Orākei Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Orākei Local Board held in the St Chads Church and Community Centre, 38 St Johns Road, Meadowbank on Thursday, 5 February 2015 at 3.30pm.
Chairperson |
Desley Simpson, JP |
Deputy Chairperson |
Colin Davis, JP |
Members |
Ken Baguley |
Troy Churton |
Kate Cooke |
Kit Parkinson |
Mark Thomas |
Orākei Local Board 05 February 2015 |
1 Welcome
2 Apologies
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
a) confirm the minutes of its ordinary meeting, held on Thursday, 4 December 2014 and the minutes of its extraordinary meeting, held on Thursday, 11 December 2014, as a true and correct record.
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
There were no deputations.
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
Resolution number OR/2015/22 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member TG Churton: That the Orākei Local Board: a) thanks Patrick Hodgson, (Barfoot & Thompson) representing local business for his presentation.
9.2 |
Resolution number OR/2015/23 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member TG Churton: That the Orākei Local Board: a) thanks Linda Jones, (Meadowbank Corner Chemist) for her presentation.
9.3 |
Resolution number OR/2015/24 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member M Thomas: That the Orākei Local Board: a) thanks Ross Duder and Juliet Yates, (Tamaki Drive Tree Protection Society) for their presentation. b) notes the Board has been consistent in its support for maintaining our leafy suburbs, wetlands and coastal forests. c) requests Tamaki Drive Protection Society contact St Heliers Glendowie Residents Association and Mission Bay Kohimarama Residents Association regarding a joint application for desk top survey for Pohutukawa tree protection.
9.4 |
Resolution number OR/2015/25 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member TG Churton: That the Orākei Local Board:
a) thanks Grant Dickson and Kerry Woods, (Puroto Manapau Purewa Residents Group) for their presentation on intensification issues with the proposed developments by Housing New Zealand on Puroto Street, Manapau Street and Purewa Road in Meadowbank. b) notes Housing New Zealand are arranging a public drop in, to be held 4 – 7 pm at Meadow Café on 10 February 2015. c) supports the Puroto Manapau Purewa Residents Group request that the Housing New Zealand Resource Consent application for the Puroto Street, Manapau Street and Purewa Road developments be processed via limited notification. d) request confirmation from Housing Project Office regarding demands on infrastructure relative to proposed Special Housing Areas. e) Board Member Churton and Board Member Davis meet Housing Project officers to ascertain whether the Housing New Zealand Corporation proposal for Puroto Street is a ‘qualifying development’ and if so, that limited notification may be undertaken. |
Item 9.5 was taken at this point.
9.5 |
Resolution number OR/2015/26 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member M Thomas: That the Orākei Local Board:
a) thanks Laura Carr, (Remuera Business Association Manager) for her presentation. b) notes that the Remuera Business Association application to the Business Association Support Fund will be discussed at item 15.
9.6 |
Patrick Hodgson, (Meadowbank St Johns Residents Association) |
Resolution number OR/2015/27 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson CRJ Davis: That the Orākei Local Board:
a) thanks Patrick Hodgson, (Meadowbank St Johns Residents Association) for his presentation. b) notes that the Meadowbank St Johns Residents application to the Residents Association Support Fund will be discussed at item 17.
Item 9.4 was taken at this point.
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
11.1 |
Notice of Motion - St Johns Road Retail Area Parking |
Resolution number OR/2015/28 MOVED by Member TG Churton, seconded by Member CH Cooke: That the Orākei Local Board: a) convenes a further meeting in a timely manner with members to be chaired by Board Member Troy Churton (as the Orākei Local Board Meadowbank Suburban Liaison) to include but limited to: i. a representative from each retailer on the north side of the road, or their proxy in their absence. ii. a representative from Meadow and St Chads Church. iii. a representative from each business on the south side of the street including the local Community Centre, Barfoot and Thompson, and the various Medical rooms and retailers on that side, or their proxy in their absence. iv. representatives from the Meadowbank Resident Association. v. a traffic engineer representative from Auckland Transport and any other Auckland Transport representative. vi. and any other stakeholders. b) notes the public forum attendances at this meeting and requests Auckland Transport to bring to the aforesaid meeting further options. c) strongly requests Auckland Transport to continue to provide enforcement warden attendance in this area. d) requests minutes to be taken at this meeting and circulated to all attendees following the meeting. e) that the current Auckland Transport proposal circulated in December to local businesses be forwarded to the Orākei Local Board as soon as possible.
12 |
Orākei Local Board Discretionary Community Funding: Round Two 2014-15 |
Resolution number OR/2015/29 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member K Parkinson: That the Orākei Local Board: a) approves the 2014/2015 community funding grants listed in the following table:
b) notes all successful funding allocations acknowledge Orākei Local Board support of their organisation including Orākei Local Board logo in marketing material and where appropriate invite board members to attend their relevant events. c) notes the funding allocation awarded to Jade Reidy (Professional Text) is subject to receipt of an invoice for publishing costs. d) notes the funding allocation awarded to Ellerslie Community Patrol Charitable Trust is subject to financial reporting being received for the 2013/2014 financial year. e) declines the community funding applications as listed in the following table:
f) notes that there is $9944.00 remaining in the Orākei Local Board 2014/2015 Discretionary Community Fund for the last funding round for the financial year closing 15 May 2015.
13 |
Resolution number OR/2015/30 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member K Parkinson: That the Orākei Local Board: a) allocates $111,000 from the Coastal Walkway Network budget to the Orākei Basin Access Road project to cover the $23,000 difference in current allocation and tender price and allow for a 10% contingency of $88,000 for the project. b) requests that the 10% contingency usage be reported back to the Board on a monthly basis. c) defers funding decision on Tinana Walkway Project to March as background information requested has not yet been received.
14 |
Orākei Local Board Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) programme 2014-2015 update |
Resolution number OR/2015/31 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member M Thomas: That the Orākei Local Board:
a) receives the Orākei Local Board Small Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) 2014/2015 Combined Programme.
b) approves the following SLIPs budget amendments for implementation during the 2014/2015 financial year:
c) notes the budget from the Gentlemen’s Bay – Consenting, Engineering Assessments and Detailed Design Project has been reallocated.
d) approves the following SLIPs budget amendments for implementation during the 2014/2015 financial year:
e) approves the following project from its 2014/2015 SLIPs capital expenditure budget, to be funded from savings realised from the projects in resolutions b) and c)
f) approves the following project from its 2014/2015 SLIPs capital expenditure budget, to be funded from savings realised from the projects in resolutions b) and c)
g) approves the following project from its 2014/2015 SLIPs capital expenditure budget, to be funded from savings realised from the projects in resolutions b) and c)
h) notes that upon approval of the above recommendations, the discretionary capital funding is 100% allocated in the 2014/2015 financial year.
15 |
Business Association Support Fund Allocation - Remuera Business Association |
Resolution number OR/2015/32 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member M Thomas: That the Orākei Local Board: a) receives the Remuera Business Association funding application and approves $10,000 from its 2014/2015 Business Association Support Fund to the Remuera Business Association for the White Night in Remuera event. b) notes there is $10,000 remaining in the 2014/2015 Business Association Support Fund for future Remuera Business Association applications. c) requests that acknowledgement of Orākei Local Board support is noted in all promotional materials and at the White Night event.
16 |
Business Association Support Fund Allocation - St Heliers Village Association |
Resolution number OR/2015/33 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson CRJ Davis: That the Orākei Local Board: a) receives the St Heliers Village Association funding application and approves $8,000 from its 2014/2015 Business Association Support Fund to the St Heliers sandcastle competition event. b) notes there is $7,000 remaining in the 2014/2015 Business Association Support Fund for future St Heliers Village Association applications. c) requests that acknowledgement of Orākei Local Board support is noted in all promotional materials and at the St Heliers sandcastle competition event. |
17 |
Residents Association Support Fund Allocation - Meadowbank St Johns Residents Association |
Resolution number OR/2015/34 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member CH Cooke: That the Orākei Local Board: a) receives the Meadowbank St Johns Residents Association funding application and approves $5,000 from its 2014/2015 Residents Association Support Fund to the Meadowbank St Johns Residents Association Grow 2015 Project. b) notes there is $0 remaining in the 2014/2015 Residents Association Support Fund for future Meadowbank St Johns Residents Association applications. c) requests that acknowledgement of Orākei Local Board support is noted on website, social media, publications and events.
18 |
Resolution number OR/2015/35 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member CH Cooke: That the Orākei Local Board: a) notes that the Governing Body has abandoned the traditional hearings process run by local boards to hear Long Term Plan submissions and established ‘Have your Say’. b) notes that the Orākei Local Board was not formally consulted on the hearing format change. c) notes that ‘Have Your Say’ means submitters can give a verbal submission as an alternate to written or online submissions. d) notes that ‘Have Your Say’ may mean Board Members receive less direct contact with rate payers. e) requests officers consider a Hearings format if ratepayers ask to be heard this way. f) notes that the Orākei area ‘Have Your Say’ is scheduled for March 3 at 7.00 pm at ASB Stadium Kohimarama. g) notes that all board members have indicated they will be present at the ‘Have Your Say’ on March 3 to hear verbal submissions. h) notes that should board members need assistance facilitating discussions, the board delegate the following staff to hear and record: i. Tier 2 staff ii. Tier 3 staff iii. Local Board Relationship Manager, Local Board Senior Advisor, Local Board Advisor iv. any additional staff approved by the Chair.
i) notes that note takers will be available for all board members and staff. j) notes that all formal submissions will be taken by note takers. k) notes that all submissions will be compiled and a report produced as per the formal process.
Board Member M Thomas requested that his vote against resolution h be recorded.
19 |
Resolution number OR/2015/36 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member KH Baguley: That the Orākei Local Board: a) receives the January 2015 report from Auckland Transport. b) advises Auckland Transport that the process around Auckland Transport HOP cards and students has not worked during January and February as identifications had yet to be issued to students. c) requests Auckland Transport to prepare a Rough Order of Costs to construct a safety fence beside the footpath on Abbotts Way between the entrance to Edmund Hillary Village and the intersection of Lunn Avenue and Ngahue Drive in order to provide a safer environment for pedestrians. d) requests Auckland Transport to prepare a Rough Order of Costs to construct a turning bay at the end of Waitara Road, to provide a safe turning point for vehicle attending Glover Park. e) approve the increase in the Rough Order of Costs for the Churchill Park Eversham Entranceway project from a previously approved figure of $81,000 to $110,000. f) requests a briefing on the Regional Land Transport Plan as soon as possible.
20 |
A copy of Chairpersons DEC Simpson’s tabled report documents have been placed on the official minutes and can be viewed at the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number OR/2015/37 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member M Thomas:
That the Orākei Local Board: a) receives the tabled Chairperson’s report.
b) requests the Auckland Council Events Manager responds to the concerns noted in the resolutions from St Heliers Village Association below: St Heliers Village Association notes with great concern the increasing number of food vendors accepted to be part of Weetbix Tryathlon event. St Heliers Village Association insists that the outside stall holders EZ Lunch (Go Deli), Vegetarian Bakehouse, Paletta Ice Blocks and Mizzoni Pizza be declined the ability to sell on the day as these businesses are not local and their products and services are in direct conflict with businesses in St Heliers located immediately adjacent to Vellenoweth Green. St Heliers Village Association supports the Weetbix Breakfast tent because of the major sponsorship associated with the Weetbix Tryathlon. The St Heliers Village Association notes that economic development is at fore front of ATEED and the agreement to bring in outside vendors undermines the ethics and intent of local economic development. St Heliers Village Association has requested to be included in early event planning. Discussions with Orakei Local Board and the Events team at Auckland Council for those events planned to impact Vellenoweth Green the suburb of St Heliers. c) requests a meeting as soon as possible with Wendy Caspersonn, (St Heliers Village Association) SMC Events and Auckland Council Events Manager facilitated by Kate Cooke.
a Chairperson's Report February |
21 |
A copy of tabled of Member Parkinson and Member Bagley report documents have been placed on the official minutes and can be viewed at the Auckland Council website |
Resolution number OR/2015/38 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member CH Cooke: That the Orākei Local Board: a) receives the Board Member reports. b) receives the tabled reports from Board Member Parkinson and Board Member Bagley.
a Board Member Baguley February 2015 b Board Member Churton Feburary 2015 |
22 |
Resolution number OR/2015/39 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member K Parkinson: That the Orākei Local Board: a) receives the record of proceedings for the Orākei Local Board workshops held on 27 November 2014 and 11 December 2014.
23 |
Resolution number OR/2015/40 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member M Thomas: That the Orākei Local Board: a) receives the Resolutions Pending Action report.
24 |
Resolution number OR/2015/41 MOVED by Chairperson DEC Simpson, seconded by Member M Thomas: That the Orākei Local Board: a) receives the Orākei Local Board achievements register.
25 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
5.17 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.