Franklin Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Franklin Local Board held in the Local Board Chambers, Pukekohe Service Centre, 82 Manukau Road, Pukekohe on Tuesday, 16 June 2015 at 9.30am.
Chairperson |
Andrew Baker |
Deputy Chairperson |
Jill Naysmith |
Members |
Malcolm Bell |
Alan Cole |
Brendon Crompton |
Angela Fulljames |
Sarah Higgins |
Murray Kay |
Dr Lyn Murphy |
Franklin Local Board 16 June 2015 |
1 Welcome
The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.
2 Apologies
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number FR/2015/84 MOVED by Chairperson AP Baker, seconded by Member MA Kay: That the Franklin Local Board confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 26 May 2015, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
Resolution number FR/2015/85 MOVED by Member AM Fulljames, seconded by Member LM Murphy: That the Franklin Local Board approves the requests for leaves of absence from Members Baker and Kay. |
6 Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
8.1 |
Deputation : Counties Manukau Health Board - Warm Up Counties Manukau Project |
Resolution number FR/2015/86 MOVED by Chairperson AP Baker, seconded by Member AM Fulljames: That the Franklin Local Board thanks Erin Murphy from Counties Manukau District Health Board for her attendance. |
8.2 |
Resolution number FR/2015/87 MOVED by Member MJF Bell, seconded by Member AM Fulljames: a) That the Franklin Local Board thanks John Shaw and Graeme Land from the Ararimu Residents & Ratepayers Association for their attendance. b) That the Franklin Local Board requests staff assess the opportunity for acquisition of additional land from St Mary’s Catholic parish and report back to the local board. |
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
Members of the Waiuku Maori Wardens attended and provided an update on their activities. They also requested assistance with seeking appropriate office space within the Waiuku town centre. |
Resolution number FR/2015/88 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson AJ Naysmith, seconded by Member BS Crompton: That the Franklin Local Board thanks Ngaire Schmidt-Raumati and Sheila Kirimangu Turner from Waiuku Maori Wardens for their attendance. |
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
12 |
New Road Name Approval for a rural subdivision at 433F Pinnacle Hill Road, Bombay. |
Resolution number FR/2015/89 MOVED by Member BS Crompton, seconded by Member MJF Bell: That the Franklin Local Board, pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974, approves the road name “Kimber Road”, proposed by the Applicant, for the new road created by way of subdivision at 433F Pinnacle Hill Road, Bombay, while noting that the name ‘Puketiro Road’ also meets the road naming criteria. |
13 |
Private Way Name Approval for a staged Residential Subdivision at Anselmi Ridge, Pukekohe |
Resolution number FR/2015/90 MOVED by Member AQ Cole, seconded by Member SJR Higgins: That the Franklin Local Board, pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974, approves the name ‘Bale Way’, proposed by the Applicant, for the Private Way created by way of subdivision at Anselmi Ridge, Pukekohe, while noting that ‘Pasture Way’, ‘Flock Way’, ‘Magpie Way’ and ‘Ripa Way’, as well as the names suggested by local Iwi, ‘Kapuia Way’, ‘Te Maania Way’, ‘Rerenga Manu’, and ‘Koropupu Way’ also meet the road naming criteria. |
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Private Way Name Approval for a Residential Subdivision at 127 and 161 Batty Road, Pukekohe |
Resolution number FR/2015/91 MOVED by Member BS Crompton, seconded by Member AQ Cole: That the Franklin Local Board, pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974, approves the name “Bushlake Way”, proposed by the Applicant, for the Private Way created by way of a subdivision at 127 and 161 Batty Road Pukekohe, while noting that ‘Primelake Way’, ‘Primebush Way’ and ‘Ara Hunawai’ also meet the road naming criteria. |
15 |
New Road Names Approval for the subdivision by Beachlands Avenues Limited at 49 Jack Lachlan Drive, Beachlands |
Staff tabled an addendum report in regard to an additional road name for the development at 49 Jack Lachlan Drive, Beachlands. |
Resolution number FR/2015/92 MOVED by Member MJF Bell, seconded by Member AQ Cole: a) That the Franklin Local Board, pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974, approves the road names ‘Doidge Street’, ‘Karo Road’, ‘Flaxfield Lane’, ‘George Town Drive’, ‘Kahawairahi Drive’ and ‘Motukaraka Drive’ proposed by the Applicant, for the new roads created by way of subdivision at 49 Jack Lachlan Drive, Beachlands, noting that these names meet the relevant road naming criteria. b) That the Franklin Local Board, pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974, approves the road name “Mahutonga Avenue”, proposed by the Applicant, for the new road created by way of subdivision at 49 Jack Lachlan Drive, Beachlands, noting that the name meets the relevant road naming criteria. |
a Addendum report |
16 |
Franklin Local Board Community Group Funding - Applications for Round Two 2014/2015 |
Resolution number FR/2015/93 MOVED by Chairperson AP Baker, seconded by Member AQ Cole: That the Franklin Local Board agrees to fund, part fund or decline each application for this round:
b) That the Franklin Local Board transfer the remaining $14,002 to the Local Board Discretionary Operational Budget. |
17 |
Manukau Heritage Item Assistance Fund Allocation 2014/2015 - Round 2 |
Resolution number FR/2015/94 MOVED by Chairperson AP Baker, seconded by Member AM Fulljames: That the Franklin Local Board notes there is $7,344 remaining in the Manukau Heritage Item Assistance Fund, and allocates the remaining balance as follows: a) Allocation of $640.00 to application MHIA14_150005 from Pukekohe East Church Preservation Society Inc. as a contribution towards door and frame repairs and sill replacement. b) Allocation of $6,704.00 to application MHIA14_150007 from Amanda Simpson as a contribution towards re-piling. |
MOVED by Member AM Fulljames, seconded by Member LM Murphy an amendment to the original recommendation as follows: That the amount for each landcare group in a) be $7,000. A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The amendment was declared EQUAL. The chair exercised his casting vote against so the motion was LOST. |
Resolution number FR/2015/95 MOVED by Chairperson AP Baker, seconded by Member BS Crompton: a) That the Franklin Local Board allocates funding from its discretionary 2014/2015 operational budget to the following projects:
b) That the Franklin Local Board offers up the balance of $12,355 as operational savings for the 2014/2015 financial year.
Secretarial Note: Pursuant to standing order 3.15.5 Member AJ Naysmith requested her vote against the amount provided in a) above for the Sunset Coast BMX Club be recorded and Member LM Murphy requested her vote against b) above be recorded. |
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Resolution number FR/2015/96 MOVED by Chairperson AP Baker, seconded by Member BS Crompton: a) That the Franklin Local Board approves the 2015/2016 Community Development, Arts and Culture work programme as per Attachment A on pages 47 to 49 of the agenda, with the following amendment: i) In the events work programme (not requiring additional budget), add a line item “hold an events forum for organisers of events in Franklin to share experiences, learn from each other, assist with cross-promotion and help to grow and connect events held in Franklin, with the aim of creating a Franklin events package. b) That the Franklin Local Board notes that the Community Development and Safety component of the work programme is dependent upon the outcome of the Empowered Communities Approach. c) That the Franklin Local Board approves the community lease work plan for 2015/2016 as per Attachment B on pages 51 to 55 in the agenda and request that staff undertake a review of the way the programme is reported. d) That the Franklin Local Board strongly urges the Chief Executive take appropriate action to ensure all expired and soon to expire community leases are up to date within the next 6 months, including the provision of additional resource to achieve this.
Secretarial Note: The agenda and all the attachments referred to in the above resolutions are available on the Auckland Council website. |
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Franklin Local Board Community Fees and Charges - July to December 2014 - Adoption of 2015/2016 Community Facilites Fees and Charges |
Resolution number FR/2015/97 MOVED by Member MJF Bell, seconded by Deputy Chairperson AJ Naysmith: a) That the Franklin Local Board agrees that the 2014/2015 community facilities hire fees will remain, uninflated, for the 2015/2016 year, and adopts the following fees and charges effective from 1 July 2015:
b) That the Franklin Local Board requests council staff to communicate with the groups in transition to confirm the new rates and that the 2015/2016 year will be the final year of transitional arrangements. c) That the Franklin Local Board requests staff report back with options regarding multi-day hire rates. d) That the Franklin Local Board requests council staff to provide regular updates on the impact of the hire fees and the performance of council-managed community facilities as part of the quarterly reports. e) That the Franklin Local Board advise staff that the existing criteria for identifying “priority groups” who will be eligible for a 50% discount of the regular user charge be retained i.e.: i) not for profit groups/charitable trusts, or ii) community organisations f) That the Franklin Local Board has used the following criteria for determining a number of local board nominated groups that are eligible for a 100% discount for 2015/16: i) community good; ii) little or no income; iii) alignment with local board plan priorities; iv) volunteers who work with council; v) independence of the organisation. g) That the Franklin Local Board, after consideration of the criteria in resolution e), has determined that the following nominated groups be provided 100% discount for community venues and arts facilities in Franklin for the 2015/2016 year: i) FRANCOSS (Franklin Council of Social Services) ii) Communicare iii) Franklin Youth Advisory Board iv) Franklin Heritage Forum v) Well Women vi) 60+ vii) Keep Franklin Beautiful viii) Mudlarks ix) Pukekohe Senior Citizens’ Group x) Clevedon Roundup Newsletter group |
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Resolution number FR/2015/98 MOVED by Chairperson AP Baker, seconded by Member MA Kay: a) That the Franklin Local Board adopts the local content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (Attachment A on pages 79 to 89 of the agenda), including: i) a Local Board Agreement 2015/2016, with the following amendment: · Change the address details for local board member Alan Cole from P O Box 92300, Auckland 1142 to 239d Clarks Beach Road, RD4, Pukekohe 2679. ii) a message from the chair. iii) local board advocacy, with the following amendment: · delete the Manukau Harbour initiative re hydrodynamic modelling subject to the Governing Body confirming its earlier decision to investigate this project further and allocate $400,000 funding in the 2015-2025 Long-term Plan. b) That the Franklin Local Board adopts the Local Fees and Charges Schedules for 2015/2016 (Attachment B on pages 91 to 92 of the agenda), with the following amendment: · add “Waiuku Community Hall” to the schedule with the following hourly fees and charges from 1 July 2015 Main Hall Peak Standard - $34 and Off-peak Standard - $27.20. c) That the Franklin Local Board agrees the Library Opening Hours for 2015/2016 (Attachment C on page 93 of the agenda). d) That the Franklin Local Board notes: i) supporting material for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (Attachment D on pages 95 to105 of the agenda), including 10 year local activity budgets and 10 year local performance targets; ii) local activity budgets have been updated to reflect final budget decisions made by the governing body on 8 May 2015, budget adjustments arising from new information (including the setup of a central risk fund for capital projects) and the allocation of central costs; iii) if there are outstanding (not yet agreed) matters in the local board agreement, the local board should include an explanation of these matters in the Chair’s message at the front of the local board agreement; iv) that the resolutions of this meeting will be reported back to the governing body when it meets to adopt the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 on 25 June 2015. e) That the Franklin Local Board agrees that the Chairperson be delegated authority to make any final minor changes to the Local Board Agreement, advocacy items, local fees and charges, and library opening hours.
Secretarial Note: The agenda and all the attachments referred to in the above resolutions are available on the Auckland Council website. |
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Resolution number FR/2015/99 MOVED by Member LM Murphy, seconded by Member AQ Cole: a) That the Franklin Local Board approves the expansion of the scope of project #349 Pacific Street, Waiuku - new footpath under the Local Board Transport Capital Fund to further include road stormwater work, new kerb and channel and land purchase at the bend to ease the radius of the corner, as shown on the plan tabled at the meeting, for the additional rough estimate of cost of $80,000. b) That the Franklin Local Board further approves construction on the expanded Pacific Street, Waiuku - new footpath project, subject to consultation with the affected landowner, to be funded from the Local Board Transport Capital Fund based on the expanded cost estimate of $147,500. |
a Plan for Pacific Street, Waiuku - new footpath |
23 |
Submission to proposed variation to the Auckland Regional Public Transport Plan 2013 |
Resolution number FR/2015/100 MOVED by Chairperson AP Baker, seconded by Member BS Crompton: That the Franklin Local Board endorses the submission to the proposed variation to the Regional Public Transport Plan 2013 in Attachment A on pages 125 to 126 of the agenda.
Secretarial Note: The agenda and all the attachments referred to in the above resolutions are available on the Auckland Council website. |
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Resolution number FR/2015/101 MOVED by Member MA Kay, seconded by Deputy Chairperson AJ Naysmith: a) That the Franklin Local Board supports the draft Community Facilities Network Plan and associated draft Action Plan to guide council’s investment in the provision of community facilities. b) That the Franklin Local Board provides the following feedback to the draft Community Facilities Network Plan and associated draft Action Plan: i) Reiterates previous feedback given formally at its business meeting on 28 October 2014 and informally at a workshop on 17 March 2015. ii) Restates previous feedback that geographic isolation should be included as part of the prioritisation criteria and that growth (including Special Housing Areas) should be given greater weighting. iii) Supports the inclusion of an investigation into arts and culture needs in Franklin in the action plan. iv) Reiterates the need for the investigation of aquatic facilities in Franklin to include disability and rehabilitation needs as well as sporting needs. v) Requests that the action to investigate the need for provision of library facilities in Beachlands is extended to include other community and sporting facilities, given the high growth predictions for the area. vi) Reiterates the request for more accurate mapping of facility locations. |
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Resolution number FR/2015/102 MOVED by Member AQ Cole, seconded by Member MA Kay: That the Franklin Local Board receives the workshop notes for 19 May 2015. |
26 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
11.50 am The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.