I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 2 March 2015


Council Chamber
Orewa Service Centre
50 Centreway Road


Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee









Beth Houlbrooke


Deputy Chairperson

Greg Sayers



James Colville



Warren Flaunty, QSM



Steven Garner



Thomas Grace



Phelan Pirrie



Brenda Steele



(Quorum 5 members)




Raewyn Morrison

Local Board Democracy Advisor


24 February 2015


Contact Telephone: (09) 427 3399

Email: raewyn.morrison@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz



Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee

02 March 2015



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

Board Member



James Colville

St Marys Church Wellsford, Parish Council

Federated Farmers Auckland

Wellsford Drama Club

Wellsford Promotions

Landowners and Contractors Protection Assn.






Warren Flaunty, QSM

Westgate Pharmacy Ltd

NorSGA Properties Ltd

The Trust Community Foundation Ltd

Henderson-Massey Local Board

Waitemata District Health Board

Taupaki Residents and Ratepayers Assn.

Contractor and Director




Elected Member


Steven Garner


Mahurangi College Board of Trustee

Warkworth Tennis and Squash Club



Thomas Grace

Kumeu Rotary

South Kaipara Community Patrol

Rally New Zealand

Targa New Zealand

Waimauku Lions

Auckland Conservation Board

Federated Farmers

Northern Sports Car Club

Graceland Properties

Kumeu Community Patrol











Beth Houlbrooke

Greater Auckland Chorus (Charitable Trust)

Sweet Adelines New Zealand (Charitable Trust)


Baddeleys and Campbells Beach Residents and Ratepayers Assn.



Vice President



Phelan Pirrie

Muriwai Environmental Action Community Trust

North West District Business Association

Muriwai Community Association

Muriwai Volunteer Fire Brigade

Best Berries (NZ) Ltd 




Officer in Charge


Greg Sayers

Rotary Club of Auckland

Neighbourhood Support Rodney



Brenda Steele


Te Uri o Hau

Ngati Whatua o Kaipara

Woodhill School Board of Trustees

H.I.P.P.Y. South Kaipara








4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

8.1     Kumeu Arts Centre                                                                                              5

8.2     Harbour Sport                                                                                                       6

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  6

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                6

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          7

12        Kumeu Art Centre Renewals 2015                                                                               9

13        New Licence to Occupy to Muriwai Environmental Action Community Trust on Muriwai Village Green                                                                                                                11

14        New Community Lease to Helensville Tennis Club Incorporated on part of Rautawhiri Park, Helensville                                                                                                          21

15        Delegations to the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson of the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee                                      33

16        Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee Workshop Records                                                                                                                         37  

17        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome



2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


This is the first meeting of the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee.


5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


8.1       Kumeu Arts Centre


1.       Representatives from Kumeu Arts Centre will be in attendance to update the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee on activities of the Kumeu Arts Centre.



That the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee:

a)      thank the representatives from Kumeu Arts Centre for their update on the activities of the Kumeu Arts Centre.




8.2       Harbour Sport


1.       Representatives from Harbour Sport will be in attendance to give the Rodney Local Board an update on the activities of Harbour Sport in the Rodney Local Board area.



That the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee:

a)      thank the representatives from Harbour Sport for their update on activities in the Rodney Local Board area.




9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from www members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee

02 March 2015



Kumeu Art Centre Renewals 2015


File No.: CP2015/00654




1.       For  the Rodney Local Board to approve the reallocation of the 2014/2015 Art Facilities Renewals Budget, due to serious condition issues of the Kumeu Arts Centre roof.

Executive Summary

2.       Since July 2014, there has been an increase in maintenance issues relating to the condition of the Kumeu Arts Centre roof. A roof replacement is now an urgent priority for the centre to achieve water tightness.

3.       Staff advise that resolution [RD/2014/152] To Line internal ceiling and upgrade lighting, $25,000 be amended to reallocate the $25,000 to replacing the roof of the Kumeu Arts Centre.

4.       The quoted cost for the roof replacement is $40,000. Through discussion with the local board staff advise the additional 15,000 be sourced from other local board budgets to be identified by the local board.


That the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee:

a)      approve the reallocation of the 2014/2015 Art Facilities Renewals Budget of $25,000

from Kumeu Arts Centre - Line internal ceiling and upgrade lighting [RD/2014/152]


          Kumeu Arts Centre – Replacement of roof


5.       Property staff confirm that an increasing number of jobs have been logged for roof-related issues at the Kumeu Arts Centre in the past two years. Leaks have occurred above the upstairs workroom and in the main gallery. 

6.       Several response maintenance callouts attributable to the roof were for items such as faulty rainheads and downpipes and not for the roof surface itself. All of the items were attended to by contractors and successfully completed in 2014.

7.       At the time of repairs Property staff considered that remedial response work had been successful and that a full roof replacement could be deferred until budget was identified.

8.       In September 2014 a roof report from Supercity Property Services indicated that the cause of ongoing leaks was due to a combination of factors including varying roof profiles, internal gutters, flashings, and roof fixings. Based on the findings of the report, property staff advised that the intended expenditure on ceiling linings be delayed until a re-roof was undertaken.

9.       The existing funds within the Arts Facilities Renewals budget and Property’s Operational Response Maintenance budget is insufficient to undertake both the re-roof and the ceiling lining project during this financial year. Staff advise that the re-roof is now the top priority project in this financial year.

10.     The quoted cost for the roof replacement is $40,000. Through discussion with the local board staff advise using $25,000 from the Arts Facilities Renewals budget and $15,000 from budgets to be determined by the local board, to complete the project by June 2015.

11.     Arts Renewals budgets for 2015/2016 are presently being prepared as part of the Rodney Local Board Community Development Arts and Culture Work Programme 2015-2016. The ceiling lining and lighting upgrade at Kumeu Arts Centre will be put forward for consideration by the local board for inclusion in the 2015/2016 Arts Facilities Renewals budget.


Local Board Views and Implications

12.     The local board wish to support the Property Department to reach a permanent solution to the issue of water ingress at the Kumeu Arts Centre. The local board support the Kumeu Arts Centre’s aspirations to improve their facility.

Maori Impact Statement

13.     Improving facilities at the Kumeu Arts Centre benefits all users, including Maori.  The Kumeu Arts Centre provides programming related to Maori arts and culture as part of their annual work programme.


Implementation Issues

14.     It is critical that the Property Department contract and complete the roof replacement before the end of the 2014/2015 financial year.



There are no attachments for this report.     



Rebecca  Kunin - Arts and Culture Advisor North West


Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee

02 March 2015



New Licence to Occupy to Muriwai Environmental Action Community Trust on Muriwai Village Green


File No.: CP2015/00521




1.       This report seeks the approval of the Rodney Local Board to the public notification and consultation with iwi of its intention to grant a Licence to Occupy to the Muriwai Environmental Action Community Trust (the Trust) on a portion of the Muriwai Village Green.

Executive Summary

2.       The Trust was established in 2011 by a group of environmental and community focussed local residents. The Trust’s aim is to encourage local residents of Muriwai to join in developing and implementing a wide variety of projects to enhance its local environment for future generations to enjoy. Projects include planting, pest animal and weed control, gannet monitoring, “KidsGroup” and environmental education. The Trust’s primary activity in the context of this report is to establish a nursery on the reserve to enable its progressive and sustainable landscaping of the reserve (Attachment C showing the storage container area outlined in red and plant nursery area outlined in green).

3.       Currently, the Trust utilises land on the Muriwai Park Ranger’s property for its plant nursery. The Trust has outgrown the available space and further, the park ranger requires the use of this space.

4.       The Trust has submitted a formal application to council for a licence to occupy a portion of the Muriwai Village Green being part Section N2 Blk IX Kumeu S D (part of Section 6 SO 69320) (Attachment B showing the indicative area of proposed licence marked of Muriwai Village Green). The proposed licence to occupy will be in accordance with the terms of the Reserves Act 1977, the Muriwai Village Green Management Plan and Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.

5.       The operative reserve management plan for Muriwai Village Green does not contemplate a licence to the the Trust. As such, the proposed licence must be publicly notified and consultation with iwi undertaken in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977 and Conservation Act 1987. Any submissions must be given full consideration by the Rodney Local Board or its nominated representatives before a final decision on the matter is made.

6.       The Rodney Local Board is asked to meet the cost of the advertisements in respect of the public notification of any proposed lease in accordance with the terms of the Reserves Act 1977 and for iwi consultation in accordance with the Conservation Act 1987. It is estimated that these costs will be approximately $500.00.



That the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee:

a)      approve the public notification and consultation with iwi of its intention to grant a licence to occupy to the Muriwai Environmental Action Community Trust (Attachment C showing the storage container area outlined in red and plant nursery area outlined in green) on a portion of the Muriwai Village Green being part Section N2 Blk IX Kumeu S D (part of Section 6 SO 69320). This process being in accordance with the Reserves At 1977 and the Conservation Act 1987.

b)      agrees the Rodney Local Board will meet the costs associated with public notification and  iwi consultation of the intention to grant a licence to occupy in the approximate amount of $500.00. Provision has been made for this cost by way of the Rodney Local Board budget line Community Development Arts and Culture operating costs ‘Local Community Leases General PO1013200.’

c)      notes the terms of the proposed licence to occupy be issued pursuant to Section 74 (2)(a) of the Reserves Act 1977 would be:

i)        term - five (5) years from the date of final approval by the Minister of Conservation (or its delegate) and one five (5) year option to renew. This option to renew will be at the complete discretion of the Rodney Local Board;

ii)       rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if requested;

iii)      a clause will be included in a new licence to occupy to document that as the reserve is owned by the Crown, only vested in trust in the council and as such, may be identified in future years for treaty settlement.

d)      request that council staff report back to the local board for a decision or final approval of the licence to occupy to Muriwai Environmental Action Community Trust on Muriwai Village Green following public notification and consultation with iwi of the intention to grant a licence to occupy.



7.       The Muriwai Regional Park is owned by the Crown and vested in trust, in council.

8.       The Muriwai Village Green forms part of the Muriwai Regional Park and adjoins the coastal settlement of Muriwai, located approximately 30 kilometres northwest of Auckland city and 17 west of Kumeu (Attachment A). The reserve is situated within the Auckland Regional Park and is accessed by vehicles off Coast Road or on foot, via Jack Butt Lane.

9.       Historically, the former Rodney District Council (RDC) administered and managed the Muriwai Village Green under a licence agreement with the former Auckland Regional Council (ARC). A report to Auckland Council Regional Development and Operations Committee (RDOC) dated 22 August 2013 sought clarification of the decision making responsibilities for specific parks. RDOC resolved that the decision making on regional parks would rest with the Governing Body with the explicit exception of the Muriwai Village Green, which would remain with the Rodney Local Board.

10.     The Trust was established in 2011 by a group of environmental and community conscious locals. The Trust’s aim is to encourage local residents of Muriwai to join in developing and implementing a wide variety of exciting projects to enhance its local environment for future generations to enjoy. Projects include planting, pest animal and weed control, gannet monitoring, “KidsGroup” and environmental education.

11.     Currently, the Trust utilises land on the Muriwai Park Ranger’s property for its plant nursery. The Trust has outgrown the available space and further, the park ranger requires the use of this space.

12.     Earlier in 2014, the Trust submitted a comprehensive proposal to council titled the Muriwai ‘Village Green’ Restoration Project which set out the brief, site plan and concept designs for the garden waste community compost facility and native plant nursery.

13.     Council staff and the Trust have been working collaboratively to fine tune the initial proposal to ensure that the size and nature of the activities would have a low impact on the environment, be sustainable and that recreational users who wish to use the reserve, would not be impeded.

14.     The Trust subsequently revised its plans and requested an occupancy arrangement for the purpose of a plant nursery only, comprising 20.89m² for a single storage container and an adjacent 192.15m² for the planting area (Attachment C). The revised plan proposes that the nursery area will be an open space protected by a fabric windbreak/shade-cloth type of fence. Composting would be confined to a small bin to which public access is not contemplated.

15.     An opinion on the proposal was requested from council’s legal staff in the context of the Reserves Act 1977, in light of the area being classified as recreation reserve and the Trust’s activities being primarily around environmentally sustainable planting. Legal advised that a licence must be sought for the proposed project pursuant to Section 74 (2)(a) of the Reserves Act 1977 set out as follows:

i)        the Rodney Local Board has the delegated authority to approve public notification under the  Reserves Act 1977 and iwi consultation under the Conservation Act 1987 of its intention to grant a licence to occupy.

ii)       the term of the proposed licence to occupy, if approved, must not exceed 10 years.

16.     With respect to licence to occupy arrangements, Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 recommends one five year term with a further five year right of renewal. For this proposed licence to occupy, council staff recommend one five year term with one five year option to renew given that this would be a new facility at an untested location within the reserve. This recommendation is in accordance and aligns with the advice from council’s legal advisors and the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.

17.     Council staff held a number of meetings with the Trust around the proposed licence to occupy and has negotiated and agreed a community outcomes plan with the Trust. Once the public notification and iwi consultation process is completed, council staff will take a further report to the Rodney Local Board. As a component of that report, council staff will recommend that the local board approves the community outcomes plan. The community outcomes plan would then be appended as a schedule to the proposed licence to occupy.

18.     The Trust was incorporated under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957 on 5 May 2011.

19.     The Trust’s environmental principles and activities align with the Muriwai Village Green Management Plan adopted 13 May 2010.

Stated under ‘development proposals’ (planting):

·    prioritise re-vegetation and amenity planting, including successional planting to compensate for the potential future loss of the pines as they mature.


Stated under ‘objectives’, objective two reads as follows:

·    to manage, protect and enhance the natural values and amenity of the reserve.


Relevant policies aligning with the above are as follows:

(i)         protect indigenous habitats and ecosystems

(ii)        protect and enhance indigenous flora and fauna



Local Board Views and Implications

20.     The Rodney Local Board has the delegated authority to approve public notification under the Reserves Act 1977 and iwi consultation under the Conservation Act 1987.

21.     The public notification and consultation with iwi of the intention to grant the licence to occupy will contain details of the proposed agreement and any submissions will be presented to the Rodney Local Board at the first available meeting to allow due consideration of any matters arising before making a final decision on the licence and seeking the final approval from the Minister of Conservation or its delegate.

22.     The Rodney Community Services and Facilities Portfolio Holders were apprised of the proposal during a meeting held on 22 August 2014.

Maori Impact Statement

23.     Consultation with local iwi will be undertaken in accordance with Section 4 of the Conservation Act 1987 when the proposal to grant a licence to occupy the area is publicly notified.

24.     There are no significant changes or impacts for Maori associated with the recommendations in this report.

Implementation Issues

25.     The recommendations contained in this report do not trigger the Auckland Council Significance Policy.

26.     The Rodney Local Board is asked to meet the cost of the advertisements in respect of the public notification of any proposed lease in accordance with the terms of the Reserves Act 1977 and for iwi consultation in accordance with the Conservation Act 1987. It is estimated that these costs will be in the region of $500.00.







Muriwai Village Green - Locality Plan



Indicative area of licence to occupy



Aerial View





Karen Walby - Advisor Community Lease


Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee

02 March 2015



Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee

02 March 2015



Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee

02 March 2015



Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee

02 March 2015



New Community Lease to Helensville Tennis Club Incorporated on part of Rautawhiri Park, Helensville


File No.: CP2015/00500




1.       This reports seeks the approval of the Rodney Local Board to the public notification and consultation with iwi of its intention to grant a community lease to Helensville Tennis Club Incorporated (the Club) for part of Rautawhiri Park described as portions of Te Tou Kauri and Rautawhiri No. 3 Blocks.

Executive Summary

2.       The Club has formally applied to enter into a new community lease on part of Rautawhiri Park described as portions of Te Tou Kauri and Rautawhiri No. 3 Blocks. (Attachment C showing proposed lease area as outlined and cross-hatched in red). The proposed community lease is in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 with respect to a council owned asset being one term of five years plus one right of renewal for five years.

3.       The operative reserve management plan for Rautawhiri Park does not contemplate a lease to the Club. As such, the proposed lease must be publicly notified and consultation with iwi undertaken of the intention to lease the pavilion and Astroturf courts to the Club in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977 and Conservation Act 1987. Any submissions must be given full consideration by the Rodney Local Board or its nominated representatives before a final decision on the matter is made. As part of this process iwi consultation must also be undertaken in accordance with section 4 of the Conservation Act 1987.

4.       The Rodney Local Board is asked to meet the cost of the advertisements in respect of the public notification of any proposed lease in accordance with the terms of the Reserves Act 1977 and for iwi consultation in accordance with the Conservation Act 1987. It is estimated that these costs will be in the region of $500.00.



That the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee:

a)      approves the public notification and consultation with iwi of its intention to grant a community lease to the Helensville Tennis Club Incorporated for part of Rautawhiri Park described as portions of Te Tou Kauri and Rautawhiri No. 3 Blocks comprising; the pavilion and Astroturf tennis courts (Attachment C noted as Rautawhiri Park Sheet 46C showing proposed leased area as outlined and cross-hatched in red). This process being in accordance with the Reserve Act 1977 and the Conservation Act 1987.

b)      agrees the Rodney Local Board will meet the costs associated with public notification and iwi consultation of the intention to lease the pavilion and Astroturf courts, in the approximate amount of $500.00. Provision has been made for this cost by way of the Rodney Local Board budget line Community Development Arts and Culture operating costs ‘Local Community Leases General PO1013200.’

c)      notes the terms of the proposed lease to be issued pursuant to section 54 of the Reserves Act 1977 would be:

i)        term - five (5) years from the date of final approval by the Minister of Conservation (or its delegate) and one five (5) year right of renewal;

ii)       rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if requested

iii)      maintenance fee - $500.00 per annum

d)      request that council staff report back to the local board for a decision or final approval of the community lease to the Helensville Tennis Club Incorporated at Rautawhiri Park following public notification and consultation with iwi of the intention to lease.



5.       The Rautawhiri Park Trust held a community lease with the former Rodney District Council for the area of 15260m² being part of Rautawhiri Park described as portions of Te Tou Kauri and Rautwhiri No. 3 Blocks (Attachment A). The term of the community lease was 19 years commencing 1 December 1994 with a final expiry date 30 November 2013. The area previously leased to the Rautawhiri Park Trust comprises; eight netball courts, a sports pavilion and eight tennis courts, four of which are in Astroturf.

6.       The Rautawhiri Park Trust surrendered its community lease on the final expiry date of 30 November 2013 and in accordance with the conditions of the document, all improvements subsequently reverted to Auckland Council as at 1 December 2013. Further, the surrender triggered the requirement for an Expressions of Interest process to be undertaken in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.

7.       The Rautawhiri pavilion, asphalt and Astroturf (Attachment A) courts are of significant value to the community and well utilised. The pavilion and asphalt courts are currently under council’s management. The Club currently has an informal agreement with council staff for the management of the Astroturf courts.

8.       During the months of May and June 2014, council staff sought Expressions of Interest from eligible community organisations wishing to secure a community lease. The eligibility criteria for applicants included:

·    legal status i.e. all applicants must be not for profit charitable trusts or incorporated societies

·    applicants must provide programmes or activities that align with and promote the strategic outcomes defined in the local board plan

·    meet the needs identified by the local board and the community within the local board area

·    have a clear and effective governance structure

·    demonstrate that the proposed activity shows some alignment with the objectives and management strategies for the Rautawhiri Park Reserve Management Plan.

9.       Council staff received two applications for a community lease during the Expressions of Interest process, one from the Club and one from a group that council’s legal staff established was ineligible due to its proposed activity being inconsistent with that allowed on recreation reserve land.

10.     In August 2014, the Club submitted a formal application to council for a new lease (Attachment B).

11.     Historically, the Club has had a significant presence at Rautawhiri Park and a number of the members of the Club have close links to the Rautawhiri Park Trust.

12.     The Club is committed to being a robust entity to take on a new community lease in its own right having recently updated its incorporated society status and continues to work collaboratively with representatives from Harbour Sport and Tennis Northern to build the Club’s capacity with regard to the following:

·    constructing and implementing a business plan (with commitment to meeting immediate needs and long term sustainability)

·    constructing and implementing a financial plan

·    constructing and implementing a marketing and communications plan

·    constructing and implementing a volunteer management plan

·    constructing and implementing a health & safety plan

13.     Currently, the pavilion and asphalt courts are under council’s management. The Club has an informal agreement with council’s Parks staff for the management of the Astroturf courts.

14.     The Club is keen to refurbish the Astroturf tennis courts and require security of tenure before outlaying its capital and also applying for necessary funding for the works.

15.     The Club is aware that the Rautawhiri Pavilion is of significant value to the community and well utilised and is committed to ensuring that the regular users continue to be accommodated. On execution of and under the terms and conditions per the proposed new community lease, the Club will take responsibility for the bookings and be bound by the objectives in its community outcomes plan to ensure that hire charges are comparable with other similar community facilities in the region.

16.     Council staff held a number of meetings with the Club around the proposed new community lease and has negotiated and agreed a community outcomes plan with the Club. Once the public notification and iwi consultation process is completed, council staff will take a further report to the Rodney Local Board. As a component of the report, council staff will recommend that the local board approves the community outcomes plan. The community outcomes plan would then be appended as a schedule to the proposed community lease.

17.     Subject to the Club securing a new community lease, the Club also seeks council’s approval as landlord to apply for a Club Liquor Licence. Phillip Ashton, Chairman of the Club has been canvassed on the matter and he envisages that the consumption of alcohol will be managed as follows:

·    alcohol consumed at the pavilion between specified hours on club nights during the tennis season and tournaments

·    alcohol will not be stored onsite

·    club representatives act as responsible hosts (nil underage drinking, and empties are removed offsite on each and every occasion)

·    food provided if alcohol consumed

18.     As a component of the report back to the Rodney Local Board post public notification and iwi consultation, council staff will recommend that the local board approves landlord consent to enable the Club to pursue a Club Liquor Licence via council’s regulatory process. The Club is aware of its legal requirements in terms of making an application for a Club Liquor Licence, including as part of the regulatory process, the need to publicly notify its intentions.

19.     The Club was incorporated under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 on 3 November 1913. Within the Club’s constitution, its principles are stated as follows:

The Society is committed to:

·    providing opportunities for all in the community to enjoy tennis and play, learn and socialise at the club in a manner that suits them

·    ensuring the ongoing presence of tennis in the community

·    nurture and grow the game of tennis at all levels, for all ages


The Society’s general objects are stated as follows: The objects of the society will be to ensure tennis is provided in the community in a planned, enjoyable and effective way. In particular the Society will:

·    provide a maintained venue for members to play

·    maintain links to the Northern Tennis Region and Tennis New Zealand so that members enjoy those benefits and are part of the greater tennis infrastructure throughout the country

·    provide competitive outlets for all members through entry in interclub competitions, intra-club events and tournaments

·    offer a range of coaching programs to suit the varying needs and wants of the membership

·    be an active member of the community with ties to local schools and the wider public

·    carry out other activities consistent with the principles of the Society.


Local Board Views and Implications

20.     The Rodney Local Board is the delegated authority to approve public notification under the Reserves Act 1977 and iwi consultation under the Conservation Act 1987.

21.     The public notification and consultation with iwi of the intention to lease will contain details of the proposed agreement and any submissions will be presented to the Rodney Local Board at the first available meeting to allow due consideration of any matters arising before making a final decision on the lease and seeking the final approval from the Minister of Conservation or its delegate.

22.     On 22 August 2014, the Rodney Community Services and Facilities Portfolio Holders were apprised of the proposal for a new community lease to the Club.

Maori Impact Statement

23.     There are no significant changes or impacts for Maori associated with the recommendations in this report. Consultation with local iwi will be undertaken in accordance with section 4 of the Conservation Act 1987 when the proposal to lease the area is publicly notified.

Implementation Issues

24.     The recommendations contained in this report do not trigger the Auckland Council Significance Policy.

25.     The Rodney Local Board is asked to meet the cost of the advertisements in respect of the public notification of any proposed lease in accordance with the terms of the Reserves Act 1977 and for iwi consultation in accordance with the Conservation Act 1987. It is estimated that these costs will be in the region of $500.00.







Sheet 46C from Rautawhiri Park Management Plan



Formal application for a community lease



Sheet 46C with proposed lease area of pavilion and Astroturf tennis courts at Rautawhiri Park





Karen Walby - Advisor Community Lease


Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee

02 March 2015



Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee

02 March 2015



Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee

02 March 2015



Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee

02 March 2015



Delegations to the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson of the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee


File No.: CP2015/01946




1.       The purpose of this report is for the Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee to delegate responsibilities to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of this committee.

Executive Summary

2.       On 13 October 2014 the Rodney Local Board resolved to establish a Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee and a Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee (Resolution RD/2014/230).

3.       At the 16 February 2015 meeting, the Rodney Local Board adopted the Terms of Reference of the two committees and acknowledged that the Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee will on delegate responsibilities to the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson of the Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee (Resolution RD/2015/13)

4.       This report seeks approval from the Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee to delegate responsibilities to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of this committee.



That the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee:

a)      delegate the following responsibilities to the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson of the Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee:

i)        all approvals related to memorial plaques, memorial furniture and memorial trees.

ii)       all approvals for final designs of new parks assets where the capital project has been approved through the Rodney Local Board Parks Capital Works Programme and any subsequent minor changes required due to unforeseen circumstances.

iii)      all approvals for scopes to Rodney Parks Operational Works Programme projects including annual volunteer activities including planting up to a value of $30,000 or less.

iv)      all changes to the Rodney Parks Capital Works Programme up to a value of $35,000 for existing projects that have already been approved through the annual Work Programme.

v)      all approvals for final designs for art works on and within Parks assets.

vi)      approve all changes to the Community and Arts Facilities Capital and Renewals Work Programme up to a value of $35,000 for existing projects that have already been approved through the annual Work Programme.

vii)     make decisions on the waiver or adjustment of fees charged to groups using council-managed community halls in Rodney.

viii)    final approval of informal feedback following committee workshops in relation to matters delegated to this committee.

ix)      approval of feedback on the acquisition of land for parks/recreation purposes following discussion at a committee workshop.



5.       On 13 October 2014 the Rodney Local Board resolved to establish a Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee and a Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee (Resolution RD/2014/230) as follows.

That the Rodney Local Board:

b)      confirm that the Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee will deal with matters relating to the following:

i)       Parks, Stormwater, Community Facilities, Halls, Recreation Services, Biosecurity, Environment, Conservation, Community Leases, Pools and Multisport Facilities, Reserve Management Plans, Environmental Community Grants, applications for special exemptions under the Swimming Pool Act 1987, Arts, Culture, Events, Community Development, Libraries, Heritage, Iwi, Grants and Event Funding, Youth Advisory Panel, and relevant Bylaws.

c)      confirm that the Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee will deal with matters relating to the following:

i)       Transport, Infrastructure, Waste Management, Auckland Transport, New Zealand Transport Agency, Watercare and Special Housing Areas, Street Environments, Town Centres, Built Environment, Main Street Upgrades, Auckland Tourism Events and Economic Development (ATEED), Economic Development, Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), Gateways, Urban Design, Urban and Town Centre Planning and Engagement, Communications and Engagement, Civil Defence and Emergency Management and relevant Bylaws.

6.       At the 16 February 2015 meeting, the Rodney Local Board adopted the Terms of Reference of the two committees and acknowledged that the Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee will on delegate the following responsibilities to the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson of the Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee  (Resolution RD/2015/13):

i)       all approvals related to memorial plaques, memorial furniture and memorial trees.

ii)       all approvals for final designs of new parks assets where the capital project has been approved through the Rodney Local Board Parks Capital Works Programme and any subsequent minor changes required due to unforeseen circumstances.

iii)      all approvals for scopes to Rodney Parks Operational Works Programme projects including annual volunteer activities including planting up to a value of $30,000 or less.

iv)     all changes to the Rodney Parks Capital Works Programme up to a value of $35,000 for existing projects that have already been approved through the annual Work Programme.

v)      all approvals for final designs for art works on and within Parks assets.

vi)     approve all changes to the Community and Arts Facilities Capital and Renewals Work Programme up to a value of $35,000 for existing projects that have already been approved through the annual Work Programme.

vii)     to work with officers to progress the feasibility study for the swimming pool in Warkworth prior to the adoption of the study by the local board.

viii)    make decisions on the waiver or adjustment of fees charged to groups using council-managed community halls in Rodney.

ix)     final approval of informal feedback following committee workshops in relation to matters delegated to this committee.

x)      to approve feedback on the acquisition of land for parks/recreation purposes following a discussion at a committee workshop.

7.       It is recommended that the Parks Culture and Community Development Committee now approve the above delegations.


Local Board Views and Implications

8.       This report seeks the views of the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee on the proposed delegations.

Maori Impact Statement

9.       The Rodney Local Board will continue to have hui with iwi and ensure that effective decision-making takes into account the views of Maori.

Implementation Issues

10.     The Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson of the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee will operate under the delegations of the committee once they have been approved and adopted.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Sonja Tomovska - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee

02 March 2015



Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee Workshop Records


File No.: CP2015/02400





1.       Attached is the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee workshop records for 1 December 2014 and 9 February 2015.

Executive Summary

2.       The Rodney Local Board holds regular workshops.  The Rodney Local Board Transport Planning and Infrastructure Committee and the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee also hold regular workshops. Records of those workshops are included in the relevant committee business agendas.

3.       Attached for information is the record of the most recent workshop meeting of the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee.



That the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee:

a)      Workshop Records for 1 December 2014 and 9 February 2015 be accepted.








Workshop minutes 1 December 2014



Workshop minutes 9 February 2015





Raewyn Morrison - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee

02 March 2015



Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee

02 March 2015