Disability Advisory Panel
Minutes of a meeting of the Disability Advisory Panel held in the Board Room, Ground Floor , Town Hall on Monday, 30 March 2015 at 10.00am.
Chairperson |
Clive Lansink |
Deputy Chairperson |
John Herring |
Members |
Colleen Brown, MNZM, JP |
Dan Buckingham |
Jade Farrar |
David Hughes |
Don McKenzie, CNZM, OBE |
Susan Sherrard |
Liaison Councillor |
Sharon Stewart, QSM |
From 10.20am, Item 5 |
Member |
Nicola Keyworth |
Disability Advisory Panel 30 March 2015 |
Resolution number DIS/2015/14 MOVED by Member CB Brown, seconded by Member S Sherrard: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) accept the apology from Member Nicola Keyworth for absence. |
2 Declaration of Interest
Clive Lansink declared that he was the Treasurer of the Auckland Branch of Blind Citizens NZ – refer Item 11 on the agenda.
Jade Farrar declared that he was a Principal Advisor to The Cube – refer Item 8 on the agenda.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number DIS/2015/15 MOVED by Chairperson C Lansink, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Herring: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting held on Monday, 16 February 2015 as a true and correct record. |
4 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
Cr Sharon Stewart entered the meeting at 10.20am.
5 |
Lisa Dunshea gave a presentation on the Auckland Urban Design Panel and responded to questions from panel members. Lisa undertook to arrange for the attendance of Simon Harrison, Programme Leader at a subsequent meeting to talk about the Auckland Design Manual and more specifically the Universal Design Hub development. |
Resolution number DIS/2015/16 MOVED by Member D McKenzie, seconded by Member J Farrar: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) thank Lisa Dunshea for her presentation on the Urban Design Panel. b) request a response as to how the Urban Design Panel ensures that all disability perspectives are adequately covered in an assessment of accessibility when they consider applications. c) note the contents of the May 2014 paper from the Urban Design Panel regarding the need for expertise and research, and looks forward to ongoing regular contact with the Urban Design Panel. d) further note that people with disabilities, including age-related impairment, make up around 23% of Auckland’s population and that these people have diverse and complex needs that call for design and engineering expertise, solutions-based research, and knowledge of impairment and its implications for accessibility. e) draw the Urban Design Panel’s attention to the interim joint report: “Access to buildings for people with disabilities”, June 2014 (Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and Office for Disability Issues), and request the Urban Design Panel to respond to points 7.1 to 7.6 of this interim report. f) note that given that the long-term outcome sought by Auckland Council is a “liveable and sustainable” region, ask the Urban Design Panel for comment on the promulgation, applicability and integration of Universal Design Principles and the principle of Reasonable Accommodation into practice. These principles are set out in a letter to the Chief Executive of Auckland Council on the region’s long-term plan and budgets dated April 2015. |
a 30 March 2015 - Disability Advisory Panel - Item 5, Auckland Urban Design Panel (AUDP) |
6 |
Liz Civil, Teena Abbey and Kataraina Maki provided a verbal presentation and responded to questions from panel members. |
Resolution number DIS/2015/17 MOVED by Member D Hughes, seconded by Member D Buckingham: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) note the point by point response to their submission calling for a comprehensive disability strategy contained in Attachment A to the report on the agenda. b) note council staff will commence work on the development of a disability action plan, and involve the Disability Advisory Panel in its development. c) appoint a subgroup comprising Clive Lansink, Colleen Brown and John Herring to liaise with council staff during the development of the disability action plan. |
7 |
Kevin Wright led the discussion and noted comments from panel members to be included in the panel’s advice. |
Resolution number DIS/2015/18 MOVED by Member D Buckingham, seconded by Member CB Brown: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) thank the subgroup for preparing draft advice in relation to the Long-term Plan. b) request the Lead Officer Support to finalise the panel’s advice in relation to the Long-term Plan, taking into account feedback from panel members and circulate a final version to members for their review. c) agree that Clive Lansink, as Chair of the Panel, will present the panel’s advice to the council’s Budget Committee at its discussions on 14 April 2015. |
8 |
Catherine Cooper, National Curator and Kramer Hoeflich Youth Engagement Group member provided a verbal presentation about The Cube and its upcoming project being launched on 24 May 2015 and responded to questions from panel members. |
Resolution number DIS/2015/19 MOVED by Member S Sherrard, seconded by Member J Farrar: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) thank Catherine Cooper and Kramer Hoeflich for their presentation about The Cube and its Youth Engagement Group and wish them every success with the upcoming project. |
9 |
Elizabeth Wells gave a presentation on universal access and the implementation of the provisions of the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan and responded to questions from Panel members. |
Resolution number DIS/2015/20 MOVED by Member D Hughes, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Herring: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) thank Elizabeth Wells for her presentation on housing. |
a 30 March 2015 - Disability Advisory Panel - Item 9, Universal Access Implementing the provisions of the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP) |
10 |
Kevin Wright lead the discussion and noted comments made by panel members. |
Resolution number DIS/2015/21 MOVED by Member D McKenzie, seconded by Member J Farrar: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) progress preparation for a community summit including support for a joint summit with the Seniors Advisory Panel, clarification of the definition of accessible housing, inviting a strong representative group to the summit and location being a key element. b) appoint a working group comprising John Herring and Susan Sherrard to liaise with the Seniors Advisory Panel to explore the possibility of a joint community summit on accessible and affordable housing. |
11 |
Martine Abel and Kevin Wright lead the discussion and noted comments made by panel members. |
Resolution number DIS/2015/22 MOVED by Chairperson C Lansink, seconded by Member CB Brown: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) note council’s legal obligations to people with disabilities under legislation such as the Human Rights Act 1993 and the Bill of Rights 1990, and council’s own policies which promote the inclusion, participation and independence of people with disabilities in society. b) note also that Council-controlled Organisations, in carrying out their public functions have similar legal obligations. c) call on Auckland Council to advise the panel on how it ensures Council-controlled Organisations such as Auckland Transport, through the authority delegated to them, meet such obligations and comply with council policies. d) call on Auckland Transport to advise what actions, with associated time frames and budgets, are in place to ensure it meets its legal obligations to people with disabilities and the objectives of its own disability policy. e) ask Auckland Transport to respond to the panel on how it is handling each concern raised by the Auckland Branch of Blind Citizens NZ. |
12 |
Kevin Wright and Bruce Thomas lead the discussion and responded to panel members comments. Martine Abel provided an update on the recent UNESCO conference and thanked Colleen Brown and Dan Buckingham for their presentation. Panel members were reminded that communications with the media are by the chairperson unless nominated to speak on behalf of the Panel. |
Resolution number DIS/2015/23 MOVED by Member D McKenzie, seconded by Member S Sherrard: That the Disability Advisory Panel: a) note the matters that need to be progressed over the next month in its work programme. b) acknowledge the work of Dr Huhana Hickey, MNZM as the inaugural chairperson of the panel and express its thanks for the work she did on behalf of people with disabilities and Auckland Council. |
13 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
2.00 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.