I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Papakura Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 18 February 2015


Local Board Chambers
Papakura Service Centre
35 Coles Crescent


Papakura Local Board









Bill McEntee


Deputy Chairperson

Michael Turner



Stuart Britnell



Brent Catchpole



Graham Purdy



Katrina Winn



(Quorum 3 members)




Trish Wayper

Local Board Democracy Advisor


12 February 2015


Contact Telephone: (09) 295 1331

Email: Patricia.Wayper@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz






Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                5

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          6

12        Councillors' Update                                                                                                       7

13        Auckland Transport Update - February 2015                                                             9

14        Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards                                         15

15        Local Board Input on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025           45

16        Performance Report for the Papakura Local Board for the Six Months Ended 31 December 2014                                                                                                             49

17        Regional Facilities Auckland (RFA) Quarterly Report for the Period Ended 31 December 2014                                                                                                                             109

18        Review of District Licensing Committee                                                                129

19        Local Board Delegations for Have Your Say Events                                             133

20        Allocation of Local Board Discretionary Operational Budget 2014/2015           137

21        Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term        139

22        Reports Requested - Pending - Issues                                                                   145

23        Papakura Local Board Workshop Notes                                                                151  

24        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome


Board member will lead the meeting in prayer.


2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 10 December 2014, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Papakura Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.


9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Councillors' Update


File No.: CP2015/00976





1.       An opportunity is provided for Councillors’ Calum Penrose and Sir John Walker to update the Board on Governing Body issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil.



a)      That the Councillors’ update be received.




There are no attachments for this report.     



Trish Wayper - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Auckland Transport Update - February 2015


File No.: CP2015/01570





1.       The purpose of the report is to respond to local board requests on transport-related matters and to provide information to Elected Members about Auckland Transport (AT) activities in the local board area.

Executive Summary

2.       This report covers matters of specific application and interest to the Papakura Local Board and its community; matters of general interest relating to AT activities or the transport sector; and AT media releases for the information of the Board and community.




That the Papakura Local Board receives the report entitled “Auckland Transport Update – February 2015”.




Local Board Transport Capital Fund:


3.       The Papakura Local Board is allocated $306,184 per annum from the Local Board Transport Capital Fund. These funds can be used annually or rolled together to use the full three years’ of funding (LBCTF).

4.       Taking into account funding already allocated, The Papakura Local Board has $737,308 remaining to be utilised in this electoral term.

5.       For larger projects the 2016/17 financial years LBTCF ($306,184) can also be brought forward, providing a total of $1,043,492 to spend, if the Board wishes.

6.       The Board has asked Auckland Transport to investigate using the LBCTF allocation to undertake the following projects: 





Projected Cost

Connection of Railway Station and Town Centre:

Looking at ways of cognitively linking the town Centre with the Railway station.

Projects for further investigation include:

- Making the intersection Railway Street West/ Wood Street more pedestrian friendly


- Great South Road intersection with Opaheke Rd

- Investigating a covered walkway on Railway Street West down Avril Street and Wood Street

- Providing a mirror to “make safe” the alley way at the end of the Railway Street West Ramp

- Street furniture/way-finding lighting etc..

These will be investigated once firm costs are received for the “all weather bridge project”.


This project will be investigated as part of the Papakura Town Centre revitalization project. 



All weather over bridge


The final review (completed by external Engineering Firm URS) is complete. The review investigated whether the existing structure of the Papakura Railway Station footbridge has adequate capacity to withstand the additional loads imposed by the canopy (designed by Structurflex.

The findings showed overloading was an issue, as was originally raised by AT as a significant risk at the concept stage.

AT recommend that the project does not proceed as installation will be significantly more than the available funding through the Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF).

Total cost of project to date:


Forecast for completion (outstanding invoices) - $27,876.00

This consists of:

AT staff costs: $2,317.50

Structurflex canopy preliminary design and survey: $19,000.00

URS structural review of walkways and for the Structurflex canopy proposal: $4,559.00






Current Papakura Local Board Project Update:





Projected Cost

Refresh of signage in Papakura

Refresh of navigation and directional signage, identification of parking buildings and areas of significance/interest (Maraes, galleries)

AT is currently working on documentation for discussion regarding the cost to signage to community facilities and routes suggested by the transport leads. We expect to present a report to the Transport leads in March.


On July 16 the Board approved a maximum of $110,000 to refresh the signage in the Papakura Local Board area.


Redoubt-Mill Road Upgrade:


7.       Auckland Transport has identified the route for the upgrade of Redoubt Road-Mill Road corridor and applied to Auckland Council to designate land (Notices of Requirement) for the project. Letters and information has been sent  to landowners to notify them of the route identified and the NoR lodgement. The council is expected to publicly notify the Notices of Requirement (NoR) for the designation in early 2015.


Board Consultations


8.       Consultation documents for the following proposals have been provided to the Papakura Local Board for its feedback.  As the Board’s transport portfolio holders provide feedback on the Board’s behalf, the material below is included for general information purposes only.


No Stopping At All Times (NSAAT) on both sides of Kilmacrennan Drive:


9.       Auckland Transport proposed to install new “No Stopping At All Times” (NSAAT) road marking restrictions along both sides of Kilmacrennan Drive around the head of the new cul-de-sac to improve safety by prohibiting vehicles parking in this area. The Board objected to the proposal on the basis that “the Parkhaven Subdivision has been developed providing probably the best on street parking of any recent development in Papakura”.


10.     While AT noted the Boards objection, the design of the cul-de-sac requires broken yellow lines to provide adequate maneuvering area (turning circles) for vehicles turning around, including emergency, rubbish truck etc. The length of proposed NSAAT has been designed to maximise the available on street parking, and minimise impact on residents. 


Intersection of Manuroa Road and Porchester Road:


11.     Auckland Transport has identified the need to improve the operation and safety for pedestrians at the intersection of Manuroa Road and Porchester Road, Takanini. AT provided the Board with drawings of proposed treatments including a splitter island, NSAAT restrictions, upgraded lighting, footpath, pram crossings and road markings.





General Information Items:


Regional Land Transport Plan (‘RLTP’) Consultation

12.     The draft RLTP is being consulted alongside Council’s Long Term Plan. Both documents were released for public consultation on 23 January.

13.     The RLTP represents the combined intentions of Auckland Transport, NZTA, and KiwiRail in terms of forward planning and priorities.

14.     The current proposed plan, called the Basic Transport Plan (‘BTP’) in the RLTP,  will deliver or complete a number of major projects including cycleways, roading projects in the north-west, a start on the City Rail Link, and progress on a number of public transport improvements. However, the BTP will also see many projects delayed and some pushed out of the ten year plan entirely. For significant progress to be possible on many of the Auckland Plan transport initiatives, alternative funding sources will be required.

15.     In response, Auckland Transport looked at a number of options and the Auckland Transport Board has asked management to further investigate light rail as a means of addressing severe congestion and pollution on key bus routes in the longer-term.  It was important to signal this as a possibility through the consultation phase, although work is still at a very early stage.  The draft RLTP notes that any work on light rail is not currently funded and therefore a key focus going forward will be to identify alternative funding sources.

16.     The draft RLTP can be found at www.at.govt.nz, consultation ends 16 March 2015.


Red Light Cameras Programme

17.     Police and Auckland Transport are working together to reduce risk for road users at key Auckland intersections by installing red light cameras using NZTA’s methodology to identify intersections where red light cameras would likely enhance road safety.

18.     During the period 2009-2013 there were 634 injury crashes and 1277 non-injury crashes caused by red light running in the Auckland area.

19.     Based on the NZTA’s analysis, 75 sites were prioritised by Police and AT on the basis of potential crash-reduction savings.  Of those, seven new red light camera sites were selected for installation and operation across Auckland in 2015.

20.     Police will own and run two digital, dual function cameras capable of recording vehicles that run red lights and/or speed through intersections. They will initially operate in red-light mode only. This will bring the total number of red light camera sites across Auckland to 17.

21.     The new cameras further support the wider programmes run by both organisations to encourage safer driving. Auckland Transport has recently delivered a Red Means Stop education and enforcement campaign supported by the Police, and a follow up campaign will be run in February.



Infrastructure installation

Camera in trial mode

Camera in enforcement mode

Auckland CBD – Halsey Street & Fanshawe Street

Auckland Transport

December 2014

December 2014

Late January 2015

Avondale – Ash Street & Rosebank Road

Auckland Transport

December 2014

December 2014

Late January 2015

Pakuranga – Pigeon Mountain & Pakuranga Road

Auckland Transport

December 2014

December 2014

Late January 2015

East Tamaki – Te Irirangi Drive & Smales Road

Auckland Transport

December 2014

December 2014

Late January 2015

East Tamaki – Chapel Road & Stancombe Road

Auckland Transport

December 2014

December 2014

Late January 2015

Lambie Drive Interchange (east-bound off-ramp)

Police/Auckland Motorways Alliance

December 2014

January 2015


Botany – Te Irirangi & Tī Rakau Drives

Police/Auckland Transport

December 2014

January 2015






There are no attachments for this report.    



Felicity Merrington – Elected Member Relationship Manager (South), Auckland Transport


Jonathan Anyon – Elected Member Relationship Team Manager

Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards


File No.: CP2015/01563





Executive Summary

1.       The purpose of this report is to inform local boards about progress on activities undertaken by Auckland Transport in the three months October – December 2014 and the planned activities anticipated to be undertaken in the three months January – March 2015.


2.         Attachments include:

             A –       Auckland Transport activities

            B –       Travelwise Schools activities

            C –      Decisions of the Traffic Control Committee

            D –      Report against local board advocacy issues

                      E –       Report on the status of the local board’s projects under the Local Board Transport                Capital Fund (LBTCF).




That the Auckland Transport Quarterly Report be received.



Significant Activities During the Period Under Review

Key Agency Initiatives

East West Connections

3.   The recent community engagement on options received 120 online or written pieces of feedback, with more than 200 people attending open days, meetings, workshops and hui. This feedback is now being analysed and a summary of comments will be released in early 2015.



Public Transport Development

Half Moon Bay Ferry Upgrade

4.   The site investigation for this project is underway with initial consenting, marine survey and structural design works progressing in support of an Auckland Transport request  to the Howick Local Board for joint project funding. Design work and the construction of the pontoon and gangway are programmed for 2015 with the physical works and construction in 2016.


City Rail Link (CRL)

5.   Auckland Transport is establishing a Community Liaison Group (CLG) for the CRL enabling works in the Britomart and Albert Street areas that may start in late 2015. Members of the CLG will include representatives of affected property owners or occupiers, CBD residents and others. This group will meet on a regular basis as the project progresses.


Electric Multiple Units Procurement

6.   There are now 38 units in NZ with 28 of these being issued provisional acceptance. Manukau services are now run entirely with Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) and testing of these on the Western line to Swanson is progressing well.  Manufacture and delivery is on programme.


Pukekohe Bus Rail Interchange

7.   Funding of $1 million has been made available in the 2014/15 financial year to permit a phased ‘building block’ approach to deliver the bus and rail interchange.


8.   The first phase delivers basic bus interchange infrastructure to accommodate the new bus network in late 2015.


Public Transport  Operations

Bus Improvements

9.   Public Transport patronage totaled 74,506,244 passenger trips for the twelve months to October 2014 an overall increase of 7.7% on the previous year. Rail patronage totaled 12,124,025, up 17.6%, the Northern Express 2,580,225, up by 12.4%, other bus services 54,713,200, up by 6.25% and, ferry services carried 5,088,794 passenger, up slightly on the previous year.


Rail Improvements

10. Train timetables have been over-hauled and there is now an at least half hourly service on all lines, day and night, seven days a week, until the normal close of services on particular lines.


11. During peak travel times the southern and eastern lines now have six trains an hour with three trains per hour inter-peak. The Onehunga line has half-hourly services, all day, seven days a week. On the western line peak services remain at fifteen minute intervals with half-hourly inter-peak, evenings and weekends.


Ferry Improvements

12. An application from Explorer Group to operate ferry services from Downtown to Waiheke has been accepted and a service of twelve sailings a day commenced shortly after Labour Weekend.


13. Fullers have just commissioned a new vessel the Kotuku. She will operate across a number of Fuller’s services, including Waiheke.



Road Design and Development

Dominion Road

14. The cycle routes are progressing well with road works almost completed. New wayfinding signage is in the hands of a specialist supplier and is due for installation.


Albany Highway

15. Construction has commenced and major earth movements are underway opposite the Albany Senior College. New traffic controls are in place at the southern end of the works as preparations are made for building retaining walls and install drainage.


Tamaki Drive/Ngapipi Road Intersection

16. Detailed Design continues with consent applications due for submission early in 2015.


Lincoln Road Improvements

17. The registration of interest (ROI) has been completed and the shortlisted consultants have been invited to participate in the second stage of the tendering process for the detailed design phase. Property acquisition has been commenced.



Redoubt-Mill Road upgrade

18. Auckland Transport has identified the route for the upgrade of Redoubt Road-Mill Road corridor and applied to Auckland Council to designate land (Notices of Requirement) for the project. Letters and information has been sent  to landowners to notify them of the route identified and the NoR lodgement. The council is expected to publicly notify the Notices of Requirement (NoR) for the designation in early 2015.


Cycle Initiatives

19. An information day has been held to share design concepts for the second stage of the Beach Road walking and cycling project. Stage two will deliver a streetscape upgrade and continue the cycleway along Beach Road from the intersection with Mahuhu Crescent through to Britomart Place. Construction is expected to begin in February and to be completed in July.




20. More than 90 women participated in the inaugural Frocks on Bikes event held at Hurstmere Green in Takapuna.  The event labeled a ‘Summer Fling’ is part of Auckland Transport’s ‘Cyclings the go’ programme which is designed to encourage more Aucklanders to take up cycling for recreation, health and as a credible form of transport.


Shop by Rail

21. Auckland Transport launched a pre-Christmas awareness campaign highlighting how easy it is to access major shopping precincts around Auckland by train. The ‘Shopping Adventures by Train’ advertising directed Christmas shoppers to retail centres at Downtown Auckland, New Lynn, Manukau, Sylvia Park, Onehunga, Newmarket and Henderson.



Commute Travel Planning Programme

22. A national “Let’s Carpool’ survey was undertaken with those registered on the ‘Let’s Carpool’ website and 19.5% of the Auckland respondents identified carpooling as their main mode of travelling to work.


23. The completed report ‘Auckland Tertiary Institutions: Developing a Strategic Approach to Travel Planning 2014-2016, will be the basis of consultation on travel planning with tertiary institutions. The Commute team will be working closely with the Public Transport team to develop an on-line campaign to promote public transport and travel choices to tertiary institutions and their students.



Road Corridor Delivery

24. Good progress has been made with the delivery of the pavement rehabilitation and resurfacing programmes with 11.1 km of pavement rehabilitation and 187.1 km of resurfacing completed to date.  We are on track to achieve the target lengths with this work expected to be substantially complete by the end of March 2015.


25. The table below outlines the target lengths set for the full year and progress to date:


Table 1: Renewal Target lengths


Work Activity



Target lengths


Completed lengths as at 31/12/14
















26. Expressions of Interest have been sought in respect to the carrying out of street light maintenance across the region.  The Expression of Interest (EOI) process will result in a shortlist of participants who will then be invited to participate in a Request for Tender (RFT) process in the New Year.  There will be four geographically based contracts - North, South, Central and West. 


27. These contracts will each be for a term of 4 years (with an option for two extensions of one year each at Auckland Transport’s discretion) and will commence on 1 July 2015.  No contractor will be able to win or participate in more than two of the four contracts.


28. The work includes the carrying out of all maintenance, renewals and minor capital works on the street lighting network.  It also includes the replacement of the existing 70W high pressure sodium luminaires with approved LED luminaires. 


29. Tenders have been called for the carrying out of a number of pavement rehabilitation projects in the west and south areas.  The work tendered comprises 15-20% of the total pavement rehabilitation programmes for these areas.  The remaining projects are being carried out through our 10 area-based road maintenance contracts.


30. The purpose of tendering this work is to provide an opportunity for contractors other than our road maintenance contractors to bid for this work and also to benchmark the tendered rates in these contracts against the rates in our existing road maintenance contracts.  This is part of an on-going commitment to maintain a sustainable contracting environment in the Auckland region.








Schedule of activities undertaken for the second quarter (2015/2015) ending 31 December 2014 and forward works programme for the third quarter (2014/2015) ending 31 March 2015



Travelwise Schools activities broken down by Local Board



Traffic Control Committee Decisions



Local Board Advocacy Report



Local Board Transport Capital Fund Report





Various Auckland Transport Authors


Jonathan Anyon – Elected Member Relationship Team Manager

Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Local Board Input on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025


File No.: CP2015/00969






1.       To outline the options for local boards to provide feedback on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025 and agree the approach the Papakura Local Board will take to provide their feedback.

Executive Summary

2.       The draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025 (RLTP) was endorsed by Auckland Transport’s Board at their 16 December 2014 meeting. It sets out the programme of work Auckland Transport (AT) proposes to deliver over the next ten years, within the funding available, and the models used to prioritise projects. Attachment A is the draft RLTP.

3.       Local boards had three opportunities at different workshops in 2014 to discuss the RLTP process, prioritisation mechanisms and proposed projects with Auckland Transport management and staff.

4.       Following on from these workshops, local boards are now encouraged to provide formal feedback about the draft RLTP. There are two ways boards can do this. AT would like to encourage boards to take up both opportunities.

     a)       Speak at the AT Transport Stakeholder event that is taking place on 10 and 11      March 2015. This is a hearing style event where local board members will be heard             by members of the AT board.

b)           Provide written feedback to AT by 16 March 2015.



That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Agree to provide feedback to Auckland Transport on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025 by:

i)        speaking at the Auckland Transport, Transport Stakeholder event

ii)       providing written feedback to Auckland Transport.

b)      Delegate to the chair and the transport portfolio holder the power to speak on behalf of the board at the Auckland Transport, Transport Stakeholder event.

c)      Delegate to the chair and the transport portfolio holder the power to approve the board’s written feedback to Auckland Transport on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025.




The Draft Regional Land Transport Plan


6.       The draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025 (RLTP) was endorsed by Auckland Transport’s Board at their 16 December 2014 meeting. It sets out the programme of work Auckland Transport proposes to deliver over the next ten years, within the funding available, and the models used to prioritise projects. Attachment A (separate attachment) is the draft RLTP.

7.       In addition, the draft RLTP identifies an alternative transport investment package that may be possible if additional funding can be secured.

8.       The council’s Long-term Plan (LTP) and the RLTP are developed under a very similar timeline and cover largely the same transport issues.  Rather than consulting with Aucklanders on the same issues at the same time, this year a single consultation process will be used to seek Aucklanders’ feedback on transport and inform both the LTP and the RLTP. This consultation is taking place between 23 January and 16 March 2015.


Local Board Input on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan

9.       Local boards had three opportunities at different workshops in 2014 to discuss the RLTP process, prioritisation mechanisms and proposed projects with Auckland Transport management and staff. Therefore boards should already be familiar with the broad direction of the draft RLTP and the constraints involved. 

10.     Following on from these workshops, local boards are now encouraged to provide formal feedback about the draft RLTP. There are two ways boards can do this. AT would like to encourage boards to take up both opportunities.

     a)       Speak at the AT Transport Stakeholder event that is taking place on 10 and 11      March. This is a hearing style event where local board members will be      heard by          members of the AT board. From those boards speaking at these events, AT is          seeking a written summary in advance of the event as well as written feedback (see           below for details) which generally summarises and reflects their verbal           presentations. Boards will need to delegate to member/s the power to speak on     behalf of their board at this event.

     b)       Provide written feedback to AT by the 16 March by delegating to member/s the    power to approve the board’s written feedback prior to submitting it to AT.

11.     These deadlines are important because Auckland Transport staff must analyse all submissions and prepare a revised draft of the RLTP for the April 2015 AT Board meeting. The revised draft RLTP must be provided to New Zealand Transport Agency by 30 April to ensure central government considers Auckland’s programme alongside all other regional programmes from across New Zealand.

12.     Local boards have already undertaken extensive community engagement to inform their local board plans and advocacy plans, including on transport. This is in addition to the ongoing conversations boards have with their communities about their priorities and the engagement taking place as part of the LTP and RLTP consultation. This information will be useful to inform local board feedback on the draft RLTP.

13.     When providing feedback on the draft RLTP, it is useful to remember that:

     a)    it is the governing body not AT that will decide the level of funding that will be                     made available to deliver on the transport programme

     b)    the RLTP presents a proposed programme of work that is able to be delivered                   within the funding the draft LTP has made available for transport.

14.     Therefore if boards have feedback on the level of funding that has been allocated to transport in the LTP this can be advocated to the governing body. Feedback on the draft RLTP could focus on the proposed programme of work and the prioritisation model that has been used to determine this.

15.     In addition to local boards providing feedback on the RLTP, the community also has the opportunity through the LTP/RLTP consultation to give their views to AT.

16.     Local board feedback will be analysed along with all other feedback AT receives through the RLTP consultation. This will inform any amendments to the draft RLTP which will be reported back to the AT Board in April.



Local Board Views and Implications

17.     This report sets out how local boards have already been engaged in the development of the draft RLTP and how they can now choose to provide formal feedback.

Maori Impact Statement

18.     This report is about how local boards can provide feedback to AT on the draft RLTP. In terms of the process boards can follow for this, there are no specific impacts on Māori. There may be some consideration in boards’ feedback to AT on how the transport programme affects Māori. In addition there are also two regional stakeholder hui that will take place as part of the LTP/RLTP consultation.

Implementation Issues

19.     The final RLTP will be posted on AT’s website as soon as possible after adoption, and printed copies will be made available prior to the statutory deadline of 31 July 2015.  








Papakura Local Board Attachment Draft Regional Land Transport Plan - 18 February 2015 (Under Separate Cover)





Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services


Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Performance Report for the Papakura Local Board for the Six Months Ended 31 December 2014


File No.: CP2015/00725





1.       To update the Papakura Local Board members on progress towards their objectives for the year from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 as set out in the Local Board agreement.

Executive summary

2.       A financial performance report is presented to the local boards for the accounting quarters ending September, December, March and June. 

3.       Auckland Council departments and Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) also present regular performance reports to the local boards

4.       To improve overall performance reporting the Financial Advisory Services – Local Boards team produces a combined quarterly financial report, department report and CCO report

5.       The attached omnibus consolidation contains the following reports this quarter

·    Local board financial performance report

·    Local Community Development, Arts and Culture (CDAC) activity overview

·    Local Sports Parks and Recreation overview

·    Local Economic Development overview

·    Local Libraries overview

·    Local Infrastructure and Environmental Services (IES) overview

·    Treasury Report

·    ATEED Report




That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Receive the Performance Report for the Papakura Local Board for the period ended December 2014




6.       Local Economic Development has included a quarterly report for the first time.  This is expected to be a standard report every quarter.

7.       In consultation with local boards this omnibus report provides the elected members with an overview of local activities from council departments and CCO’s.

8.       The Performance Report contains departmental and CCO reports for inclusion and discussion. Some of these will be six monthly reports depending on their traditional reporting cycles.



Local Board Views and Implications

9.       The report is presented to the Papakura Local Board members at a workshop prior to the ordinary meeting.

Maori Impact Statement

10.     Maori, as stakeholders in the council, are affected and have an interest in any report of the local board financials.  However, this financial performance report does not impact specific outcomes or activities. As such, the content of this report has no particular benefit to, or adverse effect on Maori







Quarterly Omnibus Report





Debbie Pinfold - Lead Financial Advisor


Christine Watson - Manager Financial Advisory Services - Local Boards

Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Regional Facilities Auckland (RFA) Quarterly Report for the Period Ended 31 December 2014


File No.: CP2015/01560






1.       Attaching a copy of the Regional Facilities Auckland second quarter report for the 2014/2015 financial year for the period ended 31 December 2014 for the board’s information.

Executive Summary

2.       N/A



That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Receive the Regional Facilities Auckland quarterly report for the period ended 31 December 2014.








Regional Facilities Auckland (RFA) quarterly report for the period ended 31 December 2014





Trish Wayper - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services

Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Review of District Licensing Committee


File No.: CP2015/01637





1.       An opportunity for the Board to consider the resolution by the Manurewa Local Board dated 12 February 2015.

Executive Summary

2.       The Manurewa Local Board considered under extra-ordinary business  a Notice of Motion concerning the review of the district licensing authority.  The following resolution was passed by the Board:


Extraordinary Item - Notice of Motion - Review of District Licensing Committee







Extraordinary Item - Notice of Motion - Review of District Licensing Committee Structure


The Deputy Chair, Simeon Brown, tabled a notice of motion requesting a review of the District Licensing Committee structure earlier than June 2015.


A copy of the notice of motion can be publicly viewed at the Auckland Council website.



Resolution number MR/2015/11

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Brown, seconded by Member MJ Bailey:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         request the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee undertake the District Licensing Committee review for completion by the end of April 2015 for the following reasons:

i)          at the establishment of the District Licensing Committee structure a review was envisaged at the 12 month mark (ie:  December 2014)

ii)         a review is needed to establish the effectiveness or otherwise of the District Licensing Committee structure

iii)        the current structure appears to not allow for community views to be taken into account.

iv)        the date for the adoption of the provisional Local Alcohol Policy is not definite and, in the board’s view, not related to the effectiveness of the District Licensing Committee structure.


b)         request that the District Licensing Committee review include

i)          the form and structure of the District Licensing Committee, and

ii)         incorporate feedback from everyone who has been involved in the current District Licensing Committee structure, being (but not exclusive to):

1)   the Police

2)   the Medical Officer of Health

3)   local boards

4)   submitters, and

5)   applicants


c)         request that the notice of motion and resolutions be forwarded to all local boards for their consideration.





That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      endorse the resolution passed by the Manurewa Local Board dated 12 February 2015.








Manurewa Local Board - Notice of Motion _ Attachment Papakura Local Board _ 18 February 2015





Trish Wayper - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Local Board Delegations for Have Your Say Events


File No.: CP2015/00277






1.       To provide for local board delegations for the public consultation process for the local board agreement in the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (LTP).

Executive Summary

2.       Under the Local Government Act 2002, Auckland Council is required to follow the special consultative procedure to seek public feedback to inform the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (including local board agreements).

3.       Recent changes to the Local Government Act 2002 provide council with more flexibility in how it consults with Aucklanders, in particular in how council can hear the views of Aucklanders. The consultation process is introducing a number of changes that satisfy legislative requirements while also enabling Aucklanders to engage in the public consultation process in a variety of ways to suit their personal preferences.

4.       A key change involves replacing traditional hearings with public spoken interaction events called Have Your Say (HYS) events across the Auckland region from 14 February through to the 14 March 2015. Aucklanders can provide feedback on regional and local issues at these events which will be attended by a mix of governing body members, local board members, Auckland Transport Board members (or their delegates) and well supported by staff to record all feedback.

5.       Aucklanders who choose to attend a HYS event will be able to present their views through spoken interaction with decision makers or their representatives.  Local boards are decision makers for their local board agreements, which form a part of the LTP. As the governing body are also decision makers on local board agreements it is important that both hear feedback on local proposals. 

6.       To make sure that there are sufficient decision-makers (or delegates) to hear all the feedback provided if attendance is higher than expected for a HYS event, or if a board member is unable to attend, it is recommended that the local board make delegations to staff to hear on their behalf.  At their meeting on 18 December the governing body made delegations to cover this risk.



That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Delegate to the following staff the power and responsibility to hear from the public on the local board agreement through “spoken interaction/NZ sign language interaction” at the “Have Your Say” events:

i)        Tier 2 staff

ii)       Tier 3 staff

iii)      Local Board Relationship Manager, Local Board Senior Advisor, Local Board Advisor

iv)      any additional staff approved by the Chair.





7.       Each Have Your Say session will run for approximately two hours, however there could be more than one session held at an event depending on the number of people who register. Public feedback will be collected across three broad areas:

·             The key LTP issues including balancing affordability with progress; transport, rates            and a more active development role for the council.

·             Local priorities and proposals

·             Other regional matters


8.       A range of options are available for the structure and format of these events. This flexibility will enable events to be tailored to account for the community preferences, logistical variations in the number of Aucklanders who attend, what they would like to talk about, and the number and mix of elected members available.

9.       To help manage this, Aucklanders will be asked to register their attendance for these events online through the Shape Auckland website. It would be at this point where they would request a sign interpreter or Māori interpreter if required.

10.     Aucklanders who choose to attend a HYS event will be able to present their views through spoken interaction with a decision maker or their representative.  Local boards are decision makers for their local board agreements, which form a part of the LTP. If attendance is higher than expected for a HYS event, it may be difficult for the local board members present to hear all the feedback on local proposals. To manage this eventuality it is recommended that the local board make delegations to staff to hear on their behalf.  These delegations would only come into play if needed due to high public attendance at the HYS event. They are not intended to undermine the importance of local board members being present to hear from their communities.

11.     Local board members attendance at the HYS event is important to enable them to hear the views of their communities on local proposals given the board’s decision making role. The HYS event also provides an important opportunity for local board members to hear the views of their communities on regional proposals to inform their advocacy.


Local Board Views and Implications

12.     Local board views have not been sought on this report as it is recommending a pragmatic delegation to staff to manage events that attract larger numbers.

Maori Impact Statement

13.     Te Waka Angamua staff will attend all HYS events to facilitate and capture feedback from Maori participants. Therefore it is not anticipated that the recommendation in this report has a specific an impact on Maori.



There are no attachments for this report.     



Karen Titulaer – Senior Policy Advisor


Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services

Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Allocation of Local Board Discretionary Operational Budget 2014/2015


File No.: CP2015/01473






1.       This report outlines various projects that could be funded through the local board discretionary capital and operational budgets for 2014/2015 and seeks authorisation to allocate the funding.

Executive Summary

2.       The local board discretionary budgets are a community response fund that can be utilised for a range of projects, as a need is determined.  For the year as a whole, there was $78,768 capital budget for projects and $307,533 operational budget.

3.       In July and December 2014, the local board allocated some of the operational funding and therefore the remaining budget for 2014/2015 is $229,903.

4.       Various projects have been identified that could utilise the remaining budgets. Some of these are subject to firm quotes, whilst others are still at the scoping stage and will need further definition before a specific costing can be obtained.  It is therefore proposed that a maximum amount be allocated to these emerging projects, in order to give some certainty and enable final specifications to be agreed.

5.       The projects are summarised in the table below:


Project details

Potential costs

Local board plan outcome

Urban planning project for town centre revitalisation, to cover scoping and initial work

$15,000 opex

A vibrant metropolitan centre

Ongoing clean up and replanting for Papakura stream – contribution

$20,000 opex

Treasured for its environment and heritage

Beautification of the four town ‘gateways’

$50,000 opex

A vibrant metropolitan centre

Parks – various maintenance and improvement works

$130,000 opex

A sports and recreation hub

Strong, safe and healthy communities

Parks – various improvement works

$68,000 capex

A sports and recreation hub

Strong, safe and healthy communities

Papakura Art Gallery window – mitigation of condensation issues

$2,600 capex

A vibrant metropolitan centre

Signage for Papakura library and museum

$8,000 capex

A vibrant metropolitan centre




That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Allocates $15,000 from the local board discretionary operational budget towards the urban planning project for town centre revitalisation, to cover scoping and initial work;

b)      Allocates $20,000 from the local board discretionary operational budget towards ongoing clean up and replanting along the Papakura stream;

c)      Allocates $50,000 from the local board discretionary operational budget towards the beautification of the four town ‘gateways’;

d)      Allocates $130,000 from the local board discretionary operational budget towards works to parks and associated facilities that have certainty of delivery before 30 June 2015;

e)      Allocates up to $68,000 from the local board discretionary capital budget for improvements to parks that can be delivered before 30 June 2015;

f)       Allocates $2,600 from the local board discretionary capital fund for works to the Papakura Art Gallery window in order to deal with condensation issues;

g)      Allocates $8,000 from the local board discretionary capital budget for further signage to the library and museum.




There are no attachments for this report.     



Karen Gadomski - Senior Local Board Advisor Papakura


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term


File No.: CP2015/00977





1.       Providing a updated register of achievements of the Papakura Local Board for the 2013-2016 Electoral Term.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil.



a)      That the report entitled “Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term” be received.








Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Terms





Trish Wayper - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



AC new logo_horz_cmyk 






7 November 2013

Inaugural Meeting

-           Election of Chair, Bill McEntee and

-           Deputy Chair, Michael Turner

8 November 2013

Fireworks Spectacular

9 November 2013

Spring Clean

19 November 2013

Citizenship Ceremony

28 November 2013

Appointment of Board Members to Outside Organisations

28 November 2013

Appointment of Portfolio Allocations, Urban Design Champion, Business Improvement District (BID) Executive Committee and Resource Consent Public Notifications.

30 November 2013

Supported the Papakura Santa Parade

11 December 2013

Board agrees to release of Draft Annual Plan 2014/2015 including the draft Papakura Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 for public consultation

13 December 2013

Supported the Papakura Carols in the Park

29 January 2014

Appointment of Board Youth Portfolio Lead  to the Papakura Youth Connections Steering Group

29 January 2014

Formal establishment of the Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee

29 January 2014

Position Paper on Draft Psychoactive Substances approved

29 January 2014

Approved position statement to the Auckland Council submission on the proposed Auckland Unitary Plan

11 February 2014

Papakura Local Board Public Engagement – Local Board Plan – Papakura Library

15 February 2014

Papakura Local Board Public Engagement – Local Board Plan – Smiths Avenue and Papakura Library

18 February 2014

Papakura Local Board Public Engagement – Local Board Plan – Takanini Stores

27 February 2014

Papakura Local Board Public Engagement – Workshop – Local Board Chambers

1 March 2014

Movies in the Park

2 March 2014

PIPs Canoe Day

8 March 2014

Southern Regional Hui – Local Board Plans

8 March 2014

Rosehill Family Fun Day

18 March 2014

Citizenship Ceremony

19 March 2014

Papakura Local Board Psychoactive Substances Regulations Submission feedback to form part of the Governing Body Submission to the Ministry of Health

19 March 2014

Papakura Local Board Objection to Liquor Licence Application – Harpreet Kaur Limited

29 March 2014

Papakura East Neighbourhood Policing Team Day

30 March 2014

Takaanini Reserve Neighbourhood Event

5 April 2014

Joint Papakura and Manurewa Elderly and Disability Engagement Session in collaboration with Counties Manukau DHB

16 April 2014

Approved the Papakura Local Economic Development Plan and Commerce and Industry Programme

25 April 2014

Attended ANZAC Day Services at Papakura and Drury

29 April 2014

Advocacy presentation to the Governing Body


Council Controlled Organisations feedback submitted


Funding Policy Review feedback submitted

30 April 2014

Inaugural Meeting Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee

21 May 2014

Community Group Funding of $80,364.00 awarded in funding Round 2 of the 2013/14 financial year

23 May 2014

Members attended Liquor Licencing Hearing - BottleO

29 May 2014

Dawn blessing of Takaanini Reserve and Ihaka Takaanini Plinths


Advocacy from the Board on the Takanini Interchange and motorway upgrade


Advocacy from the Board on Psychoactive substances leading to the temporary withdrawal from the market.

18 June 2014

Approved the Papakura Local  Board Community Development, Arts and Culture Work Programme 2014/2015

18 June 2014

Adopted the local content for the Annual Plan 2014/2015 including the Papakura Local Board Agreement 2014/2015

18 June 2014

Approved the Draft Local Board Plan 2014 for consultation

18 June 2014

Support for a joint scoping study with Southern Local Boards for the establishment of community recycling centres in the south.

18 June 2014

Approval of $15,000 funding to establish an annual Papakura Sports Awards

26 June 2014

Papakura Careers Expo

1 July 2014

Local Alcohol Policy Information Event - Stall


Active promotion of Auckland Transport Parking Strategy consultation


Active promotion of Long Term Plan youth engagement ‘My Vote Rule’

5 July 2014

Papakura Draft Local Board Plan Engagement Drop-in Session – Papakura Library

8 July 2014

Papakura Draft Local Board Plan Engagement Drop-in Session – Papakura Library

8 July 2014

Rosehill Residents Group – Consultation on Local Board Plan

8 July 2014

Conifer Grove Residents Association - Consultation on Local Board Plan

9 July 2014

Papakura Draft Local Board Plan Engagement Drop-in Session – Papakura Library

July 2014

Stakeholder engagement event of the Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan

16 July 2014

A total of $6,000 awarded under the Local Event Support Fund

16 July 2014

Feedback provided on the draft Local Alcohol Policy, Local Board role in alcohol licensing applications and Allocation of decision making review

16 July 2014

A grant of $7,800 awarded from the 2014/2015 discretionary operational budget towards the provision of a WW1 centennial commemorative panel at Papakura Museum and external signage for the museum and library.

July/August 2014

SCP on draft local board plan - board members held three drop in sessions at Papakura library and have been attending meetings of residents groups and other organisations in order to encourage submissions.

20 August 2014

Approved funding of $8,500 for Manukau Harbour Forum Action Plan and Work Programme in 2014/2015

20 August 2014

Annual Report 2014/2014 – Chairs Foreword and Achievements approved

20 August 2014

Additional $5,000 grant approved towards Papakura Fireworks Spectacular 2014

20 August 2014

Feedback made on Draft Local Approved Products Policy

21 August 2014

Papakura Volunteer Awards

27 August 2014

Papakura Local Board Plan Hearing

17 September 2014

Establishment of a local alcohol ban review panel to make review of alcohol bans in the local board area

17 September 2014

Approval of additional funding of $20,472 to Papakura and Districts Historical Society Incorporated to extend the Papakura Museum’s opening hours, effective 1 September 2014

17 September 2014

Deliberations on the submissions received to the Papakura Draft Local Board Plan

25 September 2014

Hosted the Local Board Urban Design Champions Quarterly Meeting, focused on design opportunities in Papakura Metropolitan centre

15 October 2014

Adoption of the Papakura Local Board Plan 2014

15 October 2014

Options approved for the future governance and management of community facilities on Smiths Reserve

15 October 2014

Community Group Funding applications approved totalling $15,102

15 October 2014

Funding of $7,000 agreed towards a 2015 Papakura Careers Expo

15 October 2014

Adoption of principles to guide decisions on requests for lease of public open space for early childhood education provision

15 October 2014

Feedback agreed on the Significance and Engagement Policy

15 October 2014

Feedback agreed on the Draft Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan

15 October 2014

Presentation to the Governing Body on key messages for Papakura in Long Term Plan prioritisation and policies


Formation of Community Garden in Hingaia

 1 & 8 November 2014

Drop-in sessions for Locally Approved Products Policy

14 November 2014

Papakura Fireworks Display

15 November 2014

Inaugural Papakura Market Day

18 November 2014

Papakura Citizenship Ceremony

19 November 2014

Allocation of $29,457 to a targeted biodiversity and private landowner engagement programme in Papakura in Papakura in YR 15.


Feedback provided on the Community Facilities Network Plan


Feedback provided on the Locally Approved Products Policy


Feedback provided on transport priorities for the LTP/RLTP 2015-2025

5 December 2014

Christmas morning tea for key stakeholders

6 December 2014

Papakura Santa Parade

12 December 2014

Papakura Carols in the Park

24 January 2015

Movies and Music in the Park

31 January 2015

Smiths Avenue Community Day

7 February 2015

LTP Pop Up Session - Library

11 February 2015

LTP Drop In Session - Library


Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Reports Requested - Pending - Issues


File No.: CP2015/00978





1.       Providing an update on reports requested and issues raised at previous meetings.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil



a)      That the report entitled “reports requested – pending-issues” by the Democracy Advisor be received.








Reports Requested-Pending-Issues Register





Trish Wayper - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015




Reports Requested/Pending/Issues :  January 2015










20 June 2012

Local and Sports Parks

Prince Edward Park

Resolution number PPK/2014/34

That whilst the Papakura Local Board appreciates there has been delays in progress for the design work at Prince Edward Park it is critical that the lighting works be completed by 24 March 2014.


Resolution number PPK/2012/1

That the Papakura Sea Eagles Rugby League Club be thanked for their presentation and that the proposal be referred to parks staff for consideration and report back to the Papakura Local Board.


Andrew Moor

20 January 2015

Andrew Moor emailed at 11.03 am

Lights: contractor has cables in and is now working on footings for the poles which have been delivered and will be installed as soon as footings are ready.

Field Condition: field has been sprayed, cored, fertilised, undersown and will be top dressed with sand this week. Irrigation is working well with existing grass cover looking much stronger than previous years.



1 December 2014

Andrew Moor emailed at 1.57 pm advising:

Lights:  Vector have installed the plinth supplying the increased power to the reserve.  The lighting contractor plans to set out the site and begin thrusting the power cables during the first week of December.


3 November 2014

Andrew Moor emailed at 3.54 pm advising:

Irrigation:  Physical works are now complete.  Fences will remain up around fields to aid turf grow in of lines.

Lights:  Contract has been awarded.  Pre-start meeting was held with contractor, designer and Council.  Contractor is now aiming to start work on the foundations and cabling prior to Christmas, returning in the New Year to install the poles and light fittings.



9 September 2014

Andrew Moor emailed  at 2.09pm advising:


Building consent has been issued

Tenders for the physical work close 12/09/14 – 2pm

Will award contract and set date, aiming for early in the new year

Vector fees have been paid, project budget has been finalised



Contract awarded, commencing 29/09/14

Liaising with the Softball Club to accommodate this.


30 July 2014

Andrew Moor emailed  at 2.09pm advising:


·      Resource consent obtained.

·      Building consent lodged – officers have identified that we need Watercare approval for excavations within 10m if a regional sewer, this is being progressed.

·      Awaiting Vector fees and costs, expecting any day now at which point the project budget can be finalised.

·      Procurement plan has been prepared and is awaiting approvals.  This will go to tender and we need to allow 2 working weeks for contractors to price.

·      The poles and lights will be included in the tender and not split out.

·      Contract period will be 22 weeks, with 16 – 18 weeks for the supply of the materials, lighting columns and floodlights, 1 week for starting and 3 weeks for completing the job.


·        Infrastructure growth charges have been paid.

·      Tender price received and preferred contractor in place.

·      Currently confirming start date.

The project is still experiencing delays with consenting and delivery of components. With the change in weather and ground conditions on the fields the parks Advisor is compiling a number of options for the timing and execution of the project. This will be discussed with Board members and the League Club in an attempt to achieve the best outcome for the development of the park.


The detailed design has now been completed, ready to be submitted for consenting.  The lighting components have been selected.  The suppliers have been asked to provide a timeframe of when these will be ready for installation.  Once this is received an update and more accurate proposed completion date will be provided to the Board and Rugby League Club.


The Project Team are currently working with the Lighting Designer to fast track the project. This will include the pre ordering of poles and light fixtures and shortening of the physical works tendering process. Staff will provide the Board and Rugby League Club with an updated time table as soon as it has been confirmed.



There have been delays with progress on the detailed design waiting for survey work to be undertaken. However, the project is now running again but the designer has flagged that the timeframe has now moved back. The Development Team are working with the designer to progress consents and get physical works underway as soon as possible.


Have initial design and capacity work done for lighting based on feedback from clubs. Detailed design and pricing underway. Meeting with clubs again to feedback progress and decide on how the work will be staged over two years.


Have agreed that irrigation and lighting are the next priorities for the park. LSP team have provided some options for possible lighting layouts.

League Club to meet 14/08/13 and will feedback preference. 


Staff have met with the users and have developed a concept plan. Agreed that first stage of this would be irrigating the sportsfields and lighting one field. Work programmed for 2013/14 financial year.


Meeting with user groups arranged for early April.  Design work to proceed after this meeting.


LSPS staff and Board Parks Portfolio members held a meeting with softball and rugby league clubs.  Both clubs are open to working together to develop the reserve.  They have provided staff with a breakdown of works they would like to see undertaken on Prince Edward.  Staff to ascertain how these works can be fitted into current and future years budgets and then work with clubs and Board to prioritise and programme these.


LSPS staff to make contact with Softball Club advising them of intention to develop master plan.

Call meeting of softball and league and establish a user group committee for the reserve.

Develop draft concept plan with users.

Workshop with the Board – October 2012.





19 June 2013

Property CDAC

Papakura Museum - void

Resolution number PPK/2013/3

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)       Approves the allocation of $40,560 of operational funding from the current financial year 2012/2013 to the Papakura and Districts Historical Society, to increase the curator hours for the Papakura Museum over the two year period from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2015.

b)       Requests that the Papakura and Districts Historical Society report monthly on the number of visitors, activities and programmes at the Papakura Museum, as a condition of funding. 

c)       Requests a workshop on the issue of the development of the void space in the Papakura Museum including the costs and requirements with the appropriate council staff attending.

d)       Requests officers provide the board with a report outlining the specifications and design work required for the void space in the Papakura Museum.

Alison Farrell

Leilani Unasa

Updated 13/11/14


Project sitting with the project manager – on track


Updated 9/09/14 – Raewyn Curran

$250,000 allocated in Local Board Agreement to project to extend Papakura Museum. 


The project is currently sitting with the project manager, with a delivery date of 28 February 2015, which gives the Historic Places Society a month to set up the exhibition. 


The Board sent a letter of support to the Historic Places Society

Consultation being undertaken as part of the Papakura Local Board Agreement



Report to September 2013 meeting


Being workshopped on 11 July 2013 followed by report to August business meeting.

16 July 2014

Local and Sports Parks

Karaka Harbourside

Resolution number PPK/2014/5

That the Papakura Local Board thank Mr Glenn Archibald for his presentation regarding the following issues:

·      Karaka Harbourside

·      Street Lighting issues at Prictor Street and Clevedon Road

·      Traffic speed and traffic volume on Prictor Street and Clevedon Road

·      Development Contributions

·      Issues with speed limit signage at Karaka

·      Auckland Transport roping off areas of berm which have been resown with grass seed

Andrew Moor

20 January 2015

Andrew Moor emailed at 11.49 am

Mana whenua were supportive of the proposal and the resource consent was lodged prior to Christmas. Contractors will price the physical work while the consent is being processed.


1 December 2014

Andrew Moor emailed at 1.59 pm advising:

Consultation with mana whenua set for first week of December.  Application for coastal consent will be lodged following this.


3 November 2014

Andrew Moor emailed at 3.57 pm advising:

Coastal consultant has advised that consent application is nearly ready to submit.  Parks staff to continue with further consultation with iwi.


9 September 2014

Email from Andrew Moor:

The coastal consultants engaged to address the erosion issues at Karaka Harbourside (Tonkin and Taylor) have undertaken an investigation of the site and provided Council with a number of options.  The Parks and Coastal Teams have reviewed these and gone back to them with a preferred solution to address the issues that fits within the current budget.  Tonkin and Taylor have now been engaged to prepare the necessary consent applications with the plan being to have this completed in time to undertake the physical works this summer as conditions allow.


30 July 2014

Trish Wayper emailed Andrew Moor at 1.47pm:

Glenn Archibald attended the public forum of the July business meeting.  One the subjects he discussed was Karaka Harbourside and the continuing issues being experienced there.

Issues included:

1.   Erosion

2.   Clearance of gorse

Glenn has suggested another site visit between yourself and the board members.  Perhaps you could discuss this at your next portfolio update. 

Andrew Moor responded at 2.09pm:  Will do.



Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015



Papakura Local Board Workshop Notes


File No.: CP2015/00979





1.       Attached is a copy of the notes taken at the Papakura Local Board Workshops dated 3 December 2014 and 4 February 2015. 

Executive Summary

1.       Nil



That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      receives the workshop notes for the meetings held 3 December 2014 and 4 February 2015. 









Workshop Notes - Papakura Local Board 3 December 2014



Workshop Notes – Papakura Local Board 4 February 2015





Trish Wayper - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015





What:                     Papakura Local Board Workshop

Where:                   Council Chambers, Papakura Service Centre, 35 Coles Crescent, Papakura

When:                    1.00 pm Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Present:                 Bill McEntee (Chair), Stuart Britnell, Brent Catchpole, Graham Purdy, Katrina Winn and Michael Turner.


Staff:                      Rex Hewitt, Karen Gadomski, Raewyn Curran and Trish Wayper.



1.         Open Space Provision Guidelines

Staff:   Lisa Miers and Sophie Bell

Powerpoint presentation was made.

Part 1 – Distribution of Open Space

Question 1:      How far should people be expected to walk to a neighbourhood park?

                        High density area not within 400m walk of a neighbourhood park

                        Other residential areas not within 600m walk of a neighbourhood park

Question 2:      Do you think higher density areas should have a shorter walking distance to open space than lower density areas?

                        The board thought that the density between higher  density areas and other areas was irrelevant.

Question 3:      Should the targets for open space provision be consistent across similar areas of the region (eg. Similar suburbs)?

                        The board agreed that targets should be the same for similar areas.

                        The process should include an assessment of public transport to these parks to allow easy access.

Distribution of Open Space – Other Policy Direction

Question 4:      Should council provide recreation open space in industrial areas?

                        The Board supported small pocket sized parks in industrial areas so that employees could have outdoor space for their breaks.

Question 5:      Should small amenity areas in new developments, such as gardens and pocket parks, be owned and maintained by council or retained in private ownership (such as body corporate)?

                        The board felt that the maintenance should be retained and maintained in private ownership.



Part 2 – Quantity of Open Space

Question 6       What should be the priority for improving open space provision in existing urban areas?

a)   Increasing the quantity of open space in areas of shortfall

Papakura supported the increase in open space in areas where there was a shortfall.

b)   Ensuring everyone has a neighbourhood park within a short walk of their home?

The board supported communities having a short walk to neighbourhood parks.

c)   Improving the quality of existing parks?

The Board particularly supported c) as they were fortunate in their allocation of parks but some needed significant upgrades.


Report will be included in the Board’s December meeting for their official feedback.

2.         Heritage Survey

Finance Staff:            Cara Francesco

Powerpoint presentation was made.

Cara Francesco outlined the Auckland Heritage Survey process to the Board (AHS) including the pilot projects which included Albert-Eden Local Board/Balmoral, Onehunga, Puketapapa, Otahuhu/Part of Mangere, Point Chevalier, Papatoetoe and Pukekohe.

It was outlined that Papakura was a strong candidate for a survey because:

-     Potential for places of significance

-     Limited systematic survey to date

-     Proposed population growth and change

-     Active historical society and encouraging board

The process was outlined to the board including approximate costs.


Board Member Winn requested that we look at other sources of possible funding available to research Maori heritage.

3.         World War 1 Centenary Commemorations

Attendees:     Tony Edmonds, Sandy Cozens and Graham O’Neil – Papakura RSA

Powerpoint presentation was made to the workshop (see Attachment 3A)


Attachment 3B was tabled at the meeting and outlines the events and projects that are proposed to be undertaken.


During discussions it was established that a traffic management plan for the event may be required.



Member Winn was to contact Ashleigh Siteine to liaise with the RSA concerning the traffic management plan.


4.         Proposed Reserve Acquisitions

Staff:   Sophie Bell

Powerpoint presentation was made outlining the possible acquisitions in Takanini for proposed reserves.  The staff were recommending the acquisition of this land to the Parks, Recreation and Sport Committee in March 2015.

5.         Board Feedback on Resource Consents

Staff:   Brett O’Shaunessey

Brett outlined the process for local boards feedback on resource consents following a first term discussion by the governing body that resulted in them not delegating decision making on resource consent submissions or appeals to local boards.  Local Boards comments are to be contained in an officer’s report.

Local board’s feedback on whether or not some resource consent applications should be notified is triggered via an email to the board’s nominated members.  There is then a three day turnaround time to answer the question.

Local board’s comments on an application can be provided later and should be addressed through the officers report.


Brett was to review the email sent to members concerning notification of a resource consent.

6.         Quarterly Financial/Omnibus Report

Staff:   Mark Purdie

Mark outlined the quarterly financial report to the board particularly the under and over spends.


The report would be considered at the Board’s December business meeting.

The meeting concluded at 3.56 pm


Papakura Local Board

18 February 2015





What:                     Papakura Local Board Workshop

Where:                   Council Chambers, Papakura Service Centre, 35 Coles Crescent, Papakura

When:                    10.00 am Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Present:                 Bill McEntee (Chair), Stuart Britnell, Brent Catchpole, Graham Purdy, Katrina Winn and Michael Turner.

Apologies:              Rex Hewitt

Staff:                      Karen Gadomski and Trish Wayper.



1.         Town Centre Security

Staff:   Mark Evans, Community Development Programme Manager (South)

            Felicity Merrington, Scott Ebbett and Mohini Nair,  Auckland Transport

Mark Evans outlined four options to the board for town centre security options which had been submitted through a tender process. 

Further information was requested by the board before this could be considered at a Board meeting.


Papakura Local Board Senior Advisor to write to Auckland Transport setting out the Board’s concerns and requesting further clarification, in order that CDAC staff can prepare a clear report on town centre security matters for the March board meeting.

The meeting concluded at 11.35 am