Auckland City Centre Advisory Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board held in Room 1, Level 29, 135 Albert Street, Auckland on Wednesday, 24 June 2015 at 3.00pm.
Chairperson |
Dr Lucy Baragwanath |
University of Auckland |
Deputy Chairperson |
Kate Healy |
Orakei Whai Rawa Limited |
Members |
Dick Ayres |
Member, CBD Residents Advisory Group |
Tim Coffey |
Member, CBD Residents Advisory Group |
Jillian de Beer |
de Beer Marketing & Communications |
Barbara Holloway (from 3.05pm, item 6) |
Karangahape Road Business Association |
Andrea Hutchins (from 3.10pm, item 6) |
Property Council of NZ |
Mike Lee (from 3.07pm, item 6) |
Councillor, Auckland Council |
Nigel Murphy |
Auckland University of Technology |
Rory Palmer (on behalf of the Mayor) |
Auckland Council |
Vernon Tava (alternate) |
Waitemata Local Board Member |
Tania Loveridge (alternate) |
Heart of the City |
Mayor Len Brown, JP |
John Coop |
Shale Chambers |
David Wright |
Pippa Coom |
Waitemata Local Board |
Prof Jenny Dixon |
University of Auckland |
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 24 June 2015 |
Resolution number CEN/2015/38 MOVED by Member Tim Coffey, seconded by Member Nigel Murphy: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) accept the apologies from Members John Coop and Shale Chambers for absence, members Barbara Holloway, Andrea Hutchins and Cr Mike Lee for lateness. |
2 Declaration of Interest
Member Jillian de Beer declared an interest in relation to item 11: K’Road Business Association funding proposals.
Member Barbara Holloway declared an interest in relation to item 11: K’Road Business Association funding proposal.
Member Tania Loveridge declared an interest in relation to item 7: Proposed 2015-25 Targeted Rate Funding Criteria and Forward Work Programme. The conflict of interest was for the City Centre Targeted Rate Forward Programme only, in relation to Pedestrian Counts and Destination Marketing projects of which Heart of the City is a recipient of funding.
It should be noted that Heart of the City’s (HOTC) recommendation to increase funding to pedestrian counts is not with any intent to directly fund HOTC. It identifies the potential to ensure adequate capture of counts in new areas earmarked for future investment and this would be through council investment.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number CEN/2015/39 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson Kate Healy, seconded by Member Tim Coffey: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 27 May 2015, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
4 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
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The chair tabled a copy of the invitation from the Council for Board’s representatives to attend the Port Future Study plenary meeting as a “Community Group”. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available as a minutes attachment. Member Tim Coffey advised that the CBD Residents group also received the same invitation. Tim and Dick Ayres will also attend as members of the CBD Residents Group. |
Resolution number CEN/2015/40 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson Kate Healy, seconded by Member Tim Coffey: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) receive the information b) appoint deputy chair Kate Healy and members Dick Ayres and Tim Coffey to attend the Port Future Study plenary meeting on Thursday, 9 July 2015. |
a 24 June 2015 - Auckland City Centre Advisory Board - Item 5 Issues of significance - Port Future Study invitation |
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CCI Progress Update for Auckland City Centre Advisory Board |
Member Barbara Holloway entered the meeting at 3.05pm Cr Mike Lee entered the meeting at 3.07pm Member Andrea Hutchins entered the meeting at 3.10pm. |
Andrew Guthrie, Programme Director spoke and answered questions on his report. |
Member Tania Loveridge provided the following verbal update in relation to the on-line survey of local businesses and community members: Heart of the City (HOTC) have recently undertaken a survey about the O’Connell Street upgrade and the future of High Street with businesses and property owners in the High Street District. The survey was sent to 385 businesses and property owners, and 96 (or 25%) of businesses responded to the survey. A request for additional feedback has been made so the summary of results presented are to be treated as draft until published (in July), and the full report will be published and available then. Some of the key findings from the survey: · The majority of businesses (74) who responded to the survey agreed that there are benefits of investment into public spaces on their businesses and the surrounding environment. · When specifically asked about their overall views and impressions of the recently completed O’Connell Street upgrade, 69 of the 96 businesses who responded to the survey, were overall positive about the O’Connell Street upgrade, with a range of comments expressing the benefits and value of the upgrade on businesses and the environment. · There were six businesses that were overall negative about the O’Connell Street upgrade. · When asked about a future upgrade of High Street, 59 businesses said that they would support an upgrade of High Street. Whilst eight did not support a proposed upgrade of High Street, a further five businesses said they would “maybe” support an upgrade of High Street. · Construction impact is real, and it is important that good upfront planning is undertaken with businesses, consideration about how construction is carried out, along with good communication to mitigate this impact. HOTC Executive confirmed their support for the commitment of $15m to an upgrade of High Street as part of the ten year plan. |
A Board’s workshop to be scheduled to seek feedback on design principles and assumptions in relation to Freyberg Square and Ellen Melville/Pioneer Women’s Hall. |
A Board’s workshop to be scheduled in August/September in relation to the review of public transport options and freight / motorway interfaces with city centre movement which will form part of Auckland Transport’s refreshed regional Integrated Transport Plan. |
Resolution number CEN/2015/41 MOVED by Member Tim Coffey, seconded by Member Tania Loveridge: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) receive the City Centre Integration progress report, updated to 19th June 2015. b) receive the verbal update from Heart of the City in relation to the survey undertaken for O’Connell Street and the future of High Street upgrade. |
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Proposed 2015-25 Targeted Rate Funding Criteria and Forward Work Programme |
Todd Berry, Senior Programme Manager was in attendance for this item. The following feedback was received for the Senior Programme Manager to consider prior to the Board’s adoption at a future meeting. |
Member Tania Loveridge declared a conflict of interest for the City Centre Targeted Rate Forward Programme only, in relation to Pedestrian Counts and Destination Marketing projects of which Heart of the City is a recipient of funding. |
City Centre Targeted Rate Assessment Criteria (CCTR) Member Tania Loveridge recommended alterations to the draft criteria’s weighting. The recommendations were agreed to by the meeting as follows:
CCTR Funding – Proposed Reallocation Member Tania Loveridge would like to see General Rates allocated to the Queen’s wharf project and recommended the following for staff to consider: Queen’s Wharf Current proposal: $20m CCTR Funding Recommends: $11m GR funding; $9m CCTR funding To offset the above reallocation, recommends the following: Federal Street: Current proposal: $11m GR funding: $7m CCTR funding Recommends : $0m GR funding; $18m CCTR funding Noting that Federal Street is a ‘local project’ therefore it is recommended for it to be 100% CCTR funded. Opex and Other Projects Pedestrian Counts: Recommended increasing the Pedestrian Count allocation to make provision to grow the Pedestrian Count programme particularly in areas where future upgrades are planned.
Public Art Members Jillian de Beer and Loveridge recommended that all capital projects have a ring fenced budget allocation for the inclusion of public art. Wayfinding Signage: Member Tania Loveridge queried whether the current allocation ensure a completed wayfinding signage network.
Destination Marketing: Member Tania Loveridge noted that the extension of the $400k allocation of the Destination marketing budget across the 10 year work programme, which is beyond the approved four year timeframe. |
The Board also requested a re-order of priority for CCTR – Project Assessment Matrix projects. |
Resolution number CEN/2015/42 MOVED by Member Barbara Holloway, seconded by Member Nigel Murphy: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) adopt the proposed City Centre Targeted Rate (CCTR) Project Assessment Criteria as a guide to the assessment of proposed project benefits and importance, relative to potential funding through the CCTR b) receive the Draft Forward Work Programme including the current proposed targeted rate funded projects for the FY15/16 – FY24/25 period c) review and provide feedback on the Forward Work Programme to enable the programme to be amended and adopted d) agree that the City Centre Targeted Rate Assessment Criteria be amended as follows:
e) note the feedback from the meeting for further consideration by staff for adoption at a future Auckland City Centre Board meeting. |
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Karangahape Road Cycling and Public Realm Enhancement Project |
Gavin Flynn, Senior Project Leader, City Centre Design and Kathryn King, Walking and Cycling Manager, Auckland Transport were in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number CEN/2015/43 MOVED by Member Barbara Holloway, seconded by Member Nigel Murphy: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) support a collaborative Auckland Transport and Auckland Council project, to deliver a protected cycleway, pedestrian improvements and public realm enhancements to Karangahape Road (K Rd) b) endorse the allocation of targeted rate funding of $250,000 for investigation and design of proposed pedestrian and public realm improvements to the K Rd Cycleway in the 2015/16 financial year c) endorse the allocation of targeted rate funding of up to $4.75m in 2015-17 for pedestrian and public realm improvements to the K Rd Cycleway. Funding will be subject to a further recommendation to the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board following initial design and costings. |
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Gyles Bendall, Principal Specialist Urban Design was in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number CEN/2015/44 MOVED by Member Tim Coffey, seconded by Member Vernon Tava: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) endorse the scope of the proposed Nelson Street Cycleway amenity improvements b) endorse allocation of up to $2M of city centre targeted rate funding in 2015/16 for the design and implementation of amenity upgrades to the Nelson St cycleway, over and above the base cycleway funding provided by NZTA and Auckland Transport. |
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Tim Watts, Manager Built Environment and Georgina Gilmour were in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number CEN/2015/45 MOVED by Member Tim Coffey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson Kate Healy: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) receive and endorse the City Centre Place Activation Strategy 2015 – 2020 b) endorse the allocation of City Centre Targeted Rate (CCTR) for City Centre Place Activation programme delivery i.e. to deliver strategy outcomes as follows; · 2015/16 $600,000 · 2016/17 $750,000 · 2017-2020 $900,000 per annum. |
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Members Barbara Holloway and Jillian de Beer declared conflict of interests on this item and left the meeting at 4.10pm. |
The resolutions were taken by clause: |
Resolution number CEN/2015/46 MOVED by Member Nigel Murphy, seconded by Member Tim Coffey: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) endorse allocation of Targeted Rate funding of $25,000.00 for the review and refreshing of the K’Rd Strategic Plan in 2015/16. |
MOVED by Member Vernon Tava, That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: b) endorse allocation of Targeted Rate funding of $15,005.40 for producing a book on Myers Park in 2015/16. The recommendation lapsed for want of a seconder. |
Members Barbara Holloway and Jillian de Beer returned to the meeting at 4.08pm. |
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Mike Sinclair, Manager Social Policy and Bylaws was present for this item. |
Resolution number CEN/2015/47 MOVED by Member Nigel Murphy, seconded by Deputy Chairperson Kate Healy: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) receive the update presentation regarding street life in the city centre. |
13 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
Resolution number CEN/2015/48 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson Kate Healy, seconded by Member Tania Loveridge: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting. b) agree that Prof Jenny Dixon, new representative for the University of Auckland be permitted to remain for the confidential items as an observer. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows. This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows: C1 Selection and Appointment of Auckland City Centre Advisory Board Membership
C2 Appointment of members
The text of these resolutions was made available to the public who were present at the meeting and formed part of the minutes of the meeting.
4.32pm The public was excluded.
Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.
4.58pm The public was re-admitted.
It was resolved while the public was excluded:
C1 |
Selection and Appointment of Auckland City Centre Advisory Board Membership |
That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: d) agree that the report and resolutions remain confidential. |
C2 |
That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: d) agree that the resolutions remain confidential until the successful and unsuccessful candidates have been informed. |
4.59 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.