Great Barrier Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Great Barrier Local Board held in the Claris Conference Centre, 19 Whangaparapara Road, Claris, Great Barrier Island on Wednesday, 10 June 2015 at 10.00am.





Izzy Fordham




Deputy Chairperson

Susan Daly





Jeff Cleave





Judy Gilbert





Christina Spence





























Charmayne Dobbs


Karen Walker

Great Barrier Island Community Heritage and Arts Village Trust

Tony Christiansen

Destination Great Barrier Island Inc. and

Great Barrier Island History Research Group

Erica Archibald

Destination Great Barrier Island Inc. and Great Barrier Lodge

Steven Kendall

Great Barrier Island Sports & Social Club Inc.

Rendt Gorter

Aotea Family Support Group

Cindy Wiseman

Seniornet Great Barrier Island Incorporated

Sue Roberts

Seniornet Great Barrier Island Incorporated

Mark Prebble

Show Me Shorts Film Festival Trust via teleconference

Pefi Kingi

Vagahau Niue Trust via teleconference

Paul Downie

Tryphena Wharf Users


Great Barrier Local Board

10 June 2015




1          Welcome


Chairperson IM Fordham opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present. Member JC Cleave led the meeting in a karakia.


2          Apologies


There were no apologies.


3          Declaration of Interest

Chairperson IM Fordham declared an interest in respect of the Great Barrier Island Sports & Social Club Inc.’s funding application towards the 25th anniversary celebrations project at item 12 – Great Barrier Local Board Discretionary Community Funding: Round three 2014-2015.

Member JC Cleave declared an interest in respect of the request from North Barrier Rentals at item 20 – Reports requested/pending.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number GBI/2015/63

MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member CA Spence:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)           Confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 13 May 2015, as a true and correct record.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum



Charmayne Dobbs - Sculptures for public space


Charmayne Dobbs was in attendance to present to the Great Barrier Local Board in respect to sculptures for public spaces.



Resolution number GBI/2015/64

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly, seconded by Member JC Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)           Receives the Public Forum presentation.

b)          Requests the board’s portfolio holders Izzy Fordham and Judy Gilbert to contact Charmayne Dobbs to further discuss the proposed project.

c)           Thanks Charmayme Dobbs for her Public Forum presentation.





Karen Walker - Great Barrier Island Community Heritage and Arts Village Trust


Karen Walker from Great Barrier Island Community Heritage and Arts Village Trust was in attendance to present to the Great Barrier Local Board in respect to the trust’s funding application.



Resolution number GBI/2015/65

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly, seconded by Member JC Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)           Receives the Public Forum presentation.

b)          Thanks Karen Walker from Great Barrier Island Community Heritage and Arts Village Trust for her Public Forum presentation.





Tony Christiansen - Destination Great Barrier Island Inc. and Great Barrier Island History Research Group


Tony Christiansen from both Destination Great Barrier Island Inc. and Great Barrier Island History Research Group was in attendance to present to the Great Barrier Local Board in respect to the groups’ funding applications.



Resolution number GBI/2015/66

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly, seconded by Member JC Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          Receives the Public Forum presentation.

b)          Thanks Tony Christiansen from Destination Great Barrier Island Inc. and Great Barrier Island History Research Group for his Public Forum presentations.





Erica Archibald - Destination Great Barrier Island Inc. and Great Barrier Lodge


Erica Archibald from Destination Great Barrier Island Inc. and Great Barrier Lodge was in attendance to present to the Great Barrier Local Board in respect to an update on the summer season tourism.



Resolution number GBI/2015/67

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly, seconded by Member JC Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)           Receives the Public Forum presentation.

b)          Thanks Erica Archibald from Destination Great Barrier Island Inc. for her Public Forum presentation.





Steven Kendall - Great Barrier Island Sports & Social Club Inc.


Steven Kendall from Great Barrier Island Sports & Social Club Inc. was in attendance to present to the Great Barrier Local Board in respect to the club’s funding application.



Resolution number GBI/2015/68

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly, seconded by Member JC Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)           Receives the Public Forum presentation.

b)          Thanks Steven Kendall from Great Barrier Island Sports & Social Club Inc. his Public Forum presentation.





Rendt Gorter - Aotea Family Support Group


Rendt Gorter from Aotea Family Support Group was in attendance to present to the Great Barrier Local Board in respect to the group’s funding applications.



Resolution number GBI/2015/69

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly, seconded by Member JC Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          Receives the Public Forum presentation.

b)          Thanks Rendt Gorter from Aotea Family Support Group for his Public Forum presentations.





Cindy Wiseman and Sue Roberts - Seniornet Great Barrier Island Incorporated


Cindy Wiseman and Sue Roberts from Seniornet Great Barrier Island Incorporated were in attendance to present to the Great Barrier Local Board in respect to the group’s funding application.



Resolution number GBI/2015/70

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly, seconded by Member JC Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          Receives the Public Forum presentation.

b)          Thanks Cindy Wiseman and Sue Roberts from Seniornet Great Barrier Island Incorporated for their Public Forum presentation.





Mark Prebble - Show Me Shorts Film Festival Trust


Mark Prebble from Show Me Shorts was in attendance via teleconference to present to the Great Barrier Local Board in respect to the Trust’s funding application.



Resolution number GBI/2015/71

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly, seconded by Member JC Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)           Receives the Public Forum presentation.

b)          Thanks Mark Prebble from Show Me Shorts Film Festival Trust for his Public Forum presentation via teleconference.





Pefi Kingi - Vagahau Niue Trust


Pefi Kingi from Vagahau Niue Trust was in attendance via teleconference to present to the Great Barrier Local Board in respect to the Trust’s funding application.



Resolution number GBI/2015/72

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly, seconded by Member JC Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)           Receives the Public Forum presentation.

b)          Thanks Pefi Kingi from Vagahau Niue Trust for her Public Forum presentation via teleconference.






Paul Downie - Tryphena Wharf Users re moorings


Paul Downie representing the Tryphena Wharf Users was in attendance to present to the Great Barrier Local Board in respect to moorings.



A document was tabled in respect to the public forum. A copy of the tabled document has been attached to the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website.



Resolution number GBI/2015/73

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly, seconded by Member JC Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          Receives the Public Forum presentation.

b)          Thanks Paul Downie for his Public Forum presentation.





a     Proposed developments at Shoal Bay Wharf



10        Extraordinary Business



Proposal to defer operational expenditure from 2014/15 to 2015/16




Resolution number GBI/2015/74

MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member CA Spence:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      Considers the Proposal to defer operational expenditure from 2014/15 to 2015/16 as an extraordinary business at item 22.1. A decision must be made prior to the board’s 10th June 2015 business meeting as the resolution will be reported to the governing body Finance and Performance committee in July 2015.





11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Great Barrier Local Board Discretionary Community Funding: Round Three 2014 – 2015


Chairperson IM Fordham declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or voting on item c).


Resolution number GBI/2015/75

MOVED by Member JJ Gilbert, seconded by Member JC Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      Agrees to fund the following applications for the Great Barrier Local Board Community Funding: Round Three 2014-15:

Organisation Name


Amount Approved

Destination Great Barrier Island Inc.

Hospitality training for locals


Seniornet Great Barrier Island Incorporated

Winter Seniornet advance training workshops


Destination Great Barrier Island Inc.

Ten year concession fees to operate tourism activities in the Department of Conservation estate





b)          Agrees to part-fund the following applications for the Great Barrier Local Board Community Funding: Round Three 2014-15:

Organisation Name


Amount approved

Great Barrier Island Community Heritage and Arts Village Trust

Collaborative Art Project with Flox and Great Barrier Island Senior students and Correspondence School students.





c)           Declines the following applications for the Great Barrier Local Board Community Funding: Round Three 2014-15 for the reasons shown:

Organisation Name


Reason for decline

Aotea Family Support Group

Part-funding towards purchase of replacement outreach vehicle

Requests that the group apply to the coming 2015/16 capital grants fund due to the application deemed to be a capital expense.

Great Barrier Island Sports & Social Club Inc.

25th Anniversary Celebrations

Requests that the club apply to the coming 2015/16 event fund due to the application deemed to be an event noting that application should contain quotes.

Vagahau Niue Trust

"NYN@Great Barrier" - Niue Youth Network project

The Trust does not meet the funding criteria of “applicant groups must be based on Great Barrier Island” and requests that the contact details of Aotea Family Support Group and Motairehe & Kawa Marae be sent to the Trust.

Show Me Shorts Film Festival Trust

Show Me Shorts film festival 2015

The Trust does not meet the funding criteria of “applicant groups must be based on Great Barrier Island” and requests that the contact details of Island Screens be sent to the Trust.

Aotea Family Support Group (AFSG)

AFSG community engineering workshop

Requests that the group apply to the coming 2015/16 capital grants fund due to the application deemed to be a capital expense.

Great Barrier Island History Research Group

Costs to record and interview locals for an oral history project

Requests that the group apply to the next 2015/16 Great Barrier Local Board Community Funding and provide financial information required to complete the application.

d)          Accepts the withdrawal of the AoteaOra Community Trust funding application for the Great Barrier Local Board Community Funding: Round Three 2014-15.






Great Barrier Local Board 2014/2015 Small Local Improvement Programme update


Resolution number GBI/2015/76

MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member JJ Gilbert:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      Receives the Great Barrier Island SLIPs 2014/2015 programme update May 2015.

b)      Approves that ‘Kaiaraara Bay Road View Shafts’ project be funded from savings realised within existing SLIPs capital projects, up to the value of $5,000 capital budget.

c)      Approves that should further savings be realised within existing SLIPs capital projects, that the 2nd and 3rd bronze plaques for the WW1 War Memorial stone project.

d)      Notes that delegated authority has been given to the Chair and Deputy Chair extending them the power to allocate any further returned savings from within the 2014/2015 SLIPs capital and operating allocated projects to ensure delivery before the end of the financial year.

e)      Notes that post the recommendations in this report, the capital and operational budgets have now been 100% allocated to projects for delivery within the 2014/2015 financial.

f)       Notes that a full summary of the completed projects for 2014/2015 financial year will be presented at the Local Board July business meeting.

g)          Notes that item 12 on attachment A has not been paid nor contracted as stated.

h)          Thanks Katrina Morgan and Patrick Thorp for their assistance in the SLIPs projects on Great Barrier Island.






Adoption of Local Board Agreement 2015/2016


A document was tabled in respect to the Adoption of Local Board Agreement 2015/2016 – attachments A and B. A copy of the tabled document has been attached to the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website.



Resolution number GBI/2015/77

MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member CA Spence:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          Adopts local content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (revised Attachment A), including:

                    i.        a Local Board Agreement 2015/2016

                   ii.        a message from the chair

                 iii.        local board advocacy

b)          Agrees to allocate locally driven initiative funding to top up the following services for 2015/2016:

                    i.        $19,300.00 to fund mechanical edging (and not chemical spraying)

c)          Agrees to the following changes to locally driven initiative funding:

                    i.        Moves $30,000 from Local Community Services (Community response fund) to Local Environment Development to reflect the higher priority for funding biosecurity programmes

                   ii.        Moves $5,000 from Local Community Services (Community response fund) to a new Community Services item entitled Claris shared community facility investigation to enable progress to be made on this local board plan initiative in 2015/16

d)          Notes:

                    i.        supporting material for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (revised Attachment B), including 10 year local activity budgets and 10 year local performance targets;

                   ii.        local activity budgets have been updated to reflect final budget decisions made by the governing body on 8 May 2015, budget adjustments arising from new information (including the setup of a central risk fund for capital projects) and the allocation of central costs;

                 iii.        if there are outstanding (not yet agreed) matters in the local board agreement, the local board should include an explanation of these matters in the Chair’s message at the front of the local board agreement;

                 iv.        That the resolutions of this meeting will be reported back to the governing body when it meets to adopt the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 on 25 June 2015.

e)          Expresses its strong opposition to the increased use of chemical spraying because this goes against the Auckland Plan goals of a safe and green Auckland, and further requests that officers continue to work with all the boards to enable better social and environmental practise.

f)            Agrees that the Chairperson be delegated authority to make any final minor changes to the above.





a     Revised Funding Impact Statement

b     Updated Long-term Plan 2015-2025 Supporting Materials




Auckland Transport Report – June 2015 – Great Barrier Island


Ivan Trethowen, Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager was in attendance to present to the Great Barrier Local Board in respect to this report.



Resolution number GBI/2015/78

MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member CA Spence:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)           Receives the Auckland Transport Report – June 2015.

b)          Thanks Ivan Trethowen, Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager for his attendance and presentation on the Auckland Transport Report – May 2015 report.






CDAC Work Programme 2015/2016


A document was tabled in respect to the revised 2015/2016 Community Development, Arts and Culture work programme. A copy of the tabled document has been attached to the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website.



Resolution number GBI/2015/79

MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      Approves the revised 2015/2016 Community Development, Arts and Culture work programme, noting that the Community Development and Safety component is dependent upon the outcome of the Empowered Communities Approach.

b)      Approves the community lease work plan for 2015/2016 (Attachment B of the report).





a     Revised Community Development Arts and Culture 2015-2016 Work Programme




Chairperson's report


Resolution number GBI/2015/80

MOVED by Member JC Cleave, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)         Receives the Chairperson’s report.






Board Members' Reports


Resolution number GBI/2015/81

MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member JC Cleave:  

a)         That the report of Board Member Susan Daly be received.

b)         That the report of Board Member Jeff Cleave be received.

c)         That the report of Board Member Judy Gilbert be received.

d)         That the report of Board Member Christina Spence be received.








A document was tabled in response to the Great Barrier Island History Research Group correspondence. A copy of the tabled document has been attached to the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website.



Resolution number GBI/2015/82

MOVED by Member JJ Gilbert, seconded by Member CA Spence:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)         Receives the correspondence for the month of May 2015.





a     Response to the Great Barrier Island History Research Group




Reports Requested/Pending


Member JC Cleave declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or voting on this item.


Resolution number GBI/2015/83

MOVED by Member CA Spence, seconded by Member JJ Gilbert:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)         Receive the list of reports requested/pending as at June 2015.






Great Barrier Local Board Workshop Proceedings


Resolution number GBI/2015/84

MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member JC Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      Receives the workshop proceedings for the workshops held on the 6th, 12th, 13th of May 2015 and the Environment Committee workshop on the 27th of May 2015.





22        Consideration of Extraordinary Items



Proposal to defer operational expenditure from 2014/15 to 2015/16 


A document was tabled in respect to the Proposal to defer operational expenditure from 2014/15 to 2015/16. A copy of the tabled document has been attached to the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website.



Resolution number GBI/2015/85

MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member JC Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)       Requests the Auckland Council governing body to defer the operational expenditure of $226k for the broadband funding from 2014/15 to 2015/16.

b)      Notes that:

                     i.        Discussions are underway with the Department of Conservation (DOC) to resolve the Okiwi lease agreement which is currently causing delays.

                   ii.        These issues are anticipated to be resolved in early 2015/16.





a     Proposal to defer operational expenditure from 2014/15 to 2015/16




Farewell to Guia Nonoy




Resolution number GBI/2015/86

MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member JC Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          Thanks Guia Nonoy for her commitment to the Great Barrier Island community over her many years of service.






12.30 pm                                            The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









