Disability Advisory Panel
Minutes of a meeting of the Disability Advisory Panel held in the Board Room, Ground Floor, Town Hall on Monday, 16 February 2015 at 10.00am.
Interim Chairperson |
Dr Huhana Hickey, MNZM |
Members |
Colleen Brown, MNZM, JP |
From 10.10am, Item 5 |
Dan Buckingham |
Jade Farrar |
John Herring |
David Hughes |
Nicola Keyworth |
Clive Lansink |
Susan Sherrard |
Liaison Councillor |
Sharon Stewart, QSM |
Until 11.30am, Item 8 |
Member |
Don McKenzie, CNZM, OBE |
For absence |
Disability Advisory Panel 16 February 2015 |
Resolution number DIS/2015/1 MOVED by Interim Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member D Buckingham: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) accept the apologies from Don McKenzie for absence and Colleen Brown for lateness. |
2 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number DIS/2015/2 MOVED by Interim Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member D Hughes: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting held on Monday, 15 December 2014 as a true and correct record. |
4 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
Colleen Brown entered the meeting at 10.10am.
5 |
Dr Roger Blakeley, Chief Planning Officer and Kataraina Maki, General Manager – Community & Social Policy were in attendance to speak to this matter and to respond to questions from the Panel. Dr Blakeley reiterated the information provided in his response to the Panel contained in Attachment B to the agenda report. Kataraina agreed to report back at the next meeting. Comments from members included the following:
Resolution number DIS/2015/3 MOVED by Member C Lansink, seconded by Member CB Brown: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) a) note that the Council seeks to achieve the outcomes sought by people with disabilities in Auckland, not through the development of a Disability Strategy for Auckland, but through an Action Plan of practical and achievable actions and initiatives. b) provide the following advice to assist the Council in developing an Action Plan that would make a positive difference to the quality of life of people with disabilities in Auckland: i) note that Aucklanders with disabilities are members of the public, pay rates and ought to be treated as full citizens. ii) note the undertakings already in the Auckland Plan related to People with Disabilities. iii) hold that a liveable city is an accessible city for all. iv) draw Council's attention to the legal provisions in S18 of the Building Act, the provisions of the Human Rights Act 1993, and the NZ Bill of Rights 1990. v) refer Council to the inconsistencies regarding disabled access highlighted in the interim report, Access to Buildings for people with disabilities, 2014. vi) ask the Urban Design Panel to assume a professional role in implementing the principles of Universal Access design and build. vii) request that the Auckland Design Manual progressively become over ten years, a regulatory tool so enhancing the sustainability and usability of the built environment. viii) request that removal of barriers to access for people of all ages and abilities be integrated into all infrastructural development and upgrades. ix) request that the Long-term Plan budgets integrate universal access design and build into approvals for infrastructural development and upgrades, and set 5 and 10 year milestones for the elimination of barriers to people of all ages and abilities. x) request that "within the context of what is affordable and achievable", the needs of people with disabilities are treated equitably and not as a 'special minority' "add-on" group. xi) request that Programme Managers produce an Annual Accessibility Improvement Report on the built environment, public transport, social housing, access to open spaces and recreation and information access. xii) request the Chief Planning Officer to review the proposals in i) to xi) above and develop an Action Plan to be reported back to the next meeting of the Panel.
6 |
Mireille Vreeburg, Executive Facilitator Auckland from the New Zealand Disability Support Network introduced herself and the work of her organisation.
Resolution number DIS/2015/4 MOVED by Interim Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member J Farrar: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) receive the information about the New Zealand Disability Support Network and thank Mireille Vreeburg for her presentation. |
7 |
Advice on voting and candidates for the 2016 local government elections |
Marguerite Delbet, Manager Democracy Services, Glyn Walters, Manager Elections Planning and Dale Ofsoske, Electioneering Services were in attendance to respond to questions from the Panel. Comments from members included the following:
Resolution number DIS/2015/5 MOVED by Interim Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member S Sherrard: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) strongly advise Council to use all mechanisms to expedite the implementation of an e-voting trial for the 2016 local government elections and full implementation for 2019. b) request the electoral team to regularly update the Panel to ensure the disability community can take part in the 2016 elections. c) request Council staff to take on board the suggestions raised at this meeting.
Cr Sharon Stewart left the meeting at 11.30am.
8 |
Joanna Wilkins, Specialist Engagement & Consultation was in attendance to speak to this item.
Resolution number DIS/2015/6 MOVED by Interim Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member J Herring: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) receive the Long-term Plan consultation update and provide advice on strategies to achieve high levels of participation by people with disabilities across all aspects of the consultation. b) strongly recommend the continuation of the audience-specific Have your say event on the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, 11 March 2015 and the opportunity for panel members to participate. |
9 |
Resolution number DIS/2015/7 MOVED by Interim Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson CB Brown: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) agree that it will provide strategic advice to the council on the Draft Long Term Plan 2015-2025 regarding matters affecting people with disabilities. b) appoint a subgroup comprising members Hickey, Brown, Buckingham, Farrar, Herring, Lansink (lead) and McKenzie together with the Lead Officer Support to develop this strategic advice for finalisation at the next Panel meeting or by 16 March 2015. |
10 |
Martine Abel and Paul Brown were in attendance to provide a verbal overview of the work they undertake.
Resolution number DIS/2015/8 MOVED by Interim Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member S Sherrard: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) receive the Overview of Work Programme update from the Strategic Advisors (Disability). b) acknowledge the speciality of the skills undertaken by the Strategic Advisors (Disability) and request that this be retained. |
11 |
Resolution number DIS/2015/9 MOVED by Interim Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member J Farrar: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) receive this update on recent Auckland Transport related engagements. b) request Auckland Transport to explain how the incident at the Morningside Drive rail crossing happened and what steps will be taken to rectify the situation. c) request Auckland Transport to report back more broadly on how it is delivering on accessibility. d) request that the Public Transport Accessibility Group and the Capital Projects Accessibility Group be involved early in the tendering process. |
12 |
Resolution number DIS/2015/10 MOVED by Interim Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member S Sherrard: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) note the matters that need to be progressed over the next month in its work programme. |
13 |
Kevin Wright, Lead Officer Support assumed the role of chairperson for this item.
Resolution number DIS/2015/11 MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member C Lansink: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) agree that the chairperson and deputy chairperson will be elected by closed ballot. b) agree that the chairperson and deputy chairperson will be elected using voting system B (as described in Schedule 7, Clause 25 of the Local Government Act 2002). |
The Lead Officer Support called for nominations for chairperson. Dr Huhana Hickey was nominated by Colleen Brown and seconded by Jade Farrar. Clive Lansink was nominated by Susan Sherrard and seconded by Dr Huhana Hickey.
The election took place by closed ballot conducted by the Democracy Advisor and scrutineered by the Principal Advisor Panels in the absence of the liaison Councillor.
Resolution number DIS/2015/12 MOVED by Member S Sherrard, seconded by Chairperson H Hickey: That the Disability Advisory Panel: c) elect Clive Lansink as chairperson of the Disability Advisory Panel for the remainder of the term. |
The Lead Officer Support vacated the Chair. The chairperson called for nominations for deputy chairperson. John Herring was nominated by David Hughes and seconded by Clive Lansink.
Resolution number DIS/2015/13 MOVED by Member D Hughes, seconded by Member C Lansink: That the Disability Advisory Panel: d) elect John Herring as deputy chairperson of the Disability Advisory Panel for the remainder of the term. |
14 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
1.10 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.