I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Waiheke Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Thursday, 12 February 2015


Oneroa Bowling Club
100 Oceanview Road
Alison Park


Waiheke Local Board









Paul Walden


Deputy Chairperson

Beatle Treadwell



Becs Ballard



Shirin Brown



John Meeuwsen



(Quorum 3 members)




Carmen Fernandes

Democracy Advisor


4 February 2015


Contact Telephone: (09) 373 6210

Email: Carmen.Fernandes@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz






Waiheke Local Board

12 February 2015



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

9.1     How do we better engage communities in sustainable conservation strategies that can lead to a 'pest-free' environment? - Harriet Achi                                      6

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                6

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          7

11.1   Notice of Motion – Waiheke Recreation Centre                                               7

12        Waiheke Recreation Centre Trust 2014/2015 Operational Funding                      11

13        Waiheke Local Board Performance Report - 1 July 2014 to
31 December 2015                                                                                                       

14        Waiheke Local Board Discretionary Community Funding: Round
Two 2014-15                                                                                                                

15        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome


Kua uru mai a hau kaha, a hau maia, a hau ora, a hau nui,

Ki runga, ki raro, ki roto, ki waho

Rire, rire hau…pai marire


Translation (non-literal)  - Rama Ormsby

Let the winds bring us inspiration from beyond,

Invigorate us with determination and courage to achieve our aspirations for abundance and sustainability

Bring the calm, bring all things good, bring peace….good peace.



2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 29 January 2015, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Waiheke Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.


9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


Please note that over the consultation period on Auckland’s 10 year budget, the Waiheke Local Board will extend the Public Forum up to an hour during the business meeting to discuss local related matters.



9.1       How do we better engage communities in sustainable conservation strategies that can lead to a 'pest-free' environment? - Harriet Achi

Harriet Achi, a PhD student at the School of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences at AUT University will be in attendance to discuss her research and the involvement of the Local Board.  The title of her research is "How do we better engage communities in sustainable conservation strategies that can lead to a 'pest-free' environment'?" Approvals from the appropriate ethics committee have been given for the research.


a          Presentation on the research................................................................. 79



10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-

(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and

(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”

11        Notices of Motion


11.1     Notice of Motion – Waiheke Recreation Centre

In accordance with Standing Order 3.11.1, the following Notice of Motion has been received from Chairperson PA Walden for inclusion on the agenda for the Waiheke Local Board meeting being held on Thursday, 12 February 2015:


That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      Receives the Notice of Motion – Waiheke Recreation Centre.

b)         Commissions APR Consulting and Architects to provide the following;

i.    Review building condition reports and provide options for remediation of all building defects identified in various recent building condition reports commissioned by both Auckland Council and the Ministry of Education for the Waiheke Rec Centre and to provide options for remediation including rough order costings.

ii.    Develop concept sketches and options for a potential lane and learn to swim pool complex as per specifications outlined in the APR Consulting report and feasibility study dated 1 Sept 2014 to be located alongside and maximise potential synergies between any pool operation and the Rec Centre for example sharing administration, changing rooms and other built infrastructure. The concept sketches are to include stages ie heated outdoor pool only and a final stage fully enclosed facility. Plans will consider the proposed reconstructed school.

iii.   Develop a business case and recommendations as to how the Recreation Centre can be operated to maximise school and community outcomes and be financially sustainable both as a Recreation Centre only and with a potential pool.

b)      Allocates $25,000 for this work from the Waiheke Local Board 2014/2015 SLIP’s OPEX budget to fund this work

c)      Requests that the above is reported back to the Waiheke Local Board before the middle of March 2015.



1.   The Waiheke Recreation Centre is a community facility funded by the Auckland Ratepayer, taxpayers and the ASB Trust. It is a valuable community asset which provides great outcomes and opportunity for students at High School and other community users. The facility is governed by a Trust consisting of representatives from our community and the High School. One Local Board member sits on the trust.

2.   The trust has been wrestling with sustainability and building maintenance issues for some years and it is a credit to all present board members that matters are being addressed around the sustainability of the trust and building at this time.

3.   The Waiheke Local Board is the Council decision maker with oversight on behalf of the ratepayer for the Waiheke Recreation Centre and provides an annual operating grant.

4.   There are aspects of the centre construction that are apparently flawed and areas of maintenance that have been deferred.




5.   The Recreation Centre Trust departed from the traditional model of operating the centre with a contracted operator moving to a non-commercial model in 2012 to enable funds to be used to maintain and remediate construction on the building. This work has not occurred as had been anticipated and it is apparent that it is burdensome on individual trustees to facilitate good community outcomes and access under this model without looking to employ extra centre management staff.

6.   The building remains wanting maintenance and remediation of construction issues, some which need to be addressed urgently. The scope of this work needs to be clearly identified and advice sought as to what work requires building consent versus what work can be treated as maintenance.

7.   The three Waiheke schools with funding from the Waiheke Local Board have received a feasibility study for a potential community pool developed on Ministry of Education property which has identified the potential for cost saving and other synergies, operating a pool alongside a Recreation Centre complex. The study was carried out by APR Consulting who have now a considerable understanding of the structure, challenges and opportunities that exist around the Waiheke Recreation Centre.

8.   The Local Board wants to ensure that opportunities for the development of a community pool are explored fully and recognise the opportunity presented alongside the Waiheke Recreation Centre.

9.   We want to work with and support our schools and Recreation Centre Trust to resolve long standing issues around the Recreation Centre and to ensure that it provides great outcomes to our school and community in to the future.


Waiheke Local Board

12 February 2015



Waiheke Recreation Centre Trust 2014/2015 Operational Funding


File No.: CP2015/00053




1.       This report seeks Waiheke Local Board’s approval to enter into a further one year operational funding agreement with the Waiheke Recreation Centre Trust (WRCT) for 2014/15 to enable community access and programmes.

Executive Summary

2.       Since 2003, Council has contributed annual operational funding to the WRCT to operate the Waiheke Recreation Centre (the Centre), to support community access and programmes.

3.       The current level of funding for 2013/2014 was $74,987.

4.       In order to ensure operational grant funding is aligned with the draft Community Grants Policy, officers commissioned an independent review of funded relationships.  The purpose of the review is to develop a consistent approach that best meets the outcomes of the Auckland Plan, is aligned with the Sport and Recreation Strategic Action Plan and is consistent with the principles in the draft Community Grants Policy.

5.       It is proposed that the outcomes of this review will be reported and then implemented from
1 July 2015.  Until this time grants are managed under legacy approaches for the 2014/15 financial year as per the resolution from the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee. (Resolution: REG/2014/36).

6.       It is recommended that the agreement with the WRCT is continued for 2014/15 as the Centre is generally meeting its required outcomes and key performance indicators (KPIs)



That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      Approves the continuation of the current operating funding agreement with the Waiheke Recreation Centre Trust for 2014/15 for $74,987.

b)      Approves officers to continue reviewing the Waiheke Recreation Centre Trust operational funding during 2014/15 and report options to the Waiheke Local Board for 2015/16 onwards.

c)      Notes the Waiheke Recreation Centre is considered part of the Auckland Council network of community recreation facilities as per the draft Community Facilities Network Plan.



7.       The Centre is located on Waiheke High School grounds and operates as a dual use school / community facility.

8.       The WRCT is a duly incorporated body, under the Charitable Trusts ACT 1957, and was constituted to build and administer the Centre.

9.       In 2002/2003, through a Facility Partnership Agreement, Auckland City Council contributed $750,000 to the capital cost of the construction of the Centre.  As part of the agreement, Council committed to the consideration of on-going operational funding to provide continued community access to the centre.

10.     The Centre was opened in March 2003 and has an obligation, through its Facility Partnership Agreement with council, to ensure local community access outside of school hours.

11.     In addition to the main sports floor area (1 Courts) the Centre has 3 meeting/activity rooms allowing for after-school care and other regular hirers requirements.

12.     The Centres regular user groups include; Indoor football, Waiheke Gymnastics Club, after-school care, Waiheke Basketball Club, Brazilian Ju Jit Su, and Badminton Club.

13.     In October 2012 WRCT changed its operating model from contracting an organisation to operate to operating the facility itself.

14.     Council has been considering a Community Grants Policy approach for some time. On 6th March 2014, the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee endorsed the rollover of council’s current community funding programmes and grants arrangements for the 2014 /2015 financial year. 


That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee:

b. endorse existing funding arrangements and grants schemes being rolled over for the 2014/15 financial year.                                                                         

15.     In order to ensure operational grant funding is aligned with the draft Community Grants Policy an independent review of the sport and recreation funded relationships administered by council’s sport and recreation partnerships team has been completed.

16.     The purpose of the review is to develop a consistent approach that best meets the outcomes of the Auckland Plan and is aligned with the Sport and Recreation Strategic Action Plan.

17.     The review has led to the following recommendations regarding the Waiheke Recreation Centre Trust:

·    Continue to fund for a further year (2014/15) until the draft Community Facilities Network Review is completed, the Community Facilities Network Plan is developed and any network gaps and community needs are identified


·    Benchmark the centre’s business model and review expenses, efficiencies and effectiveness against Auckland Pools and Leisure recreation facilities


·    Establish key performance indicators to measure outputs and outcomes that are aligned with the KPIs established for Auckland Pools and Leisure Centres


·    Develop appropriate reporting templates that clearly guide funding recipients and ensure that progress towards required outcomes is measured and reported.


·    If funding is to continue beyond 2014/2015 then review:

a)   The best model for funding support for each centre, i.e. by way of a grant, contract for service or maintenance payments

b)   The relative contribution of council and the school (where relevant)

c)   The time period the funding should apply to and when reviews should be undertaken

d)   The scale of the funding relative to the community outcomes to be delivered

e)   Whether funding should be a set amount or on a sliding scale


Local board views and implications

18.     The Waiheke Local Board has the delegated authority to grant funding of the Waiheke Recreation Centre Trust operation.  The opinion of the Parks, Sport and Recreation Portfolio holder has been sought prior to this report. This report seeks approval from the Waiheke Local Board to continue the interim approach endorsed by the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee. As the funding is provided for in the Waiheke Local Board Agreement, no other Local Boards have been consulted.

Māori impact statement

19.     The Maori Plan, page 13 has a key direction ‘improve quality of life’ with a focus on health and wellness. Officers will engage with the WRCT to consider how they can assist with meeting the directions and indicators in the Maori Plan and target programmes for Maori communities.


20.     There are no implementation impacts.



There are no attachments for this report.      



Shamila Unka - Team Leader Sport & Recreation

Suzanne Dennehy - Sport and Recreation Advisor


Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation

Judith Webster - Relationship Manager


Waiheke Local Board

12 February 2015



Waiheke Local Board Performance Report - 1 July 2014 to 31 December 2015


File No.: CP2015/00643




1.       To update the Waiheke Local Board members on progress towards their objectives for the year from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 as set out in the Local Board Agreement.

Executive Summary

2.       A financial performance report is presented to the local boards for the accounting quarters ending September, December, March and June. Except the September quarter was replaced by four months reporting ending in October 2014.

3.       Auckland Council departments and Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) also present regular performance reports to the local boards.

4.       To improve overall performance reporting the Financial Advisory Services – Local Boards team produces a combined quarterly financial report, department report and CCO report.

5.       The attached omnibus consolidation contains the following reports this quarter:

• Local board financial performance report;

• Local Community Development, Arts and Culture (CDAC) activity overview;

• Local Libraries overview;

• Local Infrastructure and Environmental Services (IES) overview; and

• Local Parks Sports and Recreation (PSR) overview.

6.       Treasury Report.

7.       Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) report.



That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      Receives the Performance Report for the Waitemata Local Board for the period ended 31 December 2014


8.       In consultation with local boards this omnibus report provides the elected members with a comprehensive and common overview of local activities from council departments and CCO’s.

9.       The Performance Report includes departmental and CCO reports for inclusion and discussion. Some of these will be six monthly reports depending on their traditional reporting cycles.


Local Board Views and Implications

10.     The report is presented to the Waiheke Local Board members at a workshop prior to the ordinary meeting.

Maori Impact Statement

11.     Maori, as stakeholders in the council, are affected and have an interest in any report of the local board financials.  However, this financial performance report does not impact specific outcomes or activities. As such, the content of this report has no particular benefit to, or adverse effect on Maori.







Waiheke Local Board Performance Report - 1 July 2014 to 31 December 2014





Sugenthy Thomson - Lead FInancial Advisor, Local Boards


Christine Watson - Manager Financial Advisory Services - Local Boards

Judith Webster - Relationship Manager


Waiheke Local Board

12 February 2015



Waiheke Local Board

12 February 2015



Waiheke Local Board Discretionary Community Funding: Round Two 2014-15


File No.: CP2014/13680






1.       The purpose of the report is to present applications received for round two of the Waiheke Local Board Community Funding Programme 2014-2015.  The local board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these applications.

Executive summary

2.       For the 2014-2015 financial year, the Waiheke Local Board set a total community funding budget of $46,377.  $10,275 was allocated in round one, leaving $36,102 for rounds two and three. 

3.       The local board also resolved to incorporate its remaining $11,480 Community Group Assistance Fund budget into its community grants programme.  Therefore the total funding available for rounds two and three of the community grants programme is $47,582.

4.       Five applications were received in this round, with a total requested of $15,470.



That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      Considers the applications listed in Table One and agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in this round.

Table One: Waiheke Local Board Community Funding Applications

Organisation Name

Project Title

Amount Requested

Waiheke Golf Club

Junior golf training kit


The Parenting Place - Attitude Youth Division

Attitude programmes in Waiheke High School 2015


Waiheke Community Art Gallery

Winter Arts Festival, Matariki and Jostle Members' Community Show


Waiheke Island Rugby Club Inc.



Waiheke Sea Scouts

Scout tent maintenance







5.       In March 2014, the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee resolved to continue the interim community funding approach for the 2014/2015 financial year (REG/2014/36).This interim community funding approach remains in place until the adoption and implementation of the new Community Grants Policy.

6.       Through community grants, the Waiheke Local Board aims to build social capital within the local community by supporting projects that provide a community benefit, are equitable and inclusive and result in an ongoing gain to the local area.

7.       Online funding criteria state that the Waiheke Local Board will generally give grants of between $200 and $5,000 due to the local board’s desire to distribute these funds widely in the community.

8.       The local board, in coming to its decision, has advertised the following consideration online: 

·    the proposal’s benefit to the local area

·    the applicant group’s role in the local area

·    the proposal’s alignment with the priorities of the local board, such as:

young people

the environment

culture and arts

social cohesion

recreation and sport


·    Whether the applicant group applies to receive the proceeds of gaming machines.

9.       Further to these criteria, the guidelines also contain some exclusions:

·    Grants cannot be for something which has already happened or something that has been purchased

·    Grants will not fund catering, salaries, vehicles, legal costs, debt repayments or groups that will further redistribute the funds

·    Grants will not fund activities promoting particular political goals or religious ministry

·    Groups that have failed to meet accountability obligations from previous Council grants (within the last five years) will not be funded except in exceptional mitigating circumstances.

10.     This fund is allocated at the local board’s discretion. In accordance with its fiduciary duties, the local board is to act honestly, avoid conflicts of interest and act in what the local board believes to be the best interests of the community.

11.     Round two of the Waiheke Local Board Community Funding closed on 19 December 2014. The fund was advertised through local papers, community networks and on the Auckland Council website.  

12.     For the 2014-2015 financial year, the Waiheke Local Board set a total community funding budget of $46,377.  $10,275 was allocated in round one, leaving $36,102 for rounds two and three. 

13.     The local board also resolved to incorporate its remaining $11,480 Community Group Assistance Fund budget into its community grants programme.  Therefore the total funding available for rounds two and three of the community grants programme is $47,582.

14.     Five applications were received in this round, with a total requested of $15,470.


Local board views and implications

15.     Applications were circulated to the local board for consideration prior to this meeting.

 Maori Impact Statement

16.     Community funding is a general programme of interest and accessible to a wide range of groups, including Maori. Maori are therefore likely to benefit alongside other groups in the community.


17.     The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted annual plan.

18.     Following the Waiheke Local Board allocating funding for round two, Community Development, Arts and Culture will notify the applicants of the local board decision.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Sarah Zimmerman - Community Funding Advisor

Danielle Hibbard - Funding Coordinator


Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture

Judith Webster - Relationship Manager



Waiheke Local Board

12 February 2015











Item 9.1      Attachment a    Presentation on the research                           Page 79

Waiheke Local Board

12 February 2015



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