Infrastructure Committee




Minutes of a meeting of the Infrastructure Committee held in the Level 2 reception lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen St, Auckland on Wednesday, 3 December 2014 at 9.30am.





Cr Mike Lee




Deputy Chairperson

Cr Chris Darby





Cr Cameron Brewer

From 10:06am item 9


Cr Dr Cathy Casey





Cr Bill Cashmore





Cr Ross Clow





Cr Hon Christine Fletcher, QSO





Liane Ngamane

From 9:43am item 6.1


Cr Calum Penrose





Cr Dick Quax

From 9:44am item 6.1


Cr Wayne Walker





Cr John Watson





Glenn Wilcox

From 9:43am item 6.1


Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse

From 10:41am item 9





Mayor Len Brown, JP







David Holm

Puketapapa Local Board member


Infrastructure Committee

03 December 2014




1          Apologies


Resolution number INF/2014/51

MOVED by Chairperson ME Lee, seconded by Cr RI Clow:  

That the Infrastructure Committee:

a)         accept the apologies from Cr C Brewer and member L Ngamane for lateness.




2          Declaration of Interest


The Chair declared there were no declarations of interest.



3          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number INF/2014/52

MOVED by Chairperson ME Lee, seconded by Cr WD Walker:  

That the Infrastructure Committee:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday 21 October 2014, as a true and correct record.




4          Petitions


There were no petitions.



5          Public Input



Public Transport Users Association - Christine Rose


Christine Rose, representing Public Transport Users Association, updated the committee on the organisation's aspirations to represent ordinary users of public transport, and to outline its concerns with the Auckland Transport West Auckland public transport consultation process.


The Chair Cr Lee made a declaration of interest as he is a member of the Public Transport Users Association.


Resolution number INF/2014/53

MOVED by Chairperson ME Lee, seconded by Deputy Chairperson C Darby:  

That the Infrastructure Committee:

a)      thank Christine Rose, representing the Public Transport Users Association, for her attendance and verbal presentation.


6          Local Board Input



Puketapapa Local Board - David Holm


David Holm, Transport portfolio holder for the Puketapapa Local Board spoke to the committee concerning the future of the Dominion Road widening project.


Member L Ngamane entered the meeting at 9:43 am.

Member G Wilcox entered the meeting at 9:43 am.

Cr D Quax entered the meeting at 9:44 am.


Resolution number INF/2014/54

MOVED by Chairperson ME Lee, seconded by Cr CM Casey:  

That the Infrastructure Committee:

a)         thank David Holm, member of the Puketapapa Local Board, for his attendance and verbal presentation on Dominion Road widening delays, which will be conveyed to Auckland Transport.



7          Extraordinary Business

There was no extraordinary business.


8          Notices of Motion

There were no notices of motion.



Greater Tamaki Consolidated Receiving Environment Stormwater Network Discharge Consent Prioritisation Consultation Results


Cr CE Brewer entered the meeting at 10.06 am.

Cr RI Clow left the meeting at 10.15 am.

Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse entered the meeting at 10:40 am.


Resolution number INF/2014/55

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson C Darby, seconded by Member L Ngamane:  

That the Infrastructure Committee:

a)         receive the report.

b)        note the stakeholder feedback priorities (Figure 2 in the agenda) which inform the “best practicable option” for managing stormwater in the Greater Tamaki consolidated receiving environment.



MOVED by Cr D Quax; seconded by Cr C Brewer an addendum to the main motion:

c)      note staff feedback relevant to the high cost generally of stream daylighting in a brownfields setting.


A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Cr CE Brewer

Cr WB Cashmore

Cr CE Fletcher

Cr CM Penrose

Cr D Quax

Cr J Watson


Cr CM Casey

Deputy Chairperson C Darby

Deputy Mayor PA Hulse

Chairperson ME Lee

Member L Ngamane

Cr WD Walker

Member G Wilcox


The motion was declared lost by 7 votes to 6.



Stormwater Catchpit Maintenance Programme Update


Member L Ngamane left the meeting at 10.54 am.


Resolution number INF/2014/56

MOVED by Cr CE Fletcher, seconded by Chairperson ME Lee:  

That the Infrastructure Committee:

a)         receive the stormwater catchpit maintenance programme update report.

b)        congratulate Craig McIlroy and Andrew Skelton of the Stormwater Team for progress achieved in improving effectiveness of catchpit management.





Update from Watercare Services Ltd


Chris Watson, Water Planning Manager and Roseline Klein, Sustainability Manager gave a presentation on water supply and demand.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on council’s website as a minutes attachment.


Cr G Wood entered the meeting at 11:10 am.

Cr CM Casey left the meeting at 11.23 am.

Member L Ngamane returned to the meeting at 11.14 am.

Cr CE Fletcher left the meeting at 11.20 am.

Cr CM Casey returned to the meeting at 11.29 am.

Cr CE Fletcher returned to the meeting at 11.30 am.


Resolution number INF/2014/57

MOVED by Chairperson ME Lee, seconded by Cr CE Fletcher:  

That the Infrastructure Committee:

a)        thank Graham Wood, Chief Infrastructure Officer for his verbal presentation on capital projects in progress.

b)        thank Chris Watson, Water Planning Manager and Roseline Klein, Sustainability Manager for their presentation on ‘water supply and demand’.




a     3 December 2014 Infrastructure Committee - Presentation on water supply and demand by Watercare Services Ltd




Update from Auckland Transport


Member G Wilcox retired from the meeting at 12.22 pm.


Resolution number INF/2014/58

MOVED by Chairperson ME Lee, seconded by Cr CE Fletcher:  

That the Infrastructure Committee:

a)      thank the General Manager Strategy & Planning, Auckland Transport for his presentation.




Information Items


Resolution number INF/2014/59

MOVED by Chairperson ME Lee, seconded by Cr CE Fletcher:  

That the Infrastructure Committee:

a)      receive the information.




14        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.



12.39 pm                                            The Chairperson thanked members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.













