I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Orākei Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Thursday, 5 March 2015


St Chads Church and Community Centre
38 St Johns Road


Orākei Local Board









Desley Simpson, JP


Deputy Chairperson

Colin Davis, JP



Ken Baguley



Troy Churton



Kate Cooke



Kit Parkinson



Mark Thomas



(Quorum 4 members)




Kim  Lawgun

Democracy Advisor


24 February 2015


Contact Telephone: 021 302 163

Email: kim.lawgun@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz





Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                5

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          6

12        Auckland Transport Update: March 2015                                                                   7

13        Local Board input on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025           15

14        Regional Facilities Auckland Second Quarter Performance Report for the quarter ending 31 December 2014                                                                                                        19

15        Chairperson's Report                                                                                                  39

16        Board Member Reports                                                                                              63

17        Resolutions Pending Action                                                                                      95

18        Local Board Workshop Record of Proceedings                                                    101

19        Orakei Local Board Achievements Register                                                          109  

20        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome



2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Orākei Local Board:

a)         confirm the minutes of its ordinary meeting, held on Thursday, 5 February 2015, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Orākei Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.


9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from www members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Auckland Transport Update: March 2015


File No.: CP2015/00894






1.       The purpose of this report is to update the Board on a range of transport related issues in Orākei area during February 2015.



That the Orākei Local Board:

a)      receives the March 2015 report from Auckland Transport.

b)      approves $120,000 from the Transport Capital Fund, to construct the Churchill Park Street Lights.

c)      defers the Churchhill Park Pathway Project of $60,000 from the Transport Capital Fund, to be revisited if funds are available once projects with a higher priority are delivered.

d)      approves $110,000 from the Transport Capital Fund, to construct the entrance way at Eversham Drive.




Monthly Overview

Orākei Local Board Transport Capital Fund

2.       The Process for Discretionary Fund Projects

Either a Rough Order of Cost will be provided to the Orākei Local Board for projects, or if a project does not meet the listed criteria it will be declined.

When the Rough Order of Cost is provided the Orākei Local Board must formally authorise the next step in the delivery of these projects, which is detailed investigation, design, and a firm estimate.  The Board then approves or not, the project for construction. The costs incurred for detailed investigation, design, consultation and construction of these projects will be deducted from Orākei Local Board’s Transport Capital Fund. Please see commentary on the progress of current Rough Order of Cost’s.


3.       The Landing



A project to upgrade the main entrance to the Landing  has been proposed for the 2014/15 financial year and a budget of $90,000 from Auckland Transport TRIPs funding has been allocated by the Orakei Local Board to re-design and rebuild the entrance way.  The primary drivers of the project are to improve pedestrian and cycle safety.

Progress to Date

Auckland Council contracted Flow transport planning and engineering specialists, to develop design options and solutions for safety concerns and traffic flow at the entrance.

The project team have:

·        Met with stakeholder groups from the landing.

·        Met with Orakei Local Board, landing committee.

·        Conducted surveys on trailer boat owners using Okahu bay boat ramp.

·        Reviewed crash analysis statistics for the site.

·        Met with Auckland Transport.

·        Developed initial design options.

·        Progressed design options ready for detailed design and procurement.


4.       Development of the Landing Entrance Design

Three designs options were developed for the Landing entrance and Auckland Transport was consulted on the three designs. 

The design preferred by stakeholders and the Local board landing committee, involved detouring path users inside the landing entrance behind the exiting traffic and over a raised table in the roadway.

This design was rejected by Auckland Transport for the following reasons:

·        It does not fit with current best practice of a drive way design.

·        Will not achieve the pedestrian or cycle safety outcomes being sort.

·        Is inconsistent with the Tamaki Drive master plan. 

·        Is inconsistent with the future provision of a protected cycleway along Tamaki Drive.

The other two designs did not sufficiently address the objectives of the project.  Auckland Transport recommended that the redevelopment of the entrance be designed to recreate the visual effect of a driveway entrance, including the following elements:

·        Provide driver cues indicating a driveway entrance.

·        The path needs to follow the alignment of Tamaki Drive, rather than detour into the site. 

·        keep the path close to the curve of Tamaki Drive make it appear to be a driveway.

·        Strip away the features that indicate a road i.e. give way signage, refuge island and road markings.

·        provide no less than the current sight distance provisions.

·        Construct path on an incline – this is to be the maximum allowed in Auckland City Council driveway standards.  

·        The width of the driveway will be wider than standard driveways. To allow for vehicles towing boats.

·        Build a lip adjacent to the carriageway, utilising maximum slope of driveway using black oxidised concrete to form footpath.

·        Utilise temporary signs to advise people of the change. 

·        Possible provision of an education programme with users of The Landing.

The most resent design has largely captured these requirements and has been accepted by Auckland Transport to move towards detailed design.



During design development there has been a significant disconnect between the aspirations of stakeholders and management of the Landing and Auckland Transport requirements.

The latest version of the design recreates the landing entrance into a driveway entrance, where the prevailing road rules will apply and vehicles will need to give way to people using the path.

Given the busy nature of Tamaki Drive, there may be operational effects of the proposal –those turning in left may hold up following traffic as they give way to path users.  Similarly, those turning in right may need to wait longer to find a gap in opposing traffic as well as give way to path users. Current road layout on Tamaki drive can accommodate these possible effects.  

The current design intends to take away confusion, prioritise pedestrians, slow vehicle traffic and improve overall safety. The design is ready to move to detailed design, develop specifications and tender documents in preparation for procurement of a contractor. 


5.       Churchill Park Pathway – Bay Road Entrance

This was resolution n) from October 2014 meeting.

The project has been assessed as follows:

·        It consists of the design and construction of a path running from the existing Bay Road footbridge to the Kinsale Road turning circle

·        This cost includes initial RMA consultation and an allowance for meeting RMA requirements (especially stormwater management, which can only be confirmed with further investigation. The park is a not identified as a closed landfill site although an RMA  application for contaminated consent may be necessary.

·        The ROC allows for a 1.5 metre wide concrete path.

·        The ROC is $60,000

This is considered a third tier priority for the local board capital fund, there is currently more projects than funds available.


6.       Churchill Park Street Lights

This was resolution o) from October 2014 meeting.

The project has been assessed as follows:

·        It consists of the design and construction of streetlighting for the accessway and carpark near Churchill Park School

·        The ROC includes lighting, cabling, switchboard, and power connection

·        The ROC is $120,000


This project is considered to be number 1 priority for the Orakei Local Board to meet park and transport needs in this area.


7.       Churchill Park Eversham Entranceway

This was resolution m) from October 2014 meeting.

This resolution was ‘to proceed with a project to seal the Eversham Rd entranceway to Churchill Park.’

The project is in fact formalising the existing pedestrian link and includes formation of a gravel path, timber/gravel steps and a boardwalk/bridge across a stream area to link with an existing path in the park. It does provide a pedestrian link into the park and therefore is considered to meet the new criteria.

The project has been assessed as follows:

·        It consists of the design and construction of a new path, steps, boardwalk and bridge from Eversham Ave to existing path.

·        The cost includes an estimate for RMA processes and an allowance for meeting RMA requirements including stormwater flow, arboreal and other consents, which can only be confirmed with further investigation.

·        The ROC is $110,000


This project is considered to be number 1 priority for the Orakei Local Board to meet park and transport needs in this area.


8.       Waiatarua Entrance and Abbots Way to Grand Drive Shared Path

The ROC for these projects were assessed as one project, the total for both projects came to $510, 000. Following discussions with the Transport and Park Leads, it has been requested that we separate the two projects to be delivered in stages if there is not sufficient funding to deliver both.


9.       Tamaki Drive to Glen Innes Cycleway

Consent for this project has been lodged. This is working towards a construction start date of April 2015. Currently Auckland Transport is investigating key linkages to the third stage of the project, from St Johns Road to Orakei Basin.


10.     Public Transport (PT) Update

The Orakei Local Board has successfully lobbied for a feeder bus services for their residents. The first trial, the Stonefields Loop begins on 23 February, route number 632, will operate Monday to Friday from 6am to 7.15pm, running between Glen Innes Train Station and a loop around Stonefields. Auckland Transport plans to begin the trial before the end of February 2015. The Stonefields Loop trial is part of the New Network, an Auckland-wide project to create a simpler and more integrated public transport network. Proposed changes for the eastern suburbs’ New Network will be out for consultation in 2015.




11.     Road Resurfacing


Roads require periodic resurfacing (resealing) to keep the sealed surface waterproof and maintain good skid resistance.  The bitumen in the surfacing oxidises over time causing it to become brittle and either crack, unravel or lose chip.  Similarly the chip can become polished and/or the road surface flushed resulting in a loss of skid resistance over time.

If resurfacing is carried out at the right time then the surface remains waterproof, skid resistance is maintained and surface water does not penetrate the road pavement.  It can be considered to be much the same as repainting a house – if it is left too long and water penetrates the surface then much more costly repairs are required.

Surfacing Types

Roads are resurfaced using either a chip seal or a thin asphaltic concrete surfacing (hotmix).  Generally chip seals have a life of 8-12 years while hotmix can be expected to last 10-14 years

Chip seals are the most cost-effective method of resurfacing and in many situations are the only method that can practically be used to restore the road surface to a suitable condition.  Hotmix is generally only used on high trafficked roads (those carrying more than 10,000 vehicles per day) or in high stress areas such as at intersections or cul-de-sac heads.

Chip seals cost in the order of $4-8 per square metre while hotmix costs $20-30 per square metre depending on the type of mix used.  In the 2014/15 year we will resurface 430 km of roads at a cost of approximately $50 million – 80% of the resealing carried out will be chip seals.

Prior to resurfacing pre-seal repairs such as digouts, crack sealing and surface levelling are undertaken.  There is also considerable effort made to coordinate the resurfacing works with other planned renewal and improvement works in the road corridor (both road and utility related) so as to ‘dig once’.

Chip Seals

Chip seals can be either single coat or two coat seals though in most cases now two coat seals are used as they are more resistant to turning stresses.

Each resurfacing site is subject to a specific seal design and the choice of surfacing and chip size used is dependent on factors such as the traffic volumes and loading, the existing surface texture and pavement strength, turning stresses etc.


Many resurfacing complaints arise from the resurfacing of existing aged hotmix surfaces with chip seal when they reach the end of their service life.  These hotmix surfaces were usually constructed by developers at the time of subdivision and when they are resurfaced with a chip seal this is not welcomed by adjoining landowners.  The need to periodically resurface the road to avoid water ingress into the road pavement is often not understood by the adjoining residents and they consider the rougher chip seal surface to be inferior to that of the smoother hotmix.

Chip seals also continue to shed excess chip for several months following resurfacing which is a nuisance for adjoining landowners and can create the mistaken impression that the new chip seal surface is defective.  Following resurfacing new chip seals particularly two-coat seals can require 4-5 sweeps to remove excess chip from the surface.

It is also usual for the bitumen to soften during warm weather for several years following application until such time as the kerosene fully evaporates from the bitumen.  At this time it will be susceptible to scuffing from turning vehicles.  These areas can be treated with the application of fresh sealing chip. 


12.     Remuera

Auckland Transport have been evaluating the car park structure in Clonbern Road, with aim of ensuring it is safe, providing ongoing  monthly monitoring of the facility and considering all options, which include working through options within the broader organisation concerning a possible disposal.


We have taken advice of professional structural engineers to ensure the safety of the structure with ongoing monthly surveys, and applying weight restrictions on the top deck.

No decision has been taken as to the potential disposal of the facility. AT recognise that there are interested stakeholders with whom discussion has to take place and has a meeting to update the Orakei Local Board on 26 February.

The first project of the Remuera Upgrade is the Remuera Road Entrance to the Village Green, this will be constructed as night works, to minimise disruption and will commence on 23 March.

Implementation Issues

AT Ref #

TPL Ref #






Suggestions for new Pedestrian Crossing layouts in Ellerslie Town Centre

Auckland Council Urban Design staff has suggested options for improving pedestrian crossings in this town Centre.

June 2014, The road safety team is currently reviewing the implementation of pedestrian crossings suggested by the operations team.



Stonefields Parking

It has been reported that the high density housing units that are currently being built only have one car park for each three bedroom unit and there are no parking bays on the streets.


Many of the new units are used as rental properties and have multiple vehicles at each residence.


This is resulting in the streets having cars parked down both sides, some partly on the berms and reducing the road width (at times) to one lane only.


This issue was discussed at the May 2013, Orakei Local Board Meeting.


Auckland Transport was asked to comment on a memo from Auckland Council.


Auckland Transport has provided comment and has asked for this matter to be removed from the ‘Issues Register’. 


At the July 2013 Orakei Local Board meeting members requested that this item remain on the register.


A meeting with Auckland Transport and the Stonefields Residents association was held on 26 March 2014.

June 2014, The board approves a resolution for a ROC to install additional parking bays as part of their Transport Capital Fund.

November 2014, apologies that this has not been completed; this will be available for the December meeting.

December 2015 Proposal is provided in the body of the report for the board’s consideration.

Feb 2015, no agreement has been reached and it has been referred back to the residents association for further comment.



Support Orākei Local Board urban design initiatives

Auckland Transport has been requested to work with Auckland Council’s Urban Design Team on the following issues:


1.  Creating a boulevard effect by planting further oak trees on the north side of Remuera Rd around the Victoria Ave shops; and


2.  Issues relating to the Village Green project in respect of aspects where Auckland Transport has a role.


Auckland Transport continues to work with Auckland Council to support development of the Village Green plan on an as required basis. There is no intention for AT to undertake further involvement than as a support and advocate for the Board to deliver these projects.

Feb 2015, the first project will begin on 23 March and will be the entrance to the village green from Remuera Road..






Notes: N/A – A Customer Service Reference Number is not applicable to this item because either it was handled directly by the EMRM or it is a legacy issue or the request was for information that was outside the boundaries of a service request.


There are no attachments for this report.      



Melanie Dale – Elected Member Relationship Manager – Auckland Transport


Jonathon Anyon - Elected Member Relationship Team Manager – Auckland Transport

Adam Milina - Relationship Manager - Albert-Eden & Orakei Local Boards


Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Local board input on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025


File No.: CP2015/01058





1.       To outline the options for local boards to provide feedback on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025 and agree the approach the Orakei Local Board will take to provide their feedback.

Executive Summary

2.       The draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025 (RLTP) was endorsed by Auckland Transport’s Board at their 16 December 2014 meeting. It sets out the programme of work Auckland Transport (AT) proposes to deliver over the next ten years, within the funding available, and the models used to prioritise projects. Attachment A is the draft RLTP.

3.       Local boards had three opportunities at different workshops in 2014 to discuss the RLTP process, prioritisation mechanisms and proposed projects with Auckland Transport management and staff.

4.       Following on from these workshops, local boards are now encouraged to provide formal feedback about the draft RLTP. There are two ways boards can do this. AT would like to encourage boards to take up both opportunities.

a)   Speak at the AT Transport Stakeholder event that is taking place on the 10 and 11 March. This is a hearing style event where local board members will be heard by members of the AT board.

b)   Provide written feedback to AT by 16 March.



That the Orākei Local Board:

a)      agree to provide feedback to Auckland Transport on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025 by:

i)        speaking at the Auckland Transport Transport Stakeholder event.

ii)       providing written feedback to Auckland Transport.

b)      delegate to the Chair and the transport portfolio holders the power to speak on behalf of the board at the Auckland Transport Transport Stakeholder event.

c)      delegate to the chair and the transport portfolio holders the power to approve the board’s written feedback to Auckland Transport on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025.



The draft RLTP


5.       The draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025 (RLTP) was endorsed by Auckland Transport’s Board at their 16 December 2014 meeting. It sets out the programme of work Auckland Transport proposes to deliver over the next ten years, within the funding available, and the models used to prioritise projects. Attachment A is the draft RLTP.

6.       In addition, the draft RLTP identifies an alternative transport investment package that may be possible if additional funding can be secured.

7.       The council’s Long-term Plan (LTP) and the RLTP are developed under a very similar timeline and cover largely the same transport issues.  Rather than consulting with Aucklanders on the same issues at the same time, this year a single consultation process will be used to seek Aucklanders’ feedback on transport and inform both the LTP and the RLTP. This consultation is taking place between 23 January and 16 March.

Local board input on the draft RLTP

8.       Local boards had three opportunities at different workshops in 2014 to discuss the RLTP process, prioritisation mechanisms and proposed projects with Auckland Transport management and staff. Therefore boards should already be familiar with the broad direction of the draft RLTP and the constraints involved. 

9.       Following on from these workshops, local boards are now encouraged to provide formal feedback about the draft RLTP. There are two ways boards can do this. AT would like to encourage boards to take up both opportunities.

a)      Speak at the AT Transport Stakeholder event that is taking place on the 10 and 11 March. This is a hearing style event where local board members will be heard by members of the AT board. From those boards speaking at these events, AT is seeking a written summary in advance of the event as well as written feedback (see below for details) which generally summarises and reflects their verbal presentations. Boards will need to delegate to member/s the power to speak on behalf of their board at this event.

b)      Provide written feedback to AT by the 16 March by delegating to member/s the power to approve the board’s written feedback prior to submitting it to AT.

10.     These deadlines are important because Auckland Transport staff must analyse all submissions and prepare a revised draft of the RLTP for the April 2015 AT Board meeting. The revised draft RLTP must be provided to New Zealand Transport Agency by 30 April to ensure central government considers Auckland’s programme alongside all other regional programmes from across New Zealand.

11.     Local boards have already undertaken extensive community engagement to inform their local board plans and advocacy plans, including on transport. This is in addition to the ongoing conversations boards have with their communities about their priorities and the engagement taking place as part of the LTP and RLTP consultation. This information will be useful to inform local board feedback on the draft RLTP.

12.     When providing feedback on the draft RLTP, it is useful to remember that:

a)      it is the governing body not AT that will decide the level of funding that will be made available to deliver on the transport programme.

b)      the RLTP presents a proposed programme of work that is able to be delivered within the funding the draft LTP has made available for transport.

13.     Therefore if boards have feedback on the level of funding that has been allocated to transport in the LTP this can be advocated to the governing body. Feedback on the draft RLTP could focus on the proposed programme of work and the prioritisation model that has been used to determine this.

14.     In addition to local boards providing feedback on the RLTP, the community also has the opportunity through the LTP/RLTP consultation to give their views to AT.

15.     Local board feedback will be analysed along with all other feedback AT receives through the RLTP consultation. This will inform any amendments to the draft RLTP which will be reported back to the AT Board in April.


Local Board Views and Implications

16.     This report sets out how local boards have already been engaged in the development of the draft RLTP and how they can now choose to provide formal feedback.

Maori Impact Statement

17.     This report is about how local boards can provide feedback to AT on the draft RLTP. In terms of the process boards can follow for this, there are no specific impacts on Māori. There may be some consideration in boards’ feedback to AT on how the transport programme affects Māori. In addition there are also two regional stakeholder hui that will take place as part of the LTP/RLTP consultation.

Implementation Issues

18.     The final RLTP will be posted on AT’s website as soon as possible after adoption, and printed copies will be made available prior to the statutory deadline of 31 July 2015.








Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015 - 2025 (Under Separate Cover)





Adam Milina - Relationship Manager - Albert-Eden & Orakei Local Boards


Karen Lyons – Manager – Local Board Services


Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Regional Facilities Auckland Second Quarter Performance Report for the quarter ending 31 December 2014


File No.: CP2015/02426






1.       To update the Orākei Local Board members of the Regional Facilities Auckland outcomes and developments for the quarter ending 31 December 2014.




That the Orākei Local Board:

a)      receives the Regional Facilities Auckland Quarterly Performance Report for the quarter ending 31 December 2014.










Regional Facilities Auckland Second Quarter Report 2014-2015





Kim  Lawgun - Democracy Advisor


Adam Milina - Relationship Manager - Albert-Eden & Orakei Local Boards


Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Chairperson's Report


File No.: CP2015/00907






1.       To provide the Chairperson with an opportunity to update the Orakei Local Board on projects and issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.



That the Orākei Local Board:

a)      receives the Chairperson’s March report.








Chairperson Simpson February 2015 Report





Kim  Lawgun - Democracy Advisor


Adam Milina - Relationship Manager - Albert-Eden & Orakei Local Boards


Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Board Member Reports


File No.: CP2015/02585






1.       To provide Board Members the opportunity to update the Orakei Local Board on projects and issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.



That the Orākei Local Board:

a)      receives the Board Member reports.








Board Member Cooke March 2015 Report



Board Member Churton March 2015 Report



Board Member Davis March 2015 Report



Board Member Thomas March 2015 Report



Board Member Parkinson March 2015 Report





Kim  Lawgun - Democracy Advisor


Adam Milina - Relationship Manager - Albert-Eden & Orakei Local Boards


Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Resolutions Pending Action


File No.: CP2015/02596






1.       To provide the Orakei Local Board with an opportunity to track reports that have been requested from officers.



That the Orākei Local Board:

a)      receives the Resolutions Pending Action report.








Resolutions Pending Action - February 2015





Kim  Lawgun - Democracy Advisor


Adam Milina - Relationship Manager - Albert-Eden & Orakei Local Boards


Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Local Board Workshop Record of Proceedings


File No.: CP2015/02571






1.       To provide the Board with the record of proceedings for the Orakei local Board workshops held on



That the Orākei Local Board:

a)      receives the record of proceedings for the Orakei Local Board workshops held on 29 January 2015, 12 February 2015 and 19 February 2015.








Workshop Proceedings 29 January 2015



Workshop Proceedings 12 February 2015



Workshop Proceedings 19 February 2015





Kim  Lawgun - Democracy Advisor


Adam Milina - Relationship Manager - Albert-Eden & Orakei Local Boards


Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Orakei Local Board Achievements Register


File No.: CP2015/00802






1.       To track the achievements of the Orakei Local Board during 2013/2016 political term



That the Orākei Local Board:

a)      receives the Orakei Local Board achievements register.









Orakei Local Board Achievements Register





Kim  Lawgun - Democracy Advisor


Adam Milina - Relationship Manager - Albert-Eden & Orakei Local Boards


Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015



Orākei Local Board

05 March 2015