I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Youth Advisory Panel will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Monday, 25 May 2015 6.00pm Reception
Lounge |
Youth Advisory Panel
Chairperson |
Flora Apulu |
Deputy Chairperson |
Mosa Mafile'o |
Members |
Tesree Appanna |
Janice Auva'a |
Savanna Steele |
Danielle Goh |
Micah Stininato |
Alex Johnston |
Marek Townley |
Antony Kapeli-Sua |
Ginah Vakaheketaha-Nelisi |
Maggy Liu |
MacKenzie Valgre |
Tim Matthews |
Agnes Wong |
Nortessa Montgomerie |
Sam Yoon |
Matariki Roche |
Aileen Zhou |
(Quorum 9 members)
Jaimee Maha Democracy Advisor
19 May 2015
Contact Telephone: (09) 890 8126 Email: jaimee.maha@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
The purposes of the Youth Advisory Panel will be as follows:
· Identify and communicate to the Council the interests and preferences of the youth of Auckland in relation to:
o the content of the strategies, policies, plans, and bylaws of the Council, especially the economic development strategy; and
o any matter that the Panel considers to be of particular interest or concern to the youth of Auckland.
· Advise the Mayor and the Council’s governing body and local boards, of the Council processes and mechanisms for engagement with the youth in Auckland; and
· Engage with Local Boards on youth issues.
Youth Advisory Panel 25 May 2015 |
1 Apologies 5
2 Declaration of Interest 5
3 Confirmation of Minutes 5
4 Extraordinary Business 5
5 Panel Membership - Mangere-Otahuhu 7
6 Multi-sector action plan to prevent family, whanau and sexual violence in Auckland 9
7 Working Party and Sub-committee Updates 29
8 Updates from Youth Advisory Panel Members 33
9 Youth Advisory Panel Work Programme Update 37
10 Outgoing Panel Members Valedictory Speech 43
11 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Apologies
Apologies from Member Aileen Zhou and Member Nortessa Montgomerie have been received for absence.
2 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Youth Advisory Panel: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 20 April 2015, as a true and correct record.
4 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
Youth Advisory Panel 25 May 2015 |
Panel Membership - Mangere-Otahuhu
File No.: CP2015/09107
1. To note the co-option of Caroline Paepae as the Youth Advisory Panel representative for Māngere-Ōtāhuhu.
Executive Summary
2. In January 2015, Member Torranice Campel resigned due to turning 25 years of age. To fill this vacancy, Caroline Paepae has been co-opted as the local representative on the Youth Advisory Panel.
3. Caroline is an active member of the Ōtāhuhu Māngere Youth Group and currently holds the role of Deputy Chair.
That the Youth Advisory Panel: a) note the co-option of Caroline Paepae as the representative for Māngere-Ōtāhuhu until January 2016 b) note that Caroline Paepae will turn 25 in January, and that the Ōtāhuhu Māngere Youth Group will undertake another co-opt process for the remainder of the term to June 2016 c) note that a copy of this report has been forwarded to the Mayor for his endorsement.
4. The Terms of Reference Section 9 “Replacement of Panel Member” states: “If a vacancy arises the following option will be considered to fill the vacancy”:
a) the selection process used to appoint the member will be used again to fill the vacancy
b) an unsuccessful applicant from the initial appointment process may be approached
c) or a co-option
may occur. However, if there is less than 12 months until the panel may be
re-elected, the vacancy may remain”.
5. The Ōtāhuhu Māngere Youth Group (OMYG) is an informal structure that has a strong and regular attendance of 10 young leaders that meet each month. This group is widely connected to other youth groups across the local board area and has been building momentum over the last 6 months.
6. OMYG has undergone a significant process to reach a decision to support the co-option of Caroline, who is currently the Deputy Chair, after Caroline expressed her keen interest to take on the role.
7. OMYG is hosting a community meet and greet on 28 May to increase its visibility, and to introduce the new Youth Advisory Panel member. Then in the first week of July, OMYG is holding a three day youth leadership hui.
8. OMYG is aware it will need to co-opt again in January 2016 and will use this opportunity to test run an election process in preparation for the formal election of a new Youth Advisory Panel member in the next term.
Local Board views and implications
9. The Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board supports this co-option and one of the Youth Development portfolio holders has attended a meeting with OMYG to discuss the process.
Māori impact statement
10. Rangatahi are being engaged in the recruitment for the Ōtāhuhu Māngere Youth Group through connection with the many active rangatahi and youth development groups and organisations in the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board area.
11. None.
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Sarah Finlay - Strategic Advisor Youth |
Authoriser |
Sarah McGhee - Community Development Programme Manager (South) |
Youth Advisory Panel 25 May 2015 |
Multi-sector action plan to prevent family, whanau and sexual violence in Auckland
File No.: CP2015/09109
1. To inform the Youth Advisory Panel of the development of the multi-sector action plan to prevent family, whānau and sexual violence in Auckland.
Executive Summary
2. Kelly Maung, Project Leader – Violence Prevention, will make a presentation on the development of the multi-sector action plan to prevent family, whānau and sexual violence in Auckland.
3. The development of this action plan supports I Am Auckland, the panel’s work programme priority - Hauora Tāmaki Makaurau, and the goal of creating safe communities for children, young people, their families and whānau.
4. The presentation will provide an introduction to the issue of family, whānau and sexual violence, background to the development of the multi-sector action plan, progress to date and next steps.
That the Youth Advisory Panel: a) thank Kelly Maung for her presentation on the multi-sector action plan to prevent family, whānau and sexual violence in Auckland.
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aView |
aki Makaurau - E Tui! The strategic approach to violence prevention in Auckland. |
11 |
bView |
Notes from Youth Hui, 16 April 2015 |
23 |
Author |
Kelly Maung - Family Violence Prevention Project Leader, Community Development and Partnerships - West |
Authoriser |
Sarah McGhee - Community Development Programme Manager (South) |
25 May 2015 |
Working Party and Sub-committee Updates
File No.: CP2015/09172
1. To provide the Youth Advisory Panel working parties and the Communications sub-committee an opportunity to update the panel on actions.
Executive Summary
2. To provide updates on the actions and progress of the following working parties and the Communications sub-committee:
· Homegrown Youth Change-makers Project working group and Youth Awards Working Party: Chairperson F Apulu, Members T Appanna, D Goh, T Matthews and M Roche
· Communications sub-committee – Members M Townley, M Liu and D Goh
· Youth Awards 2015 Working Party – Chairperson Flora Apulu, Members T Matthews, S Steele, T Sua, A Johnson, M Valgre, G Vakaheketaha-Nelisi, M Liu, M Stininato and J Auva’a
· Auckland is My Playground Steering Group – Members T Matthews and M Stininato
That the Youth Advisory Panel: a) thank the working party/sub-committee leads for their updates. b) forward sub-committee/working party updates for the attention of respective local youth voice mechanisms. |
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Auckland is My Playground Update |
31 |
Author |
Sarah Finlay - Strategic Advisor Youth |
Authoriser |
Sarah McGhee - Community Development Programme Manager (South) |
Youth Advisory Panel 25 May 2015 |
Auckland is My Playground Update
Tim Matthews
Micah and I are working together with Auckland is my Playgorund lead Jo Macmillan in the Parks, Sport and Recreation department (PSR).
The PSR team has a team of workers who are working towards achieving the outcomes of this goal as set out in the I Am Auckland Plan. Focus for this goal is young people engagement, young people solutions and young people advocates. The YAP members working with the Auckland is my Playgorund team advocate and advise PSR on how to improve or change their actions, plans, goals and events to benefit and attract young people.
Projects from the Auckland is my Playgorund team:
Youth Week: Auckland is my Playground is creating a poster to raise the awareness of the Auckland is my playground goal as the voice of Auckland’s youth to youth and stakeholders within the sport and recreation sector. The poster will direct audience to the Auckland Youth Facebook page for more information.
Parks, Sport and Recreation have sponsored the Auckland is my Playground Award for the I Am Auckland Awards.
The equipment recycling project is an outcome of the ‘Youth Speak Sport’ young people’s sport and recreation summit. The purpose of the project is to provide second hand sports equipment at a reduced cost to those who need it. AKtive have been contracted to deliver this project.
The Us Girls project seeks to develop a holistic Auckland-wide approach to ‘growing and retaining’ young girls in sport and recreation via formal and informal opportunities. This project has a number of projects and is due to launch this year.
The aim of the Sport Beyond School Project is to retain school leavers in sport and recreation by creating a viable and sustainable pathway through tertiary institutions through:
· Improving and increasing the participation pathways for school leavers
· Increasing opportunities for students to participate in sport and recreation at tertiary institutions, based on their identified needs.
· Improving the quality of students experience in sport and recreation at tertiary institutions
· Improving the awareness and accessibility of sport and recreation opportunities beyond school for 16-20 year olds.
· This project is in its final year and delivering a number of sport and recreation opportunities including Play Now (equipment in parks) and UniM8s (social sport for both secondary school and Uni students)
Next Steps:
Jo will report to YAP in August to request a new Youth Advisory Panel Member to join the steering team and work with the Auckland is my Playground team.
25 May 2015 |
Updates from Youth Advisory Panel Members
File No.: CP2015/09170
1. To provide an opportunity for Youth Advisory Panel members to update the meeting on local action and issues.
Executive Summary
2. These updates are provided by members to share local information and highlight any matters of concern to the youth of Auckland. This information can be taken by members back to their respective local youth voice mechanisms as appropriate.
That the Youth Advisory Panel: a) note the updates from the panel members.
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May Albert-Eden Members Update |
35 |
Author |
Sarah Finlay - Strategic Advisor Youth |
Authoriser |
Sarah McGhee - Community Development Programme Manager (South) |
Youth Advisory Panel 25 May 2015 |
Albert-Eden Youth Board:
1. The Albert Eden Youth Board held an information evening on Wednesday 13th May. The purpose of the evening was two-fold: to showcase what the youth board does to other young people in the community; and to recruit some potential new members. The event was a success and we may hold more similar events later in the year.
2. The first round of funding recipients for the “Think Big” have been selected. These are local community projects by young people for young people in the community
3. Youth week activities:
· Saturday 23rd May: Sports at Owairaka Park
· Monday 25th May: Mural painting at Nicholson Park (two workshops will be held the week before to develop the idea)
· Tuesday 26th
& Wednesday 27th May: Dance Workshop at Mt Albert Memorial Hall.
Youth Advisory Panel Representative – Agnes Wong
This meeting will Agnes’ final YAP meeting, and she is very grateful for all the experiences, opportunities and skills she gained over the past two years as the Youth Advisory Panel Representative for Albert-Eden. It has been an incredible journey and demonstration of just how effective and capable young people can be, with their vision and desire to make a difference.
Albert-Eden is now in the process of selecting their new representative.
25 May 2015 |
Youth Advisory Panel Work Programme Update
File No.: CP2015/09351
1. To receive up-to-date information regarding the Youth Advisory Panel’s work programme.
Executive Summary
2. This monthly update allows the panel to note and discuss the progress of its work programme.
That the Youth Advisory Panel: a) receive the Youth Advisory Panel Work Programme update.
No. |
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aView |
Youth Advisory Panel - Advice and Feedback Schedule - May |
39 |
bView |
Youth Advisory Panel - May work programme |
41 |
Author |
Bruce Thomas - Principal Advisor Panels |
Authoriser |
Sarah McGhee - Community Development Programme Manager (South) |
Youth Advisory Panel 25 May 2015 |
Outgoing Panel Members Valedictory Speech
File No.: CP2015/09104
1. For Youth Advisory Panel members to mark the end of their term on the panel by sharing closing remarks and provide any outgoing advice to the council on how Auckland can be a better city for young people.
Executive Summary
2. The Youth Advisory Panel is made up of 21 young people aged 12-24 years, nominated from the 21 local board areas (one nomination from each local board area); and involves a two-year term served by each member from July to June (member terms will be staggered so that half of the membership will turn over each year).
3. The outgoing members completing their term are:
· Agnes Wong, Albert-Eden
· Ginah Vakaheketaha-Nelisi, Maungakiekie-Tamaki
· Marek Townley, Franklin
· Matariki Roche, Waiheke
· Mosaiati Ata'ata Mafileo, Puketapapa
· Nortessa Montgomerie, Great Barrier
· Savanna Steele, Rodney
· Tim Matthews, Kaipatiki
That the Youth Advisory Panel: a) thank outgoing members for their service to the panel.
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Sarah Finlay - Strategic Advisor Youth |
Authoriser |
Sarah McGhee - Community Development Programme Manager (South) |