I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Auckland Development Committee will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Wednesday, 1 April 2015 10.30am Reception
Lounge |
Auckland Development Committee
Chairperson |
Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse |
Deputy Chairperson |
Cr Chris Darby |
Members |
Cr Anae Arthur Anae |
Cr Calum Penrose |
Cr Cameron Brewer |
Cr Dick Quax |
Mayor Len Brown, JP |
Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM |
Cr Dr Cathy Casey |
Member David Taipari |
Cr Bill Cashmore |
Cr Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE |
Cr Ross Clow |
Cr Wayne Walker |
Cr Linda Cooper, JP |
Cr John Watson |
Cr Alf Filipaina |
Cr Penny Webster |
Cr Hon Christine Fletcher, QSO |
Cr George Wood, CNZM |
Cr Denise Krum |
Cr Mike Lee |
Member Liane Ngamane |
(Quorum 11 members)
Rita Bento-Allpress Democracy Advisor
30 March 2015
Contact Telephone: 09 890 8149 Email: rita.bento-allpress@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Auckland Development Committee 01 April 2015 |
9 Future of Ports of Auckland Study 5
Auckland Development Committee 01 April 2015 |
Future of Ports of Auckland Study
File No.: CP2015/05041
1. To approve the bringing forward of the expected timing of what has been referred to as the “Ports Stage II Study”.
2. The report also outlines the broad objectives of the study.
Executive Summary
3. Given renewed interest and concerns about the effects of port expansion on the Waitemata Harbour, the Auckland Development Committee is requested to bring forward the commencement of the Port Stage II Study from its current timeframe post the Unitary Plan.
4. The Committee is requested to direct the Chief Executive to initially focus on the study design and draft study scope, to be approved by the Committee before the actual study commences.
5. For the purpose of this report, “study design” relates to processes for stakeholder involvement, engagement and governance structures and their terms of reference, resourcing, timing etc. The term “scope” refers specifically to the study – which will be technical in nature and undertaken by experts - and what is to be included in the study.
That the Auckland Development Committee: a) pursuant to standing order 3.10.17, revoke resolution APC/2013/45: h) agree that early scoping work on a study of the economic, environmental and cultural impacts and opportunities for Maori be reported back to the Auckland Plan Committee in August 2013, and if required, any future Stage 2 work relating to wider issues of port location and distribution in the Upper North Island is to be undertaken at a later time, post the Unitary Plan.
and replace it with: h) commence the Port Stage II Study, with the broad objective of scoping the economic, environmental and cultural impacts, of the port and its associated freight movements through Auckland, the opportunities for Maori, the wider issue of port location and freight distribution in the Upper North Island, the relationship between the port and Auckland’s urban form and the benefits and costs, including opportunity costs, of options considered. b) direct the Chief Executive to commence the design of the study and its associated processes. c) note that the study should include collaborative stakeholder input at each critical stage, including the study’s scope, and that the council will make decisions on any matters arising from the study. d) request that the study design, including resourcing requirements and a draft study scope be reported back to the Committee for its approval as soon as possible, prior to the actual study commencing. |
6. In December 2012, the Regional Development and Operations Committee resolved:
“… in the follow up to the UNISA port study, give consideration to the timing of the Stage 2 report including to scope and undertake an examination of options for freight movement through Auckland including consideration of the relationship between the port and Auckland’s urban form and the opportunity cost of each option” (Resolution number RDO/2012/244, 6 December 2012).
7. In April 2013, the Auckland Plan Committee made a number of resolutions regarding the Ports of Auckland Limited, including resolution h) that modified the 2012 Regional Development and Operations Committee resolution:
“…that early scoping work on a study of the economic, environmental and cultural impacts and opportunities for Maori be reported back to the Auckland Plan Committee in August 2013, and if required, any future Stage 2 work relating to wider issues of port location and distribution in the Upper North Island is to be undertaken at a later time, post the Unitary Plan” (Resolution number APC/2013/45, 16 April 2013). The full resolution is included as Attachment A.
8. In addition, in August 2013 the Auckland Plan committee resolved to endorse non-complying activity status for any further reclamation beyond current consented activity within the port precinct. It also endorsed a “review of the Port precinct provisions at the conclusion of the pending stage 2 Port study” (Resolution Number APC/2013/70).
9. In August 2014, a study was commissioned and undertaken by the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER). The focus of this study was to address the more immediate need for council’s position on rules on reclamation within the port precinct to be clarified as it entered mediation and hearings on the Proposed Unitary Plan. This report was tabled at the Auckland Development Committee on 12 February 2015. The Committee subsequently established the position it will take in the Unitary Plan process. It should be noted that the NZIER report addressed a narrower question of how long the port could operate within its current footprint, with or without the need for reclamation. This study was not intended to remove the need for a longer-term study as referred to in the April 2013 Auckland Plan Committee resolution.
10. Currently a number of events – in particular community concerns about the effects of port expansion on the Waitemata Harbour - have renewed calls for a full “Stage II” report to give effect to the April 2013 Auckland Plan Committee resolution above.
11. As noted, the 16 April 2012 resolution of the Auckland Plan Committee stated that the full Stage II study was to commence post the Unitary Plan process, i.e. towards the end of 2016.
12. The Mayor now requests that the Auckland Development Committee amend that timing, so that the study can commence immediately.
13. To clarify, the broad objective of the study is to fully investigate and report to the Auckland Council on the most effective means of meeting Auckland's import and export needs in terms of their economic, social and environmental costs and benefits. For illustrative purposes, this would likely include considering the use of alternative port arrangements and assessing the implication of these in terms of impact on import costs, employment and economic growth, road and rail freight volumes and distribution, adequacy of alternative port and transport infrastructure, and the effects of any changes to these on Auckland's urban, rural and natural environment.
14. It is important that the council, stakeholders and wider community see the study as credible and definitive in providing a basis on which the Council can, as owner of Ports of Auckland, decide on the port’s long-term future including its size, location and role in the economy.
15. To be credible, the study design needs to be transparent and have meaningful input from all reasonably interested stakeholders. There should also be opportunities for the wider community to provide their views on the study’s findings.
16. Because stakeholders should be involved in all critical stages of the study, this report deliberately does not set out any detail, as the process itself and the scope of the study need to be developed in collaboration with others. In this sense, the study design is expected to have similarities to the approach used by the Consensus Building Group on alternative funding for transport. It should be noted that, at the completion of the study, it will be the council that makes decision on any matters arising from the study.
17. The Committee is therefore asked to approve commencement of the study, with initial focus on the study design. This will, amongst others, require the design of an inclusive collaborative process, development of a draft study scope, identification of funding requirements and a budget, and reporting these elements back to the Auckland Development Committee for its approval as soon as possible.
18. Note that for the purpose of this report, “study design” relates to processes for stakeholder involvement, engagement and governance structures and their terms of reference, resourcing, timing etc. The term “scope” refers specifically to the study – which will be technical in nature and undertaken by experts - and what is to be included in the study.
Local Board views and implications
19. The views of Local Boards have not specifically been taken into account for the purposes of this report, other than the extent they were accounted for in the original resolutions of the Regional Development and Operations Committee and Auckland Plan Committee in 2012 and 2013 respectively. The nature of Local Board input in the study will be clarified during the study design stage and reported to the Committee.
Māori impact statement
20. The views of neither Māori nor the Independent Māori Statutory Board have specifically been taken into account for the purposes of this report, other than the extent they were accounted for in the original resolutions of the Regional Development and Operations Committee and Auckland Plan Committee in 2012 and 2013 respectively. The long-term future of the port has a significant impact on mana whenua both in a cultural and economic sense. It is therefore anticipated that mana whenua will play a notable role in the Stage II process and study. The nature of this role will be clarified during the study design stage and reported to the Committee.
21. Implementation matters, such as resourcing, budgets and timeframes, will be clarified during the study design stage and reported to the Committee prior to the actual study commencing.
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Resolution number APC/2013/45 - 16 April 2013 Auckland Plan Committee |
9 |
Author |
Jacques Victor - GM Auckland Plan Strategy and Research |
Authoriser |
Roger Blakeley - Chief Planning Officer |