Hibiscus and Bays Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board held in the Council Chamber, Orewa Service Centre, 50 Centreway Road, Orewa on Wednesday, 10 December 2014 at 4.30pm.





Julia Parfitt, JP




Deputy Chairperson

Greg Sayers





David Cooper





Janet Fitzgerald, JP (until 6.00pm)





Gaye Harding-Kirikiri





Lovisa Rasmussen





Lisa Whyte (from 5.25pm)

Item 18







Gary Holmes




Lisa Whyte for lateness







John Watson (from 6.30pm)

Item 8












Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

10 December 2014




1          Welcome


The chairperson welcomed those in attendance.



2          Apologies


Resolution number HB/2014/232

MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member LC Rasmussen:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)         accept the apology from member Holmes for absence and member Whyte for lateness.



3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number HB/2014/233

MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member GA Harding-Kirikiri:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 26 November 2014, as a true and correct record.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.



6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.



7          Petitions


There were no petitions.



Items 8 and 9 were considered at 6.30pm



10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.



11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.




Local Event Support Fund - Round Two Allocations 2014/2015


Resolution number HB/2014/234

MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member J Fitzgerald:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)            fund, part-fund or decline the following applications in round two of the 2014/2015 contestable local event support fund:







Mairangi Arts Centre

InsideOut 6


11 April 2015


East Coast Bays Community Project

Anzac Commemoration


28 April 2015


East Coast Bays Community Project

Bastille Day


14 July 2015


Getin2 Life Youth Development Trust

In2it Wild Winter – Hibiscus and Bays

1 March 2015 –

31 July 2015


Stage51 Limited

Orewa Christmas on the Beach

22 December 2014


Auckland Live – Regional Facilities Auckland

Morning Melodies

2 March 2015 –

14 September 2015


Total Sport Limited

Coastal Challenge – North Shore

7 March 2015


Auckland Live – Regional Facilities Auckland

School Holiday Programme 2015

13 April 2015 –

18 July 2015










b)           agree that the unspent balance of $10,434 be transferred to the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board general discretionary fund and be allocated to projects to be determined by the local board.






Request for approval of sublease between Nippon Judo Club Incorporated and Air Training Corps Association of New Zealand Incorporated


Karen Walby, Advisor Community Lease, was in attendance to speak to this item.



Resolution number HB/2014/235

MOVED by Member J Fitzgerald, seconded by Member GA Harding-Kirikiri:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      approve the terms of the sublease between Auckland Council (Head Lessor), Nippon Judo Club Incorporated (Sub Lessor) and The Air Training Corps Association of New Zealand Incorporated (Sub Lessee) at 12 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Silverdale in accordance with resolution number HB/2013/1 vi) (Attachment A) subject to the following:

i)       that the terms of the sublease for part of the premises are consistent with the terms of the head lease being:

a)      Sublease area – Area of the facility for dedicated use by The Air Training Corps Association of New Zealand Incorporated comprise; storeroom, office and two (2) classrooms (Indicative area as marked in green on Attachment B)

b)      Term – five years commencing 1 January 2015 with one right of renewal for four years and 364 days

c)      Rent – amount to be negotiated annually between Nippon Judo Club Incorporated (Sub Lessor) and The Air Training Corps Association of New Zealand Incorporated (Sub Lessee) based on cost recovery for maintenance and utilities costs and payable to the Sub Lessor

ii)      all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Deed of Lease between Auckland Council (Council) and Nippon Judo Club Incorporated (Tenant) as applicable and Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.






New community lease to The Scout Association of New Zealand, 469 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa


Donna Cooper, Community Lease Advisor and Karen Walby, Advisor Community Lease were in attendance for this item.



Resolution number HB/2014/236

MOVED by Member J Fitzgerald, seconded by Member GA Harding-Kirikiri:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      approve granting a new community lease to The Scout Association of New Zealand for part of Arundel Recreation Reserve, 469 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa, being part of Allotment 696 Waiwera Parish SO 47562 (Attachment A) subject to the following terms and conditions:

i)       Term – 10 years commencing 1 April 2013 with one 10-year right of renewal;

ii)      Rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if requested;

b)      approve the Scout Association of New Zealand Community Outcomes Plan (Attachment B) for inclusion in the lease document.

c)      all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines July 2012.





Auckland Transport Update to Hibiscus and Bays Local Board December 2014


Ellen Barrett, Elected Member Relationship Manager, was in attendance for this item.



Resolution number HB/2014/237

MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member J Fitzgerald:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      request a rough order of cost for the following Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF) projects:

i)       provision of a short connecting footpath from the end of the existing footpath on Waiwera Place, Waiwera, to the footpath in Waiwera Place Reserve.

ii)      urban upgrade of Beach Road, Torbay, including options to provide a higher level of amenity and an enhanced environment for pedestrian and vehicle safety.


b)        With respect to Project 409, the provision of a short connecting footpath from the existing path on Waiwera Place, Waiwera, to the footpath in the beach front reserve, approve construction of a 1.5m wide footpath, minor shrub trimming, clearance and minor changes to the park fence, subject to dispensation approval for the footpath which does not meet Auckland Transport Code of Practice standards and to the completed cost being under the $37,000 rough order of cost indicated.


c)         With respect to Project 209, the provision of carparking and a boardwalk footpath at Stillwater Community Hall on Duck Creek Road, Stillwater:

i)     confirm the addition of a boardwalk footpath additional to the initial scope of the project; and

ii)    approve construction of thirty car parks and a 1.8m wide boardwalk footpath to the front of the site based on a firm cost estimate of $170,397.


d)         With respect to Project 240, the provision of a safe crossing point on Tavern Road, Silverdale:

i)     approve construction of a central median kerb, two pram crossings and handrails based on a firm costs estimate of $42,400; and

ii)    request a rough order of costs for the provision of a connecting footpath from the existing footpath to the new pram crossings on the eastern side of Tavern Road.






Stanmore Bay Pool and Leisure Centre Redevelopment Project


Susan Johns, Aquatic and Recreational Facilities Contract Manager and Davin Bray, Centre Manager Leisure were in attendance to provide an update on the project.



Resolution number HB/2014/238

MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member LC Rasmussen:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      support in principle the revised scope for the stage 1 works to maximise outcomes from the reduced project budget parameters.

b)      reaffirm that priority remains with asset function and protection works and that the Stage 1 scope give attention to longer-term solutions with items such as cladding and weather tightness.

c)      support implementation strategies to minimise consent, design and management costs to maximise works delivery opportunities from the budget available.

d)      support the progression of design, planning and consenting activities at the earliest opportunity.

e)      support the progression of a development master plan in the initial design phase and report back to the local board.

f)       support the expedient progression through the business case gateway process

g)      delegate authority for the approval of the Stanmore Bay Pool and Leisure redevelopment project business case to the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson  of the Facilities and Reserves committee (members Parfitt, Sayers, Fitzgerald and Harding-Kirikiri).






Finance & Performance Report for period ending 31st October 2014


Jane Koch, Business Performance Advisor, Sue Dodds, Senior Community Development  Project Leader, Roslyn Prictor, Graffiti Vandalism Prevention Advisor, Gerry Fitzgerald, Team Leader Parks Liaison and Development, Susan Johns, Aquatic and Recreational Facilities Contract Manager and Davin Bray, Centre Manager Leisure were in attendance for this item.

The Parks Quarterly Performance Report was tabled, a copy of which has been placed on file and will be available on the Auckland council website.



Resolution number HB/2014/239

MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member J Fitzgerald:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      receive the Quarterly Performance Report for the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board for the period ended 31st October 2014.




a     Parks Quarterly Performance Report




Request for feedback on the draft Local Approved Product Policy


Resolution number HB/2014/240

MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member DR Cooper:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board :

a)            acknowledge that council has amended the draft Local Approved Product Policy, and reaffirms that the local board  supports a full ban on psychoactive substances in the local board area as they are untested and potentially dangerous.




Interim Open Space Provision Guidelines


Resolution number HB/2014/241

MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member LM Whyte:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board provide the following feedback on the Interim Open Space Provision Guidelines:


a)            the size and purpose of the neighbourhood and suburban parks should be determined by the density and needs of the community and taking into account local topography e.g. a reserve is not needed next to a coastal reserve but may well be needed in an area where it is more than a comfortable and easily accessible walk by all abilities within 10 minutes.


b)            in high density areas, a neighbourhood or suburban park should be ideally accessible within a five (5) minutes’ walk.


c)            similar suburbs should have similar targets for open space but should complement existing open space and access should be available for those walking.


d)            council should provide recreation open spaces in industrial areas provided they can be well-used and functional.  There are many examples of difficult to access under-utilised open space which are expensive for local boards to maintain.  It is better to have to travel to an area that is attractive and well- used.


e)            small amenity areas in new developments, such as gardens and pocket parks, could be retained and maintained by private owners (such as a body corporate) providing that the area is clearly recognised as public open space.  There is a risk however, that a body corporate structure may ‘guard’ space as though it is not for public use. Ongoing maintenance costs of small pocket parks will impact and fragment council maintenance contracts and often they appear to be only for the benefit of the adjacent residents.  Adequate signage would be required to enable the community to know that all the areas are public space.


f)             improving the quality of existing parks should be the priority for improving open space provision in existing urban areas.






Long-term Plan 2015-2025: Local consultation material


The local board insert and local board supporting information were tabled, copies of which have been placed on file and will be available on the Auckland Council website.



Resolution number HB/2014/242

MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member DR Cooper:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      adopt the local consultation material including:

i)       a one page (2 side) local board insert; and

ii)      supporting information, including local funding priorities for 2015/2016, key advocacy areas, indicative local performance targets for 2015/2016 and indicative local budgets for the next 10 years.

b)      note:

i)       the allocation of projects within Locally Driven Initiative (LDI) budgets are required to balance in every year.

ii)      proposed operational savings for asset based services within the parks, community and lifestyle theme are not reflected in draft local budgets, but are instead captured at a regional level and savings will be applied locally to final LTP budgets following consultation. 

iii)     high level budgets for programmes of work such as renewals, non-growth projects, parks developments, sportsfield developments and land acquisition will be developed prior to adoption of the final LTP.

c)      delegate to the Chairperson the authority to make any final minor changes to local consultation material for the Long-term Plan 2015 - 2025 prior to publication including online consultation content.    





a     Local Board Insert

b     Local Board Supporting Information




Update on Commitments and Funding Allocations for Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Key Projects


The chairperson spoke to this item.



Resolution number HB/2014/243

MOVED by Member DR Cooper, seconded by Member LM Whyte:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      allocate a total of $24,450 from the remaining “Stoney Homestead” budget line, being  $23,000 to fund the detailed design stage of the  confirmed Sherwood Reserve Playground Concept Plan and $1,450 to fund a topographical survey of the site.

b)      allocate $36,000 from the Browns Bay market funds to the Sherwood Reserve Playground detailed design ($26,000) and for the provision of a shade cloth at the Waiake playground ($10,000).

c)      delegate to the Facilities and Reserves Committee the authority to make decisions in relation to the projects identified in this report which include the:

i)       decision-making and supervision in respect of expenditure within the agreed project budgets

ii)      decision-making and supervision in respect of approval of designs

iii)     re-allocation if necessary of agreed funding to ensure that the full operating and capital budgets are allocated to projects that fit within the approved programme of work

iv)     the receipt of update reports and all minutes of decisions will be attached to the full local board business meeting.






Minutes of Hibiscus and Bays Facilities and Reserves Committee Meeting 21 November 2014


Resolution number HB/2014/244

MOVED by Member J Fitzgerald, seconded by Member GA Harding-Kirikiri:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      receive the minutes of Facilities and Reserves Committee Meeting of 21 November 2014.





Member Fitzgerald retired at 6.00pm to attend a function on behalf of the local board.



Dinner adjournment 5.50pm – 6.30pm



Councillor John Watson present at 6.30pm



8          Deputations



Footpath Improvements in Orewa


Mr John Clements was in attendance to speak about footpath improvements in Orewa.  Mr Clements said he would like the footpath from New World, on the northern side of Moana Avenue to Centreway Road replaced with brick to match the southern side of Moana Avenue.  Mr Clements was advised that Auckland Transport manage the footpath programme and there is no budget this financial year to upgrade footpaths or undertake new capital work.



Resolution number HB/2014/245

MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member LM Whyte:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      thank Mr Clements for his presentation.




9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.




Ward Councillors Update


Councillor Watson updated the local board on the Sustainability of Sport forums he had attended.  Councillor Watson said that the difference in the conditions of sportsfields in the north, central, west and south was marked with the northern sportsfields being in the best condition.

Councillor Watson also commented that the local boards have shown that they are working together and if they stay united they could become a powerful group.




Resolution number HB/2014/246

MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member LM Whyte:  

That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      thank Councillor Watson for his update to the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board on the activities of the governing body.





Local Board Members Reports


There were no local board members reports.



24        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.



7.30 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









