respite by way of holiday programmes and camps providing grandchildren with life skills and adventure and grandparents with a well-earned break, advocacy and research to ensure the regulatory and legal environment responds and remains relevant to the changing needs of our members. |
Umbrella organisation |
Contact details |
Primary contact |
Geoff Lawson CEO |
Primary office holder |
Diane Vivian Chairperson |
Funding history |
Funding type |
Year funding allocated |
Funding value |
Funding purpose |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 3600.00 |
Picnic |
Contestable grant |
2012 |
$ 4000.00 |
Picnic |
Contestable grant |
2011 |
$ 2300.00 |
Picnic |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 3188.00 |
GRG Training Conference |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 9433.00 |
Newsletter |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 1200.00 |
SALT Training Workshop - refunded in full |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 1300.00 |
Mangere-Otahuhu LB for Outreach Worker |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 1300.00 |
Otara-Papatoetoe LB for Outreach Worker |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 3500.00 |
Devonport, Takapuna, Kaipatiki LB for Outreach Worker |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 1100.00 |
Manurewa LB for Outreach Worker |
Contestable grant |
2012 |
$ 1000.00 |
Mangere-Otahuhu LB for SALT Workshops - refunded in full |
Contestable grant |
2012 |
$ 1000.00 |
Otara-Papatoetoe LB for SALT Workshop - refunded in full |
Other |
2012 |
$ 1550.00 |
Community Wellbeing for SALT Workshop |
Project activity/description |
What is your project/activity called? |
Auckland Outreach Worker based in West Auckland |
What is your project/activity? |
We are applying for a contribution to the salary of the Auckland Outreach Worker who was appointed in July 2013 on a part-time (10 hours per week). There is ongoing demand for supporting members in dealing with CYF and attending Family Group Conferences, WINZ and attending Family Meetings, Family Court and Strengthening Families. |
What activity or purchase will be funded through this grant? |
Our Outreach Worker is employed for 10 hours per week at a per annum cost of $10,000. We are applying for $2,600 based on the proportion of members (279 or 26%) who reside in the West Auckland area. |
Indicative dates for the project/activity? |
2015-01-01 - 2015-12-31 |
How many of your volunteers will be involved with the activity/project? |
0 Volunteers |
0 Hours |
How many of your organisation paid staff will be involved in the activity/project? |
1 staff |
Will any other organisations be collaborating with you in the activity/project? Please list them and indicate their role |
No |
How will you acknowledge the Local Board if your application is successful? |
The Auckland Council will be sincerely and gratefully acknowledged in our monthly newsletter, on our website and Facebook page and in our Annual Report. |
Community benefits |
Where is the activity taking place? |
The activity is based in West Auckland (Massey) but services all of Auckland |
What are the constituencies for your activity/project? |
Children and/or young people, other: Grandparents raising their grandchildren on a full-time basis |
What is the main sector that benefits? |
other: Grandparents raising their grandchildren on a full-time basis |
What local board area will benefit from your activity/project? What percentage of your activity will take place in each of these areas? |
Local board benefiting |
How much have you requested from other Local boards? |
% of total benefit |
Henderson-Massey |
$ |
Waitakere Ranges |
$ |
Whau |
$ |
How have you established there is a need for this activity/project? |
We have operated for 15 years and the need for such a service is well established. We are contacted by members regularly asking for support in attending meetings with CYF, WINZ and Strengthening Families in particular. Since the Outreach Worker has been operating she has provided much needed assistance for members in dealing with various agencies and Strengthening Families. Members who need our support are very vulnerable - they don't know where to go or who to talk to, they feel alone and unsupported. We step in and create order and greater certainty for them. |
What difference will the activity/project make to the target community? |
What difference will the project/activity make to the target community? 100 Having an Outreach Worker available to our members has made a significant difference to the lives of the members supported. We have over 1,000 member families in the Auckland Area and many of them are in need of advice and support in dealing with CYF, WINZ and Strengthening Families. Many of them have never had to deal with these agencies before. For older people it can be a daunting and stressful experience. They are also unfamiliar with the entitlements that they can access on behalf of their grandchildren. |
How will you know if you have made this difference? |
In the last 12 months our Outreach Worker has had 276 member contacts, received and made sent 2,460 phone calls and received and sent 867 emails. There is no doubt that her involvement has made a huge difference in helping our members. We know that it has been a huge help and relief to have someone with them to provide guidance and support - a hand to hold and a shoulder to cry on. |
What expertise does your organisation have in delivering similar projects? |
We have considerable expertise in delivering similar projects. During our 15 years of operation we have grown to the point of having 4 part-time Field Officers and 36 (volunteer) Support Group Coordinators. The role of Outreach Worker is similar to the Field Officers in particular and we have the systems and procedures in place to manage these "projects/activities" effectively and efficiently. |
Activity/project budget |
Please provide itemised costs of the project and show how much of each item is too be funded by this grant? |
Expenditure item |
Total cost of item |
Amount to be funded by grant |
Outreach Worker Salary |
$ 10000.00 |
$ 2600.00 |
$ |
$ |
What is the total cost of the project? |
$ 10000.00 |
How much of your own funds is your organisation contributing to the project/activity? |
$ |
What is the total amount you are requesting from the Local Board? |
$ 2600.00 |
How will you raise the difference between the total expenditure and the grant request? (if necessary) |
Have you (or will you) apply to any other organisation for funding for your activity/project? |
Name of funder |
Amount applied for |
Status of request |
Amount received |
Central Community Group Accommodation Support Fund |
$ 5928.00 |
Proposed |
$ |
Rodney LB CGF |
$ 824.00 |
$ |
Upper Harbour LB CGF |
$ 180.00 |
$ |
Papakura LB CGF |
$ 1918.00 |
$ |
Franklin LB CGF |
$ 1040.00 |
$ |
Howick LB CGF |
$ 842.00 |
$ |
Mangere-Otahuhu LB CGF |
$ 1434.00 |
$ |
Manurewa LB CGF |
$ 1702.00 |
$ |
North SCF |
$ 11316.00 |
$ |
Otara-Papatoetoe LB CGF |
$ 1164.00 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust NZ |
GRG Newsletter |
Local Board applied to |
Application number |
Community Development West, Henderson-Massey Local Board Community Group Funding - 2014/2015 Round 1 |
HM15_1026 |
Organisation Information |
Postal Address |
PO Box 34892 Birkenhead Auckland 0746 |
Physical Address |
22 Onetaunga Rd Chatswood Auckland 0646 |
Website |
http://www.grg.org.nz |
Legal Status |
Charitable trust |
Affiliation |
None |
Year Founded |
2001 |
Objectives |
Our objectives are to support grandparents who are fulltime caregivers to protect, care and provide for their grandchildren, to raise awareness of the advantages of grandparents acting as fulltime caregivers, when a child cannot be raised by their parents and to facilitate change in the legal and regulatory environment to ensure that fulltime caregiver grandparents receive appropriate support. |
Activities |
In keeping with our goal, ‘To empower full-time grandparent and whanau caregivers with the support and knowledge they need to raise the children in their care’ our portfolio of services supports first and foremost the grandparent so they are equipped and enabled to perform their role as fulltime caregiver. Our portfolio includes crisis support, education, training, local support groups, a comprehensive website, a monthly newsletter, advice ranging from legal to financial support to counselling and field officer support, respite by way of holiday programmes and camps providing grandchildren with life skills and adventure and grandparents with a well-earned break, advocacy and research to ensure the regulatory and legal environment responds and remains relevant to the changing needs of our members. |
Umbrella organisation |
Contact details |
Primary contact |
Geoff Lawson CEO |
Primary office holder |
Diane Vivian Board Chair |
Funding history |
Funding type |
Year funding allocated |
Funding value |
Funding purpose |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 3188.00 |
Various LBs Community Funds for 2014 GRG Training Conference |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 9433.00 |
Various LBs for Newsletter |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 1200.00 |
Howick LB for SALT Workshop |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 1300.00 |
Mangere-Otahuh LB for Outreach Worker |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 1300.00 |
Otara-Papatoetoe LB for Outreach Worker |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 3600.00 |
LESF for Auckland picnic |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 3500.00 |
Devonport-Takapuna-Kaipatiki LBs for Outreach Worker |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 1100.00 |
Manurewa LB for Outreach Worker |
Contestable grant |
2012 |
$ 1000.00 |
Mangere-Otahuhu LB for SALT Workshop |
Contestable grant |
2012 |
$ 1000.00 |
Otara-Papatoetoe LB for SALT Workshop |
Contestable grant |
2012 |
$ 1550.00 |
Community Wellbeing Fund for SALT Workshop |
Contestable grant |
2012 |
$ 4000.00 |
Kaipatiki Local Board for Picnic |
Contestable grant |
2011 |
$ 2300.00 |
LB Initiative Grant for Auckland picnic |
Project activity / description |
What is your project/activity called? |
GRG Newsletter |
What is your project/activity? |
We have 105 member families in the Henderson-Massy area, 88 in the Waitakere Ranges area and 53 in the Whau area. This totals 246 families and we are requesting $2,204 based on pro-rated membership numbers and represents 22% of Auckland members. |
What activity or purchase will be funded through this grant? |
Providing a monthly newsletter, free of charge, to all members of GRG either by email or ordinary mail. The newsletter costs $30,000 per annum including preparation, printing, envelopes, addressing, and postage with Auckland’s share being $10,000 based on member numbers. |
Indicative dates for the project/activity? |
2015-01-01 - 2015-12-31 |
How many of your organisation volunteers will be involved in the activity/project? |
5 Volunteers |
100 Hours |
How many of your organisations paid staff will be involved in the activity/project? |
1 Staff |
Will any other organisations be collaborating with you in the activity/project? Please list them and indicate their role |
No |
How will you acknowledge the Local Board if your application is successful? |
The Auckland Council will be sincerely and gratefully acknowledged in our monthly newsletter, on our website and Facebook page and in our Annual Report. |
Community benefits |
Where is the activity taking place? |
The newsletter is produced in Birkenhead but distributed all over New Zealand. |
What are the constituencies for your activity/project? |
Children and/or young people, other: Grandparents raising grandchildren on a full-time basis |
What is the main sector that benefits? |
other: Grandparents raising grandchildren on a full-time basis |
What local board area will benefit from your activity/project? What percentage of your activity will take place in each of these areas? |
Local board benefiting |
How much have you requested from other Local boards? |
% of total benefit |
Henderson-Massey |
$ |
42.7 |
Waitakere Ranges |
$ |
35.8 |
Whau |
$ |
21.5 |
How have you established there is a need for this activity/project? |
In the early days it became clear that it was important to convey information to our members in written form. The newsletter evolved as the major communications vehicle for all our members. The GRG Newsletter is sent to members by email or ordinary mail every month. Many of our members feel alone and isolated. We know from member feedback that the newsletter is an essential part of the lives of our members. For many it is a lifeline. Half of our members do not have a computer at home. For them the newsletter is doubly important. |
What difference will the activity/project make to the target community? |
The GRG monthly newsletter makes a huge difference to our members many of whom feel isolated and alone. It is chock full of stories that bring a smile, stories that bring a tear. Every month we have more input material from our members than we can fit in. The newsletter is for them and of them. It is their voices telling their stories. The newsletter contains much needed information and advice about how to go about accessing any financial support available to them and how to deal with CYF, WINZ and the Family Court. |
How will you know if you have made this difference? |
We know we are making a positive difference when we get this sort of feedback: “The sun always shines brightly through our GRG Newsletter - our friend for life. Thank you Di and Team, but also to the other grandparents who contribute to make the newsletter a compulsory necessity in my life”. “They (the newsletters) are most gratefully received I can assure you and help so much when we are feeling overwhelmed by the responsibility we have taken on.” |
What expertise does your organisation have in delivering similar projects? |
GRG is extremely skilled at producing in-house a monthly 10 page colour newsletter with photos and has been doing so for many years. The newsletter is produced by the GRG Chair/Member Support Manager. Members contribute many of the articles. The newsletter is for them and of them. It is their voices telling their stories. |
Activity/project budget |
Please provide itemised costs of the project and show how much of each item is too be funded by this grant? |
Expenditure item |
Total cost of item |
Amount to be funded by grant |
Newsletter Costs including preparation, printing, envelopes, addressing, and postage |
$ 30000.00 |
$ 2204.00 |
$ |
$ |
What is the total cost of the project? |
$ 30000.00 |
How much of your own funds is your organisation contributing to the project/activity? |
$ |
What is the total amount you are requesting from the Local Board? |
$ 2404.00 |
How will you raise the difference between the total expenditure and the grant request? (if necessary) |
We will raise the difference by applying for funding from other organisations |
Have you (or will you) apply to any other organisation for funding for your activity/project? |
Name of funder |
Amount applied for |
Status of request |
Amount received |
Rodney LB CGF |
$412.00 |
Awaiting Decision |
$ |
Upper Harbour LB CGF |
$90.00 |
Awaiting Decision |
$ |
Papakura LB CGF |
$959.00 |
Awaiting Decision |
$ |
Howick LB CGF |
$421.00 |
Awaiting Decision |
$ |
Mangere-Otahuhu LB CGF |
$717.00 |
Awaiting Decision |
$ |
Manurewa LB CGF |
$851.00 |
Awaiting Decision |
$ |
North Strengthening Communities Fund |
$1726.00 |
Awaiting Decision |
$ |
Otara-Papatoetoe LB CGF |
$582.00 |
Awaiting Decision |
$ |
Franklin LB CGF |
$520.00 |
Awaiting Decision |
$ |
Maungakiekie LB CGF |
$547.00 |
Proposed |
$ |
Puketapapa LB CGF |
$538.00 |
Proposed |
$ |
Waitemata LB CGF |
$358.00 |
Proposed |
$ |
Henderson Riding for the Disabled Association Incorporated |
Riding for the Disabled (Therapeutic Horseriding) |
Local Board applied to |
Application number |
Community Development West, Henderson-Massey Local Board Community Group Funding - 2014/2015 Round 1 |
HM15_1027 |
Organisation Information |
Postal Address |
PO Box 21-830 Henderson Auckland 0650 |
Physical Address |
2201A Henderson Valley Road Henderson Auckland 0612 |
Website |
http://www.hendersonrda.org.nz |
Legal Status |
Incorporated society |
Affiliation |
New Zealand Riding for the Disabled |
Year Founded |
1976 |
Objectives |
To provide interaction with horses to develop increased ability, independence and self-esteem for children with physical, intellectual, emotional and social challenges.
Riding is of benefit to children and adults with a wide range of special needs, eg. Autistic Spectrum Disorders , Cerebral Palsy, Cystic Fibrosis, Developmental Delay, Down Syndrome, Intellectual Disability, Hearing and Visual Impairments, Muscular Dystrophy, Spina Bifida. |
Activities |
Individual students or school groups are enrolled following referral from a health professional (including therapists, doctors and specialists), teachers or parents/ caregivers.
Their application includes a signed consent form from their doctor and a learner profile completed by their therapist or teacher.
In consultation with the rider's own therapist or an RDA therapist, the rider is assigned an individual programme to work towards their identified goals.
These are re-assessed at regular intervals to determine progress and review goals. Goals may be as simple as holding the reins for 30 seconds without letting go (working on concentration) More advanced goals include following a riding routine with changes in direction and various activities (develops concentration, understanding instructions, sequence recall, etc.). |
Umbrella organisation |
Contact details |
Primary contact |
Shirley Furneaux Treasurer |
Primary office holder |
Norma Hayward President |
Funding history |
Funding type |
Year funding allocated |
Funding value |
Funding purpose |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 1679.00 |
Operational costs |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 1250.00 |
Volunteer training & therapeutic equipment |
Contestable grant |
2011 |
$ 1500.00 |
Administration & volunteer costs |
Project activity / description |
What is your project/activity called? |
Riding for the Disabled (Therapeutic Horseriding) |
What is your project/activity? |
Operational expenses and programme resources. |
What activity or purchase will be funded through this grant? |
Provision of a therapeutic horse-riding programme for West Auckland.
Riders are assessed and placed on an individual programme with goals and progress reviewed at regular intervals.
We provide riding therapy for 37 riders per week who attend weekly. This programme is run by approximately 40 volunteers with specialised assistance casually contracted as required, eg. coaching, horse management & therapy expertise. |
Indicative dates for the project/activity? |
2014-11-01 - 2015-11-01 |
How many of your organisation volunteers will be involved in the activity/project? |
40 Volunteers |
10000 Hours |
How many of your organisations paid staff will be involved in the activity/project? |
0 Staff |
Will any other organisations be collaborating with you in the activity/project? Please list them and indicate their role |
Henderson Valley Pony Club |
We operate under a Memorandum of Understanding with Henderson Valley Pony Club who hold the lease at Henderson Valley Park . |
How will you acknowledge the Local Board if your application is successful? |
On quarterly newsletters to our members, riders and supporters in the community. On our website. On our Annual Report. |
Community benefits |
Where is the activity taking place? |
Henderson Valley Park, 201A Henderson Valley Road, Henderson. |
What are the constituencies for your activity/project? |
Health, mental health or disability: |
What is the main sector that benefits? |
Children and/or young people: , |
What local board area will benefit from your activity/project? What percentage of your activity will take place in each of these areas? |
Local board benefiting |
How much have you requested from other Local boards? |
% of total benefit |
Henderson-Massey |
$ 2553.00 |
100 |
$ |
How have you established there is a need for this activity/project? |
We currently operate a waiting list. Recently we emailed a questionnaire to all schools in the area, as part of a feasibility study, to determine interest in the programme and have established that the demand from primary schools alone would oversubscribe a programme running a full week. This has identified a clear need for this programme to expand. We continue to receive regular referrals from Waitemata Health, Child Health Unit. |
What difference will the activity/project make to the target community? |
An RDA Riding Programme is used to develop, increase and improve:
Physical abilities: Muscle tone, balance, coordination, strength, flexibility, fitness, posture, gait , respiration, circulation, metabolism, sensory perception and integration, independence: self-care and mobility.
Psychological abilities: Concentration, problem solving/decision making, insight, motivation, self-esteem, confidence, learning concepts e.g. letters, numbers, colours, distances, shapes etc.
Social abilities: Communication and social skills, learning appropriate behaviour and manners, interaction with peers: individuals and groups, human/animal contact/bonding, building relationships, consideration for others and responsibility.
Recreational/sport/vocational abilities: Equestrian skills/horse management, develop interests, broaden experiences, challenge/success in competition with self and others, stimulation/relaxation, integration/community participation, work experience. |
How will you know if you have made this difference? |
Regular review of progress towards identified goals together with the rider, parent/caregiver and therapist. Reviewing feedback from parents, caregivers , teachers and therapists. |
What expertise does your organisation have in delivering similar projects? |
38 years experience delivering RDA programmes to the West Auckland community. We have the support of NZ Riding for the Disabled through their National Training team and Volunteer Training courses and fully utilise the services and courses offered for our volunteers. We are assessed by NZRDA through audits for operational competence. The most recent was assessed and awarded in November 2013. |
Activity/project budget |
Please provide itemised costs of the project and show how much of each item is too be funded by this grant? |
Expenditure item |
Total cost of item |
Amount to be funded by grant |
MYOB Accountrite live software and support |
$ 336.00 |
$ 336.00 |
Insurance premiums for tractor, farm bike & horsefloat |
$ 805.00 |
$ 805.00 |
Telephone & Broadband |
$ 864.00 |
$ 864.00 |
16 poles for rider activities |
$ 548.00 |
$ 548.00 |
$ |
$ |
What is the total cost of the project? |
$ 2585.00 |
How much of your own funds is your organisation contributing to the project/activity? |
$ |
What is the total amount you are requesting from the Local Board? |
$ 2585.00 |
How will you raise the difference between the total expenditure and the grant request? (if necessary) |
We will fund-raise any shortfall from local fund-raising activities. |
Have you (or will you) apply to any other organisation for funding for your activity/project? |
Name of funder |
Amount applied for |
Status of request |
Amount received |
Henderson Massey Board Wellbeing Fund |
$2737.00 |
Proposed |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Henderson Riding for the Disabled Association Incorporated |
Riding for the Disabled (Therapeutic Horseriding) |
Local Board applied to |
Application number |
West - Community Wellbeing Fund, 2014/2015 Round 1 |
<Application_ID> |
Organisation Information |
Postal address |
PO Box 21-830 Henderson Auckland 0650 |
Physical address |
2201A Henderson Valley Road Henderson Henderson Auckland 0612 |
Website |
http://www.hendersonrda.org.nz |
Legal status |
Incorporated society |
Affiliation |
New Zealand Riding for the Disabled |
Year funded |
1976 |
Objectives |
To provide interaction with horses to develop increased ability, independence and self-esteem for children with physical, intellectual, emotional and social challenges.
Riding is of benefit to children and adults with a wide range of special needs, eg. Autistic Spectrum Disorders , Cerebral Palsy, Cystic Fibrosis, Developmental Delay, Down Syndrome, Intellectual Disability, Hearing and Visual Impairments, Muscular Dystrophy, Spina Bifida. |
Activities |
Individual students or school groups are enrolled following referral from a health professional (including therapists, doctors and specialists), teachers or parents/ caregivers.
Their application includes a signed consent form from their doctor and a learner profile completed by their therapist or teacher.
In consultation with the rider's own therapist or an RDA therapist, the rider is assigned an individual programme to work towards their identified goals.
These are re-assessed at regular intervals to determine progress and review goals. Goals may be as simple as holding the reins for 30 seconds without letting go (working on concentration) More advanced goals include following a riding routine with changes in direction and various activities (develops concentration, understanding instructions, sequence recall, etc.). |
Umbrella organisation |
Contact details |
Primary contact |
Shirley Furneaux Treasurer |
Primary office holder |
Norma Hayward President |
Funding history |
Funding type |
Year funding allocated |
Funding value |
Funding purpose |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 1679.00 |
Operational costs |
Contestable grant |
2013 |
$ 1250.00 |
Volunteer training & therapeutic equipment |
Contestable grant |
2011 |
$ 1500.00 |
Administration & volunteer costs |
Project activity/description |
What is your project/activity called? |
Riding for the Disabled (Therapeutic Horseriding) |
What is your project/activity? |
Provision of a therapeutic horse-riding service for West Auckland.
Riders are assessed and placed on an individual programme of therapeutic horse-riding with goals and progress reviewed at regular intervals.
Currently 37 riders attend weekly. This programme is run by approximately 40 volunteers with specialised assistance casually contracted as required, eg. coaching, horse management & therapy expertise. |
What activity or purchase will be funded through this grant? |
Administration and compliance costs. |
Indicative dates for the project/activity? |
2014-11-01 - 2015-11-01 |
How many of your volunteers will be involved with the activity/project? |
40 Volunteers |
10000 Hours |
How many of your organisation paid staff will be involved in the activity/project? |
0 staff |
Will any other organisations be collaborating with you in the activity/project? Please list them and indicate their role |
Henderson Valley Pony Club |
We operate under a Memorandum of Understanding with Henderson Valley Pony Club who hold the lease at Henderson Valley Park . |
How will you acknowledge the Local Board if your application is successful? |
We would acknowledge the grant :- On quarterly newsletters to our members, riders and supporters in the community. On our website. On our Annual Report. |
Community benefits |
Where is the activity taking place? |
Henderson Valley Park, 201A, Henderson Valley Road, Henderson. |
What are the constituencies for your activity/project? |
Children and/or young people, Education or training, Health, mental health or disability, Sports and recreation: |
What is the main sector that benefits? |
Health, mental health ordisability: , |
What local board area will benefit from your activity/project? What percentage of your activity will take place in each of these areas? |
Local board benefiting |
How much have you requested from other Local boards? |
% of total benefit |
Henderson-Massey |
$ 2737.00 |
100 |
Waitakere Ranges |
$ |
Whau |
$ |
How have you established there is a need for this activity/project? |
We currently operate a waiting list. Recently we emailed a questionnaire to all schools in the area, as part of a feasibility study, to determine interest in the programme and have established that the demand from primary schools alone would oversubscribe a programme running a full week. This has identified a clear need for this programme to expand. We receive regular referrals from Waitemata Health, Child Health Unit. |
What difference will the activity/project make to the target community? |
An RDA Riding Programme is used to develop, increase and improve:
Physical abilities: Muscle tone, balance, coordination, strength, flexibility, fitness, posture, gait , respiration, circulation, metabolism, sensory perception and integration, independence: self-care and mobility.
Psychological abilities: Concentration, problem solving/decision making, insight, motivation, self-esteem, confidence, learning concepts e.g. letters, numbers, colours, distances, shapes etc.
Social abilities: Communication and social skills, learning appropriate behaviour and manners, interaction with peers: individuals and groups, human/animal contact/bonding, building relationships, consideration for others and responsibility.
Recreational/sport/vocational abilities: Equestrian skills/horse management, develop interests, broaden experiences, challenge/success in competition with self and others, stimulation/relaxation, integration/community participation, work experience. |
How will you know if you have made this difference? |
Regular review of progress towards identified goals together with the rider, parent/caregiver and therapist. Reviewing feedback from parents, caregivers , teachers and therapists. |
What expertise does your organisation have in delivering similar projects? |
38 years experience delivering RDA programmes to the West Auckland community. We have the support of NZ Riding for the Disabled through their National Training team and Volunteer Training courses and fully utilise the services and courses offered for our volunteers. We are assessed by NZRDA through audits for operational competence. The most recent was assessed and awarded in November 2013. |
Activity/project budget |
Please provide itemised costs of the project and show how much of each item is too be funded by this grant? |
Expenditure item |
Total cost of item |
Amount to be funded by grant |
NZRDA affiliation fees |
$ 500.00 |
$ 500.00 |
Annual Accounting fees |
$ 1200.00 |
$ 1200.00 |
Annual Audit fees |
$ 950.00 |
$ 950.00 |
Charities Commission annual accounts upload fee |
$ 44.00 |
$ 44.00 |
Volunteering Auckland Annual subscription |
$ 43.00 |
$ 43.00 |
$ |
$ |
What is the total cost of the project? |
$ 2737.00 |
How much of your own funds is your organisation contributing to the project/activity? |
$ 200.00 |
What is the total amount you are requesting from the Local Board? |
$ 2737.00 |
How will you raise the difference between the total expenditure and the grant request? (if necessary) |
Have you (or will you) apply to any other organisation for funding for your activity/project? |
Name of funder |
Amount applied for |
Status of request |
Amount received |
Henderson Massey Board discretionary Fund |
$ 2553.00 |
Proposed |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Integrated Neurological Rehabilitation Foundation |
Integrated Neurological Rehabilitation Foundation Program |
Local Board applied to |
Application number |
Community Development West, Henderson-Massey Local Board Community Group Funding - 2014/2015 Round 1 |
HM15_1016 |
Organisation Information |
Postal Address |
PO Box 21 504 Henderson Auckland 0650 |
Physical Address |
Tui Glen Centre 2 Claude Brookes Drive Henderson Auckland 0650 |
Website |
http://www.inrf.org.nz |
Legal Status |
Charitable trust |
Affiliation |
The New Zealand Foundation of Conductive Education |
Year Founded |
1992 |
Objectives |
To provide the highest quality of rehabilitation through Conductive Education for people with Neurological disorders. We make a difference to people's lives. We give people hope again they are able to walk and talk again - be more independent at home as well as participating in their communities. |
Activities |
We carry out Conductive Education which is a long term rehabilitation services for adults who have had a stroke, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy or a Brain Injury. Rehabilitation takes place in groups and focuses on improving people's physical needs as well as their emotional and mental wellbeing. We run approximately 23 groups a week for approximately 108 people who are assessed by trained Specialists. People are placed in groups with people who have similar conditions and presentations, these groups also form a natural support network which aids in motivation and self-confidence for people who tend to be isolated because of their disabilities. |
Umbrella organisation |
Contact details |
Primary contact |
Carolyn Hegh General Manager |
Primary office holder |
Greg Bateman Chair |
Funding history |
Funding type |
Year funding allocated |
Funding value |
Funding purpose |
Other |
2013 |
$ 2400.00 |
An Art project |
$ |
Project activity / description |
What is your project/activity called? |
Integrated Neurological Rehabilitation Foundation Program |
What is your project/activity? |
To assist us to update our brochures, business cards and presentation folders which contain all the relevant documentation we give to new clients telling them about our services. One of the biggest issues that we face is getting out and about and telling people about our services, distributing brochures is a great way of telling people about our services. |
What activity or purchase will be funded through this grant? |
We provide rehabilitation services called Conductive Education using trained specialists and program assistants to 108 people with Neurological disorders ranging from Stroke, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral palsy, Brain Injury We have recently introduced several new groups; including a couple of groups for teens and young people with Cerebral Palsy and another group for people with Alzheimer's and their carers. |
Indicative dates for the project/activity? |
2014-11-03 - 2016-01-25 |
How many of your organisation volunteers will be involved in the activity/project? |
0 Volunteers |
0 Hours |
How many of your organisations paid staff will be involved in the activity/project? |
7 Staff |
Will any other organisations be collaborating with you in the activity/project? Please list them and indicate their role |
Alzheimers Auckland |
Point of contact |
CP Society |
Point of contact |
Stroke Society |
Point of contact |
Multiple Sclerosis |
Point of contact |
Parkinson's Society |
Point of contact |
How will you acknowledge the Local Board if your application is successful? |
We will put their name on and acknowledge our thanks on our Website, Face Book Page, on our newsletter and annual general report - as well as telling people and acknowledging it in our information packs that we give to all our new clients. On presentations that we carry out for other societies, organisation's and at events or conferences. |
Community benefits |
Where is the activity taking place? |
Tui Glen Centre, 2 Clause Brookes Drive, Henderson, Auckland, 0650 |
What are the constituencies for your activity/project? |
Community support, Health, mental health or disability, Children and/or young people: |
What is the main sector that benefits? |
Health, mental health ordisability: , |
What local board area will benefit from your activity/project? What percentage of your activity will take place in each of these areas? |
Local board benefiting |
How much have you requested from other Local boards? |
% of total benefit |
Henderson-Massey |
$ |
100 |
$ |
How have you established there is a need for this activity/project? |
We are the only Conductive Education Program for adults in New Zealand. There is little in the way of rehabilitation services for people with neurological disorders in New Zealand. We have increased our capacity from 63 to 108 people and are in the process of carrying out a service delivery review to look at how we can increase capacity further. We have recently introduced several new groups for teens and young adults with cerebral palsy - following an identified need that families bought to our attention. We have been approached by Alzheimer's Auckland and the Parkinson's Society to run more classes. |
What difference will the activity/project make to the target community? |
People with neurological disorders tend to be more isolated from their local community because of their physical disability and often because they have communication difficulties. Because Conductive Education is run by specialists in a group setting people learn to feel at ease and comfortable in groups with people who have similar conditions. Conductive Education is aimed at improving communication, increasing body control, balance, posture and a range of movements. People learn techniques and strategies to help them deal with everyday living so that they are able to live more independently. |
How will you know if you have made this difference? |
When people come for an assessment and are accepted onto the program, they identify a number of goals that they want to achieve with the Conductors. These are reviewed at 12 weeks and there after on a 6 monthly basis. We have a face to face review meeting with the person and we also write up a progress report for each person at these times. |
What expertise does your organisation have in delivering similar projects? |
The Integrated Neurological Rehabilitation Foundation has been running for 22 years now. We have 3 trained Conductors and 2 Program Assistants who support them. We run 23 groups a week for approximately 108 people. We have recently introduced several new groups for teens and young people with cerebral palsy and these groups are running extremely well. |
Activity/project budget |
Please provide itemised costs of the project and show how much of each item is too be funded by this grant? |
Expenditure item |
Total cost of item |
Amount to be funded by grant |
Marketing |
$ 2694.00 |
$ 2000.00 |
What is the total cost of the project? |
$ 2694.00 |
How much of your own funds is your organisation contributing to the project/activity? |
$ |
What is the total amount you are requesting from the Local Board? |
$ 2000.00 |
How will you raise the difference between the total expenditure and the grant request? (if necessary) |
Apply for other grants and do some fundraising |
Have you (or will you) apply to any other organisation for funding for your activity/project? |
Name of funder |
Amount applied for |
Status of request |
Amount received |
Jubilee Trust |
$694.00 |
Proposed |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Integrated Neurological Rehabilitation Foundation |
Integrated Neurological Rehabilitation Foundation |
Local Board applied to |
Application number |
West - Community Wellbeing Fund, 2014/2015 Round 1 |
<Application_ID> |
Organisation Information |
Postal address |
PO Box 21 504 Henderson Auckland 0650 |
Physical address |
Tui Glen Centre 2 Claude Brookes Drive Henderson Auckland 0650 |
Website |
http://www.inrf.org.nz |
Legal status |
Charitable trust |
Affiliation |
New Zealand Foundation for Conductive Education |
Year funded |
1992 |
Objectives |
To provide the highest quality of rehabilitation through conductive education for people with Neurological disorders. |
Activities |
We provide long term rehabilitation Services for adults who have had a stroke, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral palsy or a Brain Injury. Rehabilitation takes place in groups and focuses on improving people's physical needs as well as their emotional and mental well being. We run approximately 23 groups a week and people are assessed by trained Specialists. People are placed in groups with people who have similar conditions and presentations, these groups form a support network which aids in motivation and self-confidence for people who tend to be isolated because of their disabilities. |
Umbrella organisation |
Contact details |
Primary contact |
Carolyn Hegh General Manager |
Primary office holder |
Greg Bateman Chair |
Funding history |
Funding type |
Year funding allocated |
Funding value |
Funding purpose |
Other |
2012 |
$ 2400.00 |
Art Therapy |
$ |
Project activity/description |
What is your project/activity called? |
Integrated Neurological Rehabilitation Foundation |