I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Whau Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Wednesday, 18 March 2015 6.30pm Whau Local
Board Office |
Whau Local Board
Chairperson |
Catherine Farmer |
Deputy Chairperson |
Susan Zhu |
Members |
Derek Battersby, QSM, JP |
Ami Chand, JP |
Duncan Macdonald, JP |
Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel |
Simon Matafai |
(Quorum 4 members)
Glenn Boyd (Relationship Manager) Local Board Services (West)
Riya Seth Democracy Advisor
13 March 2015
Contact Telephone: (09) 826 5103 Email: riya.seth@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Whau Local Board 18 March 2015 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 5
5 Leave of Absence 5
6 Acknowledgements 5
7 Ward Councillor’s Update 5
8 Deputations 5
8.1 Tual’i Pacific Youth Leadership Group 5
8.2 Auckland Grey Power - Anne-Marie Coury 6
8.3 Ecomatters Environment Trust - Damon Birchfield 6
8.4 Keep Waitākere Beautiful and EcoMatters Sustainable Living centre 6
9 Public Forum 6
10 Extraordinary Business 7
11 Notices of Motion 7
12 Whau Local Board Chairperson, Catherine Farmer's report 9
13 Portfolio Update: Member Ami Chand 55
14 Local board member update reports 57
15 Community Facilities renewal expenditure New Lynn Community Centre 59
16 Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area Six Monthly Report 61
17 LGNZ Conference and AGM 2015 79
18 Auckland Transport Update Report – Whau Local Board 87
19 Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards (for the quarter - 1 October to 31 December 2014) 107
20 Confirmation of Workshop Records: February 2015 135
21 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Welcome
2 Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
3 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Whau Local Board: a) Confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 18 February 2015, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
6 Acknowledgements
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
7 Ward Councillor’s Update
An opportunity is provided for the Whau Ward Councillor to update the board on regional issues he has been involved with since the last meeting.
8 Deputations
Purpose 1. Representatives from the Tual’i Pacific Youth Leadership project will be in attendance to present to the local board on progress of the project since its launch last year. |
Recommendation That the Whau Local Board: a) Receives presentation from representatives of Tual’i Pacific Youth Leadership project and thank them for the presentation. |
Attachments a Presentation - Tual'i Pacific Youth Leadership project........................ 147 |
Purpose 1. Anne-Marie Coury of Auckland Grey Power will be in attendance requesting support from the local board towards establishing an office and highlighting their projects for this year like thriving communities, seniors wellbeing & connected communities. |
Recommendation That the Whau Local Board: a) Receives presentation from Anne-Marie Coury of Auckland Grey Power and thank her for the presentation. |
Purpose 1. Damon Birchfield, CEO and Pamela Gill of Ecomatters Environment Trust will be in attendance to present to the local board on usefulness of McWhirter Place to Busby Street footbridge including benefits it will provide to the community around connectivity, walking, environmental, social and economic. |
Recommendation That the Whau Local Board: a) Receives presentation from Damon Birchfield, CEO and Pamela Gill of Ecomatters Environment Trust and thank them for the presentation. |
9 Public Forum
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from www members.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.
10 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
11 Notices of Motion
At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.
Whau Local Board 18 March 2015 |
Whau Local Board Chairperson, Catherine Farmer's report
File No.: CP2015/03385
Long term plan community engagement
1. During the past month we have been at community engagement meetings for the Auckland Council Long Term Plan 2015-2025. The latest was at The Bay Olympic Club in Portage Road which was also attended by our Whau ward Councillor Ross Clow.
2. Ratepayers attending are generally concerned about the proposed 3.5% rates increase; however this level of increase will deliver funding for the replacement Avondale Community Centre, which is a high priority for us.
3. The proposed service reduction in our libraries, cutting 3 hours opening time from Avondale and Blockhouse Bay libraries, and 1 hour from New Lynn, drew strong responses at the Avondale and Blockhouse Bay community engagement meetings. People see the libraries as important community hubs and any reduction in opening hours would impact on many people using these services.
Te Uru INC
4. The Whau Local Board is being asked to support “in principle” the Te Uru INC Accelerator Lab proposal.
5. At a meeting on Thursday 29 January to which all elected members were invited, representatives of Te Uru INC met with the Whau Local Board Chair, Arts Portfolio representative and staff to provide an overview of their intentions. Te Uru INC is proposing to set up an Accelerator Lab based at Lopdell Precinct. This would be a pilot project – first in the country. The purpose is to stimulate creative and economic development activity in the Titirangi and West Auckland area, operated by West Auckland’s Regional Art Gallery, with key strategic partnering in the local small/medium enterprise and manufacturing business sectors. This would be a professional development programme (including access to seed funding) designed to support creative practitioners working across the creative sector, particularly in digital web/mobile applications. The aim is to foster cross-sector collaboration specifically in the local small/medium enterprise and high value manufacturing sectors. This could potentially have positive effects for the many businesses operating in the Whau ward.
6. The objectives are outlined as follows:
· generate a culture of entrepreneurship, connectedness and collaboration
· engage the wider Auckland public to increase the profile of Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery and the West Auckland area
· raise demand for prospective tenants and investors for growth
· attract and retain smart high-tech creative talent
· commercialise ideas.
7. Te Uru INC seeks financial assistance in the region of $10,000 and/or “in principle” support in the following areas:
· seed funding for the programme
· office space and Lopdell precinct bookable space subsidy
· advocacy on behalf of the project
· connections to local businesses and entrepreneurs.
8. This initiative could be linked to four out of the six desired outcomes in the Whau Local Board Plan.
Whau Arts Festival
9. Last year Mayor, Len Brown, opened the inaugural Whau Arts Festival held in Avondale. The opening event and following days saw many people watching and dancing and enjoying arts activation events in Avondale, including poetry and photography exhibitions. The Avondale town centre came to life last October thanks to Whau the People organising this event. Grass roots arts activation and high levels of engagement with the local communities are key aspects of the Whau Arts Festival.
10. In our Whau local board plan we value great local communities across the Whau and cherish our local arts, culture and heritage. The Whau Arts Festival fulfils the outcomes we are planning for our communities. Programming to coincide with the Auckland Art week later this year ensures Auckland-wide coverage for the Whau Arts Festival which is unique to Whau. Whau the People presented an event evaluation to our December 2014 board meeting and expressed the wish that the festival continues, and that the Whau Local Board considers ongoing support.
Additional Greenways Project - McWhirter Bridge
11. Following the Whau Local Board developing its Greenways plan last year it has been identified that a bridge between McWhirter Place and Busby Street would provide a strong walking and cycling connection.
12. This link would enable alternative access to New Lynn from the proposed special housing areas in Crowther and Busby Streets and is consistent with the Auckland Plan in transforming our city into a Liveable City. The bridge would also fulfil our local board plan outcome of: It’s 20 minutes to everything we need.
13. Initial project planning has been done by our parks team and a further $60,000 is required to see this project progressed to the next stage of detailed design. It is noted that this project is in a paper road, and when built the operational funding for its maintenance (consequential opex) would likely be provided by Auckland Transport.
Fast response events grants
14. On 16 July 2014 under Resolution WH/2014/103© and 17 September 2014 under Resolution WH/2014/143© the Whau Local Board established a Fast Response Grants Fund to assess and make decision on small grants of $1,000 or less outside of the currently established contestable events fund.
15. Four applications have been received and have been given due consideration by the Whau Events Portfolio for recommendation to the board:
a) New Zealand Nepalese Society - Whau Local Board support to celebrate Nepali New Year 2015. Event will be delivered in April 2014, date and venue yet to be confirmed.
b) Sisterhood New Zealand – Whau Local Board support for annual Family Day to be held in March 2015 at Kelston Girls High School or Brains Park (ytbc).
c) Society for South East Asian Communities Inc – Whau Local Board support for a South East Asian food and cultural festival to be delivered at the New Lynn Community Centre on 18 April 2015.
d) New Jaks Netball Club – Whau Local Board support for the annual prize giving event to be held on 29 August 2015
16. Applications are outlined in attachments a, b, c and d.
Art Activation Programme
17. It is noted that the local board funded Art Broker Activation programme has commenced.
18. A local art broker has been enabled through Whau Local Board funding support with an expectation to invigorate art related activity in the Whau, specifically to:
· support accessible creativity for all in the Whau
· tell Whau stories
· build capacity and networks for the arts in the Whau.
19. This is a new model of art delivery within Auckland Council and is being closely scrutinised by other boards to assess the value.
Recommendations That the Whau Local Board: a) Writes a letter of “in principle” support around Te Uru INC’s proposal to stimulate a culture of entrepreneurship, connectedness and collaboration within the Whau ward. b) Supports in principle funding of up to $40,000 toward the Whau Arts Festival for the 2015 event. And request event staff facilitate a workshop with the board, and prepare a report for the April board meeting, outlining how the local board could look to support the Whau Arts Festival become further established and grow to become a signature local event. c) Requests staff prepare a report for the May board meeting to support the local board in making a decision around allocation of funding from the Whau Local Board Transport Capital budget to progress the development of a detailed design for a McWhirter walking/cycle bridge. d) Approves fast track funding to the following applicants, to the value stated below:
e) Notes that the local board funded Art Broker Activation programme has commenced. |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Application assessment - New Zealand Nepalese Society |
13 |
bView |
Application assessment - Sisterhood New Zealand |
23 |
cView |
Application assessment - Society for South East Asian Communities Inc |
29 |
dView |
Application assessment - New Jaks Netball Club |
43 |
Author |
Whau Local Board Chairperson - Catherine Farmer |
Whau Local Board 18 March 2015 |
Portfolio Update: Member Ami Chand
File No.: CP2015/03370
1. This report provides an opportunity for Member Ami Chand to give an update with regards to activity within his portfolio areas.
2. Portfolio holders are responsible for leading policy development in their portfolio area, proposing and developing project concepts, overseeing agreed projects within budgets, being active advocates, accessing and providing information and advice.
3. Member Chand has lead for the Ethnic diversity portfolio and he is a representative on Manukau Harbour Forum.
Executive summary
11th February 2015
4. The Kelston Community Hub Governance group had their monthly meeting at the hub. Currently the group is working on possible uses of the hub to generate income through hireage fee etc.
Kelston Community Trust
5. Issues were raised about condition of the footpath and the safety of children and pedestrians using it between St. Leonard Primary School and Kelston Boys High School.
6. Questions were raised about the footpath outside Kelston boys on Archibald Rd when it will be built?
7. The foot crossing in front of St. Leonard shops needs a controlled crossing during school hours.
Mornings from 7.30am to 9am
Afternoon from 2.30pm to 3.30pm
14th February
8. Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse was the key guest at the opening of the new community education & function centre at New Lynn Gardens.
9. The function was well attended by locals, councillors, council staff, community leaders and local board members (Chair Catherine Farmer, elected members Derek Battersby and Ami Chand also attended)
17th February
10. Sister Rene Shadbolt Park, Turning of the Sod. There was a blessing by the kaumatua and Chair, Catherine Farmer, turned the sod to mark the commencement of the construction stage of the new changing rooms project at the park. Member Ami Chand joined council staff representatives, builders, club members, and local residents to share refreshments and celebrate this happy occasion.
19th February
11. Blockhouse Bay Matters:
· The Blockhouse Business Association meeting was attended by Whau Local Board representative, Ami Chand.
· The poor condition of footpaths in the area was raised once again – the uneven surface resulting had caused a member of the public to fall.
· Whau’s Arts Broker, Melissa Laing and Business Association Manager, Jan Pitout, discussed the potential of having a temporary art display in the Bay. This is part of the Whau Local Board’s Art Activation programme that encourages community accessibility to art.
· The Long-term Plan community event held at the Blockhouse Bay Community Centre was well attended by local residents wanting to have their voices heard by Auckland Council and elected members Duncan MacDonald, Ami Chand and chair Catherine Farmer who were present on the night.
24th February
12. Attended Special Milenko presentation at the Auckland Town Hall on the topic of Public Engagement to which all elected members were invited. Mr. Milenko spoke widely on his experience which he gained in his work through the years on various subjects. One of the key messages was the need to involve a community to take ownership of local projects in order to succeed.
1st March
13. An opportunity observe the Waitakere Hindi School in operation and its involvement in many children’s lives, from learning the Hindi language to playing musical instruments such as a harmonium and tabla and taking part in performing arts activities.
14. The 11th year celebration was held at Henderson Intermediate School.
15. Councillor Linda Cooper, Whau Local Board Member Ami Chand and members of Parliament with community leaders, partents and members of public took part.
That the Whau Local Board: a) Receives the portfolio update from Member Ami Chand. |
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Whau Local Board Member – Ami Chand |
Whau Local Board 18 March 2015 |
Local board member update reports
File No.: CP2015/03741
1. To provide Whau Local Board members with an opportunity to verbally update the local board on the projects and issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.
Making Good Decisions Programme
2. With regards to resolution number WH/2014/154 where it was resolved that members Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel and Susan Zhu will attend February 2015 Making Good Decisions Programme (as partially quoted below).
Resolution number WH/2014/154
MOVED by Chairperson CM Farmer, seconded by Member A Chand:
That the Whau Local Board:
a) Nominates local board members Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel and Susan Zhu to attend the 2015 Making Good Decisions (MGD) programme – Foundation Course - Wed 25 February and Thu 26 February 2015.
3. It is noted that they will now be attending in June 2015 instead.
That the Whau Local Board: a) Receives local board member verbal reports. b) Notes that members Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel and Susan Zhu will attend the Making Good Decisions Programme in June 2015 (24-25 June 2015) instead of February 2015 and that following completion of the programme the local board members will lead a workshop discussion with Whau local board members and will provide a written report to the Board in August 19, 2015. |
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Riya Seth - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Whau Local Board 18 March 2015 |
Community Facilities renewal expenditure New Lynn Community Centre
File No.: CP2015/03824
1. To seek the Board approval to utilise $50,000 of its 2014/2015 community facility renewal money to undertake a detailed design and obtain the consents required for the New Lynn Community Centre upgrade project.
Executive Summary
2. The Whau community facility consultation confirmed that there is a need to reconfigure the spaces within the New Lynn Community Centre (NLCC) to enable better use of the building and to ensure that it will continue to meet the needs of the community.
3. A report identifying options to refurbish the centre was completed by Strachan Group Architects (SGA) and received by the board at its meeting on 19 December 2014.
4. The primary changes proposed by SGA are to;
· relocate the lease space to the first floor or to another venue to free up the valuable ground floor area that is currently underutilised
· relocate the current kitchen to the vacated lease space and create a ground floor meeting room.
· Relocate the existing stairway between the ground and first floors
· Create an additional area next to the current stage to enable better access and creation of a green room space
· Split the upstairs meeting space into two smaller rooms and glaze the frontage to these spaces for better lighting and ambience.
5. The proposed upgrade has been evaluated by a quantity surveyor and the advice is that it would cost $862,963 (GST excl).
6. The board has 2014/ 2015 capex renewal funding of $140,000 available. This report is seeking board approval to utilise $50,000 towards the professional services and the undertaking of detailed design and the obtaining of consents associated with this project.
That the Whau Local Board: a) Approves the use of $50,000 from the 2014/2015 Community Facilities renewal fund towards professional services and the undertaking of detailed design and obtaining consents for the New Lynn Community Centre upgrade. |
7. The Whau community facility consultation confirmed that there is a need to reconfigure the spaces within the New Lynn Community Centre (NLCC) to enable better use of the building and to ensure that it will continue to meet the needs of the community. A report identifying options to refurbish the centre was completed by Strachan Group Architects (SGA) and received by the board at its meeting on 19 December 2014. It resolved that it would consider allocation of capital funding to progress a comprehensive refurbishment of the New Lynn Community Centre to ensure the delivery of community and recreational outcomes in February 2015.
8. The proposed upgrade has been evaluated by a quantity surveyor and the advice is that it would cost $862,963 (GST excl). The next stage will require the engagement of the professional services for the project funding and undertaking detailed design work and obtaining resource and building consents. This design and consenting process will take six months and enable any construction to start in the 2015/2016 financial year subject to funding being available.
9. The board has unspent 2014/2015 capex renewal funding of $140,000. This report is seeking board approval to utilise $50,000 towards the professional services and the undertaking of detailed design and the obtaining of consents associated with this project.
10. The Board also has a community facilities renewal budget of $112,000 in the 2015/2016 financial year. To date no renewal project have been identified in the Whau Local Board area and it is recommended that this money be allocated towards the upgrade of the New Lynn Community Centre. If the use of renewal funds as outlined from both these financial years is supported then the balance required to undertake a complete refurbishment of this centre is $700,000. To date no funding to undertake this refurbishment is identified but it is understood that the Board has options that it is considering.
Local Board views and implications
11. The Whau Local Board 2014 plan supports investment in the implementation of Auckland’s Sport and Recreation strategic action plan to get more Aucklanders, more active more often. It identifies that as the area grows there will be a need more facilities and to use our current ones better.
12. The Whau Board has indicated its support for the refurbishment of the New Lynn Community Centre and this report is seeking its approval to utilise unallocated community facility 2014/2015 renewal money to progress this project to the detailed design and consenting stage.
Māori impact statement
13. There are no material Maori impact issues associated with these matters.
14. Funding is being sought to aid the implementation of this project.
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Peter Loud - Team Leader Community Facilities |
Authorisers |
Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Whau Local Board 18 March 2015 |
Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area Six Monthly Report
File No.: CP2015/02500
1. This report is for information purposes and provides an update on activities across Council that are contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act 2008.
2. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board has governance oversight of the local Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area programme, however a small part of the heritage area falls within the Whau Local Board area and this report is provided for the board’s information.
Executive Summary
3. The implementation of the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act 2008 (‘the Act’) is being undertaken by a variety of Council units across the suite of objectives that are set out in the Act. These objectives are summarized in Attachment A. This report follows the resolution of the March 2012 meeting of the Regional Development and Operations Committee (RDOC) which recognized the importance of the programme of work being undertaken to implement the Act. RDOC requested that six monthly updates be prepared for the Waitākere Ranges Local Board and RDOC.
4. The report maintains the importance of Kauri Dieback as the most significant threat to the Waitākere Ranges. This is closely followed by weed infestations that Council, the Waitākere Ranges Local Board, Auckland Transport and Watercare are involved in combating. Community initiatives to support the environment and ecology of the Waitākere Ranges continue to flourish, and the many and various qroups are networking to share knowledge and experience. The full nature and extent of the Council’s work in the Waitākere Ranges is detailed in the body of this report and its attachments.
5. As requested, this report will also be provided to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee.
That the Whau Local Board: a) Conveys any comments on the report or its contents to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee for its consideration. |
6. The Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area (WRHA) covers an area of approximately 27,770 hectares which encompasses the Waitākere Ranges Regional Park. The Act recognises the national, regional and local significance of the WRHA, and promotes the protection and enhancement of its natural, cultural and historic heritage features for present and future generations.
7. The Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Programme (“the Programme”) comprises all council-wide activities which contribute to the purposes of the Act, including ‘business as usual’ activities and projects specifically established under the Act. At its March 2012 meeting, the Regional Development and Operations Committee endorsed the Programme as a key initiative. It resolved that officers should report on overall progress on a six-monthly basis to the Waitākere Ranges Local Board and Regional Development and Operations Committee.
8. An officer-level Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Programme Co-ordination Group (WRPCG) provides for the exchange of information and to ensure that the relevant work streams and activities are co-ordinated and aligned. The WRPCG also provides a mechanism for prioritisation, monitoring and reporting of progress that contributes to achieving the purpose and objectives of the Act.
9. The attached summary table (Attachment B) provides a synopsis of progress on projects and activities for the 2014/2015 financial year. Projects and activities have been grouped under topic headings which align with the WRHA’s heritage features and management objectives. These are:
· Planning and Communication– planning for, communicating about and implementation of the Act as a whole
· Landscape - activities aimed at protecting and enhancing the characteristic landscape of the foothills, rural and forested areas and coast
· Development and Consent Activity – management of subdivision and development within the context of the Resource Management and Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Acts
· Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services – protection, restoration and enhancement of ecosystems by both Council and community
· Cultural and Built Heritage – this relates to both pre-and post-European settlement, including the relationships between tangata whenua and the WRHA, and the history of kauri milling, horticulture and viticulture
· Recreation Opportunities and Visitor Management - provision of facilities and services for enjoyment and appreciation of these heritage features, and management of visitor pressures and impacts.
· The information provided in Attachment B is primarily project-based and does not cover maintenance or routine management of physical assets, staff costs or fixed overheads.
10. Key points and highlights
· Seventy eight hectares of land on Auckland’s wild west coast has been added to the Waitākere Ranges Regional Park. This acquisition brings into public ownership a missing part of the west coast parkland and the Hillary Trail.
· Kauri Die-back disease (caused by Phytophthora taxon Agathis (commonly known as PTA) continues to be most significant threat to the WRHA and management initiatives to limit its spread are being extended, with regional initiatives supplemented by Waitākere Ranges Local Board funding.
· Weed infestation remains a significant and increasing threat to WRHA ecosystems and weed management is being given greater prominence by the Waitākere Ranges Local Board. The Board is seeking to promote increased and more co-ordinated actions in areas with the greatest priority to contribute to addressing the problem.
· Community environmental initiatives have continued to grow and be supported both regionally and by the Waitākere Ranges Local Board. A meeting of all groups involved in conservation work occurred in October 2014, and a community initiated network is forming to coordinate activities and share knowledge.
· The primary knowledge gap identified in the first five year monitoring report – inadequacy of information about current extent and condition of historic heritage resources – is beginning to be addressed. A monitoring programme for this is being established, with support for initial work from the Waitākere Ranges Local Board.
· Engagement with iwi continues to occur across the suite of new projects and business as usual that occurs within the WRHA. Consultation mainly occurs on a project by project basis, and regular engagement opportunities are now being made available via Te Waka Angamua.
· Through the preparation of the Draft Auckland Transport Code of Practice (ATCOP), Auckland Transport have indicated a commitment to managing the road corridor of the WRHA in a manner that acknowledges the special requirements of the Act. Some progress has been made to address the issues raised in submissions on the Draft ATCOP, and Auckland Transport has commenced developing design guidelines .
· The Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan incorporates specific provisions (the Waitākere Ranges Regional Policy Statement Objectives and Policies and the Waitākere Ranges Precinct) which give effect to the Act. The hearings on the Regional Policy Statement Objectives and Policies for the Waitākere Ranges have been completed.
· Preparation of a visitor management plan has been halted. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board has identified other matters in its Local Board Plan that are considered to have greater priority, particularly given the budget constraints foreshadowed in the Council’s Draft Long Term Plan 2015 – 2025. However, the Local Board are endeavouring to progress a number of related local items that are able to be done within staff resource or existing work programmes such as development of local park design guidelines, establishing local event guidelines, having input to a Auckland Transport design guide for the WRHA, and WRHA gateway signage.
· Development of the Foothills Walkway continues to progress as opportunities arise through sub-division and land purchase, and the negotiation of public access easements.
· Waitākere Quarry is closing in February 2015. The responsibility for revegetation of the site lies with the quarry operator, and Auckland Council Property Limited is working with them to ensure that appropriate standards for the revegetation are met.
· The Local Area Plan (LAP) for the Bethells/Te Henga/ Waitākere Valley is progressing and will be completed this financial year.
· The need to promote greater recognition of the Act, its purposes, progress being made to implement it, and assistance available to landowners and communities is being increasingly recognised. A variety of proposals ranging from website development, business newsletters, community forums and gateway signage are underway.
11. The Programme Co-ordination Group has continued to provide a useful mechanism for information exchange and discussion amongst Council units and CCOs involved in implementing the Act. There is further potential to develop the Group’s role as a means of improving co-ordination of specific work streams and activities in the WRHA
Local Board Views and Implications
12. This report is being brought to the Whau Local Board for consideration at the request of the Whau ward councillor - because a small part of the Whau Local Board area (Green Bay) is within the WRHA. Any comments or resolutions from the Whau Local Board will be included or referred to in the report to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee.
Maori Impact Statement
13. Te Kawerau a Maki, Ngāti Whātua Nga Rima o Kaipara and Ngāti Whātua o Orakei have not been consulted specifically on this report. However regular consultation and engagement takes place on a range of individual projects and activities described in this report, and on matters of mutual interest in the Waitākere Ranges Regional Park.
14. The report is part of a continuing process to implement the Act and to evaluate progress being made to achieve its objectives. It does not trigger the Significance Policy. This report is for Council reporting purposes and has not therefore been subject to a wider consultation process.
15. Work has commenced on investigating Deeds of Acknowledgement, which may be entered into by the Council and iwi via sections 29 to 32 of the WRHAA (Attachment A). Officer meetings with Te Waka Angamua and Council’s Legal Services Unit have begun to identify the Council’s approach to this matter.
16. There are no general matters.
Implementation Issues
17. There are no direct implementation issues.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Attachment A Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area Act Objectives and Deeds of Acknowledgement Provisions |
65 |
bView |
Attachment B Waitakere Ranges Six Monthly Progress report |
67 |
Author |
Eryn Shields - Team Leader Planning - North West |
Authorisers |
Penny Pirrit - GM - Plans & Places Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Whau Local Board 18 March 2015 |
File No.: CP2015/03692
1. This report informs local boards about the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) Annual General Meeting (AGM) and conference in Rotorua from Sunday 19 July 2015 to Tuesday 21 July 2015 and invites local boards to nominate a representative to attend as relevant.
Executive Summary
2. The Local Government New Zealand annual conference and AGM takes place at the Rotorua Energy Events Centre from Sunday 19 July to Tuesday 21 July 2015.
3. The AGM takes place on the first day of the conference. Auckland Council is entitled to 4 official delegates at the AGM, one of whom is the presiding (or voting) delegate. The Governing Body will consider this at their meeting on 26 March 2015. The 4 official delegates are likely to be the Mayor as a member of the LGNZ National Council, the Deputy Mayor as the Mayor’s alternate for this position, Cr Webster as Chair LGNZ Zone One and a member of LGNZ National Council, and the Chief Executive.
4. In addition to the official delegates, local board members are invited to attend. Local boards should consider the relevance of the conference programme when deciding on attendance, with the expectation that no board will approve more than one member to attend the conference.
That the Whau Local Board: a) Nominates a representative to attend the Local Government New Zealand 2015 annual general meeting and conference from Sunday 19 July 2015 to Tuesday 21 July 2015 on the basis that the conference programme is relevant to the Local Board’s work programme b) Confirms that conference attendance including travel and accommodation will be paid for in accordance with the current Auckland Council Elected Member Expense Policy. |
5. The 2015 LGNZ Conference and AGM are being held in Rotorua. The conference commences with the AGM and technical tours from 09.30 am on Sunday 19 July 2015 and concludes at 2.30 pm on Tuesday 21 July 2015.
6. The theme of this year’s conference is “Leading the Charge for our Communities”. The programme includes:
· Stephen Yarwood, former Mayor of Adelaide, will discuss performance and customer focussed culture - taking your people with you;
· David Meates, CEO of Canterbury District Health Board, will present on understanding what's important to communities and why a strong focus on the customer matters;
· Dr Lester Levy, CEO of New Zealand Leadership Institute, will discuss disruptive governance – how do we increase our performance and create a strong link from strategy to transparent financial performance;
· Kevin Roberts, Executive Chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi, on telling our story and selling the value of our sector;
· Penny Webster, Councillor at Auckland Council; Rob Cameron, Partner at Cameron Partners; and Dr Oliver Hartwich, Executive Director of the New Zealand Initiative will speak on funding for growth – transformation of local government;
· Dr William Rolleston, National President of Federated Farmers; Andrew Knight, CEO of New Zealand Oil and Gas; and Gary Taylor, Executive Director of the Environmental Defence Society will discuss resource management – how a growing economy can also support a healthy environment;
· Mayors Meng Foon, Stuart Crosby, Annette Main, David Ayers and Tony Kokshoorn will each present on right-sizing your town and making the important decisions – a response to economic and demographic change;
· Brenda Halloran, former Mayor of Waterloo, Canada, will talk about nation building – infrastructure and urban development; and
· Brett Way of Central Hawkes Bay District Council and Rochelle Deane of Auckland Council will present on delivering local government expertise in the Pacific – a snap shot of the Local Government Technical Assistance Facility for Pacific Countries, (PacificTA) programme.
7. The programme also includes a number of Master Class sessions including:
· Growing NZ's talent and economies – strategies to retain and attract skilled migrants;
· Local boards – connecting with the community;
· Engaging with iwi to grow local and regional economies;
· Collaboration, culture change and customer focus under the RMA; and
· Getting the most from the One Network Roading Classification system.
8. Local boards should consider the relevance of the programme when deciding on conference attendance, with the expectation that no board will approve more than one member to attend the conference.
Annual General Meeting
9. The AGM takes place on the first day of the conference. Auckland Council is entitled to have four delegates to the AGM, one of whom is the presiding (or voting) delegate. The 4 official delegates are likely to be the Mayor (or his nominee), the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Penny Webster (as Chair of Zone 1) and the Chief Executive (or his nominee).
10. The Mayor is a member of the LGNZ National Council, the Deputy Mayor is the Mayor’s alternate for this position, and Councillor Penny Webster is the Chair of LGNZ Zone One and a member of LGNZ National Council. The Governing Body will consider an item on AGM attendance at their meeting on 26 March 2015.
11. LGNZ request that local board members who wish to attend the AGM, register their intention prior to the AGM.
12. The Local Board Services Department budget will cover the costs of one member per local board to attend the conference.
13. Registration fees are $1410.00 (incl GST) before 3 June 2015 and $1510.00 (incl GST) after that. Full conference registration includes
· Attendance at conference business sessions (Sunday-Tuesday);
· Satchel and contents;
· Daily catering;
· Simpson Grierson welcome cocktail function;
· Fulton Hogan conference dinner and EXCELLENCE Awards function; and
· Closing conference function ticket.
14. The council hosted tours on Sunday 19 July 2015 are not included in the conference price. Local board members are welcome to attend these at their own cost.
15. Additional costs are approximately $150 per night accommodation, plus travel. Local Board Services will be co-ordinating and booking all registrations and accommodation and investigating cost effective travel.
Local Board Views
16. This is a report to the 21 local boards.
Maori Impact Statement
17. The Local Government NZ conference will better inform local boards and thereby support their decision making for their communities including Maori.
Implementation Issues
18. There are no implementation issues associated with the recommendations in this report.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
LGNZ Conference and Master Class Programme |
83 |
Author |
Anna Bray - Policy and Planning Manager - Local Boards |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt – Acting Manager Local Board Services Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
18 March 2015 |
Auckland Transport Update Report – Whau Local Board
File No.: CP2015/03149
1. The purpose of the report is to respond to Local Board requests on transport related matters and to provide information to Elected Members about Auckland Transport’s activities in the Board area.
That the Whau Local Board: a) Approves the sum of $40,000 from the Local Board Transport Capital Fund for Project 288 Lynwood Road Kerb and Channel, to install kerb and channel from 44 Lynwood Road back toward Great North Road. OR Not proceed with this project.
b) Approves the sum of $185,000 from the Local Board Transport Capital Fund to Project 289, Archibald Footpath Widening Great North Road to St Leonards Road. OR Not proceed with this project.
c) Approves the sum of $16.000 from the Local Board Transport Capital Fund to Project 291, GT North Road and Archibald Road outside Kelston Girls High School safety barrier. OR Not proceed with this project d) Directs Auckland Transport on how it would like to proceed on the Local Board Transport Project 292, Blockhouse Bay Village Bus Stop. |
2. Auckland Transport is unable to progress a programme of new footpaths in 2014/15 due to budgetary constraints and a high volume of other schemes going to construction.
3. It is hoped to restart the programme in 2015/16, subject to funding becoming available through the Long Term Plan.
4. It the interim, it is acknowledged that there are a large number of outstanding requests from members of the public and Local Boards for new footpaths.
5. Attached is a listing of footpath requests previously assessed by AT for design and construction. These schemes have already gone through a prioritisation process with a focus around connecting up with the existing network and linking to key destinations.
6. The Board may wish to consider funding design and construction of some schemes in its area, using the Local Board Transport Capital Fund.
7. In order to advance any schemes that the Board wishes to financially support, it is desirable that decisions should be made as soon as possible.
8. The draft RLTP is being consulted on alongside Council’s Long Term Plan. Both documents were released for public consultation on 23 January.
9. The RLTP represents the combined intentions of Auckland Transport, NZTA, and KiwiRail in terms of forward planning and priorities.
10. The current proposed plan, called the Basic Transport Plan (‘BTP’) in the RLTP, will deliver or complete a number of major projects including cycleways, roading projects in the north-west, a start on the City Rail Link, and progress on a number of public transport improvements. However, the BTP will also see many projects delayed and some pushed out of the ten year plan entirely. For significant progress to be possible on many of the Auckland Plan transport initiatives, alternative funding sources will be required.
11. In response, Auckland Transport looked at a number of options and the Auckland Transport Board has asked management to further investigate light rail as a means of addressing severe congestion and pollution on key bus routes in the longer-term. It was important to signal this as a possibility through the consultation phase, although work is still at a very early stage. The draft RLTP notes that any work on light rail is not currently funded and therefore a key focus going forward will be to identify alternative funding sources.
12. The draft RLTP can be found at www.at.govt.nz, consultation ends 16 March 2015.
Red Light Cameras Programme
13. Police and Auckland Transport are working together to reduce risk for road users at key Auckland intersections by installing red light cameras using NZTA’s methodology to identify intersections where red light cameras would likely enhance road safety.
14. During the period 2009-2013 there were 634 injury crashes and 1277 non-injury crashes caused by red light running in the Auckland area.
15. Based on the NZTA’s analysis, 75 sites were prioritised by Police and AT on the basis of potential crash-reduction savings. Of those, seven new red light camera sites were selected for installation and operation across Auckland in 2015.
16. Police will own and run two digital, dual function cameras capable of recording vehicles that run red lights and/or speed through intersections. They will initially operate in red-light mode only. This will bring the total number of red light camera sites across Auckland to 17.
17. The new cameras further support the wider programmes run by both organisations to encourage safer driving. Auckland Transport has recently delivered a Red Means Stop education and enforcement campaign supported by the Police, and a follow up campaign will be run in February.
Intersection |
Owner |
Infrastructure installation |
Camera in trial mode |
Camera in enforcement mode |
Auckland CBD – Halsey Street & Fanshawe Street |
Auckland Transport |
December 2014 |
December 2014 |
Late January 2015 |
Avondale – Ash Street & Rosebank Road |
Auckland Transport |
December 2014 |
December 2014 |
Late January 2015 |
Pakuranga – Pigeon Mountain & Pakuranga Road |
Auckland Transport |
December 2014 |
December 2014 |
Late January 2015 |
East Tamaki – Te Irirangi Drive & Smales Road |
Auckland Transport |
December 2014 |
December 2014 |
Late January 2015 |
East Tamaki – Chapel Road & Stancombe Road |
Auckland Transport |
December 2014 |
December 2014 |
Late January 2015 |
Lambie Drive Interchange (east-bound off-ramp) |
Police/Auckland Motorways Alliance |
December 2014 |
January 2015 |
2015 |
Botany – Te Irirangi & Tī Rakau Drives |
Police/Auckland Transport |
December 2014 |
January 2015 |
2015 |
Streamlining Funding Model Developed Between AT and NZTA
18. The Transport Agency funds that are distributed to local bodies and their organisations like Auckland Transport are gathered from excise duties on fuel, road user charges and vehicle registration fees and re-invested in transport-related projects. These funds help councils and their organisations deliver a range of public transport, roading and cycling and walking projects for their communities.
19. A new process has been developed by the NZ Transport Agency and Auckland Transport to allow more efficient use of staff time and resources in the assessment and prioritisation of funding proposals. Previously, both the Transport Agency and Auckland Transport would separately assess and prioritise/rate requests for funds.
20. Under the “one stop shop” designed by the two organisations, Auckland Transport can now assess projects up to $5m against the Transport Agency criteria itself without having to send its applications to the NZTA. Previously, funding requests required two separate assessments – one from NZTA and one from Auckland Transport – a process that sometimes led to duplicated effort.
21. Auckland Transport can now manage the new process for projects up to $5m on its own. The NZ Transport Agency’s confidence in AT reflects the strong relationship staff from the two organisations have developed, and the fact that both organisations have a good understanding of each other’s objectives and priorities.
22. The new process is expected to speed up approvals and result in lower administration costs. A station upgrade at Swanson on the western line is the first project to be approved under the new process.
23. Auckland Transport have started the Scheme assessment write up. The assessment of environmental effects have been commenced and a revised health and safety plan was required for final ecological assessments in the rail corridor. Property encroachments are being investigated to maximise the path amenity and the procurement plan for the Whau Bridge design, professional services tender, is progressing for sign off by end February 2015. Consultation plans are being updated to commence consultation.
24. As part of the Local Board Transport Capital Fund, the Whau Local Board is considering allocating some of their LBTCF to install kerb and channel from 44 Lynwood Road back toward Great North Road on one side of the road only. There is currently no kerb and channel in place.
25. This request has been assessed by Auckland Transport and the ROC for this work is $40,000. The cost is subject to no service relocations being required, however this won’t be known until design work is undertaken.
26. Auckland Transport is seeking approval from the Local Board to allocate the sum of $40,000 (the costs to deliver the project) and approve the project to move to Detail Design, or a decision not to proceed with this project.
27. As part of the Local Board Transport Capital Fund, the Whau Local Board is considering allocating some of their LBTCF to remove an existing 1.4m path and construct a new 2 metre wide path to ATCOP standards, from Great North Road down Archibald Road.
28. This request has been assessed by Auckland Transport and the ROC to remove the existing 1.4m path and to replace with a new 2 metre wide path to ATCOP standards is $185,000. This includes all construction, staff time and supervision costs.
29. Auckland Transport is seeking approval from the Local Board to allocate the sum of $185,000 (the costs to deliver the project) or a decision to not to proceed with this project.
30. As part of the Local Board Transport Capital Fund, the Whau Local Board is considering allocating some of their LBTCF to installing a safety barrier on the corner of GT North Road and Archibald Road, outside Kelston Girls High School.
31. This request has been assessed by Auckland Transport and the ROC to install a safety barrier on the corner of GT North Road and Archibald Road outside Kelston Girls High School is $16,000 (the cost to deliver the project). This allows for a powder coated pool fence to match the school’s fence colour and some concrete works.
32. Auckland Transport is seeking approval from the Local Board to allocate the sum of $16.000 (the cost to deliver the project) or a decision to not to proceed with this project.
33. In response to the Local Board on this proposal, Auckland Transport would like the Board to note some important points from their Public Transport Unit with regard to this stop:
· This shelter is an Adshell shelter which provides revenue for PT so removing it would not be advantageous to Auckland Transport.
· The stop currently has approx. 8000 passengers a month boarding using this stop and approx. 1000 alighting- (a well used stop)
· The ROC to move this stop would be approx. $40,000.
34. If the Local Board wish to fund the movement of the shelter, Auckland Transport would want to see the exiting shelter dimensions retained. Furthermore, if there was a relocation it would need to go through an approval process with Public Transport Infrastructure as AT would need to ensure correct spacing between neighbouring stops.
35. If the Board wish to push forward with this proposal they would need to recommend a suitable site, probably within the village, and gain the support of the affected shopkeepers where the new stop would be located.
36. The ROC is made up of relocation costs, decommissioning power supply at the old site, running power to the new site, production of new traffic resolution plans, new roadmarkings and traffic control, removing old roadmarkings.
37. Auckland Transport is seeking the Local Board direction on this application.
38. A request for Auckland Transport to investigate the encroachments.
39. At the Board’s request, Parks – West, have investigated the possibility of planting in the area of the encroachment. . The Local Board Parks Portfolio Representatives have considered the options and propose delaying consideration of the encroachment issue, pending installation of the bridge sign project and the planning for the Coastal walkway. Local Board Services will be working with Auckland Transport in drafting a letter to the landowner updating him on the situation.
40. A request has been received from the Local Board to investigate the parking restrictions outside 125 and 127 Blockhouse Bay Road.
41. Auckland Transport has received feedback from the Local Board which has given AT 2 different views on the proposal. Auckland Transport has undertaken some random visits to the area over a week, the results showed an average occupancy of those spaces were low at 22%. From the outcome of the results being low Auckland Transport don’t consider the area warrants any change.
42. At this stage Auckland Transport will not be making any chances to the parking restrictions.
43. The Local Board has requested Auckland Transport to look at the signs associated with the Transit Station in New Lynn.
44. Auckland Transport is using New Lynn as one of their trial precincts for the Auckland Regional Wayfinding/Signage Project. This project is still underway, with various signage designs being trialled.
45. Auckland Transport is doing some task driven journeys with customers testing the system over the next two months. Auckland Tranport will install the prototype signage ready for final consultation. Once the project is complete in April-May 2015, signage will be ready to be rolled out across the Auckland region.
46. There will be engagement with the Local Board in April this year before rollout out in mid 2015. A workshop is scheduled for April to discuss this project.
47. A request has come from the Local Board for Auckland Transport to look at the cars parked on road reserve on the cnr of Great North Road and Sabulite Road.
48. Auckland Transport is looking into this and will report back its findings once completed.
49. A request has been received from the Local Board for the bus stop at 88 St Leonard Street to be relocated to the front of the Kelston Community Hub on Sabulite Road.
50. Over the next few years Auckland Transport is moving to a simpler and more integrated public transport network for Auckland. This will deliver a New Network of buses, trains and ferries that will change the way people travel, including the need for some passengers to transfer at key interchanges. In return the New Network will allow more passengers to simply ‘turn up and go’ rather than planning trips around a timetable. It will offer flexible travel options over large parts of the city, making public transport more useful for a range of travel purposes. Many bus routes will see significant changes over a three year period. As such, AT are limiting the amount of changes to facilities such as bus shelters and bus stops in the short term, so that AT does not remove existing or implement new infrastructure that may or may not be required when future bus service patterns become clearer.
51. The current network tries to connect many locations with many other locations at low frequencies, as in model 1 of the diagram. Auckland Transport is moving to model 2, which has fewer routes but higher frequencies. The point at which the lines intersect in model 2 illustrates where either a bus-to-train or a bus-to-bus interchange would be. This means that to make some trips, connections between services will be required, but the inconvenience associated with this will be minimised by the provision of good interchange facilities, improved frequencies, integrated ticketing, with the use of the AT HOP Card, and with integrated fares in the future.
52. Public consultation with communities on local routes will be carried out prior to the services changing. The public consultation on the proposed new bus network for West Auckland was undertaken at the end of October 2014. Implementation of the reviewed changes will be 12-18 months post consultation due to the Land Transport Management Act (LTMA) requirement for competitive tendering.
53. The proposed timeframes for the New Network consultation and implementation for different regions within Auckland are detailed below:
Area(s) |
Consultation |
Implementation |
South Auckland (Closed) |
2-Aug-13 |
Mid 2015 |
Green Bay/Titirangi (Closed) |
22-Nov-13 |
3-Aug-14 |
Hibiscus Coast (Closed) |
18-Aug-2014 |
Early – Mid 2015 |
Warkworth Stage One (Closed) Stage Two |
18-Aug-2014 |
2016 |
2015 |
Pukekohe and Waiuku |
22 September – 17 October |
Early – Mid 2016 |
West Auckland |
2014 |
2015-2016 |
North, Central, East |
2015 |
2016-2017 |
54. Auckland Transport (AT) has completed the consultation for the Blockhouse Bay Community Carpark and has considered all feedback.
55. From the 15 letters distributed AT received 4 responses. All 4 respondents were in support of the new restrictions. However, AT did receive comments from the Childcare centre, asking if AT could include some longer stay restrictions such as 3-hours (P180), as some of the parents stay longer than 2 hours. Auckland Transport is seeking feedback from the Local Board on this request.
56. Update will be provided once feedback has been discussed with the Local Board.
57. Auckland Transport last year completed the review of the Blockhouse Bay Town Centre. After considering the outcome of the review Auckland Transport has changed all the time restrictions to P60 and are currently reviewing the restrictions for the Library.
58. Auckland Transport has been asked to investigate why the Holly Street footpath has not been completed.
59. Auckland Transport has looked into this request and the work that was carried out on Holly Street due to a water leak, for which Watercare did the repairs. Watercare will be completing this job in the next 10 working days. The Local Board should note that this footpath is not on the renewal programme and no maintanance work has been carried out there over the last 6 months.
60. A request from the Local Board that they be part of the assessment process in regards to the Avondale Parking Plan.
61. Auckland Transport is starting to review parking throughout the Avondale town centre and will be arranging occupancy surveys shortly. Auckland Transport have requested a workshop date to discuss with the Local Board the parking issues in this area and also to understand how parking can be incorporated into the planned redevelopment for Avondale.
62. The Local Board has requested information on weed control in the road corridor.
63. Auckland Transport will arrange a workshop with the Local Board in March to discuss weed control in their ward.
64. A request from the Local Board Transport Lead to look at converting the St George Street, St Jude Road and Great North Road Avondale roundabout into Traffic lights.
65. An Auckland Transport engineer has visited the site and undertaken an initial review of the issue raised. Further detailed investigation now needs to be undertaken to ensure a comprehensive review of this issue. This investigation has been prioritised and programmed for review, with an expected completion date of mid March 2015. Following this AT will be able to provide the Board with the outcome and recommendations of the assessment.
66. Auckland Transport has received major complaints from the Police and members of the Avondale community with regards to the ongoing anti-social behavior on Jomac Place and Honan Place in Avondale.
67. These roads have been identified by the Police as locations with continuous Illegal Street Racing (ISR) activities. This was further confirmed during the site visits as a large amount of fresh tyre burn-out marks were evident on both roads.
68. ISR incidents negatively impact on community confidence and have the potential to endanger those involved and the general public. Therefore in order to improve safety in the area, Auckland Transport propose to introduce a daily light-weight motor vehicle restriction on Jomac Place and Honan Place between the hours of 10:00pm and 4:00am. This would prohibit motor vehicles with gross vehicle weight of less than 3,500kg from entering these roads during this time period.
69. The light-weight motor vehicle restriction will be enforced by the Police on offenders or spectators of Illegal Street Racing activities. Residents, businesses and their visitors who are going about their lawful business will not be affected by this enforcement action, assuming that they adhere to the Road Rules.
Local Board Response
70. In principle the Local Board Transport Portfolio holders are happy with the proposal.
71. Auckland Transport has received a request to implement new parking time restrictions along the area outlined above. This is due to an increase in all day parking, that is making it difficult for short stay visitors to find nearby parking.
72. The proposal is to install;
· A new 30-minute (P30) time restriction applicable from Monday to Sunday between 8am-6pm. This will be located on the eastern kerb from property number 290 to 310 Blockhouse Bay Road.
Local Board Response
73. In principle the Local Board Transport Portfolio holders are happy with the proposal.
74. Auckland Transport (AT) has received a request to change the existing 5-minute (P5) time restrictions at the above mentioned location to a 15 minute (P15) parking restriction. This is due to the current restrictions not providing sufficient times for parents to visit the Kindergarten.
75. The proposal is to:
Replace the existing 5-minute (P5) restriction with a new 15 minute (P15) time restriction applicable from Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm. This will be located on the southern kerb for approximately 18m outside 5 Exminister Street.
Local Board Response
76. In principle the Local Board Transport Portfolio holders are happy with the proposal.
77. Auckland Transport (AT) has received a request to implement new parking time restrictions at the above location. This is due to an increase in all day commuter parking in the street making it difficult for short stay customers to find nearby parking.
78. The proposal is to install;
o A new 60-minute (P60) time restriction applicable from Monday to Sunday between 8am-6pm. This will be located on the western kerb on Archibald Road, outside property number 4007 Great North Road.
Local Board Response
79. In principal the Local Board Transport Portfolio holders are happy with the proposal.
80. Auckland Transport has received concerns that have been raised with regard to bus accessibility issues caused by vehicles parking too close to the bus stops on Avonleigh Road.
81. At present two bus stops are located on Avonleigh Road west of Pinseong Drive. The eastbound bus stop is located approximately 6m west of the driveway at No 63 and the westbound bus stop is located approximately 15.5m east of the driveway at No’s 48-72.
82. The site visit observations indicate that the existing space between the bus stops and the adjacent driveways is frequently used for vehicle parking. This provides insufficient ‘lead-out’ space for buses to manoeuvre safely out of the bus bay.
83. Therefore to provide sufficient ‘lead-out’ space for buses, AT are proposing to install NSAAT ‘Broken Yellow Lines’ at the locations indicated on the attached aerial photograph.
Local Board Response
84. In principal the Local Board Transport Portfolio holders are happy with the proposal
85. Auckland Transport has received major complaints from the Police and by the residents on Bancroft Crescent, Akatea Road, Averager Place, and Culperry Road, Glendene regarding anti-social behavior in this area.
86. To improve safety in the area, AT propose to establish a prohibition on any motor vehicles having a gross vehicle weight less than 3,5000kgs from Bancroft Crescent, Akatea Road, Averger Place, and Culperry Road, between the hours of 9pm-4am, as shown on the attached plan.
87. Residents, businesses and their visitors who are going about their lawful business will not be affected by this enforcement action, assuming that they adhere to the Road Rules.
Local Board Response
88. In principal the Local Board Transport Portfolio holders are happy with the proposal.
89. As part of region-wide Road Safety Improvements Programme, the Road Safety Team has identified the need to improve safety at the intersection of Mead Street and Rosebank Road.
90. The northern corner of Mead Street and Rosebank Road intersection does not meet the standard inter-visibility requirement between traffic approaching the intersection and pedestrians on the northern corner crossing the intersection. To improve the safety of pedestrians at the intersection Auckland Transport proposes to install 14m of ‘No Stopping At All Times’ (broken yellow lines) parking restriction on Mead Street outside no. 278 Rosebank Road. Please see attached plan for more details.
91. A site investigation has also identified that the existing traffic islands and the associated pram crossings at the Mead Street and Rosebank Road intersection are substandard and Auckland Transport also proposes to upgrade the splitter island and the pram crossings at the intersection.
92. Overall these improvements are aimed at making the road environment safer as part of a coordinated plan to improve accessibility and to provide a safer passage for pedestrians and motorists.
Local Board Response
93. In principal l the Local Board Transport Portfolio holders are happy with the proposal.
94. Auckland Transport is investigating this intersection to propose a solution that will improve safety and efficiency of the intersection. Auckland Transport hope to complete this investigation in the next 4 months. Updates will be provided when there are options available.
95. Auckland Transport has received concerns that have been raised by the Police and the local community with regards to the ongoing anti-social behavior on Lansford Crescent and Barrhead Place in Avondale.
96. These roads have been identified by the Police as locations with continuous Illegal Street Racing (ISR) activities. This was further confirmed during the site visits as a large amount of fresh tyre burn-out marks were evident on both roads.
97. ISR incidents negatively impact on community confidence and have the potential to endanger those involved and the general public. Therefore in order to improve safety in the area, AT propose to introduce a daily light-weight motor vehicle restriction on Lansford Crescent and Barrhead Place between the hours of 10:00pm and 4:00am. This would prohibit motor vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of less than 3,500kg from entering these roads during this time period.
98. Please note that the light-weight motor vehicle restriction will be enforced by the Police on offenders or spectators of Illegal Street Racing activities. Residents, businesses and their visitors who are going about their lawful business will not be affected by this enforcement action, assuming that they adhere to the Road Rules.
Local Board Response
99. In principal the Local Board Transport Portfolio holders are happy with the proposal.
100. Through the Local Board Public Forum issues where raised of concerns for vehicle and people safety when buses meet on Nikau and Miro streets.
101. Auckland Transport has completed the investigation with following outcomes. Miro Street and Nikau Street are approximately nine metres wide. This means that AT do not consider them to be narrow streets. Auckland Transport considers a street to be narrow if the road is less than 6.5 metres wide. At a minimum, this width allows two metres of parking on each side of the road while retaining a 2.5 metre through lane, which emergency services have confirmed is the minimum space required for their vehicles to have access.
102. There is sufficient room to allow parked vehicles on both sides of these roads while also maintaining two opposing traffic lanes. If two buses need to pass then they can safely do so where there are no parked vehicles or in bus stops.
103. While parked vehicles may reduce the traffic flow to a single lane, these same parked vehicles tend to discourage drivers from speeding as cars parked on either side of the road give drivers the impression of a narrow road, encouraging greater care when driving. As a result AT believe that on street parking serves as an effective tool for maintaining acceptable speeds in the street.
104. The Local Board has requested a bike rack at 6 Ward Street, New Lynn.
105. Auckland Transport has added this request to the candidate list and will include it as part of our 2014-15 Bike Parking programme. Auckland Transport will inform the Local Board in due course to determine the location of the bike parking.
Subject Name |
Description |
Date Requested |
Due Date |
Roading Network Totara Avenue Road Completion |
The Local Board would like an update on this project. |
April 2015 |
Delta Avenue and Stock Street, New Lynn |
Private Use of land. The Local Board considers that this asset should remain in public ownership. Auckland Transport Properties and AC Parks are working through this. |
April 2015 |
Subject Name |
Decision Description |
Date Requested |
Completion date |
Request For Speed Calming Measures On Rimu Street |
Auckland Transport believe the current layout of Rimu Street is appropriate; therefore AT will not be making any changes to Rimu Street at this stage. |
September 2013 |
October 2014 |
47 Titirangi Road Bus Stop |
Bus Stop has been installed |
April 2014 |
January 2015 |
Extra Pedestrian Crossing On Maioro Street. |
Auckland Transport is unable to install a crossing facility on Maioro Street at this stage as it doesn’t meet the warrant for a crossing facility, as the pedestrian numbers are not sufficient to justify installing a crossing facility. |
September 2014 |
December 2014 |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Attachments to AT March 2015 update report |
99 |
Author |
Owena Schuster - Elected Member Relationship Manager - West, Auckland Transport |
Authorisers |
Jonathan Anyon - Elected Member Relationship Team Manager, Auckland Transport Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
18 March 2015 |
Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards (for the quarter - 1 October to 31 December 2014)
File No.: CP2015/02385
1. The purpose of this report is to inform local boards about progress on activities undertaken by Auckland Transport in the three months October – December 2014 and the planned activities anticipated to be undertaken in the three months January – March 2015.
That the Whau Local Board: a) Receives Auckland Transport Quarterly Report. |
Significant activities during the period under review
Key Agency Initiatives
East West Connections
2. The recent community engagement on options received 120 online or written pieces of feedback, with more than 200 people attending open days, meetings, workshops and hui. This feedback is now being analysed and a summary of comments will be released in early 2015.
PT Development
Half Moon Bay Ferry Upgrade
3. The site investigation for this project is underway with initial consenting, marine survey and structural design works progressing in support of an Auckland Transport request to the Howick Local Board for joint project funding. Design work and the construction of the pontoon and gangway are programmed for 2015 with the physical works and construction in 2016.
City Rail Link
4. Auckland Transport is establishing a Community Liaison Group (CLG) for the CRL enabling works in the Britomart and Albert Street areas that may start in late 2015. Members of the CLG will include representatives of affected property owners or occupiers, CBD residents and others. This group will meet on a regular basis as the project progresses.
EMU Procurement
5. There are now 38 units in NZ with 28 of these being issued provisional acceptance. Manukau services are now run entirely with Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) and testing of these on the Western line to Swanson is progressing well. Manufacture and delivery is on programme.
Pukekohe Bus Rail Interchange
6. Funding of $1 million has been made available in the 2014/15 financial year to permit a phased ‘building block’ approach to deliver the bus and rail interchange.
7. The first phase delivers basic bus interchange infrastructure to accommodate the new bus network in late 2015.
PT Operations
Bus Improvements
8. Public Transport patronage totaled 74,506,244 passenger trips for the twelve months to October 2014 an overall increase of 7.7% on the previous year. Rail patronage totaled 12,124,025, up 17.6%, the Northern Express 2,580,225, up by 12.4%, other bus services 54,713,200, up by 6.25% and, ferry services carried 5,088,794 passenger, up slightly on the previous year.
Rail Improvements
9. Train timetables have been over-hauled and there is now an at least half hourly service on all lines, day and night, seven days a week, until the normal close of services on particular lines.
10. During peak travel times the southern and eastern lines now have six trains an hour with 3 trains per hour inter-peak. The Onehunga line has half-hourly services, all day, seven days a week. On the western line peak services remain at fifteen minute intervals with half-hourly inter-peak, evenings and weekends.
Ferry Improvements
11. An application from Explorer Group to operate ferry services from Downtown to Waiheke has been accepted and a service of twelve sailings a day commenced shortly after Labour Weekend.
12. Fullers have just commissioned a new vessel the Kotuku. She will operate across a number of Fuller’s services, including Waiheke.
Road Design and Development
Dominion Road
13. The cycle routes are progressing well with road works almost completed. New wayfinding signage is in the hands of a specialist supplier and is due for installation.
Albany Highway
14. Construction has commenced and major earth movements are underway opposite the Albany Senior College. New traffic controls are in place at the southern end of the works as preparations are made for building retaining walls and install drainage.
Tamaki Drive/Ngapipi Road Intersection
15. Detailed Design continues with consent applications due for submission early in 2015.
Lincoln Road Improvements
16. The registration of interest (ROI) has been completed and the shortlisted consultants have been invited to participate in the second stage of the tendering process for the detailed design phase. Property acquisition has been commenced.
Redoubt-Mill Road upgrade
17. Auckland Transport has identified the route for the upgrade of Redoubt Road-Mill Road corridor and applied to Auckland Council to designate land (Notices of Requirement) for the project. Letters and information has been sent to landowners to notify them of the route identified and the NoR lodgement. The council is expected to publicly notify the Notices of Requirement (NoR) for the designation in early 2015.
Cycle Initiatives
18. An information day has been held to share design concepts for the second stage of the Beach Road walking and cycling project. Stage two will deliver a streetscape upgrade and continue the cycleway along Beach Road from the intersection with Mahuhu Crescent through to Britomart Place. Construction is expected to begin in February and to be completed in July.
19. More than 90 women participated in the inaugural Frocks on Bikes event held at Hurstmere Green in Takapuna. The event labeled a ‘Summer Fling’ is part of Auckland Transport’s ‘Cyclings the go’ programme which is designed to encourage more Aucklanders to take up cycling for recreation, health and as a credible form of transport.
Shop by Rail
20. Auckland Transport launched a pre-Christmas awareness campaign highlighting how easy it is to access major shopping precincts around Auckland by train. The ‘Shopping Adventures by Train’ advertising directed Christmas shoppers to retail centres at Downtown Auckland, New Lynn, Manukau, Sylvia Park, Onehunga, Newmarket and Henderson.
Commute Travel Planning Programme
21. A national “Let’s Carpool’ survey was undertaken with those registered on the ‘Let’s Carpool’ website and 19.5% of the Auckland respondents identified carpooling as their main mode of travelling to work.
22. The completed report ‘Auckland Tertiary Institutions: Developing a Stategic Approach to Travel Planning 2014-2016, will be the basis of consultation on travel planning with tertiary institutions. The Commute team will be working closely with the Public Transport team to develop an on-line campaign to promote public transport and travel choices to tertiary institutions and their students.
Road Corridor Delivery
23. Good progress has been made with the delivery of the pavement rehabilitation and resurfacing programmes with 11.1 km of pavement rehabilitation and 187.1 km of resurfacing completed to date. We are on track to achieve the target lengths with this work expected to be substantially complete by the end of March 2015.
24. The table below outlines the target lengths set for the full year and progress to date:
Table 1: Renewal Target lengths
Work Activity
2014/15 Target lengths (km) |
Completed lengths as at 31/12/14 (km) |
Rehabilitation |
37.4 |
11.1 |
Resurfacing |
427.4 |
187.1 |
Footpaths |
116.7 |
62.4 |
Total |
581.5 |
260.6 |
25. Expressions of Interest have been sought in respect to the carrying out of street light maintenance across the region. The Expression of Interest (EOI) process will result in a shortlist of participants who will then be invited to participate in a Request for Tender (RFT) process in the New Year. There will be four geographically based contracts - North, South, Central and West.
26. These contracts will each be for a term of 4 years (with an option for two extensions of one year each at Auckland Transport’s discretion) and will commence on 1 July 2015. No contractor will be able to win or participate in more than two of the four contracts.
27. The work includes the carrying out of all maintenance, renewals and minor capital works on the street lighting network. It also includes the replacement of the existing 70W high pressure sodium luminaires with approved LED luminaires.
28. Tenders have been called for the carrying out of a number of pavement rehabilitation projects in the west and south areas. The work tendered comprises 15-20% of the total pavement rehabilitation programmes for these areas. The remaining projects are being carried out through our 10 area-based road maintenance contracts.
29. The purpose of tendering this work is to provide an opportunity for contractors other than our road maintenance contractors to bid for this work and also to benchmark the tendered rates in these contracts against the rates in our existing road maintenance contracts. This is part of an on-going commitment to maintain a sustainable contracting environment in the Auckland region.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Schedule of activities undertaken for the second quarter (2014/15) ending 31 December 2014 and forward works programme for the third quarter (2014/15) ending 31 March 2015. |
111 |
bView |
Travelwise Schools activities broken down by Local Board |
127 |
cView |
Traffic Control Committee Decisions |
129 |
dView |
Local Board Advocacy Report |
131 |
eView |
Local Board Transport Capital Fund Report |
133 |
Authors |
Various Auckland Transport authors |
Authorisers |
Jonathan Anyon - Elected Member Relationship Team Manager, Auckland Transport Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
18 March 2015 |
Confirmation of Workshop Records: February 2015
File No.: CP2015/03608
1. This report presents records of workshops held by the Whau Local Board on:
o 4 February 2015
o 11 February 2015
o 18 February 2015
o 25 February 2015
That the Whau Local Board: a) Confirms the records of the workshops in Attachments A - D held on the following dates: o 4 February 2015 o 11 February 2015 o 18 February 2015 o 25 February 2015 |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Record of Workshop 4 February 2015 |
137 |
bView |
Record of Workshop 11 February 2015 |
139 |
cView |
Record of Workshop 18 February 2015 |
141 |
dView |
Record of Workshop 25 February 2015 |
143 |
Authors |
Riya Seth - Democracy Advisor Mark Allen - Senior Local Board Advisor |
Authoriser |
Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Whau Local Board 18 March 2015 |
Whau Local Board Workshop Records
Date of Workshop: Wednesday, 4 February 2015
Time: 9.35am – 2.05pm
Venue: Whau Local Board Office, 31 Totara Avenue,
New Lynn
Present: Catherine Farmer
Ami Chand
Susan Zhu
Simon Matafai
Apologies: Derek Battersby (for absence)
Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel (for absence)
Item |
Topic |
Presenter(s) |
Time |
1.0 |
LB Admin/portfolio catch up |
Board Members |
9.35am – 10.30am |
Board members provided portfolio updates. |
2.0 |
Whau Day Out 2015 |
Barbara Cade Penny Mitropoulos Richard Green |
10.30am – 11.10am |
Board members were updated on the planning of ‘Whau Day Out 2015’. The event is planned for 11.00am to 3.00pm on 21 March 2015 at Eastdale reserve (TBC). Richard Green will be negotiating all contracts for the event. The event will be advertised as alcohol free event. (Subsequently shifted to 28 March 2015 at Riversdale Reserve due to event clashes) |
3.0 |
2014/15 Budget refresh and Quarterly Performance Report |
David Rose |
11.10am – 1140pm |
The Board received a briefing on the upcoming Quarterly performance report. |
4.0 |
Karakia at board meetings |
Board members Keith Williams |
1.40pm – 2.05pm |
The board decided to have karakia at the start of all local board workshops. |
Relationship Manager: Glenn Boyd
18 March 2015 |
Whau Local Board Workshop Records
Date of Workshop: Wednesday, 11 February 2015
Time: 9.33am – 12.00pm
Venue: Whau Local Board Office, 31 Totara Avenue,
New Lynn
Present: Catherine Farmer
Ami Chand
Simon Matafai
Apologies: Susan Zhu (for absence)
Derek Battersby (for absence)
Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel (for absence)
Simon Matafai (for lateness)
Item |
Topic |
Presenter(s) |
Time |
1.0 |
LB Admin/portfolio catch up |
Board Members |
9.33am – 10.10am |
Board members provided portfolio updates. |
2.0 |
Greenways Project |
Damon (Ecomatters) |
10.10am – 10.30am |
Representatives from Ecomatters Trust discussed benefits with the board members of the Greenways project for a foot bridge connecting McWhirter Pl to Busby St. They particularly noted the benefits to the surrounding and wider community of connectivity, active lifestyles through walking and environmental awareness. The group was invited to March board meeting as deputation. |
3.0 |
Greenways Project |
Jenny Macdonald |
10.30am – 11.30pm |
The priorities for additional Whau Greenways project were discussed as below: 1. McWhirter Pl to Busby St footbridge 2. Wolverton St to McWhirter Pl 3. La Rosa Gardens to Godley Rd 4. Lynfield Cove to Flounder Bay |
1.0 |
LB Admin/portfolio catch up |
Board Members |
11.30am – 12.00pm |
Board members provided portfolio updates. |
Relationship Manager: Glenn Boyd
18 March 2015 |
Whau Local Board Workshop Records
Date of Workshop: Wednesday, 18 February 2015
Time: 4.00pm – 6.00pm
Venue: Whau Local Board Office, 31 Totara Avenue,
New Lynn
Present: Catherine Farmer
Ami Chand
Simon Matafai (from 4:25pm, item 1)
Susan Zhu (from 4:25pm, item 1; until 4:35pm, item 1)
Apologies: Derek Battersby (for absence)
Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel (for absence)
Item |
Topic |
Presenter(s) |
Time |
1.0 |
RLTP - Board's feedback |
Mark Allen |
4.00pm – 4.40pm |
Board members discussed feedback on Regional Draft Land Transport Plan. |
2.0 |
Community awards |
All board members |
4.40pm – 5.00pm |
Board members discussed ideas around ongoing local community recognition/awards process. · This acknowledgment would be for local regular community contributors; · The board would not look to allocate specific budget for this project; · Tea, coffee, biscuits would be served in an informal setting; · Look for the local small scale acknowledgment to be held twice a year; · Volunteer work would be acknowledged but not look to categorise; · Proposals & judgment will be made by members; Staff wilkl look at costs for a certificate and the process of promoting of awards on Facebook. |
3.0 |
LB Admin/portfolio catch up |
Board Members |
5.00pm – 5.40pm |
Board members provided portfolio updates. |
Relationship Manager: Glenn Boyd
18 March 2015 |
Whau Local Board Workshop Records
Date of Workshop: Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Time: 9.30am – 1.40pm
Venue: Whau Local Board Office, 31 Totara Avenue,
New Lynn
Present: Catherine Farmer
Ami Chand
Simon Matafai (from 12.32, item 4)
Derek Battersby
Susan Zhu (from 9.34am, item 1, until 10.00am, item 1; from 10.40am, item 2)
Apologies: Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel (for absence)
Simon Matafai (for lateness)
Item |
Topic |
Presenter(s) |
Time |
1.0 |
Footpath Renewals list (AT) |
Owena Schuster Andy Finch Vicki Daley |
9.30am – 10.40am |
Process around new footpaths/maintenance process was discussed with the board: · AT does not have any new budget for new footpaths. · A report will come to board meeting in April regarding footpath in front of Kelston Boys High School. · Next AT Asset management plan will be published in July 2015. |
2.0 |
Local Board Transport Capex fund |
Owena Schuster Mark Allen |
10.40am – 11.30am |
It was noted that the board need to resolve on any new projects it would like to include for renewals. |
3.0 |
Hillsborough Corridor Management Plan |
Jennifer Estong (AT) Cass Kenworthy (AT) |
11.30am – 11.55am |
The board was updated on the development of the corridor management plan for Hillsborough Rd to Kinross St arterial corridor (between SH20 and Portage Rd). It was noted that the board would like to see cycleway along this corridor (shared with footpath). Also, traffic congestion should be included in the study. |
4.0 |
LB Admin/portfolio catch up |
Board Members |
12.32pm – 1.40pm |
Board members provided portfolio updates. |
Whau Local Board 18 March 2015 |
Item 8.1 Attachment a Presentation - Tual'i Pacific Youth Leadership project Page 147
Item 8.4 Attachment a KWB report 2013-2014 Page 155
Item 8.4 Attachment b EcoMatters SLC Annual report 2013-14 Page 177