Howick Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Howick Local Board held in the Howick Local Board Meeting Room, Pakuranga Library Complex, 7 Aylesbury Street, Pakuranga on Monday, 15 June 2015 at 6.00pm.
Chairperson |
David Collings |
Deputy Chairperson |
Adele White |
Members |
Garry Boles |
Katrina Bungard |
Jim Donald |
Lucy Schwaner |
John Spiller |
Steve Udy |
Bob Wichman |
Glenn Wilcox |
Deputy Chairman |
Independent Maori Statutory Board |
Councillors: |
Sharon Stewart |
Dick Quax |
Howick Local Board 15 June 2015 |
1 Welcome
The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.
2 Apologies
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number HW/2015/75 MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Member RD Wichman: That the Howick Local Board: a) confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 11 May 2015, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
There were no requests for leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
There were no deputations.
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
Mr Finley addressed the Board regarding his concerns about the new location for the Picton Street bus stop. |
Resolution number HW/2015/76 MOVED by Member JR Donald, seconded by Deputy Chairperson AJ White: That the Howick Local Board: a) Thanks Mr Finley for his attendance. |
a Picton St Bus Stop |
9.2 |
Mr Cressey provided an update on the Howick Menzshed project. |
Resolution number HW/2015/77 MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Member KL Bungard: That the Howick Local Board: a) Thanks Mr Cressey for his attendance. |
a Presentation to Howick Local Board |
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
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Resolution number HW/2015/78 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson AJ White, seconded by Member G Boles: That the Howick Local Board: a) Receives the Chair’s tabled report. |
a Chairman's report for June 2015 |
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Resolution number HW/2015/79 MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Member G Boles: That the Howick Local Board: a) Receives the verbal report. |
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New Road Name Approval for the residential subdivision by Todd Property Ormiston Town Centre Ltd at 226R Ormiston Road, Flat Bush |
Resolution number HW/2015/80 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson AJ White, seconded by Member G Boles: That the Howick Local Board: a) Rescinds Resolution HW/2014/199 made on the 8th December 2014 in regard to the road naming at 226R Ormiston Road, Flat Bush. b) Pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974, approves the road name ‘Bellingham Road’, proposed by the Applicant, for the new road created by way of subdivision at 226R Ormiston Road, Flat Bush. |
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New Road Name Approval for the residential subdivision by Merv Jones at 487 Chapel Road, East Tamaki |
Resolution number HW/2015/81 MOVED by Member G Boles, seconded by Member SA Udy: That the Howick Local Board: a) Pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974, approves the road name “Pikao Place”, proposed by the Applicant, for the new road created by way of subdivision at 487 Chapel Road, East Tamaki while noting that “Pimelea Place” also meets the road naming criteria. |
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Resolution number HW/2015/82 MOVED by Member SA Udy, seconded by Deputy Chairperson AJ White: That the Howick Local Board: a) Receives the report entitled ‘Auckland Transport Update – June 2015’ and the attached issues register from Auckland Transport’s Elected Member Relationship Manager (South). b) Approves the #009 Half Moon Bay walkway and amenity improvements project, as shown on the plans in Attachment A (refer pages 27 to 30 in the agenda), for construction to be funded utilising $395,000 from the Local Board Transport Capital Fund, towards the firm estimate of cost for the project of $422,000. c) Authorises that the scope of the #272 Little Bucklands Beach walkway project be expanded to incorporate pedestrian improvements along the entire length of The Parade, Bucklands Beach, and requests that Auckland Transport progresses detailed design and costings for the expanded project. d) Requests Auckland Transport to scope potential park and ride sites for the Half Moon Bay ferry terminal in the Howick Local Board area and provides feedback to the Board by December 2015. e) Requests Auckland Transport review the relocation of the Picton Street bus stop in light of the concerns raised in public forum and previously by the Board. |
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Approval to grant a new lease at Nixon Park, 33 Selwyn Road, Howick |
Resolution number HW/2015/83 MOVED by Member JR Spiller, seconded by Member G Boles: That the Howick Local Board: a) Approves the granting of a new lease to Howick Bowling Club Incorporated upon the portion of Nixon Centennial Park shown in the site plan (on page 45 of the agenda) upon the following terms and conditions: i) Term – 10 years commencing 1 April 2015; ii) One 10 year right of renewal; iii) Rent - $1 per annum, if requested and all applicable maintenance charges; iv) Howick Bowling Club Incorporated Community Outcomes Plan as agreed to be attached as a schedule annexed to the lease; v) All other terms and conditions as stated in the Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012. |
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Resolution number HW/2015/84 MOVED by Member RD Wichman, seconded by Member JR Donald: That the Howick Local Board: a) Approves the following expenditure from its community safety budget: i) $8,447 to Printing.Com@PrintPlus to produce crime prevention signage for retailers and business owners; ii) $10,000 to ACRC (Asian Council On Reducing Crime) on behalf of local safety groups for a publicity campaign to develop, build and nurture a culture of volunteerism in the local board area; iii) $4,893 to fund the purchase of educational safety resources (managed by Community Development and Safety) for the Howick Local Board area iv) $1,250 to Signs100 to provide and install CCTV signage around the Howick Village Shopping Centre; v) $410 to Unique Displays to provide a new ‘Know Your Neighbour’ signage; vi) $2,500 to Howick Club to host the delivery of a safety expo in English and Chinese, presenting a wide range of safety information; vii) $2,000 to MECOSS to deliver a ‘community safety’ breakfast event for community groups and individuals in the Howick Local Board area. |
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Howick Local Board Community Group Funding - Applications for Round Two 2014/2015 |
Resolution number HW/2015/85 MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Deputy Chairperson AJ White: That the Howick Local Board: a) Agrees to fund, part fund or decline each application for this round as per the table below:
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Manukau Heritage Item Assistance Fund Allocation 2014-2015 Funding Round 2 |
Resolution number HW/2015/86 MOVED by Member L Schwaner, seconded by Member JR Spiller: That the Howick Local Board: a) Approves the following grant allocation from the Manukau Heritage Item Assistance Fund: i) Allocation of $30,000 to application MHIA14_150006 from The Howick & Districts Historical Society Inc. as a contribution towards roof repairs. |
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Resolution number HW/2015/87 MOVED by Member L Schwaner, seconded by Chairperson DA Collings: That the Howick Local Board: a) Notes that the previously approved budget for Stancombe Cottage Car Park of $198,696 is insufficient due to changes being required to the design of the project. b) Approves the updated design plans (attachment A – 17850-201-D and 17850-202-D) for Stancombe Cottage Car park including bollards, hard and soft landscaping and lighting. c) Approves additional funding of $118,000 from existing Parks capital budget underspends to enable the project to proceed. d) Requests a report providing an itemised breakdown of the costs for the Stancombe Cottage car park project. |
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Allocation of Community Arts Programmes Budget 2014/2015 - Howick |
Resolution number HW/2015/88 MOVED by Member G Boles, seconded by Deputy Chairperson AJ White: That the Howick Local Board: a) Allocates the 2014/2015 Community Arts Programmes budget to two community groups as recommended in the table below:
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Resolution number HW/2015/89 MOVED by Member G Boles, seconded by Member SA Udy: That the Howick Local Board:. a) Approves improvements to park signage at eight locations in Lloyd Elsmore Park as follows:
b) Notes that the new signs include the smoke-free and Howick Local Board logos. c) Reallocates funding from the 2014/2015 Howick Sports Plan budget of $5,135 towards improving directional signage at Lloyd Elsmore Park with the remaining funds of $3,207 allocated from existing Local and Sports Parks budgets. |
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Resolution number HW/2015/90 MOVED by Member JR Spiller, seconded by Member SA Udy: That the Howick Local Board: a) Rescinds the following resolution HW/2014/61 from 12 May 2014 to grant funds to Pakuranga Athletics Charitable Trust. “Pakuranga Athletics Charitable Trust for $100,000 towards a seeding grant for the construction of a new 800 seated grandstands and pavilion on Lloyd Elsmore Park.” b) Approves the request to extend the deadline and amend the project scope for the 2013/2014 facility partnership funding and allocates Pakuranga Athletic Charitable Trust $100,000 to 30 June 2016: i) Towards design and construction of a pavilion at the 100m finish line that will incorporate a photo finish room; race official room; race officials meeting room; small kitchenette and toilets; ii) With up to $25,000 being available immediately, if needed, for design; quantity survey; consent fees; and iii) The remaining balance of the funding being available towards construction once full project funding is in place. |
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Resolution number HW/2015/91 MOVED by Member G Boles, seconded by Member SA Udy: That the Howick Local Board: a) Supports the extension of the Highbrook Park Trust Deed for another fifteen years, being an initial five year term with review and right of renewal for an additional five year terms (two by five years), if required. b) Notes that, if the Trust Deed is extended, the trust will be monitored by an Operational Agreement between Highbrook Development Limited and Auckland Council’s Parks department which will include: i) current criteria and additional changes to the reporting and monitoring requirements as stipulated by Parks, Sport and Recreation ii) greater clarity around granting tenure iii) Local Sports Parks and Local Board involvement in the landowner approval process iv) provision of an annual report to Parks, Sport and Recreation including financial, non-financial, risks, events and strategy development, and v) provision of a quarterly operational report and board agendas and minutes c) Requests that regular updates are provided to the Parks Sport Recreation & Open Spaces portfolio including involvement in the five yearly review of the right of renewal. |
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Resolution number HW/2015/92 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson AJ White, seconded by Member SA Udy: That the Howick Local Board: a) Approves the 2015/2016 Community Development, Arts and Culture work programme (Attachment A), noting that the Community Development and Safety component is dependant upon the outcome of the Empowered Communities Approach. b) Approves the community lease work plan for 2015/2016 (Attachment B). c) Approves the 2015/2016 term grant for Anchorage Park Community centre of $11,338 and Highland Park Community centre of $11,338 towards operation and activation of the community facility. d) Approves granting a Licence to Occupy and Manage to the Howick and Pakuranga Community House Inc for the Anchorage Park and Highland Park Community centres at 165 Swan Crescent, Pakuranga, Part Lots 235-238 DP49975 and Part Lot 63 DP 51944 and 47R Aviemore Drive, Highland Park, Part Lot 527 DP 131513 contained in NA1333C/759 and Lot 531 DP 117711 contained in NA133C/760 for a term of 1 year commencing on 1 July 2015 at a rental of $1.00 each plus GST. e) Approves the following community arts organisation funding agreements (subject to the funding agreement being approved by the local board chair or delegated authority): i) City of Manukau Pipes and Drums, $11,000 ii) Howick Brass Incorporated, $13,000 iii) Howick Children and Youth Theatre Incorporated, $67,291.25 (uninflated opex budget) iv) Howick Historical Society Incorporated, $310,575.00 (uninflated opex budget) v) Howick Little Theatre Incorporated, $20,705.00 (uninflated opex budget) plus additional $20,000 vi) Manukau City Band Incorporated, $11,000 vii) Uxbridge Community Projects Incorporated, $295,046.25 (uninflated opex budget) viii) Uxbridge Community Projects Incorporated, $75,000 f) Approves $46,000 (from the Howick Coastguard budget) for the Howick Volunteer Coastguard Incorporated towards the running costs of the coastguard service in Howick. |
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Resolution number HW/2015/93 MOVED by Member JR Spiller, seconded by Member G Boles: That the Howick Local Board: a) Approves the property renewals programme for 2015/2016 as listed in the table below:
b) Delegates responsibility to the Parks Sport Recreation & Open Spaces Portfolio lead to approve any moderate changes to the budget or project scope, in the event that there is a variation to identified costs or facility needs for its property renewals programme. c) Approves the 2015/2016 Pools and Leisure operational work programme. |
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Howick Local Board Community Development Arts and Culture Capex renewal programme 2015/2016 |
Resolution number HW/2015/94 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson AJ White, seconded by Member KL Bungard: That the Howick Local Board: a) Endorses the 2015/2016 Community Development Arts and Culture Capex Renewal Programme. b) Delegates authority to the Local Board Chair to agree changes in scope and budget through the year as required in order that the programme can be implemented without delay. |
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Resolution number HW/2015/95 MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Member RD Wichman: That the Howick Local Board: a) Adopts local content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (Attachment A), including: i) a Local Board Agreement 2015/2016, with the following amendment: · approves the reallocation of LDI budgets of $100,000 from local community grants to the Facilities Partnership Fund (increasing the Facilities Partnership budget from $200,000 to $300,000). ii) a message from the chair. iii) local board advocacy. b) Adopts Local Fees and Charges Schedules for 2015/2016 (Attachment B). c) Agrees Library Opening Hours for 2015/2016 (Attachment C), which includes $77,000 of locally driven initiative funds to top up this service. d) Notes: i) supporting material for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (Attachment D), including 10 year local activity budgets and 10 year local performance targets; ii) local activity budgets have been updated to reflect final budget decisions made by the governing body on 8 May 2015, budget adjustments arising from new information (including the setup of a central risk fund for capital projects) and the allocation of central costs; iii) if there are outstanding (not yet agreed) matters in the local board agreement, the local board should include an explanation of these matters in the Chair’s message at the front of the local board agreement; iv) that the resolutions of this meeting will be reported back to the governing body when it meets to adopt the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 on 25 June 2015. e) Agrees that the Chairperson be delegated authority to make any final minor changes to the Local Board Agreement, Advocacy items, local fees and charges, and library opening hours. |
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Resolution number HW/2015/96 MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Member RD Wichman: That the Howick Local Board: a) Receives the Reports Requested and Issues Raised 2013 – 2016 schedule. |
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Resolution number HW/2015/97 MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Member SA Udy: That the Howick Local Board: a) Receives the workshop notes for workshops held on 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th May 2015. |
33 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
8.03pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.