Heritage Advisory Panel
Minutes of a meeting of the Heritage Advisory Panel held in the Council Chambers, Ground Floor, Town Hall on Tuesday, 24 March 2015 at 5.30pm.
Chairperson |
Cr Mike Lee |
Members |
Elizabeth Aitken-Rose |
Graeme Burgess |
Leyton Chan |
Sally Hughes |
Allan Matson |
Jane Matthews |
Dr Ann McEwan |
Claudia Page |
Bill Rayner |
Lorraine Wilson |
Deputy Chairperson |
Sherry Reynolds |
Members |
David Beamish |
Rob Enright |
Jim Mather |
Graeme Murdoch |
John La Roche |
Dave Veart |
Heritage Advisory Panel 24 March 2015 |
Resolution number HER/2015/11 MOVED by Member L Wilson, seconded by Member J Mathews: That the Heritage Advisory Panel: a) accept the apology from Member J La Roche, Member G Murdoch, Deputy Chair S Reynolds and David Veart for absence. |
2 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number HER/2015/12 MOVED by Chairperson ME Lee, seconded by Member E Aitken-Rose: That the Heritage Advisory Panel: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 17 February 2015, as a true and correct record. |
4 Extraordinary Business
There was no items for extraordinary business
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Resolution number HER/2015/13 MOVED by Chairperson ME Lee, seconded by Member B Rayner: That the Heritage Advisory Panel: a) receive the Work Program report b) encourages collaboration with Local Boards and historical societies that identify and record historical artefacts and sites c) write to the Local Boards inviting Chairs and heritage portfolio holders to a special meeting to discuss their priorities and how the Panel can assist in the protection of heritage in their Local Board areas. |
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Update on the restoration project at the Symonds Street Cemetery |
A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minute attachment. |
Resolution number HER/2015/14 MOVED by Chairperson ME Lee, seconded by Member B Rayner: That the Heritage Advisory Panel: a) thank Lynda Lucas, Team Leader Parks, Liaison and Development for her update on the restoration project at the Symonds Street Cemetery and congratulate Auckland Council Parks Team, Waitemata Local Board and the Friends of Symonds St Cemetery for their work in the restoration of the cemetery. |
a 24 March 2015, Heritage Advisory Panel, Symonds Street Cemetery, Local and Sports Parks presentation to the Heritage Advisory Panel. |
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Verbal report on matters raised by the Heritage Advisory Panel |
Resolution number HER/2015/15 MOVED by Chairperson ME Lee, seconded by Member G Burgess: That the Heritage Advisory Panel: a) receive the report b) confirms the Heritage Advisory Panels input into the Long-term Plan process with the agreed amendments, subject to the agreed finalised document being distributed to the Panel post-meeting. |
Secretarial note: The Panel’s advice of the draft HeritageNZ policies were further discussed and draft advice is to be circulated to Panel members for their approval before Friday 27 March 2015. |
9 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
Member G Burgess left the meeting at 7.45 pm. |
A discussion took place on the Unitary Plan process. |
The Chairperson, Cr Mike Lee advised the Panel that the following three members were not available for a further term: · Member Rob Enright · Member John La Roche; and · Member Graeme Murdoch. |
Resolution number HER/2015/16 MOVED by Chairperson ME Lee, seconded by Member E Aitken-Rose: That the Heritage Advisory Panel: a) thank Members Rob Enright, John La Roche and Graeme Murdoch for their service to the Heritage Advisory Panel. |
8.13 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.