I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Franklin Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 26 May 2015


Local Board Chambers
Pukekohe Service Centre
82 Manukau Road


Franklin Local Board









Andrew Baker


Deputy Chairperson

Jill Naysmith



Malcolm Bell



Alan Cole



Brendon Crompton



Angela Fulljames



Sarah Higgins



Murray Kay



Dr Lyn Murphy



(Quorum 5 members)




Gaylene Harvey

Democracy Advisor


19 May 2015


Contact Telephone: (09) 237 1310

Email: Gaylene.Harvey@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Franklin Local Board

26 May 2015




ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE


27        Landowner Approval for Two Storage Containers at Te Puru Park, Beachlands 5   



Franklin Local Board

26 May 2015



Landowner Approval for Two Storage Containers at Te Puru Park, Beachlands


File No.: CP2015/09242





1.       To seek landowner approval for the placement by Te Puru Community Charitable Trust and use of the two shipping containers for storage purposes for a period of six months at Te Puru Park, Beachlands.

Executive Summary

2.       The Te Puru Community Charitable Trust (the Trust) needs additional storage for the equipment used on a regular basis by the winter sports teams.  Two shipping containers were placed on the site for this purpose in April 2015. While shipping containers are not recommended as storage solutions long term, it is recommended that they be approved to address the short term storage issues while the Trust look at long term solutions. 

3.       Landowner approval is sought from the Franklin Local Board for the containers to remain on site until 1 November 2015 when they will no longer be required.  It is noted that Resource Consent and Building Consent are required for this activity if the containers stay on site after that period.



That the Franklin Local Board grants landowner approval to place two containers for storage purposes on Te Puru Park until 1 November 2015.



4.       Lack of storage space for winter sports and training gear has been an ongoing problem for the sports teams at Te Puru Park due to demand created by urban growth in the surrounding areas.  Council staff are currently working with the Te Puru Community Charitable Trust to extend the current storage facilities.

5.       Two shipping containers were placed on Te Puru Park for the purpose of storing sports and training gear for the winter sports teams.  The Trust has requested retrospective landowner approval to locate two shipping containers next to the northern entrance of the building for a period of six months.

6.       Generally Parks staff does not recommend the use of shipping containers on parks as they can detract from the amenity of the reserve.  They also function to exclude other park users from that space.  In this case it is recommended that the storage containers be approved as a short term measure only while the Trust works on its plans to expand their building.  The containers have been located on the site in a manner that minimises the visual and amenity impact to Te Puru Park and the wider community by being:

·        located on the northern side of the building, between the scout den and main building

·        of a colour that blends with the existing colour scheme of the building

·        located so as to minimise risk/obstruction to pedestrians and traffic movements

·        located to be easily accessible to the teams and Te Puru staff who utilise the gear stored inside the containers

·        are screened from view from the playing fields by existing semi mature vegetation along the driveway.



7.       At a meeting with the General Manager of the trust, it was agreed that the containers would be removed from the site before or on 1 November 2015 as they are not needed over the summer period.  


Local Board views and implications

8.       The board are aware of the storage issues within the existing building at Te Puru and are supportive of the containers being located on Te Puru Park temporarily until the storage issues are resolved.

Māori impact statement

9.       Local iwi have not been consulted on this matter, however will be involved any extensions to the existing building.


10.     The Trust will need to apply for an exemption for building consent.  It is recommended that Landowner approval  conditional on meeting building consent

11.     Under the Auckland Council Operative District Plan – Manukau Section, the containers will require resource consent if they remain on site longer than six months.  That period expires after 1 November 2015.  It is recommended that the applicant seek a new landowner approval at that time if the containers are proposed to stay on site. 

12.     When the containers are removed, the applicant shall ensure that the reserve and all its existing assets shall be reinstated to its original or better condition.







Site plan showing location of containers at Te Puru Park



Photo of container showing colour and size





Sarah  Hodder - Parks and Open Space Specialist


Ian Maxwell - General Manager Parks, Sports and Recreation

Teresa Turner - Relationship Manager


Franklin Local Board

26 May 2015



Franklin Local Board

26 May 2015