Papakura Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Papakura Local Board held in the Local Board Chambers, Papakura Service Centre, 35 Coles Crescent, Papakura on Wednesday, 18 February 2015 at 4.30pm.
Chairperson |
Bill McEntee |
Deputy Chairperson |
Michael Turner |
Members |
Stuart Britnell |
(until 5.30pm) |
Brent Catchpole |
Graham Purdy |
Katrina Winn |
Councillors |
Sir John Walker |
(from 4.50 pm |
Calum Penrose |
(from 4.40 pm) |
Bill Cashmore |
(from 5.10 pm) |
Mr |
Glenn Archibald |
Mr |
Jim Kelly |
Papakura Local Board 18 February 2015 |
Board Member Purdy led the meeting in prayer.
2 Apologies
Resolution number PPK/2015/240 MOVED by Member BS Catchpole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner: That the Papakura Local Board accept the apologies from Member Britnell for early departure and Councillors Cashmore, Penrose and Sir John Walker for lateness. |
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number PPK/2015/241 MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Member SR Britnell: That the Papakura Local Board confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 10 December 2014, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
Member Catchpole tabled a Certificate from Coast Guard Papakura for the Board’s “Support and Encourgagement”.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
There were no deputations.
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
Mr Glenn Archibald presented photographic evidence to the Board concerning the coastal erosion issue at Karaka Harbourside.
Resolution number PPK/2015/242 MOVED by Member KJ Winn, seconded by Member SR Britnell: That the Papakura Local Board thank Mr Glenn Archibald for his presentation to the board. |
a Papakura Local Board Attachment 9.1A_Karaka Harbourside_18 February 2015 |
9.2 |
Mr Jim Kelly addressed the board concerning a meeting he had attended where he had spoken to the town centre manager, Tracey Shackleton. His concerns were concerning the Papakura town centre and the Takanini hub. He felt that perhaps the whole area should be seen as Papakura (maybe north and south) and that this should be included in the current town centre manager’s area. Therefore this would enable the two areas to be developed in harmony rather than competing against one another. He also expressed concern regarding the development of the RSA site.
Resolution number PPK/2015/243 MOVED by Member BS Catchpole, seconded by Member KJ Winn: That the Papakura Local Board thank Mr Kelly for his presentation to the board. |
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
Secretarial Note: Item 13 was taken at this time.
12 |
Councillors Cashmore, Penrose and Sir John Walker gave a verbal report.
Resolution number PPK/2015/244 MOVED by Chairperson WF McEntee, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner: That the Papakura Local Board grant speaking rights to Councillor Bill Cashmore for this meeting. |
Resolution number PPK/2015/245 MOVED by Member KJ Winn, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner: That the Papakura Local Board receive the verbal reports regarding: i. Ports of Auckland – updated Board Members on the Governing Body stance and the growing economic benefits being generated and experienced by the port. ii. Long Term Plan – particularly the UAGC iii. Announcements to be made in the near future concerning proposals for the development of the south. iv. Councillors and Board members working together to lobby for more central government money to be invested in the south particularly transport issues. v. Bylaws – updated Board Members on the progress being made on Auckland Council Bylaws |
Secretarial Note: Item 16 was taken at this time.
13 |
Resolution number PPK/2015/246 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner, seconded by Member SR Britnell: That the Papakura Local Board receives the report entitled “Auckland Transport Update – February 2015”. |
Secretarial Note: Item 14 was taken at this time.
14 |
Resolution number PPK/2015/247 MOVED by Member KJ Winn, seconded by Member SR Britnell: That the Auckland Transport Quarterly Report be received. |
Secretarial Note: Item 12 was taken at this time.
15 |
Local Board Input on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025 |
Resolution number PPK/2015/248 MOVED by Member KJ Winn, seconded by Member DG Purdy: That the Papakura Local Board: a) Agree to provide feedback to Auckland Transport on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025 by: i) speaking at the Auckland Transport, Transport Stakeholder event ii) providing written feedback to Auckland Transport. b) Delegate to the chair and the transport portfolio holders the power to speak on behalf of the board at the Auckland Transport, Transport Stakeholder event. c) Delegate to the chair and the transport portfolio holders the power to approve the board’s written feedback to Auckland Transport on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025. |
Secretarial Note: Item 17 was taken at this time.
16 |
Performance Report for the Papakura Local Board for the Six Months Ended 31 December 2014 |
Resolution number PPK/2015/249 MOVED by Member KJ Winn, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner: That the Papakura Local Board receive the Performance Report for the Papakura Local Board for the period ended December 2014. |
a Papakura Local Board Attachment 16A_18 February 2015 |
Secretarial Note: Item 15 was taken at this time.
17 |
Regional Facilities Auckland (RFA) Quarterly Report for the Period Ended 31 December 2014 |
Resolution number PPK/2015/250 MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner: That the Papakura Local Board receive the Regional Facilities Auckland quarterly report for the period ended 31 December 2014. |
18 |
Resolution number PPK/2015/251 MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Member KJ Winn: That the Papakura Local Board endorse the resolution passed by the Manurewa Local Board dated 12 February 2015. |
19 |
Resolution number PPK/2015/252 MOVED by Member KJ Winn, seconded by Member BS Catchpole: That the Papakura Local Board does not wish to delegate the power and responsibility to staff to hear from the public on the local board agreement through “spoken interaction/NZ sign language interaction” at the “Have Your Say” events. |
20 |
Allocation of Local Board Discretionary Operational Budget 2014/2015 |
Resolution number PPK/2015/253 MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Member KJ Winn: That the Papakura Local Board: a) Allocates $15,000 from the local board discretionary operational budget towards the urban planning project for town centre revitalisation, to cover scoping and initial work; b) Allocates $20,000 from the local board discretionary operational budget towards ongoing clean up and replanting along the Papakura stream; c) Allocates $50,000 from the local board discretionary operational budget towards the beautification of the four town ‘gateways’; d) Allocates $150,000 from the local board discretionary operational budget towards works to parks and associated facilities that have certainty of delivery before 30 June 2015; e) Allocates up to $68,000 from the local board discretionary capital budget for improvements to parks that can be delivered before 30 June 2015; f) Allocates $2,600 from the local board discretionary capital fund for works to the Papakura Art Gallery window in order to deal with condensation issues; g) Allocates $8,000 from the local board discretionary capital budget for further signage to the library and museum. h) budget allocations above are all subject to confirming costings and details. i) Request officers to report progress on the above projects expenditure to the April 2015 business meeting. |
21 |
Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term |
Resolution number PPK/2015/254 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner, seconded by Member BS Catchpole: a) That the report entitled “Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term” be received with the following additions: i. Waitangi Weekend – League Nines Tournament - Massey Park ii. A NZ Touch Rugby Tournament. |
22 |
Resolution number PPK/2015/255 MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner: That the report entitled “reports requested – pending-issues” by the Democracy Advisor be received. |
23 |
Resolution number PPK/2015/256 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner, seconded by Member DG Purdy: That the Papakura Local Board receives the workshop notes for the meetings held 3 December 2014 and 4 February 2015. |
24 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
Resolution number PPK/2015/257 MOVED by Member BS Catchpole, seconded by Member DG Purdy: That the Papakura Local Board: a) exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting. b) agree that Councillors Calum Penrose, Sir John Walker and Bill Cashmore be permitted to remain for Confidential Item Item C1: Outsourced Facilities Management of Auckland Council Recreational Facilities Full Supplier Recommendation Report for Massey Park Pool and Papakura Leisure after the public has been excluded, because of their knowledge of the ward area, which will help the Papakura Local Board in its decision-making. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows. This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:
C Outsourced Facilities Management of Auckland Council Recreational Facilities Full Supplier Recommendation Report for Massey Park Pool and Papakura Leisure
6.20 pm The public was excluded.
Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.
6.20 pm The public was re-admitted.
It was resolved while the public was excluded:
C |
Outsourced Facilities Management of Auckland Council Recreational Facilities Full Supplier Recommendation Report for Massey Park Pool and Papakura Leisure |
Resolution number PPK/2015/258 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner, seconded by Member DG Purdy: It was resolved while the public was excluded that there would be no restatement of the report or resolution until the negotiations are complete and the contract has been awarded due to commercial sensitivity. |
6.30 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.