I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Rodney Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 15 June 2015


Council Chamber
Orewa Service Centre
50 Centreway Road


Rodney Local Board









Brenda Steele


Deputy Chairperson

Steven Garner



James Colville



Warren Flaunty, QSM



Thomas Grace



Beth Houlbrooke



John McLean



Phelan Pirrie



Greg Sayers



(Quorum 5 members)




Raewyn Morrison

Local Board Democracy Advisor


9 June 2015


Contact Telephone: (09) 427 3399

Email: raewyn.morrison@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Board Member



James Colville

St Marys Church Wellsford, Parish Council

Federated Farmers Auckland

Wellsford Drama Club

Wellsford Promotions

Landowners and Contractors Protection Assn.






Warren Flaunty, QSM

Westgate Pharmacy Ltd

NorSGA Properties Ltd

The Trust Community Foundation Ltd

Henderson-Massey Local Board

Waitemata District Health Board

Taupaki Residents and Ratepayers Assn.

Contractor and Director




Elected Member


Steven Garner

(Deputy Chairperson)

Mahurangi College Board of Trustee

Warkworth Tennis and Squash Club



Thomas Grace

Kumeu Rotary

South Kaipara Community Patrol

Rally New Zealand

Targa New Zealand

Waimauku Lions

Auckland Conservation Board

Federated Farmers

Northern Sports Car Club

Graceland Properties

Kumeu Community Patrol











Beth Houlbrooke

Greater Auckland Chorus (Charitable Trust)

Sweet Adelines New Zealand (Charitable Trust)


Baddeleys and Campbells Beach Residents and Ratepayers Assn.



Vice President



John McLean

Albany CoCo

De Paul House

Furniture for Schools Charitable Trust

Newpark Financial

Coatesville Residents and Ratepayers Association






Phelan Pirrie

Muriwai Environmental Action Community Trust

North West District Business Association

Muriwai Community Association

Muriwai Volunteer Fire Brigade

Best Berries (NZ) Ltd 




Officer in Charge


Greg Sayers

Rotary Club of Auckland

Neighbourhood Support Rodney



Brenda Steele


Te Uri o Hau

Ngati Whatua o Kaipara

Woodhill School Board of Trustees









Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015




1          Welcome                                                                                                                        5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                      5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                              5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                              5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                         5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                   5

7          Petitions                                                                                                     5

8          Deputations                                                                                                5

8.1    Riverhead development proposal                                                  6

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                6

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                            6

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                      7

12        Adoption of Local Board Agreement 2015/2016                                     9

13        Rural voluntary libraries grant                                                               41

14        Allocation of the Local Board Community Facility Initiatives budget                                                                                                                  45

15        Rodney Local Board Community Grants Walkway Fund                    47

16        Warkworth Town Hall Restoration                                                       135

17        Membership on the NZ Police Tactical Coordination Team             139

18        Urgent Decision - Allocation of funds for community workshops   141

19        Ward Councillor Update                                                                       149

20        Local Board Members Reports                                                            151

21        Deputation/Public Forum Update                                                        153

22        Rodney Local Board Workshop Records                                           157  

23        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome



2          Apologies


Apologies from Member JG McLean and Deputy Chairperson SR Garner have been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Rodney Local Board:

a)           confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 18 May 2015, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


That an apology from Member JG McLean for leave of absence, be received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Rodney Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.







8.1       Riverhead development proposal


1.      Representatives from a proposed development at Riverhead will be in attendance to address the local board. The presentation relates to a proposed Riverhead Resort Development at 1-7 York Terrace and 35-37 Elliot Street, Riverhead. The development involves an architecturally-designed accommodation complex with associated public spaces, marina berths and on-site facilities.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      thank the representatives for their presentation on a proposed development at Riverhead which involves an architecturally designed accommodation complex with associated public spaces, marina berths and on-site facilities.




9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Adoption of Local Board Agreement 2015/2016


File No.: CP2015/10526




1.      This report seeks adoption of local content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025, including a Local Board Agreement 2015/2016, a message from the chair and local board advocacy, together with adoption of a Local Fees and Charges Schedules for 2015/2016.


2.      This report also seeks agreement on library opening hours for 2015/2016, and includes supporting material for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 on 10 year local activity budgets and 10 year local performance targets.

Executive Summary

3.      For each financial year, Auckland Council must have a local board agreement between the governing body and the local board, for each local board area. 


4.      Every three years a local board plan is developed to inform the long-term plan (and associated local board agreements) which outlines priorities, budgets and intended levels of service over a ten year period.


5.      Between January and March this year, council consulted on proposed content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025.  Local boards then held discussions with the governing body on local feedback, common issues and local priorities prior to budget decisions being made on 8 May 2015.


6.      Local boards are now considering local content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 which includes a local board agreement, a message from the chair and local board advocacy, together with a Local Fees and Charges Schedules for 2015/2016 and library opening hours.


7.      Local boards are also agreeing allocation of locally driven initiative funding to projects and services, including  whether to top up additional library opening hours, mechanical edging (and not chemical spraying) and street garden maintenance.


8.      Other supporting material associated with the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 includes 10 year local activity capital expenditure budgets and 10 year local performance targets.  This material does not form part of a local board agreement, but is incorporated in Volume 2 of the Long-term Plan 2015-2025, albeit at a higher programme level for budgets.  


9.      On 25 June 2015, the governing body will meet to adopt Auckland Council’s Long-term Plan 2015-2025 including 21 local board agreements and associated performance targets and budgets.  



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      adopts local content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (Attachment A), including a Local Board Agreement 2015/2016, a message from the chair and local board advocacy.


b)      adopts Local Fees and Charges Schedules for 2015/2016 (Attachment B).


c)      agrees Library Opening Hours for 2015/2016 (Attachment C).


d)      notes:

            i)          supporting material for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (Attachment D),                                including  10 year local activity budgets and 10 year local performance                                targets;

            ii)         local activity budgets have been updated to reflect final budget decisions      made by the governing body on 8 May 2015, budget adjustments  arising      from new information (including the setup of a central risk fund for capital      projects) and the allocation of central costs;

            iii)        if there are outstanding (not yet agreed) matters in the local board      agreement, the local board should include an explanation of these matters      in the Chair’s message at the front of the local board agreement;

            iv)        that the resolutions of this meeting will be reported back to the governing                            body when it meets to adopt the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 on 25 June                              2015.


e)      agrees that the Chairperson be delegated authority to make any final minor changes to the above.



10.    For each financial year, Auckland Council must have a local board agreement between the governing body and the local board, for each local board area. 


11.    Every three years a local board plan is developed to inform the long-term plan (and associated local board agreements) which outlines priorities, budgets and intended levels of service over a ten year period.


12.    Between January and March this year, council consulted on proposed content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025.  Local boards then held discussions with the governing body on local feedback, common issues and local priorities prior to budget decisions being made on 8 May 2015.


13.    Local boards are now considering local content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 which includes a local board agreement, a message from the chair and local board advocacy (Attachment One). 


14.    Local boards have also developed a Local Fees and Charges Schedules for 2015/2016 in alignment to agreed local activity budgets (Attachment Two)


15.    Library opening hours for 2015/2016 for this local board area are outlined in Attachment Three.


16.    Local boards are also agreeing allocation of locally driven initiative funding to projects and services, including  whether to top up additional library opening hours, mechanical edging (and not chemical spraying) and street garden maintenance


17.    Other supporting material associated with the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 includes 10 year local activity capital expenditure budgets and 10 year local performance targets (Attachment Four).  This material does not form part of a local board agreement, but is incorporated in Volume 2 of the Long-term Plan 2015-2025, albeit at a higher programme level for budgets.  Local boards are requested to note this information. 


18.    On 25 June 2015, the governing body will meet to adopt Auckland Council’s Long-term Plan 2015-2025 including 21 local board agreements and associated performance targets and budgets.  



Local Board views and implications

19.    This report seeks adoption from the local board on its content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 and other associated material.  Engagement with the community, including consultation, and a number of workshops and meetings have been held by the local board and with the governing body to finalise their local board agreement.



Māori impact statement

20.    Many local board decisions are of importance to Maori and there is a need to continue to build relationships between local boards and relevant Iwi.  The local board agreement is based on the local board plan and the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 which have both been developed through engagement with the community, including Maori.


21.    The resolutions of this meeting will be reported to the governing body on 25 June 2015, when it meets to adopt the Long-term Plan 2015-2025.


22.    The timeline to develop and produce the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 document is tight. It is possible that minor changes may need to be made to the attachments before the annual plan is adopted, such as correction of any errors identified and minor wording changes.  Staff therefore recommend that the local board delegates authority to the Local Board Chairperson to make final changes if necessary.








Rodney Local Board Agreement



Local Fees and Charges Schedules 2015/2016



Library Opening Hours 2015/2016



Long-term Plan Supporting Material





Kate Marsh – Financial Planning Manager, Local Boards


Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services

Matthew Walker – General Manager Financial Plan Policy and Budgeting

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Rural voluntary libraries grant


File No.: CP2015/10742




1.      To seek approval to release the 2014-15 grants to the rural voluntary libraries at Leigh, Point Wells, and Tapora.

Executive Summary

Grants have been paid out annually in the past to the rural voluntary libraries at Leigh, Point Wells, and Tapora. 


These grants began around 1990 when National Library support to rural voluntary libraries was withdrawn.


There is budget for the three grants in the 2014-2015 financial year libraries operational budgets. The respective amounts for which this report seeks approval are:

·    Leigh Library of $2,588

·    Point Wells Library of $2,070

·    Tapora Library of $518. 


Auckland Libraries is aware of two other rural voluntary libraries within the Rodney Local Board    area which operate independently of Auckland Libraries and which have not sought financial support.


In the future, Auckland Libraries may create a more coordinated and consistent approach to levels of support for rural voluntary libraries across the region.  In the meantime, support comprising annual grants, bulk loans of library materials, and professional advice will continue as status quo. 




That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approve payment of grants from the 2014-2015 Auckland Libraries operational expenses budgets to the voluntary libraries as follows:

i)        to the Leigh Library, $2,588.

ii)       to the Point Wells Library, $2,070.

iii)      to the Tapora Library, $518, provided that the Tapora Library resumes operations before the end of June 2015; failing that, that the Point Wells Library be paid an additional $518.




In 2014 the Rodney Local Board requested that these grants from Auckland Libraries require specific approval from the Rodney Local Board each year.   In the past council has made grants to the rural voluntary libraries at Leigh, Point Wells, and Tapora.  The historical context indicates that:

·    the Libraries operational budget included funds for grants starting around 1990 when the National Library Service ceased site support visits to the libraries,

·    the grants’ various amounts were relative to the size of the three local populations at that time,

·    the grants’ amounts have not been reviewed since they were set up and,

·    the payment process has not required grants applications being made to Council by the rural voluntary libraries.

2.      These grants were paid annually prior to the November 2010 Auckland Council amalgamation, and have also been released each financial year since then. The amounts used to be: Leigh $2,500, Point Wells $2,000, and Tapora $500; and since 2012-13 inflated amounts paid have been Leigh $2,588; Point Wells $2,070; and Tapora $518.

3.      There is a slight variation to the way grants have been used to date by these three rural voluntary libraries but in general are used to fund book acquisitions and minor operating supplies and equipment.  The Point Wells Library’s grant has all been used to purchase books, and they have held a garage sale once a year to raise funds for other expenses.

4.      In addition to the grants, Auckland Libraries provides ongoing support to these libraries in terms of bulk loans of library materials, and professional advice.

5.      Some current information about the three voluntary libraries is below; it indicates that the Point Wells Library is used more than the Leigh Library, has more opening hours and a larger book stock, and it also offers the community some regular programmes.




Visitor numbers per month

Items borrowed per month

Total book stock

Volunteer hours per month

Opening hours per month

Special programmes


(as at April 2015)

170 families







Pt Wells

(as at March 2015)

412 individuals






Junior Club for pre-school readers is held once a fortnight


A Book Club meets once a month










Hours of opening are:








Total hours open per week



4 – 6pm

2 – 4pm



9.30 – noon


Pt Wells

7 – 8pm


9am to noon


3 – 5pm

10am - noon











*The Tapora Library is currently not operating.  Around late 2014 the member of the local community who ran the Library, left the area.  Since then nobody else from the local community has taken on the voluntary role of running the Library.

6.      Other known rural voluntary libraries in the Rodney Local Board area are the Kaipara Flats Library and the Puhoi Library. In the past, these libraries were also supported through the provision of professional advice and bulk loans of books.

7.      There are over a dozen rural voluntary libraries throughout the Auckland region, with a range of different legacy arrangements with Auckland Council. Auckland Libraries may, in the future, create a more coordinated and consistent approach to levels of support for rural voluntary libraries across the region.


Local Board views and implications

8.     Supporting rural voluntary libraries aligns to the Rodney Local Board Plan 2014-2017 outcome “Local halls and libraries are familiar, valued and well used community spaces” – “Our halls and libraries meet the needs of local communities.  They are highly valued, welcoming, friendly spaces in which local residents take pride and have a sense of ownership.”  Payment of these grants particularly relates to the Rodney Local Board’s Key Initiative: “Support volunteer libraries”.

Māori impact statement

9.     There are no particular impacts on Maori which are different from general users of the rural voluntary libraries.


10.    There are no known implementation issues.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Vicki Clark – Service Delivery Manager Kowhai Coast


Megan Grimshaw-Jones – Community Library Manager, Warkworth


Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Allocation of the Local Board Community Facility Initiatives budget


File No.: CP2015/11297




1.      The purpose of this report is to request approval for the allocation of funds from the Local Board Community Facility Initiatives budget.

Executive Summary

2.      There is $30,000 funding in the Local Board Community Facility Initiatives budget that was originally allocated by the local board to supporting community use of the old Wellsford library building. This remains unspent in the current financial year due to timing issues of finding a suitable community group to lease the former library space.  An expression of interest process is currently underway.

3.      The local board now wishes to reallocate the funding through this report and consider options that are consistent with the 2014 Rodney Local Board Plan and align with Community Development, Arts and Culture work programmes.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      consider the reallocation of $20,884 funding from the Local Board Community Facility Initiatives Budget due to the delay in the Old Wellsford Library project as previously allocated under resolution RODCPC/2015/17.




4.      At its May 2015 meeting the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee resolved to:

“approve in principle the allocation of $30,000.00 from the Local Board Community Facility Initiatives Budget 2014-2015 to fund the operational needs of the former Wellsford Library building, 118 Rodney Street, Wellsford”                                            RODCPC/2015/17

5.      This budget was intended to provide operational assistance and support for the community group who were granted the lease of the former Wellsford library. As the process for granting the community lease for the building will not be finalised until August 2015, the funding will not be needed for this purpose in the current financial year and is available to be reallocated.

6.      It has been proposed in a separate urgent report to the local board that $9,195.88 of the $30,000 available in the Local Board Community Facility Initiatives budget be used to partly fund two community-led placemaking workshops, one in Leigh and one in Parakai. If approved, this leaves an amount of $20,884.12 still to be allocated.

7.      The local board resolved on 2 June 2015 at a Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee meeting the following resolution (RODTP/2015/14):

iv)      agree to consider using any additional unspent funds from the local board budget towards the security cameras along Mahurangi Riverbank and the teaching kitchen in Te Whare Oranga ō Parakai.


8.      The above resolution followed information being provided on Item 12 (Rodney Local Economic Development Action Plan). Plans and details were provided in that report.

9.      A priority outcome in the 2014 Rodney Local Board Plan is to empower communities and actively support them to undertake projects that they consider important. The above options for funding are community driven initiatives that are consistent with the Community Development Arts and Culture work programmes in both 2014/2015 and 2015/2016.

10.    The local board also intends to allocate funding to the old Wellsford Library project in the 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 financial years through their Local Board Agreement.


Local Board views and implications

11.    This report seeks local board views.

Māori impact statement

12.    Maori views have not been specifically sought in relation to this report. However, the options proposed align with iwi aspirations for community involvement and empowerment.


13.    There are no implementation issues.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Sue Dodds – Senior Community Development Project Leader


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Rodney Local Board Community Grants Walkway Fund


File No.: CP2015/11355




1.           The purpose of this report is to present the applications received for the Rodney Local Board Community Grants Walkway Fund. The Rodney Local Board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these applications.

Executive Summary

2.           At the 20 April 2015 business meeting, the Rodney Local Board agreed to allocate the remaining Rodney Local Board 2014/15 operational budget to a Rodney Local Board Community Grants Walkway Fund with a total budget of $105,000 (RD/2015/49).

3.           The local board agreed the funding criteria for the Rodney Local Board Community Grants Walkway Fund, and agreed that the Rodney Local Board Community Grants Walkway Fund will be open from 1 May 2015 to  31 May 2015.

4.           Twenty-two applications have been received, requesting a total of $518,637.68.

5.           Further to this, the at the workshop held on 8 June 2015, the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee received an update on the Swimming Pool feasibility study project.

6.           The local board was advised that $10,000 from the $30,000, allocated in the 2014/2015 financial year for the Swimming Pool feasibility study will no longer be required this financial year, as the detailed geotechnical investigations will no longer take place at this stage of the project.

7.           Therefore it is recommended that the local board reallocate the unspent $10,000 from the Swimming Pool feasibility study project to the Rodney Local Board Community Grants Walkway Fund.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      reallocate the unspent $10,000, from the Swimming Pool feasibility study, from the  Aquatic facility feasibility budget line, to the Rodney Local Board Community Grants Walkway Fund.

b)      considers the applications listed in Table One and agrees to fund, part fund or decline each application in this round.

Table One: Rodney Local Board Community Grants Walkway Fund


Funding for

Amount requested

South Kaipara Residents and Ratepayers Association

Towards the costs for the Mahurangi Coastal Trail to be implemented

$  20,000.00

Point Wells Community and Ratepayers Association

Advising the Rodney Local Board that at some stage in the future the Point Wells Community and Ratepayers Association will be applying for funding at a later date.

$           0.00

Whangateau Residents and Ratepayers Association Incorporated

Towards the costs of planning and creating a 200m concrete path for the Historic Boatyard Walkway between August 2015 to December 2015

$  10,000.00

Wainui Primary School

Towards the costs to construct an all-weather bike track adjacent to the Wainui Primary School grounds between September 2015 to October 2015

$  42,500.00

Riverhead Rates Payers Association Incorporated

Towards costs associated to the site preparation, purchase of timber and labour costs for the Alexander Street walkway between July 2015 to January 2016


$  20,000.00

Highfield Garden Reserve Advisory Committee

Towards the costs of the contractor to lay the concrete at Highfield Garden Reserve between July 2015 to August 2015

$    6,641.25

Parakai School

Towards the hireage of a digger and costs for the construction og the MBX pump track at Parakai School between September 2015 to December 2015

$    5,325.00

Warkworth Riverbank Enhancement Group

Towards the costs of engineering report, planning report, landscape assessment, ecological report and Council fees for the Warkworth township to the historic cement works walkway between June 2015 to May 2016

$  68,000.00

Puhoi Community Forum

Towards to the costs of fence and culvert materials, digger and tractor hire and riparian plants costs for the Puhoi Riverside Walkway between August 2015 to September 2016

$  11,750.43

Baddleys & Campbells Beach Residents & Ratepayers Association

Towards the costs of purchasing herbicide, pland and propagation material and purchase materials for the track upgrade for the Baddeleys Reserve walking track development between September 2015 to August 2016

$    2,600.00

Lions Club of Warkworth

Towards the purchase of timber, metal, plants and signage for the Kowhai park track upgrades between July 2015 to June 2016

$    7,136.00

Warkworth Area Forest and Bird

Towards the purchase and installation of signage, hireage of a digger and purchase of materials for the Cement works to Warkworth walkway between August 2015 to June 2016

$    9,010.00

Wellsford Districts Sport and Recreation Collective Incorporated

Towards the costs of the surveyor, purchase of plants, legal costs and contractors costs for the Weelsford Greenways scheme between December 2015 to March 2016

$  36,225.00

Snells Beach Ratepayers and Residents

Towards the costs of a feasibility study for the Snells Beach to Warkworth walkway between August 2015 to October 2015

$  11,500.00

Te Herenga Waka o Orewa

Towards the purchase of materials for the Te Herenga Waka o Orewa Marae relocation project between November 2015 to February 2018

$  10,000.00

Kumeu Arts Centre

Towards the installation of public art, project management, purchase of sundry materials and publication of trail maps for the Huapai – Kumeu Walkway project between September 2015 to October 2015

$  30,000.00

Omaha Beach Committee

Towards the costs of a feasibility report for the Omaha Taniko Wetlands Scientific reserve walking trail between August 2015 to September 2015

$    5,840.00

Snells Beach Ratepayers and Residents

Towards the hirage costs of the digger costs for the earthworks for the Te Whau Esplanade walkway project between February 2016 to March 2016

$  10,350.00

Matakana Coast Trail Trust

Towards to costs of bridge construction for the Matakana pedestrian/cycle bridge project between July 2015 to November 2015


Mahurangi Action Incorporated

Towards the costs of visualisation rendering for the Mahurangi coastal trail Judge Arnold Turner footbridge project between July 2015 to November 2015

$    1,760.00

Muriwai Community Association Incorporated

Towards the purchase and installation of sandstone for the Muriwai sandstone walking track project between July 2015 to August 2015

$  35,000.00

Huapai Reserve Advisory Committee

Towards the purchase of materials and installation of materials for the perimeter walking/cycling path around Huapai Reserve between July 2015 to June 2016

$  25,000.00






8.           At the 20 April 2015 business meeting, the Rodney Local Board agreed to allocate the remaining Rodney Local Board 2014/15 operational budget to a Rodney Local Board Community Grants Walkway Fund with a total budget of $105,000 (RD/2015/49).

9.           The local board agreed the funding criteria for the Rodney Local Board Community Grants Walkway Fund, and agreed that the Rodney Local Board Community Grants Walkway Fund will be open from 1 May 2015 to  31 May 2015.

10.        Through community grants, the local board recognises the vital role that community groups and organisations play in developing strong, sustainable communities.

11.        When reviewing applications, the local board should be guided by the funding criteria agreed at the 20 April 2015 meeting (these are not eligibility criteria, rather they are guidelines to help the local board when considering the merits of each proposal):

·              the progression of existing walkways that are under construction

·              walkways that link existing walkways and communities together

·              walkways that provide access to community facilities

·              groups who have existing plans in place

·              groups who are able to contribute match funding

·              walkways which have a wider benefit to the community through adding to an existing network

·              walkways which create improved access to coastal areas and parks

·              projects involving local young people in the physical work providing an opportunity for youth to learn new skills

·              projects inviting members of the community that have not previously been involved in the project in order to enhance community networks

·              projects where the wider community are asked for ideas and input into the design

12.        This fund is allocated at the local board’s discretion. In accordance with its fiduciary duties, the local board is to act honestly, avoid conflicts of interest and act in what the local board believes to be the best interests of the community.

13.        The fund was advertised through local community networks, local publications and on the Auckland Council website. The fund opened on 1 May 2015 and closed on 31 May 2015.

14.        Twenty-two applications were received in this round, with a total requested of $518,637.68.

15.        At the workshop held on 8 June 2015, the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee received an update on the Swimming Pool feasibility study project.

16.        The local board was advised that $10,000 from the $30,000, allocated in the 2014/2015 financial year for the Swimming Pool feasibility study will no longer be required this financial year, as the detailed geotechnical investigations will no longer take place at this stage of the project.

17.        Therefore it is recommended that the local board reallocate the unspent $10,000 from the Swimming Pool feasibility study project to the Rodney Local Board Community Grants Walkway Fund.


Local Board views and implications

18.        Local board feedback on the community funding applications was sought at a workshop with the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee.

Māori impact statement

19.        Community funding is a general programme of interest and accessible to a wide range of groups, including Maori. Maori are therefore likely to benefit alongside other groups in the community.


20.        The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted annual plan budget.

21.        Following the Rodney Local Board allocating funding, staff will notify the applicants of the local board decision.







Rodney Local Board Community Grants Walkway Fund Application Summaries





Sonja Tomovska – Local Board Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Warkworth Town Hall Restoration


File No.: CP2015/11302




1.      To enable the Rodney Local Board to consider and resolve upon the further stages of the Warkworth Town Hall Restoration Project and the funding required to progress stage 2.

2.      To present an option to demolish the old kitchen and build a temporary kitchen in the new gallery area.

Executive Summary

3.      The restoration of the Warkworth Town Hall is a funded project within council’s current Long-term Plan (LTP) and is a longstanding priority of Rodney Local Board.

4.      Auckland Council has committed general rate sourced funding of $3.037 million to the project, made up of $2.750 million from the LTP and a further $287,000 from local board renewal funds in order to complete stage 1. There is substantial community interest in raising further money to enable extra amenities to be incorporated within the refurbished town hall as part of a second stage.

5.      At a local board meeting on 16 March 2015 staff recommended that the project now be envisaged over three stages, with the first stage focused upon using the available funding to restore and reopen the heritage hall. It was agreed to proceed with Stage 1 while investigating funding options for stage 2 and 3.

6.      A contractor has been appointed to complete stage 1 and works have now commenced on site.

7.      At a local board workshop on 18 May 2015 further discussion took place to clarify the further stages and funding options. Support was indicated for the Rodney Local Board  to assist with funding in order to complete stage 2 of the building.

8.      Staff recommend that the local board consider funding $600,000 for stage 2 from the Discretional Capex Fund and consider underwriting the fundraising efforts of the Warkworth Town Hall Restoration Trust, making available a further $600,000 from the same source.  The expectation being that the Trust will repay this amount, incrementally as funds are raised.

9.      At the local board workshop on Tuesday 2 June 2015 an option was tabled to adjust stage 2 to include the demolition of the old kitchen and the construction of a temporary kitchen within the newly created spaces. This is estimated to cost approximately $70,000 to $75,000. This would enable the east side of the existing hall to be reinstated, enhancing the heritage value and prominence of that elevation as it lies on a main road into Warkworth.  A temporary kitchen would be fitted out with appliances, benches and joinery that could be relocated to the proposed kitchen in stage 3, when funds become available.  This would be additional to the $1.2 million for stage 2.

10.    The Warkworth Town Hall Restoration Trust is making good progress in its fundraising efforts and the agreed memorandum of understanding with council is in place.  Staff will continue to support the Trust in several areas including continuing development of the Fundraising Plan.  The Trust has also applied to the Lotteries commission for a grant of $1.2 million dollars with a pending decision by the end of June.






That the Rodney Local Board:

11.    approve the investment of  $600,000 for stage 2 of the Warkworth Town Hall restoration project, provided from the Discretionary Capex Fund.

a)      approve the provision of a further $600,000 from the Discretional Capex Fund to underwrite the fundraising efforts for the Warkworth Town Hall Restoration in order that works can be advanced in a timely manner.

b)      approve funding the removal of the old kitchen and the construction of a temporary kitchen in the new gallery addition, to maximise the benefits and value that can be realised from stage 2 works.




Project Issues

12.    The restoration of the Warkworth Town Hall is a funded project within council’s current Long- term Plan and is a longstanding priority of Rodney Local Board.

13.    A staged process that is not done consecutively will significantly increase the costs of the overall project.

14.    The removal of the old kitchen is a much desired part of the project for both the local board and the community and will enhance the heritage value of the facility

Fundraising Efforts

15.    The ‘Warkworth Town Hall Restoration Trust’ was incorporated as a charitable trust in February and a ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ with council is in place to enable fundraising for the town hall. The Trust has submitted an application for funding to the Lotteries Commission. The outcome of this application will be known in June 2015. It is the Trust’s intention to apply for other grants.

16.    Fundraising is a key component of the success of this project. There is mutual benefit in raising funds for the completion and fit out of the town hall. Project costs can be reduced if community funds become available as early as possible for subsequent construction works or ancillary equipment such as retractable seating, lighting or sound equipment.

17.    Staff will continue to support the Trust in several areas including through the development of a Fundraising Plan.


Local Board views and implications

18.    Funding stage 2 consecutively with stage 1 will ensure economy of scale to ensure best value to council and provide a nicely completed building for the community, a much desired benefit.  If stage 2 is not completed then temporary facilities will need to be constructed in the existing building to provide toilet facilities.

19.    Completing demolition of the existing kitchen and construction of a temporary kitchen will enhance the heritage elements back into the town hall and enable landscaping of an area that currently compromises the eastern side of the facility, which lies on a main road into Warkworth. 

20.    The restoration of the Warkworth Town Hall is a funded project within council’s current Long-term Plan and a longstanding priority of Rodney Local Board.

Māori impact statement

21.    There are no material Maori impact issues associated with these matters. 


22.    A contractor has been appointed and construction of Stage 1 is now underway.



There are no attachments for this report.     



Steven Davey -  Sponsor’s Representative


Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Membership on the NZ Police Tactical Coordination Team


File No.: CP2015/10536




1.      Member Sayers has requested that he be listed as the alternate member on the NZ Police Tactical Coordination Team.

Executive Summary

2.      Currently Member Garner is the Rodney Local Board representative on the NZ Police Tactical Coordination Team. Member Sayers has requested that he be added as an alternate member to the team as he attends the meeting as the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board representative.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      appoint Member Sayers as the alternate member to the NZ Police Tactical Coordination Team.





There are no attachments for this report.    



Raewyn Morrison - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Urgent Decision - Allocation of funds for community workshops


File No.: CP2015/10707




1.      The purpose of this report is for the Rodney Local Board to acknowledge the urgent decision made with regard to the approval of the allocation of funds for two community-led workshops. The workshops are intended to support two community areas to get themselves in a better position to undertake community-led place-making projects.

Executive Summary

2.      The allocation of $13,595.88 (including mileage) to Beacon Pathway Incorporated to deliver two half-day workshops (Leigh -14 June 2015 and Parakai – date to be confirmed in July/August 2015) and a brief report to summarise the outcomes of these workshops. The funds comprise of $4,400 from the unspent Community Volunteer Awards budget and $9,195.88 the Local Board Community Facility Initiatives budget (part of unspent Old Wellsford Library allocation).

3.      The reason this matter is urgent is due to the next meeting of the Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee, who would normally determine this decision, is not until 6 July 2015.

4.      The decision is under urgency and the supporting documents are attached as Attachment A to this report.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      acknowledge the decision made under urgency on 4 June 2015, to approve the allocation of funds; $4,400 from the unspent Community Volunteer Awards budget and $9,195.88 from the Local Board Community Facility Initiatives budget (part of unspent Old Wellsford Library budget) to a total of $13,595.88 (including gst), to Beacon Pathway Incorporated to deliver two half-day workshops in Rodney (Leigh and Parakai).








Workshops proposal



Urgent decision





Robyn Joynes - Relationship Manager / PA Office Manager


Kathryn Martin – Senior Local Board Advisor


Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Ward Councillor Update


File No.: CP2015/04164





1.      The Rodney Local Board allocates a period of time for the Ward Councillor, Cr Penny Webster, to update them on the activities of the governing body.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      thank Cr Webster for her update to the Rodney Local Board on the activities of the governing body.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Raewyn Morrison - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Local Board Members Reports


File No.: CP2015/10225




1.      The purpose of this report is to provide an opportunity for local board members to update the Rodney Local Board on projects and issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.

Executive Summary

2.      This is an opportunity for the Rodney Local Board members to provide verbal reports regarding members’ appointments or recent meetings attended. The following is a list of member appointments that report to the full local board:

·    Redvale Landfill Community Liaison (John McLean)

·    NZ Police (Rodney) Tactical Co-Ordination Team Representative (Steven Garner)

·    Local Government new Zealand (LGNZ) Zone 1 Representative (Brenda Steele)

·    Kawau Island Residents regular meetings (Brenda Steele, Steven Garner)

·    Forestry Liaison Group (Steven Garner)

·    Rural Advisory Panel (Thomas Grace)

·    Local Board Funding Policy Representative (Brenda Steele)

3.      Local board members may prefer to provide their reports in writing for future agendas.

4.      These reports are for members’ information only and no decisions can be made.




That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      receive the information.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Raewyn Morrison - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Deputation/Public Forum Update


File No.: CP2015/10224




1.      As part of its business meetings Rodney Local Board has a period of time set aside for Deputations/Presentations and Public Forum during which time members of the public can address the local board on matters within its delegated authority.

Executive Summary

2.      Under Standing Orders there is provision for Deputations/Presentations to the local board. Applications for Deputations/Presentations must be in writing setting forth the subject and be received by the Relationship Manager at least seven working days before the meeting concerned, and subsequently have been approved by the Chairperson.  Unless the meeting determines otherwise in any particular case, a limit of ten minutes is placed on the speaker making the presentation.

3.      Standing Orders allows three minutes for speakers in Public Forum.

4.      Requests, matters arising and actions from the Deputations/Presentations and Public Forum are recorded and updated accordingly.  The Rodney Local Board Deputations/Presentations and Public Forum Update is attached as Attachment A.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      receive the Deputation/Public Forum Update.








Public Forum/Deputation Update





Raewyn Morrison - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Rodney Local Board Workshop Records


File No.: CP2015/10226




1.      Attached is the Rodney Local Board workshop record for Monday, 18 May and Tuesday, 2 June 2015.

Executive Summary

2.      The Rodney Local Board holds regular workshops.  The Rodney Local Board Transport Planning and Infrastructure Committee and the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee also hold regular workshops. Records of those workshops are included in the relevant committee business agendas.

3.      Attached for information is the record of the most recent workshop meeting of the Rodney Local Board.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      Workshop records for 18 May and 2 June 2015 be accepted.








Workshop Record 18 May 2015



Workshop Record 2 June 2015






Raewyn Morrison - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015



Rodney Local Board

15 June 2015