Manurewa Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Manurewa Local Board held in the Manurewa Local Board Office,
7 Hill Road, Manurewa on Thursday, 11 December 2014 at 6.30pm





Angela Dalton




Deputy Chairperson

Simeon Brown





Michael Bailey





Angela Cunningham-Marino





Ken Penney





Daryl Wrightson








Hon. George Hawkins, QSO




Danella McCormick







Cr Calum Penrose


Cr Sir John Walker, KMNZ, CBE



Manurewa Local Board

11 December 2014




1          Welcome


Member Michael Bailey led the meeting in prayer.



2          Apologies


Resolution number MR/2014/250

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Brown:  

That the Manurewa Local Board

a)            accept the apologies from Member Hon. George Hawkins and Member Danella McCormick for non-attendance.




3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number MR/2014/251

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Brown, seconded by Member MJ Bailey:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 13 November 2014, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no further requests for leave of absence. 


The board resolved at its 13 November 2014 meeting to grant leave of absence to the Chairperson, Angela Dalton, for the period 2 February to 9 March 2015 inclusive.



6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.



7          Petitions


There were no petitions.



8          Deputations



Deputation - Naming "Pedestal Lane" Walkway - Daniel Newman and Peter Dilley


Daniel Newman and Peter Dilley gave a presentation regarding the request to name the pathway leading from opposite Peguero Place into the Auckland Regional Botanic Gardens “Pedestal Lane” in honour of the merchant seamen who participated in Operation Pedestal in August 1942.  A copy of the presentation and speaking notes are available to the public at the Auckland Council website.



Resolution number MR/2014/252

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Member MJ Bailey:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         thank Peter Dilley and Daniel Newman for their presentation regarding:

i)          initiating the process to officially name the pathway from the entrance of Peguero Place to the northern entrance of the Regional Botanic Gardens "Pedestal Lane" in recognition of the bravery of the merchant seamen who participated in Operation Pedestal in August 1942; and

ii)         requesting the board investigate the installation of a plaque or small plinth and seating as a small capital expenditure project as part of the board's determination to rename the walkway.

b)        request staff undertake the process to officially name the pathway from the entrance of Peguero Place to the northern entrance of the Regional Botanic Gardens “Pedestal Lane” and report back to the March 2015 Manurewa Local Board meeting.

c)         request staff organise the installation of a plaque or small plinth, and seating, as a small capital expenditure project in recognition of the bravery of the merchant seamen who participated in Operation Pedestal in August 1942.




a     Presentation - request to name Pedestal Lane

b     Speaking notes - Peter Dilley - request to name Pedestal Lane



9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.



10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.



11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.




Manurewa Youth Council Update


Matthew Ward (Chairperson) and Kieran Henderson (Member), Manurewa Youth Council, tabled a copy of the Manurewa Youth Council 2014 Annual General Meeting Chairperson's report.  A copy of this document can be viewed at the Auckland Council website.



Resolution number MR/2014/253

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Member D Wrightson:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      receive the verbal report from the Manurewa Youth Council regarding:

i)          the Manurewa Youth Council 2014 Annual General Meeting Chairperson's report

ii)         Christmas in the Park

iii)        Manurewa Youth Council induction in January 2015.




a     Manurewa Youth Council 2014 Annual General Meeting Chairperson's Report




Manurewa Ward Councillors Update


Resolution number MR/2014/254

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Member KE Penney:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         receive the verbal reports from Councillor Calum Penrose and Councillor Sir John Walker regarding:

·         a challenging year - looking forward to 2015

·         restructure of council committees – hoping for fewer committees

·         communications regarding rates will be appearing in the local suburban newspapers.





Portfolio Update


Resolution number MR/2014/255

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Member AL Cunningham-Marino:  

That the Manurewa Local Board

a)         receive the portfolio updates from:

i)          Daryl Wrightson, Arts, Culture and Events Portfolio Lead regarding:

·         wonderful Santa Parade – great team effort – great event

·         Ice Cream Dessert Event – 28 February 2015


ii)         Simeon Brown, Community Services Portfolio Lead regarding:

·         Local Alcohol Policy





Chairperson's Update


Resolution number MR/2014/256

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Member D Wrightson:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         receive the verbal report from the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson regarding:

i)            appealing the decision made on “Clendon Wines”

ii)           letter of complaint sent to the Medical Officer of Health regarding their withdrawal of opposition to the “Clendon Wines” liquor licence application

iii)          pushing for the review of District Licensing Committees

iv)          objected to “Super Liquor” liquor licence application

v)           working on the Long-term Plan

vi)          Local Board Plan document - printed version looks great.





Local Event Support Fund – Round Two 2014/2015


Resolution number MR/2014/257

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Member AL Cunningham-Marino:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         agree to partially fund or decline the following round two Local Event Support Fund applications:




Event Date

Amount Requested

Amount granted

Auckland Pride Festival Inc

Auckland Pride Festival Parade

Ponsonby Road

1 March 2015



What Hope Community Trust

Easter Fest

Mountfort Park

4 April 2015



Getin2life Youth Development Trust

In2it Wild Winter - Manurewa

Eastdale Reserve; Oxford Park, War Memorial Park

1 March – 31 July 2015



Muscular Dystrophy Association of New Zealand

Life Without Limits Conference

Sky City

18 April 2015



New Zealand Sikh Womens Association (Inc.)

Mela Trinajan Da

Vodafone Events Centre

19 September 2015



Mika Haka Foundation

Mika Haka Foundation

Manurewa Marae

20 April  2015



RaWiri Residents Association

RaWiri Idol 2015

Vodafone Events Centre

23 September 2015




Manurewa Youth Council


Mountfort Park

27 March 2015













Auckland Transport Update – December 2014


Resolution number MR/2014/258

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Member KE Penney:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         receive the report entitled “Auckland Transport Update – December 2014”.

b)         approve the following Local Board Transport Capital Fund projects for detailed design:

·   Arts & Plants – stage 1 and 2 of the shared path from Manurewa Town Centre to Auckland Botanic Gardens

·   Great South Road pedestrianisation - crossing improvements along Great South Road

·         Pedestrian link from Great South Road to Manurewa train station - the Rail Station/Great South Road connectivity - improved access to the train station from Great South Road, easier movement through South Mall, pedestrian improvements at rear of South Mall, way finding signage


·         covered link for rail bridge - covered crossing, bridge and stairs both sides of the platform.


c)            request that Auckland Transport confirm, prior to going to detailed design for projects on private land, that the aspects of the connections project on the South Mall property can be funded from the Local Board Transport Capital Fund, noting that South Mall have agreed in principle to cover the consequential operational expenditure.


d)            request assurance that Auckland Transport can deliver on the capital projects by the end of the 2013-2016 political term.


e)            strongly supports encouraging and enabling community use of berms as much as practicable.


f)             strongly supports the development of berm-planting guidelines, which would include:

i)             safe depths to dig to

ii)            ideal plants in a number of categories – natives, food, trees

iii)           maintenance expectations, including in regard to safety eg: height

iv)           working with neighbours.


g)            request a report back to the Manurewa Local Board by March 2015, from Auckland Transport, addressing the berm planting issues and reporting on progress on resolutions e) to i).


h)            support local boards as the key conduit for Auckland Transport to have community relationships around berm planting, for example, the local board in an area has the relationship with a community group or individual who plant and maintain a specific section of berm in that board’s area.  Each Local Board will have the ability to form these relationships, record and monitor them, in ways that contribute to broader local board outcomes and priorities.


i)             recognises the role of berms in allowing access to services for utility agencies, and to that end requires Auckland Transport to create maps available online clearly identifying which berms have services running underneath them at a shallow depth and those that do not.


j)             request information on the number of times, between 6am and 8am on weekdays, over the last three months, that the diesel trains have broken down and where this has occurred.





Interim Open Space Provision Guidelines


Resolution number MR/2014/259

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Brown:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)            provide the following feedback on the Interim Open Space Provision Guidelines:

i)             ‘Pocket parks’ are supported where there is intensification of housing.

ii)            Totara Park is seen as a sub-regional park.

iii)           the draft Open Space provisions need to remain draft until the Unitary Plan is operative.

iv)           the local board supports the proposed guidelines, noting that:

·         people should be able to access a neighbourhood park with a walk of not more than 400-600 metres, or approximately no further than five to seven and a half minutes walk, depending on how many people live in the area.

·         develop walkways or greenways through 1 in 100 year flood plans.

·         invest in improving the quality of existing open space. 

v)            when modelling for open space the following should be taken into account:

·         deprivation

·         apply a weighting for deprivation and intensification

·         demographics, eg:  40 percent of the Manurewa Local Board area population is under 24 years old

·         size of families in Manurewa – families often have 5 children.

·         public transport as a primary means of transport for many

·         how many people living on a site.  The 2013 census statistics showed there are more occurrences of 3 families living on one residential site in Manurewa.

vi)           Manurewa facilities need to be robust – they are well used and have a hard life.

vii)         there are no neighbourhood parks in the Manurewa East area.  There are physical barriers for that community that cut it off, ie:  main arterial roads, motorway and railway line.

viii)        it was noted that there is little or no civic space in the Manurewa town centre area. 

ix)           Manurewa has the Te Araroa walkway that follows the Puhinui Stream.

x)            partnerships with schools, churches and other bodies could be developed as ways of providing better quality and better access to public open space.





Performance Report for the Manurewa Local Board for the four months ended 31 October 2014


The Parks Department’s quarterly performance report for the period ended 31 October 2014 was circulated separately to members.  A copy of this document can be viewed at the Auckland Council website.



Resolution number MR/2014/260

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Member MJ Bailey:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)            receive the Performance Report for the Manurewa Local Board for the period ended October 2014, including the separately circulated parks department section of the report.

b)            request that the title of the report be changed going forward to read “Auckland Council’s performance report for the Manurewa Local Board area for the four months ended……” and request feedback on this recommendation. The way the title is currently worded leads the public to think it is the board’s performance report not Auckland Council reporting against the Manurewa Local Board Plan. 

c)            request that these resolutions be forwarded to all local boards for their consideration and support.





Regional Facilities Auckland Ltd first quarter report 2014/2015 for the three months ended 30 September 2014


Resolution number MR/2014/261

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Member AL Cunningham-Marino:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      receive the Regional Facilities Auckland Ltd first quarter report 2014/2015 for the three months ended 30 September 2014 report.





Long-term Plan 2015-2025: Local consultation material - Manurewa Local Board


The Manurewa Local Board insert and the Manurewa Local Board support information, being the local consultation material, was circulated separately to elected members. 


A copy of these documents can be publicly viewed at the Auckland Council website.



Resolution number MR/2014/262

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Member AL Cunningham-Marino:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         adopt the local consultation material including:

i)          a one page (2 side) local board insert; and

ii)         supporting information, including local funding priorities for 2015/2016, key advocacy areas, indicative local performance targets for 2015/2016 and indicative local budgets for the next 10 years.


b)         note:

i)          the allocation of projects within Locally Driven Initiative (LDI) budgets are required to balance in every year.

ii)         the proposed operational savings for asset based services within the parks, community and lifestyle theme are not reflected in draft local budgets, but are instead captured at a regional level.  Savings will be applied locally to final Long-term Plan budgets following consultation. 

iii)        the high level budgets for programmes of work such as renewals, non-growth projects, parks developments, sportsfield developments and land acquisition will be developed prior to adoption of the final Long-term Plan.


c)         delegate authority to the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson to make any final minor changes to the local consultation material for the Long-term Plan 2015 - 2025 prior to publication, including online consultation content.    





Urgent Decision - Reallocation of Local Events Support Fund for Homai Community Safety Day


Resolution number MR/2014/263

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Brown:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         note the following urgent decision:

That the Manurewa Local Board approve for the fund of $3,500.00 granted under resolution MR/2014/157, agenda item 16 at the Manurewa Local Board business meeting of 14 August 2014, be paid to vendor NZ Police Manukau under vendor number 700282 on behalf of the Homai Safety panel.  These funds were the board’s contribution to the Homai Community Fun Day being held on 28 March 2015 at Jellicoe Park.





Manurewa Local Board Feedback on draft Local Approved Products Policy


Resolution number MR/2014/264

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Brown:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         welcomes the opportunity to comment in support of the draft Local Approved Product Policy.

b)         note that the board has sought feedback from people and groups within the community during the consultation period by:

i)          hosting a series of informal feedback opportunities at the Manurewa and Clendon Libraries and at the Manurewa Pool and Leisure Centre

ii)         speaking at community meetings and residents groups

iii)        inviting feedback via social media

iv)        supporting the Manurewa Youth Council who held forums with young people.

c)         note that throughout all the conversations and meetings a majority of community members across all ages consistently emphasised limiting the harm arising from the use of ‘approved products’.

d)         acknowledge the work of the Manurewa Youth Council, Warriors of Change in Randwick Park and also the Manurewa Business Association for the work they have done in providing strong advocacy on the issue.

e)         note that during the consultation period more than 450 written submissions have been received at the local board office stating that the submitter agrees with the Draft Local Approved Products Policy because it means that no shops can sell psychoactive substances in the Manurewa Local Board area.

f)          note that at least one written submission has been received at the local board office opposed to the Draft Local Approved Product Policy.

g)         has received feedback from churches who believe that places of worship  should be included as sensitive sites. This is due to many churches operating numerous community services throughout the week. The community services are for the benefit of a wide range of people especially the young and others who are encompassed by the draft policies definition.

h)         endorse the proposed draft Local Approved Product Policy which will prevent the sale of approved psychoactive substances from shops located anywhere in the Manurewa Local Board area. In addition the board welcomes the fact that the policy would prevent the sale of ‘approved psychoactive substances’ in the following areas, also known as ‘sensitive sites’:

·                anywhere in Manurewa town centre area

·                in areas of ‘high deprivation’ which includes most of Manurewa and Clendon

·                neighbourhood centres, local shops, corner dairies

·                within 500 metres of high schools and intermediate schools

·                within 200 metres of primary schools

·                within 500 metres of a mental health or addiction treatment centre

·                within 500 metres of another shop selling these products.

i)          in addition, recommend:

i)          the Draft Local Approved Products policy be amended to provide for places of worship to be included in the list of sensitive sites. This is especially required if they provide community services such as youth programmes.

ii)         the Draft Local Approved Products policy be amended to include community centres as sensitive sites, as many provide services for young people of school age and for a range of other sectors of the community who have or currently use mental health or addiction services

iii)        that as in all good policy implementation careful monitoring of the impact is reviewed on an ongoing basis to minimise any risks.

k)            request more rigorous analysis be undertaken regarding the potential outcome of the sale of Local Approved Products in industrial areas.  These areas provide for commercial and industrial activities and such products could impact on employees’ wellbeing.  Therefore there is a potential conflict if these substances are sold in these areas especially due to the potential lack of monitoring.


k)            delegate authority to the Deputy Chair, Simeon Brown, to speak on behalf of the Manurewa Local Board at the Local Approved Product Policy Hearings scheduled to be held in February 2015.





Manurewa Local Board Feedback on draft Property Maintenance and Nuisance Bylaw 2015


Resolution number MR/2014/265

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Brown:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         endorse the board’s feedback on the draft Property Maintenance and Nuisance Bylaw 2015.





Reports Requested - Pending - Issues


Resolution number MR/2014/266

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Member MJ Bailey:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         receive the report entitled “reports requested – pending – issues” by the Democracy Advisor.





Manurewa Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term


Resolution number MR/2014/267

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Member D Wrightson:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         receive the report entitled “Manurewa Local Board Achievements Register 2013 – 2016 Electoral Term”, noting the following additions to the register:

i)          attended the Clendon 30th birthday

ii)         attended the Netball Manurewa Christmas luncheon

iii)        supported the Manurewa Santa Parade

iv)        supported and attended the White Ribbon Breakfast

v)            supported and attended the Christmas Carols at the Methodist Church

vi)           attended the second session of the Maori input into decision making forum.

vii)         participated in the Sustainability of Sport Forum held on Monday, 8 December 2014.

viii)        appealed the Clendon Liquor objection for the premises at 3/439 Roscommon Road, Clendon.

ix)           lodged an objection to the Super Liquor licence application at 6H Ross Roberts Place, Clendon.





For Information: Reports referred to the Manurewa Local Board


Resolution number MR/2014/268

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Member KE Penney:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)            note the following report referred for information from the Governing Body committee meetings or forums:


Report Title

Item no.

Meeting Date

Governing Body Committee or Forum


Productivity Commission Inquiry: Using Land for Housing


Auckland Development Committee

3 December 2014






Manurewa Local Board Workshop Notes


Resolution number MR/2014/269

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Member D Wrightson:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)            receive the notes from the Manurewa Local Board workshops held on 4, 6, 18, 25, and 27 November 2014. 

b)            note the amendment to the sentence on page 144 (18 November 2014 workshop notes) which reads “Local boards are allowed to change the measures but cannot change the targets.”  This sentence should read “Local boards are allowed to change the targets but cannot change the measures”.




29        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  




7.28pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









