Unitary Plan Committee
Minutes of a meeting of the Unitary Plan Committee held in the Level 26, Room 1 & 2, 135 Albert Street, Auckland on Wednesday, 4 February 2015 at 2.34pm.
Chairperson |
Cr Alf Filipaina |
Deputy Chairperson |
Cr Penny Hulse |
Until 3.31pm, Item C1. |
Members |
Cr Anae Arthur Anae |
Cr Dr Cathy Casey |
Cr Denise Krum |
Member Liane Ngamane |
Cr Wayne Walker |
Cr Penny Webster |
Until 4.07pm, Item C2. |
Mayor Len Brown |
Absence |
Cr Chris Darby |
Absence |
Member Josie Smith |
Absence |
Cr Penny Webster |
Early departure |
Cr Bill Cashmore |
Until 4.14pm, Item C2. |
Cr Calumn Penrose |
Until 4.14pm, Item C2. |
Cr George Wood |
From 3.38pm, Item C1, until 4.14pm Item C2. |
Mike Cohan |
Andy Baker |
Panjama Ampanthong |
Principal Planner |
Katherine Anderson |
General Council |
Lara Clarke |
Planner, Unitary Plan |
Colin Craig |
Principal Policy Analyst |
Juliana Cox |
Planner, Unitary Plan |
John Duguid |
Manager Unitary Plan |
James Hassall |
Manager Litigation |
Penny Pirrit |
General Manager Parks and Places |
Unitary Plan Committee 04 February 2015 |
1 Apologies
Resolution number UNI/2015/1 MOVED by Cr AJ Anae, seconded by Member Ngamane: That the Unitary Plan Committee: a) accept the apology from Mayor LCM Brown, Cr Chris Darby and Josie Smith for absence and Cr Penny Webster for early departure. |
2 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number UNI/2015/2 MOVED by Chairperson AM Filipaina, seconded by Member Ngamane: That the Unitary Plan Committee: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 10 December 2014, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
4 Petitions
There were no petitions.
5 Public Input
5.1 |
Christine Cavanagh - Independent Hearings Panel process for the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan |
Christine Cavanagh withdrew her request to speak prior to the meeting taking place. |
6 Local Board Input
There was no local board input.
7 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
8 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
9 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
Resolution number UNI/2015/3 MOVED by Chairperson AM Filipaina, seconded by Member Ngamane: That the Unitary Plan Committee: a) exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting b) agree that David Mead, Director Hill Young Cooper, be permitted to remain for confidential items C1-C3, PAUP submissions – council position for mediation and hearings – Temporary Activities and Signs, Natural Hazards and Flooding and City Centre Zone – Waterfront Height and Form Controls after the public has been excluded because of their specific knowledge of the PAUP which will help the Unitary Plan Committee in its decision making. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows. This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows: C1 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan submissions - council position for mediation and hearings - Temporary Activities and Signs
C2 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan submissions - council position for mediation and hearings - Natural Hazards and Flooding
C3 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan - City Centre Zone - Waterfront Height and Form Controls
The text of these resolutions is made available to the public who are present at the meeting and form part of the minutes of the meeting. |
2.39pm The public was excluded.
Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.
5.34pm The public was re-admitted.
It was resolved while the public was excluded:
5.35 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.