Waiheke Local Board
Open Minutes
Minutes of a meeting of the Waiheke Local Board held in the Oneroa Bowling Club, 100 Oceanview Road , Alison Park on Thursday, 25 June 2015 at 5.15pm.
Chairperson |
Paul Walden |
Deputy Chairperson |
Beatle Treadwell |
From 5:25 |
Item 9.2 |
Members |
Becs Ballard |
John Meeuwsen |
Member |
Shirin Brown |
For absence |
Councillor |
Mike Lee |
Waiheke Local Board 25 June 2015 |
1 Welcome
Member RE Ballard led the meeting in prayer.
2 Apologies
3 Declaration of Interest
Chairperson PA Walden has assumed the role of group leader for the 1st Waiheke Sea Scouts.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number WHK/2015/125 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 11 June 2015, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.
5 Leave of Absence
Resolution number WHK/2015/126 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Grant Leave of Absence for Member SD Brown (23 June 2015 to 15 July 2015 Inclusive) .
6 Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
There were no deputations.
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
Susan Barker was in attendance to speak to the board about the Kai Conscious Project. The (KCW) Kai Conscious Project is an initiative of the Waiheke Resources Trust and the project is now drawing to its conclusion in Oneroa. |
Resolution number WHK/2015/127 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Receives the tabled document entitled ‘ Visioning Exercise at Oneroa’ and attach it to the minutes. b) Refers the ‘Visioning Exercise at Oneroa’ document to officers for consideration on the Alison Park Concept Plan. c) Thanks Susan Barker for her attendance and presentation. |
a Visioning Exercise at Oneroa |
Member BM Treadwell entered the meeting at 5:25pm.
9.2 |
Colin Beardon was in attendance to speak to the board on behalf of the Grow Your Own Production group and their recent grant application. |
Resolution number WHK/2015/128 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member JP Meeuwsen: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Receives the tabled document and attach it to the minutes. b) Thanks Colin Beardon for his attendance and presentation.
a Presentation by Colin Beardon |
9.3 |
1st Waiheke Sea Scouts - Georgie Holdsted, Cees and Evie McKenzie and Jamie Walden |
The 1st Waiheke Sea Scouts were in attendance to talk to the board about their recent community funding application. |
Resolution number WHK/2015/129 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Receives the tabled document and attach it to the minutes. b) Thanks Georgie Heldsted, Cees and Evie McKenzie and Jamie Walden for their attendance and presentation.
a Presentation by 1st Waiheke Sea Scouts |
9.4 |
Waiheke Hockey were in attendance to speak to the board about their recent community funding application. |
Resolution number WHK/2015/130 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Deputy Chairperson BM Treadwell: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Thanks Isabella Matthes and Jamie Cels for their attendance and presentation.
9.5 |
Lyndsey Brighouse was in attendance to talk to the board about Anzac Bay. |
Resolution number WHK/2015/131 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member JP Meeuwsen: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Requests the Harbour Master to appoint a local warden/officer to carry out such functions of the harbour masters office pertaining to Waiheke as can be delegated. b) Thanks Lyndsey for his attendance and presentation.
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
Secretarial Note: Chair Person PA Walden vacated the Chair at 6:16pm and Deputy Chair Person BM Treadwell assumed the chair in his absence.
12 |
Waiheke Local Board Discretionary Community Funding: Round Three 2014 - 2015 |
Resolution number WHK/2015/132 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson BM Treadwell, seconded by Member JP Meeuwsen: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) accept the late applications for funding from the Rakino Island Ratepayers Association and Oneroa-Matiatia Residents and Ratepayers as tabled and included in the table below. b) consider the applications listed in Table One and agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in this round. Table One: Waiheke Local Board Community Funding Applications
Secretarial Note: Deputy Chair Person BM Treadwell vacated the chair, Chair Person PA Walden resumed the chair at 6:28pm.
13 |
Resolution number WHK/2015/133 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Rejects the draft Community Facilities Network Plan as it relates to Waiheke Local Board area. b) Recommend the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee requests a more tailored approach for Waiheke in recognition of its remoteness and inability of residents to access off-island facilities without excessive cost and time implications. c) Notes that the Network priority criteria are heavily weighted on categories such as network contribution, catchment size and demand that result in Waiheke being disadvantaged in relation to the rest of the region. d) Reiterates that aquatic facilities on Waiheke are inadequate for ensuring the population learns to swim safely. e) Requests the Community Facilities Network Plan has flexibility to make an exception on Waiheke to the regional aquatic facilities’ approach due to the island’s isolation. f) Notes the need to improve the management of council facilities on the island to ensure the community has affordable access and the facilities are being used to their full extent. g) Notes that divesting is not an option for Waiheke where future acquisitions are unlikely because the island is not an identified spatial priority area and land costs are high. h) Notes that as outlined within the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009, Local Board Plans should inform the LTP and the LTP should inform facility development (rather than a network plan). i) Notes that local board views will be reported to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee in August 2015. |
14 |
Resolution number WHK/2015/134 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Receives the report.
Secretarial Note: The chairperson with the consent of the meeting accorded item 21 Councillors Update precedence at this time
21 |
Resolution number WHK/2015/135 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member JP Meeuwsen: That the Waiheke Local Board
a) Receives the verbal update from Waitemata and Gulf Ward councillor, Mike Lee
Secretarial Note: The order of business resumed at item 15.
15 |
Wild Things Conference Attendance for Chairperson Paul Walden |
Resolution number WHK/2015/136 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Approves Chairperson Paul Walden’s attendance at the Wild Things Conference and workshop from Tuesday 11 August to Thursday 13 August 2015 at a cost of $830 (inc. GST) to be funded from the FY15/16 professional development budget, subject to the Governing Body approval of Local Board budgets on 25th June 2015.
16 |
Local Board feedback on amending the licence to occupy remission scheme to include the proposed Transport Levy |
Resolution number WHK/2015/137 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Deputy Chairperson BM Treadwell: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Provides feedback on the proposal to amend the remission scheme in the Rates remission and postponement policy for residents of licence to occupy retirement villages and/or Papakāinga housing to remit the proposed Interim Transport Levy (targeted rate) in addition to the Uniform Annual General Charge. b) Notes concern regarding rates affordability for pensioners on the island and reiterates the Local Board Plan advocacy area to increase the number of rate rebate options for long-term pensioners. |
17 |
Resolution number WHK/2015/138 MOVED by Member JP Meeuwsen, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Agrees to initiate the review of Essentially Waiheke in accordance with the guidelines and principles set out in paragraphs 14 - 25 of the report b) Approves operating expenditure of up to $20,000 from the 2015/16 Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) budget towards the cost of engaging a project manager and associated expenditure required for the review, subject to funding availability through the 2015/16 Annual Plan process. c) Delegates authority to Members PA Walden and JP Meeuwsen to act as local board spokespersons to agree the details of the project plan and any subsequent amendments to it as required. d) Notes the estimated completed date for the Essentially Waiheke review of 30 June 2016 is dependent on the, yet to be determined, level of change required and subject matter expert availability.
18 |
Resolution number WHK/2015/139 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member JP Meeuwsen: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Receives the list of resource consents lodged during 11 May 2015 to 12 June 2015 related to Waiheke Island. b) Requests a report from the planning department on the outcomes of the applications relating to tree consents for the period 1 January 2015 to 30 June 2015.
19 |
Resolution number WHK/2015/140 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Deputy Chairperson BM Treadwell: That the Waiheke Local Board a) Receives the reports requested/pending report. |
20 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
6:09 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.