Central Facility Partnerships Committee
Minutes of a meeting of the Central Facility Partnerships Committee held in the Room 9 , Level 14, 135 Albert Street, on Monday, 8 December 2014 at 1.08 pm.
Shale Chambers |
Waitemata Local Board (Presiding from 1.11 pm) |
Desley Simpson, JP |
Orakei Local Board |
Harry Doig |
Puketapapa Local Board |
Peter Haynes |
Albert/Eden Local Board |
Chris Makoare |
Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board |
Christina Spence |
Great Barrier Local Board |
Judy Gilbert (Alternate) |
Great Barrier Local Board |
John Meeuwsen |
Waiheke Local Board |
Judith Webster |
Relationship Manager (Presiding from 1.08 pm until 1.11 pm) |
Central Facility Partnerships Committee 08 December 2014 |
1 Welcome
Judith Webster, Relationship Manager opened the meeting and welcomed the members.
2 Apologies
Resolution number CFPC/2014/4 MOVED by Member DEC Simpson, seconded by Member PD Haynes: That apologies from Member Christina Spence (Great Barrier Island) and alternate Member Judy Gilbert (Great Barrier Island) for absence, be accepted. |
Secretarial Note: Judith Webster, Relationship Manager (Presiding) with the consent of the meeting gave precedence to Items 12, Election of Chairperson and Item 13, Election of Deputy Chairperson.
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Resolution number CFPC/2014/5 MOVED by Member DEC Simpson, seconded by Member PD Haynes: That the Central Facility Partnerships Committee: Elects a Chairperson in accordance with Schedule 7, Clause 25 of the Local Government Act 2002 according to sub-clause (b) noting that no member has a casting vote. Member Desley Simpson nominated Member Shale Chambers as Chairperson. Seconded by Member Harry Doig. Member Shale Chambers was declared elected as the Chairperson of the Central Facility Partnerships Committee.
1.11 pm Judith Webster, Relationship Manager vacated the Chair and Chairperson Shale Chambers assumed the Chair.
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Resolution number CFPC/2014/6 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member PD Haynes: That the Central Facility Partnerships Committee: Elects a Deputy Chairperson in accordance with Schedule 7, Clause 25 of the Local Government Act 2002 according to sub-clause (b) noting that no member has a casting vote. Chairperson Shale Chambers nominated Member Desley Simpson as Deputy Chairperson. Seconded by Member Harry Doig. Member Desley Simpson was declared elected as the Deputy Chairperson of the Central Facility Partnerships Committee.
The order of business resumed at Item 3: Declaration of Interest.
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number CFPC/2014/6 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member DEC Simpson: That the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 16 June 2014, be confirmed, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
There were no deputations.
9 Public Forum
There was no public forum.
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
Secretarial Note: Items 12: Election of Chairperson and Item 13: Election of Deputy Chairperson were dealt with after Item 2: Apologies.
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Central Facility Partnership Fund - Guidelines, Terms of Reference and Meeting Schedule 2014/2015 Round |
Resolution number CFPC/2014/7 MOVED by Member PD Haynes, seconded by Chairperson S Chambers: a) That the Central Facility Partnership Fund – Guidelines, Terms of Reference and Meeting Schedule 2014/2015 Round report be received. b) That the Central Facility Partnerships Committee: i) Adopts the Central Facility Partnerships Committee Terms of Reference 2014/2015 (Attachment A) ii) Adopts the Central Facility Partnership Funding Guidelines 2014/2015 (Attachment B) including the meeting Schedule 2014/2015.
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Central Facilities Partnership Fund Proposals for the 2014/15 Financial Year |
Resolution number CFPC/2014/8 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member DEC Simpson: a) That the Central Facilities Partnership Fund Proposals for the 2014/15 Financial Year report be received. b) That the Central Facility Partnerships Committee: i) Agrees to progress the following stage one EOI projects to stage two:
ii) Agrees not to progress the following stage one EOI projects to stage two:
16 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
1.55 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.