I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Henderson-Massey Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Thursday, 19 February 2015


Council Chamber
Henderson Civic Centre
6 Henderson Valley Road


Henderson-Massey Local Board








Vanessa Neeson, JP


Deputy Chairperson

Shane Henderson



Brenda Brady, JP



Peter Chan, JP



Warren Flaunty, QSM



Will Flavell



Tracy Kirkley



Luke Wilson



(Quorum 4 members)




Glenn Boyd

(Relationship Manager)

Local Board Services (West)



Busola Martins

Local Board Democracy Advisor


12 February 2015


Contact Telephone: (09) 440 7323

Email: busola.martins@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz






Henderson-Massey Local Board

19 February 2015



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Item withdrawn                                                                                                              5

8          Item withdrawn                                                                                                              5

9          Item withdrawn                                                                                                              5

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                5

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          6

12        Safer Henderson Town Centre Plan                                                                           7

13        Amendment to resolution for Renewal of Community Lease for Te Atatu Association Football Sports and Social Club Incorporated, 39 Neil Avenue, Te Atatu Peninsula  11

14        Performance Report for the Henderson Massey Local Board for the period ended 31st December 2014                                                                                                             15

15        Workforce Study Funding

This report was not available when the agenda was compiled. It will be tabled at the meeting.


16        Local Board delegations for Have Your Say events                                                89 

17        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 


18        Procedural Motion to Exclude the Public                                                                 92

C1       Starling Park



1          Welcome


2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)         Confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 5 February 2015, as a true and correct record.


5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Item withdrawn


8          Item withdrawn


9          Public Forum


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Henderson-Massey Local Board

19 February 2015



Safer Henderson Town Centre Plan


File No.: CP2014/29760





1.       The purpose of this report is to update the Henderson-Massey Local Board on the completion of the research phase of the Safer Henderson Town Centre Plan. The research was completed by the community safety team within CDAC between 1 September 2014 and 30 November 2014. The final document was presented to members of the local board, the community and council stakeholder groups on 16 December 2014.

Executive Summary

2.       Early in 2014, a spate of violent incidents in the Henderson Town Centre resulted in the safety team completing user-centred design research on how the community perceived safety within the town centre and how they wanted safety issues resolved.

3.       The research is completed. The findings indicate a number of initiatives that can be undertaken to activate public spaces around the town centre that will increase safety levels as well as contribute to a greater sense of pride of place.

4.       Four major themes were revealed that indicated the need for significant shifts to occur in the town centre if safety issues were to be resolved.  24 new initiatives have been developed in response to these themes.

5.       From January 2015, the safety team is coordinating the stakeholder group to prioritise the implementation of new initiatives. The easier ideas, such as positive messaging and activating public spaces with pop-up activities will be implemented quickly, and the medium to long-term ideas will be considered, planned and strategised.

Three documents (under separate cover) are pertinent to this report. The Safer Henderson Town Centre Plan, Ideas for a Safer Town Centre Plan and the CPTED Assessment of the Wider Henderson CBD.



That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      Receives the Safer Henderson Town Centre Plan report.



6.       In the first half of 2014, Henderson had experienced a spate of violent incidents that caused serious public concern. Three public meetings, hosted by the Henderson-Massey Local Board and sponsored by Mayor Len Brown, allowed the community to discuss issues of safety. Staff also attended these meetings and it was resolved that the safety team would undertake a user-centred design approach to understand residents’, workers and town-centre users’ underlying safety concerns.  As part of this work, staff developed solutions for increased safety.

7.       The safety team commenced work on 1 September 2014 and undertook the design approach under the guidance of a contract specialist. The planning phase of the Safer Henderson Town Centre Plan was completed in November 2014. The team is now working across council, government and non-government agencies to implement the concepts that have arisen from the planning phase.

8.       The findings in this report were based on 14 town centre ‘user’ interviews that were each over an hour long, 10 expert interviews also each of an hour’s duration, over 40 shorter interviews and over 20 hours of observation. From these interventions five personas were compiled that described the experiences of town centre users. These personas included an elderly person, a youth, a resident mother of young children, a business man and a marginalised person. Their journeys through the town centre identified concerns relating to the community, business, family and the physical environment.

9.       Understanding the user experience from these personas allowed new opportunities to be explored so that residents could experience a higher level of safety in the town centre. If levels of safety are to improve, significant shifts and improvements have to occur in the community, the business sector, in families and in the physical environment. This includes shifts from:

•    a divided community to a community that cares

•        a business centre that is in decline to a vibrant town centre that actively promotes business achievement and success

•        families that experience little or no parenting ability and do not reach their potential, to families that develop basic knowledge and skills to parent through ‘soft’ community initiatives

•        a physical environment that has markers of decline such as empty and uncared for shops, to a town centre that undergoes improvements to enable it to become a welcoming place that is enjoyed by all people.

10.     The focus for community safety solutions emphasises the need for increased participation and belonging. New proposed activities support the development of the following themes:

•        a thriving youth culture that actively promotes positive contributions and achievements of youth in their local community

•    an awesome place for all with a community that cares

•        a community where everyone, including the disengaged, are able to find a sense of fulfilment and purpose.

Community initiatives

11.     To achieve the above, proposed community initiatives include short-term projects such as:

•        the ‘Hello Henderson’ campaign that encourages the public within Henderson to speak more freely to each other

•    establishment of a local community advisory group

•    activating public spaces through street sports and games

•    promotion of positive messaging.

12.     In the medium-term, the following projects will be explored:

•         a fun journey map which informs residents and visitors to Henderson of attractions, events and places of interest that can be visited while recreating

•    upcycling hub

•    celebrating success through an informal end of year achievement award

•    free bikes

•    establish or extend a children’s and youth market

•    odd-job hub.

Initiatives for a stronger and vibrant business sector

13.     Initiatives for a stronger and vibrant business sector in the Henderson Town Centre propose medium-term strategies including:

•    strengthening the Henderson-Lincoln Road Business Association

•    developing a Henderson Economic Plan

•    creating the position of a town centre manager

•    developing an on-line booking system to support community initiatives

•        promoting ‘good messaging’ advertising through community electronic notice boards.

Encouraging positive parenting

14.     The theme of encouraging positive parenting through ‘soft’ community initiatives so that all parents in Henderson have the basic knowledge and skills to parent their children is supported by proposed short-term projects such as:

•    pop-up play spaces in public places

•    chalk drawing opportunities

•        ‘Adopt a Grandparent’ scheme using the people resources of the local retirement village

•    a walking pre-school bus for early childhood education.

Improving the physical environment

15.     A large number of empty shops currently convey a feeling of decline in the town centre. The opportunity from the research indicated that improvements need to be made to the physical environment of the Henderson Town Centre so that it is a welcoming place that is enjoyed by all people.

16.     To support environmental improvements, a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design report was undertaken by an external consultant to prioritise how best to support the town centre in the short, medium and long-term. Apart from utilising empty shops which is a short-term initiative that was identified in the planning process, the following CPTED initiatives can be undertaken:

•        improvements to specific areas within the town centre for low cost, quick fix options around landscaping, lighting, signage and security

•        the development and implementation of a CCTV plan that is compliant with the new Auckland Council standards under development and that initially concentrates on key hotspots in the town centre. This option can be completed in stages

•        the redevelopment of the key sites in the town centre including Catherine Plaza, the library forecourt, Target Education car park and Trading Place so that these areas become pleasant public spaces that fulfil their potential  by being a ‘public heart’ filled with activities such as markets, street games for kids and entertainment.


Local Board Views and Implications

17.     Staff have worked closely with the Henderson-Massey Local Board throughout this planning phase. Local board members have attended all four walk-throughs for the design phase for the plan and had opportunities to input into the plan at appropriate stages. Staff have also attended regular inter-agency safety meetings hosted by the chair of the board to resolve immediate safety issues of concern.

18.     The local board has been proactive in strengthening the local business sector. A contractor has been engaged to facilitate the formation of a business association and this has resulted in the Henderson- Lincoln Road Business Association being established and the appointment of a portfolio holder for community safety.

19.     The local board is keen to have oversight for the Safer Henderson Town Centre Plan and to work with staff to ensure the on-going implementation and success of the plan.

Maori Impact Statement

20.     There has been considerable Maori input into the plan. The research design necessitated that all community agencies were consulted. Consequently, Waipareira Trust and Hoani Waititi Marae had considerable input into issues and concerns affecting local Maori, especially young people in Henderson. Major concerns were around intergenerational disadvantage. Within the plan there are strategies that develop basic knowledge and skills to parent through ‘soft’ childhood learning opportunities. The above agencies will have ongoing involvement in the project plan implementation.

Implementation Issues

21.     This report signifies the completion of the planning phase of the Safer Henderson Town Centre Plan. The implementation stage commenced with a meeting of all stakeholders on 28 January 2015. This provided an opportunity for further stakeholder discussion about how each project might evolve (more detail than currently provided) and who might be the lead agency/person responsible for its coordination.

22.     The following timetable is a rough guide for the implementation process.





First stakeholder meeting: prioritise and develop action plans for specific projects



Second stakeholder meeting: confirm key responsibilities, aims and milestones for projects



Project plans completed for all short-term projects

As identified


Medium-term projects agreed with sequenced milestones and dates for future actions

As identified









Safer HendersonTown Center Plan (Under Separate Cover)



Safer Henderson Town Centers Ideas Document (Under Separate Cover)



CPTED Assessment Report Henderson Wider CBD 2014 (Under Separate Cover)





Betty MacLaren - Team Leader Community Safety


Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Henderson-Massey Local Board

19 February 2015



Amendment to resolution for Renewal of Community Lease for Te Atatu Association Football Sports and Social Club Incorporated, 39 Neil Avenue, Te Atatu Peninsula


File No.: CP2015/01104





1.       This report seeks Henderson-Massey Local Board approval to amend the resolution passed on the 16 October 2014 which granted a renewal of community lease to the Te Atatu Association Football Sports and Social Club Incorporated, 39 Neil Avenue, Te Atatu Peninsula.

Executive Summary

2.       At the Henderson-Massey Local Board Meeting on 16 October 2014, the following resolution was made under Resolution number HM/2014/182:

That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)   Approve the renewal of lease to Te Atatu Association Football Sports and Social Club Incorporated located on part of Te Atatu Peninsula Park, being part of Lot 47 Deposited Plan 45411 and Lot 1 Deposited Plan 44347, 39 Neil Avenue, Te Atatu Peninsula (Attachment A), subject to the following terms and conditions:-

i)    Term – 33 years commencing 1 June 2013 to 31 May 2046;

ii)   Rent - $5.00 plus GST per annum if requested.

b)   Approval to vary the lease to change the name from Te Atatu Rugby League Football Club Incorporated to Te Atatu Association Football Sports and Social Club Incorporated.

3.       It is requested that resolution HM/2014/182 (Attachment A) be amended to reflect the correct legal name of the lessee being Te Atatu Association Football Club Incorporated.



That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      The amendment of Resolution number HM/2014/182 from the Henderson-Massey Local Board meeting on 16 October 2014 to read:-

That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)   Approve the renewal of lease to Te Atatu Association Football Sports and Social Club Incorporated located on part of Te Atatu Peninsula Park, being part of Lot 47 Deposited Plan 45411 and Lot 1 Deposited Plan 44347, 39 Neil Avenue, Te Atatu Peninsula (Attachment A), subject to the following terms and conditions:-

i)        Term – 33 years commencing 1 June 2013 to 31 May 2046;

ii)       Rent - $5.00 plus GST per annum if requested.

b)      Approval to vary the lease to change the name from Te Atatu Association Football Club Incorporated to Te Atatu Association Football Sports and Social Club Incorporated.




4.       The inaccuracy in the recommendation was discovered upon the drafting of the lease renewal documents. 


Local Board Views and Implications

5.       The recommendations in this report fall within the local board’s allocated authority relating to local, recreation, sports and community facilities.

Maori Impact Statement

6.       The recommendations within this report are procedural and therefore do not impact Maori.


7.       The recommendations contained in this report do not trigger the Auckland Council Significance Policy.

Implementation Issues

8.       There are no cost implications for Auckland Council.








Attachment A





Michelle Knudsen - Community Lease Advisor


Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Henderson-Massey Local Board

19 February 2015



Attachment A


19        Renewal of Community Lease for Te Atatu Association Football Sports and Social Club Incorporated, 39 Neil Avenue, Te Atatu Peninsula


Resolution number HM/2014/182

MOVED by Member BA Brady, seconded by Member LW Wilson:


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a) Approve the renewal of lease to Te Atatu Association Football Sports and Social Club Incorporated located on part of Te Atatu Peninsula Park, being part of Lot 47

Deposited Plan 45411 and Lot 1 Deposited Plan 44347, 39 Neil Avenue, Te Atatu

Peninsula (Attachment A), subject to the following terms and conditions:-

i) Term – 33 years commencing 1 June 2013 to 31 May 2046;

ii) Rent - $5.00 plus GST per annum if requested.

b) Approval to vary the lease to change the name from Te Atatu Rugby League Football Club Incorporated to Te Atatu Association Football Sports and Social Club




Henderson-Massey Local Board

19 February 2015



Performance Report for the Henderson Massey Local Board for the period ended 31st December 2014


File No.: CP2015/01154





1.       To update the Henderson Massey Local Board members on progress towards their objectives for the year from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015, as set out in their Local Board Agreement.

Executive summary

2.       The attached performance report consolidation contains the following this quarter

  Local board financial performance report

  Local Community Development, Arts and Culture (CDAC) activity overview

  Local Libraries overview

  Infrastructure and Environmental services overview

  Work programmes for CDAC and LSP

  Treasury report –Quarter to December 2014




That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      Approves the Performance Report for the Henderson Massey Local Board for the period ended December 2014.



3.       In consultation with local boards this report has been created to give the elected members a comprehensive and common overview of local activities from council departments and CCO’s. Future reports are expected to include additional departmental and CCO reports as these are developed for inclusion and discussion


Local board views and implications

4.       Local board feedback on the performance report for the period ended 31 December 2014 was sought at a workshop on the 3rd February 2015.

Māori impact statement

5.       Maori, as stakeholders in the council, are affected and have an interest in any report of the local board financials.  However, this financial performance report does not impact specific outcomes or activities. As such, the content of this report has no particular benefit to, or adverse effect on Maori



6.       The next performance report will be for the nine months to March 2015 and presented to the Local board at the May business meeting.







Performance report for the six months ended December 2014.





David Rose - Lead Financial Advisor


Christine Watson - Manager Financial Advisory Services - Local Boards

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Henderson-Massey Local Board

19 February 2015



Henderson-Massey Local Board

19 February 2015



Local Board delegations for Have Your Say events


File No.: CP2015/01420






1.       To provide for local board delegations for the public consultation process for the local board agreement in the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (LTP).

Executive Summary

2.       Under the Local Government Act 2002, Auckland Council is required to follow the special consultative procedure to seek public feedback to inform the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (including local board agreements).

3.       Recent changes to the Local Government Act 2002 provide council with more flexibility in how it consults with Aucklanders, in particular in how council can hear the views of Aucklanders. The consultation process is introducing a number of changes that satisfy legislative requirements while also enabling Aucklanders to engage in the public consultation process in a variety of ways to suit their personal preferences.

4.       A key change involves replacing traditional hearings with public spoken interaction events called Have Your Say (HYS) events across the Auckland region from 14 February through to the 14 March 2015. Aucklanders can provide feedback on regional and local issues at these events which will be attended by a mix of governing body members, local board members, Auckland Transport Board members (or their delegates) and well supported by staff to record all feedback.

5.       Aucklanders who choose to attend a HYS event will be able to present their views through spoken interaction with decision makers or their representatives.  Local boards are decision makers for their local board agreements, which form a part of the LTP. As the governing body are also decision makers on local board agreements it is important that both hear feedback on local proposals. 

6.       To make sure that there are sufficient decision-makers (or delegates) to hear all the feedback provided if attendance is higher than expected for a HYS event, or if a board member is unable to attend, it is recommended that the local board make delegations to staff to hear on their behalf.  At their meeting on 18 December the governing body made delegations to cover this risk.



That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      Delegate to the following staff the power and responsibility to hear from the public on the local board agreement through “spoken interaction/NZ sign language interaction” at the “Have Your Say” events:

i)        Tier 2 staff

ii)       Tier 3 staff

iii)      Local Board Relationship Manager, Local Board Senior Advisor, Local Board Advisor

iv)      Any additional staff approved by the Chair.

b)      Notes the following “Have Your Say” events in the Henderson-Massey local board area, and that pre-registration is preferred:

-     21 February 2015 in the Council Chambers (level 2) 6 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson.

-     11 March 2015 at Westgate Baptist Church 67 Hobsonville Road, West Harbour.



7.       Each Have Your Say session will run for approximately two hours, however there could be more than one session held at an event depending on the number of people who register. Public feedback will be collected across three broad areas:

The key LTP issues including balancing affordability with progress; transport, rates and a more active development role for the council.

Local priorities and proposals

Other regional matters


8.       A range of options are available for the structure and format of these events. This flexibility will enable events to be tailored to account for the community preferences, logistical variations in the number of Aucklanders who attend, what they would like to talk about, and the number and mix of elected members available.

9.       To help manage this, Aucklanders will be asked to register their attendance for these events online through the Shape Auckland website. It would be at this point where they would request a sign interpreter or Māori interpreter if required.

10.     Aucklanders who choose to attend a HYS event will be able to present their views through spoken interaction with a decision maker or their representative.  Local boards are decision makers for their local board agreements, which form a part of the LTP. If attendance is higher than expected for a HYS event, it may be difficult for the local board members present to hear all the feedback on local proposals. To manage this eventuality it is recommended that the local board make delegations to staff to hear on their behalf.  These delegations would only come into play if needed due to high public attendance at the HYS event. They are not intended to undermine the importance of local board members being present to hear from their communities.

11.     Local board members attendance at the HYS event is important to enable them to hear the views of their communities on local proposals given the board’s decision making role. The HYS event also provides an important opportunity for local board members to hear the views of their communities on regional proposals to inform their advocacy.


Local Board Views and Implications

12.     Local board views have not been sought on this report as it is recommending a pragmatic delegation to staff to manage events that attract larger numbers.

Maori Impact Statement

13.     Te Waka Angamua staff will attend all HYS events to facilitate and capture feedback from Maori participants. Therefore it is not anticipated that the recommendation in this report has a specific an impact on Maori.



There are no attachments for this report.     



Karen Titulaer – Senior Policy Advisor, Policy and Planning


Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Busola Martins - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau



Exclusion of the Public: Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:


C1       Starling Park


Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(b)(ii) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information.

In particular, the report contains.

s7(2)(g) - The withholding of the information is necessary to maintain legal professional privilege.

In particular, the report contains.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.