I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Governing Body will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday, 25 June 2015 9.30am Reception
Lounge |
Governing Body
Mayor |
Len Brown, JP |
Deputy Mayor |
Penny Hulse |
Councillors |
Cr Anae Arthur Anae |
Cr Dick Quax |
Cr Cameron Brewer |
Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM |
Cr Dr Cathy Casey |
Cr Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE |
Cr Bill Cashmore |
Cr Wayne Walker |
Cr Ross Clow |
Cr John Watson |
Cr Linda Cooper, JP |
Cr Penny Webster |
Cr Chris Darby |
Cr George Wood, CNZM |
Cr Alf Filipaina |
Cr Hon Christine Fletcher, QSO |
Cr Denise Krum |
Cr Mike Lee |
Cr Calum Penrose |
(Quorum 11 members)
Elaine Stephenson Democracy Advisor
23 June 2015
Contact Telephone: (09) 890 8117 Email: elaine.stephensoni@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Governing Body 25 June 2015 |
File No.: CP2015/10800
1. To recommend to the Governing Body the setting of rates for 2015/2016.
Executive Summary
2. The Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 (LG(R)A) requires that rates are set by resolution of the council after the adoption of the Long-term Plan. This report contains the recommendations necessary to set the rates for 2015/2016 which are in accordance with the Revenue and Financing Policy and Funding Impact Statement in the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 to be considered by the Governing Body in separate preceding report on this agenda.
3. The recommendations include the following agreed rates related changes for 2015/2016:
· a Uniform Annual General Charge (UAGC) of $385
· setting the overall share of general rates from business at 33.0 per cent
· no further rates transition, same rates for same value property
· the Interim Transport Levy (targeted rate) to fund the accelerated transport programme
· the introduction of a new City Centre targeted rate for residents
· an increase in the Mangere-Otahuhu swimming pool targeted rate to fund free adult entry to the new Otahuhu swimming pool
· the creation of a new general rate differential category for properties with no road access.
4. Ballots in May 2015 for the extension of the boundaries for the Dominion Road and Parnell Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) were successful. The targeted rates recommended for these BIDs are based on the extended BID boundaries.
5. The recommendations in this report will also set the instalment dates, early payment discount, and penalties to be applied for late payment for 2015/2016.
That the Governing Body: a) resolve under the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 to set rates for the 2015/2016 financial year and to authorise the addition of penalties as follows: i) that a Uniform Annual General Charge be set, for all rateable land, at $385.00 (including GST) per separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit. ii) that a general rate be set for all rateable land based on the capital value of the land and at different rates in the dollar for different categories of land as set out in the table below:
iii) that a transport targeted rate be set for all rateable land except land in the Uninhabitable Islands category, per separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit (SUIP) and differentially for different categories of land, as follows:
iv) that waste management targeted rates be set differentially for different categories of land at different fixed amounts as set out in the table below:
For these purposes the various waste services are as set out in the Auckland Waste Management and Minimisation Plan. v) that a city centre targeted rate be set differentially for all rateable land in the urban business and urban residential differential categories, as defined for the purposes of the general rate, in the central area, of an amount of $0.00182181 (including GST) per dollar of the capital value of the rating unit for urban business rating units and of a fixed amount of $57.50 (including GST) per separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit for urban residential rating units. vi) that Business Improvement District targeted rates be set for all rateable land in the business differential categories, as defined for the purposes of the general rate, within the defined Business Improvement District area, of a fixed amount per rating unit and a rate in the dollar of capital value, as set out in the table below:
vii) that the Ōtara-Papatoetoe and Māngere-Ōtāhuhu swimming pool targeted rates be set for all rateable land in the residential differential categories, as defined for the purposes of the general rate, located in the respective Māngere–Ōtāhuhu Local Board and Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board areas as set out in the table below:
viii) that the Riverhaven Drive targeted rate be set on land in Riverhaven Drive, Rodney, in respect of which the council has provided financial assistance for the construction of a road that gives access to the properties, of an amount of $10,317.02 (including GST) per rating unit ix) that the Glorit Flood Gate Restoration targeted rate be set of an amount of $166.0784 (including GST) per hectare of land in the three properties below benefiting from the facility (as assessed by the council), as follows:
x) that the Waitakere Rural Sewerage targeted rate be set for all land in the district of the former Waitakere City Council which has an on-site waste management system and in respect of which the council has available the service of pumping out the system and which is scheduled to take place within the 3-year period commencing 1 July 2015, of an amount of $185.13 (including GST) for each such on-site waste management system. xi) that the Retro-fit Your Home targeted rate be set on land in respect of which the council has provided financial assistance under the Retro-fit your home scheme, at different levels for each year that the ratepayer has started repaying the financial assistance by this targeted rate, of an amount set out in the table below:
xii) that the Kumeu Huapai Riverhead Wastewater targeted rate be set on land in respect of which the council has provided financial assistance to connect to the Kumeu Huapai Riverhead pressurised wastewater scheme, at different levels for each year that the ratepayer has started repaying the financial assistance by this targeted rate, of an amount set out in the table below:
xiii) that the Point Wells Wastewater targeted rate be set on land in respect of which the council has provided financial assistance to connect to a pressure wastewater collection system in Point Wells, of an amount per separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit based on the extent of the financial assistance as shown in the following table:
xiv) that the Jackson Crescent Wastewater targeted rate be set on land in respect of which the council has provided financial assistance to connect to a wastewater collection scheme in the Jackson Crescent, Martins Bay areas, of an amount of $608.88 (including GST) per rating unit. xv) that for the purposes of the above rates, the definitions of the differential categories, the central area, the various Business Improvement Districts and the expression "separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit" are as set out in the Funding Impact Statement in the Council's Long-term Plan 2015-2025. xvi) that in 2015/2016, the rates be due in four instalments as set out in the table below:
xvii) that a penalty of 10 per cent will be added to so much of any instalment of rates assessed in the 2015/2016 rating year that remains unpaid on the day after the due date. xviii) that further penalties of 10 per cent will be added to rates assessed in previous financial years that are unpaid on 3 July 2015; and then again on 3 January 2016. xix) That the discount for the early payment of rates be set at 1.4 per cent of the 2015/2016 rates, if those rates, together with any outstanding prior years’ rates and penalties, are paid in full on or before the due date of the first instalment (31 August 2015).
6. On 8 May 2015, the Governing Body agreed the rates related policy changes recommended from the Budget Committee for inclusion in the Long-term Plan 2015-2025. These included:
· Uniform Annual General Charge (UAGC) of $385
· overall share of general rates from business at 33.0 per cent
· no further rates transition, same rates for same value property
· Interim Transport Levy (targeted rate) to fund the accelerated transport programme
· new City Centre targeted rate for residents
· increase in the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu swimming pool targeted rate to fund free adult entry to the new Ōtāhuhu swimming pool
· creation of a new general rate differential category for properties with no road access.
Decision Making
Rates resolution
7. For the council to assess rates for the 2015/2016 financial period, section 23 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 (LG(R)A) requires the council to set the rates by resolution. The resolutions contained in this report are consistent with the relevant legislation and the Long-term Plan 2015-2025.
8. The budget is set based on the assumption that rates will be invoiced on time. A delay in setting the rates may cause issues in delivery of the rates assessment/invoice in time for the first instalment due date. It will also cause delays to when the arrears penalty can be applied. Delaying the setting of rates may result in increased administrative costs to the council.
9. A copy of the rates resolution must be sent to the Secretary of Local Government within 20 working days of adopting the rates resolution.
10. The LG(R)A requires that the instalment due dates must also be set in the same resolution as those used to set the rates. The resolutions necessary for the Governing Body to set the rates and instalment due dates for the 2015/2016 financial period are included in the recommendations in this report.
Business Improvement District targeted rates
11. The council uses targeted rates to fund Business Improvement District (BID) programmes where businesses have agreed to work together, with the support of the council to improve their business environment.
12. Consultation on the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 included possible extensions to the existing BID programmes in Dominion Road, North Harbour and Parnell BID boundaries. Successful ballots for the extension of the Dominion Road and Parnell BID’s were undertaken in May. The North Harbour BID extension will not be proceeding for 2015/2016.
13. The resolutions necessary for the Governing Body to set the BID rates for 2015/2016 are included in recommendations of this report.
Early payment discount, late payment penalties and instalment dates
14. Consultation on the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 proposed that rates will be payable in four equal instalments on:
· instalment 1: 31 August 2015
· instalment 2: 27 November 2015
· instalment 3: 26 February 2016
· instalment 4: 27 May 2016
Ratepayers can pay more regularly if they wish.
15. Consultation on the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 also proposed a 10 per cent penalty for late payment of rates for each rates instalment due date, and that a 10 per cent penalty on the previous years’ rates arrears be added at the beginning of the financial year (or five days after the rates resolution, whichever is the later) and then again six months later. It is necessary to set the penalty rate at 10 per cent, as used by all the previous councils, to discourage the use of the council as a bank by ratepayers. Costs incurred by the council from the late payment of rates must inevitably be met by those ratepayers that pay on time. Most councils use a 10 per cent penalty.
16. The early payment discount policy is available to ratepayers who pay their full year’s rates before the due date of the first rates instalment. The policy sets out that the council will provide a discount based on the council’s short term borrowing cost. This returns the interest cost saving to the council to those ratepayers who pay early. Consultation on the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 proposed an early payment discount of 1.4 per cent. For the early payment discount to remain cost neutral the discount amount should remain at 1.4 per cent.
17. The resolutions necessary for the Governing Body set the early payment discount, late payment penalty, and instalment dates are included in the recommendations of this report.
Local Board views and implications
18. The Governing Body has decision making authority for setting rates.
19. Local boards views on the rating policy proposals were considered alongside feedback from consultation on the Long-term Plan in May 2015.
Māori impact statement
20. The council does not hold information on the ethnicity of ratepayers, so is not able to identify the exact impact of the policy options on Māori. The recommendations in this report will have a similar impact on Māori as it will on other ratepayers.
21. There are no implementation issues. The recommendations in this report have been checked by the legal department for legislative compliance.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Aaron Matich - Principal Advisor Modelling Andrew Duncan - Manager Financial Policy |
Authorisers |
Matthew Walker - General Manager Financial Plan Policy & Budgeting Sue Tindal - Chief Financial Officer Stephen Town - Chief Executive |