I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Thursday, 26 March 2015


Waitakere Ranges Local Board Office
39 Glenmall Place
Glen Eden


Waitākere Ranges Local Board









Sandra Coney, QSO


Deputy Chairperson

Denise Yates, JP



Neil Henderson



Greg Presland



Steve Tollestrup



Saffron Toms



(Quorum 3 members)




Glenn Boyd

(Relationship Manager)

Local Board Services (West)


Tua Viliamu

(Democracy Advisor)


20 March 2015


Contact Telephone: (09) 813 9478

Email: Tua.Viliamu@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz






Waitākere Ranges Local Board

26 March 2015



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Update from Ward Councillors                                                                                    5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

8.1     Tual’i Pacific Youth Leadership Group                                                             5

8.2     Keep Waitākere Beautiful and EcoMatters Sustainable Living centre          6

8.3     Piha Gym                                                                                                               6

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  6

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                6

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          7

12        Parking enforcement at Titirangi War Memorial Reserve and French Bay Esplanade                                                                                                                                         9

13        LGNZ Conference and AGM 2015                                                                             15

14        Waitakere Ranges Local Board 2014/15 World War 1 Commemorations and heritage budget                                                                                                                           23  

15        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome


2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest

Members were reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.

Specifically members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.

At its meeting on 28 November 2013, the Waitakere Ranges Local Board resolved (resolution number WTK/2010/5) to record any possible conflicts of interest in a register. 


Board Member

Organisation / Position

Sandra Coney

·       Waitemata District Health Board – Elected Member

·       Women’s Health Action Trust – Patron

Neil Henderson

·       Portage Trust – Elected Member

·       West Auckland Trust Services (WATS) Board – Trustee/Director

·       Weedfree Trust – Employee

Greg Presland

·       Portage Trust – Elected Member

·       Lopdell House Development Trust – Trustee

·       Titirangi Residents & Ratepayers Group – Committee Member 

·       Whau Coastal Walkway Environmental Trust – Trustee

·       Combined Youth Services Trust - Trustee

Steve Tollestrup

·       Waitakere Licensing Trust – Elected Member

·       Community Waitakere – Trustee

·       West Auckland Trust Services (WATS) Board – Trustee/Director

Saffron Toms


Denise Yates

·       Ecomatters Environment Trust – Trustee

·       Keep Waitakere Beautiful Trust – Trustee

·       Huia-Cornwallis Ratepayers & Residents Association – Co-chairperson

·       Charlotte Museum Trust – Trustee                                 


Member appointments

Board members are appointed to the following bodies. In these appointments the board members represent Auckland Council.


Board Member

Organisation / Position

Sandra Coney

·       Friends of Arataki Incorporated – Trustee

Neil Henderson

·       Friends of Arataki Incorporated – Trustee

·       Living Cell Technologies Animal Ethics Committee – Member

Saffron Toms

·       Ark in the Park – Governance Group Member


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)         Confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 12 March 2015, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Update from Ward Councillors


An opportunity is provided for the Waitakere Ward Councillors to update the board on regional issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


8.1       Tual’i Pacific Youth Leadership Group


1.       Representatives from the Tual’i Pacific Youth Leadership project will be in attendance to present to the local board on progress of the project since its launch last year.


That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      Receives presentation from representatives of Tual’i Pacific Youth Leadership project and thank them for the presentation.



a          Presentation - Tual'i Pacific Youth Leadership project.......................... 27



8.2       Keep Waitākere Beautiful and EcoMatters Sustainable Living centre


1.       Representatives from Ecomatters Trust and Keep Waitakere Beautiful Trust will be in attendance to present Keep Waitakere Beautiful and the EcoMatters Sustainable Living Centre annual (FY13/14) reports to the board.



That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      Receives presentation from representatives of Ecomatters Trust and Keep Waitakere Beautiful Trust and thank them for the presentation.



a          KWB report 2013-2014.......................................................................... 35

b          EcoMatters SLC Annual report 2013-14................................................ 57



8.3       Piha Gym


Mana Paewai, local resident of Piha, has asked for an opportunity to introduce himself to the board and present a proposal of a new gym service for the community of Piha.

With the support of the Piha community and investigation undertaken in to the feasibility of a gym operating within their community he seeks approval for a sub- lease of land situated within the local campground, the current leaseholder is in full support of their intentions.



That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      Receives the deputation from Mana Paewai and thank him for the presentation.



a          Piha Gym plan1..................................................................................... 61

b          Piha Gym plan2..................................................................................... 63



9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from www members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

26 March 2015



Parking enforcement at Titirangi War Memorial Reserve and French Bay Esplanade


File No.: CP2015/02296





1.       To seek endorsement from the Waitakere Ranges Local Board to request parking enforcement by Auckland Transport at Titirangi War Memorial Reserve and French Bay Esplanade.

Executive Summary

2.       Auckland Council has jurisdiction over non-legal roads, parks and reserves in vehicle parking.

3.       Auckland Transport (AT) is best placed in terms of resources and expertise to undertake the task of monitoring and enforcing the regulation of parking in identified parks and Council has delegated this function through the Regional Development and Operations Committee (RDOC) to AT.

4.       This delegation provides for Parks Sports and Recreation (PSR) to formally request AT to undertake regulation of parking areas on specified local and sports parks, following endorsement from the relevant local board.

5.       Both Titirangi War Memorial Reserve (Attachment A) and French Bay Esplanade (Attachment B) have ongoing issues with cars parking on the yellow lines within the designated car park area (outlined in blue in both Attachments).

6.       At Titirangi War Memorial Reserve this is becoming a health and safety risk for reserve user groups, in particular the kindergarten, as exits are being obstructed for long periods of time.

7.       At French Bay Esplanade this is also becoming a health and safety risk as the boat ramp and access ways are being obstructed.

8.       Local and Sports Parks wish to formally request AT to enforce parking restrictions for vehicles parking on the yellow lines at both Titirangi War Memorial Reserve and French Bay Esplanade.




That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      Endorses Parks Sport and Recreation to request Auckland Transport to enforce parking restrictions at Titirangi War Memorial Reserve and French Bay Esplanade.



9.       Following the board’s endorsement, AT’s Parking Design Team will prepare a parking resolution report for the Traffic Control Committee outlining the current parking situation and recommending appropriate actions to enforce parking restrictions that are consistent with AT guidelines, excluding charges for parking.

10.     The preparation of the parking resolution report and any required installation of signs will be funded by Local and Sports Parks West operational budget.

11.     The costs of enforcement will be met by AT and the revenue generated by any parking enforcement will remain with AT.







Car Park Area Titirangi War Memorial Reserve



Car Park Area French Bay Esplanade





Kaitlyn  White - Park Advisor


Ian Maxwell - General Manager Parks, Sports and Recreation

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

26 March 2015





Waitākere Ranges Local Board

26 March 2015





Waitākere Ranges Local Board

26 March 2015



LGNZ Conference and AGM 2015


File No.: CP2015/03982





1.       This report informs local boards about the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) Annual General Meeting (AGM) and conference in Rotorua from Sunday 19 July 2015 to Tuesday 21 July 2015 and invites local boards to nominate a representative to attend as relevant.

Executive Summary

2.       The Local Government New Zealand annual conference and AGM takes place at the Rotorua Energy Events Centre from Sunday 19 July to Tuesday 21 July 2015.

3.       The AGM takes place on the first day of the conference.  Auckland Council is entitled to 4 official delegates at the AGM, one of whom is the presiding (or voting) delegate.  The Governing Body will consider this at their meeting on 26 March 2015.  The 4 official delegates are likely to be the Mayor as a member of the LGNZ National Council, the Deputy Mayor as the Mayor’s alternate for this position, Cr Webster as Chair LGNZ Zone One and a member of LGNZ National Council, and the Chief Executive.

4.       In addition to the official delegates, local board members are invited to attend.  Local boards should consider the relevance of the conference programme when deciding on attendance, with the expectation that no board will approve more than one member to attend the conference.



That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      Nominates a representative to attend the Local Government New Zealand 2015 annual general meeting and conference from Sunday 19 July 2015 to Tuesday 21 July 2015 on the basis that the conference programme is relevant to the Local Board’s work programme

b)      Confirms that conference attendance including travel and accommodation will be paid for in accordance with the current Auckland Council Elected Member Expense Policy.



5.       The 2015 LGNZ Conference and AGM are being held in Rotorua. The conference commences with the AGM and technical tours from 09.30 am on Sunday 19 July 2015 and concludes at 2.30 pm on Tuesday 21 July 2015.

6.       The theme of this year’s conference is “Leading the Charge for our Communities”.  The programme includes:

·    Stephen Yarwood, former Mayor of Adelaide, will discuss performance and customer focussed culture - taking your people with you;

·    David Meates, CEO of Canterbury District Health Board, will present on understanding what's important to communities and why a strong focus on the customer matters;

·    Dr Lester Levy, CEO of New Zealand Leadership Institute, will discuss disruptive governance – how do we increase our performance and create a strong link from strategy to transparent financial performance;

·    Kevin Roberts, Executive Chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi, on telling our story and selling the value of our sector;

·    Penny Webster, Councillor at Auckland Council; Rob Cameron, Partner at Cameron Partners; and Dr Oliver Hartwich, Executive Director of the New Zealand Initiative will speak on funding for growth – transformation of local government;

·    Dr William Rolleston, National President of Federated Farmers; Andrew Knight, CEO of New Zealand Oil and Gas; and Gary Taylor, Executive Director of the Environmental Defence Society will discuss resource management – how a growing economy can also support a healthy environment;

·    Mayors Meng Foon, Stuart Crosby, Annette Main, David Ayers and Tony Kokshoorn will each present on right-sizing your town and making the important decisions – a response to economic and demographic change;

·    Brenda Halloran, former Mayor of Waterloo, Canada, will talk about nation building – infrastructure and urban development; and

·    Brett Way of Central Hawkes Bay District Council and Rochelle Deane of Auckland Council will present on delivering local government expertise in the Pacific – a snap shot of the Local Government Technical Assistance Facility for Pacific Countries, (PacificTA) programme.

7.       The programme also includes a number of Master Class sessions including:

·    Growing NZ's talent and economies – strategies to retain and attract skilled migrants;

·    Local boards – connecting with the community;

·    Engaging with iwi to grow local and regional economies;

·    Collaboration, culture change and customer focus under the RMA; and

·    Getting the most from the One Network Roading Classification system.


8.       Local boards should consider the relevance of the programme when deciding on conference attendance, with the expectation that no board will approve more than one member to attend the conference.

Annual General Meeting

9.       The AGM takes place on the first day of the conference.  Auckland Council is entitled to have four delegates to the AGM, one of whom is the presiding (or voting) delegate.  The 4 official delegates are likely to be the Mayor (or his nominee), the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Penny Webster (as Chair of Zone 1) and the Chief Executive (or his nominee).

10.     The Mayor is a member of the LGNZ National Council, the Deputy Mayor is the Mayor’s alternate for this position, and Councillor Penny Webster is the Chair of LGNZ Zone One and a member of LGNZ National Council.   The Governing Body will consider an item on AGM attendance at their meeting on 26 March 2015.

11.     LGNZ request that local board members who wish to attend the AGM, register their intention prior to the AGM. 


12.     The Local Board Services Department budget will cover the costs of one member per local board to attend the conference. 

13.     Registration fees are $1410.00 (incl GST) before 3 June 2015 and $1510.00 (incl GST) after that.  Full conference registration includes

·    Attendance at conference business sessions (Sunday-Tuesday);

·    Satchel and contents;

·    Daily catering;

·    Simpson Grierson welcome cocktail function;

·    Fulton Hogan conference dinner and EXCELLENCE Awards function; and

·    Closing conference function ticket.


14.     The council hosted tours on Sunday 19 July 2015 are not included in the conference price. Local board members are welcome to attend these at their own cost.

15.     Additional costs are approximately $150 per night accommodation, plus travel.  Local Board Services will be co-ordinating and booking all registrations and accommodation and investigating cost effective travel.


Local Board Views

16.     This is a report to the 21 local boards.

Maori Impact Statement

17.     The Local Government NZ conference will better inform local boards and thereby support their decision making for their communities including Maori.

Implementation Issues

18.     There are no implementation issues associated with the recommendations in this report.








LGNZ Conference and Master Class Programme





Anna Bray – Policy & Planning Manager – Local Boards


Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

26 March 2015



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

26 March 2015



Waitakere Ranges Local Board 2014/15 World War 1 Commemorations and heritage budget


File No.: CP2015/04275





1.       The purpose of this report is to allocate the remaining $22,000 of Waitakere Ranges Local Board 2014/15 World War 1 Commemorations and heritage budget, the purpose of which is to support local World War 1 centenary events and projects.

Executive Summary

2.       Waitakere Ranges Local Board has a sum of $22,000 remaining within the 2014/15 World War 1 Commemorations and Heritage budget to be allocated to projects and events supporting the centenary of World War 1.

3.       Events and projects that the board wishes to allocate this money to include:

·        an Artillery Band Concert and afternoon tea at Titirangi Memorial Hall on April 19

·        a library photo display and digitisation project

·        research on the Titirangi Soldiers Memorial Church

·        part-funding of a Waikumete military cemetery historical remembrance booklet.



That the Waitakere Ranges Local Board Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      Approves the allocation of the remaining 2014/15 World War 1 Commemorations and Heritage budget to support community World War One centenary events of:

·     an Artillery Band Concert and afternoon tea at Titirangi Memorial Hall on April 19

·     a library photo display and digitisation project

·     research on the Titirangi Soldiers Memorial Church

·     part-funding of a Waikumete military cemetery historical remembrance booklet.




4.       On Friday, 13 April the board met with a number of heritage stakeholders within the community, including Friends of Waikumete, Auckland Council libraries, parks, and civic events staff, and members of the Glen Eden and Titirangi RSAs, to identify and discuss the range of local commemorative projects and events.

5.       It was agreed upon that the local board would help co-ordinate publicity for these in an event programme.

Local Board Views and Implications

6.       The Waitakere Ranges Local Board plan seeks to celebrate the area’s rich history, and has a focus on protecting that heritage.  In the plan it concludes that ‘The centenary of World War 1 is an important milestone for New Zealand…we will be working with our communities to commemorate this period’.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Christie McFadyen – Graduate Advisor


Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

26 March 2015











Item 8.1      Attachment a    Presentation - Tual'i Pacific Youth Leadership project Page 27

Item 8.2      Attachment a    KWB report 2013-2014                                    Page 35

Item 8.2      Attachment b    EcoMatters SLC Annual report 2013-14         Page 57

Item 8.3      Attachment a    Piha Gym plan1                                               Page 61

Item 8.3      Attachment b    Piha Gym plan2                                               Page 63

Waitākere Ranges Local Board

26 March 2015



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

26 March 2015



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

26 March 2015



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

26 March 2015





Waitākere Ranges Local Board

26 March 2015