Finance and Performance Committee
Minutes of a meeting of the Finance and Performance Committee held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Thursday, 18 June 2015 at 9.34am.
Chairperson |
Cr Penny Webster |
Deputy Chairperson |
Cr Ross Clow |
Members |
Cr Anae Arthur Anae |
From 9.42am, Item 9 |
Cr Cameron Brewer |
Mayor Len Brown, JP |
From 10.37am, Item 12 |
Cr Dr Cathy Casey |
Cr Bill Cashmore |
Cr Linda Cooper, JP |
Cr Chris Darby |
Cr Hon Christine Fletcher, QSO |
Cr Denise Krum |
Cr Mike Lee |
Cr Calum Penrose |
Cr Dick Quax |
From 10.10am, Item 10 |
Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM |
Member David Taipari |
Member John Tamihere |
Cr Wayne Walker |
From 9.36am, Item 9 |
Cr John Watson |
From 9.39am, Item 9 |
Cr George Wood, CNZM |
Cr Alf Filipaina |
Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse |
Cr Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE |
Finance and Performance Committee 18 June 2015 |
1 Apologies
Resolution number FIN/2015/47 MOVED by Chairperson MP Webster, seconded by Member DE Taipari: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) accept the apologies from Cr AM Filipaina, Cr JG Walker and Deputy Mayor PA Hulse for absence, and from Cr D Quax for lateness. |
2 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number FIN/2015/48 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson RI Clow, seconded by Member DE Taipari: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 21 May 2015, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
4 Petitions
There were no petitions.
5 Public Input
There was no public input.
6 Local Board Input
There was no local board input.
7 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
8 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
9 |
Brenda Steele, Rodney Local Board Chair, was in attendance and spoke to the item. |
Cr WD Walker entered the meeting at 9.36am. Cr J Watson entered the meeting at 9.39am. Cr AJ Anae entered the meeting at 9.42am. |
Secretarial Note: Changes to the original motion were incorporated with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number FIN/2015/49 MOVED by Cr LA Cooper, seconded by Cr CM Penrose: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) approve, subject to the satisfactory conclusion of any required statutory processes: i) the disposal of the land at 29 Tiraumea Drive, Pakuranga comprised of an estate in fee simple comprising approximately 718m2 more or less being Lot 54 Deposited Plan 48712 and contained in certificate of title NA1943/53; ii) the subdivision of the land at 31-35 Mill Road, Helensville comprised of an estate in fee simple containing 2.3932 hectares more or less being Lot 2 Deposited Plan 83926 and contained in Certificate of Title NA40B/424 and: 1. the retention of approximately 20m2 as esplanade reserve; 2. the retention of approximately 5,500m2 as a resource recovery facility; 3. the investigation of the retention of a further 300m2, after working with the Rodney Local Board; 4. the disposal of the balance of the land. b) agree that final terms and conditions be approved under the appropriate delegations. |
Secretarial Note: Pursuant to Standing Order 1.8.6, Cr GS Wood requested his dissenting vote be recorded. |
10 |
Auckland Regional Amenities Funding Act (ARAFA) Funding Model Review - Options |
A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Cr D Quax entered the meeting at 10.10am. |
Resolution number FIN/2015/50 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson RI Clow, seconded by Chairperson MP Webster: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) endorse the following options for evaluation against the criteria endorsed by the Finance and Performance Committee on 21 May 2015: i) Status Quo (No change to existing ARAFA framework) ii) Enhanced ARAFA – ‘Clear Pathway to Capital’ iii) Enhanced ARAFA – ‘Sustainable Funding’ iv) Enhanced ARAFA – ‘Alignment/Groupings’ v) Baseline Plus CPI vi) Strong Funder vii) Auckland Council Dedicated Fund b) request a report to its 20 August 2015 meeting, evaluating the options in clause a) above and identifying a preferred or combination of options. |
Secretarial Note: Pursuant to Standing Order 1.8.6, Cr GS Wood requested his dissenting vote be recorded. |
a 18 June 2015, Finance and Performance Committee, Item 10 - Auckland Regional Amenities Funding Act - Funding Model Review Presentation |
11 |
Asset transfer of pavilion on Matakana Diamond Jubilee Park to Matakana Branch Pony Club Incorporated |
Resolution number FIN/2015/51 MOVED by Chairperson MP Webster, seconded by Cr LA Cooper: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) approve the asset transfer of the pavilion building only on the Matakana Diamond Jubilee Park, Matakana described as Part Allotment 3 Parish of Matakana Deeds Plan C19 (3.8066HA) to the Matakana Branch Pony Club Incorporated (Attachment A shows a GIS image of the Matakana Diamond Jubilee Park on which the pavilion is identified and also an image of the pavilion building). |
12 |
A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Secretarial Note: Changes to the original motion were incorporated prior to the meeting. |
Mayor LCM Brown entered the meeting at 10.37am. Member DE Taipari left the meeting at 10.47am. |
Resolution number FIN/2015/52 MOVED by Chairperson MP Webster, seconded by Cr CM Casey: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) receive the Bi-Monthly business improvement and performance report and the presentation from Sarah Sinclair, Chief Engineer. |
a 18 June 2015, Finance and Performance Committee, Item 12 - Business Improvement Update Presentation |
13 |
Member DE Taipari returned to the meeting at 10.56am. |
Resolution number FIN/2015/53 MOVED by Cr C Darby, seconded by Cr CM Penrose: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) provide shareholder approval for Waterfront Auckland to convert $128 million from debt to equity for public benefit capital expenditure, and the resulting share issue to Auckland Council. b) delegate to the Chair of the Finance and Performance Committee and the Auckland Council Chief Financial Officer the ability to provide any future shareholder approval on share issues for public benefit capital expenditure that has been approved through a Long-term Plan or Annual Plan. |
14 |
Delegation to commence consultation for new funding areas to be incorporated within the contributions policy |
Secretarial Note: Changes to the original motion were incorporated with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number FIN/2015/54 MOVED by Cr C Darby, seconded by Chairperson MP Webster: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) delegate to the Chief Financial Officer the authority to publicly consult on the proposed establishment of a new funding area within the contributions policy, and the process for that consultation; b) agree to receive quarterly progress reporting, from council staff, to provide an overview on the status of new funding areas that are being consulted on. |
15 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
11.01am The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.