I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 16 February 2015


Manukau Chambers
Level 1
Manukau Civic Centre
31-33 Manukau Station Road


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board









Fa’anānā Efeso Collins


Deputy Chairperson

Ross Robertson



Lotu Fuli



Stephen Grey



Mary Gush



Donna Lee



John McCracken



(Quorum 4 members)




Carol McGarry

Democracy Advisor


10 February 2015


Contact Telephone: (09) 262 8969

Email: carol.McGarry@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz






Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

8.1     Deputation - Manukau Urban Maori Authority Trust                                       5

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                5

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          5

12        Manukau Ward Councillors Update                                                                            5

13        Otara Music Arts Centre Business Planning Project                                                5

14        Facility Partnership Fund 2014/2015                                                                           5

15        Performance Report for the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board for the six months ended December 2014                                                                                                               5

16        2014-2015 Te Puke o Tara Community Centre programme budget                        5

17        Otara Lake and local waterways: development of the Long-term Strategic Action Plan.                                                                                                                                         5

18        Supporting Māori Input into Local Board Decision-Making                                    5

19        Local Board input on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025             5

20        Local Board delegations for Have Your Say events                                                  5

21        Meeting, workshop and portfolio workflows, and portfolio appointments            5

22        For Information: Reports referred to the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board              5

23        Urgent Decision Report - Colin Dale Park - Approval to use Community Response Funding                                                                                                                           5

24        Proposed Change of meeting date - June 2015                                                         5

25        Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board Workshop Notes                                                      5

26        Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board Reports and Actions Pending                                5

27        Ōtara Papatoetoe Local Board members portfolio update                                      5

28        Chairpersons Announcements                                                                                    5  

29        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome



2          Apologies


An apology from member Mary Gush has been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 8 December 2014, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.



8.1       Deputation - Manukau Urban Maori Authority Trust


Wynn Anania, Event Facilitator for the Manukau Urban Maori Authority (MUMA) Trust will provide the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board with an overview of the Portage Crossing and Festival Regatta, that was held on Saturday 7th February 2015.



That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board thanks Wynn Anania from the Manukau Urban Maori Authority (MUMA) Trust for their presentation.




9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from www members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Manukau Ward Councillors Update

File No.: CP2015/00057




Executive Summary

A period of time (10 minutes) has been set aside for the Manukau Ward Councillors to have an opportunity to update the Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board on regional matters.



That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board:

a)         receive the verbal reports.

b)         receive the written report from Councillor Arthur Anae.




There are no attachments for this report.     



Carol McGarry - Democracy Advisor




Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Otara Music Arts Centre Business Planning Project


File No.: CP2015/00120






1.       To outline the process that will be followed for the development of a new three-year business plan for the Ōtara Music Arts Centre (OMAC), an arts and culture facility located in the Ōtara Town Centre.

Executive Summary

2.       OMAC is one of two council-owned and operated arts and culture facilities in the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board area; the other is Fresh Gallery Ōtara. OMAC has a focus on music, arts, education and programmes. Both facilities are located in the Ōtara Town Centre.


3.       OMAC has been delivering arts and culture services to the community for 26 years and, at times, has been a highly regarded facility within both the local community and music industry.


4.       An action identified in the draft Community Facility Network Plan is to “investigate whether OMAC is still fit for purpose and how it may better meet current music/arts needs.”


5.       Beginning in February 2015, staff will commence developing a new three-year business plan for OMAC. The aim of the project is to gather comprehensive business intelligence through a variety of methods to inform OMAC’s operational development and the three-year business plan.




That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board:

a)      receive the report.

b)      confirm member Lotu Fuli as the board’s representative on the Ōtara Music Arts Centre steering group.




6.       OMAC is one of two council-owned and operated arts facilities in the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board area; the other is Fresh Gallery Ōtara. OMAC has a focus on music arts education and programmes, while Fresh Gallery focuses on visual arts exhibitions. Both facilities are located in the Ōtara Town Centre.


7.       OMAC has been open for 26 years and, at times, has been a highly regarded facility within both the local community and music industry. OMAC is currently meeting its revenue and expenditure expectations.


8.       The table below presents the facility’s visitor, participant and audience data for the past two years. Presently, facility usage is largely centred on regular hirers.





OMAC – Visitor, Participant and Attendee Data


Financial year

Number of visitors to the facility

Number of programme participants

Number of people at performances











9.       An action identified in the draft Community Facility Network Plan is to “investigate whether OMAC is still fit for purpose and how it may better meet current music/arts needs.”


Scope of Project

10.     Beginning in February 2015, staff will begin to develop a new three-year business plan for OMAC. The aim of the project is to gather comprehensive business intelligence through a variety of methods to inform OMAC’s operational development and the three-year business plan.


11.     The scope of this project includes:

·   all public spaces within the centre

·   all programming activities within the centre

·   all community outreach activities by staff

·   all relationship management activities between the centre and stakeholders

·   all revenue and expenditure.


12.     The scope does not include:

·   any existing contractual agreements that the centre has with any party or parties (that is, venue hire agreements)

·   Auckland Council arts and culture facilities other than OMAC

·   Auckland Council community facilities.


13.     A project team has been established with staff from Community Development, Arts and Culture and Local Board Services, and a project steering group has been established with membership consisting of council staff and a local board representative.


14.     Project deliverables include:

·   a summary report on local board demographics based on the 2013 Census

·   a summary report on previous years’ visitor, programme participant and audience numbers

 and satisfaction survey results

· an online survey (distributed to community members) that will inform the content of the        

 business plan

·   a stakeholder workshop

·   a three-year business plan for the facility, accompanied by a marketing and   

 communications plan and a community outreach plan.


Community and Stakeholder Engagement

15.     Local residents will be invited to provide input into the business plan through an online survey. Additionally, a targeted workshop with stakeholders will be held to discuss ideas for future improvement at OMAC. The invitation list for the workshop will be strategic in nature and developed by the project team with final approval from the steering group.


Local Board Views and Implications

16.     Information about the business planning project was presented to the local board at a workshop on 10 November 2014.


17.     The project team will involve participation from Local Board Services and the steering group will include Lotu Fuli as the local board representative.


18.     After consultation with local residents, a local board workshop will be scheduled if required. Staff expect to bring the business plan to the local board for endorsement in July 2015.

Maori Impact Statement

19.     Local marae will be encouraged to participate in the project and will be invited to attend the strategic workshop.


20.     The population in the Ōtara-Papatoetoe local board area is 15.6 per cent Māori; greater than the Auckland-wide average of 10.7 per cent. Participation in current programming offered at OMAC is reflective of local demographics.


Implementation Issues

The business plan will be presented to the local board for their endorsement in July 2015. Following this, staff will begin to implement the business plan.





There are no attachments for this report.    



Naomi Singer – Arts and Culture Advisor


Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture

Carol McKenzie-Rex - Relationship Manager


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Facility Partnership Fund 2014/2015


File No.: CP2015/00056





1.       To report recommendations for the unallocated balance of $40,027 for the Facility Partnership Fund 2014/2015.

Executive Summary

2.       The purpose of the Facility Partnership Fund is to assist with the development of accessible multi-use community facilities with an emphasis on maximising use, increased community participation and to support community groups to leverage funds from other funding organisations.

3.       The Facility Partnership Fund provides financial support to not-for-profit organisations undertaking asset development work with a total project value over $50,000 or a feasibility study up to $50,000 for a facility upgrade or development.

4.       The funding available to the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board in 2014/2015 financial year was $208,827.  An amount of $148,800 was allocated to projects on 17 November 2014 which leaves a balance of $40,027.

5.       The facility partnership fund is operational expenditure and cannot be rolled over into the next financial year.

6.       On 17 November 2014 the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board resolved minute number OP/2014/205 refers:

          a)       agree to fund the following applications in this round:


Funds required for

Total cost of the project

Funding requested

Funding Approved

Auckland Rowing Association

Development of a Regional Watersports Centre




Otara Rugby League Football Club Inc. for Ngati Otara Multi-sport Community and Cultural Precinct project

A review of the scope of the concept design to match funding availability and the completion of the draft business case for the hand over to a newly established Multi-sport Facility Charitable Trust




Sunnyside Tennis Club

Replace and upgrade floodlighting for three tennis courts and future proof lighting for a further two courts










b)        agree to Fund up to $20,000 to the Scorpions Rugby League Football Club for the refurbishment of toilets subject to 2 additional quotes being obtained.

c)         defer the decision on the unallocated balance of $40,027.

d)        request Parks, Sports and Recreation staff to report to the next business meeting with a recommendation for the use of the unallocated balance, considering whether to re-advertise for Facility Partnership Fund applications, or to use the money on specific board projects.



That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board:

a)      Allocate the remaining amount of $40,027 in the following manner:

i)        Papatoetoe Panthers Rugby League Football Club Inc. for $15,373.63 towards the installation of one new ladies toilet; kitchen extensions and the relocation of the office to upstairs.

ii)       Papatoetoe Softball Club Inc. for $24,653.37 towards a new hot water cylinder; club canteen improvements; internal ceiling upgrade; external toilet block repairs and new terra flake flooring to the men’s and women’s showers; painting inside the clubrooms; roof repairs and a new purpose built storage unit.



7.       The Facility Partnership Fund was not re-advertised as it would have had to been done over the holiday period and most community organisations shut-down at this time of year.  To re-advertise after the holiday period would have posed significant time constraints on an application and decision making process and staff identified four potential projects that could be contacted directly to submit the required information for consideration via an expression of interest.

8.       Four groups have been invited to submit an expression of interest in December 2014.  These groups were identified as having previously made enquiries for Facility Partnership funding in the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board area; the Tennis Auckland Region Inc. for the Manukau Tennis Centre; Papatoetoe Softball Club Inc.; Papatoetoe Panthers Rugby League Football Club Inc. and Papatoetoe Amateur Athletic and Harrier Club Inc.

9.       Two of the groups have submitted expressions of interest within the available timeframe.

10.     These two groups are being considered in this report because they were able to provide indicative costs for their projects.  Details of the community group projects are:

(i)      Papatoetoe Panthers; asset development project including the installation of one new ladies toilet; kitchen extensions and the relocation of the office to upstairs.  The total cost of the project is $15,373.63.

(ii)      Papatoetoe Softball; asset development work programme includes a new hot water cylinder; club canteen improvements; internal ceiling upgrade; external toilet block repairs and new terra flake flooring to the men’s and women’s showers; painting inside the clubrooms; roof repairs and a new purpose built storage unit. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $31,500.  Detailed quotations have been requested and will be part of a funding agreement and any land owner approval required.

11.     The Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board Plan highlights the desired outcome for Parks and facilities that meet peoples needs and that the communities have access to parks and recreational facilities that build a sense of identity and belonging, boost participation in sport and promote healthy, active lifestyles.  This can be achieved through support to encourage clubs to collaborate to build modern upgraded facilities such as these projects.


Local board views and implications

12.     A workshop was held with the Local Board on 20 October 2014 to discuss the funding applications for the 2014/2015 financial year and decisions were made on 17 November 2014.

13.     The recommendations in this report fall within the Local Board’s delegated authority.

14.     The decisions sought by this report do not trigger the Auckland Council Significance Policy.

Māori impact statement

15.     The Facility Partnership Fund assists with the development of accessible multi-use community facilities to increase community participation, including the potential to increased community participation for Māori.  No particular negative implications for Māori community or Māori stakeholders have been identified as arising from this report.  Given the demographic make-up of the local board area and the nature of the some projects for which funding is requested it is likely some Māori will benefit from these.


16.     A standard Council funding agreement will be developed for any successful applicants and progress towards agreed project outcomes monitored throughout the project.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Kim Squire - Sports and Recreation Advisor


Ken Maplesden - Sport and Recreation Adviser

Lisa Tocker - Manager, Recreation Facilities & Service Delivery Central

Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation

Carol McKenzie-Rex - Relationship Manager


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Performance Report for the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board for the six months ended December 2014


File No.: CP2015/00473





1.       To update the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board members on progress towards their objectives for the year from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 as set out in the Local Board agreement.

Executive summary

2.       A financial performance report is presented to the local boards for the accounting quarters ending September, December, March and June. 

3.       Auckland Council departments and Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) also present regular performance reports to the local boards

4.       To improve overall performance reporting the Financial Advisory Services – Local Boards team produces a combined quarterly financial report, department report and CCO report

5.       The attached omnibus consolidation contains the following reports this quarter

·    Local board financial performance report

·    Local Community Development, Arts and Culture (CDAC) activity overview

·    Local Sports Parks and Recreation overview

·    Local Economic Development overview

·    Local Libraries overview

·    Local Infrastructure and Environmental Services (IES) overview

·    Treasury Report

·    ATEED Report




That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board:

a)      Receive the Performance Report for the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board for the period ended December 2014




6.       Local Economic Development has included a quarterly report for the first time.  This is expected to be a standard report every quarter.

7.       In consultation with local boards this omnibus report provides the elected members with an overview of local activities from council departments and CCO’s.

8.       The Performance Report contains departmental and CCO reports for inclusion and discussion. Some of these will be six monthly reports depending on their traditional reporting cycles.



Local board views and implications

9.       The report is presented to the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board members at a workshop prior to the ordinary meeting.

Maori impact statement

10.     Maori, as stakeholders in the council, are affected and have an interest in any report of the local board financials.  However, this financial performance report does not impact specific outcomes or activities. As such, the content of this report has no particular benefit to, or adverse effect on Maori







Performance Report for Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board to Dec 2014 (Under Separate Cover)



CDAC Work programme December 2014 update





Faithe Smith - Lead Financial Advisor


Christine Watson - Manager Financial Advisory Services - Local Boards

Carol McKenzie-Rex - Relationship Manager


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



2014-2015 Te Puke o Tara Community Centre programme budget


File No.: CP2015/00108





1.       This report seeks Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board approval to redirect unbudgeted revenue to support 2014-2015 programme expenditure at Te Puke o Tara Community Centre.

Executive Summary

2.       Community Development Arts and Culture 2014-2015 Work programme for Te Puke o Tara Community Centre includes the planning and support for the delivery of place-based programmes built on community relevance and need.

3.       The 2014-2015 budget does not currently include funding for these programmes nor anticipate the revenue to be generated by them and other services offered by the centre.

4.       In the first six months of this year, the centre has incurred expenses of $4,812 in providing a range of place based programmes and generated revenue in the region of $40,000.

5.       Council staff have reviewed 2014-2015 Te Puke o Tara Community Centre planned work programme activities and recommend that the Local Board consider redirecting up to $10,000 of the unbudgeted revenue to support programmed activities this financial year.

6.       To ensure appropriate, ongoing resourcing of the community centre, budget has been proposed in the Long Term Plan 2015-2025 to include an increased revenue target and an adequate operating budget.



That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board:

a)      approves the redirection of unbudgeted revenue of $10,000 to support the delivery of programmed activities at Te Puke o Tara Community Centre for 2014-2015.




7.       Community Development Arts and Culture 2014-2015 Work programme for Te Puke o Tara Community Centre includes the planning and support for the delivery of place-based programmes. However revenue and non-property related expenditure at the centre was not budget for 2014-2015.

8.       Apart from staffing and property budget there is no other operational budget allocated for programmes to operate at Te Puke o Tara Community Centre. This financial year the programmes provided at the centre have been initiated as a result of partnership relationships with other providers. Staff have had unbudgeted spend of $4,812 to support the initiation and development of programmes to date, mainly in support of volunteers.

9.       These programmes included:

·      youth and community activations with The Roots Collective-70 young people

·      voice Up event for election awareness among young people-150 participants

·      youth visioning exercise-35 participants

·     involvement of 15 CadetMax and six Auckland University of Technology students on work and study placement

·     first time involvement of representatives of the South Auckland Chinese community group in the Otara Santa Parade

·     planning groups for Otara Santa Parade and ‘O-Waste’ project based at centre

·     fAFSWAG Ball for rainbow youth

·     hapori Hauora events that included the regular community network meetings, youth provider hui and Otara Youth Advisory Group

·     south Auckland Chinese group who have initiated regular community wide events for its members.

10.     The Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board priorities have been the focus; to provide ‘high quality recreational and community facilities’ and increase ‘well-being in our communities’. The result has been:

·     the Centre operates as a hub for local youth and their whanau through the provision of space, access to training opportunities, work experience and support.

·     youth service providers collaborate and deliver on joint outcomes.

·     local youth have a supervised, safe space to gather and learn cooperatively

·     actively building community development and engagement with users and the wider Otara community and key stakeholders through participation in all aspects of the centre’s life.

·     a number of community enterprises are scoped, launched and undertaken.

11.     The chart below provides an overview of utilisation statistics as a percentage of total hours available and the revenue accrued to date in comparison with the previous two years.

Te Puke O Tara Community Centre












Common Room








Total Revenue





12.     As at 31 December 2014, utilisation tracked slightly higher than previous years over equivalent time periods in 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. Revenue over the same time period did not significantly increase. Utilisation has contributed to a favourable revenue surplus of $39,806.

13.     Financial performance for the year to date and break down of expenditure is outlined below:

Te Puke O Tara Community Centre










Programme costs



Property costs







Local Board Views and Implications

14.     At the Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board workshop on 15 December 2014, the proposal was discussed to redirect unbudgeted surplus revenue of up to $10,000 to support programmed activities at the centre for 2014-2015. Members also signalled an interest in council staff providing the Local Board with a sustainable operational plan for 2015-2016 for the centre.

Maori Impact Statement

15.     Opportunities for Maori to pursue social, cultural and well-being outcomes will continue to be available at the centre.


Implementation Issues

16.     Should the local board approve the redirection of the funds to support programmed activities, council staff will ensure that there will be controlled spend and achievement of programme outcomes planned that will be reported through the Community Development Arts and Culture quarterly reports to 30 June 2015.

17.     An operational plan for the centre will be developed to establish a sustainable business practice.

18.     To ensure appropriate, ongoing resourcing of the community centre, budget has been proposed in the Long Term Plan 2015-2025 to include an increased revenue target and an adequate operating budget each year.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Brya Taylor - Team Leader Community Centres


Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture

Carol McKenzie-Rex - Relationship Manager


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Otara Lake and local waterways: development of the Long-term Strategic Action Plan.


File No.: CP2015/00045





1.       For the Otara Papatoetoe Local Board to formalise support for the development of a long-term strategic action plan, to improve the local area’s waterways systems with the aim to remediate the Otara Lake.

2.       To approve a budget from the board’s discretionary fund, to contribute towards the total cost to host community discussions and associated work to finalise the long-term strategic action plan.

Executive Summary

3.       The board’s Local Board Plan 2014-2017 identified improving and using local waterways with an aim to remediate the Otara Lake and waterway system as a priority.

4.       The Auckland Plan identifies ‘Water quality and demand’ as a priority targeting reductions to overall yield of suspended sediment to priority marine from 2012 levels by 15% by 2040.

5.       The long-term strategic action plan is focused on environment outcomes for the timeframe of 2015 – 2028. The action plan has an emphasis on viewing things through the eyes of young people, and taking a long term view and a community led approach towards remediating the Otara Lake.

6.       If approved, the funds requested will go towards costs to facilitate the three meetings and writing of the long-term strategic action plan.

7.       Historic cost estimates to remediate the lake and waterway are in the tens of millions of dollars and this project is currently unfunded.



That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board:

a)      Support the development of the long-term strategic action plan to be finalised by June 2015.

b)      Approve $4,900 from the board’s Community Response Fund (opex) to host community discussions and write the long-term strategic action plan.



8.       The Placemaking: Otara Waterways & Lake Project (POWL) is chaired by a member of the Otara Papatoetoe local board. POWL is a multi-stakeholder project to target the remediation of the Otara lake and waterway system that lies across a 3,500 hectare stormwater catchment area within both the Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board (OPLB) and the Howick Local Board.

9.       At the POWL project steering group meeting held on 4 December 2014, it was agreed by this group that it host’s 3 x 3 hour community planning sessions in Feb – April 2015 to develop a long-term strategic action plan by June 2015.

10.     POWL will work with a professional service provider to assist the community discussions, write and complete the long-term strategic action plan.

11.     The professional service provider, Annette Lees and Associates, will facilitate and draft the long-term strategic action plan, for the board to consider and adopt in its June business meeting.  The action plan will look at the timeframe of 2015 – 2028, and will be designed to be:

·        Easy to understand and use

·        Logical and strategic

·        Short and focused

·        Tightly organised around the Steering Group’s direct mission and core concerns

·        Scoped to fit available resources and powers

12.     The funds will pay for hiring of venues, catering, facilitation, mana whenua engagement and drafting of the long term strategic action plan that will include, developing clear objectives (e.g. better water quality, increased fish life, access, social, cultural, economic etc) for the Otara stormwater catchment.

13.     The sessions will be on these dates 18 Feb, 4 March, and 1 April. Preferably at these venues: Te Puke o Tara or Ngati Otara Marae or OMAC or MIT. Details of the event have already been advertised and distributed to community and stakeholders.


Local Board Views and Implications

14.     The remediation of the Otara Lake and improving its waterways is highlighted in the board’s local board plan, in outcome: Healthy Harbours and waterways. The long-term strategic action plan will work towards achieving this outcome.

Maori Impact Statement

15.     Mana whenua participated with the development of the ‘vision document’ and POWL. Council will continue to adhere with this practice and consult with local mana whenua in the development of the action plan.

Implementation Issues

16.     Community Policy and Planning (CPP) and the Investigations and Monitoring Unit (RIMU), have committed resources to deliver this outcome on the board’s behalf. And POWL is reliant on the board to approve its portion towards the cost or risk having no professional service to draft, edit and finalise the action plan. 




There are no attachments for this report.    



Daniel Poe - Local Board Advisor


Carol McKenzie-Rex - Relationship Manager


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Supporting Māori Input into Local Board Decision-Making


File No.: CP2015/00014





1.       To update the local board on the outcomes of work undertaken in 2014 to improve Māori input into local board decision-making. 

2.       To seek support and participation of the local board in a political steering group on Māori input into local board decision making.

Executive Summary

3.       During July 2014 Iwi Maori were invited by Council to participate in a focus group to investigate options for improving local board engagement with Mana Whenua and Mataawaka.  A total of six meetings of the focus group were held between July and November, and significant, complex issues were identified.

4.       The focus group’s recommendations were presented to board members at a hui during Novermber 2014. One of these recommendations was that a further political steering group be developed to include local board members and Mana Whenua.

5.       In order to implement the recommendations, this report recommends allocation of $8000 and the appointment of a board member to represent the local board on the political steering group.



That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board:

a)      Commits to partner with Mana Whenua, taking a collaborative approach guided by Te Tiriti o Waitangi, in order to:

i.    further explore, enhance and enable meaningful relationships and genuine engagement with iwi Māori, and

ii.    reduce inequalities and improve community wellbeing.

b)      Appoints a board member to represent the local board on a political steering group on Māori input into local board decision-making.

c)      Allocates $8,000 from existing discretionary funds (OPEX) to support the political steering group.




6.         Along with the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu, Manurewa and Papakura local boards, the Otara-Papatoetoe local board supported a focus group on Māori input into local board decision-making during 2014. This focus group met at a total of six hui. Local board members were invited to attend two of these hui with the focus group, firstly to discuss the group’s progress on their work, and upon conclusion of the group’s work, to receive their recommendations. (A full overview of the themes, findings and recommendations of the focus group is included in attachment A, and a list of participants in attachment B).

7.       At the conclusions of their work, the group’s recommendations were as follows:

a)      That local boards and Mana Whenua partner to further explore, enhance and enable meaningful relationships and genuine engagement with iwi Māori

b)      That local boards and Mana Whenua partner to reduce inequalities and improve community wellbeing

c)      That Te Tiriti o Waitangi and a collaborative governance approach (Twyford model [see attachment A]) is applied to guide the partnership between local boards and Mana Whenua that will include:

§ A commitment to collaboration

§ Co-defining what really matters

§ Co-designing a process

§ Co-creating a solution

§ Co-delivering actions


8.       In order to address these recommendations and implement the suggested actions, further work and funding is required.

9.       To undertake further work on behalf of the local board, this report recommends that the local board appoint one board member to represent the board on a further political steering group. This would require the member to attend a minimum of six hui of approximately two hours each.

10.     To support the activities of the political steering group, this report recommends that the local board allocate $8,000 from its Community Response Fund (OPEX). Along with equal resources allocated by the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu, Ōtara-Papatoetoe, Manurewa and Papakura local boards, this money will support the activities of the political steering group. These activities will be undertaken via 6-10 hui and are outlined in the cost structure below (Table 1).

Table 1: Project cost structure.



Contracted expert support in project management and facilitation


Meeting fees for non-Council participants




Room hire


Total expected project cost




Local Board Views and Implications

11.     The work of the focus group has been discussed with the local board at workshops on 6 October and 15 December 2014.

12.     In addition the Ōtara-Papatoetoe local board was represented by member Ross Robertson at a hui on 21 October 2014 and by member Lotu Fuli on 24 November 2014 where support in principle was expressed.

13.     The Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board Plan outlines the board’s intent to “build and formalise its relationship with mana whenua” and to “support mana whenua in their customary Kaitiaki role”. The work outlined in this report seeks to operationalise this intent.

Māori Impact Statement

14.     The previous focus group was made up of Māori individuals from a wide range of backgrounds. This included Mana Whenua individuals whose iwi are traditional custodians of the local area, and mataawaka individuals who belong to iwi from outside of the area.

15.     It is intended that this work contribute to achieving the goals of Auckland Council’s Māori Responsiveness Framework. In particular, the political steering group is intended to enable “Effective Māori participation in democracy” (Goal 2 of the Māori Responsiveness Framework, p. 4).

16.     The previous focus group considered their recommendations the best possible way forward in improving Māori input into local board decision-making in ways that are compatible with Te Ao Māori, the Māori world view.

Implementation Issues

17.     It is intended that the political steering group be facilitated and project managed by an expert from outside of Council with the necessary skills in tikanga (Māori protocols) to ensure effective outcomes.

18.     The implementation of this work will be overseen by staff from Local Board Services with support from Te Waka Angamua.







Final recommendations of the 2014 Maori focus group



Participants in the 2014 Maori focus group





Thomas Murray - Local Board Engagement Advisor


Carol McKenzie-Rex - Relationship Manager


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Local Board input on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025


File No.: CP2015/00618





1.       To outline the options for local boards to provide feedback on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025 and agree the approach the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board will take to provide their feedback.

Executive summary

2.       The draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025 (RLTP) was endorsed by Auckland Transport’s Board at their 16 December 2014 meeting. It sets out the programme of work Auckland Transport (AT) proposes to deliver over the next ten years, within the funding available, and the models used to prioritise projects. Attachment A is the draft RLTP.

3.       Local boards had workshops in 2014 to discuss the RLTP process, prioritisation mechanisms and proposed projects with Auckland Transport management and staff.

4.       Following on from these workshops, local boards are now encouraged to provide formal feedback about the draft RLTP. There are two ways boards can do this. AT would like to encourage boards to take up both opportunities.

a)      Speak at the AT Transport Stakeholder event that is taking place on the 10 and 11 March. This is a hearing style event where local board members will be heard by members of the AT board.

b)      Provide written feedback to AT by 16 March.




That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board:

a)      Agree to provide feedback to Auckland Transport on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025 by:

i)        speaking at the Auckland Transport, Transport Stakeholder event

ii)       providing written feedback to Auckland Transport.

b)      Delegate to the Chair the power to speak on behalf of the board at the Auckland Transport, Transport Stakeholder event.

c)      Delegate to the Chair as the transport portfolio holder the power to approve the board’s written feedback to Auckland Transport on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025.



The draft RLTP

5.       The draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025 (RLTP) was endorsed by Auckland Transport’s Board at their 16 December 2014 meeting. It sets out the programme of work Auckland Transport proposes to deliver over the next ten years, within the funding available, and the models used to prioritise projects. Attachment A is the draft RLTP.

6.       In addition, the draft RLTP identifies an alternative transport investment package that may be possible if additional funding can be secured.

7.       The council’s Long-term Plan (LTP) and the RLTP are developed under a very similar timeline and cover largely the same transport issues.  Rather than consulting with Aucklanders on the same issues at the same time, this year a single consultation process will be used to seek Aucklanders’ feedback on transport and inform both the LTP and the RLTP. This consultation is taking place between 23 January and 16 March.

Local board input on the draft RLTP

8.       Local boards had three opportunities at different workshops in 2014 to discuss the RLTP process, prioritisation mechanisms and proposed projects with Auckland Transport management and staff.

9.       Following on from these workshops, local boards are now encouraged to provide formal feedback about the draft RLTP. There are two ways boards can do this. AT would like to encourage boards to take up both opportunities.

a)      Speak at the AT Transport Stakeholder event that is taking place on 10 and 11 March. This is a hearing style event where local board members will be heard by members of the AT board. From those boards speaking at these events, AT is seeking a written summary in advance of the event as well as written feedback which generally summarises and reflects their verbal presentations. Boards will need to delegate to the Chair or members the power to speak on behalf of the board at this event.

b)      Provide written feedback to AT by 16 March by delegating to the Chair, as portfolio holder, the power to approve the board’s written feedback prior to submitting it to AT.

10.     These deadlines are important because Auckland Transport staff must analyse all submissions and prepare a revised draft of the RLTP for the April 2015 AT Board meeting. The revised draft RLTP must be provided to New Zealand Transport Agency by 30 April to ensure central government considers Auckland’s programme alongside all other regional programmes from across New Zealand.

11.     Local boards have already undertaken extensive community engagement to inform their local board plans and advocacy plans, including on transport. This is in addition to the ongoing conversations boards have with their communities about their priorities and the engagement taking place as part of the LTP and RLTP consultation. This information will be useful to inform local board feedback on the draft RLTP.

12.     When providing feedback on the draft RLTP, it is useful to remember that:

a)    it is the governing body not AT that will decide the level of funding that will be made available to deliver on the transport programme

b)    the RLTP presents a proposed programme of work that is able to be delivered within the funding the draft LTP has made available for transport.

13.     Therefore if boards have feedback on the level of funding that has been allocated to transport in the LTP this can be advocated to the governing body. Feedback on the draft RLTP could focus on the proposed programme of work and the prioritisation model that has been used to determine this.

14.     In addition to local boards providing feedback on the RLTP, the community also has the opportunity through the LTP/RLTP consultation to give their views to AT.

15.     Local board feedback will be analysed along with all other feedback AT receives through the RLTP consultation. This will inform any amendments to the draft RLTP which will be reported back to the AT Board in April.


Local board views and implications

16.     This report sets out how local boards have already been engaged in the development of the draft RLTP and how they can now choose to provide formal feedback.

Maori impact statement

17.     This report is about how local boards can provide feedback to AT on the draft RLTP. In terms of the process boards can follow for this, there are no specific impacts on Māori. There may be some consideration in boards’ feedback to AT on how the transport programme affects Māori. In addition there are also two regional stakeholder hui that will take place as part of the LTP/RLTP consultation.


18.     The final RLTP will be posted on AT’s website as soon as possible after adoption, and printed copies will be made available prior to the statutory deadline of 31 July 2015.  







Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025 (Under Separate Cover)





Neil Taylor - Senior Local Board Advisor  


Carol McKenzie-Rex - Relationship Manager


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Local Board delegations for Have Your Say events


File No.: CP2015/00287






1.       To provide for local board delegations for the public consultation process for the local board agreement in the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (LTP).

Executive Summary

2.       Under the Local Government Act 2002, Auckland Council is required to follow the special consultative procedure to seek public feedback to inform the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (including local board agreements).

3.       Recent changes to the Local Government Act 2002 provide council with more flexibility in how it consults with Aucklanders, in particular in how council can hear the views of Aucklanders. The consultation process is introducing a number of changes that satisfy legislative requirements while also enabling Aucklanders to engage in the public consultation process in a variety of ways to suit their personal preferences.

4.       A key change involves replacing traditional hearings with public spoken interaction events called Have Your Say (HYS) events across the Auckland region from 14 February through to the 14 March 2015. Aucklanders can provide feedback on regional and local issues at these events which will be attended by a mix of governing body members, local board members, Auckland Transport Board members (or their delegates) and well supported by staff to record all feedback.

5.       Aucklanders who choose to attend a HYS event will be able to present their views through spoken interaction with decision makers or their representatives.  Local boards are decision makers for their local board agreements, which form a part of the LTP. As the governing body are also decision makers on local board agreements it is important that both hear feedback on local proposals. 

6.       To make sure that there are sufficient decision-makers (or delegates) to hear all the feedback provided if attendance is higher than expected for a HYS event, or if a board member is unable to attend, it is recommended that the local board make delegations to staff to hear on their behalf.  At their meeting on 18 December the governing body made delegations to cover this risk.



That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board:

a)      Delegate to the following staff the power and responsibility to hear from the public on the local board agreement through “spoken interaction/NZ sign language interaction” at the “Have Your Say” events:

i)        Tier 2 staff

ii)       Tier 3 staff

iii)      Local Board Relationship Manager, Local Board Senior Advisor, Local Board Advisor

iv)      any additional staff approved by the Chair.





7.       Each Have Your Say session will run for approximately two hours, however there could be more than one session held at an event depending on the number of people who register. Public feedback will be collected across three broad areas:

·  The key LTP issues including balancing affordability with progress; transport, rates and a more active development role for the council.

·  Local priorities and proposals

·  Other regional matters


8.       A range of options are available for the structure and format of these events. This flexibility will enable events to be tailored to account for the community preferences, logistical variations in the number of Aucklanders who attend, what they would like to talk about, and the number and mix of elected members available.

9.       To help manage this, Aucklanders will be asked to register their attendance for these events online through the Shape Auckland website. It would be at this point where they would request a sign interpreter or Māori interpreter if required.

10.     Aucklanders who choose to attend a HYS event will be able to present their views through spoken interaction with a decision maker or their representative.  Local boards are decision makers for their local board agreements, which form a part of the LTP. If attendance is higher than expected for a HYS event, it may be difficult for the local board members present to hear all the feedback on local proposals. To manage this eventuality it is recommended that the local board make delegations to staff to hear on their behalf.  These delegations would only come into play if needed due to high public attendance at the HYS event. They are not intended to undermine the importance of local board members being present to hear from their communities.

11.     Local board members attendance at the HYS event is important to enable them to hear the views of their communities on local proposals given the board’s decision making role. The HYS event also provides an important opportunity for local board members to hear the views of their communities on regional proposals to inform their advocacy.


Local Board Views and Implications

12.     Local board views have not been sought on this report as it is recommending a pragmatic delegation to staff to manage events that attract larger numbers.

Maori Impact Statement

13.     Te Waka Angamua staff will attend all HYS events to facilitate and capture feedback from Maori participants. Therefore it is not anticipated that the recommendation in this report has a specific an impact on Maori.



There are no attachments for this report.     



Karen  Titulaer - Senior Policy Advisor


Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services

Carol McKenzie-Rex - Relationship Manager


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Meeting, workshop and portfolio workflows, and portfolio appointments


File No.: CP2015/01171





1.       To consider criteria for allocating the work of the board to business meetings, workshops, and portfolios.

2.       To review board members’ portfolios and appointments to external organisations.

Executive Summary

3.       A wide range of issues, of varying importance, are referred by staff to the board for decision, feedback, or information.  These issues can be addressed at business meetings, workshops, or portfolios. 

4.       At a workshop on 2 February 2015 the board discussed the amount of time spent in workshops, and options to reallocate some items to other venues.

5.       Members indicated that they want to:

a)      Reduce the time spent in workshops.

b)      Focus workshops on issues where workshop discussion can add value to governance decisions, with other matters going to portfolios or business meetings.

c)      Increase opportunities for member-led discussions.

6.       To implement this, criteria for allocation of items to business meetings, workshops, and portfolios have been prepared for consideration and adoption by the board.  (Attachment A)

7.       Members also decided to review the allocation of portfolios between board members and review board appointments to external organisations (resolved on 9 December 2013: OP/2013/567, 570, 572.).  This was to be workshopped on 9 February 2015, after this report was written, and the conclusions of that discussion will be tabled.




That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board:

a)      Agree to focus the board's workshops on governance issues, and member-led discussions.

b)      Adopt the criteria for the allocation of items to meetings, workshops and portfolios set out in the report, for the guidance of staff.

c)      Agree that the workshop programme for 2015 should ordinarily consist of two workshops, held on the first and second Mondays of each month, with a reserve day kept available on the fourth Monday, to be utilised when the Chair considers necessary.

d)      Review the current allocation of portfolios between board members and board appointments to external organisations.








Criteria to allocate items to meetings, workshops and portfolios





Neil Taylor - Senior Local Board Advisor  


Carol McKenzie-Rex - Relationship Manager


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

4 February 2015

Criteria to allocate items to business meetings, workshops, and portfolios

Workshops provide a good opportunity for board members to receive information from staff and develop ideas and evaluate options through informal discussion.  Workshops are especially valuable for emerging important and complex issues.  However, discussions need to be focused to produce worthwhile outcomes. 

Workshops are not the best response to all kinds of board business.  Workshop items need further discussion at a business meeting to make decisions.  It is more efficient for familiar issues to be addressed once at a business meeting.  If preliminary consideration is needed, discussion with the portfolio can often achieve the outcomes without taking up the time of the whole board.  Items for information can be emailed to members without formal discussion.

The following criteria are intended to indicate (for the guidance of staff) where the different types of board business should be allocated.

A.  Business meetings

A report seeking a board decision can often go to a business meeting with no prior workshop.  Reports should go to a business meeting with no prior workshop, where:

1.   The context is familiar to members or requires little explanation, and the report contains a clear recommendation.

2.   The report is about draft feedback to a draft governing body or Government policy, proposed by the portfolio holder.

3.   A board decision is needed quickly.

4.   The item is placed on the agenda by members under standing orders.


B.  Workshop followed by business meeting

A report should be workshopped first, and then go to a business meeting for these types of business:

1.   A report introducing a complex new programme or project.

2.   Draft long-term plan, annual plans, local board agreements, annual reports.

3.   Draft department work programme (or later variation.)

4.   Draft quarterly departmental report against work programmes.

5.   Allocation of contestable or discretionary grant money.

6.   Request for land owner approval for a new use of a reserve, where the portfolio holder has declined to exercise their delegation

7.   A report on issues potentially disruptive to the community, where briefing of members is valuable before the issue becomes public.

C.  Workshop only

Items that are not going to be reported to a business meeting will usually not be workshopped, but go to portfolios, except these:

1.   Member-initiated briefings and discussions, and reports on portfolio activities.  A regular time-slot will be allocated at workshops for members’ discussions.

2.   Introductions to significant and complex new issues or projects, for ongoing discussion and later decisions (e.g. Te Papa Manukau proposals.)

3.   An item seeking to identify board members’ ideas, consensus or judgment of options to feed into a longer term process (e.g. budget priorities.)

4.   Briefings on significant issues:  issues potentially disruptive to community, where briefing of members is valuable before an issue becomes public.

D.  Portfolios

These items should be sent to a portfolio holder to work on with staff:

1.   Matters delegated to the portfolio holder.

2.   Information relevant to the portfolio.

3.   Initial development of a draft department work programme for next year.

4.   Shaping new policy proposals before workshop discussion or report.

5.   Preparing draft feedback for the board on a proposed Governing Body or Government policy, legislation or bylaw.

E.  Emails to board

Email or memo to board members or the relevant portfolio:

1.   Important briefing or background information, not calling for a decision.

2.   Advice about an outcome, or closure of an issue previously discussed, not calling for a decision now.

3.   A proposed operational decision that staff see as potentially controversial, and want to ensure “no surprises”, or seek political reassurance.

Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



For Information: Reports referred to the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board


File No.: CP2014/29498





1.       This report provides a summary of information-only reports and resolutions for circulation to the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

2.       The Parks Capital Budget Update report and resolution has been referred to local boards from the 10 December 2014 Kaipātiki Local Board business meeting.

Resolution number KT/2014/247

MOVED by Chairperson K McIntyre, seconded by Member J Gillon:  

That under duress, the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      allocate $473,000 from its SLIPs budget in order to meet the majority of the funding cut identified to deliver the parks 2014/15 capital works programme which was funded when the board approved the programme at the start of the financial year.

b)      note that there remains an outstanding funding gap of $23,000 which may need to be addressed later in the 2014/15 financial year dependent on the progress of the programme.

c)      empower and support the Chairperson to pursue reinstatement of lost deferrals budgets from financial years 2012/13 and 2013/14 through a range of sources.

d)      wish to express their strong displeasure with regards to the organisational failure to deliver the Parks capital programme to date.

e)      wish to express their strong displeasure with the loss of Parks capital roll over funding to the value of $548,000 from financial years 2012/13 and 2013/14.

f)       circulate the report and the above resolutions to all other local boards, and to the Governing Body 18 December business meeting for their information.


3.       A copy of the report and attachments can be find on the following links:


Pages 123 to 129.


4.       The Manurewa Local Board has referred resolution MR/2014/260 b) regarding the naming of the Performance Report to local boards.

Resolution number MR/2014/260

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Member MJ Bailey:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

b)      request that the title of the report be changed going forward to read “Auckland Council’s performance report for the Manurewa Local Board area for the four months ended……” and request feedback on this recommendation. The way the title is currently worded leads the public to think it is the board’s performance report not Auckland Council reporting against the Manurewa Local Board Plan. 





That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board:

a)      note the Kaipātiki Local Board Parks Capital Budget Update report resolution.

b)      note the Manurewa Local Board MR/2014/260 resolution.


There are no attachments for this report.    



Carol McGarry - Democracy Advisor


Carol McKenzie-Rex - Relationship Manager


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Urgent Decision Report - Colin Dale Park - Approval to use Community Response Funding


File No.: CP2015/00088






1.       To advise the Ōtara Papatoetoe Local Board of a decision made under the Urgent Decision Process.

Executive summary

2.       On 10 December 2014 the Chief Operating Officer of Auckland Council agreed to approve the capital expenditure budget under the 2014/15 Annual Plan of $1.5 million for a portion of the earth works. The decision acknowledges the willingness of the board to work with the Governing Body to fund the remaining $2.8m needed to complete this as a priority project.

3.       This decision enables the contract for earthworks at Colin Dale Park to be signed with the successful tenderer, so that work can begin this summer. 

4.       In addition to the funds released by the Chief Operating Officer, the board has previously discussed, but not resolved, to contribute additional money to the Colin Dale Park Project this year.  This is to cover a shortfall between the funds allocated under the annual plan and the tender prices received.  The possibility of a shortfall was covered in the April report.  The board has funds available in its Community Response Fund (Capex), which has a balance remaining of about $480,000 this year.

5.       The Manager of Asset Development and Business Support South has now confirmed that the board contribution from the Community Response Fund is needed for the earthworks, in the light of the tenders received.  The commitment of the money for this purpose now needs to be formalised to enable contracts to be signed.

6.       This urgent decision is required to secure the funding for the Colin Dale Park earthworks.

7.       The reason for urgency to approve the utilization of the balance of the 2014/15 Community Response Fund (Capex) is so that contracts can be signed and the work carried out over the summer.

8.       Chair Efeso Collins and Deputy Chair Ross Robertson approved the request on 15 December 2014 under the urgent decision process adopted by the board.




That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board note the decision, made under the Urgent Decision Process on 15 December 2014, to utilise the balance of the 2014/15 Community Response Fund (capex) $480,000 to fund earthworks at Colin Dale Park.








Signed decision



Copy of report CP2014/00481- Amended Concept Plan and Estimated Cost of Development



Copy of report CP2014/28144 - Development Finance





Carol McGarry - Democracy Advisor


Carol McKenzie-Rex - Relationship Manager


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Proposed Change of meeting date - June 2015


File No.: CP2015/00438





1.       To seek approval to change the date of the meeting scheduled in June 2015 from Monday 22 June to Monday 15 June 2015.

Executive Summary

2.       In November 2014, the Board adopted the meeting schedule for the remainder of the 2013-2016 electoral term.

3.       The date for the June meeting was scheduled for Monday 22 June 2015.  The board is required to adopt the local board agreement, 10 year budgets and fees and charges schedules on or before 16 June 2015.  In order to meet this timeframe, it is proposed to change the date of the June meeting to Monday 15 June 2015.




That the date for the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board June meeting is Monday 15 June 2015.



4.       Clause (5)(d), Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 requires a local board to adopt a schedule of business meetings at its first meeting in the electoral term.

5.       Adopting a meeting schedule allows for a planned approach to workloads and ensures local board members have clarity about their commitments. It also gives an indication to the public of when meetings are to be held and meets the requirement of clause 19, Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002.


Local Board Views

6.       This decision falls under the local board’s delegated authority.

Māori Impact Statement

7.       There is no specific impact for Māori arising from this report.


8.       Clauses 19(6), Schedule 7, of the Local Government Act 2002 states that:

 “(6) If a local authority adopts a schedule of meetings, -

(a) the schedule –

(i) may cover any future period that the local authority considers appropriate; and

(ii) may be amended; and

(b) notification of the schedule or of any amendment to that schedule constitutes a notification of every meeting on the schedule or amendment.”

9.       Similarly, the statutory requirement pursuant to clauses 46, 46(A) and 47 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 mentions that:

·          meetings of a local authority are publicly notified

·          agendas and reports are available at least two working days before a meeting

·          local board meetings are open to the public.

Implementation Issues

10.     Meetings of the local boards are supported by Auckland Council’s Local Board Services Department.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Carol McGarry - Democracy Advisor


Carol McKenzie-Rex - Relationship Manager


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board Workshop Notes

File No.: CP2015/00058




Executive Summary

1.       Attached are the notes for the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board workshops held on 1 and 15 December 2014 and 2 February 2015.



That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board receive the workshop notes for 1 and 15 December 2014 and 2 February 2015.








Workshop Notes 1 December 2014



Workshop Notes 15 December 2014



Workshop Notes 2 February 2015





Carol McGarry - Democracy Advisor


Carol McKenzie-Rex - Relationship Manager


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board Reports and Actions Pending


File No.: CP2015/00059





1.       This report provides an update on actions and reports pending/requested at previous meetings or workshops.



That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board receive the report.








Reports and Actions pending





Carol McGarry - Democracy Advisor


Carol McKenzie-Rex - Relationship Manager


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Ōtara Papatoetoe Local Board members portfolio update


File No.: CP2015/00060






1.       This report provides an opportunity at the business meeting for portfolio holders to update the full Ōtara Papatoetoe Local Board on any significant activities over the last month.

Executive Summary

2.       The portfolio leads and alternates for Ōtara Papatoetoe Local Board are as follows:




Planning, Regulatory, bylaws and compliance

Efeso Collins

Ross Robertson

Arts, Culture and Events

Donna Lee

Lotu Fuli

Community Services and Libraries

Mary Gush and Donna Lee (co-portfolio leaders)


Youth Development

Lotu Fuli

Efeso Collins

Recreation Services

Ross Robertson

Stephen Grey

Parks and Reserves

John McCracken

Ross Robertson

Built and Natural Environment, Heritage and Housing

Stephen Grey

Donna Lee

Economic Development, Business and Town Centre revitalisation

Stephen Grey

Mary Gush


Efeso Collins

John McCracken


3.       At the commencement of this electoral term, the reasons for having local board portfolio-holders was workshopped with the Ōtara Papatoetoe Local Board and it was generally agreed that the objectives of local board portfolio holders are to:

·    Provide clear steering of the relevant work programme

·    Lift detailed discussion out of local board meetings and workshops

·    Ensure key decisions go before the full local board

·    Reduce or avoid delays in project delivery

·    Enable local board members to apply their time and energy with enthusiasm and interest

·    Ensure clear communications within the local board and between the local board and officers

·    Maintain strong, connected relationships between the local board and its communities

·    Maintain mutual trust


4.       The Ōtara Papatoetoe Local Board also workshopped what the role or job description of a portfolio holder might be, and some examples of how local board members might perform their role as a portfolio holder are outlined below:


Portfolio role

Examples of actions by portfolio holder

Undertaking roles specified in officer delegation protocols

·    Landowner consents; and proposed asset renewal works:  The portfolio-holder can either decide the issue or ask officers to refer it to the full local board for a decision

·    Providing feedback on resource consent applications

Sharing the workload between local board members

·    Speaking at external meetings on local board matters e.g. at sports clubs – to gather their views, and represent the views of the local board

·    Supporting the Chair and other local board members in speaking to governing body committees or at public meetings on portfolio topics

·    Keeping alternate portfolio-holders informed, so they can assist the portfolio-holder where needed

Gathering knowledge

·    Receiving officer progress updates on projects already agreed by the local board, noting that work programmes are approved by the full local board

·    Engaging and maintaining relationships with stakeholders

·    Reading background reports relevant to the portfolio

Acting as a sounding-board and advising officers

·    Meeting with officers to give the local board view of issues

·    Where there is no known local board view, the portfolio-holder gathers the views of all local board members and formulates the local board position. (Contentious issues are best referred to a local board workshop)

·    Helping to shape details of departmental annual work programmes before presentation to the local board, to secure local board plan outcomes

·    Commenting on proposed design details and other issues arising from local board projects

·    Enabling officers to test possible local board interest in a proposal

·    Helping officers to define preferred options or approaches before reporting to the local board

·    Encouraging officers, especially through difficult decisions

Monitoring action against the Local Board Plan

·    Asking officers for progress updates

·    Advising officers and local board when projects need response or attention

Leading local board projects as a convenor of the relevant steering group or working party

Various, but currently include:

·    Aorere Park joint steering group

·    Otara Lake and waterways steering group

·    Youth Connections project

Providing regular updates on portfolio activity to the local board

·    At board business meetings: portfolio-holders can report back at this agenda item

·    Portfolio-holders lead board discussion on officer reports relevant to their portfolio

·    Emails to all local board members, when information needs to be timely




That the verbal or written reports from the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board portfolio holders be received.




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Carol McGarry - Democracy Advisor


Carol McKenzie-Rex - Relationship Manager


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

16 February 2015



Chairpersons Announcements

File No.: CP2015/00061




Executive Summary

This item gives the Chairperson an opportunity to update the board on any announcements.




That the verbal update be received.




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Carol McGarry - Democracy Advisor
