I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Council Controlled Organisations Governance and Monitoring Committee will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 3 February 2015


Rooms 1 and 2

Level 26, 135 Albert Street


Council Controlled Organisations Governance and Monitoring Committee









Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Calum Penrose



Cr Anae Arthur Anae



Cr Cameron Brewer



Cr Dr Cathy Casey



Member Precious Clark



Cr Ross Clow



Cr Linda Cooper, JP



Cr Chris Darby



Cr Denise Krum



Cr Dick Quax



Cr Penny Webster



Member Glenn Wilcox



Cr George Wood, CNZM



Mayor Len Brown, JP



(Quorum 7 members)




Jaimee Maha

Democracy Advisor


29 January 2015


Contact Telephone: (09) 890 8126

Email: jaimee.maha@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz



Council Controlled Organisations Governance and Monitoring Committee

03 February 2015



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE


11        Governance Review for Auckland Council's Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs)                                                                                                                                         5   



Council Controlled Organisations Governance and Monitoring Committee

03 February 2015



Governance Review for Auckland Council's Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs)


File No.: CP2014/18749




1.       To review and make decisions to the governance and policy documents for Auckland Council’s Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs).

2.       To review specific sections from the Board Appointment and Remuneration policy and the Shareholder Expectation Guide (under development as the Governance Manual). Documents are available at http://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/EN/AboutCouncil/representativesbodies/CCO/Pages/Home.aspx.

Executive summary

3.       The council is required, under section 57 of the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA 2002), to adopt a policy setting out an objective and transparent process for appointing and remunerating directors and reviewing the performance of council organisations.  This report provides an overview of the recommended changes to the council’s policy of appointing and remunerating directors.

4.       The CCO Review has reviewed the way in which Auckland Council undertakes its governance programme.  The key areas for improvement are:

Board Appointment & Remuneration recommended policy

(a)  New appointments:

(i)         a Nomination Panel, made up of the Chief Executive of Auckland Council, Mayoral Chief of staff, Chair of the CCO, an independent  governance professional and an IMSB member. The Nomination Panel is responsible for short-listing the candidates.

(ii)        an Interview Panel, made up of the Chief Executive of Auckland Council, Chair or Deputy Chair of the CCO Governance and Monitoring Committee, Chair of the CCO, an independent  governance professional and an IMSB member.  The Interview Panel is responsible for interviewing up to three candidates and recommending the preferred candidate to the CCO Governance and Monitoring Committee for approval.

(b)  Fee Setting for board members to be amended from an annual review to once every triennium following council elections.

(c)  Cross-pollination of directors would ensure better utilisation of director skills and expertise and encourage alignment among complimentary CCOs (e.g. Regional Facilities Auckland and ATEED).  

(d)  The appointment and remuneration of a CCO Chief Executive requires prior discussion with the Nomination Panel.

(e)  In exceptional circumstances the Auckland Council’s Chief Executive and his or her representative can be appointed to a CCO board

(f)  Council employees would not be remunerated if they serve as a director of a CCO as the role is deemed to be part of the employees normal duties 

(g)  Elected members will be ineligible to serve as a director of a CCO

(h)  Incorporate a new section on Board Observers of substantive CCOs detailing the scholarship programme and the potential pathways for those successful candidates competing the programme 


Governance Manual (formerly Shareholder Expectation Guide)

(a)  Board Performance review: a board-led review to be undertaken by the Chair once every triennium and on completion notification to the CCO Governance & Monitoring Committee     



That the Council Controlled Organisations Governance and Monitoring Committee:

a)      agree the proposed changes to the Board Appointment and Remuneration policy including:

i)        amending Section 4.4.2 : New Appointments

1.1     a Nomination Panel, made up of the Chief Executive of Auckland Council, Mayoral Chief of staff, Chair of the CCO, an independent governance professional and an IMSB member. The Nomination Panel is responsible for short-listing the candidates

1.2     an Interview Panel, made up of the Chief Executive of Auckland Council, Chair or Deputy Chair of the CCO Governance and Monitoring Committee, Chair of the CCO, an independent  governance professional and an IMSB member. The Interview Panel is responsible for interviewing up to three candidates and recommending the preferred candidate to the CCO Governance and Monitoring Committee for approval

b)      agree to amend Section 5.2 Fee Setting: Board members’ remuneration will be reviewed once per triennium, following council elections 

c)      agree to amend Section 4.7.4 Other exclusions: Board members may serve on the board of more than one substantive CCO where cross-pollination would provide for better utilisation of director skills and expertise and encourage alignment among complimentary CCOs (e.g. Regional Facilities Auckland and ATEED)

d)      agree to add to Section 4.7.3 Appointment and remuneration of CCO Executives : The appointment and remuneration of a CCO Chief Executive requires prior discussion with the Nomination Panel

e)      agree to amend Section 4.7.2 Appointment and remuneration of Council Officers : In exceptional circumstances Auckland Council’s Chief Executive and his or her representative can be appointed to a CCO board.  Council Officers will not be remunerated if they serve as a director of a CCO as the role is deemed to be part of the employees normal duties

f)       agree to add to Section 4.7.1: Elected members will be ineligible to serve as a director of a CCO

g)      agree to add to Section 6.0 Board Observers : Incorporate a new section detailing the Board observer (future director) scholarship programme and the potential pathways for those successful candidates following completing of the programme

h)      agree to the proposed changes to the new Governance Manual (formerly Shareholder Expectation Guide):

i)        amend Section 6 Board Performance Review : a board-led review to be undertaken by the Chair, with notification on completion to the CCO Governance and Monitoring Committee



5.       Auckland Council’s CCOs are responsible for delivering on key strategic objectives for the Auckland Council. 

6.       Ensuring the CCO boards are competently equipped to deliver on their strategic objectives is a key governance mechanism for the CCO Governance & Monitoring Committee. 

7.       The Board Appointment and Remuneration policy and Governance Manual (under development, formerly Shareholder Expectation Guide) are two key policy documents that guide both the Council and the CCOs. 

8.       The two policy documents have been reviewed in the following areas :  board appointments, remuneration, performance review, appointment and remuneration of staff and remuneration of elected members. 

9.       A desk-top review of similar policy documents and information from Nick Hill[1] has been provided to councillors for their information.

10.     With a view to developing and implementing a best-practice approach to the critieria outlined in paragraph 8, staff recommend the following amendments outlined in the tables below. 


Board Appointment & Remuneration policy (the policy)

11.     The policy was initially adopted in February 2011, with an in-depth review completed in December 2011, and a minor review in 2013. 

12.     The CCO Governance & Monitoring Committee agreed to incorporate a governance review into the Working Better Together  work stream of the CCO Review. 

13.     The amendments to the Board appointment and remuneration policy are summarised below. 



Appointment Policy



Current policy        

Amendment to the policy


Board appointments : shortlisting











Undertaken by CCO Governance & Monitoring Committee

Nomination Panel made of up

-     Chief Executive of Auckland Council

-     Mayoral Chief of Staff

-     CCO Chair

-     An independent governance professional

-     An IMSB member

Continuity of membership of the Nomination Panel will bring

-     Greater focus on succession planning

-     Greater focus on complimentary skill mix on boards (reducing duplication of skills and better utilisation of directors expertise)


Other benefits

-     Greater responsibility on the Nomination Panel (and Recruitment Agency) to identify quality directors and increase “diversity of thought” on board

Board appointments : interviewing

Undertaken by CCO Governance & Monitoring Committee

Interview Panel made up of

-     Chief Executive of Auckland Council

-     Chair or Deputy Chair of CCO Governance & Monitoring Committee

-     CCO Chair

-     An independent governance professional

-     An IMSB member

Continuity of membership of the Interview Panel will bring

-     Greater focus on succession planning

-     Greater focus on complimentary skill mix on boards (reducing duplication of skills and better utilisation of directors expertise)

Other benefits

-     Frees up councilors time commitments and committee timeline

-     Ensures an appropriate mix of political oversight and independent governance advice




Other Policy Amendments




Current policy            

Amendment to the policy


Remuneration Review 

Alternates between a full review to assess whether board remuneration is appropriate and market movement

Full review following council elections (one only per triennium)

-     Is consistent with current practices of other councils (WCC, TCC, CCC)

-     Is consistent with central government approach

-     Gives confidence to directors that remuneration is appropriately reviewed triennially

Cross-pollination of directors

Board members may not serve on the board of more than one substantive CCO

Board members may serve on the board of more than one CCO

-     Would encourage greater alignment between complimentary CCOs ( e.g. RFA and ATEED)

-     Better utilisation of directors skills and expertise

Appointment and remuneration of CCO Chief Executive


Requires prior discussion with the Nomination Panel

-     Opportunity to assist CCOs with executive appointments

-     Ensures CCOs are cognisant of Auckland Council’s executive remuneration policy

Council staff on CCO Board

Council officers are ineligible to serve as a director on a substantive CCO

In exceptional circumstances the appointment of Auckland Council’s Chief Executive and his or her representative

-     Council risk is reduced if board appointment to a CCO is required (only in exceptional circumstances)

-     Amends the Board Appointment & Remuneration policy to align with current CCO Constitutions (as reviewed in June 2012)[2]

Remuneration for council staff


No remuneration for council staff


-     Is consistent with current practices of other councils (WCC, TCC CCC)

Elected members on CCO Board

Ineligible with the exception of Auckland Transport

Elected members ineligible

-     Best practice would be to not have elected members on CCO Boards due to the inherent conflict of interest

Board Observers


Board Observer (Future Directors Programme) incorporated into the policy)

-     Updates the policy to reflect current practices


Governance Manual (formerly Shareholder Expectation Guide)

14.     The amendments to the Governance Manual are summarised in Table 2 below. 


Current policy     

Amendment to the policy


Board Performance Review

Alternates between Shareholder review and board-led review (18months)

Board-led review with notification to the CCO Governance & Monitoring Committee on completion highlighting any high-level/critical areas for concern, if any.

Ongoing Monitoring : CCO Review (Working Better Together) will implement new mechanisms to provide confidence to the council that CCOs are responsive to shareholders expectations. 

Mechanisms include

-     adequate level of in-depth monitoring  through quarterly reporting programme

-     audit and risk analysis

-     communication and collaboration

-     key relationships

-     as required strategic review

Board-led review : CCO Chair can share relevant information with the council (and Nomination Panel) to ensure skill-gaps and expertise requirements are adequately represented around the board table


Local board views and implications

15.     Under section 57 of the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA 2002), adopting a policy that sets out an objective and transparent process for appointing and remunerating directors and reviewing the performance of council organisations is the role of the governing body.  

Māori impact statement

16.     The recommended amendments to the policy incorporating IMSB representation on the Nomination and Interview Panels reflect the outcomes recommended in the IMSB Schedule of Issues of Significance, Principle Four : Partnership, by

            i) assisting IMSB to build robust and meaningful relationships with CCOs at a decision-making level (Action 7.6); and

            ii) advocating and assisting with the appointment of more Maori directors on boards of      CCOs (Action 7.8).


17.     The CCO Governance & External Partnerships will implement the recommendations from this committee to amend the Board Appointment and Remuneration policy and Governance Manual. The CCOs will be advised of amendments to the policy documents. 






Martin Jenkins Advice




Josie Meuli - Senior Advisor


John Bishop - Treasurer  and Manager CCO Governance & External Partnerships

Stephen Town - Chief Executive

Council Controlled Organisations Governance and Monitoring Committee

03 February 2015





[1] Nick Hill is a director of Martin Jenkins and a former chief executive of the Commerce Commission and Sport & Recreation New Zealand. 

[2] This policy change is recommended merely to align the policy with the CCOs Constitutions and would only be implemented in exceptional circumstances.  Staff are of the view that governance best practice would not be to have staff or elected members on CCO Boards due to the inherent conflict of interest.