Manukau Harbour Forum






Minutes of a meeting of the Manukau Harbour Forum held in the Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Board Office, Shop 17, 93 Bader Drive, Māngere Town Centre on Monday, 8 June 2015 at 11.02am.





Member Jill Naysmith

Franklin Local Board

Deputy Chairperson

Member Saffron Toms

Waitakere Ranges Local Board


Member Ami Chand

Whau Local Board


Member Carrol Elliott, JP

Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board


Member Bridget Graham, QSM

Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board


Member Graham Purdy

Papakura Local Board


Member Daryl Wrightson

Manurewa Local Board

Alternate Members

Member Alan Cole

Franklin Local Board


Member David Holm

Puketapapa Local Board






Member Lotu Fuli

Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board



Member Michael Wood

Puketapapa Local Board




Manukau Harbour Forum

08 June 2015




1          Welcome


The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.


2          Apologies


There were no apologies.


3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number MHFJC/2015/10

MOVED by Member CM Elliott, seconded by Member BM Graham:  

That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)         Confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 13 April 2015, as a true and correct record.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.



Precedence of Business

Resolution number MHFJC/2015/11

MOVED by Member AJ Naysmith, seconded by Member BM Graham:  

That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)         Agrees that item 8 be taken after item 12.





8          Deputations


This item was taken after item 12.


9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.


10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Manukau Harbour Forum: Legislative Change Requiring Binding Agreement


MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Member S Toms:   

That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)      Adopts the revised Terms of Reference as set out in Agenda Attachment A.

i)        Change the suggested incorporation of a reference to Te Tiriti O Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi to “Auckland Council’s Treaty of Waitangi statutory obligations.”

b)      Requests that this report be forwarded on to the nine member boards recommending that each board:

i)        Appoints one named member and one named alternate member to the Manukau Harbour Forum

ii)       Confirms that the chairperson and deputy chairperson of the Manukau Harbour Forum will be elected by a majority of members at the first meeting of each electoral term

iii)      Confirms the revised Terms of Reference for the Manukau Harbour Forum as appended to Agenda reports

iv)      Delegates authority to the Manukau Harbour Forum to make decision within its terms of reference noting that any significant or controversial decisions will only be made by the forum with the agreement by resolution of all the member boards that would be affected by the decision.

v)      Confirms that any changes to this agreement will be agreed first by the Manukau Harbour Forum then recommended to the nine member boards for their approval, noting that resolutions must be identical

vi)      Notes that in order for the nine member boards to agree on this new binding agreement for the Manukau Harbour Forum, the resolutions made in respect of recommendations b) i)-v) above (with the exception of b) i) where appointees must be named) must be identical and that in the absence of identical resolutions by all member boards the Forum will not meet the requirements under clause 30a of Schedule 7 to the Local Government Act 2002. 





MOVED by Member DA Holm, seconded by Member BM Graham by way of amendment:  

iv)      Delegates authority to the Manukau Harbour Forum to make decision within its terms of reference noting that any significant or controversial decisions will only be made by the forum with the confirmation by resolution of all the member boards that would be affected by the decision.



The revised motion b) was put to vote.



Resolution number MHFJC/2015/12

MOVED by Member DA Holm, seconded by Member BM Graham:  

That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

b)      Requests that this report be forwarded on to the nine member boards recommending that each board:

i)       Appoints one named member and one named alternate member to the Manukau Harbour Forum

ii)      Confirms that the chairperson and deputy chairperson of the Manukau Harbour Forum will be elected by a majority of members at the first meeting of each electoral term

iii)     Confirms the revised Terms of Reference for the Manukau Harbour Forum as appended to Agenda reports

iv)     Delegates authority to the Manukau Harbour Forum to make decision within its terms of reference noting that any significant or controversial decisions will only be made by the forum with the confirmation by resolution of all the member boards that would be affected by the decision.

v)      Confirms that any changes to this agreement will be agreed first by the Manukau Harbour Forum then recommended to the nine member boards for their approval, noting that resolutions must be identical

vi)     Notes that in order for the nine member boards to agree on this new binding agreement for the Manukau Harbour Forum, the resolutions made in respect of recommendations b) i)-v) above (with the exception of b) i) where appointees must be named) must be identical and that in the absence of identical resolutions by all member boards the Forum will not meet the requirements under clause 30a of Schedule 7 to the Local Government Act 2002.  





MOVED by Member AJ Naysmith, seconded by Member A Chand by way of addition:  

That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)      Adopts the revised Terms of Reference as set out in Agenda Attachment A.

ii)       Add under (4), third bullet “through continued development of an open relationship with mana whenua”.

iii)      Remove the words “in relation to” under (2), third paragraph.

iv)      Add the word “and other species” after “protection of the Maui’s Dolphin” under (4), tenth bullet point.




The revised motion a) was put to vote.


Resolution number MHFJC/2015/13

MOVED by Member AJ Naysmith, seconded by Member S Toms:   

That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)      Adopts the revised Terms of Reference as set out in Agenda Attachment A.

i)       Change the suggested incorporation of a reference to Te Tirti O Waitangi/the Treaty of Waitangi to “Auckland Council’s Treaty of Waitangi statutory obligations.”

ii)      Add under (4), third bullet “through continued development of an open relationship with mana whenua”.

iii)     Remove the words “in relation to” under (2), third paragraph under (4), tenth bullet point.

iv)     Add the word “and other species” after “protection of the Maui’s Dolphin” under (4), tenth bullet point.




For clarity the resolutions for this item are as follows:


That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)      Adopts the revised Terms of Reference as set out in Agenda Attachment A.

i)        Change the suggested incorporation of a reference to Te Tirti O Waitangi/the Treaty of Waitangi to “Auckland Council’s Treaty of Waitangi statutory obligations.”

ii)       Add under (4), third bullet “through continued development of an open relationship with mana whenua”.

iii)      Remove the words “in relation to” under (2), third paragraph under (4), tenth bullet point.

iv)      Add the word “and other species” after “protection of the Maui’s Dolphin” under (4), tenth bullet point.

b)      Requests that this report be forwarded on to the nine member boards recommending that each board:

i)        Appoints one named member and one named alternate member to the Manukau Harbour Forum

ii)       Confirms that the chairperson and deputy chairperson of the Manukau Harbour Forum will be elected by a majority of members at the first meeting of each electoral term

iii)      Confirms the revised Terms of Reference for the Manukau Harbour Forum as appended to Agenda reports

iv)      Delegates authority to the Manukau Harbour Forum to make decision within its terms of reference noting that any significant or controversial decisions will only be made by the forum with the confirmation by resolution of all the member boards that would be affected by the decision.

v)      Confirms that any changes to this agreement will be agreed first by the Manukau Harbour Forum then recommended to the nine member boards for their approval, noting that resolutions must be identical

vi)      Notes that in order for the nine member boards to agree on this new binding c for the Manukau Harbour Forum, the resolutions made in respect of recommendations b) i)-v) above (with the exception of b) i) where appointees must be named) must be identical and that in the absence of identical resolutions by all member boards the Forum will not meet the requirements under clause 30a of Schedule 7 to the Local Government Act 2002.





8          Deputations



Martin Fryer - Auckland Airport


Martin Fryer, Auckland Airport’s Sustainability Manager made a presentation to the forum on the reasons of Auckland Airport’s participation in the Forum’s flagship sites programme.


Resolution number MHFJC/2015/14

MOVED by Member AJ Naysmith, seconded by Member CM Elliott:  

That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)      Receives the presentation from Martin Fryer, Sustainability Manager, Auckland Airport and thanks him for the presentation.





a     Presentation - Martin Fryer - Auckland Airport  




Manukau Harbour Forum Work Programme update


Secretarial Note:        This report “Manukau Harbour Forum Work Programme update” was tabled at the meeting, a copy of the report has been placed on the file copy of minutes and can be viewed on Auckland Council website.


Resolution number MHFJC/2015/15

MOVED by Member AM Dalton, seconded by Member D Wrightson:  

That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)      Notes the information provided in the work programme update.





a     Tabled report - Manukau Harbour Forum Work Programme update


14        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.





12.41 pm                                            The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









