Devonport-Takapuna Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board held in the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Chamber, Takapuna Service Centre, Level 3, 1 The Strand, Takapuna on Tuesday, 9 December 2014 at 6.00pm.
Chairperson |
Mike Cohen, QSM, JP |
Deputy Chairperson |
Joseph Bergin |
Members |
Dr Grant Gillon |
Dianne Hale, QSO, JP |
Jan O'Connor |
Allison Roe, MBE |
Councillor |
George Wood |
[from 7.25pm, item 14; until 8.10pm, item 16] |
Devonport-Takapuna Local Board 09 December 2014 |
1 Welcome
2 Apologies
3 Declaration of Interest
Member Gillon declared an interest in Item 14 - New community lease to The Devonport Yacht Club Incorporated, King Edward Parade, Devonport.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number DT/2014/313 MOVED by Member DP Hale, seconded by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 18 November 2014, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
6.1 |
Member O’Connor acknowledged the passing of Mary Thomas, widow of former Takapuna Mayor, Fred Thomas, on 17 November. |
Resolution number DT/2014/314 MOVED by Member JRK O'Connor, seconded by Member G Gillon: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) acknowledge the passing of Mary Thomas, widow of former Takapuna Mayor Fred Thomas, on 17 November. |
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
There were no deputations.
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
Ralph Roberts – Gould Reserve and Beach Erosion on Takapuna Beach |
Ralph Roberts, on behalf of Takapuna Boating Club, was in attendance to present to the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board. |
Resolution number DT/2014/315 MOVED by Chairperson MA Cohen, seconded by Member DP Hale: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) receive the presentation from Ralph Roberts regarding installation of a water tap at Gould Reserve and erosion on Takapuna Beach. b) thank Ralph Roberts for his presentation and attendance. |
9.2 |
Peter Carter, on behalf of the Milford Residents Association, was in attendance to present to the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board regarding the Milford Heritage Festival. |
Resolution number DT/2014/316 MOVED by Chairperson MA Cohen, seconded by Member G Gillon: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) receive the presentation from Peter Carter, thanking the board for the grant for Milford Heritage Festival and providing an update on youth involvement at the event. b) thank Peter Carter for his presentation and attendance. |
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
12 |
Barbara Cade, Team Leader Event Facilitation (North/West) and Karen Johns, Community Development Programme Manager, were in attendance to speak to the report. A document entitled, “Takapuna Summer Fun funding” was tabled. A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number DT/2014/317 MOVED by Member DP Hale, seconded by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) agree to fully fund, partially fund or not fund, the round two 2014/2015 contestable local event support fund applications as follows:
b) request that the remaining balance of $2,012 be transferred to the local event discretionary fund to be distributed from time to time as directed by the board. c) allocate $8,544 from the board’s community wellbeing fund to support the application from Takapuna North Community Trust for the Takapuna Summer Fun programme. d) request a report to the earliest available business meeting regarding options for reallocation of the uncommitted funding from the YouthWorx budget line ($12,639). e) request a report from relevant CDAC officers in March regarding consolidation of the event budget lines used to support community coordinator trusts. |
a Takapuna Summer Fun funding |
13 |
Applications for Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Discretionary Capex and Opex - Round Two 2014-15 |
Resolution number DT/2014/318 MOVED by Chairperson MA Cohen, seconded by Member G Gillon: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) approve expenditure towards the following items from its discretionary operating expenditure budget: i. a feasibility study to identify Green Route connections to Esmonde Road, at a cost of $30,000. b) approve expenditure towards the following items from its discretionary capital expenditure budget: i. design and consenting for new toilets and changing rooms for Greville Reserve at a cost of $70,000. ii. the following enhancements to Greville Reserve at a cost of $92,500: a. a learn-to-ride bicycle circuit on the water reservoir, including improved access and safety kick-board. b. new bollards and signage on the perimeter of Greville Reserve. iii. the installation of a pontoon in Castor Bay at a cost of $30,000. iv. installation of playground shading at Lake Town Green and Kennedy Park at a cost of up to $60,000, noting that efforts will be made to partner with interested stakeholders to contribute to the cost of the project in the first instance. v. delegate financial authority for the expenditure referenced in resolution b) iv) above to the Parks portfolio lead, the associate Parks portfolio holder and Member Roe. vi. request the Parks Advisor to investigate the planting of appropriate shade trees at Lake Town Green and Kennedy Park for a long term shading solution. vii. purchase and installation of outdoor fitness equipment at Sunnynook Park at a cost of $50,000. |
Secretarial Note: Item 13 was taken after item 20.
20 |
Auckland Transport Update on Issues Raised in November 2014 for the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board |
Marilyn Nicholls, Elected Member Relationship Manager, and Gerry Fitzgerald, Team Leader Parks Liaison and Development, were in attendance to speak to the report. A document entitled “Devonport-Takapuna Local Board, Auckland Transport Local Board Capital Fund – Wairau Estuary Bridge” was tabled. A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number DT/2014/319 MOVED by Chairperson MA Cohen, seconded by Member G Gillon: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) receive the Auckland Transport Issues Update Report. b) allocate $900,000 from the Auckland Transport Local Board Discretionary Fund to fund the balance of the capital expenditure required to complete the Wairau Creek bridge, noting that any under spend will return to the board’s Auckland Transport Local Board Discretionary Fund as a matter of course. c) request monthly updates from the appropriate officers regarding the Wairau Creek bridge project, which includes information pertaining to the operation of similar assets in New Zealand. c) allocate $100,000 from the Auckland Transport Local Board Discretionary Fund towards parking availability signage in the central Takapuna carpark area. d) request officers report back to the board for further Auckland Transport Local Board Discretionary Fund allocation decisions should any further funds be available for allocation. |
a Devonport-Takapuna Local Board, Auckland Transport Local Board Capital Fund - Wairau Estuary Bridge |
14 |
New community lease to The Devonport Yacht Club Incorporated, King Edward Parade, Devonport |
Member Gillon declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter. |
Maureen Buchanan, Community Lease Advisor, was in attendance to speak to the report. |
Resolution number DT/2014/320 MOVED by Chairperson MA Cohen, seconded by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) approve the grant of a new community lease to the Devonport Yacht Club Incorporated for Lot 1 DP 58580, King Edward Parade , Devonport subject to the following terms and conditions: i. Term - 10 years commencing 1 December 2014 with two 10-year rights of renewal; ii. Rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if requested; iii. The Devonport Yacht Club Incorporated’s Community Outcomes Plan be attached to the lease document. b) approve all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines July 2012. |
15 |
Resolution number DT/2014/321 MOVED by Member DP Hale, seconded by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) delegate a working party consisting of the Parks portfolio holders and other members as available to provide feedback on the Open Space Provision Guidelines by 24 December 2014. |
16 |
Pramod Nair, Lead Financial Advisor and Gerry Fitzgerald, Team Leader Parks Liaison and Development, were in attendance to speak to the report. A document entitled “Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Quarterly performance report” was tabled. A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number DT/2014/322 MOVED by Chairperson MA Cohen, seconded by Member G Gillon: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) note the Performance Report for the period ended 31 October 2014 b) express concern over the timeliness of information being made available for the report. c) request greater visibility of financial information in order to better ascertain whether Auckland Council is getting value for money for the activities it undertakes. d) congratulate the Parks and Leisure team on their efforts to date. |
a Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Quarterly performance report |
Secretarial Note: Item 17 was taken after Item 27.
18 |
Resolution number DT/2014/323 MOVED by Member G Gillon, seconded by Member DP Hale: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) delegate final approval of a local consultation plan for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson by mid-January 2015. |
19 |
Review of local board briefing / community forum arrangements |
Resolution number DT/2014/324 MOVED by Chairperson MA Cohen, seconded by Member AP Roe: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) defer this item until the March 2015 business meeting, pending further work from officers regarding: i. more information as to the type of additional / ad hoc workshop agenda items; ii. the opportunity to seek more input from the public and media as to their feedback regarding the operation of local board briefings / community forum meetings; iii. more detailed analysis regarding information received from officers who have provided feedback on local board briefings / community forum meetings to date; and iv. information relating to board member attendance at local board briefing / community forum meetings, in comparison to the previous term of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board and other similar forums (e.g. Kaipatiki Local Board workshops and community forums). b) note that the information and analysis requested for the March 2015 report will be discussed at a full workshop of the board prior to the March business meeting. c) note that, until completion of the activities outlined in resolutions a) and b) above, the current format of its local board briefings / community forum meetings will continue with the following amendment: i. lengthening of briefing sessions by two hours (an additional hour added at both the start and end of meeting) to allow more time for planned discussion in order to reduce the number of ad hoc briefings. d) note the new local board briefing / community forum meeting timetable until further notice is as follows: i. 3.30 to 7.30 pm – local board briefing. ii. 7.30 – 7.45 pm – break. iii. 7.45 – 8.30 pm – community forum. |
Secretarial Note: Item 20 was taken after item 13.
21 |
Urgent decision making process for local boards during the 2014 Christmas close down period |
Resolution number DT/2014/325 MOVED by Member JRK O'Connor, seconded by Member DP Hale: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) adopt the urgent decision process. b) delegate the authority to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson, or any person acting in these roles, to make any urgent decision on behalf of the the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board. c) request all urgent decisions be reported to the next ordinary meeting of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board. |
22 |
Resolution number DT/2014/326 MOVED by Member G Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) thank Cr George Wood for his update to the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board on the activities of the governing body. b) thank and acknowledge the contribution of Cr George Wood towards the adoption of the Devonport-Takapuna Area Plan. |
23 |
Member Hale tabled a report entitled “Report of Resource Consents applications up until 9 December 2014”. A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number DT/2014/327 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Chairperson MA Cohen: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) receive the tabled report from Member Hale b) note that an error in the tabled document relating to 138 Hurstmere Road has been changed (“Braeburn” should read “Burnbrae”). |
a Report of Resource Consents applications up until 9 December 2014 |
24 |
A document entitled “Chair’s report” was tabled. A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number DT/2014/328 MOVED by Member DP Hale, seconded by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) receive the tabled Chairperson’s report. b) ask officers to reduce the number of swimming lanes available to the North Shore Swimming Club at the Takapuna Leisure Centre from four lanes to a maximum of three lanes, based on the facility’s operational requirements by the beginning of the new school year, allowing for exclusive use events as requested throughout the year. c) delegate to the Chairperson authority to grant the Devonport Rotary Club up to $1,000 from the board’s discretionary opex budget to meet the total cost of printing the Devonport Heritage brochures, noting that any decision made under delegation will be reported to the next available board meeting. d) request a response from appropriate officers regarding the issue of sand erosion on Takapuna Beach, including causes and possible options to address. |
a Chair's report |
25 |
Resolution number DT/2014/329 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Chairperson MA Cohen: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) receive the Records of the Briefing and Community Forum held on 25 November 2014. |
26 |
Summary of Actions and Reports Requested/Pending - November 2014 |
Resolution number DT/2014/330 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member G Gillon: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) receive the Summary of Actions and Reports Requested/Pending – November 2014 report. |
27 |
Swimming Pool Fencing Exemption – Special Exemption (Section 6) Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987 |
Resolution number DT/2014/331 MOVED by Member G Gillon, seconded by Member DP Hale: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) grant the 124 East Coast Road, Crown Hill application to the current owner with the condition that clause (a-j) is met at all times, and that the spa pool be moved 200 millimetres to the edge of the concrete slab to provide at least 1 metre clearance. b) grant the 26 Hamana Street, Narrow Neck, application to the current owner with the condition that clause (a-j) is met at all times, and that the spa pool remains in the same location as on the day of inspection. |
17 |
Two documents entitiled “LTP 2015-2025 Consultation: Local board insert” and “Local Board Supporting Information”, were tabled. Copies of the tabled documents have been placed on the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number DT/2014/332 MOVED by Member G Gillon, seconded by Member DP Hale: That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board: a) adopt local consultation material as tabled including: i. a one page (double-sided) page local board insert; and ii. supporting information, including local funding priorities for 2015/2016, key advocacy areas, indicative local performance targets for 2015/2016 and indicative local budgets for the next 10 years. b) note the following: i. the allocation of projects within Locally Driven Initiative (LDI) budgets are required to balance in every year; ii. proposed operational savings for Asset Based Services (ABS) within the parks, community and lifestyle theme are not reflected in draft local budgets, but are instead captured at a regional level. Savings will be applied locally to final LTP budgets following consultation; and iii. high level budgets for programmes of work such as renewals, non-growth projects, parks developments, sportsfield developments and land acquisition will be developed prior to adoption of the final Long-term Plan 2015 - 2025. c) delegate the Chairperson authority to make any final minor changes to local consultation material for the Long-term Plan 2015 - 2025 prior to publication, including online consultation content. |
a LTP 2015-2025 Consultation: Local board insert b Local Board Supporting Information |
28 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
9.26 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.