Orākei Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Orākei Local Board held in the St Chads Church and Community Centre, 38 St Johns Road, Meadowbank on Thursday, 4 December 2014 at 3.30pm.
Chairperson |
Desley Simpson, JP |
Deputy Chairperson |
Colin Davis, JP |
Members |
Ken Baguley |
Troy Churton |
Kate Cooke |
Kit Parkinson |
Mark Thomas |
Councillor |
Cameron Brewer |
Orākei Local Board 04 December 2014 |
2 Apologies
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number OR/2014/43 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson CRJ Davis: That the Orākei Local Board: a) confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 6 November 2014, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
8.1 |
Tai Nicholas, representing Oceania Football Club, was in attendance to provide an update to the board on resent works. A letter to the Orakei Local Board Chair person and a power-point was tabled in support of his presentation.
A copy of the tabled documents have been placed on the official minutes and can be viewed at the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number OR/2014/44 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member K Parkinson: That the Orākei Local Board: a) thanks Tai Nicholas – General Secretary, Oceania Football Club for his presentation to the board on the following: i. Stage 1 update ii. Possible right-of-way on council land iii. Stage 2 update iv. Accommodation proposal for Stage 3.
b) requests officers to work with the Board’s sub-committee (Members Parkinson, Davis and Churton) to review the options proposed by Oceania Football Club and report back to the Board. |
a Letter to the Orakei Local Board Chairperson b Presentation to the Board |
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
Jo Kelly-Moore - Auckland Cathedral of the Holy Trinity: Selwyn’s Vision Project Team Update |
Jo Kelly-Moore and Richard Adams, representing Auckland Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, was in attendance to provide an update to the board on Selwyn’s Vision Project. A power-point was tabled in support of their presentation.
A copy of the tabled presentation has been placed on the official minutes and can be viewed at the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number OR/2014/45 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson CRJ Davis: That the Orākei Local Board: a) thanks Jo Kelly-Moore – Dean and Richard Adams – Campaign Chairperson, Auckland Cathedral of the Holy Trinity for their presentation updating the Board on progress of the major restoration project at Holy Trinity Cathedral. |
a Holy Trinity Cathedral Selwyn Vision Persentation |
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
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Resolution number OR/2014/46 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson CRJ Davis: That the Orākei Local Board: a) resolves to continue the review of local dog access rules in the following areas: i. Reserves on Shore Road ii. Wilson’s Beach iii. Churchill Park iv. Ladies Bay and Gentlemans Bay v. Roberta Reserve and associated foreshore b) authorises Member Churton as regulatory portfolio holder and Member Davis as Deputy regulatory portfolio holder to determine pre-consultation and research initiatives. c) requests that a report be provided by April 2015 to assist the board in deciding whether to propose any changes to the local dog access rules identified above. |
Secretarial note: Pursuant to Standing Order 3.15.5, Member Churton requested that his dissenting vote be recorded. |
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Resolution number OR/2014/47 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member K Parkinson: That the Orākei Local Board: a) endorses the vision: to develop Colin Maiden Park as a regional quality community sports precinct. b) extends the scope of the Colin Maiden Park Precinct master plan to include Ngahue Reserve. c) endorses the guiding principles for the development and management of the Colin Maiden Park Precinct master plan as follows: i. Design of the park, its facilities and related services should primarily complement and amplify the existing theme of formal organised sport where the field of play is of regional level quality and use is primarily club level (or equivalent). ii. Master planning and Auckland Transport should consider Colin Maiden Park, Ngahue Reserve and Tennis Auckland land as one cohesive park. iii. Design Colin Maiden Park facilities and support services in a way that will maximise the utilisation of open space. iv. Create design solutions that minimise the footprint of built infrastructure (e.g. buildings, roads, car parks). v. Create design solutions that encourage shared use of space and efficient operations. vi. Develop design solutions that incorporate effective access and connectivity within Colin Maiden Park and between Colin Maiden Park, Ngahue Reserve and Tennis Auckland land. vii. Orakei Local Board, Colin Maiden Park user organisations, master planners and designers should anticipate the establishment of a single entity governance structure at Colin Maiden Park. viii. All design concepts for Colin Maiden Park need to promote solutions that place importance on serving functional needs and achieving operational and sport delivery efficiency. d) endorses the following guiding principles for commercial tenancies: i. reuse the existing buildings where practicable ii. avoid unnecessary duplication of commercial facilities/tenants in the precinct iii. select tenants who have a direct relationship with sport and the park e) recommends that the following tenants continue to be accommodated at Colin Maiden Park: i. University of Auckland ii. UniSportsMed iii. Auckland Radiology f) notes that officers will report back to the board in March 2015 on the status of dog access rules for Colin Maiden Park. |
Secretarial note: Pursuant to Standing Order 3.15.5, Member Churton requested that his dissenting vote be recorded. |
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Resolution number OR/2014/48 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member K Parkinson: That the Orākei Local Board: a) receives the attached draft of the Tāhuna Tōrea Archaeological Survey report. b) Allocates $15,000 from the Stream Improvements (Madills Farm) OPEX budget to complete the Tāhuna Tōrea Historical Assessment Report. c) requests parks officers to urgently commence the Stream Improvements (Madills Farm) project noting the budget is $25,000 for the 2014/2015 year. |
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Orakei Local Board Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) programme 2014-2015 update |
Resolution number OR/2014/49 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson CRJ Davis: That the Orakei Local Board: a) receives the Orakei Local Board Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) 2014/2015 Combined Programme. b) approves the following projects from its 2014/2015 SLIPs Capital expenditure budget:
c) notes upon approval of the above recommendations there will be $0 discretionary capital funding remaining to allocate in the 2014/2015 financial year. d) notes that Chairperson Simpson and Member Parkinson and are the Board’s SLIPs portfolio holders. |
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Resolution number OR/2014/50 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member M Thomas: That the Orākei Local Board: a) receives the Liston Park development report. b) recognises that both Football and Rugby have a growing demand for field space which could be accommodated by developments at Liston Park and other sports field sites in, or close to, the Orakei Local Board area. c) appoints Members Parkinson, Davis and Chairperson Simpson as the Liston Park working party. d) authorises the Liston Park working party to receive, consider and make decisions regarding the development and use of Liston Park. |
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Resolution number OR/2014/51 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member M Thomas: That the Orākei Local Board: a) receives the home-based business study: key findings and business needs report. b) requests that officers circulate the report to businesses that took part in the study and thank them for their input. c) notes that the report recommends the following actions: i. provide support to local businesses to establish and maintain a small business network and potentially a small business expo ii. identify and promote all of the available meeting spaces in the area iii. develop and maintain a business directory with listings of local businesses iv. work with the business associations to determine how home-businesses can become members or otherwise benefit from their services. d) requests staff to investigate how the actions in resolution c) can be implemented. |
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Grant of New Community Lease at Melanesia Reserve, 30 Melanesia Road, Kohimarama, Kohimarama Bowling Club Incorporated |
Resolution number OR/2014/52 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson CRJ Davis: That the Orakei Local Board: a) notes that a strategic plan is being developed to align the lease structure fairly and equitably across all sporting codes in the Orakei Local Board area for approval at the April 2015 business meeting. b) notes that Auckland Bowls is developing a strategic plan for the future development of bowling facilities across Auckland. c) approves the grant of a new community lease to the Kohimarama Bowling Club Incorporated for part of Lot 2, DP 93072, Melanesia Reserve, Mission Bay, under Section 54 (1) of the Reserves Act, subject to one month’s public notification and iwi consultation, with no objection, on the following terms and conditions: i. Term – two years commencing 1 June 2013, with any right of renewal to be confirmed after April 2015 by the Orakei Local Board ii. Rent – $1 plus GST per annum if requested iii. Kohimarama Bowling Club Incorporated Community Outcomes Plan, as approved, to be attached to the community lease document. d) notes that all other terms and conditions in accordance with Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012. |
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Request for feedback on the draft Local Approved Product Policy |
MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member TG Churton: That the Orakei Local Board: a) requests that the following be considered as part of the Local Approved Products Policy: i. The extension of an exclusion zone to cover St Heliers and the Kepa Road shops, noting that Special Housing Aarea’s are being developed in Kepa Road and Meadowbank. ii. That a restricted zone be created to cover the Eastridge shopping centre as Eastridge was not covered under the Regional Shopping Centre Policy. iii. The extension of a restricted zone around community centres and churches because of their nature as family-focussed, mixed use centres. b) notes there is a danger that very extensive buffer zones could increase the potential of a black market. c) requests that the council explore other, non-regulatory tools to de-normalise the use of psychoactive substances. |
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Resolution number OR/2014/54 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member K Parkinson: That the Orākei Local Board: a) receives the Interim Open Space Provision Guidelines report and provides the following feedback: i. express its concern that the timeframe for responding to these guidelines, and the incomplete information provided to the board, mean that it is not possible to obtain any community views. ii. requests that the guidelines include a definition of “sub-regional”. iii. requests that the maps included in the guidelines show open space owned by other organisations (such as sports clubs, schools and the private sector) so as to provide a complete picture of open space in each area. iv. recommends that the guidelines make it clear that decisions on open space will be site specific rather than a “one size fits all” approach being imposed. v. recommends that decisions regarding the provision of open space need to take into account not only the distance to and from a neighbourhood park or other open space, but also whether, for example, · the condition of the pavements makes for easy walking · there are adequate road crossings · public transport enables people to travel quickly and easily to open space. vi. recommends that the guidelines include a definition of “new development” to assist in making decisions about open space in new developments. vii. notes that if Council requires the provision of open space, then Council may need to accept the responsibility for the maintenance of that space. viii. agrees that in some situations it may be appropriate to amalgamate funds received through development contributions and use those amalgamated funds to purchase one area of open space in the same general area. ix. notes that, while the board has no local experience on this element of the guidelines, the guidelines should allow for the purchase and operation of recreational open space in industrial areas because, for example, sports fields in industrial areas cause less disruption than sports fields in residential areas. x. notes that while some open space configuration options are presented as negative, they may, in some situations, be the only option and may be satisfactory to the local community. xi. expects that the considerable amount of local planning already undertaken by local boards needs to be taken into consideration when considering the provision of open space in each local board area. |
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Resolution number OR/2014/55 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member KH Baguley: That the Orākei Local Board: a) notes the December 2014 report from Auckland Transport. b) requests that Auckland Transport provide statistics to justify the statements made regarding T2/T3 Remuera Road. c) delegates authority to Chairperson Simpson and Member Baguley to provide the Board’s formal feedback to Auckland Transport on the Orakei Spine project.
d) delegates authority to Chairperson Simpson and Board Members Baguley and Thomas to authorise Auckland Transport to proceed with the following projects (provided Fixed Prices for the contracts are confirmed as detailed in Local Board Transport Capital Fund Summary as at 3rd December as tabled within Board Member Reports):
i. Revup 2.5 Lane reseal using tarseal with painted design as supplied by Remuera Business Association architect at a maximum cost of $120,000 ii. Revup 2.7 Lane wall panels to be installed in lane to design supplied by Remuera Business Association architect at a maximum cost of $50,000
Benson Road/Upland Rd safety and
streetscape project at a cost not exceeding $96,000 matching concept designs
supplied to affected parties during November and December noting that
residents have agreed to a design provided the design does not include built
in seating on the Benson Road side of the corner. e) delegates authority to Members Baguley and Davis to decide after consultation with Stonefields Residents Association on a priority project for Stonefields as per item 9 and progress. |
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Orakei Local Board Achievements Report July 2013 - October 2014 |
Resolution number OR/2014/56 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson CRJ Davis: That the Orākei Local Board: a) endorses the Orakei Local Board Achievements Report for the period 1 July 2013 to1 October 2014. |
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Resolution number OR/2014/57 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member M Thomas: That the Orākei Local Board: a) receives the Chairperson’s December 2014 report. |
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A copy of Member Baguley’s tabled report documents have been placed on the official minutes and can be viewed at the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number OR/2014/58 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson CRJ Davis: That the Orākei Local Board: a) receives the Board Member December 2014 reports. b) advocates to Watercare’s Chief Executive the possibility of Watercare constructing a toilet facility at Madills Farm near the children’s playground as a gesture of goodwill as part of its restoration of Madills Farm. c) appoints Members Davis, Parkinson and Chairperson Simpson to pursue advocacy to Watercare regarding a Madills Farm toilet facility. |
a Board Member Baguley - December 2014 Report |
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Resolution number OR/2014/59 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member CH Cooke: That the Orākei Local Board: a) receives the Resolutions Pending Action report. |
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Resolution number OR/2014/60 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member CH Cooke: That the Orākei Local Board: a) receives the record of proceedings for the Orakei Local Board workshops held on 13 and 20 November 2014. |
27 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
5.33 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.