Waiheke Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Waiheke Local Board held in the Oneroa Bowling Club, 100 Oceanview Road , Alison Park , Waiheke on Thursday, 12 March 2015 at 5.15pm.
Chairperson |
Paul Walden |
Deputy Chairperson |
Beatle Treadwell |
Members |
Becs Ballard |
Shirin Brown |
John Meeuwsen |
Councillor |
Mike Lee (from 5.30pm) |
Waiheke Local Board 12 March 2015 |
1 Welcome
The meeting opened with a karakia by Member BM Treadwell.
2 Apologies
Secretarial Note: An apology from Cr Mike Lee for lateness was noted. |
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number WHK/2015/40 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 26 February 2015, as a true and correct record with the following amendment: Change the front page of the minutes to reflect that Member BM Treadwell left at 7.00pm instead of Member RE Ballard. |
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
There were no deputations.
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
World War One 100 Years Commemoration Working Group - Rea Wikaira |
Rea Wikaira was in attendance to update the Board on the commemoration of World War One centenary and tabled a recommendations report addressed to the Board. A copy of the report has been placed on the official minutes and can be viewed at the Auckland Council website.. |
Resolution number WHK/2015/41 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Deputy Chairperson BM Treadwell: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Thanks Rea Wikaira from the World War One 100 Years Commemoration Working Group for his attendance and presentation. b) Receives the table report and attach it to the minutes. |
a Recommendations Report |
Councillor Mike Lee joined the meeting at 5.30pm.
9.2 |
Have Your Say and Feedback - Auckland Council Long Term Plan 2015-2025 - Roger Bryant |
Roger Bryant was in attendance and spoke to the Board regarding “Have Your Say and Feedback - Auckland Council Long Term Plan 2015-2025” and tabled a document in support of his presentation. A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the official minutes and can be viewed at the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number WHK/2015/42 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Thanks Roger Bryant for his attendance and presentation. |
a Tabled document |
10 Extraordinary Business
Resolution number WHK/2015/43 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Deputy Chairperson BM Treadwell: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Considers Marine Protected Areas Survey under Item 16. b) Notes the reason for the extraordinary business is to enable the Board to complete the survey and reporting by mid-May in order to meet the timeframe for input into the draft Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan. |
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
12 |
Resolution number WHK/2015/44 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member JP Meeuwsen: That the Waiheke Local Board a) Receives the verbal update from the Waitemata and Gulf Ward Councillor, Mike Lee. |
13 |
Proposed Waiheke Inorganic Collection and Resource Recovery Trial |
Resolution number WHK/2015/45 MOVED by Member SD Brown, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Endorses the implementation of a 40 week inorganic and resource recovery trial on Waiheke from August 2015 to June 2016. b) Approves member SD Brown to act as spokesperson for the inorganic and resource recovery trial. c) Notes that regional funding is available to support all other costs of running the proposed trial. d) Thanks Jenny Chilcott, Emma Joyce and Ian Stupple for their attendance and presentation. |
Secretarial Note: Member BM Treadwell requested that her vote against resolutions a) and c) above be recorded. |
14 |
Resolution number WHK/2015/46 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board a) Receives the Chairperson’s report. |
15 |
Regional Facilities Auckland - Second Quarter Report 2014-2015 |
Resolution number WHK/2015/47 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Receives the Regional Facilities Auckland Second Quarter Report 2014-2015. |
16 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
16.1 |
Marine Protected Areas Survey report was tabled at the meeting. A copy of the tabled report has been placed on the official minutes and can be viewed at the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number WHK/2015/48 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Approves in principle expenditure of up to $30,000 from the SLIPs opex budget to undertake a marine protected areas survey. b) Delegates to the Chair PA Walden and Deputy Chair BM Treadwell the authority to approve the final methodology and budget within the $30,000 limit. |
a Marine Protected Areas Survey report |
6.56 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.