Upper Harbour Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Upper Harbour Local Board held in the Upper Harbour Local Board Office, 30 Kell Drive, Albany on Tuesday, 24 February 2015 at 7.00pm.





Brian Neeson, JP


Deputy Chairperson

Lisa Whyte



Margaret Miles, JP



Christine Rankin-MacIntyre





John McLean

For absence








Cr John Watson





Upper Harbour Local Board

24 February 2015




1          Welcome


Chairperson welcomed all those present.


2          Apologies


Resolution number UH/2015/1

MOVED by Member MA Miles, seconded by Deputy Chairperson LM Whyte:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)         accept the apologies from member John McLean for absence.




3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number UH/2015/2

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson LM Whyte, seconded by Member MA Miles:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 10 February 2015, as a true and correct record.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.



6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.



7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.



10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.




Meeting Minutes Upper Harbour Local Board, Tuesday 10 February 2015




That the Upper Harbour Local Board note the open unconfirmed minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 10 February 2015 are attached at Item 12 of the agenda for the information of the board only, and will be confirmed under item 4 of the agenda.




Road Name Approval for Subdivision at 18 - 28 Bannings Way, Hobsonville.  Council Reference:  SUB-2009-0286




Resolution number UH/2015/3

MOVED by Chairperson BK Neeson, seconded by Member CK Rankin-MacIntyre:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      receive the Road Name Approval for Subdivision at 18 - 28 Bannings Way, Hobsonville.  Council Reference:  SUB-2009-0286 report.

b)      support the proposed road name Carder Holland Way for Lot 99 (Jointly Owned Access Lots) of the subdivision at 18-28 Bannings Way, Hobsonville.






Swimming Pool Fencing Exemption – Special Exemption (Section 6) Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987


Resolution number UH/2015/4

MOVED by Chairperson BK Neeson, seconded by Member CK Rankin-MacIntyre:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      receive the Swimming Pool Fencing Exemption – Special Exemption (Section 6) Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987 report.

b)      receive the applications by:

i)       19 Clemow’s Lane, Albany

ii)      146 Attwood Road, Paremoremo – Pool and Spa

iii)     37 Waipuia Place, Greenthithe.

iv)     46 Greenhithe Road, Greenhithe

v)      90 Roland Road, Greenhithe

vi)     11 Seacrest Drive, West Harbour

vii)    23-25 Bernard Magnus Lane, Greenhithe

viii)   71 Roland Road, Greenhithe.

c)      approve the following recommendations of the Upper Harbour Local Board Swimming Pool Fencing Exemption Working Party:

i)       19 Clemow’s Lane, Albany (in-ground swimming pool) recommends granting the application to include the doors opening onto the pool area with the condition they have self-closing devices and latches fitted at 1.5m.

ii)      146 Attwood Road, Paremoremo (in-ground swimming pool) – recommends granting the application with the conditions that a fence is installed to isolate access to the pool area at two points, that the electronic gates are kept in good working order, that the exemption is personal to the current owners of the property and a new application must be made if the property is sold.

iii)     146 Attwood Road, Paremoremo (spa) - recommends granting the application for the spa pool cover to be used as a barrier under section 6 of Fencing of Swimming Pools Act, 1987 on the condition NZS8500-2006 clause a-k is adhered to at all times, that the spa remains in its current location and the exemption is personal to the current owners.

iv)     37 Waipuia Place, Greenhithe - recommends granting the application for the spa pool cover to be used as a barrier under section 6 Fencing of Swimming Pools Act, 1987 on the condition NZS8500-2006 clause a-k is adhered to at all times, that the spa remains in its current location and the exemption is personal to the current owners.

v)      46 Greenhithe Road, Greenhithe - recommends granting the application for the spa pool cover to be used as a barrier under section 6 Fencing of Swimming Pools Act, 1987 on the condition NZS8500-2006 clause a-k is adhered to at all times, that the spa remains in its current location and the exemption is personal to the current owners.

vi)     90 Roland Road, Greenhithe - recommends granting the application for the spa pool cover to be used as a barrier under section 6 Fencing of Swimming Pools Act, 1987 on the condition NZS8500-2006 clause a-k is adhered to at all times, that the spa remains in its current location and the exemption is personal to the current owners.

vii)    11 Seacrest Drive, West Harbour - recommends granting the application for the spa pool cover to be used as a barrier under section 6 Fencing of Swimming Pools Act, 1987 on the condition NZS8500-2006 clause a-k is adhered to at all times, that the spa remains in its current location and the exemption is personal to the current owners.

viii)   23-25 Bernard Magnus Lane, Greenhithe - recommends granting the application for the spa pool cover to be used as a barrier under section 6 Fencing of Swimming Pools Act, 1987 on the condition NZS8500-2006 clause a-k is adhered to at all times, that the spa remains in its current location and the exemption is personal to the current owners.

ix)     71 Roland Road, Greenhithe - recommends granting the application for the spa pool cover to be used as a barrier under section 6 Fencing of Swimming Pools Act, 1987 on the condition that work on the gazebo is completed, NZS8500-2006 clause a-k is adhered to at all times, that the spa remains in its current location and the exemption is personal to the current owners.






Status of the Upper Harbour Local Board Discretionary Funds for the 2014/2015 financial year




Resolution number UH/2015/5

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson LM Whyte, seconded by Member MA Miles:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      receive the Status of the Upper Harbour Local Board Discretionary Funds for the 2014/2015 financial year report.





Summary of Actions and Reports Requested - Upper Harbour Local Board - February 2015




Resolution number UH/2015/6

MOVED by Member CK Rankin-MacIntyre, seconded by Member MA Miles:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      receive the Summary of Actions and Reports Requested – Upper Harbour Local Board – February 2015 report.





Record of the Upper Harbour Local Board Workshop held on 16 December 2014, 3 February 2015 and 10 February 2015




Resolution number UH/2015/7

MOVED by Member CK Rankin-MacIntyre, seconded by Chairperson BK Neeson:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      receive the record of the Upper Harbour Local Board workshop held on              16 December 2014, 3 February 2015 and 10 February 2015.





Board Members' Reports




Resolution number UH/2015/8

MOVED by Member MA Miles, seconded by Member CK Rankin-MacIntyre:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      receive the verbal board members’ reports.





Councillor Update




Resolution number UH/2015/9

MOVED by Chairperson BK Neeson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson LM Whyte:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)    thank Cr John Watson for his verbal update.





20.       Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  






7.29 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









