I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Hauraki Gulf Forum will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Monday, 16 March 2015 1.00pm Reception
Lounge |
Hauraki Gulf Forum
Chairperson |
Mayor John Tregidga |
Hauraki District Council |
Deputy Chairperson |
Ms Liane Ngamane |
Tangata Whenua |
Cr Peter French |
Thames-Coromandel District Council |
Cr Wayne Walker |
Auckland Council |
Cr Rob McGuire |
Waikato District Council |
Ms Meg Poutasi |
Department of Conservation |
Cr James Thomas |
Matamata-Piako District Council |
Ms Moana Tamaariki-Pohe |
Tangata Whenua |
Cr Peter Buckley |
Waikato Regional Council |
Mr Terrence Hohneck |
Tangata Whenua |
Mr Jeff Cleave |
Great Barrier Local Board (Auckland Council) |
Mr Steve Halley |
Ministry for Primary Industries |
Mr John Meeuwsen |
Waiheke Local Board (Auckland Council) |
Mr Paul Majurey |
Tangata Whenua |
Cr Christine Fletcher |
Auckland Council |
Ms Nicola MacDonald |
Tangata Whenua |
Cr Michael Lee |
Auckland Council |
Ms Marty Rogers |
Te Puni Kōkiri |
Cr Bill Cashmore |
Auckland Council |
Ms Lucy Steel |
Tangata Whenua |
Cr Chris Darby |
Auckland Council |
Auckland Council is the administering authority for the Hauraki Gulf Forum. |
(Quorum 11 members)
Louis Dalzell Democracy Advisor
6 March 2015
Contact Telephone: (09) 890 8135 Email: louis.dalzell@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
The purpose of the Forum is established in Section 15 of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act 2000 to:
· Integrate the management and, where appropriate, to promote the conservation and management in a sustainable manner, of the natural, historic and physical resources of the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and catchments, for the benefit and enjoyment of the people and communities of the Gulf and New Zealand;
· Facilitate communication, cooperation, and coordination on matters relating to the statutory functions of the constituent parties in relation of the Hauraki Gulf, its islands and catchments and the Forum; and
· Recognise the historic, traditional, cultural and spiritual relationship of tangata whenua with the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and where appropriate, its catchments.
Relevant legislation includes but is not limited to:
Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act 2000
Hauraki Gulf Forum 16 March 2015 |
1 Apologies 5
2 Declaration of Interest 5
3 Confirmation of Minutes 5
4 Local Board Input 5
5 Extraordinary Business 5
6 Notices of Motion 6
7 Progress report on addressing Bryde's whale ship strike 7
8 Review of Hauraki Gulf Forum's Performance 19
9 Pest Free Hauraki Gulf Marine Park – Is The Vision Realistic And Can We Realise It? 21
10 Status of Western Firth of Thames Spat Catching applications after 1 January 2015 23
11 Hauraki Gulf Forum Executive Officer's Report 27
12 Constituent Party Report 47
13 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
2 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
At the close of the agenda no requests for declarations of interest had been received.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 8 December 2014, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.
4 Local Board Input
Standing Order 3.22 provides for Local Board Input. The Chairperson (or nominee of that Chairperson) is entitled to speak for up to five (5) minutes during this time. The Chairperson of the Local Board (or nominee of that Chairperson) shall wherever practical, give two (2) days notice of their wish to speak. The meeting Chairperson has the discretion to decline any application that does not meet the requirements of Standing Orders.
This right is in addition to the right under Standing Order 3.9.14 to speak to matters on the agenda.
At the close of the agenda no requests for local board input had been received.
5 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
6 Notices of Motion
At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.
Hauraki Gulf Forum 16 March 2015 |
Progress report on addressing Bryde's whale ship strike
File No.: CP2015/03233
1. To update members on progress towards addressing Bryde’s whale ship strike issues in the Hauraki Gulf.
Executive Summary
2. Since last considered by the Forum in 2010 four Bryde’s whale fatalities have occurred, all confirmed as ship strike.
3. In 2012, in response to two deaths in six months, the Forum, the Environmental Defence Society and University of Auckland established a collaborative working group to explore urgent responses to the issue. This has enabled the exchange of scientific, cultural, operational, regulatory and monitoring information. The group has met six times.
4. New behavioural studies show whales to be shallow diving, hard to observe, randomly distributed and unpredictable in their movements, highlighting that slowing speed of large vessels is likely to be the most effective mitigation intervention in the Gulf.
5. A voluntary transit protocol for commercial shipping introduced by Ports of Auckland in September 2013 has resulted in average speed reducing by 1 knot to 13.2 knots. An internationally recognised low risk target speed of large vessels is 10 knots.
6. International notification of whale protection zones and practices through the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) enable their inclusion in the global ship routing manual and New Zealand charts, and is recognised as an important factor in the effectiveness of mitigation measures.
That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) acknowledge the significant progress made by agencies and the collaborative working group on these issues since 2010 b) acknowledge particularly the contributions of Dr Rochelle Constantine, Mr Matt Ball and Mr Matt Collis and their respective institutions on these matters c) note the critical importance of ship speed, passage planning and international notification of protection measures as components of an effective response d) urge further discussion and evaluation to enable effective speed restriction measures to be advanced as soon as possible e) note approval by the Minister of Conservation for submission of notification papers to the IMO’s March 2016 sub-committee meeting is required before the end of this year f) request updates on progress.
7. The issue of threats to the Hauraki Gulf’s population of Bryde’s whales from ship strike was drawn to the Forum’s attention in May 2010. See Attachment 1 for background.
8. The Forum noted with concern the potential for decline of the Bryde’s whale population due to ship strike; requested agencies continue support for monitoring, necropsy, data recording and behavioural research; supported dialogue with shipping interests to explore the feasibility of a ship speed restrictions in areas of vulnerability for whales; and reporting on progress on these matters.
9. Since 2010 significant new knowledge has been generated through behavioural studies. A range of mitigation measures initially identified as options by the shipping industry have been tested for their likely efficacy. (Whales are broadly distributed throughout the Gulf so re-routing traffic would not lessen the threat of vessel-strike. Monitoring whales visually is difficult and not applicable at night, when whales rested closer to the surface than during the day. Passive acoustic monitoring is unreliable due to the whales’ low vocal activity and because low frequency calls are susceptible to masking from vessel noise.) Slowing ship speed has been confirmed as the only intervention likely to be effective.
10. In March 2012, following two whale deaths from ship strike in six months, the Hauraki Gulf Forum, Environmental Defence Society (EDS) and University of Auckland, initiated a collaborative working group to explore urgent responses to the situation. The group includes representatives from the port, shipping companies, environmental NGO’s, iwi, councils, Department of Conservation and Maritime New Zealand, scientists and veterinarians.
11. The group has met six times, facilitating the exchange and exploration of: research findings and cultural knowledge, regulatory and non-regulatory responsibilities and options, the operating environment of the port and shipping industry, and international experience in addressing vessel strike.
12. In response, in September 2013 the Ports of Auckland Limited (POAL) introduced a transit protocol which directed commercial shipping to where possible reduce speed, identifying 10 knots as an internationally-recognised target. It also included a watching and reporting regime, and recommended approaches to the port. See Attachment 2.
13. POAL has also commissioned an unpublished report estimating total costs, primarily through increased fuel consumption earlier in the voyage to allow time to transit the Gulf at 10 knots, at US$3.7 million - $5.9 million per annum; noting that this did not include any consequential losses such as omitting calls to the Ports of Auckland or itinerary changes for cruise lines.
14. Monitoring of the effectiveness of the protocol has been co-ordinated by the International Fund for Animal Welfare utilising vessel tracking data. Monitoring suggests large vessel (>70 metre) speeds have reduced by about 1 knot from the average speed in 2012 of 14.2 knots.
15. Individualised report cards have been prepared from the data and provided through POAL to ship operators. The analysis suggests slowing from the average current speed of 13.2 knots to 10 knots would add around 47 minutes to an average vessel transit through the Gulf. This detailed analysis is enabling assumptions about costs to be more closely examined. See Attachment 3. Internationally, similar economic concerns related to a reduction in speed have proven unfounded and slowing to 10 knots may cost less than initially predicted.
16. Vessel strike is a significant cause of death to whales worldwide, involving at least 11 species. Modifications to vessel operations to address threats are usually be notified to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), which, when adopted, enable those measures to appear in the global ship routing manual and New Zealand charts. International experience shows notification of measures, including several voluntary protocols, is an important determinant of their effectiveness.
17. Papers to enable notification of the Hauraki Gulf transit protocol have been drafted through the working group, with guidance from Maritime New Zealand. They were not submitted before the deadline for this year’s annual meeting (March 2015), to enable industry to further consider the implications.
18. A decision on whether to notify the protocol for next year’s meeting of the IMO’s sub-committee for Navigation, Communication, Search and Rescue is ultimately the responsibility of the Minister of Conservation (after advice from Department of Conservation and Ministry of Transport officials) and would be required by the end of this year.
19. A review of legislation conducted by EDS within the working group concluded that responsibilities for marine mammal protection exist for agencies responsible for the Maritime Transport Act, Resource Management Act and Marine Mammals Protection Act. See:
20. The political and judicial processes for implementing such conservation laws however is often slow; heightening the risk that population decline may become irreversible before action is taken. Implementing voluntary measures are potentially quicker and enable mitigation measures to be trialed for effectiveness and stakeholder acceptance before adoption in regulation.
21. The parties involved in addressing the issue have shown willingness to learn, innovate and to act to date but further discussion and evaluation will be critical to develop effective measures to protect the Gulf’s Bryde’s whales.
22. A year-round speed reduction zone would be the first measure of this type proposed for adoption by the IMO, but due to the unique situation in the Gulf this appears to be the most viable mitigation measure available.
23. The following presentations have been invited to enable the Forum to identify significant contributors to this work and to clarify any areas of concern and opportunity.
24. Dr Rochelle Constantine, a marine mammal scientist from University of Auckland, has lead research to understand Bryde’s whale behavior and address the threats of ship strike.
25. The executive summary of a Research Progress Report prepared by Dr Constantine and colleagues is appended as attachment A. An updated review paper for a major international journal is in preparation.
26. Matt Ball is Communications Manager at Ports of Auckland and has helped to facilitate consideration of ship strike issues with shipping companies, draft the current transit protocol, and is co-ordinating communication and monitoring efforts on the issue. A copy of the transit protocol is appended as attachment B.
27. Matt Collis is Marine Campaigns Manager for the International Fund for Animal Welfare based in Sydney and has commissioned the monitoring work and report cards on ship speed. His organization is involved in other international initiatives to protect marine mammals from vessel strike threats. The most recent analysis of vessel transits prepared for IFAW is appended as attachment C.
Local Board views and implications
28. The issue is noted as being of interest to island communities and this update is expected to be made available to several local boards.
Māori impact statement
29. Whales are a toanga species for Māori. Māori have been involved with DOC in the work of a forensic necropsy team led by veterinary pathologists, documenting fatalities since 2007. Several iwi representatives have contributed to the meetings of the collaborative working group.
30. The role of the Department of Conservation in enabling international notification of the voluntary transit protocol to the IMO is noted above.
31. Legal mechanisms to address ship strike are available under the Maritime Transport Act, Resource Management, and Maritime Mammals Protection Act.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Executive Summary. Sharing the waters: minimising ship collisions with Bryde's whales in the Hauraki Gulf. Rochelle Constantine, Natacha Aguilar Soto, Mark Johnson. Research Progress Report. February 2012. |
11 |
bView |
Ports of Auckland Limited Hauraki Gulf Transit Protocol for Commercial Shipping, September 2013. |
13 |
cView |
An analysis of vessel transits in the Hauraki Gulf and the potential industry impact of speed reduction measures for reducing Bryde's whale mortality from ship strike. A report to the International Fund for Animal Welfare, August 2014 |
15 |
Authors |
Tim Higham - Executive Officer, Hauraki Gulf Forum |
Authorisers |
Jacques Victor - GM Auckland Plan Strategy and Research |
16 March 2015 |
Review of Hauraki Gulf Forum's Performance
File No.: CP2015/03091
1. To seek members views on a forward-looking review of the Forum’s work.
Executive Summary
2. The last external review of performance of the Forum’s work was commissioned in 2004. It is proposed that a review of the Forum’s work be initiated enabling members and stakeholders to identify expectations and opportunities for the Forum in the future.
That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) support the initiation of a review of the Forum’s work b) allocate time and resources to the task and request that a report be prepared for presentation to the Forum in June 2015.
3. The last review of performance of the Hauraki Gulf Forum was commissioned and completed in 2004.
4. The recommendations of that report led to a strengthened governance framework, an annual work plan and budget process, and, from 2007, executive staff support to help champion community awareness and strengthen political support for the Forum.
5. The Forum has convened quarterly over the past 10 years and examined a wide range of issues, enabling and approving guidance documents on the implementation of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act, the definition of strategic issues, a series of state of the environment assessments, a range of public awareness and educational partnerships, and initiation of responses to emerging issues and opportunities, including consideration of commitments to the current Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari marine spatial plan process.
6. The amalgamation of Auckland’s councils, the settlement of Treaty of Waitangi claims processes in the region, and anticipation of requirements to monitor implementation of the Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari have, or will change, the operating environment for the Forum.
7. It is suggested that it is timely to review the performance of the Forum over the past 10 years and consider the expectations of members in regard to the exercising of its functions, defined under the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act.
8. It is proposed that a review be initiated as a series of independently conducted interviews with members, as well as selected former members and associates of Forum, and a review of documentation produced by the Forum.
9. It is anticipated that such a review could be completed over the next three months, with a draft report prepared for consideration at the June Forum meeting.
10. It is expected that the review will help inform future work programming and resourcing as well as assist the Forum to contribute constructively to any future consideration of legislative and governance arrangements in the Gulf that may arise.
11. A review of this nature can be completed with the current budget allocation for this financial year.
Local Board views and implications
12. The relevance of the Forum’s work to local boards will be explored in interviews with the local board members.
Māori impact statement
13. The alignment of the Forum’s work to aspirations of Māori will be explored in interviews with the tangata whenua members.
14. The review as proposed can be accommodated within resources available this year.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Tim Higham - Executive Officer, Hauraki Gulf Forum |
Authorisers |
Jacques Victor - GM Auckland Plan Strategy and Research |
Hauraki Gulf Forum 16 March 2015 |
Pest Free Hauraki Gulf Marine Park – Is The Vision Realistic And Can We Realise It?
File No.: CP2015/03082
1. To consider the challenges of removing invasive species from islands in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park from a global perspective.
Executive Summary
2. Experienced conservation manager Richard Griffiths reflects on international pest eradication efforts and what they mean for biosecurity challenges around the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park.
That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) thank Richard Griffiths for his presentation.
3. Richard Griffiths worked for the Department of Conservation for 12 years. During his time with the Department, Richard managed some of the world’s most challenging pest eradications including the removal of Pacific rats from Little Barrier Island and the eradication of invasive species on Rangitoto and Motutapu.
4. Richard now works for Island Conservation for whom he manages a team of project managers and field ecologists whose focus is preventing extinctions on islands around the world.
5. He has been invited to reflect on the challenges and opportunities for making the islands of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park pest free.
6. His presentation will introduce the work of Island Conservation, highlight the importance of the Hauraki Gulf’s biodiversity and define its key threats. Richard will also talk about the challenges of removing pests from inhabited islands, provide some lessons that his organisation has gained from other projects around the world and suggest some potential strategies that could be employed to advance the restoration of the inhabited islands within the Hauraki Gulf.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Tim Higham - Executive Officer, Hauraki Gulf Forum |
Authorisers |
Jacques Victor - GM Auckland Plan Strategy and Research |
Hauraki Gulf Forum 16 March 2015 |
Status of Western Firth of Thames Spat Catching applications after 1 January 2015
File No.: CP2015/03076
1. This report responds to a request from the Forum for an update on aquaculture in the western Firth of Thames.
Executive Summary
2. The planning situation for aquaculture in the western Firth of Thames is complicated and has created a lot of confusion. The current status of aquaculture in the western Firth of Thames is:
· marine farming is prohibited; and
· spat catching is a discretionary activity.
3. There are a number of spat catching applications lodged with Auckland Council and Waikato Regional Council, covering about 4500 hectares. The current status of these applications is that they are voluntarily on hold at the request of the applicants. The applicants have been entitled to require that their applications be processed since October 2011 and have chosen not to.
4. These applications are not subject to a moratorium, and could have been processed at any time since October 2011. They are in an area that is subject to a rule prohibiting marine farming, but not spat catching, due to a 1984 gazette notice which is still in force. The gazette notice will expire when the Auckland Unitary Plan becomes operative, and when a new Waikato Regional Coastal Plan becomes operative.
5. Planning for aquaculture throughout the Gulf is being considered by the Sea Change – Tai Timu Tai Pari marine spatial planning process. Once this is completed in mid-2015, the two councils will commence the implementation of the spatial plan.
That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) receive the report
6. At its meeting on 8 December 2014 the Forum made the following resolution (HGF/2014/28):
That the Hauraki Gulf Forum...
... request a joint report for the March 2015 meeting, from the Auckland Council and Waikato Regional Council on how they will approach aquaculture development in the Western Firth of Thames from 1 January 2015 in relation to the lifting of the moratorium.
Background to the western Firth of Thames spat catching applications
7. In 2000 and 2001 many applications were lodged for large scale aquaculture around the country. These included applications for spat catching in the western Firth of Thames that were lodged with the Auckland Regional Council.
8. The applications covered about 4800 hectares and many of them overlapped. These applications were controversial and there was a high level of opposition expressed by members of the local community.
9. When Auckland Council was established in 2010, the boundary between Auckland Waikato was realigned and roughly half of the spat applications were transferred to Waikato.
Figure 1: The Firth of Thames spat catching applications (red) and existing marine farms (blue). The boundary between Auckland and Waikato Regional Council is shown as a dotted line.
10. All these applications were for spat catching, and not for marine farming, because a 1984 gazette notice prohibits marine farming in most of the Hauraki Gulf, including that part of the Firth of Thames.
11. The applicants have been clear that their aspirations are to do marine farming, not spat catching, but because the RMA allocates marine space on a first in, first served basis, they had to apply for spat catching to secure the potential rights to use that space before someone else did. This generated the so-called “gold-rush for space”.
12. Spat catching was treated as a separate activity by the Environment Court due to its seasonal nature. The spat catching lines are only present in the water for several months of the year, although the anchor warps and back-bone lines are likely to remain year-round.
Impact of the aquaculture moratorium and subsequent reforms
13. The large scale of applications nationwide in 2000 and 2001 resulted in central government announcing a moratorium on aquaculture, effective from November 2001 until the end of 2004, and the passing of the first round of Aquaculture Reforms. Due to the moratorium the western Firth spat applications could not be processed.
14. Following the first Aquaculture Reforms, aquaculture could only occur within an Aquaculture Management Area (AMA). Since an AMA did not exist in the western Firth, the spat applications remained on hold.
15. In October 2011 a second round of Aquaculture Reforms took effect. This removed the requirement for an AMA. This would allow the spat applications to proceed, however government was aware that the planning framework for aquaculture in the area was out of date. The reform legislation placed the spat applications back on hold for two years, until 31 December 2014.
16. However, even though the spat applications were placed back on hold, the applicants had the right to tell either or both councils to process the applications at any time. That is, the applications were voluntarily on hold only so long as the applicants wished.
17. This was done in the expectation that the planning framework might be amended. However Auckland Council has been focused on the Unitary Plan and the review of the Waikato Regional Coastal Plan will not start until the Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan is delivered by Sea Change – Tai Timu Tai Pari in mid-2015.
18. As the applicants did not request that councils process the applications they remained on hold until they automatically came off hold on 1 January 2015. At that time the applicants advised both councils that they did not wish to have their applications processed and voluntarily placed them back on hold.
Current and future planning for Aquaculture
19. The 1984 gazette notice still applies and acts as a prohibition on marine farming but not on spat catching in the western Firth of Thames. The gazette notice will expire in Auckland once the Auckland Unitary Plan becomes operative, and in Waikato when the Waikato Regional Coastal Plan is reviewed.
20. The Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan makes new aquaculture a discretionary activity in the General Coastal Marine zone and a non-complying in overlay areas. Existing marine farms are treated as a restricted discretionary activity.
21. Planning for aquaculture in the Hauraki Gulf and Firth of Thames is currently under way as part of Sea Change – Tai Timu Tai Pari. A Hauraki Gulf marine spatial plan will be delivered by the Stakeholder Working Group at the end of June.
22. As part of this process an Aquaculture Round-Table was formed to specifically consider the role and needs of aquaculture in the Gulf. Over six months in 2014 the Round-Table considered a large volume of information and reported back to the Stakeholder Working Group in February 2015.
23. The Round-Table’s vision was: “prosperous aquaculture that positively contributes to the health and wellbeing of the people and environment of the Gulf”.
24. The findings of the Round-Table are available on the Sea Change – Tai Timu Tai Pari website: http://www.seachange.org.nz/SWG-in/Roundtables/Aquaculture-in-the-Gulf-Roundtable/
25. The Stakeholder Working Group will produce a marine spatial plan by July 2015. Auckland Council and Waikato Regional Council will then implement it.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Graeme Silver - Senior Policy Advisor, Waikato Regional Council Will Trusewich - Principal Coastal Specialist, Auckland Council |
Authorisers |
Tim Higham - Executive Officer, Hauraki Gulf Forum Jacques Victor - GM Auckland Plan Strategy and Research |
Hauraki Gulf Forum 16 March 2015 |
Hauraki Gulf Forum Executive Officer's Report
File No.: CP2015/03135
1. To provide a quarterly update from the Hauraki Gulf Forum’s Executive Officer.
Executive Summary
2. This report from the Hauraki Gulf Forum Executive Officer is to update Forum members on the delivery of the annual work plan and statutory requirements, follow up actions from previous meetings, and other matters of relevance since the last meeting.
That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) receive the Hauraki Gulf Forum Executive Officer’s report.
Technical Officers Group
3. A meeting of the Technical Officers Group was facilitated on 19 February to help plan the agenda for this meeting. Moana Waa has been appointed to support Moana Taamariki-Pohe and Nathan Kennedy will act as Liane Ngamane’s technical officer.
2015 Hauraki Gulf Marine Park poster series
4. The new series of posters were published in the New Zealand Herald on February 23-25. Copies will be circulated with the agenda.
5. 3,000 additional copies were printed for educational use. They will be available during Seaweek events. Copies will be distributed to all schools in the Auckland regions through the council’s Education for Sustainability programme.
6. The series received generous support from the New Zealand Herald. Post analysis shows over $100,000 in promotion was received through adverts in the Herald on preceding days, front page pointer ads on the days of publication, wrap around front covers for 50,000 free copies of the paper to non-subscribing households, adverts on radio and magazine associated with the New Zealand Media and Entertainment (NZME) group and online banner advertising. 140,000 copies were distributed each day of the series. Gratitude is expressed to the Department of Conservation, Auckland Council (stormwater education and community programmes), the Tindall Foundation and Soar Print for additional sponsorship that enabled production.
Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari project
7. I continue to support and monitor progress with the project. Stakeholder Working Group (SWG) Independent Chair Nick Main will provide an update to the meeting. A summary of his report is appended.
Seabird by catch
8. New campaign materials to encourage seabird smart recreational fishing prepared by Southern Seabirds Solutions Trust were completed before summer and widely distributed. I noted black petrel public awareness raising initiatives had a high profile on Great Barrier Island over summer, with an art exhibition, public talk and presence at the annual fishing completion prize giving and mussel festival, and posters displayed at the wharves, airport and fishing tackle shop. Southern Seabird Solutions also arranged visits to the black petrel colony for several groups of commercial fishers. More visits are planned for April.
9. In response to the appended request for support I have confirmed a small grant of $5,000 to support ongoing work by the trust and the Black Petrel Working Group in actions to implement the Black Petrel Pledge.
10. 2014 Holdaway Award recipient Adam Clow has been further recognized by Aotearoa Fisheries Limited, providing a Fiji holiday because of the award recognition. He is also the second New Zealander to be offered a place in an Australasian Seafood leadership course.
Young Ocean Explorers
11. The Love our Ocean book about the Young Ocean Explorers TV series has been published recently following a successful fund raising effort to provide the book and series DVD to every school in New Zealand and the Cook Islands (approx. 2560 schools).
12. Eight of the 10 episodes were filmed in the Hauraki Gulf. A second series is underway and will include further episodes in the Gulf. A $5,000 grant was provided to support the initiative. A copy of the new book will be available at the meeting.
Speaking Invitations
13. The Chairman and I have been invited to give a presentation on the work of the Forum to the annual National Party Bluegreens Conference, taking place on Great Barrier Island in April.
14. I have also been asked to speak at the Environmental Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) Symposium “Focusing on What Matters – Achieving Good Environmental Outcomes in our Changing Times” on the topic “Achieving effective engagement across multiple agencies: the case of the Hauraki Gulf” in Wellington later this month.
Weaving the Strands
15. The newsletter is in preparation and should be available at the meeting.
Local Board views and implications
16. Delivery of the work plan and identification of issues is informed by a local board officer on the Technical Officers Group.
Māori impact statement
17. Delivery of the work plan and identification of issues is informed by the tangata whenua technical officers as per the governance arrangements of the Forum.
18. Progress in these areas will be discussed with the Technical Officers Group and reported back to future Forum meetings.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Southern Seabird Solutions Trust Letter |
31 |
bView |
Southern Seabird Solutions Trust recreational fishing campaign materials (a) |
33 |
cView |
Southern Seabird Solutions Trust recreational fishing campaign materials (b) |
35 |
dView |
Southern Seabird Solutions Trust recreational fishing campaign materials (c) |
37 |
eView |
Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari report from Independent Chair |
39 |
Authors |
Tim Higham - Executive Officer, Hauraki Gulf Forum |
Authorisers |
Jacques Victor - GM Auckland Plan Strategy and Research |
16 March 2015 |
File No.: CP2015/03282
1. This report describes recent activities undertaken by Forum constituent parties which address the strategic issues of the Forum. This report is a regular means of meeting the Forum’s purpose of facilitating communication, co-operation and co-ordination among its members.
Executive Summary
2. This report describes recent activities undertaken by Forum constituent parties which address integrated management and prioritised, strategic issues. This report is a regular means of meeting the Forum’s purpose of facilitating communication, co-operation and co-ordination among its members.
3. The strategic issues framework adopted by the Forum for focus and action identified the following management response areas:
· Regenerating green and blue areas
· Enhanced fisheries
· Mana whenua integration
· Active land management to address nutrient, sediment and contaminant pollution
· Knowledge generation within an integrated eco-system management approach
· The left-hand column of the following table links each reported activity to the response framework.
That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) receive the report. |
Auckland Council
Regional and Specialist Parks
4. The successful nesting and fledging of a fluttering shearwater has been recorded at Tawharanui Regional Park. This is believed to be the first recorded successful fledging on the mainland for over half a century. This is further evidence of the success of the Tawharanui Open Sanctuary and the efforts of members of Tawharanui Open Sanctuary Society Incorporated ( TOSSI) and the sea bird recovery efforts. The release of additional Takahe is planned for the Tawharanui Open Sanctuary on 19 March.
5. A shore skink translocation to Rotoroa Island from Tawharanui Open sanctuary is underway. 40 skinks have been transferred so far and a further 80 is planned for later this year.
6. Preparation of revegetation and dune restoration approvals for the coming planting season is underway at Long Bay, Shakespear ,Wenderholm and Tawharanui.
7. Protocols and an agreement are being developed with the Department of Conservation for the burial of marine mammals on selected regional parks.
Local Parks
Tracks and trails
8. A number of coastal walkways and trails are reaching completion or are planned for completion over the next year or so. These include:
· The Tamaki Estuary Concept Plan. This builds on the Maungakiekie-Tamaki local boards adopted Greenways plan. The plan identifies a walking and cycling pathway linking Wai-o-Taiki Reserve, Point England Reserve, Riverside Reserve, Dunkirk Reserve, Mount Wellington War Memorial Reserve and Panmure Wharf Reserve to Panmure Basin via on-road connections
· Weona-Westmere Walkway (Stage 1) – improved public access, weed control and ecological restoration.
· Pt Resolution Taurarua Development Plan (incl Hobson Bay Walkway) –being implementation as funding allows. Provides an improved low tide walkway from Thomas Bloodworth Park to Pt Resolution. Improvements to the reserve itself and better connection to St Stephen’s Churchyard and Judges Bay Reserve.
· Te Matuku Bay Walkway – Opening this year – a new 4km walkway alongside the marine reserve at Te Matuku Bay, linking Days Landing with Pearl Bay, part of Te Ara Hura walkway around Waiheke.
· Tryphena Coastal Trail – a ten year plan to deliver a safe and easy walking route around the Tryphena Harbour, Great Barrier Island
· Harataonga Track upgrade – a four year programme to upgrade the 12km Harataonga Coastal Track, Great Barrier Island, to an easy tramping track and mountain bike standard. Completion due 2016 FY.
· Stage 1 Westhaven Promenade has been completed. This will eventually form part of a 21km cycleway stretching from the Auckland Harbour Bridge in the west to St Heliers in the east.
Coastal management and restoration
9. Work has commenced on collating data on coastal parks assets for the future development of coastal compartment management plans.
10. Otara Waterways and Lake Project aims to develop a long term inter-agency strategic action plan for the remediation of the Otara Lake and waterway system is due June 2015.
11. McKenzie Reserve revegetation project – A community partnership with a local volunteer group involving revegetation of a 3 hectare catchment behind Enclosure Bay on north side of Waiheke Island. Planted 14,000 trees over ten years. Interpretive signage installed. Destination structure planned
12. Onetangi Beach Dune restoration project – long-term community partnership to restore dune system at Onetangi Beach, Waiheke island
13. Project Little Oneroa – A community partnership to develop a plan to clean up Little Oneroa stream catchment and resolve pollution issues where it emerges at Little Oneroa Beach, Waiheke Island
14. Kaitoke Dune Restoration programme (Great Barrier Island) – a ten year programme to restore the dune system on Kaitoke Beach in front of Claris Airport. Almost complete.
15. Okahu Bay coastal dune restoration (Ngati Whatua)
Local Boards
Great Barrier Island
16. The board continues to discuss local marine protection opportunities either within the context of Sea Change or separately, noting its wish is to move forward in collaboration with Ngati Rehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea.
17. The board is about to embark on probably its most ambitious and important project so far this term, a community conversation on the island’s future ecology. It has just engaged Shirley Johnson and Marie McEntee as independent parties to lead on the project which is expected to take at least 18 months, and possibly longer. The conversation will be about terrestrial ecology and isn’t intended to include marine ecology.
18. A number of programmes are being progressed throughout the Auckland Region for the purpose of increasing knowledge, understanding and protection of species and their habitats. These programmes include:
· Little penguin/ korora survey at Waiheke Island: Little penguin populations are in decline nationally, but information on local population numbers and habitat use are lacking, limiting efforts to protect the species. In December 2014, following increased interest from the Waiheke Community regarding Little penguin populations in the island, Biodiversity staff ran a 2-day penguin nest survey aimed at gathering information that will assist the community in protecting these valuable sites. As a result, 3 active nests were found, including one located under a garden shed, and 6 potential nests. Unfortunately it was reported a few weeks later that one of the chicks found under the shed was predated by a cat. Following the survey, the Waiheke penguin community compiled an article for the Gulf News advising the wider community how best to protect penguins nesting on the island. http://www.waihekegulfnews.co.nz/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2860:little-blue-penguins-make-themselves-at-home&catid=115&Itemid=166
· Threatened Cook’s scurvy grass survey near Great Barrier Island. – Cook’s scurvy grass monitoring and weed control have been carried out. Recent monitoring revealed seedlings at the site, some of which were in spray treatment plots, indicates there is a seed bank available. An overall increase to 30 plants was promising.
· Active management of the threatened Leptinella tenella (‘button daisy’) is being carried out at Awana, Great Barrier Is. Management actions include fencing and weed control of Leptinella and a monitoring programme to evaluate the benefit of stock exclusion and weed control on the species.
· Giant kokopu survey of 25 streams around the region, including a number that flow to the Hauraki Gulf has recently commenced. The survey is focused on improving Council’s understanding of giant kokopu populations in streams where historic records of their presence exist to inform future management requirements.
· Auckland Council, along with the University and Auckland and Auckland Museum, travelled to Burgess Island to conduct studies of seabird populations found there, and to install artificial nest boxes. An acoustic detection trial is being carried out to assist with identifying seabird species that are active at potential breeding sites. The purpose is to trial the devices in preparation for future surveys on other islands in the Hauraki Gulf, and to collect data to assist with the development of an automated process for the recognition of seabird species from audio recordings.
Natural Environment Strategy
Maori Responsiveness Plan
19. Auckland Council’s Executive Leadership Group has agreed to a top-down Auckland Council family approach to embed Māori responsiveness as part of its high performance culture, thinking and practice in order to achieve better outcomes with Māori. This is particularly important within the environmental sphere with evolving co-governance and co-management arrangements of maunga, motu and moana. The Natural Environment Strategy Unit (NES) has developed a Maori Responsiveness Plan. Its guiding whakatauki is He waka eke noa, mō taiao – A waka we are all in, with no exceptions, working for our environment. He Waka Eke Noa – the Māori Responsiveness Plan – seeks to detail how the unit will enhance its contribution to delivering on our commitments to Māori. It guides how the unit will work to ensure policies and actions consider the protection and recognition of Māori rights and interests within Tāmaki Makaurau, and the needs and aspirations of Māori will be addressed and contributed to. He Waka Eke Noa will support delivery of Whiria Te Muka Tangata – the Auckland Council Māori Responsiveness Framework – and responses to the drivers of the framework: enabling Te Tiriti o Waitangi; enabling Māori outcomes; fulfilling statutory Māori obligations; valuing Te Ao Māori.
20. Unit-specific training workshops are planned to move to the desired responsive future:
21. Ko te pae tawhiti, whāia kia tata, Ko te pae tata, whakamaua kia tina – Our aspirations will be delivered through robust process and planning – our actions will make it happen.
Environment Strategic Action Plan
22. The Environment Strategic Action Plan (ESAP) is being developed with internal, external, political and mana whenua engagement and will be publicised in conjunction with the next Auckland State of the Environment Report, due in May 2015. This draft plan will provide the public with a synopsis of the current state and key trends related to air, water, land, biodiversity and climate change, as well as the range of activities Auckland Council and family are currently undertaking to slow the decline of environmental quality. ESAP will also articulate the significant pressures and challenges Auckland will have to face in the coming decades from expansion and intensification. The ESAP will focus on the following key messages:
· The environment is highly valued by Aucklanders and Auckland Council is committed to delivering on the environmental outcomes in the Auckland Plan as a core component of delivering on our “world’s most liveable city” aspirations;
· Although a wide range of current and proposed Auckland Council projects contribute to improved environmental outcomes, the State of Environment Report indicates some localised improvements against a backdrop of regional decline; and there is a significant risk that this general decline will accelerate as a result of our proposed growth plans;
· A transformational shift is required to grow our population and economy in a way that enhances rather than further degrades our natural environment;
· ESAP provides a vehicle for further developing and implementing the transformational shift – both internally, with mana whenua and our external stakeholders.
23. The ESAP will deliver the following benefits:
· A clear ‘statement of intent’ on the environment.
· Interpretation of the environmental outcomes sought by the Auckland Plan to the level required to implement action.
· Articulation of the environmental challenges faced by Auckland as a baseline for strategic action, and improved monitoring, evaluations and reporting processes.
· Greater efficiency and effectiveness through well governed, co-ordinated and strategically prioritised action to deliver positive environmental outcomes for Auckland.
· Strong commitment to environmental action and green growth through improved environmental asset management, including partnerships and memberships to leading national and international organisations.
Regional Pest Management Plan Review
24. A review of the Regional Pest Management Plan is underway, with a discussion document due to go out for public comment in mid-2015. A proposed plan will follow in early 2016, which will go through a formal submission and hearing process.
25. The project is being jointly led by biosecurity and biodiversity and coastal strategy. An initial consultation period is underway with key staff, mana whenua, local boards and councillors, and key external stakeholders are being engaged. A public consultation period will follow when the discussion document is released.
26. There are three main areas of interest related to the Hauraki Gulf: The Hauraki Gulf islands, and the pest animals and plants present on these islands; marine pests and their future management; and pathway management plans, a new pest management tool arising from the reform of the Biosecurity Act.
27. A section on the Hauraki Gulf is planned for the discussion document, with the content and format of this is still to be decided. It is not intended to discuss marine pests in detail as the Ministry for Primary Industries are leading a domestic pathways management plan process, though we can expect submissions on this topic.
28. It is intended at this time to include a section on the Hauraki Gulf Islands, and the special challenges and opportunities this area poses, in the Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan next year.
Regional Network Discharge Consent
29. The preparation of the Waitemata Harbour, Greater Tamaki, and Hauraki Gulf Island Network Discharge Consent applications are currently being merged into one regional application to allow for consistency across the region. Meanwhile Consolidated Receiving Environment (CRE) Catchment Management Plans are being further progressed for the Hauraki Gulf Islands and Hibiscus Coast.
Stormwater Bylaw
30. The Stormwater Bylaw was notified last year and a range of submissions have been received. A submitter workshop is scheduled for 4 March 2015. Subsequent to the submitter workshop , the hearings panel report will be prepared for consideration. Thereafter the Stormwater Bylaw will be finalised.
Research, Investigations and Monitoring Unit (RIMU)
Forest monitoring on Great Barrier Island
31. RIMU’s Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring Programme has completed its first full regional baseline measures for forest, scrub, shrubland and freshwater wetland ecosystems, taking 6 years to complete. These included forest monitoring plots on Great & Little Barrier Islands, with the final 22 plots completed on GBI in November to December of 2014. Results will be incorporated into the upcoming State of Environment report for Auckland (to be released midyear).
Ecological Status of Mangrove Removal Sites in the Auckland Region
32. Auckland Council (RIMU) commissioned a technical report titled “Ecological Status of Mangrove Removal Sites in the Auckland Region” (TR2014/033) which was prepared by NIWA and will be published in mid-March. Trends in sediment characteristics and benthic communities after removal of mangroves were surveyed at 20 sites in the Auckland region. Quantitative surveys revealed few sites with ecological recovery towards a typical sandflat (in terms of sediment characteristics or benthic community composition) over times of removal ranging from three months to seven years. The lack of full recovery at most sites suggests that change from a mangrove to a sandier non-mangrove state will require at least a decade.
Waikato Regional Council
Policy and Plan Development, Regulation and Compliance
Tairua Marina
33. WRC is looking to arrange a hearing involving itself, TCDC, Tairua Marine Ltd and Guardians of Paku Bay to resolve the numerous compliance issues associated with the marina. The land based development of the marina villas and apartments is scheduled to commence in March.
Flood mitigation works in Graham’s Stream, Tairua
34. WRC has lodged an application for extensive earthworks including rediversion of Graham’s Stream. The project will involve excavation of a coastal wetland that has high ecological value. The design concept was developed in consultation with the community to alleviate flooding of properties adjacent to the stream. A decision on notification of the application is yet to be made.
Cook’s Beach Subdivision
35. TCDC and WRC are jointly processing an application from Longreach Developments who propose to develop a 22 hectare subdivision at Cook’s Beach. Coastal inundation is a key concern for both Councils as well as the ecological value of the local stream and wetland.
36. Significant progress has been made with the applicant to alter the proposed subdivision design in order to avoid adverse impacts on the stream/wetland and associated ecosystem. In addition, groundwater dewatering of the site is an issue due to the high water table and the potential adverse effects of salt water intrusion on the neighbouring Cook’s beach development that use bores for their potable water supply. Currently the application is still on hold for further information to address these potential adverse effects.
Mussel farm bonds
37. The Coromandel Marine Farmers Association (CMFA) applied in September last year to have consent conditions relating to a bond of a resource consent authorising marine farming at the communal area farm cancelled or amended (to reduce the bond amount). The outcome of the application is considered to set a precedent for the other 285 marine farm consents in the region. The application was heard by independent commissioners at the end of January 2015. A decision was made by the commissioners to maintain the bond conditions set by council but remove the GST component and apply the one-off mobilisation charge on a consent holder basis rather than on a per farm basis. The collection of bonds for all historic farms (authorised pre-RMA) had been put on hold until a decision on the application was made. The process of collecting bonds will now continue.
Other pending applications
38. Applications include:
· Stormwater outfalls along Manaia Beach, Tairua
· Reconstruct Ferry Landing wharf (historic structure)
· Protection of Kaiaua landfill
· Various coastal erosion protection works in Whitianga
Investigations and Monitoring
Bathing/Recreational use Water Quality Monitoring – Coromandel
39. This summer a special monitoring programme of 18 coastal sites on the Coromandel that are popular swimming locations is being carried out. This is in response to concerns raised around sites often used for swimming and recreation over summer. Concerns include potential elevated faecal bacteria levels (particularly as the water warms up); build up of algae at times; and smells from water in sheltered areas. It is about being proactive in response to community concerns. Our testing programme will help us determine if there are potential problems or sites where we need to investigate further and inform how we go about addressing any issues.
40. The monitoring will include a range of standard water quality tests (concerning oxygen, nutrients, suspended sediments and faecal bacteria). Where faecal bacteria levels are high we will also send samples to the Cawthron Institute for faecal microbial source tracking. This method uses ‘genetic markers’ to identify the presence and relative contributions of human and ruminant animal sources of faecal contamination.The findings from the testing will be known in the middle of 2015.
Ministry for Primary Industries
Update on management of cockles (COC 1)
41. Kawakawa Bay, along with other bays in the Auckland region, is monitored by MPI Compliance Officers and Honorary Fishery Officers routinely. There are 24 full-time Compliance Officers and approximately 50 Honorary Fishery Officers enforcing compliance with the Fisheries Act 1996 and associated regulations in the Auckland region. Penalties for breaching the law range from a $250 infringement per offence up to a fine of $20,000, which can include the seizure and forfeiture of possessions.
42. Officers have noticed an increase in offending by cockle harvesters in Kawakawa Bay. Local members of the public are encouraged to report offending to MPI, but are not advised to ‘take matters into their own hands’ in response to perceived infringements. MPI Compliance Officers and Honorary Fishery Officers have sole legislative authority to enforce fishing rules, and go through a rigorous vetting and training process to ensure they can do their job effectively.
43. MPI commissioned a survey on the Kawakawa Bay cockle population on the 17th February 2015. The results of this survey will go to a scientific working group before a report will be produced in early April 2015. The science working group consists of MPI and independent scientists.
44. Shellfish in Kawakawa Bay were last surveyed in early 2007 (while the health closure was in place). Estimates from this survey indicated a population of around 86 million cockles. If the survey results indicate a significant reduction in biomass, rule changes may be considered. Full consultation will occur if any rule changes are proposed for Kawakawa Bay. Seasonal and full closures are tools that can be used, and Eastern Beach, Karekare Beach and Cheltenham Beach are examples of these.
Update on management of crayfish (CRA 2)
45. The CRA 2 fishery extends from Waipu through the Hauraki Gulf and Bay of Plenty to East Cape. Because the stock is managed at this scale, there may be localized areas of high or low abundance.
46. The management of CRA 2 (Hauraki Gulf and Bay of Plenty) involves the operation of a management procedure, which has set rules that convert observed abundance into a TACC (Total Allowable Commercial Catch) for the following year. Management procedures enable fast management responses to apparent changes in stock status.
47. The management procedure uses the latest stock assessment (a comprehensive scientific assessment of the status of CRA 2) as a reference point, but focuses on annual changes in observed abundance. Abundance is measured by catch per unit effort (CPUE) – the number of crayfish landed per pot lifted. CPUE data is obtained from MPI’s mandatory catch and effort reporting system. Management procedures are evaluated through computer simulation and meet the requirements of the Fisheries Act.
48. The National Rock Lobster Management Group (NRLMG) is a multi-sector stakeholder representative group which provides management advice to the Minister. Based on recommendations from the NRLMG, a new 5 year management procedure was put in place for CRA 2 from the 2013-14 fishing year. The management procedure for CRA 2 is based on a stock assessment and evaluations completed in 2013.
49. The commercial allocation was decreased by 36 tonnes (15%) in 2014 in accordance with the management procedure assessment. No changes were made to non-commercial allowances.
50. The most recent CPUE assessment generated no proposed change to the current TACC or catch limit for CRA 2 in 2015. The current TAC of 416.5 tonnes is comprised of 140 tonnes for recreational catch, 16.5 tonnes for customary harvest, 60 tonnes for illegal removals and a TACC of 200 tonnes.
Department of Conservation
Joint Conservation Management Plans – Nga Mana Whenua and Auckland Conservation Board
51. In February the Minister of Conservation and departmental staff met with Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau for the first time since their settlement legislation was enacted last year. The meeting was a significant milestone and opportunity to discuss next steps for this important Treaty partnership between DOC and Ngā Mana Whenua. Preparation of a joint Conservation Management Plan for the Tāmaki Makaurau Inner Motu (Rangitoto, Motutapu, Motuihe Island/Te Motu-a-Ihenga and Browns Island/Motukorea) will be a priority project.
52. Preparation of a joint Conservation Management Plan for Te Hauturu o Toi with Ngāti Manuhiri and the Auckland Conservation Board is underway.
Tuturuatu/Shore plover (Thinornis novaeseelandiae) in the Hauraki Gulf/Tīkapa Moana
53. 19 Shore plover (tuturuatu) were released on Motutapu in January 2015. This is the third time in 3 years a small flock has been released onto the pest free island. The problem is that most of them disperse to other parts of the coast where they are not safe from predators. However there were still 5 on Motutapu from previous releases, 2 are a breeding pair, and that pair fledged 2 chicks this summer.
54. By releasing more the Department hopes to build up a nucleus of breeding pairs on Motutapu. As there are only 63 breeding pairs in the world, every breeding pair is significant, and the more singles we can help get paired up the better.
Seaweek 28 Feb – 8 March
55. Seaweek is a national celebration of our marine environment, coordinated by the NZ Association for Environmental Education. The Department of Conservation is a supporter of Seaweek. The 2015 theme is “Look beneath the surface – Papatai ō roto – Papatai ō raro“.
56. Events in each region can be found here: http://seaweek.org.nz/events/
57. In the Auckland region there are 70 events organised by a huge range of organisations advertised on this webpage.
Make A Difference (MAD) Marine - January 2015
58. A new influx of ‘MADsters’ enjoyed four days on Motutapu Island at MAD Marine 2015 - DOC and Auckland Council’s flagship marine environmental leadership education programme for youth. The seventh annual MAD Marine saw 42 students from 21 high schools from across the Auckland region immersed in all things marine. The camp culminated in a trip out into the Gulf, onboard the Whale & Dolphin Safari boat, thanks to generous sponsorship from the Hauraki Gulf Forum. Nine Bryde’s whales were spotted including a calf and the students spoke with over 20 different marine experts on the boat. The MADsters are now working on their actions to ‘Make A Difference’ back in their schools and communities, to help protect and improve the Hauraki Gulf.
The Kauri Dieback project
60. A 10 year strategy to address kauri dieback was released by DOC and MPI in December 2014: http://kauridieback.co.nz/media/43630/kauri-diebackstrategy%202014-final-web.pdf
61. The focus of the strategy is to prevent the spread of the disease and learn adaptive methodologies to make this effective in Kauri forests. Mitigation is focussed initially on upgrading track infrastructure on Public Conservation land to protect kauri and prevent spread. A new Kauri dieback project coordinator has been appointed in Whangarei DOC office for this work. Community outreach on issues is occurring. The Kauri Dieback project is a specific package of funding from the government to address the risk posed of visitors spreading the disease when using Kauri forest. It is a three year project delivering rationalisation and upgrade of visitor facilities on public conservation land in kauri forest.
Black Petrels and collaboration with Southern Seabird Solutions
62. The Department of Conservation is supporting Southern Seabirds Solutions Trust to work with inshore commercial fishermen in developing new monitoring techniques to detect seabird captures on longlines. The inshore longlining fleet cannot accommodate observers so a trial is to be undertaken this year to provide camera monitoring of seabird bycatch. Southern Seabirds Solutions Trust is also consulting with iwi of Te Hauturu o Toi and Aotea (breeding grounds of taiko/black petrel) to develop a programme to estimate and address the capture of taiko during cultural harvest and recreational fishing.
Local Board views and implications
63. No consultation with Local Boards was required for the preparation of this report. Individual items that make up the report will be reported directly to the relevant Local Boards as appropriate.
Māori impact statement
64. This is a report for information only. Individual items that make up the report may impact on mana whenua, who would then be consulted as the work programmes are developed.
65. This report collates the activities of the Forum’s constituent parties to facilitate communication, co-operation and co-ordination.
66. There are no implementation implications arising from the activities detailed in this report
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Tim Higham - Executive Officer, Hauraki Gulf Forum |
Authorisers |
Jacques Victor - GM Auckland Plan Strategy and Research |