Waitematā Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Waitematā Local Board held in the Grey Lynn Community Centre, 510 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn on Tuesday, 9 December 2014 at 6.01 pm.
Chairperson |
Shale Chambers |
Deputy Chairperson |
Pippa Coom |
Members |
Christopher Dempsey |
Greg Moyle |
Vernon Tava |
Rob Thomas |
Deborah Yates |
Waitematā Local Board 09 December 2014 |
1 Welcome
2 Apologies
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number WTM/2014/232 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member GJ Moyle: That the ordinary minutes of the Waitemata Local Board meeting, held on Tuesday, 11 November 2014, be confirmed, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
There were no deputations.
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
Spoke to the Board regarding resolution WTM2014/215 from the Waitemata Local Board meeting held on 11 November 2014 on car parking matters in the Freemans Bay area. |
Resolution number WTM/2014/233 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom: That Trevor Lund be thanked for his presentation and attendance. |
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
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Resolution number WTM/2014/234 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member RAH Thomas: a) That the verbal update from the Waitematā and Gulf Ward Councillor, Mike Lee be received. b) That Councillor Mike Lee be thanked for his attendance and presentation. |
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Resolution number WTM/2014/235 MOVED by Member CP Dempsey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom: a) That the Auckland Transport Update – December 2014 report be received. b) That the tabled memorandum on the Consultation on Upper Symonds Street Northbound Bus Lanes Stage 1 Designs, be received
c) That the Waitemata Local Board:
Delegates the feedback on the Consultation on Upper Symonds Street Northbound Bus Lanes Stage 1 Designs, to the Transport Portfolio holders, Member Pippa Coom and Member Christopher Dempsey to finalise.
d) That Priscilla Steel, Elected Members Relationship Manager, be thanked for her attendance.
A copy of our tabled document has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed on Auckland Council’s website.
a Symonds Street Bus Lane Resolution Plan (Draft) |
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Quarterly Performance Report for Waitemata Local Board 4 months ended 31 October 2014 |
Resolution number WTM/2014/236 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member GJ Moyle: a) That the Quarterly Performance Report for Waitemata Local Board 4 months ended 31 October 2014 report be received. b) That the tabled information, the Quarterly Performance Report for Parks, Sport and Recreation, be received.
A copy of our tabled document has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed on Auckland Council’s website. |
a Quarterly Performance Report for Parks, Sport and Recreation |
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Resolution number WTM/2014/237 MOVED by Member DA Yates, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom: a) That the Child Friendly Waitemata – Actions to Support the Vision report be received. b) That the Waitematā Local Board: i) Commits to working towards UNICEF accreditation as a child friendly local board. ii) Extends the existing Youth sub-portfolio to include children, renames the sub-portfolio “Children and Youth”, and re-confirms Board member Deborah Yates as the sub-portfolio holder and lead. iii) Confirms its support in principle of a budget for the Children and Youth sub-portfolio of $7,000 per annum for 10 years effective from 2015/2016 from the Board’s LDI budget and refers any final decision to the Board’s Long Term Plan decision making process. c) That Claire Stewart, Community Development Facilitator and Greg Whaiapu, Community Development Project Manager, be thanked for their attendance. |
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Resolution number WTM/2014/238 MOVED by Member VI Tava, seconded by Member CP Dempsey: a) That the Interim Open Space Provision Guidelines Report be received. b) That the Waitematā Local Board: i. Expresses its concern that the guidelines do not cover the city centre. ii. Questions why a decision has been made, without input from the Waitemata Local Board, that guidelines for the city centre are a low priority. iii. Expresses its concern that the board will continue to operate in a policy vacuum until a Waitemata open space network plan is completed. iv. Recommends that legacy areas of high density housing be assessed for access to open space in the same way as areas zoned for high density housing in the proposed unitary plan. v. Recommends that the provision of open space respond to local need rather than be controlled by standard provisions across suburbs or local board areas. vi. Supports in principle maximum walking distances to neighbourhood parks of: 1. 400 metres in high density areas 2. 600 metres in other residential areas vii. While noting that in intensive housing areas the recommended size for a neighbourhood park may be too small for the number of residents within 400 metres of a single neighbourhood park. viii. Recommends that the guidelines recognise that pocket parks and small amenity areas are of critical importance in the city centre and city fringe areas and that council should therefore own and maintain pocket parks and similar small amenity spaces in these areas. ix. Expresses concern that the guidelines ignore the importance to the general community of the visual amenity value of pocket parks. x. Recommends that the priority for improved open space provision needs to be driven by local needs rather than a standardised hierarchy of options; however, all else being equal, the acquisition of additional space should be a priority in an area with a shortfall of open space. xi. Notes that while the local board supports continuing efforts to provide community access to privately-owned open space such as school grounds, this is often very difficult to achieve and should not be relied on to increase open space provision. xii. Requests that the Governing Body ensures there is adequate funding in the LTP for the acquisition of open space in brownfields developments. xiii. Recommends that ‘suburb park’ be renamed ‘suburban park.’ xiv. Delegates to Parks & Open Space Portfolio holders, Vernon Tava and Shale Chambers to finalise any further feedback on the Interim Open Space Provision Guidelines. |
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Resolution number WTM/2014/239 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom: a) That the Long-Term Plan 2015-2025: Local consultation material report be received. b) That the Waitematā Local Board: I) Adopts local consultation material including: i) a one page (2 side) local board insert as amended with the addition of the word ‘key’ to the introduction to the 2015/2016 proposals; and ii) supporting information, including local funding priorities for 2015/2016, key advocacy areas, indicative local performance targets for 2015/2016 and indicative local budgets for the next 10 years. II) Notes the following: i) the allocation of projects within Locally Driven Initiative (LDI) budgets are required to balance in every year. ii) proposed operational savings for asset based services within the parks, community and lifestyle theme are not reflected in draft local budgets, but are instead captured at a regional level. Savings will be applied locally to final LTP budgets following consultation. iii) high level budgets for programmes of work such as renewals, non-growth projects, parks developments, sportsfield developments and land acquisition will be developed prior to adoption of the final LTP. III) Delegates authority to the Board Chairperson to make any final minor changes to local consultation material for the Long-term Plan 2015 - 2025 prior to publication including online consultation content. |
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Recommendations from the Waitemata Local Board Grants Committee - 24 November 2014 Secretarial Note: Member Christopher Dempsey declared an interest in the application from Alternative Bindings and did not take part in the discussion or vote on this matter. |
Resolution number WTM/2014/240 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom, seconded by Member DA Yates: a) That the Recommendations from the Waitemata Local Board Grants Committee – 24 November 2014 be received. b) That the Waitemata Local Board approves the following grants to be made from the Board’s Community Grants Fund for 2014/2015:
Applications Approved:
Applications Declined:
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Recommendations from the Waitemata Local Board Finance Committee - 20 November 2014 |
Resolution number WTM/2014/241 MOVED by Member GJ Moyle, seconded by Member VI Tava: a) That the Recommendations from the Waitematā Local Board Finance Committee 20 November 2014 report be received. b) That the Waitematā Local Board approves as Local Improvement Projects (LIPs), allocating the following 2014/15 LIPs Operational Expenditure budget and appoints as its project champions to the following LIPs projects:
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Resolution number WTM/2014/242 MOVED by Member GJ Moyle, seconded by Member VI Tava: That the Chairperson’s verbal report be received. |
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Resolution number WTM/2014/243 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom, seconded by Member RAH Thomas: a) That the Deputy Chairperson’s written report be received. b) That the Waitematā Local Board: i) Supports encouraging and enabling community use of berms as much as practicable ii) Supports the development of berm-planting guidelines, which would include: a. Benefits of appropriate berm planting b. Safe depths to dig to c. Ideal plants in a number of categories – natives, food, trees d. Maintenance expectations, including in regard to safety eg height e. Role of Local Boards in acting as a key conduit for Auckland Transport to have community relationships around berm planting f. Working with neighbours iii) Requests Auckland Transport develop berm planting guidelines in conjunction with Local Boards iv) Requests Auckland Transport report on progress to the Board’s February meeting. |
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Resolution number WTM/2014/244 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom: a) That Board Member Vernon Tava and Deborah Yates’ written reports be received. b) That Board Members’ Christopher Dempsey, Greg Moyle, and Rob Thomas’ verbal reports be received. |
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Resolution number WTM/2014/245 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member VI Tava: That the Waitematā Local Board workshop notes, as amended with the addition of Member Rob Thomas as present on Tuesday, 4 November 2014, for the meetings held on 4, 13, 18 and 25 November 2014, be received. |
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Resolution number WTM/2014/246 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom: That the Reports Requested/Pending report be received. |
25 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
8.04 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.