I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Manurewa Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday, 11 June 2015 6.30pm Manurewa
Local Board Office |
Manurewa Local Board
Chairperson |
Angela Dalton |
Deputy Chairperson |
Simeon Brown |
Members |
Michael Bailey |
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
Hon George Hawkins, QSO |
Danella McCormick |
Ken Penney |
Daryl Wrightson |
(Quorum 4 members)
Lee Manaia Local Board Democracy Advisor
4 June 2015
Contact Telephone: (09) 262 5421 Email: lee.manaia@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Portfolio Lead |
Portfolio Associate |
Portfolio Activity and Responsibilities |
Angela Dalton Chairperson C/- Shop 3-5 Email: Angela.Dalton@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Simeon Brown |
· Governance portfolio · Board leadership · Board-to-Council relationships · Board-to-Board relationships · Local Board Plan · Local Board agreements · Civic duties · Advocacy (local, regional, and central government) · Community partnerships · Relationships with Maoridom and youth · Relationships with government departments and agencies · Relationships with Watercare · Relationship with Property CCO · Relationship with Auckland Waterfront Development · Local funding policy Political Working Party · Relationship with ATEED · Relationship with Regional Facilities CCO’s · Relationship COMET · Relationship Southern Initiative |
· Regulatory portfolio · Resource consents · Heritage · Gambling · Liquor (Simeon Brown as alternate) · Urban design · Swimming pools · Trees · By-laws · Airport noise · Unitary Plan · Waste management |
Simeon Brown Deputy Chairperson C/- Shop 3-5
Daryl Wrightson |
· Community and social well-being portfolio · Community development (incl. CAYAD, CAB, and Manurewa Senior Citizens) · Neighbourhood relationships · Funding for neighbourhood projects · Community safety (excl. town centres) · Graffiti removal · Community advocacy · Community facilities · Youth Council · Contact CAB |
Michael Bailey |
· Town centres and economic portfolio · Town centre renewal (incl. branding) · Design and maintenance · Town Centre marketing · Community safety within town centres · Business Improvement Districts (Michael Bailey and Simeon Brown) · Local priorities in relation to regional economic development initiatives |
Michael Bailey 10 Rimu Road Manurewa 2102 Mob: 021 287 4422 Email: Micahel.Bailey@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Danella McCormick |
· Sports parks and recreation portfolio · Stewardship of sports parks · Stewardship of recreation facilities · Relationship with sports clubs · Neighbourhood parks and reserves (incl. esplanade reserves and the coastline) · Design and maintenance · Plantings, playgrounds, bollards, and walkways · Botanic Gardens and Totara Park · Skateparks · Associate for the following portfolios: · Governance · transport |
George Hawkins |
· Libraries and recreation portfolio · Stewardship of Manurewa libraries · Mobile library |
George Hawkins |
· Transport portfolio · Local transport projects (incl. roading, footpaths, cycleways) |
Daryl Wrightson Shop 3-5, 7 Hill
Road |
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
· Arts, Culture and Events portfolio · Community celebration · Community identity · Neighbourhood gatherings and renewal · Event compliance · Artistic and cultural service levels · Promoting artistic endeavour (particularly among Manurewa youth) · Regional arts · Producing a music and arts centre for Manurewa |
Simeon Brown |
· Recreation Services portfolio · Contact Manukau Leisure |
Danella McCormick Shop 3-5, 7 Hill
Road |
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
· Civil Defence Emergency Management portfolio · Relationships with the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group · Community preparedness, disaster response, relief, and recovery |
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
· Built and Natural Environment portfolio · Restoration of wetlands, streams, and waterways · Local priorities in relation to regional environmental management · Mangroves · Manukau Harbour |
Other Board Members:
George Hawkins, QSO 30 Lakeside Drive |
Ken Penney 146e Great South
Road Email: Ken.Penney@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Angela Cunningham –Marino C/- Auckland Council Private Bag 92300 Auckland 1142 Ph: 266 4729 Mob: 027 504 0884 Email: Angela.Cunningham-Marino@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 5
5 Leave of Absence 5
6 Acknowledgements 5
7 Petitions 5
8 Deputations 5
8.1 Presentation of Manurewa Local Board Smokefree Banners - Cherry Morgan, Cancer Society 5
8.2 Deputation - Warm Up Counties Manukau - a 100% Free Home Insulation Programme - Counties Manukau District Health Board 6
9 Public Forum 6
10 Extraordinary Business 6
11 Notices of Motion 7
12 Manurewa Youth Council Update 9
13 Manurewa Ward Councillors Update 11
14 Portfolio Update 13
15 Chairperson's Update 29
16 Auckland Transport Update – June 2015 31
17 Renaming the walkway between the Botanic Gardens, leading up to Orams Road, opposite Peguero Place, as Pedestal Lane
This report was not available at the time the agenda was compiled.
18 Manurewa Performing Arts Needs and Options Analysis 43
19 Community Development, Arts and Culture (CDAC) 2015/2016 Manurewa Local Board work programme 47
20 Pools and Leisure Facilities Renewals 57
21 Manurewa Local Board Community Group Funding - Applications for Round Two 2014/2015 61
22 Manurewa Local Board feedback on amending the licence to occupy remission scheme to include the proposed Transport Levy 67
23 Adoption of the Manurewa Local Board Agreement 2015/2016 75
24 Manurewa Local Board reallocation of 2014/2015 budget 111
25 Randwick Park Pavilion Project Funding 113
26 Regional Facilities Auckland third quarter report 125
27 Reports Requested - Pending - Issues 145
28 Manurewa Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term 155
29 For Information: Reports referred to the Manurewa Local Board 165
30 Manurewa Local Board Workshop Notes 167
31 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Welcome
The meeting will begin with a prayer.
2 Apologies
An apology had been received from Cr Sir John Walker for non-attendance.
3 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 14 May 2015, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.
5 Leave of Absence
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
6 Acknowledgements
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
7 Petitions
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
8 Deputations
Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Manurewa Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.
9 Public Forum
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.
10 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
11 Notices of Motion
At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
File No.: CP2015/10363
1. Providing an opportunity for the Manurewa Youth Council to update the Manurewa Local Board on matters they have been involved in over the last month.
Executive Summary
2. Nil.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the verbal report from the Manurewa Youth Council regarding: i)
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
Manurewa Ward Councillors Update
File No.: CP2015/10364
1. A period of time (10 minutes) has been set aside for the Manurewa Ward Councillors to have an opportunity to update the Manurewa Local Board on regional matters.
Executive Summary
2. Nil.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the verbal reports from: i) Councillor Calum Penrose regarding:
ii) Councillor Sir John Walker regarding:
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
File No.: CP2015/10412
1. Providing an opportunity for Portfolio Leads to update to the Manurewa Local Board on matters they have been involved in over the last month.
Executive Summary
2. Nil.
That the Manurewa Local Board a) receive the portfolio update from: i) Danella McCormick, Built and Natural Environment Portfolio Lead.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Built and Natural Environment Portfolio Lead update from Danella McCormick |
15 |
bView |
Memo regarding stormwater Infrastructure management priorities as defined under the stormwater network discharge consent |
17 |
cView |
Further information regarding the proposed Auckland stormwater network discharge consent |
19 |
dView |
Stormwater infrastructure summary detail |
23 |
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
Period covered by report: 18th May 2015
Portfolio Activities
Portfolio one: Built and Natural Environment
Meeting date |
Topics discussed |
Attendees |
Actions |
18/5/2015 |
Stormwater Infrastructure Management Priorities – as per the attached 3 attachments. |
Danella McCormick Angela Cunningham-Marino Janet Kidd – Senior Stormwater Specialist Jacqueline – Local Board Services |
Awaiting further information as requested from Janet Kidd in relation to this.
Further discussion required as to how the Local Board prefer to feedback on our recommendations. |
Janet Kidd |
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
File No.: CP2015/10417
1. Providing an opportunity for the chairperson to update the local board on issues she has been involved in.
Executive Summary
2. Nil.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the verbal report from the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson regarding: i)
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
Auckland Transport Update – June 2015
File No.: CP2015/10580
1. This report provides an update on local transport matters over the last month for the Manurewa Local Board (MLB).
Executive Summary
2. This report contains a general monthly update on transport matters both locally and from across Auckland and a list of issues currently being addressed by Auckland Transport for the MLB.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receives this report b) requests that Auckland Transport undertake detailed design based on a Rough Order of Cost of $180,000 of funds from the Local Board’s Transport Capital Fund for traffic calming in the Williams Ave and Kirton Crescent area and authorizes use of Local Board Transport Capital Funds to complete this process even if the project does not proceed to construction. c) requests that Auckland Transport undertake detailed design based on a Rough Order of Cost of $850,258 of funds from the Local Board’s Transport Capital Fund for development of pedestrian linkages between the Manurewa Town Centre and the Botanic Gardens and authorizes use of Local Board Transport Capital Funds to complete this process even if the project does not proceed to construction. d) requests that Auckland Transport undertake detailed design based on a Rough Order of Cost of $387,730 of funds from the Local Board’s Transport Capital Fund for pedestrian improvements and traffic calming in the Manurewa Town Centre and authorizes use of Local Board Transport Capital Funds to complete this process even if he project does not proceed to construction.
Responding to Resolutions
3. Auckland Transport’s response to the resolutions made by the MLB at previous meetings that require a specific answer.
Resolution number MR/2015/74
d) That the Manurewa Local Board request a detailed report from Auckland Transport on the reasons for the drop in performance and what actions are being taken to resolve them.
e) That the Manurewa Local Board request a regular report on the reliability and punctuality of train performance on the southern line.
4. Auckland Transport has noted the MLB and their community’s concerns about the reliability of the Southern Rail Line. Auckland Transport acknowledges that there has been a drop in reliability on this part of the network recently, particularly in March 2015, and is working hard to make sure this situation does not continue.
5. Auckland Transport’s intent is to respond to this resolution with a visit by the rail network’s senior management to the Manurewa Local Board. At the time this report was written a time for the visit had not been confirmed but is expected that at the meeting the date will be able to be confirmed verbally.
g) That the Manurewa Local Board request that Auckland Transport investigate an option to allow for payment of fines via internet banking as well as by debit/credit card.
6. Auckland Transport fines can be paid online using either a credit card or internet banking. Fine payment options can be found on the Auckland Transport website (at.govt.nz) under the ‘Driving – Parking’ page. The link is as follows https://at.govt.nz/driving-parking/pay-or-query-a-fine/.
7. People can also phone the Auckland Transport Call Centre (09 355 3553) quote their ticket reference number and they will be given bank account details for paying their fine. A screen shot of the web page is included below as Figure 1.
Figure 1: Screenshot of Auckland Transport’s Website Showing Payment Options
Redoubt - Mill Road
9. One of Auckland Transport’s largest projects in the Manurewa Local Board area is the re-development and improvement of Mill Road. Public submissions to Auckland Council about Auckland Transport’s Notice of Requirement (NoR) application for safeguarding the route were open from 17 April to 26 May 2015.
10. Public information days were held at Westfield Manukau in late April 2015 to provide members of the wider community with an opportunity to discuss the project .
11. The information days were well supported with approximately 1000 people visiting over two days.
12. The majority were supportive and were keen to see earlier construction as they already experience considerable issues with traffic congestion in this area. A very small number, less than ten, raised concerns about the impact on Cheeseman’s Bush or other environmental concerns.
13. The general themes from this feedback can be summarised as follows:
· Many people stated that the project is needed soon and should therefore progress quicker.
· A large number believe that the connection needs to continue further south (i.e. the Mill Rd South proposal) sooner rather than later.
· There was support for trying to advance upgrades of the dangerous intersections at Redoubt and Murphys Roads.
· Residents were concerned about how noise will be mitigated and managed, particularly during construction.
· Most residents or locals who commented understand the need for the project because safety and congestion are a major concern within the corridor.
· People also wanted clarification over whether increased public transport provisions could be incorporated into the corridor.
Parking Strategy
14. On 27 May 2015 Auckland Transport launched the new Auckland wide ‘Parking Strategy’. The strategy includes twelve parking policies that state Auckland Transport’s position with regards to all aspects of parking in the city including:
· The triggers for establishing resident’s parking zones;
· How pricing for parking on-street and off-street is established;
· How parking in town centres will be managed; and
· The way parking on arterial routes will be managed.
15. In summary the release of the Parking Strategy and its supporting policies is a very important step both for Auckland Transport and for local communities. The document provides a transparent statement of Auckland Transport’s position with regards to parking and therefore it helps to inform communities about how parking will be managed.
16. People looking for more information are encouraged to visit the Auckland Transport website and the following links are recommended:
· Information about the Parking Strategy https://at.govt.nz/about-us/transport-plans-strategies/parking-strategy/
· A summary of the feedback received on the original ‘Parking Discussion Document’ from which the Parking Strategy was developed https://at.govt.nz/media/1119139/Parking-Discussion-Document-Submission-Report.pdf
· A list of the twelve policies within the strategy https://at.govt.nz/about-us/transport-plans-strategies/parking-strategy/parking-strategy-policies/
17. All elected members were invited to a briefing on the launch of the strategy and the policies and hard copies will be posted to Local Board Offices. The information contained in the above links is considerable so rather than include attachments with this report it is therefore more economic to direct people to the website.
Great South Road Corridor Management Plans (CMPs)
18. Last month it was reported that Auckland Transport is developing CMPs for arterial corridors across the region and is planning to discuss a new CMP for Great South Road with the MLB.
19. A CMP is not a detailed plan but outlines the types of planning that may be needed so that agencies can start planning budgets and work programmes in a coordinated way as early as possible. CMPs are strategic documents designed to provide a 30 year framework for agencies working to maintain and improve transport along broad ‘corridors’ of movement.
20. Last meeting it was planned that a CMP workshop would take place on 26 May 2015. This workshop could not take place and another date is currently being set.
Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF):
21. MLB has a total pool of approximately $2,392,297 available in this electoral term that can be spent on transport projects.
22. In this electoral term the MLB has identified six projects that are being investigated. Details of the projects and there status are included in Attachment A.
23. In the last month progress has been made in the following areas:
· At last month’s Local Board meeting the decision was made to release funds for the project to upgrade Wiri Station Road.
· Detailed design concepts for the ‘Arts and Plants’ and ‘Great South Road (GSR) Pedestrianisation’ Projects were presented to the Manurewa Town Centre Steering Group on 14 April 2014 but were not supported and further discussion is planned to make sure the designs better meet the MLB’s intent.
· A detailed design concept for the ‘Covered Walkway’ that is intended to be built to link South Mall and the railway station was presented to the Manurewa Town Centre Steering Group on 14 April 2014 and were not supported. A draft resolution is included above to authorise the next step in this project.
Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP)
24. The RLTP contains the combined intentions of Auckland Transport, New Zealand Transport Agency, and Kiwi Rail in terms of forward planning and Auckland Transport has worked closely with these other agencies in the development of this document.
25. The RLTP has been re-drafted taking into account public submissions and is currently being debated by Auckland Council’s Governing Body.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Summary of Manurewa Local Board Transport Capital Fund Projects 2013 - 2016 Electoral Term |
37 |
bView |
Summary of Consultation Information Sent to the Manurewa Local Board in June 2015 |
41 |
Author |
Ben Stallworthy – Elected Member Relationship Manager (South), Auckland Transport |
Authorisers |
Jonathan Anyon, Elected Member Relationship Team Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
Summary of Manurewa Local Board Transport Capital Fund Projects (LBTCF)
2013 - 2016 Electoral Term
Projects Submitted |
Description |
Current Status |
New Footpaths in Manurewa
Improvements to the footpaths on Wiri Station Road |
Construction authorized in April 2015. Auckland Transport has provided a Rough Order of Cost (ROC) of $103,000 for delivery of this project. The original proposal was modified and at the April 2015 Local Board meeting the Board resolved to accept and deliver a new option that involves providing pedestrian facilities at the signalised intersection of Wiri Station and Ash Road and having pedestrians cross to the north side of Wiri Station Road the Final Cost Estimate (FCE) of which is $ 103,000. |
Traffic calming options William Avenue and Kirton Crescent |
Installing a traffic calming scheme in William Avenue and Kirton Crescent |
In Januray 2015 the Manurewa Local Board requested investigation of traffic calming options in William Avenue and Kirton Crescent. Auckland Transport has completed investigations and reported back. This project would require approximately eight speed humps to meet AT Code of Practice standards The ROC is $180,000 At the April Manurewa Local Board meeting the the members decided to defer a decision on whether to proceed with the project until further consultation has been carried out. After advice from Auckland Transport that comprehensive consultation would be better informed after detailed design has been completed the Manurewa Local Board has decided to authorize expenditure for detailed design and draft resolutions have been included in this month’s report. |
Arts and Plants |
Creating a pedestrian and cycle link to Nathan Homestead and Auckland Botanical Gardens. Projects under investigation include: a new shared path, seating, new informative signage and safe crossing treatments. |
Auckland Transport has provided a ROC of $858,283 In December 2014 the Manurewa Local Board authorized Auckland Transport to start detailed design. During the design process some issues have arisen and a new plan was presented to the Town Centre Project Steering Group on 14 April 2014. The Town Centre Project Steering Group did not believe the design met the Manurewa Local Board’s intent and further discussion is required. A meeting with Manurewa Local Board, Richard Knott and Auckland Transport to explore options took place on Friday 15 May 2015. At the meeting consensus was reached and a proposed option supported by all parties was presented to the Town Centre Improvement Projet Steering Group on Tuesday 19 May 2015. The new option was supported by the Steering Group and the Manurewa Local Board must now authorize the next step detailed design. Draft resolutions are included in the report.
Great South Road/Railway station connectivity |
This project will incorporate a range of practical opportunities to better link the Great South Road and the Train Station. Potential improvements include: Easier movement through South Mall, way finding signage and real time commuter information. |
Auckland Transport has provided a ROC of $75,000 In December 2014 the Manurewa Local Board authorized Auckland Transport to start detailed design. The project has been broken into component s for simplicity of reporting: · Signage/Route information – Auckland Transport is leading a cross-council project to identify a multi-modal single signage system for the region. Decisions around definitive regional signage should be taken by early 2016. Auckland Transport expects Manurewa will be in a position to install the new signage in the first quarter of 2016. · Commuter information – Currently working through procurement options. In summary delivery of this project is dependent on other work streams so is likely to be next year. But at the meeting held on on Friday 15 May 2015 the matter of tying Auckland Transport’s regional signage project into delivery of the improvements to the Manukau Town Centre and the route from there to the Botanic Gardens was discussed and was confirmed. |
Covered Walkway |
Building a weather proof cover on the station over bridge and across the South Mall car park to link the station the mall and Great South Road. |
Auckland Trasnport has provided a ROC of $1,430,000 The contract for preliminary design was awarded Auckland Transport presented drawings and preliminary design to the Town Centre Project Steering Group on 14 April 2015.The steering group was comfortable with how this project is progressing and it was agreed that the detailed design should be authorized by the Local Board. At the May 2015 Manurewa Local Board meeting a resolution authorizing commitment of the funds and requesting detailed design start was passed by the Board. |
Great South Road (GSR) pedestrianisation |
The Board is investigating a range of options for making Great South Road, Manurewa more pedestrian friendly. Improvements may include: Building a gateway to Manurewa and enhanced pedestrian crossing facilities.
Auckland Transport has provided a ROC of $387,730 During the design process some issues have arisen and a new plan was presented to the Town Centre Project Steering Group on 14 April 2014. A number of the proposed treatments are not appropriate given GSR is an over dimensional route. Internal engineers are investigating what treatments or lternative options are possible with an aim to “a more pedestrian friendly Manurewa”. The Town Centre Project Steering Group did not believe the design met the Manurewa Local Board’s intent and further discussion is required. A meeting with Manurewa Local Board, Richard Knott and Auckland Transport to explore options took place on Friday 15 May 2015. At the meeting consensus was reached and a proposed option supported by all parties was presented to the Town Centre Improvement Projet Steering Group on Tuesday 19 May 2015. The new option was supported by the Steering Group and the Manurewa Local Board must now authorize the next step detailed design. Draft resolutions are included in the report.
Funds ‘carried over’ from the previous electoral term: $ 612,355 Three years LBTCF allocations of $593,314 per annum: $ 1,779,942 Total LBTCF funds available for allocation this electoral term: $ 2,392, 297 |
New Footpaths in Manurewa (Wiri Station Road) $ 103,000 Traffic calming options William Avenue and Kirton Crescent $ 180,000 Arts and Plants $858,283 Great South Road/Railway station connectivity $75,000 Covered Walkway (South Mall to rail station) $ 1,430,000 Great South Road (GSR) pedestrianisation $387,730
LBTCF fund potentially committed as at 30 April 2015 $ 3,034,013 |
11 June 2015 |
Summary of Consultation Information Sent to the Manurewa Local Board in June 2015
No consultation requests were made in this reporting period.
Project |
Description of Proposal |
Dates |
Response |
Traffic Calming James Pickering Drive |
A ‘Safety Around Schools’ project involving installing traffic calming and a crossing in front of James Cook High School. |
Sent to Transport Portfolio Leaders on 7 May 2015 |
Discussed with Transport Portfolio Leaders on 18 May 2015 who supported the proposal. |
Traffic Calming Mahia Road |
A ‘Safety Around Schools’ project involving modifications to Mahia Road including changing the layout of median, bus stops and crossing points. The aim is to use engineering to create a safer environment aound South Auckland Middle School. |
Sent to Transport Portfolio Leaders on 7 May 2015 |
Discussed with Transport Portfolio Leaders on 18 May 2015 who supported the proposal. |
11 June 2015 |
Manurewa Performing Arts Needs and Options Analysis
File No.: CP2015/10491
1. To present the findings of the Manurewa performing arts needs and options analysis report.
Executive Summary
2. The purpose of the Manurewa performing arts needs and options analysis was to provide advice to the board on:
· options to meet the board’s aspirations for a community performing arts venue
· any other options to meet local performing arts needs.
3. The needs analysis identified a range of needs in the local community and investigated facility based and service based options to meet that need. The key recommendations of the report are to:
· provide a general, multi-use and adaptable space in the Manurewa town centre that can accommodate rehearsal, audition and performance activities through a pilot initiative
· provide targeted support for classes and specialists to build local participation, capacity and skill
· support outreach programmes that encourage greater use of existing facilities.
4. There is no capital funding in the draft Long-term Plan 2015-2025 to develop a bespoke performing arts theatre. However, there is $2.828m allocated in 2019/2020 for a multi-use community facility in Manurewa, which could include performing arts services.
5. Any costs associated with implementing the recommendation from the needs and options analysis would need to be funded from the local board’s existing operational budgets.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receives the Manurewa Performing Arts Needs and Options Report (Attachment A). b) notes that council’s Arts and Culture team will work with the board on any of the recommendations identified in the attached report that the board wish to progress within available budget.
6. The Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014-17 states an intention to nurture and showcase local performing arts and provide avenues to support this activity. There is no budget in the draft Long-term Plan 2015-25 to specifically provide a performing arts facility or improved services in Manurewa.
7. In September 2014 the board requested a needs and options analysis be undertaken to assess performing arts needs in the area.
8. Staff engaged Visitor Solutions to undertake the work.
9. The methodology for the study included:
· secondary data review and analysis including demographic data, facility data, and strategic plans
· open day event and discussion for the community
· facility inventory assessment
· youth street discussions
· online survey
· phone interviews
· Mana whenua engagement
· qualitative analysis
The methodology is described in more detail on page 7 of the attached report.
10. Key findings of the needs analysis is summarised in page 27 of the report and states:
· demand for performing arts space and programmes in Manurewa is growing
· a traditional (or large) theatre in Manurewa is not favoured as greater use could be made of existing theatre facilities surrounding Manurewa
· there is support for a simple multi-use venue in a central Manurewa location that was available at a low or no cost and able to be ‘reinvented’ by users as needed
· Nathan Homestead was seen as serving a different demographic to the one that would use a simple, centrally located multi-use facility
· along with better facilities, the quality of programmes and tutors are equally important for successful performing arts experiences in Manurewa.
11. The report identifies five options to meet performing arts needs in Manurewa. Three are facility based and two relate to service delivery improvements.
Facility Options
12. The three facility based options considered in the report are:
1. develop a traditional theatre/performance space
2. develop a flexible lower specification rehearsal or performance space
3. use a non-purpose built space to create an open, flexible rehearsal, audition and performance space.
13. The authors of the report consider that the first option of a purpose built facility does not align with community needs. This is as a result of the community suggesting that greater use should be made of existing purpose-built theatres in areas surrounding Manurewa such as the Hawkins Theatre in Papakura and the Mangere Arts Centre.
14. The report suggests that the two other facility based options aligns well with community needs:
· Option 2: Develop a lower specification flexible (non-traditional) performance and rehearsal space.
· Option 3: Use a non-purpose built existing space to create an open, flexible, adaptable rehearsal, audition and performance space (recommended option). The report suggests that the lack of specificity of the space would enable multi-use options including a ‘drop-in’ centre where participants could access information, form groups, collaborate and create. This option allows the space to be leased and avoids the cost of an initial capital outlay. The option also allows a pilot approach to see whether there is adequate demand for continued or future provision.
Service Development Options
15. The report also identifies service development options to improve performing arts services in Manurewa that did not require significant capital investment including:
· Supporting the provision of more classes and specialists to enhance and grow performing arts learning and the sector. This could encompass drama, dance, musical theatre, vocal coaching, music lessons, production and performance, technical lighting, sound and management. The most likely model would involve funding of appropriate tutors and/or subsidising participants. Preliminary operational expenditure for this option is estimated at between $50,000 and $150,000 per annum.
· Supporting outreach programmes to facilitate residents’ greater use of existing facilities, particularly those surrounding Manurewa such as the Hawkins Centre in Papakura, Mangere Arts centre and Vodafone Events Centre. This option is premised on the fact that it will be far cheaper to subsidise Manurewa residents to use existing facilities than develop and operate a purpose built facility in Manurewa.
16. The costs and benefits of all of the options are discussed in more detail in the attached report between pages 28 and 37.
17. The key recommendations of the needs and options analysis report are:
· lease a multi-purpose space as a pilot initiative
· progressing with both the service improvement options summarised above.
Next Steps
18. If the board supports piloting the lease option, a preliminary feasibility assessment would be required to:
· identify partners and explore governance and management models
· determine operating costs and service delivery objectives
· identify a suitable pilot space and understand costs for lease and any basic fit-out.
This would require external expertise, and similar projects in the past indicate this is likely to cost between $15,000 - $20,000.
19. Council’s Arts and Culture team will work with the local board to implement the findings of the needs and options analysis and manage a preliminary feasibility study if required.
Local Board views and implications
20. The board’s arts portfolio holder was a member of the project steering team. Staff have also held two workshops with the board to discuss the results of the needs analysis and to present the outcome of the options analysis.
21. Maori comprise 25% of the Manurewa Local Board population, compared to the Auckland Region as a whole with 11%.
22. There are no statistics available to identify Maori engagement and participation in performing arts programmes in Manurewa. It is anticipated that improved services and access to performing arts will have a beneficial impact on Maori. New service improvement initiatives can also be specifically targeted to improve Maori participation.
23. The views of mana whenua and maataawaka were sought as part of consultation. Maori residents also participated through consultation sessions, youth street discussions and performing arts sector phone interviews. Specific details on iwi affiliation were not sought in these sessions.
24. Mana whenua with a strong interest in Manurewa were contacted directly and provided no additional feedback.
25. The draft Long-term Plan 2015-2025 does not include any capital or operational funds for a new performing arts facility in Manurewa, and the provision of a bespoke performing arts theatre has not been identified as a priority in the Community Facilities Network Plan.
26. The draft Long-term Plan 2015-2025 identifies $2.828 million for a community facility in Manurewa for 2019/2020. Planning toward this facility has not commenced. The findings of the needs and options analysis and any pilot project to provide performing arts space can be taken into account in planning for the multi-use community facility in the future.
27. Costs associated with implementing any of the service development options would need to be funded from within the local board’s existing Locally Delivered Initiatives budget.
28. The draft Long-term Plan 2015-2025 does not include any capital or operational funds for a new performing arts facility in Manurewa, and the provision of a bespoke performing arts theatre has not been identified as a priority in the Community Facilities Network Plan.
29. The draft Long-term Plan 2015-2025 identifies $2.828 million for a community facility in Manurewa for 2019-20. Planning toward this facility has not commenced. The findings of the needs and options analysis and any pilot project to provide performing arts space can be taken into account in planning for the multi-use community facility in the future.
30. Costs associated with implementing any of the service development options would need to be funded from within the local board’s existing Locally Delivered Initiatives budget.
No. |
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aView |
Manurewa Performing Arts Needs and Options Analysis (Under Separate Cover) |
Authors |
Rhoda Fowler - Policy Analyst |
Authorisers |
Kataraina Maki - GM - Community & Social Policy Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
Community Development, Arts and Culture (CDAC) 2015/2016 Manurewa Local Board work programme
File No.: CP2015/05661
1. This report presents the Community Development, Arts and Culture (CDAC) 2015/2016 Manurewa Local Board work programme for approval.
Executive Summary
2. This report provides information to support local boards to make decisions required to approve the CDAC 2015/2016 work programme.
3. The draft CDAC work programme aims to provide a defined work programme for the 2015/2016 financial year. The work programme covers the following areas:
· community development and safety
· arts and culture
· events
· community facilities.
4. The CDAC work programme for the Manurewa Local Board has been aligned to the following 2014-2017 Manurewa Local Board Plan priorities:
· all people are valued and encouraged
· Manurewa has an attractive, prosperous town centre
· spaces and places that people use and enjoy.
5. Local boards are being requested to approve the CDAC work programme for FY 2015/2016. Local boards are requested to note that delivery of Community Development and Safety (CDS) workstreams described in Attachment A is subject to the outcome of the Empowered Communities Approach.
That the Manurewa Local Board : a) approve the 2015/2016 Community Development, Arts and Culture work programme (Attachment A), noting that the Community Development and Safety component is dependant upon the outcome of the Empowered Communities Approach b) approve the community lease work plan for 2015/2016 (Attachment B) c) approve the 2015/2016 term grants for Randwick Park Community House ($8136) and Te Whare Awhina Community House ($50,851) towards operation and activation of the community facility d) approve granting licences to occupy and manage to Te Whare Awhina o Tamworth Inc for the Randwick Park Community House at 139 Shifnal Drive, Manurewa Part Lot 1 DP 92969 contained in NA49B/1287 and Te Whare Awhina Community House at4 Tamworth Close, Manurewa Part Lot 393 DP92904 contained in NA51B/374 for the term of 1 year commencing from 1 July 2015 at a rental of $1.00 plus GST e) approve the funding of $21,000 to the Manurewa Youth Council to support young people to be actively engaged in matters that are important to them.
6. The CDAC work programme for 2015/2016 has been developed using a co-ordinated departmental approach. Each CDAC unit has aligned their projects and initiatives to the Auckland Plan directives and the Manurewa Local Board plan 2014 – 2017.
7. The CDAC work programmes align to the following 2014 – 2017 Manurewa Local Board Plan priorities:
· all people are valued and encouraged
· Manurewa has an attractive, prosperous town centre
· spaces and places that people use and enjoy.
8. The CDAC work programme 2015/2016 for the Manurewa Local Board includes the following areas of activity:
· Community Development and Safety: These projects and programmes aim to deliver a range of social outcomes for local residents and include assisting Civil Defence to establish neighbourhyood emergency response groups, supporting community-led projects such as resident groups, funding for Manurewa Youth Council and other youth development programmes. Other activities include graffiti prevention and town centre CCTV initiatives.
· Arts and Culture: This includes community-led art activations, Southside Arts Festival, revitalised art integration at Manurewa Town Centre, as well as programming, venue hire and renewals work at Nathan Homestead.
· Events: This work programme includes a range of community events such as ANZAC day, volunteer appreciation awards, and citizenship ceremonies as well as administering funding rounds for local event support funding.
· Community Facilities: This includes the provision of social housing, community facilities and their promotion, community leasing, and supporting community-led houses to connect and deliver to local board work outcomes.
9. The work programme includes scoped initiatives, the allocation of budgets and established timelines. A workshop was held with the local board and CDAC staff on 21 April, to ensure activities align with the local board priorities and meet the needs of the Manurewa community.
10. CDAC’s Community Development and Safety (CDS) unit will operationalise the Empowered Communities Approach, which is part of the 2015/2016 Long-Term Plan approved on 8 May 2015 (GB/2015/31). Broadly speaking, the changes proposed to the community development function are:
· move away from direct delivery (and therefore save overheads) and fund community groups to deliver more
· for local boards to play a much more active role by allocating more funding through them
· transition delivery to a more empowered communities approach.
11. The Empowered Communities Approach model was considered by the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee at its meeting on 4 June. This report recommends that the work programme be adopted based on current arrangements, noting that FY 2015/2016 will be a transition year for CDS.
12. Local Boards are requested to approve the CDAC work programme for 2015/2016. CDAC staff will continue to work with relevant portfolio holders and the local board to ensure these projects are delivered and evaluated. Portfolio holders and the local board will also be consulted on the prioritisation of the community facilities renewal projects and community leases.
Local board views and implications
13. The draft 2015/2016 work programme was considered by the local board at a workshop on 21 April 2015. The views expressed by local board members are reflected in Attachment A.
Maori impact statement
14. Improving Maori outcomes is a priority for the region. One of the Auckland Plan targets is to increase targeted support to Maori community development projects. The CDAC work programme aims to improve well-being among Maori living in the local board area. The focus of this CDAC work programme is to support Maori targeted initiatives.
15. CDAC staff will continue to meet with portfolio holders to provide updates on the work programme and ensure it is progressed in a timely way. The CDAC work programme will be implemented within the annual plan 2015/2016 budget and reported on through the quarterly reporting process.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
CDAC Work Programme FY2015/2016 Manurewa Local Board |
51 |
bView |
Manurewa Community Leasing Workplan 2015/2016 |
55 |
Authors |
Yvette Asthana - Administrator |
Authorisers |
Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
Attachment B: Manurewa Local Board Community Facilities Community Lease Workplan 2015/2016
Group |
Location |
Building Ownership / Ground or Building Lease |
Lease Expiry Date |
Renewal? If so, details |
Rent Amount |
Notes |
Category One: New leases and renewals that are currently underway and will be reported to Board in due course |
Counties Manukau Sport |
Mountford Park, Weymouth Road, Manurewa |
Council |
30/06/2012 |
$500 +GST pa |
Report underway |
Weymouth Rugby Football Club |
Weymouth Domain, Gibbons Road, Weymouth |
Lessee |
30/06/2013 |
0.10c pa |
Report underway. Consultation ongoing as to future plans for park (from Feasibility Study). |
Tamaki Playcentre Assn – Lupton |
7R Lupton Road, Manurewa |
Lessee |
30/09/2013 |
0.10c pa |
Report underway |
Manurewa Table Tennis Club Inc |
McVilly Road Reserve |
Lessee |
30/09/2014 |
0.10c pa |
Report underway |
Tamaki Playcentre Assn - Kohiwi |
72 Coxhead Road |
Lessee |
30/06/2015 |
0.10c pa |
Application received, site visit and report to be done |
Category Two: Projects that are currently underway and will be reported to Board in due course |
Manukau Beautification Trust |
Holmes Road |
Council |
Current Lease |
$500 +GST pa |
Report to include extra piece of carpark in leased area. |
Netball Manurewa |
Dalgety Drive Reserve, Browns Road, Manurewa |
Lessee |
Current Lease |
0.10c pa |
Changes to lease to reflect latest developments, maintenance and ownership |
Randwick Park Community Facility |
Randwick Park, Manurewa |
Council |
n/a yet |
To confirm a lease group once built |
Randwick Park ECE |
Randwick Park, Manurewa |
Lessee |
n/a yet |
To confirm a lease group once plans and consents advanced |
Tahuri Mai Kohanga Reo |
Mountford Park, Sykes Road, Manurewa |
Lessee |
Current Lease |
0.10c pa |
Report underway to approve new site plan covering new leased area. |
Category Three: Leases that have expired, together with other projects, that will be the next focus area for action |
Group |
Location |
Building Ownership / Ground or Bldg Lease |
Lease Expiry Date |
Renewal? If so, details |
Rent Amount |
Notes |
Manukau Racing Pigeon Club |
Mountford Park, Sykes Road, Manurewa |
Lessee |
31/12/2010 |
0.10c pa |
Have been sent an application pack. To follow up. |
All Seasons Community Sports Trust |
Gallaher Park, Alfriston Road, Manurewa |
Council |
30/06/2012 |
$500 +GST pa |
Have been sent an application pack. To follow up. Feasibility Study being undertaken on park. |
The Girl Guides Assoc - Goodwood Heights |
Everglade Drive, Manukau Heights |
Lessee |
30/09/2012 |
0.10c pa |
Have been sent an application pack. To follow up. |
Manurewa Rugby Football Club Inc. |
Mountford Park, Dr Pickering Ave, Manurewa |
Council |
31/10/2012 |
0.10c pa |
Have been sent an application pack. To follow up. |
Manurewa Cricket Club |
War Memorial Park, Gibbs Road, Manurewa |
Lessee |
30/06/2013 |
$10 pa |
Have been sent an application pack. To follow up. |
Weymouth Boating Club Inc. |
29R Greers Road, Weymouth |
Lessee |
31/03/2014 |
$10 pa |
Have been sent an application pack. To follow up. |
Category Four: Leases and renewals that are due to expire that will be the final focus area for action |
Royal NZ Plunket Society |
5 Hill Road |
Lessee |
31/05/2015 |
0.10c pa |
Have been sent an application pack. To follow up. |
11 June 2015 |
Pools and Leisure Facilities Renewals
File No.: CP2015/10244
1. This report seeks approval from the Manurewa Local Board for proposed 2015/16 property renewal capital works for Pools and Leisure Facilities.
Executive Summary
2. The property renewals programme is an annual capital works programme. The programme ensures that each Council facility can operate to the current level of service articulated in the relevant asset management plan.
3. The Manurewa Local Board proposed property renewals programme for 2015/16 is detailed in this report under point 14.
4. In the 2015/16 financial year, the Manurewa Local Board’s Pools and Leisure Facilities budget is $117,500.00.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) Receive the 2015/2016 Pools and Leisure Facilities Proposed Property Renewals report b) Approves the property renewals programme for 2015/2016 as listed in the table under point 14 c) Delegates responsibility to specified member/s (refer to table under point 14) to approve any moderate changes to the budget or project scope, in the event that there is a variation to identified costs or facility needs for its property renewals programme.
5. Community facilities are an important part of realising the vision of Auckland to become the world’s most liveable city. They contribute to building strong, healthy and vibrant communities by providing spaces where Aucklanders can connect, socialise, learn and participate in a wide range of social, cultural, art and recreational activities. These activities foster improved lifestyles and a sense of belonging and pride among residents.
6. Investment in this property renewals programme will ensure that Council facilities remain valuable, well-maintained community assets that continue to meet user expectations. Not undertaking timely property renewals will have an undesirable impact on the customer experience and put asset performance at risk, and ultimately increase the cost to maintain the facility.
7. The property renewals programme, being led by the Property Department, is a planned and documented process comprising of seven project management framework phases. These phases are: data collection, feasibility, initiation, planning, execution & transition, closure, and benefits realisation. Local Board sign-off is within the third phase (initiation) of the property renewals programme process.
8. The property renewals programme process ensures that the proposed work-lists (Attachment 1) have received extensive input and assessment from both property and activity officers. The proposed property renewals programme (Attachment 1) includes the name of the Pools and Leisure Facilities Representative for each of the proposed work-lists.
9. Through the development of the Long Term Plan 2015-2025 (LTP) current business activities within Auckland Council were divided into seven broad activity segments to ensure alignment with the Auckland Plan. One of these activity areas is Parks, Community and Lifestyle.
10. The Parks, Community and Lifestyle theme includes community services, libraries, parks, recreation, and pools and leisure activities.
11. The Pools and Leisure team have developed a property renewals strategy that aims to:
a) Prioritise work across the region to facilities most in need of renewal, do it once and do it right, with only one closure, minimising any disruption to operations; and
b) Review works across the pools and leisure portfolio and programme to identify opportunities to maximize Council’s purchasing power.
12. Over the course of the LTP it is proposed each facility will receive comprehensive and focused work to bring them up to the agreed level of service. In order to achieve the proposed benefits in the renewals strategy, a regional approach must be taken to ensure:
· Funding is based on need
With limited resources every dollar needs to be
invested wisely to ensure an effective renewals programme. A needs based
approach ensures funding is allocated in the right areas at the right time.
· More thorough and comprehensive scoping of works
Less likelihood of cost overruns and unforeseen project risks
· Delivery to Levels of Services (LoS)
Focused and consistent delivery on agreed levels of service across the region
Renewals programmes will be based on the following categories:
· Comprehensive
Over the course of the LTP each facility receives a
comprehensive upgrade therefore moving away from ad hoc component level
renewals planning to a systematic programme of comprehensive upgrades across
the leisure portfolio
· Strategic
Strategic replacement of key assets to bring long term energy
and maintenance savings combined with strategic procurement. For example,
procuring a single provider of pool pumps and systematically replacing these
creating the ability to share across the network or systematically replacing
boilers with more energy efficient models to reduce energy costs
· Return on Investment initiatives
Specific funding for projects that have a strong return on investment such as
the expansion of a group fitness area enabling additional membership capacity
and growth.
Leisure Prioritisation Framework
13. Although the renewals planning process, specifically for Pools and Leisure for FY15/16 (year 1) of the LTP has remained somewhat the same as previous years, funding has however been prioritised in part using the renewals strategy and leisure prioritisation framework as a guide for prudent asset planning and financial decision making.
14. Projects have been categorised using the prioritisation criteria outlined below, with the focus on addressing all major Health and Safety related issues first and then addressing any infrastructural risk or high operational risk projects. Next year we will concentrate more on asset preservation and lower operational risk projects.
Priority Ranking |
Type |
Criteria |
1 |
Health & Safety |
A project that if not completed will result in a breach of health & safety regulations, or present risk to people |
2 |
High Operational/Infrastructural risk |
A project that if not complete will result in a major failure or breach of compliance needs that prevents the facility operating or a facility programme from operating |
3 |
Asset Preservation |
A project that if not complete will result in an unacceptable deterioration of the facility assets/building |
4 |
Low Operational Risk |
A project if not complete could result in a minor disruption to the operation of the facility/customer experience |
5 |
Life-Cycle Replacement |
A project that is not a 1 to 4 but is required to ensure the ongoing functionality of the asset or building |
Manurewa Proposed Renewals Programme |
$117,500 |
Facility / Site |
Project name |
Manurewa Aquatic Centre |
Insulate/reinstate vapour barrier to bulkhead and environs |
100,000 |
Te Matariki Clendon Community Centre |
Childcare flooring replacement |
17,500 |
$117,500 |
Local Board views and implications
15. Council officers are seeking Local Board approval for the proposed Manurewa Local Board property renewals programme for 2015/16. Council officers will report quarterly to the Local Board, including any reduction in project costs, to enable a review of budget options.
Māori impact statement
16. The Manurewa Local Board 2015/2016 proposed property renewals programme will ensure that all facilities continue to be well-maintained community assets benefiting the local community, including Māori.
17. This work will be implemented as part of Council’s Property Department’s usual business practice and delivered in partnership with the Pools and Leisure team.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Michael Groom - Manager Aquatics & Recreation Facilities |
Authorisers |
Rob McGee - Manager Leisure – Parks, Sports and Recreation Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
Manurewa Local Board Community Group Funding - Applications for Round Two 2014/2015
File No.: CP2015/08071
1. This report presents applications received under Round Two of the Manurewa Local Board 2014/2015 Community Funding Programme. The Manurewa Local Board is requested to fund, part fund or decline these applications.
Executive Summary
2. The Manurewa Local Board has a total budget of $171,823 for the 2014/2015 financial year for the community grants programme.
3. The board approved a total of $59,422 in Round One, which leaves a remaining balance of $112,401 for the year
4. The applications to be considered at this time are for Round Two, which is the second of two rounds for this financial year.
5. The Manurewa Local Board considered these applications at a workshop on 26 May 2015.
6. Thirty nine applications have been received for this round, requesting a total of $242,104.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) considers the applications listed below and agrees to fund, part fund or decline each application in this round:
7. The Regional Strategy and Policy Committee, at its meeting of 6 March 2014, agreed to the continuation of the interim community funding approach for the 2014/2015 financial year:
That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee endorse existing funding arrangements and grants schemes being rolled over for the 2014 /2015 financial year. (REG/2014/36)
8. The funds for the legacy community funding and local board discretionary community funding schemes within the southern local board areas cover the following funds:
· Local Board Discretionary Community Fund
· Social Investment
· School Holiday Programme Fund
· School Swimming Pool Fund
· Community Crime Prevention Fund
· Marae Facilities Fund
9. Thirty nine applications were received in this round to be considered under the following funds:
· Local Board Discretionary Community Grants Fund
· Social Investment Fund
· Community Crime Prevention Fund
· Marae Facilities Fund
10. When considering the applications to the Local Board Discretionary Community Grants Fund, the Manurewa Local Board should be guided by their local board plan priorities. These are not eligibility criteria, rather, they are guidelines to support the local board when considering the merits of each application.
11. The Manurewa Local Board held a workshop on 26 May 2015 to consider each application and how each project aligned with the Manurewa Local Board Plan priorities and the south “Community Funding Policy for Grants, Donations and Sponsorships” that currently apply.
12. Financial Summary – Summary of Manurewa Local Board’s available balance for the 2014/2015 financial year:
2014/15 Annual Budget |
Type of Fund |
Grants paid |
Balance |
$40,168 |
Local Board Discretionary Community Fund |
$21,446 |
$18,722 |
$54,703 |
Social Investment Fund |
$37,976 |
$16,727 |
$11,803 |
School Holiday Programme Fund |
$0 |
$11,803 |
$3,134 |
School Swimming Pool Fund |
$0 |
$3,134 |
$8,752 |
Rates Assistance Fund |
$0 |
$8,752 |
$21,373 |
Community Crime Prevention Fund |
$0 |
$21,373 |
$31,890 |
Marae Facilities Fund |
$0 |
$31,890 |
$171,823 |
$59,422 |
$112,401 |
Local Board Views
13. A copy of the current legacy community funding and local board discretionary community funding schemes and funding guidelines within the southern local board areas current were circulated to all board members for the workshop held on 26 May 2015.
14. Local board feedback on these applications was sought at a workshop with the Manurewa Local Board on 26 May 2015.
Maori Impact Statement
15. Community funding is a general programme of interest and accessible to a wide range of groups, including Maori. Maori are therefore likely to benefit alongside other groups in the community. The provision of community funding to support community development initiatives provides opportunities for all Aucklanders to undertake projects, programmes and activities that benefit Maori. Applications to the Marae facility fund were called for in this funding round. One application was received. The requested funding would directly benefit Maori who utilise the Manurewa Marae facilities as described in the Maori Plan for Tamaki Makaurau.
16. The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted annual plan and budgets.
17. The decisions sought by this report do not trigger the Auckland Council Significance Policy.
Implementation Issues
18. Once a decision has been made, staff will confirm, in writing, the decisions of the board.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Jenny Young - Community Funding Advisor |
Authorisers |
Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
Manurewa Local Board feedback on amending the licence to occupy remission scheme to include the proposed Transport Levy
File No.: CP2015/10961
1. This report seeks feedback from local boards on the proposal to amend the remission scheme for residents of licence to occupy (LTO) retirement villages and/or Papakāinga housing to remit the proposed Interim Transport Levy (targeted rate) in addition to the Uniform Annual General Charge (UAGC).
Executive summary
2. On 21 May 2015 the Finance and Performance Committee agreed to consult on the proposal to amend the remission scheme for residents of licence to occupy retirement villages and/or Papakāinga housing to remit the proposed Interim Transport Levy in addition to the UAGC.
3. This amendment was proposed to address concerns regarding the affordability of the Interim Transport Levy for residents of licence to occupy retirement villages.
4. Attached to this report is the Proposal to amend Auckland Council’s Rates remission and postponement policy (remission scheme for residents of licence to occupy retirement villages and/or Papakāinga housing). This document forms the basis for consultation with the public. It includes the proposed text for the amended rates remission scheme.
5. Staff will report back to the Governing Body on the results of consultation and the proposed changes to the Rates remission and postponement policy on 25 June 2015.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) provides feedback on the proposal to amend the remission scheme in the Rates remission and postponement policy for residents of licence to occupy retirement villages and/or Papakāinga housing to remit the proposed Interim Transport Levy (targeted rate) in addition to the Uniform Annual General Charge.
6. Residents of licence to occupy villages are usually responsible for paying the rates associated with their unit. However, they are unable to apply for assistance under the central government’s rates rebate scheme as they are not the ratepayer.
7. The Auckland Council offers a rates remissions for residents of licence to occupy retirement villages and Papakāinga. The current scheme remits the UAGC for those residents who would otherwise qualify for a rate rebate based on their level of household income and amount of rates. The value of this remission is just over 60 per cent of the maximum rebate available under the government’s scheme.
8. The remission applies to the rates of the retirement village in which the applicant resides. It is a requirement of the remission scheme that an agreement exists between the village operator/ Papakāinga and Auckland Council. This agreement requires that the benefit of the rates remission be passed to the resident.
9. There are more than 6500 units across 67 retirement villages that use license to occupy agreements. Of these, 60 villages have an agreement with Auckland Council that enables their residents to apply for the rates remission scheme for licence to occupy retirement villages. For the 2013/2014 year, 1,156 applicants qualified for remission, at a total cost of $420,000.
10. Amending the LTO remission scheme to remit the Interim Transport Levy in addition to the UAGC will increase the value of the remission per qualifying residence to $500 in 2015/2016. This is equivalent to 83 per cent of the maximum rebate available under the government’s scheme. This compares to Auckland Council applicants for the rates rebate, who on average qualify for 90 per cent of the maximum available rebate.
11. Assuming growth of ten per cent over 2013/2014, the total cost of the LTO remission scheme if the Interim Transport Levy is also remitted will be $635,000 in 2015/2016. This is an increase of $146,000 over the estimated cost of retaining the existing LTO remission scheme. This is 0.01 per cent of the 2015/2016 total rates budget. This cost will be met through the council’s existing allowance for remissions, so will have no impact on other ratepayers.
12. Public consultation on the proposal ends 8 June 2015. Consultation has been advertised via public notices and the Shape Auckland website. Details of the proposal have also been sent to all licence to occupy retirement villages, Papakāinga and marae seeking feedback. To date 25 responses have been received, all supporting the proposal.
Local board views and implications
13. This report seeks feedback on the proposal from local boards.
Maori impact statement
14. To date, the council has not identified any Papakāinga housing developments that are using licence to occupy agreements. The council has not received any applications for remission from such developments.
15. The council has sent consultation material to Mana Whenua contacts, Papakāinga and marae seeking feedback on the proposal.
16. There are no implementation costs to amend the LTO remission scheme as proposed in this report. The recommended proposal does not require any changes to application process for the rates remission scheme, and as such it does not place any increased burden either on applicants, or the management of retirement villages who help administer the scheme.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Proposal to amend Auckland Council’s rates remission and postponement policy |
71 |
Authors |
Beth Sullivan - Principal Advisor Policy |
Authorisers |
Matthew Walker - General Manager Financial Plan Policy & Budgeting Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
11 June 2015 |
Adoption of the Manurewa Local Board Agreement 2015/2016
File No.: CP2015/10563
1. This report seeks adoption of local content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025, including a Local Board Agreement 2015/2016, a message from the chair and local board advocacy, together with adoption of a Local Fees and Charges Schedules for 2015/2016.
2. This report also seeks agreement on library opening hours for 2015/2016, and includes supporting material for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 on 10 year local activity budgets and 10 year local performance targets.
Executive Summary
3. For each financial year, Auckland Council must have a local board agreement between the governing body and the local board, for each local board area.
4. Every three years a local board plan is developed to inform the long-term plan (and associated local board agreements) which outlines priorities, budgets and intended levels of service over a ten year period.
5. Between January and March this year, council consulted on proposed content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025. Local boards then held discussions with the governing body on local feedback, common issues and local priorities prior to budget decisions being made on 8 May 2015.
6. Local boards are now considering local content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 which includes a local board agreement, a message from the chair and local board advocacy, together with a Local Fees and Charges Schedules for 2015/2016 and library opening hours.
7. Local boards are also agreeing allocation of locally driven initiative funding to projects and services.
8. Other supporting material associated with the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 includes 10 year local activity capital expenditure budgets and 10 year local performance targets. This material does not form part of a local board agreement, but is incorporated in Volume 2 of the Long-term Plan 2015-2025, albeit at a higher programme level for budgets.
9. On 25 June 2015, the governing body will meet to adopt Auckland Council’s Long-term Plan 2015-2025 including 21 local board agreements and associated performance targets and budgets.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) adopts local content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (Attachment One), including: · a Local Board Agreement 2015/2016 · a message from the chair · local board advocacy
b) adopts Local Fees and Charges Schedules for 2015/2016 (Attachment Two)
c) agrees Library Opening Hours for 2015/2016 (Attachment Three).
d) notes: i) supporting material for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (Attachment Four), including 10 year local activity budgets and 10 year local performance targets; ii) local activity budgets have been updated to reflect final budget decisions made by the governing body on 8 May 2015, budget adjustments arising from new information (including the setup of a central risk fund for capital projects) and the allocation of central costs; iii) if there are outstanding (not yet agreed) matters in the local board agreement, the local board should include an explanation of these matters in the Chair’s message at the front of the local board agreement; iv) that the resolutions of this meeting will be reported back to the governing body when it meets to adopt the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 on 25 June 2015
e) agrees that the Chair be delegated authority to make any final minor changes to the above.
10. For each financial year, Auckland Council must have a local board agreement between the governing body and the local board, for each local board area.
11. Every three years a local board plan is developed to inform the long-term plan (and associated local board agreements) which outlines priorities, budgets and intended levels of service over a ten year period.
12. Between January and March this year, council consulted on proposed content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025. Local boards then held discussions with the governing body on local feedback, common issues and local priorities prior to budget decisions being made on 8 May 2015.
13. Local boards are now considering local content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 which includes a local board agreement, a message from the chair and local board advocacy (Attachment One).
14. Local boards have also developed a Local Fees and Charges Schedules for 2015/2016 in alignment to agreed local activity budgets (Attachment Two)
15. Library opening hours for 2015/2016 for this local board area are outlined in Attachment Three.
16. Local boards are also agreeing allocation of locally driven initiative funding to projects and services.
17. Other supporting material associated with the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 includes 10 year local activity capital expenditure budgets and 10 year local performance targets (Attachment Four). This material does not form part of a local board agreement, but is incorporated in Volume 2 of the Long-term Plan 2015-2025, albeit at a higher programme level for budgets. Local boards are requested to note this information.
18. On 25 June 2015, the governing body will meet to adopt Auckland Council’s Long-term Plan 2015-2025 including 21 local board agreements and associated performance targets and budgets.
Local Boards
19. This report seeks adoption from the local board on its content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 and other associated material. Engagement with the community, including consultation, and a number of workshops and meetings have been held by the local board and with the governing body to finalise their local board agreement.
Maori Impact Statement
20. Many local board decisions are of importance to Maori and there is a need to continue to build relationships between local boards and relevant Iwi. The local board agreement is based on the local board plan and the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 which have both been developed through engagement with the community, including Maori.
21. The resolutions of this meeting will be reported to the governing body on 25 June 2015, when it meets to adopt the Long-term Plan 2015-2025.
22. The timeline to develop and produce the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 document is tight. It is possible that minor changes may need to be made to the attachments before the annual plan is adopted, such as correction of any errors identified and minor wording changes. Staff therefore recommend that the local board delegates authority to the Local Board Chair to make final changes if necessary.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Manurewa Local Board local content to support the
Long-term Plan 2015-2025: |
79 |
bView |
Manurewa Local Board - Local Fees and Charges Schedules 2015/2016 |
91 |
cView |
Manurewa Local Board - Library Opening Hours 2015/2016 |
99 |
dView |
Supporting material - Manurewa Local Board: |
101 |
Authors |
Matthew Walker - General Manager Financial Plan Policy & Budgeting |
Authorisers |
Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
11 June 2015 |
Description |
Current fee |
Proposed fee for 15/16 |
Rationale for change / officer advice |
Estimated impact on revenue budget (outside of inflation) |
Room hire - Council/Community Groups, Small Room Per Hour |
$6.10 |
$6.10 |
Fees are reviewed every three years |
Nil |
Room hire - Commercial, Small Room Per Hour |
$11.10 |
$11.10 |
Fees are reviewed every three years |
Nil |
Room hire - Council/Community Groups, Large Room Per Hour |
$11.10 |
$11.10 |
Fees are reviewed every three years |
Nil |
Room hire - Council/Community Groups, Small Room Half Day |
$11.10 |
$11.10 |
Fees are reviewed every three years |
Nil |
Room hire - Council/Community Groups, Small Room Full Day |
$22.20 |
$22.20 |
Fees are reviewed every three years |
Nil |
Room hire - Commercial, Small Room Half Day |
$27.30 |
$27.30 |
Fees are reviewed every three years |
Nil |
Room hire - Commercial, Large Room Per Hour |
$27.30 |
$27.30 |
Fees are reviewed every three years |
Nil |
Room hire - Council/Community Groups, Large Room Half Day |
$27.30 |
$27.30 |
Fees are reviewed every three years |
Nil |
Room hire - Commercial, Small Room Full Day |
$43.40 |
$43.40 |
Fees are reviewed every three years |
Nil |
Room hire - Council/Community Groups, Large Room Full Day |
$43.40 |
$43.40 |
Fees are reviewed every three years |
Nil |
Room hire - Commercial, Large Room Half Day |
$54.50 |
$54.50 |
Fees are reviewed every three years |
Nil |
Room hire - Commercial, Large Room Full Day |
$85.90 |
$85.90 |
Fees are reviewed every three years |
Nil |
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
Manurewa Pool and Leisure
Type |
Description |
Current |
Proposed 2015/16 |
Rationale for change/Officer advice |
Facility Hireage |
All |
Various - |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
Memberships |
All |
Various |
No change |
Competitive market |
Casual Entrance Fees |
Aquatic Spectator |
Free |
No change |
Encouraging parental supervision |
Casual Entrance Fees |
Aquatic Supervising Adult |
$1.00 |
No change |
Appropriately priced for the service offering, while encouraging participation |
Casual Entrance Fees |
Aquatic Adult Swim |
$3.20 |
$3.30 |
CPI (plus rounding) |
Casual Entrance Fees |
Aquatic Adult Swim Spa, Sauna, (Steam) |
$5.30 |
$5.50 |
CPI (plus rounding) |
Casual Entrance Fees |
Aquatic Concessionary Swim (Snr, Disabled, Student, Community Card Holder) |
$2.00 |
$2.10 |
CPI (plus rounding) |
Casual Entrance Fees |
Aquatic Concessionary Swim and Spa /Sauna (Snr, Disabled, Student, Community Card Holder) |
$4.50 |
$4.50 |
Appropriately priced to encourage participation |
Casual Entrance Fees |
Casual Fitness |
$14.70 |
No change |
Competitive market |
10 Visit Passes |
All |
Various |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
Programmes |
All |
Various |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
Programmes |
Learn to Swim - Babies |
$10.00 |
$10.00 |
Programmes |
Learn to Swim - Pre-School |
$10.00 |
$10.00 |
Programmes |
Learn to Swim - School Age |
$10.00 |
$11.00 |
Small increase to account for increased cost, while still being in the low end of market rates to encourage participation |
Programmes |
Learn to Swim - Teenage & Adult |
$10.00 |
$11.00 |
Programmes |
Learn to Swim - Squads |
$10.00 |
$11.00 |
Group Exercise |
All |
Various |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
Totara Park Pool
Type |
Description |
Current |
Proposed 2015/16 |
Rationale for change/Officer advice |
Facility Hireage |
All |
$Various - |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
Casual Entrance Fees |
Aquatic Spectator |
Free |
No change |
Encouraging parental supervision |
Casual Entrance Fees |
Aquatic Adult |
Free |
No change |
Encourage participation |
Casual Entrance Fees |
Aquatic Supervising Adult |
Free |
No change |
Encouraging parental supervision |
Casual Entrance Fees |
Aquatic Concessionary Swim (Snr, Disabled, Student, Community Card Holder) |
Free |
No change |
Encourage participation |
Manurewa Recreation Centre
Type |
Description |
Current |
Proposed 2015/16 |
Rationale for change/Officer advice |
Facility Hireage |
All |
Various - |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
Casual Entrance Fees |
Recreation Casual entrance |
Various |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
10 Visit Passes |
All |
Various |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
Programmes |
All |
Various |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
Programmes |
Holiday prog - On-Site |
Various |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
Group Exercise |
All |
Various - |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
Te Matariki Clendon Leisure Centre
Type |
Description |
Current |
Proposed 2015/16 |
Rationale for change/Officer advice |
Facility Hireage |
All |
Various - |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
Childcare |
All |
Various |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
Casual Entrance Fees |
Recreation Casual entrance |
Various |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
10 Visit Passes |
All |
Various |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
Programmes |
All |
Various |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
Programmes |
Holiday prog - On-Site |
Various |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
Group Exercise |
All |
Various |
Increase up to + 2.3% |
Rounded to nearest 50 cents |
Hourly rate as of 1 July 2015 |
Facility Category |
Facility Name |
Room |
Peak Standard |
Off-Peak Standard |
Art facility |
Nathan Homestead |
Fibre Room |
$ 16.50 |
$ 14.50 |
Foyer |
$ 35.00 |
$ 25.50 |
Meeting Room |
$ 28.00 |
$ 23.00 |
Music Room |
$ 16.50 |
$ 14.50 |
Painting Studio |
$ 16.50 |
$ 14.50 |
Pottery Studio |
$ 28.00 |
$ 23.00 |
Sky Room 1 |
$ 16.50 |
$ 14.50 |
Sky Room 2 |
$ 28.00 |
$ 23.00 |
Theatre |
$ 41.00 |
$ 14.50 |
Venues for hire |
Weymouth Community Hall |
Main Hall |
$ 44.00 |
$ 35.20 |
Wiri Community Hall |
Main Hall |
$ 44.00 |
$ 35.20 |
11 June 2015 |
Manurewa Local Board reallocation of 2014/2015 budget
File No.: CP2015/10685
1. This report seeks approval to reallocate a portion of the 2014/2015 budget to priorities and activities that support the Manurewa Local Board Plan aspirations.
Executive Summary
2. At the 11 December 2014 Manurewa Local Board meeting it was resolved inter alia as follows:
Resolution number MR/2014/252
MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Member MJ Bailey:
That the Manurewa Local Board:
c) request staff organise the installation of a plaque or small plinth, and seating, as a small capital expenditure project in recognition of the bravery of the merchant seamen who participated in Operation Pedestal in August 1942.
3. Local board staff have been working with staff from the Parks Department and Auckland Transport to progress this request. The costs for the installation of the park bench and plaque will be tabled at the meeting.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) approve the allocation of up to $XXXXX from the N.009064.19 budget for the installation of a plaque and seating in recognition of the bravery of the merchant seamen who participated in Operation Pedestal in August 1942.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
Randwick Park Pavilion Project Funding
File No.: CP2015/10864
1. For the Manurewa Local Board to allocate funding to allow the award of the Randwick Park Pavilion construction to the value of $3,050,000.
Executive Summary
2. The implementation of the Randwick Park Masterplan has been a project in motion for a number of years, and to date a significant amount of works have already been completed. The Pavilion works as the final stage, will link all of the park elements together, to provide a central hub for community activity within the park, and act as a focal point for the wider Randwick area.
3. Tender prices received for construction of the pavilion exceed the budget allocated to the project. Re-allocating the 2015 capex budget, allocating local board discretionary funds, and Wiri Licensing Trust funding will allow the project to be completed in its entirety, and the full vision of the Randwick Park Masterplan realised.
4. This report outlines the steps required, and seeks approval to allow a funding package to complete the Randwick Pavilion project.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) Allocate its remaining capex budget of 2015 towards the implementation and completion of the Randwick Park pavilion development (PC3200824). These budget items being:
b) allocates local board discretionary funds of $80,000 a year to the pavilion in the knowledge that the community facility scheduled for development in 2020 will not proceed due to these funds being allocated until such time as they can be reinstated. c) confirm the allocation of $300,000 from the Wiri Licensing Trust towards this project. d) supports the full build of the pavilion as per tenders received. e) increase the financial delegation of the local board to the Chief Executive to $3,050,000 to implement these decisions.
5. The Randwick Park Masterplan was adopted by the Local Board on June 2012, after incorporating the outcomes of an involved community needs assessment and consultation process. The development of a pavilion to act as a hub, and represent the ‘Heart of a Village’ was a key design aspect of the Masterplan, intending to provide a place to gather, and act as a focal point for the community.
6. Design works for the pavilion have been in progress since January 2013, and built on the engagement process to ensure the community has ‘buy-in’ for the project. Implementing the full build will incorporate a number of key elements to help the community thrive, including:
- Office space acting as a key contact point for the park
- A dedicated ‘kaitiaki’ space for the skate park co-ordinator
- Communal spaces for people to meet
- A range of meeting room sizes for different group numbers
- Commercial kitchen facility
- Provision to cater for events up to 200 people
- Toilet and change provisions
- Storage provision for recreation activities
7. All design works and consenting requirements have been resolved for the building to commence construction. The project build was tendered to the market November 2014, with final tenders being received late January 2015. The preferred tender price received was 3.050 million.
8. Based on the budget shortfall, a range of options were investigated to align construction with allocated budget. This included utilizing substitutions for materials, and value engineering of items to reduce overall costs. Options to reduce the floor plan size were also investigated, however all of these options impact on achieving the envisioned outcome as worked through via the community and design process. Additional costs to amend design and consent works are also required where reducing the scale and scope of the pavilion. Alternative options are possible, however to achieve a viable project build within current funding allocations requires significant amendments to the building scale and scope as intended.
Budget Re-Allocation
9. The 2015 capex budget has the capacity to support the shortfall deficit, utilizing remaining balances from the following items:
PC2130191 |
Coastline erosion control |
PC2130192 |
Esplanade development |
PC2130195 |
Maritime recreational fund development |
PC2130196 |
Neighbourhood parks |
PC2130198 |
Premier park development |
PC2210203 PC2130200 |
Streetscape development Sports parks |
PC3200677 |
Netball complex, community and events centre (Manurewa) |
PC3200824 |
Riverton Park Reserve |
PC3200825 |
Upgrade (Mountfort Park) |
PC3200826 |
Sportsfields - playing surfaces |
10. An application for additional funding via Manurewa’s local discretionary fund, and third party funding via the Wiri Licensing Trust will also support the construction works allowing the full budget to be met. A breakdown of the allocation to complete the works is as follows:
Funding |
Allocation |
Balance from Manurewa
$ 1,950,000.00 |
Local Board local
discretionary |
$ 800,000.00 |
Wiri Licencing Trust |
$ 300,000.00 |
Total |
$ 3,050,000.00 |
Delegated Approval
11. The report also requests approval to increase the financial delegation of the Local Board to the Chief Executive to $3,050,000 to implement these decisions.
Local Board views and implications
12. The Manurewa Local Board have supported the implementation of the Randwick Masterplan since its inception, and development over the years. The project has been a key driver for improving the community of Randwick, and has engaged the people who live there in the development. Realisation of the full pavilion works will complete the Randwick Park project.
Māori impact statement
13. The views of mana whenua have been sought through the development of Randwick Park, and have been engaged in monitoring particularly of earthworks involved at the site. Three Iwi have indicated an on-going interest in the Project, these are:
· Ngāti Tamaoho;
· Te Ākitai Waiohua;
· Ngāi Tai ki Tamaki.
14. The project will continue to engage with mana whenua through the development of the buildings construction.
15. With a re-allocation of funding approved, construction works are set to commence from July 2015, with completion by January 2016. The works will be self-contained and will not impact on other recreational usage within the park.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Randwick Park Masterplan |
117 |
bView |
Randwick Pavilion Aerial Image |
119 |
cView |
Randwick Pavilion Northern Elevation |
121 |
dView |
Randwick Pavilion Layout Plan |
123 |
Authors |
Kristen Ross - Park Advisor, Local and Sports Parks South |
Authorisers |
Ian Maxwell - General Manager Parks, Sports and Recreation Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
11 June 2015 |
Regional Facilities Auckland third quarter report
File No.: CP2015/10747
1. Attaching a copy of the Regional Facilities Auckland Limited’s 2014/2015 quarterly report for the period ended 31 March 2015.
Executive Summary
2. The report includes a progress update of the Vodafone Events Centre Stage 2 Wero project.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) note the Regional Facilities Auckland Ltd quarterly report for the period ended 31 March 2015.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Regional Facilities Auckland Ltd - quarterly report for the period ended 31 March 2015 |
127 |
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
11 June 2015 |
Reports Requested - Pending - Issues
File No.: CP2015/10418
1. Providing an update on reports requested and issues raised at previous meetings.
Executive Summary
2. Nil.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the report entitled “reports requested – pending – issues”. |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
June 2015 - Reports requested pending listing |
147 |
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
Reports Requested/Pending/Issues June 2015
Row No. |
Date of Resolution |
Group reporting |
Issue |
Resolution/Description |
Target Date |
1 |
13 November 2014 |
Community Policy & Planning |
Impact of disposal of 173R Browns Road, Manurewa on Te Wharekura o Manurewa relocation to Browns Road |
That the Manurewa Local Board request staff further investigate with Manurewa Marae regarding the intention to locate Te Wharekura o Manurewa on the Browns Road land surrounding 173R Browns Rd, Manurewa to check whether there would be any impact on their future plans if the land was disposed of, prior to any final decision being made about the remaining 933m2 of the reserve. |
The Local Board Advisor has followed up with the Principal Policy Analyst, Community Policy & Planning who is still awaiting a response from the Wharekura and Manurewa marae.
The Local Board Advisor has followed up with the Principal Policy Analyst, Community Policy & Planning as Manurewa marae advise that the Wharekura will relocate to the Browns Road site.
The Senior Acquisitions and Disposals Advisor, Leasing and Land Advisory Services, Property Department, advises that if the balance of the land was to be disposed of it is most likely to first be offered to the adjoining owner. This would assist the development of the site if Te Wharekura was to be located there. The staff member undertook to follow up with the marae. |
2 |
11 December 2014 Item 8.1 Resolution b) |
Road naming – Resource consents |
Naming the pathway from the entrance of Peguero Place to the northern entrance of the Regional Botanic Gardens “Pedestal Lane” |
That the Manurewa Local Board request staff undertake the process to officially name the pathway from the entrance of Peguero Place to the northern entrance of the Regional Botanic Gardens “Pedestal Lane” and report back to the March 2015 Manurewa Local Board meeting. |
May 2015 |
The Local Board Advisor advises that the request has been logged into the council system. A site visit has been conducted with council officers and the applicant. A report is due in March 2015.
Staff require more time to co-ordinate between the three departments involved. The Local Board Advisor is following up with the three departments to ascertain a target date.
The Local Board Advisor advises that Auckland Transport has carried out a safety assessment and has approved the location of the seat. Auckland Transport is currently working through signage options.
The Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager advises that the seat location has been agreed and can be installed as soon as practicable.
However the Auckland Transport regional signage project is now under way. This project will confirm formats for the various types of signage across the region.
It is suggested that it would be financially prudent to wait for the signage project to be completed before erecting any new signage. There will be a delay on the erection of any new signage until probably early next year.
The Local Board Advisor advises that the application for the road naming change has been lodged and will be progressed in due course.
3 |
11 December 2014 Item 8.1 Resolution c) |
Parks |
Installation of a plaque or small plinth, and seating at Pedestal Lane in recognition of merchant seamen |
That the Manurewa Local Board request staff organise the installation of a plaque or small plinth, and seating, as a small capital expenditure project in recognition of the bravery of the merchant seamen who participated in Operation Pedestal in August 1942. |
May 2015 |
The Local Board Advisor advises that the request has been logged into the council system. A site visit has been conducted with council officers and the applicant. A report is due in March 2015.
Staff require more time to co-ordinate between the three departments involved. The Local Board Advisor is following up with the three departments to ascertain a target date.
The Local Board Advisor advises that Auckland Transport has carried out a safety assessment and has approved the location of the seat. Auckland Transport is currently working through signage options.
The Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager advises that the seat location has been agreed and can be installed as soon as practicable.
However the Auckland Transport regional signage project is now under way. This project will confirm formats for the various types of signage across the region.
It is suggested that it would be financially prudent to wait for the signage project to be completed before erecting any new signage. There will be a delay on the erection of any new signage until probably early next year.
The Local Board Advisor advises that costs are being obtained for the installation of a plaque. However, the information plinth will be incorporated in the Auckland Transport regional signage project and will require funding from the Manurewa Local Board budget.
5 |
11 December 2014 Item 17 Resolutions e) to i)
Auckland Transport |
Planting of berms |
c) strongly supports encouraging and enabling community use of berms as much as practicable. a) d) strongly supports the development of berm-planting guidelines, which would include: i) safe depths to dig to ii) ideal plants in a number of categories – natives, food, trees iii) maintenance expectations, including in regard to safety eg: height iv) working with neighbours. b) e) request a report back to the Manurewa Local Board by March 2015, from Auckland Transport, addressing the berm planting issues and reporting on progress on resolutions e) to i). c) f) support local boards as the key conduit for Auckland Transport to have community relationships around berm planting, for example, the local board in an area has the relationship with a community group or individual who plant and maintain a specific section of berm in that board’s area. Each Local Board will have the ability to form these relationships, record and monitor them, in ways that contribute to broader local board outcomes and priorities. d) g) recognises the role of berms in allowing access to services for utility agencies, and to that end requires Auckland Transport to create maps available online clearly identifying which berms have services running underneath them at a shallow depth and those that do not. |
May 2015 |
The Local Board Advisor advises that a report has been requested for the March 2015 business meeting.
The Auckland Transport executive has approved a statement of Auckland Transport’s proposed berm planting practice, which includes a role for local boards. Auckland Transport will workshop the berm planting practice with the local board in May.
The Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager advises planting of berms will be reported on in the May 2015 Auckland Transport update report.
Auckland Transport is drafting an “Operating Principles for Planting in the Road Berm” document. It is taking longer than anticipated. The board will be briefed when the draft document is complete.
7 |
9 April 2015 Item 18 Resolution c) |
Community Facilities |
Impact of hire fees and performance of council-managed community facilities |
That the Manurewa Local Board request council staff provide regular updates on the impact of the hire fees and the performance of council-managed community facilities as part of the quarterly reports.
Sept 2015 |
9 |
9 April 2015 Item 22 Resolution c) |
Daryl Wrightson |
Local Government New Zealand 2015 annual general meeting and conference |
That the Manurewa Local Board request that Member Daryl Wrightson report back on the Local Government New Zealand 2015 annual general meeting and conference. |
Aug 2015 |
14 May 2015 Item 18 Resolution f) |
Auckland Transport |
Reasons for drop in performance of the train network and what actions are being taken |
That the Manurewa Local Board request a detailed report from Auckland Transport on the reasons for the drop in performance and what actions are being taken to resolve them. |
The Auckland Transport Elected Member Liaison Relationship Manager advises in the Auckland Transport June 2015 Update report that the Rail Network’s Senior Management has requested a time to come speak to the board about the concerns raised. |
14 May 2015 Item 18 Resolution g) |
Auckland Transport |
Reliability and punctuality of the train performance on the southern line |
That the Manurewa Local Board request a regular report on the reliability and punctuality of train performance on the southern line. |
The Auckland Transport Elected Member Liaison Relationship Manager advises in the Auckland Transport June 2015 Update report that the Rail Network’s Senior Management has requested a time to come speak to the board about the concerns raised. |
14 May 2015 Item 18 Resolution h) |
Auckland Transport |
Paying Auckland Transport fines via internet banking as well as debit/credit card |
That the Manurewa Local Board request that Auckland Transport investigate an option to allow for payment of fines via internet banking as well as by debit/credit card.
The Auckland Transport Elected Member Liaison Relationship Manager advises in the Auckland Transport June 2015 Update report that there is already a mechanism in place to allow customers to pay fines via internet banking. |
Issues raised:
Row No. |
Date issue identified |
Elected Member |
Group reporting |
Issue heading |
Description |
Target Date for resolution |
10 |
11 December 2014 Item 17 Resolution d)
12 March 2015 Item 18 Resolution b) |
Auckland Transport |
Assurance that capital projects can be delivered by the end of political term |
That the Manurewa Local Board: d) request assurance that Auckland Transport can deliver on the capital projects by the end of the 2013-2016 political term.That the Manurewa Local Board:
That the Manurewa Local Board: b) again request assurance that Auckland Transport can deliver on the capital projects funded through the Local Board Transport Capital Fund by the end of the 2013-2016 political term.
The Local Board Advisor advises that discussions are continuing with Auckland Transport and the Town Centre Revitalisation Steering Group.
Refer to the Auckland Transport Update – March 2015 report on the 12 March Manurewa Local Board agenda.
The Elected Member Relationship Manager Auckland Transport has not been able to source an official assurance from Auckland Transport that they can deliver on the capital projects within the 2013-2016 electoral term. The Auckland Transport Update report for April 2015 and May 2015 indicates that these projects are progressing.
The Elected Members Liaison Relationship Manager is working with Auckland Transport staff to obtain assurance that the capital projects can be delivered within the 2013-2016 electoral term.
11 June 2015 |
Manurewa Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term
File No.: CP2015/10419
1. Providing a register of achievements of the Manurewa Local Board for the 2013 – 2016 Electoral Term.
Executive Summary
2. Nil.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the report entitled “Manurewa Local Board Achievements Register 2013 – 2016 Electoral Term”, noting the following additions to the register: i)
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
2013 - 2016 Achievements Register |
157 |
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
Row |
Board Meeting Date |
1. |
30 January 2014 |
Supported the Manurewa Santa Parade |
2. |
30 January 2014 |
Supported the Manurewa Christmas in the Park |
3. |
30 January 2014 |
Feedback on the Smoke Free policy |
4. |
30 January 2014 |
Feedback on the Boarding Houses and Hostels bylaw |
5. |
30 January 2014 |
Feedback on the Animal Management bylaw review |
6. |
30 January 2014 |
Position paper on Psychoactive Substances |
7. |
30 January 2014 |
Submission to the Hamilton City Council on their Psychoactive Substances Policy |
8. |
13 February 2014 |
Supported and attended the Manurewa Waitangi Day event and undertook community consultation for the Local Board Plan |
9. |
13 February 2014 |
Supported and attended the Homai Fun Day at Russell Reserve and undertook community consultation for the Local Board Plan |
10. |
13 February 2014 |
Submission to the Local Government Act Amendment Bill No. 3 |
11. |
13 February 2014 |
Local Board Plan community consultation at Southmall |
12. |
13 March 2014 |
Supported Elvis in the Gardens event – 20,000 people attended |
13. |
13 March 2014 |
Spoke to the Hamilton City Council regarding their Psychoactive Substances Policy |
14. |
13 March 2014 |
Held first meeting for the World War I commemorations event |
15. |
13 March 2014 |
Attended Long Term Plan scheme setting meeting |
16. |
13 March 2014 |
Provided input on the draft Cemeteries and Crematoria Bylaw |
17. |
13 March 2014 |
Provided input into the draft Boarding Houses and Hostels Bylaw |
18. |
13 March 2014 |
Provided input into the New National Drug Policy Discussion Document for New Zealand |
19. |
13 March 2014 |
Speaking to Select Committee regarding submission to the Local Government Act Amendment Bill No. 3 |
20. |
13 March 2014 |
Spoke to the Regional Strategy & Policy Committee regarding the psychoactive substances regulations |
21. |
13 March 2014 |
Consultation for the informal feedback on the Local Board Plan at Clendon and Southmall |
22. |
10 April 2014 |
Consultation with mana whenua regarding the Local Board Plan |
23. |
10 April 2014 |
Consultation with Weymouth community regarding the Local Board Plan |
24. |
10 April 2014 |
Consultation with elderly and the disability sector on the Local Board Plan |
25. |
10 April 2014 |
Opening of the Randwick Park Skate Park – an awesome facility |
26. |
10 April 2014 |
Supported Neighbours Day initiatives |
27. |
10 April 2014 |
Supported the Sunrise Walk for Hospice. |
28. |
8 May 2014 |
Supported and attended the Manurewa Sports Awards |
29. |
8 May 2014 |
Attended the sod turning for the stage 2 Netball Manurewa development |
30. |
8 May 2014 |
Daryl Wrightson partnered with the “YMCA be the change” group to organise a Manurewa and Clendon town centre clean up |
31. |
8 May 2014 |
Attended the legal highs co-governance session with the governing body |
32. |
8 May 2014 |
Continued advocacy for a Local Approved Product Policy |
33. |
8 May 2014 |
Worked with the RSA and achieved record attendance numbers at the Manurewa ANZAC day services |
34. |
8 May 2014 |
Supported the “Eye on Nature” event |
35. |
8 May 2014 |
Provided feedback on Alcohol Advertising and Sponsorship |
36. |
8 May 2014 |
Provided feedback on Local Boards Funding Policy Review |
37. |
8 May 2014 |
Provided feedback on the Council Controlled Organisations Review |
38. |
8 May 2014 |
Provided input to draft the regulations for discharge and dumping in the ocean |
39. |
8 May 2014 |
Allocated community group funding for round two 2013/2014 applications as follows:
- Local Board Discretionary Community: - Age Concern Counties Manukau Inc. - $3,263 - Alfriston College - $3,390 - Auckland Kids Achievement Trust (FYD Auckland) - $6,633 - Auckland NZ View - $400 - Auckland Regional Migrant Services Charitable Trust - $3,840 - Getin2life Youth Development Trust - $3,288 - LifeChurch Manurewa - $14,392 - Life Education Trust SE Auckland - $7,500 - Manurewa Squash Rackets Club Inc. - $3,398 - Manurewa University of the Third Age - $1,472 - New Foundations Trust - $9,620 - Rape Prevention Education - $5,434 - South Asian Trust Inc. - $1,998 - Te Ara Poutama AEC Charitable Trust - $2,000 - Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust - $5,000
- Community Crime Prevention: - Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower Trust - $2,347 - South Asian Trust Inc. - $4,639 - Te Whakaora Tangata - $9,934
- Marae Facilities: - Manurewa Marae - $8,344
- Rates Assistance: - Baptist Union of NZ (on behalf of The Dream Centre) - $5,000 - Lifechurch NZ Community Trust - $6,818 - Melkite Catholic Charitable Trust of New Zealand - $724
- Social Investment: - Age Concern Counties Manukau Inc. - $12,500 - The Parenting Place (Attitude Youth Division) - $4,234 |
40. |
12 June 2014 |
Lobbied central government for a law change on psychoactive substances |
41. |
12 June 2014 |
Supported the community day removing mangroves at Manurewa marae |
42. |
12 June 2014 |
Supported the community in opposing a proposed new liquor off-licence in Clendon |
43. |
12 June 2014 |
Endorsed the draft 2014-2017 Manurewa Local Board Plan for public consultation |
44. |
12 June 2014 |
Adopted the 2014/2015 Manurewa Local Board Agreement |
45. |
10 July 2014 |
Input to the draft Auckland Council Local Alcohol Policy |
46. |
10 July 2014 |
Input to the draft Allocation of Decision Making Review for local boards |
47. |
10 July 2014 |
Submission to the central government’s Product Stewardship Policy |
48. |
10 July 2014 |
Established a town centre steering group |
49. |
10 July 2014 |
Local Alcohol Policy consultation at the Manurewa market held on Sunday, 22 June 2014 |
50. |
10 July 2014 |
Supported and conducted consultation at the Wiri Business market |
51. |
10 July 2014 |
The chairperson attended a thank you event on behalf of the board held at South Auckland Hospice |
52. |
14 August 2014 |
Hosted a successful Volunteer Awards Event on Friday, 1 August 2014 |
53. |
14 August 2014 |
Hosted the Mayor on 12 August for 3 and half hours |
54. |
14 August 2014 |
Consulted on the Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan |
55. |
14 August 2014 |
Ran a series of drop-in sessions for the special consultation procedure for draft Manurewa Local Board Plan |
56. |
14 August 2014 |
Attended the community planting day held at Wattle Downs |
57. |
14 August 2014 |
Attended the computer in homes graduations held at Finalyson Park school and South Auckland middle school |
58. |
14 August 2014 |
Attended a public consultation held for the Taonga Early Childhood Centre held at Randwick Park Community House |
59. |
11 September 2014 |
Completed the Local Board Plan hearings. |
60. |
11 September 2014 |
Presented at the hearing panel for the Local Alcohol Policy |
61. |
11 September 2014 |
Spoke at the Strategy and Finance Committee meeting regarding capital expenditure deferrals |
62. |
11 September 2014 |
Provided feedback on the Trading and Events in public Places Bylaws |
63. |
11 September 2014 |
Provided advocacy to attain funding for the resource recovery network development |
64. |
11 September 2014 |
Provided advocacy to the Southern Initiative to fund the economic development plan |
65. |
9 October 2014 |
Adopted the Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014 |
66. |
9 October 2014 |
Supported the Manurewa Community Network Expo |
67. |
9 October 2014 |
Attended Manurewa Business Association annual general meeting |
68. |
9 October 2014 |
Supported the International Day for the Older Person |
69. |
13 November 2014 |
Participated in inaugural hui between Manukau Harbour Forum and mana whenua representatives held on 13 October 2014 |
70. |
13 November 2014 |
Participated in the mataawaka and mana whenua input into decision making hui |
71. |
13 November 2014 |
Supported and attended the Armistice Day celebrations held on Sunday, 9 November 2014 |
72. |
13 November 2014 |
Consultation carried out in relation to the draft Local Approved Products Policy (LAPP) |
73. |
13 November 2014 |
Advocacy with the Governing Body in relation to the Long-term Plan process |
74. |
13 November 2014 |
Provided feedback on the Signage Bylaw |
75. |
13 November 2014 |
Provided feedback on the Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan |
76. |
13 November 2014 |
Provided feedback to Auckland Transport on the Manurewa town centre bus stops, bus route 365, and bus route 366 |
77. |
13 November 2014 |
Provided feedback on the draft Auckland Council Significance and Engagement Policy |
78. |
11 December 2014 |
Attended the Clendon 30th birthday |
79. |
11 December 2014 |
Attended the Netball Manurewa Christmas luncheon |
80. |
11 December 2014 |
Supported the Manurewa Santa Parade |
81. |
11 December 2014 |
Supported and attended the White Ribbon Breakfast |
82. |
11 December 2014 |
Supported and attended the Christmas Carols at the Methodist Church |
83. |
11 December 2014 |
Attended the second session of the Maori input into decision making forum. |
84. |
11 December 2014 |
Participated in the Sustainability of Sport Forum held on Monday, 8 December 2014. |
85. |
11 December 2014 |
Appealed the Clendon Liquor objection for the premises at 3/439 Roscommon Road, Clendon. |
86. |
11 December 2014 |
Lodged an objection to the Super Liquor licence application at 6H Ross Roberts Place, Clendon. |
87. |
29 January 2015
Approved the following applications made to the round two of the local events support fund: - $1,200 to the Mela Trinajan Da Event being organised by New Zealand Sikh Women’s Association (Inc.) - $1,740 to the RaWiri Idol 2015 Event being organised by the RaWiri Residents’ Association. |
88. |
12 February 2015 |
Held first consultation session on the Long-term Plan |
89. |
12 February 2015 |
Supported Music in the Parks at Nathan Homestead |
90. |
12 February 2015 |
Supported Movies in the Park held at Keith Park |
91. |
12 March 2015 |
Supported the Manurewa Community Day event held on 28 February 2015 |
92. |
12 March 2015 |
Held the Ice-cream Sundae Event – 28 February 2015 |
93. |
12 March 2015 |
Spoke at the Auckland Transport Have Your Say Event regarding the board’s Regional Land Transport Plan submission |
94. |
12 March 2015 |
Spoke at the Local Approved Product Policy hearing and supported the Manurewa Youth Council with their presentation at the hearing |
95. |
12 March 2015 |
Lodged an objection to the Rowandale liquor licence renewal |
96. |
12 March 2015 |
Addressed the Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority regarding an appeal to the Clendon Wines liquor licence |
97. |
12 March 2015 |
Supported Elvis in the Gardens event held on 1 March 2015 |
98. |
12 March 2015 |
Undertook advocacy to gather evidence for the local alcohol ban areas |
99. |
12 March 2015 |
Supported the work in relation to the Maori responsiveness framework |
100. |
12 March 2015 |
Consultation on Long-term Plan with residents and community groups |
101. |
9 April 2015 |
Supported and attended the Homai Fun Day |
102. |
9 April 2015 |
Supported and attended the “Eye on Nature” event |
103. |
9 April 2015 |
Local Approved Products Policy passed based on the Manurewa Local Board’s advocacy |
104. |
9 April 2015 |
Held a “Have Your Say” event on the Long-term Plan (14 March 2015) |
105. |
14 May 2015 |
Supported ANZAC Day 2015 |
106. |
14 May 2015 |
Supported the Clendon Community Expo |
11 June 2015 |
For Information: Reports referred to the Manurewa Local Board
File No.: CP2015/10420
1. Providing an opportunity for the Board to receive reports and resolutions that have been referred from Governing Body Committee meetings or forums or other local boards for the information.
2. The following list was referred for information from the Governing Body committees or forums or board meetings.
No. |
Report Title |
Item no. |
Meeting Date |
Governing Body Committee or Forum or Local Board
1 |
District Licensing Committee structure review: Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board feedback |
19 |
20 May 2015 |
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board |
That the Manurewa Local Board
a) note the following reports referred for information from the Governing Body committee meetings or forums and local board meetings:
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
Manurewa Local Board Workshop Notes
File No.: CP2015/10427
1. Notes taken at the joint Franklin, Howick, Mangere-Otahuhu, Manurewa, Otara-Papatoetoe and Papakura Local Boards workshop held on 6 May and the Manurewa Local Board workshops held on 5, 7, 19 and 26 May 2015 are attached.
Executive Summary
2. Nil.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the notes from the joint Franklin, Howick, Mangere-Otahuhu, Manurewa, Otara-Papatoetoe and Papakura Local Boards workshop held on 6 May and the Manurewa Local Board workshops held on 5, 7, 19 and 26 May 2015. |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
6 May - joint Franklin, Howick, Mangere-Otahuhu, Manurewa, Otara-Papatoetoe and Papakura Local Boards |
169 |
bView |
5 May - Manurewa Local Board Workshop notes |
171 |
cView |
7 May - Manurewa Local Board Workshop notes |
175 |
dView |
19 May - Manurewa Local Board Workshop notes |
177 |
eView |
26 May - Manurewa Local Board Workshop notes |
181 |
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 11 June 2015 |
Joint Franklin, Howick, Mangere-Otahuhu, Manurewa, Otara-Papatoetoe and Papakura Local Boards Workshop Notes
Date of Workshop: Wednesday, 6 May 2015
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Manukau Room, Ground Floor Annex, Manukau Civic Building, 31-33 Manukau Station Road, Manukau
Present: Ross Robertson (OPLB), Bob Wichman (HLB), Lyn Murphy (FLB), Graham Purdy (PLB), Michael Turner (PLB), Andrew Baker (FLB), Simeon Brown (MLB), Christine O’Brien (MOLB), Efeso Collins (OPLB) and Katrina Winn (PLB from 6.42pm).
Apologies: Michael Bailey (MLB)
Auckland Industrial South Integrated Business Precinct Plan
John Norman (Acting Manager Local Economic Development) presented the Final Draft Integrated Business Precinct Plan (IBPP) to the cluster meeting.
Discussion · Consultation approach to businesses, primarily through Business Associations, the Employers and Manufacturers Association and identified businesses in the zones. · What sort of skills shortage and how is this being addressed? Gap in meeting needs, businesses face a challenge in terms of holding on to skilled staff. Business have stated that poaching of staff occurs from within New Zealand and with staff moving overseas. · Current submitted private plan changes under consideration have not been reflected in the spatial plan as they may not go ahead. · Ten high level actions identified, there is no priority to these and timeframes are identified in the detailed action table. · Fit with local Economic Development plans – this plan shows how local boards can support Industrial areas in the south. · Difference between the Economic Development unit in Auckland Council (AC) and the Economic development unit in ATEED was discussed.
Feedback This is a good comprehensive document going forward, good leverage tool on issues such as transport. The members present agreed the report does not require to be formally endorsed by the local boards prior to it being presented to the Auckland Development Committee in June.
Action A copy of the Auckland’s Industrial South – Integrated Business Precinct Plan (pages 1 – 50) be sent to the Democracy Advisors to send to board members for their information.
Meeting closed 7.22pm
Carol McGarry
Democracy Advisor
11 June 2015 |
Manurewa Local Board
Workshop Notes
Date of Workshop: Tuesday, 5 May 2015
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Manurewa
Local Board Office Meeting Room
7 Hill Road, Manurewa
Present: |
Angela Dalton (Chair) |
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
Simeon Brown (Deputy Chair) |
George Hawkins, QSO |
Michael Bailey (from 7.10pm) |
Ken Penney |
Staff Present: |
Rex Hewitt, Relationship Manager |
David Hopkins, Local Board Advisor |
Lee Manaia, Democracy Advisor |
Letitia McColl, Senior Engagement Advisor ACPL |
Mark Purdie, Acting Lead Financial Advisor |
Russell Preston, Chief Executive, Counties Manukau Sports |
Morgan Vela, Relationship Manager, Counties Manukau Sport |
Apologies: |
Danella McCormick |
Daryl Wrightson |
Michael Bailey (for lateness) |
Item |
Who to Action |
1. Auckland Council Property Limited (ACPL) Quarterly report
Letitia McColl (Senior Engagement Advisor ACPL) gave an overview of the ACPL quarterly report for the six month period 1 July 2014 to 31 December 2014.
Letitia also gave an overview of the likely merger of Waterfront Auckland and ACPL. She explained what the core functions of Auckland Development would be. Letitia advised that Auckland Council instructs ACPL to acquire properties. The board queried the i) key areas Auckland Development will be focussing on ii) how much budget is there in the LTP for acquisitions Optimisation of service properties There has been a change in the funding policy. ACPL will look at the service portfolio to optimise council assets. The disposal of assets would only proceed if the local board supports it. The funds from sales under the optimisation programme will be ring fenced and advice from the local board would be sought as to where the money should be allocated. There will be a presentation to local boards about the optimisation of service properties at a later date. 20 Barrowcliffe Place – currently working through stormwater issues with the site. A further update will be provided to the board once the stormwater issues have been worked through. The board were concerned about anyone having to live in this area given the property is bounded by a motorway and industrial area. 75 Waimahia Ave – Letitia to investigate whether a house can be built on the land. Letitia to provide information on when this property will go to market Angela requested assistance from ACPL to enable development as part of the Manurewa Town Centre revitalisation and the Southmall carpark. Letitia to raise with Allan Young to make contact to investigate optimisation opportunities.
Allan Young to be invited to one of the town centre steering group meetings.
Maori input – Letitia advised that ACPL have a Maori Responsiveness Plan which has been praised by the IMSB as an exemplar for other departments.
The board is part of a ward with Papakura. The Manurewa Local Board would be interested in seeing the Papakura report to get an overview of the types of properties in being considered for divestment in Papakura. Letitia to forward a copy of the Papakura Local Board report.
Letitia Letitia
Leitita |
2. Quarterly financial performance report
Mark Purdie (Acting Lead Financial Advisor) took the board through the quarterly financial performance report for the nine month period ended 31 March 2015.
Overall the budget is on track as balancing out.
Parks have a significant opex underspend of $453k.
Capex work has still not been delivered on the Wiri Hall redevelopment. Mark will follow up with community facilities.
Nathan Homestead – Any recommendations staff are making with regard to Nathan Homestead must take into account the recommendations from the reports the board has fund.
Mark advised that he had found the revenue and expenditure for Nathan Homestead for the last five years. The figures are consistent with what is happening now.
Randwick Park – Angela advised that staff have approached the community to press an agreement for changes in the plans for Randwick Park to save money on the development.
Parks have a $453k underspend in operational expenditure.
Mark to find out why Mountfort Park renewals are so far behind schedule.
The board requested an explanation as to why Clendon ECE is so far below the anticipated budget level and why the Nathan Homestead ECE is $15k less than anticipated.
Mark advised that pending the Governing Body decision on 7 and 8 May, there is a proposal that an additional $3.2million will be split across the boards and will be allocated into the LDI budgets.
Mark / David
3. Counties Manukau Sports
Russell Preston (Chief Executive, Counties Manukau Sports) and Morgan Vela (Relationship Manager, Counties Manukau Sport) gave a presentation on the programmes that Counties Manukau Sport (CMS) offers across the southern local board areas.
Russell was keen to explore what the Manurewa Local Board priorities were with the Sport and Recreation Advisor to identify the gaps to see how Counties Manukau Sport can help with the delivery.
Angela requested a greater presence of schools from the Manurewa Local Board area at the Weetbix Triathlon.
Russell has been researching data for an anti-bullying programme that he hopes to introduce through the clubs and schools Counties Manukau Sport interact with. Pink shirt promotion.
Angela requested a meeting with Russell and Kiwican in relation to ensuring consistent anti-bullying messages.
Meeting closed at 8.23pm.
11 June 2015 |
Manurewa Local Board
Workshop Notes
Date of Workshop: Thursday, 7 May 2015
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Manurewa
Local Board Office Meeting Room
7 Hill Road, Manurewa
Present: |
Angela Dalton (Chair) |
Angela Cunningham-Marino (Until 7.30pm) |
Simeon Brown (Deputy Chair) (from 7pm) |
Ken Penney |
Staff Present: |
Rex Hewitt, Relationship Manager |
Lee Manaia, Democracy Advisor |
Stephen Cavanagh, Local Economic Development Contractor |
Wendy Dunn, Manurewa Town Centre Manager |
Ben Stallworthy, Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland Transport |
Jonathan Anyon, Team Leader Elected Member Relationships |
Ben Fernandez, Integrated Fares Project manager |
Colin Homan, Public Transport Commercial Manager |
Maree Cotter, Customer Design Manager |
Kishor Mistry, Senior Project Manager - Wayfinding |
Apologies: |
Danella McCormick |
Daryl Wrightson |
George Hawkins, QSO |
Angela Cunningham-Marino (for early departure) |
Michael Bailey |
Simeon Brown (Deputy Chair) (for lateness) |
Item |
Who to Action |
1. Manurewa Local Economic Development Action Plan Stephen Cavanagh (Local Economic Development Contractor) and Wendy Dunn (Manurewa Town Centre Manager) gave an overview of the Manurewa Local Economic Development Action Plan priorities for the Manurewa Town Centre for the next three years. The board were happy with the scopes for the three projects identified in the Economic Development action plan that form the commercial/economic workstream of the Manurewa Town Centre initiative. |
2. Auckland Transport Ben Stallworthy (Elected Member Relationship Advisor) with members of the Auckland Transport team gave a presentation on the following matters: - Simplified Zone Fares – Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP) - Regional Signage |
Meeting closed at 8.20pm.
11 June 2015 |
Manurewa Local Board
Workshop Notes
Date of Workshop: Tuesday, 19 May 2015
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Manurewa
Local Board Office Meeting Room
7 Hill Road, Manurewa
Present: |
Angela Dalton (Chair) |
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
Simeon Brown (Deputy Chair) |
George Hawkins, QSO |
Michael Bailey |
Ken Penney |
Staff Present: |
Rex Hewitt, Relationship Manager |
John Adams, Senior Local Board Advisor |
Lee Manaia, Democracy Advisor |
Mark Purdie, Acting Lead Financial Advisor |
John Ferreira, Manager Asset Development South |
Vince Perry, Team Leader Projects South |
Biran Singh, Team Leader Parks Specialist & Programmes |
Chris Earl, Park Ranger - Programmes |
Apologies: |
Danella McCormick |
Daryl Wrightson |
Item |
Who to Action |
1. Parks 2015/2016 Work Programme
Vince Perry (Team Leader Projects South) and John Ferreira (Manager Asset Development South) presented the 2015/2016 Parks Work Programme.
The Weymouth Special Housing Area budget can be linked to growth, hence a capital expenditure renewal budget of $350,000. Parks will come back to the local board with the detail of how that budget could be spent.
Renewals are based on the number of assets and the condition they are in.
Sports fields details will be provided at a later date.
Netball Manurewa requires $350,000 to rubberise the courts. There is $146,000 left in the 2014/2015 budget. A further conversation is required with the Netball Manurewa Project Manager.
The board indicated that it wished the Randwick Park building to proceed with the $3.2million original design. The board are considering funding the $1.3million shortfall from the Mayor’s Local Board Capital Fund for $800,000 and seeking external funding of $300,000. This leaves $200,000 to be found within existing budgets.
Biran Singh (Team Leader Parks Specialist & Programmes) gave an overview of the programmes that would be run under the volunteers ($38,000), events ($91,000) and teaching gardens ($10,000) budgets. They will be looking for opportunities to find sponsorship and engaging sporting codes in some events they intend to run.
Chris Earl (Park Ranger – Programmes) gave an overview of the “Out and About” events and programmes run in Manurewa over the last financial year. He explained that some of the events will be pared back to allow for efforts to be put into creating larger events.
Chris and Biran sought assistance from the Local Board in relation to contacts in the community. The board indicated they would be happy to help co-ordinate and market events and programmes when they are out talking to groups in the community.
Rex/John |
2.1 Fees and Charges
The board reviewed the local fees and charges schedule for 2015/2016 for the Manurewa Local Board area.
Policy query – What was the mechanism that allowed the Totara Park Pool to be free entry when the board were told that pool entrance fees was a governing body decision?
John |
2.2 Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI)
Mark Purdie tabled the updated locally driven initiatives budget spreadsheet.
He advised that Nathan Homestead operating costs to meet currently agreed service levels will be met in full by Community Development, Arts and Culture Department in accord with the Local Board Funding Policy
The board received $176,000 from the regional pool for multi-board community funding applications.
The Marae Assistance Fund has been separated out and has been renamed to reflect a wider purpose as the Maori responsiveness budget line.
Biodiversity doesn’t have any budget allocated as yet. It was suggested that mangrove removal could come under the Biodiversity heading.
Manukau Harbour Forum budget to be adjusted to $12,000
The Board indicated they were comfortable with the Locally Driven Initiatives budget allocations as tabled.
Mark Purdie |
2.3 Local Board Agreement
The board reviewed the draft Local Board Agreement for 2015/2016.
Questions raised/issues identified in the Local Board Agreement: i) What are the sample sizes for the Local Board Agreement’s performance targets? ii) What happens if targets aren’t met? iii) Advocacy initiatives – “Removal of charges for pool use” has no explanation. iv) Ken Penney’s address needs to be updated.
The board requested that the Community Development Arts and Culture renewals programme be brought to the board.
Rex |
Meeting closed at 8.20pm.
11 June 2015 |
Manurewa Local Board
Workshop Notes
Date of Workshop: Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Manurewa
Local Board Office Meeting Room
7 Hill Road, Manurewa
Present: |
Angela Dalton (Chair) |
George Hawkins, QSO |
Simeon Brown (Deputy Chair) |
Danella McCormick |
Michael Bailey |
Ken Penney |
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
Daryl Wrightson |
Staff Present: |
John Adams, Senior Local Board Advisor |
Mary Hay, Local Board Engagement Advisor (minutes) |
Item |
Who to Action |
1. Community Grant Applications – Jenny Young
· Applications discussed by the board and indicative amounts for consideration at the June board meeting are as follows. There is $12,004 unallocated.
Applicant Group |
Project |
Amount Requested |
Indicative Amount Recommended |
Comment |
Accelerating Aotearoa Inc. |
Towards design, promotion and delivery costs of a community digital event and digital workshops connecting with local students and professionals with digital skills and passion to be held at Weymouth School, Clendon Library and in the Manurewa community. |
$10,000 |
$0 |
Action Education |
Towards the salaries of two youth development workers to provide spoken-word workshops in schools in the Manurewa area |
$5,000 |
$0 |
Auckland Kids Achievement Trust |
Towards the cost to deliver the Kiwi Can programme in Clendon Park Primary, Manurewa West, Waimahia Intermediate and Roscommon schools. |
$10,000 |
$10,000 |
Angela declared a conflict of interest |
Applicant Group |
Project |
Amount Requested |
Indicative Amount Recommended |
Comment |
Auckland Single Parent’s Trust and Te Kaitiakitanga Tamaki Makaurau o te Matua Kotahitanga |
Towards the cost of weekly netball fees for a six-a-side netball team to play in Manukau and associated phone and internet costs. |
$1,000 |
$1,000 |
Auckland Young Women’s Christian Association (t/a YWCA Auckland) |
Towards the cost to deliver two protect self defence "Safe for Life" workshops (to up to 30 participants per workshop) to schools in Manurewa. |
$1,460 |
$1,460 |
Bhartiya Samaj Charitable Trust |
Towards venue hire and travel costs to fortnightly meetings and outings for the Elder Support Programme |
$1,271 |
$1,271 |
Blind Foundation |
Towards the annual salary of a counsellor. |
$5,000 |
$0 |
Blue Light Ventures Inc. |
Towards costs for five local young people from Manurewa aged 14-17 to attend the Light Life Skills camps at Hobsonville from 31 August to 4 September 2015. |
$2,175 |
$2,175 |
Carlson School for Cerebral Palsy |
Towards the hire of the Vodafone Events Centre, Manukau to hold the 2015 World Cerebral Palsy Day - Auckland on 7 October 2015. |
$2,000 |
$2,000 |
Chinese New Settlers Services Trust |
Towards venue hire, tutors, promotion, administration, training and supervision for the Connecting Kids, Connecting Families programme being held weekly at Friendship House. |
$4,000 |
$0 |
Connected Media Charitable Trust |
towards the 'Outlook for Someday' Free One-day Film-making Workshop South Auckland. |
$867 |
$867 |
Counties-Manukau Sports Foundation |
towards the venue costs and multimedia charges for the 2015 Counties Manukau Sporting Excellence Awards at the Vodafone Events Centre on 28 November 2015. |
$4,000 |
$0 |
Diabetes NZ Auckland Branch |
Towards advertising and marketing material and services to promote the 2015 National Diabetes Awareness Week to at-risk communities during November 2015. |
$2,570 |
$0 |
Foundation for Youth Development |
Towards the continuation of the Career Navigator programme at Manurewa High School from 1 July to 31 December 2015. |
$10,000 |
$0 |
Angela declared a conflict of interest |
Applicant Group |
Project |
Amount Requested |
Indicative Amount Recommended |
Comment |
Friends of the Auckland Botanic Gardens Inc. |
Towards the design and print of all community engagement material for the free biennial sculpture exhibition Sculpture in the Gardens 2015-16 |
$10,731 |
$0 |
to carry forward to events |
Life Education Trust South East Auckland (t/a Life Education Trust Counties Manukau) |
Towards the costs associated with delivery the Life Education Trust programme to schools in Manurewa during 2015 |
$15,000 |
$5,000 |
Manukau Orchestral Society Inc. |
Towards venue hire and technical costs to enable the Manukau Symphony Orchestra to present their first traditional Proms concert at the Vodafone Events Centre, Manukau from 10 to 17 October 2015. |
$3,500 |
$3,500 |
Manurewa Business Association Inc. |
Towards the cost to hold the 2015 Manurewa Community Expo at Manurewa Town Centre and Southmall Shopping Centre |
$3,478 |
$3,478 |
Ken declared a conflict of interest |
Manurewa Business Association Inc. |
Towards supply and installation of electrical lights to the Southmall Norfolk Pine, equipment and training to allow the successful running of the lights. |
$6,882 |
$0 |
Ken declared a conflict of interest. Application withdrawn - funding sought elsewhere |
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Auckland and the North Shore Inc. |
Towards the annual cost of running the hydrotherapy for people with multiple sclerosis project for people in Manurewa. |
$4,000 |
$4,000 |
New Foundations Trust |
Towards mentor and resource costs to run the BRIDGE programme to meet the needs of the at-risk students at James Cook High School. |
$8,562 |
$8,562 |
Perry Outdoor Education Trust |
Towards programme costs for an outdoor education programme at Alfriston College |
$5,000 |
$0 |
Pila Tomu Aerobic for Health Inc. |
Towards the cost to host a reunion (venue hire, DJ hire, trophies and other costs) to be held at Ōtara Pool and Leisure Centre at Labour Weekend 2015. |
$3,200 |
$0 |
Samoan Women Elderly Youth South Auckland Region Inc. |
Towards the cost to host a Christmas Carols in the Park event at the Manukau PIC Presbyterian Church, Wylie Road, Papatoetoe on 12 December 2015. |
$20,674 |
$0 |
Applicant Group |
Project |
Amount Requested |
Indicative Amount Recommended |
Comment |
Senior Citizens Service Club of Manurewa |
Towards printing, catering and entertainment costs hold the Manurewa Senior Citizens Christmas Function on 9 December 2015 at Tadmor Hall, Manurewa. |
$2,790 |
$2,790 |
The Black Grace Trust |
Towards the cost to present a live rehearsal and question and answer session at Southmall or other suitable community facility. |
$3,400 |
$0 |
to carry forward to events |
The Parenting Place - Attitude Youth Division |
Towards the cost of delivering 25 mental health presentations to approx. 4,200 students attending four high schools in the Manurewa local board area plus provide 1,030 year 10 students with a copy of the Hardwired (drug and alcohol education) handbook. |
$3,697 |
$3,697 |
The Parenting Place - Toolbox Division |
Towards a fee subsidy for low-income Toolbox participants, course handbooks and volunteer expenses. |
$3,768 |
$2,168 |
What Hope Community Trust |
Towards funding to cover specialist tutors and equipment costs of creative workshops for Manurewa youth. |
$5,238 |
$0 |
Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust |
Towards the salary of a youth worker to provide around 36 seminars and workshops in three Youth Health Councils in Manurewa. |
$5,000 |
$0 |
Foundation for Youth Development |
Towards the travel expenses of FYD research staff to travel to Manurewa to conduct participant interviews and surveys. |
$5,000 |
$0 |
Angela declared a conflict of interest |
Te Whakaora Tangata |
Towards course delivery and venue hire costs of the Emotional Healing programme. |
$9,939 |
$9,939 |
Manurewa Marae Trust Board 2008 Inc. |
Towards the supply and installation of two heat pumps for the office and fitting of time delay basin taps in the ablution blocks of the Manurewa Marae. |
$25,286 |
$25,286 |
Lifechurch NZ Community Trust |
Towards the 2014/2015 rates for the property at 24 Maich Road, Manurewa. |
$3,143 |
$3,143 |
Age Concern Counties Manukau Inc. |
Towards wages and travel costs to continue for another year with Phase 3 of the counsellor service. |
$10,112 |
$0 |
Auckland Cambodian Youth and Recreation Trust |
Towards annual office rental at 91 Cambridge Terrace, Papatoetoe; audit fees, telephone and internet costs and volunteer payments, wages for the Khmer radio station. |
$5,750 |
$1,450 |
for internet, phone and office rental |
Manukau Youth Orchestra |
Towards the annual cost of insurance (includes Public Liability Insurance) for twelve months July 2015 to June 2016. |
$5,000 |
$5,000 |
Applicant Group |
Project |
Amount Requested |
Indicative Amount Recommended |
Comment |
Mountfort Park Water Polo Club |
Towards development and capacity building of the club's coaches, volunteers, referees and players |
$10,000 |
$0 |
South Asian Trust Inc. |
Towards office rental and operational costs for a period of four months and volunteer transport allowance. |
$3,611 |
$3,611 |
amount requested |
$242,104 |