Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel






Minutes of a meeting of the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301 - 305 Queen Street, Auckland City , Level 2, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Wednesday, 17 December 2014 at 4.42pm.





Aiolupotea Sina Aiolupotea-aiono


Deputy Chairperson

Sefita Hao'uli

From 5.10pm, item 6


Anae Arthur Anae

Until 5.17pm, item 6


Apulu Reece Autagavaia

From 4.44pm, item 3


Tunumafono Ava Fa'amoe



Afa'ese Manoa



Richard Pamatatau



Sam Sefuiva



Leilani Tamu






Tevita Funaki

For absence


Rev Tevita Finau

For absence


‘Ofeina Langi

For absence


Apulu Reece Autagavaia

For lateness






Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel

17 December 2014



Member Afa’ese Manoa opened the meeting with a prayer


1          Apologies


Resolution number PAC/2014/39

MOVED by Member R Pamatatau, seconded by Member S Sefuiva:  

That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)         accept the apologies from members ‘O Langi, T Funaki and Rev T Finau for absence and member A Reece Autagavaia for lateness.



2          Declaration of Interest


The Chair noted the interests register is kept by the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel.


Member R Autagavaia entered the meeting at 4.44 pm.


3          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number PAC/2014/40

MOVED by Member S Sefuiva, seconded by Member A Manoa:  

That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 15 October 2014,  as a true and correct record.



4          Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.



Shane Jones - Ambassador for Pacific Economic Development


This item has been withdrawn.


Member S Hao'uli entered the meeting at 5.10 pm.



Overview of Economic Development Activities - ATEED and Auckland Council


A Powerpoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.



Resolution number PAC/2014/41

MOVED by Member A Fa'amoe , seconded by Member A Manoa:  

That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the overview of economic development activity across ATEED and Auckland Council.




a     17 December 2014 - Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel - item 6- Overview of Economic Development Activities - ATEED and Auckland Council  


Cr AJ Anae left the meeting at 5.17 pm.


Request for feedback on the draft Local Approved products Policy


Resolution number PAC/2014/42

MOVED by Member A Fa'amoe , seconded by Member L Tamu:  

That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)      provide feedback on the draft Local Approved Product Policy (LAPP) Statement of Proposal received in the 28 October 2014 memo, by the end of December 2014

b)      agree that the social development portfolio members to speak on their feedback to the LAPP at the hearings panel in 13 February 2015.





Long-term Plan Consultation Approach


A Powerpoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.



Resolution number PAC/2014/43

MOVED by Member L Tamu, seconded by Member A Manoa:  

That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)      provide feedback on the proposed engagement approach for the draft Long-term Plan to ensure planned activities and events will resonate with Pacific Aucklanders across the region.




a     17 December 2014 Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel - item 8 - Long-term Plan Consultation Approach



Request for feedback on the development of the draft Auckland Libraries Pacific Services Strategy


A Powerpoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.



Resolution number PAC/2014/44

MOVED by Member A Manoa, seconded by Member R Pamatatau:  

That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)   provide initial feedback on the development of the draft Auckland Libraries Pacific Services Strategy by December 17, 2014.

b)   support a talanoa approach between PPAP and Libraries and Information leading up to and following the launch of Auckland Libraries Pacific Services Strategy.

c)   note that the importance of the organisation wide pacific strategy which this strategy can be used as a successful approach for the rest of the organisation




a     17 December 2014- Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel - item 9 - Request for feedback on the development of the draft Auckland Libraries Pacific Services Strategy



Chairperson's Report


Resolution number PAC/2014/45

MOVED by Member L Tamu, seconded by Member S Hao'uli:  

That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)         receive the verbal report from the Chairperson on the following matter:

·         meeting with ATEED regarding the evaluation panel process

·         meeting with Orange, tenderer for the Pasifika festival

·         Pacific MP working lunch


b)         receive the verbal update from the following members:

Leilani Tamu:

·         Attended the launch of a report in Mangere child poverty action group


Sam Sefuiva

·         Attended a “Courageous conversation” workshop – racism in business sector within organisations


Sefita Hao’uli

·         Attended ministerial celebration of the 10th anniversary of Smokefree legislation in Parliament hosted by Sam Lotu Iiga

·         Attended Urbanesia theatre production at Vodafone centre and gave interview to Colmar Brunton survey on same

·         Attended the PCF Heads of NZ diplomatic Mission 

·         breakfast to hear reports on economic opportunities in the Pacific region.

·         Attended AC Economic Committee meeting to hear HE Shane Jones on his role as Ambassador in the Pacific.




5          Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  






7.27 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









