Regional Strategy and Policy Committee





Minutes of a meeting of the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Thursday, 4 December 2014 at 9.31am.





Cr George Wood, CNZM


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Anae Arthur Anae

Until 11.37am, item 11


Cr Cameron Brewer



Mayor Len Brown, JP

Until 11.19am, item 9


Cr Dr Cathy Casey



Cr Bill Cashmore



Cr Ross Clow

From 10.49am, item 9; until 11.48am, item 12


Cr Linda Cooper, JP



Cr Chris Darby



Cr Alf Filipaina

From 10.02am, item 9


Cr Hon Christine Fletcher, QSO

From 9.36am, item 1


Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse

From 9.43am, item 9


Cr Mike Lee

From 9.44am, item 9


Kris MacDonald



Cr Calum Penrose



Cr Dick Quax



Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM



Cr Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE

Until 11.19am, item 9


Cr Wayne Walker



Cr John Watson



Glenn Wilcox





Cr Denise Krum



Cr Penny Webster



Regional Strategy and Policy Committee

04 December 2014




1          Apologies


Resolution number REG/2014/131

MOVED by Chairperson GS Wood, seconded by Cr CM Penrose:  

That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee:

a)         accept the apologies from Cr D Krum for sickness, Cr MP Webster for non-attendance, Cr A Filipaina for lateness on council business, and Cr C Casey for early departure.


Cr Fletcher entered the meeting at 9.36 am.


2          Declaration of Interest


Cr L Cooper made a declaration of interest for items 12 and 13.


3          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number REG/2014/132

MOVED by Chairperson GS Wood, seconded by Cr CM Casey:  

That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 9 October 2014, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.



4          Petitions


There were no petitions.


5          Public Input


There was no public input.


6          Local Board Input


There was no local board input.


7          Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


8          Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Queens Wharf Public Arts Commission


Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse entered the meeting at 9.43am.

Cr Lee entered the meeting at 9.44am.

Cr AM Filipaina entered the meeting at 10.02 am.

Cr RI Clow entered the meeting at 10.49 am.


Secretarial Note: Councillor George Wood left the meeting at 10.48am. Cr Anae assumed the chair. Cr Wood resumed the chair at 10.50am


Resolution number REG/2014/133

MOVED by Chairperson GS Wood, seconded by Cr C Darby:  

That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee:

a)      receive the report.



A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Deputy Chairperson AJ Anae

Mayor LCM Brown

Cr WB Cashmore

Cr RI Clow

Cr LA Cooper

Cr C Darby

Cr AM Filipaina

Deputy Mayor PA Hulse

Member K MacDonald

Cr CM Penrose

Cr JG Walker

Member G Wilcox

Chairperson GS Wood


Cr CE Brewer

Cr CM Casey

Cr CE Fletcher

Cr ME Lee

Cr D Quax

Cr SL Stewart

Cr WD Walker

Cr J Watson



The motion was declared carried by 13 votes to 8.


The meeting adjourned at 11.19am.


Mayor LCM Brown retired from the meeting at 11.19 am.

Cr JG Walker retired from the meeting at 11.19 am.

Deputy Mayor PA Hulse left the meeting at 11.19 am.

Cr M Lee left the meeting at 11.19 am.

Cr Fletcher left the meeting at 11.19 am.


The meeting reconvened at 11.28am.



Final Community Grants Policy for adoption


Deputy Mayor PA Hulse returned to the meeting at 11.32 am.

Cr Lee returned to the meeting at 11.33 am.


Resolution number REG/2014/134

MOVED by Chairperson GS Wood, seconded by Cr C Darby:  

That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee:

a)         adopt the Community Grants Policy for implementation from 1 July 2015.

b)      direct staff to prepare funding options and advice for consideration by the Budget Committee in May 2015 as part of final Long-term Plan decisions.

c)      note that the Operations Division will lead the implementation of the Community Grants Policy, including working with local boards and relevant governing body committees on confirming priorities, scheme structures and assessment criteria.

d)      note that all in-scope legacy grants schemes operated by Auckland Council will cease to operate from 1 July 2015, although any grants already allocated through these schemes will not be affected.





Recommended Strategy and Policy Forward Programme


Deputy Chairperson AJ Anae retired from the meeting at 11.37 am.

Cr Fletcher returned to the meeting at 11.37am.


Resolution number REG/2014/135

MOVED by Cr WD Walker, seconded by Cr C Darby:  

That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee:

a)         adopt the revised recommended Strategy and Policy Forward Programme (Attachment A to the agenda report)

b)      agree to the removal of the following adopted documents from the Strategy and Policy Forward Programme noting that significant policy, strategic or public interest issues related to those documents that may arise will be reported to relevant reporting committees and/or committees of the whole for decisions and oversight as appropriate:

·    Events Policy

·    Gambling Venues Policies

·    Indigenous Biodiversity Strategy

·    Libraries Future Direction

·    Procurement Strategy and Policy

·    Public Art Policy

·    Smokefree Policy.

c)        agree to the removal of the following in-progress documents from the Strategy and Policy Forward Programme noting that in the majority of cases the focus will  be on progressing management work programmes and/or partnership agreements and frameworks rather than on the development of strategy or policy documents:

·    CCTV Strategic Action Plan

·    Family and Sexual Violence Strategic Action Plan

·    Historic Heritage Action Plan

·    Water Strategic Action Plan.

d)        agree to receive monitoring and update reports on the development and implementation of items in the Strategy and Policy Forward Programme in March, July and November of each year starting in March 2015.

e)        identify any policies or strategies that it wishes to receive one-off or regular six monthly or annual update/progress reports on.


f)         note that the Water Strategic Action Plan work will be incorporated into the more holistic approach provided for the Environment Strategic Action Plan.



Councillors Clow and Cooper declared an interest in items 12 and 13 and left the room.



Deferral of District Licensing Committee review to 2015


Deputy Mayor PA Hulse left the meeting at 11.57 am.

Deputy Mayor PA Hulse returned to the meeting at 12.10 pm.


Resolution number REG/2014/136

MOVED by Cr CM Penrose, seconded by Cr CM Casey:  

That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee:

a)      agree that the District Licensing Committee review be deferred until June 2015 and be reported to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee after the Provisional Local Alcohol Policy has been adopted.





Update on Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy


Resolution number REG/2014/137

MOVED by Chairperson GS Wood, seconded by Cr WB Cashmore:  

That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee:

a)      note the alcohol harm reduction related activities that have been included in the reporting template.





Options for regulation of the commercial sex industry


Cr LA Cooper returned to the meeting at 12.15 pm.


Resolution number REG/2014/138

MOVED by Chairperson GS Wood, seconded by Cr LA Cooper:   

That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee:

a)        agree that the location of commercial sex industry premises in Auckland will be regulated through planning rules.

b)        agree that prior to the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan coming into force the location of commercial sex industry premises in Auckland will be regulated through legacy district plan rules.

c)        agree that operational aspects of the commercial sex industry in Auckland such as health and safety and signage will be regulated through bylaws specific to the topic and appropriate legislation.

d)        agree that all legacy bylaws relating to the location of brothels will lapse on
31 October 2015.

e)      agree that a bylaw to regulate the location of brothels will not be developed.





Auckland Council Guide to the Commercial Sex Industry Regulations


Resolution number REG/2014/139

MOVED by Cr WD Walker, seconded by Cr C Darby:  

That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee:

a)        note that the ‘Guide to Commercial Sex Industry Regulations’ is a compendium document that contains general local and central government regulations relevant to managing the location, operation and visibility of the commercial sex industry in Auckland.

b)        note that any editorial amendments is delegated for approval to the Manager Social Policy and Bylaws.

c)      note that the ‘Guide to Commercial Sex Industry Regulations’ will be available on the Auckland Council website from January 2015.




16        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.




Extension of Regional Pest Management Plan Expiry Date - Recommendation from the Environment, Climate Change and Natural Heritage Committee of 26 November 2014


Resolution number REG/2014/140

MOVED by Cr WD Walker, seconded by Cr C Darby:  

That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee:

a)      extend the expiry date of the Auckland Regional Pest Management Plan by 12 months, from 17 December 2014 to 17 December 2015.




18        Procedural motion to exclude the public

Resolution number REG/2014/141

MOVED by Chairperson GS Wood, seconded by Cr WD Walker:  

That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee:

a)      exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:



C1       Acquisition of Land for Stormwater Purposes

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(h) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

In particular, the report contains information that may affect property values.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.


The text of these resolutions is made available to the public who are present at the meeting and form part of the minutes of the meeting.



12.17pm          The public was excluded.


Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.


12.20pm          The public was re-admitted.





It was resolved while the public was excluded:



Acquisition of Land for Stormwater Purposes


That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee agree that there be no restatement of the confidential report or attachment for the acquisition of land for stormwater purposes, or the resolutions of the committee.



12.20pm                                             The Chairperson thanked members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.











