Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel
Minutes of a meeting of the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel held in the Board Room, Auckland Town Hall, Ground Floor, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Wednesday, 18 February 2015 at 6.15pm.
Chairperson |
Feroz Ali |
Deputy Chairperson |
Dave Tomu |
Members |
Carlos Abdelrahman |
Asoka Basnayake |
Naoe Hashimoto |
Anita Keestra |
Angela Lim |
Wong Liu Shueng |
Christian Dee Yao |
Member Yee Yang 'Square' Lee |
absence |
Cr Denise Krum |
absence |
Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel 18 February 2015 |
Resolution number ETH/2015/1 MOVED by Member C Abdelrahman, seconded by Member A Keestra: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) accept the apology from Member Y Lee and Cr DA Krum for absence.
2 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
There were no declarations of interest.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number ETH/2015/2 MOVED by Member D Tomu, seconded by Member A Keestra: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 26 November 2014, as a true and correct record.
4 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
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Advice on voting and candidates for the 2016 local government elections |
Resolution number ETH/2015/3 MOVED by Member F Ali, seconded by Member A Basnayake: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) provide advice on ways to engage younger people and those from ethnic and migrant communities to stand as candidates and to vote, including: i) better use of technology to improve information accessibility and encourage participation; ii) increase voting options, e.g., electronic voting; iii) ensure information on electoral processes is available earlier on, so potential candidates can understand the system and start building up their profile and candidacy ahead of election year; iv) promote civic learning for young people, including providing examples of encouraging political models and good political work; b) agree that that topic of “ethnic and youth participation in the 2016 Local Government Elections” be considered as the main topic at one of the panel’s community summits. c) agree that the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel work with Auckland Council to significantly increase participation – candidacy and voter turnout – in the 2016 Local Government Elections for young people and those from ethnic and migrant communities.
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Resolution number ETH/2015/4 MOVED by Member F Ali, seconded by Member D Tomu: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) receive the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 update on consultation and submissions received to date. b) provide advice on strategies to achieve high levels of participation by ethnic people across all aspects of the consultation, including: i) liaise with the Office of Ethnic Affairs for assistance with connecting with diverse ethnic stakeholders; c) note
the audience-specific Have Your Say event on the evening of Monday,
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Resolution number ETH/2015/5 MOVED by Member F Ali, seconded by Member A Basnayake: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) receive the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel Work 18 February 2015. b) agree that the Local Government Elections 2016 project be added to the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel work programme as an ongoing key topic. c) note the intention of the panel to focus its advisory role on the Local Government Elections 2016 project, including the goal of contributing to significantly increase participation of young people and ethnic and migrant communities both in candidacy and voting rates.
8 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
8.1 |
Resolution number ETH/2015/6 MOVED by Member F Ali, seconded by Member A Lim: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) request that an update be provided at the next panel meeting on the progress of the community summits planning. b) note the proposal that the first summit be a combined meeting with all the demographic advisory panels. |
7.30 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.