Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel






Minutes of a meeting of the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel held in the Board Room, Auckland Town Hall, Ground Floor, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Wednesday, 13 May 2015 at 6.03pm.




Interim Chairperson

Dave Tomu





Carlos Abdelrahman





Naoe Hashimoto





Anita Keestra

Until 7.29pm, Item 8




Yee Yang 'Square' Lee





Angela Lim





Wong Liu Shueng

Until 7.12pm, Item 8



Liaison Councillor

Cr Denise Krum








Member Asoka Basnayake




Member Christian Dee Yao








Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

13 May 2015



1          Apologies


Resolution number ETH/2015/11

MOVED by Member Y Lee , seconded by Member A Keestra:  

That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)         accept the apology from Member A Basnayake and Member C Yao for absence, and Member A Keestra and Member W Shueng for early departure.





2          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


There were no declarations of interest.



3          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number ETH/2015/12

MOVED by Member D Tomu, seconded by Member A Keestra:  

That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 1 April 2015, as a true and correct record.




4          Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.




Election of the Chairperson


The Interim Chairperson vacated the Chair.




The Lead Officer assumed the Chair. 




Resolution number ETH/2015/13

MOVED by Member Y Lee , seconded by Member N Hashimoto:  

That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)         agree that this item be deferred to the 1 July panel meeting, noting that Deputy Chair Dave Tomu remains as Interim Chair until then.




Secretarial note:          Member Wong Liu Shueng requested her vote against the motion be recorded.




The Interim Chairperson assumed the Chair.


Deferred from 1 April 2015 meeting: Cemeteries and Crematoria Bylaw Implementation Project - Focus Group Invitation


A document with additional information was tabled at the meeting. A copy of the tabled information has been placed on the official minutes and is available at the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.




Resolution number ETH/2015/14

MOVED by Member D Tomu, seconded by Member C Abdelrahman:  

That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the update regarding the Cemeteries and Crematoria Bylaw Implementation project.





a     13 May 2015 - Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel - Item 6 - Cemeteries and Crematoria Bylaw Implementation Project Update - Tabled Information




Multi-sector action plan to prevent family, whanau and sexual violence in Auckland


Resolution number ETH/2015/15

MOVED by Member Y Lee , seconded by Member A Keestra:  

That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the report regarding Multi-sector action plan to prevent family, whanau and sexual violence in Auckland.

b)      provide feedback on what achievable actions could be taken to prevent family, whānau and sexual violence in Auckland ethnic communities, as follows:

i)          improve process for selecting community champions, including providing support for young community champions, as opposed to solely selecting established community leaders;






Ngā Reo o Tāmaki Makaurau: Auckland’s Languages - A Proposal for a Strategic Action Plan


A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy of this presentation has been placed on the official minutes and is available at the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.




Member W Shueng left the meeting at 7.12 pm.

Member A Keestra left the meeting at 7.29 pm.




Resolution number ETH/2015/16

MOVED by Member Y Lee , seconded by Member C Abdelrahman:  

That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the report regarding the proposal for Ngā Reo o Tāmaki Makaurau: Auckland’s Languages Strategic Action Plan.

b)      support the development of a Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland Languages Strategy which aims to develop a shared agenda for multilingualism and enable alignment of policy and practice to support, promote and foster all the city’s diverse languages and cultures.


Additional feedback:

-       Teaching/Learning of Te Reo Māori should be better supported, as it is an official language;

-       Increase opportunities for practice both in Auckland and abroad (exchange programmes);

-       Consider whether or not there is a disconnect between the principles and strategies and the goals and actions of the policy regarding the Asian communities





a     13 May 2015 - Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel - Item 8 - Auckland's Languages Proposal for a Strategic Action Plan - PowerPoint Presentation



The meeting adjourned at 7.37 pm and reconvened at 7.46pm.




Long-term Plan 2015-2025: Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel Strategic Advice to Auckland Council


Resolution number ETH/2015/17

MOVED by Member D Tomu, seconded by Member C Abdelrahman:  

That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the feedback from the panel members who attended the Budget Committee meeting of 14 April 2015 to present the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel strategic advice to Auckland Council regarding the Long-term Plan 2015-2025.

b)      request that the Lead Officer Support Team and Principal Advisor Panels discuss with the relevant senior staff whether a stock-take of strategies and practices of communication and engagement with ethnic communities already exists within council or what the process would be to initiate a stock-take process (if one does not exist).






Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel - Work Programme Update


The Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel receive the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel Work Programme – 13 May 2015, and the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel Schedule of Feedback and Advice Provided – 13 May 2015.









11        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  




8.16 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.







