Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday 18 December 2014 9.30am Reception
Lounge |
Governing Body
5.1 Auckland Achievements
A. 18 December 2014 - Governing Body - Item 5.1 Auckland Achievements December 2014 3
16 Review of Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw proposed by Watercare Services Limited and revocation of Legacy Bylaws - Recommendations from the Regulatory and Bylaws Committee
A. 18 December 2014 - Governing Body - Item 16 - report to and decision of the 16 December 2014 Regulatory & Bylaws Committee - Review of Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw proposed by Watercare Services Ltd and revocation of Legacy Bylaws 5
12 Long-Term Plan 2015-2025 - Adoption of Consultation Document and Supporting Information
A. 18 December 2014 - Governing Body - Auditor-General's Independent Auditor's Report 87
B. 18 December 2014 - Governing Body - Item 12 - Changes to the LTP 2015-2025 Consultation Document 89
C. 18 December 2014 - Governing Body - Item 12 - Henderson-Massey Local Board supporting information 91
D. 18 December 2014 - Governing Body - Item 12 - Orakei Local Board supporting information 99
E. 18 December 2014 - Upper Harbour Local Board - Item 12 - Upper Harbour Local Board supporting information 105
13 Long-term Plan 2015-2025 - Consultation process
A. 18 December 2014 - Item 13 Replacement Agenda Attachment A - Overview of the relevant changes to the Local Government Act 2002 111