I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Whau Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Wednesday, 17 June 2015 6.30pm Whau Local
Board Office |
Whau Local Board
Chairperson |
Catherine Farmer |
Deputy Chairperson |
Susan Zhu |
Members |
Derek Battersby, QSM, JP |
Ami Chand, JP |
Duncan Macdonald, JP |
Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel |
Simon Matafai |
(Quorum 4 members)
Glenn Boyd (Relationship Manager) Local Board Services (West)
Riya Seth Democracy Advisor
11 June 2015
Contact Telephone: (09) 826 5103 Email: riya.seth@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Whau Local Board 17 June 2015 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 5
5 Leave of Absence 5
6 Acknowledgements 5
7 Ward Councillor’s Update 5
8 Deputations 5
8.1 English Language Partners New Zealand 5
8.2 Avondale Police - Senior Sergeant, Simon Welsh 6
9 Public Forum 6
10 Extraordinary Business 6
11 Notices of Motion 7
12 Whau Local Board Chairperson - Catherine Farmer's report 9
13 Local board members' reports 11
14 Auckland Transport Update Report June 2015 - Whau Local Board 13
15 Renewal of community lease to Avondale Community Society Incorporated, 17-19 St Georges Road, Avondale 23
16 2015/2016 CDAC Work Programme - Whau Local Board 29
17 Community Facilities Network Plan 39
18 Confirmation of Workshop Records: May 2015 103
19 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Welcome
Whakataka te hau ki te uru Cease the winds from the west
Whakataka te hau ki te tonga Cease the winds from the south
kia mäkinakina ki uta Let the breeze blow over the land
kia mätaratara ki tai Let the breeze blow over the ocean
E hď ake an te atakura Let the red-tipped dawn come with a sharpened air
He tio, he huka, he hau hü A touch of frost, a promise of glorious day
Tihei Mauri Ora Let there be life
2 Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
3 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
There were no minutes to confirm. |
5 Leave of Absence
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
6 Acknowledgements
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
7 Ward Councillor’s Update
An opportunity is provided for the Whau Ward Councillor to update the board on regional issues he has been involved with since the last meeting.
8 Deputations
Purpose 1. Jean Harding, Manager, English Language Partners New Zealand will be in attendance to introduce the organisation and services they offer throughout West Auckland. The main focus of the presentation will be demand of English language specifically from refugees. |
Recommendation That the Whau Local Board: a) Receives deputation from Jean Harding, Manager, English Language Partners New Zealand and thanks her for the presentation.
Purpose 1. Simon Welsh, Senior Sergeant, Avondale Police will be will be in attendance to thank the local board for their past support and request future funding support for Siren and Sounds festival. |
Recommendation That the Whau Local Board: a) Receives deputation from Simon Welsh, Senior Sergeant, Avondale Police and thanks him for his presentation. |
9 Public Forum
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.
10 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
11 Notices of Motion
At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.
Whau Local Board 17 June 2015 |
Whau Local Board Chairperson - Catherine Farmer's report
File No.: CP2015/11373
Local Board Agreement
1. Our local board agreement confirms our forecast spending intention for the next financial year: 1 July 2015- 30 June 2016 including retaining our status quo library opening hours. During the regional standardisation review of library opening hours we gained Sunday opening hours at Avondale library and lost 3 hours at Blockhouse Bay, and 1 hour at New Lynn library. Our local board budget will supplement the Governing Body funding shortfall and maintain our existing library opening hours for our communities. During the long term plan consultation we received 150 submissions in favour of keeping our libraries open. We heard that our libraries often work as community hubs, with our constituents relying on them for internet access, getting information, and the wonderful story times and school holiday activities for children.
Avondale Kindergarten Enviroschool Award
2. Avondale Kindergarten are winners of a Silver Sign for their Enviroschool activities. Students have their own vegetable and herb gardens, roof top rainwater collection barrels, and a local Rosebank business sponsored garden. The children enthusiastically received the sign at a morning tea presentation. The last time I was at the kindergarten was as a four year old student.
I am Auckland Awards
3. Along with youth portfolio lead Seumanu Simon Matafai I attended the I am Auckland award ceremony at Eden Park. Many young people were recognised for their outstanding contributions in community work, with one of the top awards going to a Zeal youth worker.
Assemblage City
4. Earlier this month over four days Auckland University Architecture students lead by Kathy Waghorn displayed their visionary designs for a future New Lynn. These included apartments and office spaces, parks and recreation facilities. A developer has purchased the special housing areas in Clinker Place and Rankin Ave and they can be transformed by innovative housing designs.
Scholarship Auckland International College
5. Board members Zhu and Matafai have met with Auckland International College who would like to offer a tuition scholarship to an outstanding student who lives in the Whau Local Board area. Our Whau local board facebook and e-mail newsletter can help publicise the scholarship availability.
Rescinding resolution WH/2015/34 Auckland Transport Update Report March 2015
e) Recommends that the enforcement time at Lansford Crescent be amended to 10.30 to 4.00 am Monday to Sunday
6. The above clause (e) of the resolution needs to be rescinded because the enforcement time of 9pm to 4am had already been approved by the AT Board.
That the Whau Local Board: a) Receives Whau Local Board Chairperson Catherine Farmer’s report. b) Rescinds resolution WH/2015/34 e).
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Whau Local Board Chairperson - Catherine Farmer |
Whau Local Board 17 June 2015 |
File No.: CP2015/11374
1. To provide Whau Local Board members with an opportunity to verbally update the local board on the projects and issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.
That the Whau Local Board: a) Receives local board member verbal reports. |
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Riya Seth - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Whau Local Board 17 June 2015 |
Auckland Transport Update Report June 2015 - Whau Local Board
File No.: CP2015/11344
1. The purpose of the report is to respond to Local Board requests on transport related matters and to provide information to Elected Members about Auckland Transport’s activities in the Board area.
That the Whau Local Board: a) Receives the Auckland Transport June 2015 report. |
2. Auckland Transport did awarded the Detailed Design Contract to Aecom/URS in mid May and have started the precommentment background meetings. The consultant has started with the GAP analysis and is to confirm the scheme design route layout which will be presented to the Local Board at the end of June 2015.
Next steps:
3. AT will undertake consultation with the stakeholders and community on the scheme designs for the Whau Bridge
4. Once consultation is completed and Scheme Assessment Report will be undertaken and then will progress to a Notice Of Requirement and Regional Resource Consents.
5. The Whau Local Board has requested at that this Local Board Transport Capital Fund application be deferred until after further investigation of the footpaths in the Kelston area are undertaken by Auckland Transport. There is a workshop planned for 22 June 2015 where Auckland Transport will report its findings on the Kelston footpaths, provided this work was completed.
6. A request has been received from the Local Board for Auckland Transport to look at the cars parked on the road reserve on the corner of Great North Road and Sabulite Road.
7. Auckland Transport apologies for the delay in responding to this request. Auckland Transport has obtained legal advice on this request. Unfortunately there is still a legal agreement between the legacy Waitakere City Council and the owner to allow the sale yard to park cars on the road reserve. It will be useful if the Local Board undertakes a site meeting with Auckland Transport to see what other options may be feasible.
8. Auckland Transport is investigating this intersection with a view to proposing a solution that will improve the safety and efficiency of the intersection. No decision has been made regarding the improvements to this intersection. Auckland Transport has connected the existing mid-block signals to SCATS (traffic signals monitoring system). This will help AT to understand how many times the pedestrian phase is initiated during the day, thus establishing pedestrian demand and this will help to determine the appropriate treatment for this intersection.
9. Auckland Transport hopes to have a more comprehensive update on this intersection by the end of June 2015.
10. Auckland Transport has visited the Avondale Business Association to request that they assist with the distribution of a business focused questionnaire that Auckland Transport wants to conduct in the town Centre. They have agreed to collect the questionnaire. Once the questionnaire is completed the outcome will be reported back.
11. Auckland Transport is responding to the concerns that have been raised by the local residents, with regards to the safety issues experienced at the intersection of Terry Street and Blockhouse Bay Road. The issues raised are regarding parked vehicles on the western side of Blockhouse Bay Road, within this intersection.
12. Please note as per Land Transport Road User Rule 2004:
“A driver must not stop, stand, or park a vehicle on any part of a road, whether attended or unattended, within an intersection or within 6m of an intersection unless the stopping, standing, or parking is authorised by signs or markings maintained by the road controlling authority.”
13. Therefore, to reinforce this road rule and to help improve road safety at this location, AT is proposing to install NSAAT ‘Broken Yellow Lines’ at the location indicated on the attached aerial photograph.
14. There are some formalities regarding the proposed improvement work, which are being processed at present. However, AT anticipates that the works will be completed before the end of July 2015.
Response from the Local Board
15. The Local Board Transport Portfolio holders are happy with the proposal.
16. In a recent Whau Local Board public meeting held in the month of April 2015, a complaint/request was made by the Principals of Kelston Boys High School (KBHS) and St Leonard School (St LS) regarding the poor condition of the existing footpath/crossing facility around their respective schools.
17. Road safety team was approached to address the issue. Based on visual inspection and meeting with School’s representatives, it was therefore decided,
· to improve the existing pedestrian crossing facility at St Leonards School and
· to provide a new footpath with speed table at Kelston Boys High School between entry and exit gate of KBHS
18. This work has been planned for delivery by end of July 2015 depending on weather conditions.
Response from the Local Board
19. The Local Board Transport Portfolio holders are happy with the proposal.
20. Totara Avenue is a popular pedestrian route in close proximity to the New Lynn town centre and to the New Lynn transportation centre. Auckland Transport (AT) is undertaking work to improve safety and accessibility for pedestrians on Totara Avenue in the vicinity of the Totara Avenue/ Clark Street intersection in New Lynn, Auckland.
21. The work includes making changes to the existing kerbs, footpaths and road markings, installing a new traffic island, removing and relocating existing signal poles, providing two new zebra crossings on Totara Avenue, installing two new streetlights and upgrading the existing street lights.
22. To safely carry out this work while keeping this transportation hub moving, it will be done at night. AT’s contractor, Downer NZ, began work on Monday 7 June 2015. Work is taking place between 9pm and 5am. Noisier construction activities will be scheduled for the first half of the shift and no work will take place Saturday or Sunday evenings.
23. During work hours, Totara Avenue will remain open to vehicular access. Traffic controllers will be onsite to manage safe travel around the work site.
Response from the Local Board
24. The Local Board is happy with the proposal.
25. A request from the Local Board for Auckland Transport to investigate the roading issues associated with the New Windsor and BHB Intersection.
26. Auckland Transport has visited the site and undertaken an initial review of the issue raised. Further detailed investigation now needs to be undertaken to ensure a comprehensive review of this issue. This investigation has been prioritised and programmed for review, following which AT will be able to provide the Board with the outcome and recommendations of their assessment.
27. AT wishes to thank the Local Board for it’s patience while we looked into this matter and the Board can expect to receive an update from AT by end of June 2015.
Subject Name |
Decision Description |
Date Requested |
Completion date |
West Lynn Road, Titirangi - Proposed No Stopping At All Times (Nsaat) Restriction |
Auckland Transport has received expressions of concern regarding the safety and operation of West Lynn Road in the vicinity of the West Lynn Road/Titirangi Road intersection. Therefore to help improve the operation and safety of the intersection of West Lynn Road and Titirangi Road, a NSAAT restriction is proposed at the location. 1. The Local Board Transport Portfolio holders are happy with the proposal. |
May 2015 |
June 2015 |
Minor Safety Improvement Works – Raised Tables On St Jude Street And Great North Road |
Auckland Transport has investigated the intersection and considers it appropriate to install speed tables at the existing zebra crossings on St Jude Street and Great North Road. The objective of the proposal is to slow down the speed of vehicles approaching and/or leaving the roundabout on these roads as well as providing a safer zebra crossing facility for pedestrians. The Local Board Transport Portfolio holders are happy with the proposal. |
May 2015 |
June 2015 |
Tiverton-Wolverton Alternative Cycle Route - Mulgan St Improvements |
As part of the Wolverton-Tiverton Alternative Cycle Route, some changes have been proposed for Mulgan Street – at the intersection of Whitney, Mulgan and Margate, and a little further down the road at the intersection of Margate and Mary Dreaver Street. The Local Board Transport Portfolio holders are happy with the proposal. |
May 2015 |
June 2015 |
St George Street, St Jude Road & Great North Road Avondale Roundabout To A Signalised Intersection |
Auckland Transport has added the potential signalisation of this roundabout onto its Signals Programme, however due to the significant costs, the priority of this intersection is low and unlikely to go ahead, when compared to other intersections with more serious safety issues waiting for funding for signalisation. |
April 2015 |
June 2015 |
Proposed Bus Stop – No. 77 Avondale Road, Avondale |
The Local Board Transport Portfolio holders are happy with the proposal. |
April 2015 |
June 2015 |
Proposed ‘No Stopping At All Times’ (Nsaat) Restriction – Mead Street, Avondale |
There are some formalities regarding the proposed improvement work which are being processed at present. However AT anticipates the works to be completed before the end of July 2015. |
April 2015 |
June 2015 |
Proposed ‘No Stopping At All Times’ (Nsaat) Restriction – Avonleigh Road , Green Bay |
There are some formalities regarding the proposed improvement work which are being processed at present. However AT anticipates the works will be completed before the end of June 2015. |
April 2015 |
June 2015 |
Drury Street, New Lynn - Proposed No Stopping At All Times (Nsaat) Restriction |
The Local Board Transport Portfolio holders are happy with the proposal. |
April 2015 |
June 2015 |
No. |
Title |
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aView |
Proposed No Stopping at all Times (NSAAT) restriction - Blockhouse Bay Rd and Terry St, Blockhouse Bay |
19 |
Author |
Owena Schuster - Elected Member Relationship Manager - West, Auckland Transport |
Authorisers |
Jonathan Anyon - Elected Member Relationship Team Manager, Auckland Transport Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
17 June 2015 |
Renewal of community lease to Avondale Community Society Incorporated, 17-19 St Georges Road, Avondale
File No.: CP2015/08760
1. This report seeks Whau Local Board approval to grant a renewal of community lease to Avondale Community Society Incorporated for part of 17-19 St Georges Road, Avondale.
Executive Summary
2. Avondale Community Society Incorporated (the Society) has a community lease entered into with Auckland Council for a term of 5 years commencing 1 November 2010. The lease contains two 5-year rights of renewal. The Society wishes to exercise its first right of renewal for the period 1 November 2015 until 31 October 2020.
3. The Society wishes to continue leasing and managing the Auckland Council owned building known as St Ninian’s Hall (the Hall) located on 17-19 St Georges Road, Avondale being Lot 1 on Deposited Plan 122863 and contained in NA71C/131 (Attachment A). Lot 1 is held in fee simple by Auckland Council as an unclassified local purpose (community purposes) reserve and is subject to the Reserve Act 1977. The activity of the Society aligns with the reserve classification.
4. Community groups exercising a right of renewal are asked to consider having their community lease varied to include a Community Outcomes Plan. The Society advises that they wish to continue their community lease on its current terms and conditions without a Community Outcomes Plan.
5. This report recommends the granting of a renewal of lease to Avondale Community Society Incorporated for a term of 5 years commencing 1 November 2015.
That the Whau Local Board: a) Approves the renewal of lease to Avondale Community Society Incorporated for St Ninian’s Hall, 17-19 St Georges Road, Avondale on the following terms and conditions: i) Term: 5 years commencing 1 November 2015; ii) Rent: $500.00 plus GST per annum b) Approves all other terms and conditions as contained in the existing lease commencing 1 November 2010 excluding this first right of renewal. |
6. Avondale Community Society Incorporated (the Society) has a community lease entered into with Auckland Council for a term of 5 years commencing 1 November 2010. The lease contains two 5-year rights of renewal. The Society wishes to exercise its first right of renewal for the period 1 November 2015 until 31 October 2020.
7. The Society wishes to continue leasing and managing the Auckland Council owned building known as St Ninian’s Hall (the Hall) located on 17-19 St Georges Road, Avondale being Lot 1 on Deposited Plan 122863 and contained in NA71C/131. Lot 1 is held in fee simple by Auckland Council as an unclassified local purpose (community purposes) reserve and is subject to the Reserve Act 1977. The activity of the Society aligns with the reserve classification.
8. Community groups exercising a right of renewal are asked to consider having their community lease varied to include a Community Outcomes Plan. The Society advises that they wish to continue their community lease on its current terms and conditions without a Community Outcomes Plan.
9. The Society was registered as an Incorporated Society on 3 January 1979. The Society’s objectives are:
· To manage community facilities in Avondale for the use of the residents of the local community and Auckland Council region
· To act jointly with the Whau Local Board and the Auckland Council concerning the use of community facilities
10. The Society manages the hireage of the Hall to the public. Current users of the Hall include Avondale Senior Citizens, Avondale Business Association, Dennis Brimble Music Workshop, Age Concern and a number of other users with bookings 2-3 times per year. The hall is unable to be used by groups with young children as the paint on the building is lead based.
11. The Hall is promoted by advertising in the monthly Spider’s Web, a community newsletter delivered free to 5,200 homes in Avondale and Waterview and by word of mouth.
12. The Society has made improvements to the land and building by installing an oven, heat pump, screen doors, curtains, tables and chairs. The Society maintains the garden and garden seats in consultation with the Historical Society and Auckland Council maintains the lawns and cemetery. There is an open door policy on Anzac Day for the community to meet and have a cup of tea or coffee.
13. The Hall, being Avondale’s oldest building was built between 1859-1860 and was originally a church. It was the district’s first school building (the desks fixed to the wall so they could fold away for Sunday services) and before the building of the Public Hall across the road, was the first location for community gatherings and town meetings. In 1984 the church officially closed and was sold to Auckland City Council along with the cemetery in 1988. It is listed in Auckland Council’s District Plan as a Category B site being:
· Buildings, objects or places of such quality and character that they should not be removed, damaged or altered significantly
14. Council staff have sought input from relevant council departments.
Local Board views and implications
15. Council staff sought input from the Local Board portfolio holder on 28 April 2015.
16. The Whau Local Board is the delegated authority to approve the granting of a renewal of community lease.
Māori impact statement
17. There are no changes in use or operational activities being conducted on the land.
18. Ensuring community facilities are well maintained and accessible for all members of the community, will be of benefit to all, including Maori.
19. The recommendations contained in this report do not trigger the Auckland Council Significance Policy.
20. There are no cost implications for Auckland Council
No. |
Title |
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aView |
Aerial photograph - Avondale Community Society Incorporated, St Ninian's Hall, 17-19 St Georges Road, Avondale |
27 |
Author |
Donna Cooper - Community Lease Advisor |
Authorisers |
Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Whau Local Board 17 June 2015 |
Attachment A: Aerial photograph – Avondale Community Pre-School Society Incorporated, Avondale Community Centre, 99 Rosebank Road, Avondale
17 June 2015 |
2015/2016 CDAC Work Programme - Whau Local Board
File No.: CP2015/11175
1. This report presents the Community Development, Arts and Culture (CDAC) 2015/2016 Whau Local Board work programme for approval.
Executive Summary
2. This report provides information to support local boards to make decisions required to approve the CDAC 2015/2016 work programme.
3. The draft CDAC work programme aims to provide a defined work programme for the 2015/2016 financial year. The work programme covers the following areas:
· community development and safety
· arts and culture
· events
· community facilities.
4. The CDAC work programme for the Whau Local Board has been aligned to the following 2014-2017 Whau Local Board Plan priorities:
· a healthy Whau River and valued environment
· great local communites across the Whau
· in the Whau, it’s 20 minutes by walking, cycling and public transport to everything we need
· outstanding development in New Lynn, Avondale and along our main roads
· stronger local businesses providing more and higher paid work
· Whau’s heritage, local arts and cultures are cherished.
5. Local boards are being requested to approve the CDAC work programme for FY 2015/2016. Local boards are requested to note that delivery of Community Development and Safety (CDS) workstreams described in Attachment A is subject to the outcome of the Empowered Communities Approach.
That the Whau Local Board: a) Approves the 2015/2016 Community Development, Arts and Culture work programme (Attachment A), noting that the Community Development and Safety component is dependant upon the outcome of the Empowered Communities Approach. b) Approves the community lease work plan for 2015/2016 (Attachment B). c) Approves funding of $50,000 for Portage Ceramics Trust (subject to the funding agreement being approved by the local board chair or delegated authority).
6. The CDAC work programme for 2015/2016 has been developed using a co-ordinated departmental approach. Each CDAC unit has aligned their projects and initiatives to the Auckland Plan directives and the Whau Local Board plan 2014 – 2017.
7. The CDAC work programmes align to the following 2014 – 2017 Whau Local Board Plan priorities:
· a healthy Whau River and valued environment
· great local communites across the Whau
· in the Whau, it’s 20 minutes by walking, cycling and public transport to everything we need
· outstanding development in New Lynn, Avondale and along our main roads
· stronger ocal businesses providing more and higher paid work
· Whau’s heritage, local ars and cultures are cherished.
8. The CDAC work programme 2015/2016 for the Whau Local Board includes the following areas of activity:
· Community Development and Safety: These projects include youth development, graffiti prevention, the Community Waitakere Shared Work Programme, Kai Auckland and neighbourhood development in New Lynn, Kelston and Avondale (with a focus on Pacific communities and working with Waitakere Ethnic Board and Auckland Regional Migrant Services). Other projects include the Avondale Town Centre Development, facilitating community connections with local projects, the healthy housing improvement project for local rental properties, and contributing to the Te Whau Project to improve the well-being of the Whau river.
· Arts and Culture: This includes administering a funding agreement with Portage Ceramics Trust to manage Ambrico Studio, providing a community art broker and art activations to support community-led projects reflecting Whau’s diversity, and ongoing renewals projects.
· Events: This work programme includes a range of community events such as ANZAC day, volunteer appreciation and citizenship ceremonies as well as Carols by Spiderlights, Rhythm at Riverside, Whau Day Out and local civic functions. The events team also administer funding rounds for local event support funding.
· Community Facilities: This includes the provision of social housing, community facilities and their promotion, community leasing, and supporting community-led houses to connect and deliver to local board work outcomes.
9. The work programme includes scoped initiatives, the allocation of budgets and established timelines. A workshop was held with the local board and CDAC staff on 22 April, to ensure activities align with the local board priorities and meet the needs of the Whau community.
10. CDAC’s Community Development and Safety (CDS) unit will operationalise the Empowered Communities Approach, which is part of the 2015/2016 Long-Term Plan approved on 8 May 2015 (GB/2015/31). Broadly speaking, the changes proposed to the community development function are:
· move away from direct delivery (and therefore save overheads) and fund community groups to deliver more
· for local boards to play a much more active role by allocating more funding through them
· transition delivery to a more empowered communities approach.
11. The Empowered Communities Approach model was considered by the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee at its meeting on 4 June. This report recommends that the work programme be adopted based on current arrangements, noting that FY 2015/2016 will be a transition year for CDS.
12. Local Boards are requested to approve the CDAC work programme for 2015/2016. CDAC staff will continue to work with relevant portfolio holders and the local board to ensure these projects are delivered and evaluated. Portfolio holders and the local board will also be consulted on the prioritisation of the community facilities renewal projects and community leases.
Local Board views and implications
13. The draft 2015/2016 work programme was considered by the local board at a workshop on 22 April 2015. The views expressed by local board members are reflected in Attachment A
Māori impact statement
14. Improving Maori outcomes is a priority for the region. One of the Auckland Plan targets is to increase targeted support to Maori community development projects. The CDAC work programme aims to improve well-being among Maori living in the local board area. The focus of this CDAC work programme is to support Maori targeted initiatives.
15. CDAC staff will continue to meet with portfolio holders to provide updates on the work programme and ensure it is progressed in a timely way. The CDAC work programme will be implemented within the annual plan 2015/2016 budget and reported on through the quarterly reporting process.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
CDAC Work Programme FY2015/2016 Whau Local Board |
33 |
bView |
Whau Community Leasing Workplan 2015/2016 |
37 |
Author |
Yvette Asthana - Administrator |
Authorisers |
Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
17 June 2015 |
Community Facilities Network Plan
File No.: CP2015/11278
1. Seek the Whau Local Board’s support for the draft Community Facilities Network Plan (Attachment A) and associated draft Action Plan (Attachment B).
Executive Summary
2. Community facilities are vital to local communities as they provide space where people can connect, socialise, learn and participate, and contribute to improved lifestyles and sense of belonging, identity and pride among residents.
3. The draft Community Facilities Network Plan (the network plan) is a long-term aspirational plan to guide council’s investment in the provision of community facilities over the next 20 years. It introduces a more holistic approach to the planning and provision of community facilities to keep pace with Auckland’s growing and diverse population, fill gaps in provision and ensure existing facilities are fit for purpose. The aspiration is to deliver strategically placed and integrated community facilities.
4. The scope includes arts and culture facilities, community centres, libraries, pools and leisure centres and venues for hire (community and rural halls). The network plan provides direction on optimisation, major upgrades of existing facilities, development of new facilities and potential divestment of facilities no longer meeting community needs.
5. The strategic direction articulated in the network plan will be implemented by a comprehensive set of actions in the long-term draft Action Plan. To focus resource in the short term (1-3 years), actions have been prioritised. Actions with funding in the first five years of the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 will be progressed first, along with network priority actions in spatial priority areas and actions with opportunities for optimisation. For each action local boards will be closely involved in determining the best response to meet community need and aspirations.
6. The network plan has been developed through an extensive process involving several rounds of engagement and input from local boards. Most recently a revised draft network plan was discussed with local boards through workshops in March and April 2015. The majority of local boards were supportive. Discussions with local boards at the workshops have resulted in some changes to the network plan as outlined in this report.
7. After reporting to local boards, the next step is to seek the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee’s approval of the network plan and draft Action Plan in August 2015.
That the Whau Local Board: a) Supports the draft Community Facilities Network Plan and associated draft Action Plan to guide council’s investment in the provision of community facilities. b) Notes that local board views will be reported to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee in August 2015.
8. The network plan has been developed with cross departmental collaboration. The plan is informed by a review of current state and research from New Zealand and comparative international cities. Key milestones in the development of the network plan have been:
February 2014 |
Completion of current state review and research. |
March 2014 |
Regional Strategy and Policy Committee
(REG/2014/37) |
March 2014 |
Local board cluster workshops; |
June 2014 |
Local board briefing on the first draft network plan. |
August 2014 |
Regional Strategy and Policy Committee (REG/2014/98) |
August – Sept 2014 |
Workshops with local boards and key stakeholders on the draft network plan. |
October - Nov 2014 |
Report to all local boards seeking formal feedback on the draft network plan and providing a summary of key stakeholder feedback. |
December 2014 |
Decision to incorporate libraries into
the scope of the network plan; |
February - Mar 2015 |
Workshops with local boards on revised draft network plan. |
9. Aligned with the Auckland Plan, local board plans and relevant strategic action plans, the network plan articulates why council provides community facilities.
10. Community facilities contribute to building strong, healthy and vibrant communities by providing space where people can connect, socialise, learn and participate in a range of social, cultural, art and recreational activities. Community facilities contribute to improved lifestyles and a sense of belonging, identity and pride among residents.
11. The network plan identifies the challenges and opportunities for future community facility provision. Challenges include gaps and duplication in current provision, fit for purpose issues, increasing costs of maintaining the network and a growing and diversifying population. Opportunities include greater integration in the planning and delivery of community facilities, partnership opportunities and optimisation opportunities.
12. Four objectives articulate a new approach for the provision of community facilities which respond to these challenges and opportunities:
· work across all types of community facilities in integrated and coordinated planning and ensure future decisions are based on clear and robust evidence;
· maintain, improve and make the best use of our existing network of community facilities where these continue to meet community needs;
· focus investment on developing fit for purpose, integrated and connected community facilities; and
· explore opportunities to leverage and support partnerships with other providers.
13. The provision frameworks in the network plan outline the objectives, functions and provision approach for each type of community facility. This will guide the identification of gaps in the network and the types of spaces required to deliver fit for purpose facilities and respond to growth.
14. The long-term draft Action Plan lists actions to investigate potential gaps in the network and existing facilities with performance issues. A fundamental component for implementation is integrated and holistic planning across all types of community facilities, including those facilities outside council’s network. Each action will require detailed investigation, involving the local board and the community, to determine the appropriate response. The network plan includes detailed guidelines which can be adapted to guide the investigation process.
15. Local boards will play a significant role in determining the appropriate response for facilities or needs in their area. The governing body will make final decisions on the acquisition, divestment or major upgrades of community and allocation of funding over $1 million.
16. There are over 100 actions in the long-term draft Action Plan, and these will be implemented over time within the available resource and financial constraints. Actions have been assessed to determine those that are network priorities (highlighted in blue in the draft Action Plan). In the short-term, actions with capital funding in the first five years of the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 will be progressed first, along with network priority actions in spatial priority areas and actions with opportunities for optimisation.
Local Board views and implications
17. There have been several rounds of engagement with local boards during the development of the network plan. Most recently a revised draft network plan (with libraries included) was discussed with local boards through workshops in March and April 2015. The majority of local boards were supportive of the revised network plan, in particular the:
· vision, outcomes and objectives for community facilities;
· move towards integrated and holistic planning and the evidence based approach to community facility development;
· aspiration to develop more connected and integrated facilities and opportunities to pilot this approach at existing facilities; and
· strategic improvements outlined in the Action Plan.
18. The following table outlines key themes from local board feedback and the associated response or amendments to the network plan.
Local Board Feedback |
Response OR Amendments |
Scope · Scope of the network plan does not include all community leases, sports clubs and non-council facilities that perform similar functions as council-owned community facilities. |
· The network plan acknowledges the importance of all community facilities in meeting community needs. Section 1.2 explains not all leased and non-council facilities are listed in the plan as they are bound by lease terms or they are not in council’s jurisdiction. · Section 1.2 of the network plan has been amended to clarify what it means for facilities to be included in scope. · Section 1.3 outlines the approach to consider all community facilities in the implementation of the network plan. · New action added to investigate and plan for the provision of leased facilities. |
Prioritisation weightings · Some boards felt the actions relating to gaps are given advantageous weighting over actions for existing facilities. · Some boards felt established areas of the region are disadvantaged against new growth areas. · Some boards felt spatial priorities are given too much weighting when not all boards support the concept. · Boards felt weighting for local board priority was too low. |
· Section 5.2 (prioritisation) has been amended so the purpose is to determine which actions are network priorities. · The criteria and weighting now focus on three components: network importance (40%), community importance (40%) and building condition (20%). · Local board priority has the highest weighting within community importance. |
Implementation approach · Clarity on local board and community involvement in the implementation process. · Investigation process needs to be adaptable for different communities. · Clarity on the application of the new empowered communities approach to community facilities. |
· Section 5.1 articulates how the Network Plan and Action Plan will be implemented, including emphasis on local board and community involvement in this process. · Strategic improvement action will develop tools to implement the new empowered community approach to community facilities planning and development. |
Wording and action amendments · Number of requests to amend wording of specific sections and actions. |
· Minor wording amendments have been made to the network plan and Action Plan to address feedback and improve clarity. · Action Plan has been updated to reflect any recent progress. |
Māori impact statement
19. Section 2.2 of the network plan outlines how council will implement the Maori Responsiveness Framework in relation to the planning and development of community facilities.
20. The provision of community facilities contributes to improving wellbeing among Maori communities by providing spaces to connect, socialise, learn skills and participate. Maori are users of all types of council’s community facilities. At aquatic facilities Maori make up 14% of users (compared to 9% of the population), 11% of leisure facility users and 9% of community centre users. Maori are under-represented as users at arts and culture facilities compared to the Auckland population.
21. The implementation of the network plan should improve provision and accessibility for the benefit of all Aucklanders, including Maori. The strategic improvement action to undertake research on non-users will help understand why some sectors of the population are under-represented as users of community facilities. This research should also provide useful information on improving accessibility and addressing barriers for non-users and under-represented sectors of the population.
22. The broader picture of community facility provision recognises that marae and kohanga reo are important social infrastructure for Maori and the community. Officers from Te Waka Angamua are scoping a project to address the future provision and development of marae facilities. Opportunities for aligned provision and/or partnerships with marae facilities will be considered in the implementation of the Community Facilities Network Plan.
23. The Community Facilities Network Plan is aspirational and provides a road-map for council’s investment in community facilities over the next 20 years. The ability and timeframe to implement the network plan and associated actions is dependent on the level of budget allocated for community facility planning and development through future LTP and Annual Plan processes. The current tight fiscal environment means council needs to focus its attention on the greatest need. This plan provides direction for council to ensure the city gets the right facility in the right place at the right time.
24. A detailed implementation plan is being developed with cross-department collaboration. The implementation plan will address coordinating implementation across the different departments, progressing individual actions and reporting on implementation.
25. The draft Action Plan will be reviewed on an annual basis to reflect progress and re-evaluate priorities where necessary. Local boards have requested annual updates on the implementation progress.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Community Facilities Network Plan |
45 |
bView |
Community Facilities Network Action Plan |
93 |
Authors |
Anita Coy-Macken - Principal Policy Analyst David Shamy - Principal Policy Analyst |
Authorisers |
Kataraina Maki - GM - Community & Social Policy Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Whau Local Board 17 June 2015 |
Confirmation of Workshop Records: May 2015
File No.: CP2015/11497
1. This report presents records of workshops held by the Whau Local Board on:
o 6 May 2015
o 20 May 2015
o 27 May 2015
That the Whau Local Board: a) Confirms the records of the workshops in Attachments A - C held on the following dates: o 6 May 2015 o 20 May 2015 o 27 May 2015 |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Record of Workshop 6 May 2015 |
105 |
bView |
Record of Workshop 20 May 2015 |
107 |
cView |
Record of Workshop 27 May 2015 |
109 |
Authors |
Riya Seth - Democracy Advisor Antonina Georgetti - Local Board Advisor |
Authoriser |
Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Whau Local Board 17 June 2015 |
Whau Local Board Workshop Records
Date of Workshop: Wednesday, 6 May 2015
Time: 9.30am – 1.10pm
Venue: Whau Local Board Office, 31 Totara Avenue,
New Lynn
Present: Catherine Farmer
Susan Zhu
Simon Matafai (from 9.55am, item 1)
Ami Chand
Derek Battersby (from 10.15am, item 1)
Apologies: Duncan Macdonald (for absence)
Derek Battersby (for lateness)
Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel (for absence)
Item |
Topic |
Presenter(s) |
Time |
1.0 |
ACPL six-monthly updates for the period 1 July-31 December 2014 |
Marian Webb (ACPL) Letitia McColl (ACPL) |
9.30am – 9.55am |
Staff presented Auckland Property six-monthly report to the board. The board requested the staff to confirm if strip at Godley St will be retained as per earlier discussion. |
2.0 |
AT workshops · Integrated Fares · Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP) |
Ben Fernandez (AT) Colin Homan (AT) Owena Schuster (AT) |
9.55am – 11.30am |
Board members were informed about Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP) Variation which will be out for public consultation from 11 May to 5 June 2015; hearing will be held in June 2015. Local board have been asked for feedback on the plan. · the current RPTP was adopted by AT in 2013 and sets the policy framework for the new network. · current public transport initiatives require a variation to the existing RPTP (eg: Simplified zone fares, light rail, ferry development plan and new bus network)
AT will be consulting on Simplified Zone Fares from 11 May to 5 June 2015. Auckland will be divided into 14 geographic zones and passengers will be charged for each zone they travelled through. It was noted that this will result in changing to 5 zone fare levels (instead of current 8 stage). HOP passengers will be able to travel up to 3 legs within 2 hours and they’ll be charged one fare for the entire journey (this will include both bus and train). As a result of this fares will change which will have impact on some users. It is proposed to introduce 3 new ferry monthly passes and a family weekender (two children travel free with a HOP paying adult). |
3.0 |
Quarterly Performance Report LDI pot and event funding |
David Rose Barbara Cade |
11.30am – 1.10pm |
The board members received update on quarterly performance report which will be coming on the board meeting agenda in May. The local board discussed Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) budget. A report will be on 10 June meeting agenda to formally adopt local board agreement including local performance targets and local budgets along with fees and charges schedules for 2015/16.
Relationship Manager: Glenn Boyd
17 June 2015 |
Whau Local Board Workshop Records
Date of Workshop: Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Time: 11.00am – 1.15pm
Venue: Whau Local Board Office, 31 Totara Avenue,
New Lynn
Present: Catherine Farmer
Susan Zhu
Simon Matafai
Ami Chand
Apologies: Duncan Macdonald (for absence)
Derek Battersby (for lateness)
Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel (for absence)
Item |
Topic |
Presenter(s) |
Time |
1.0 |
LTP Discussions |
Glenn Boyd David Rose Mark Allen |
11.00am – 1.15pm |
The board members discussed draft Local Board Agreement 2015/2016 and changes to Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) budget. A report will be coming to 10 June board meeting for adoption of local board agreement. |
Relationship Manager: Glenn Boyd
17 June 2015 |
Whau Local Board Workshop Records
Date of Workshop: Wednesday, 27 May 2015
Time: 10.00am – 12.15pm
Venue: Whau Local Board Office, 31 Totara Avenue,
New Lynn
Present: Catherine Farmer
Susan Zhu (from 10.15am, item 1; until 11.00am, item 2)
Derek Battersby
Duncan Macdonald
Apologies: Simon Matafai (for absence)
Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel (for absence)
Ami Chand (for absence)
Item |
Topic |
Presenter(s) |
Time |
1.0 |
Heritage Asset Management Policy |
Richard Bland (AC) Nicola Short – Silverbeet Design and Consultancy. |
10.00am – 10.30am |
The local board was asked to provide input into the Heritage Asset Management Policy. Link to a survey was provided, it was noted that members can fill the survey either individually or as a board. The survey needs to be completed by end of July, the results will come back to the board in August. It was noted that the records presented at the workshop shop listed 10 heritage buildings in Whau area, only two of these are owned by Council. |
2.0 |
Signage Project (AT) |
Laura Dueker (AT) Kishor Mistry (AT) Owena Schuster (AT) |
10.30am – 11.05am |
The local board was updated on the Wayfinding Signage Project. Members were asked to provide input on: • Choice of Points of Interest (POIs) on plinth • Naming of local areas and Points of Interest (POIs) • Address of Hubs • Accuracy of copy Hard copies of map of installation areas were provided to members for their input; copies need to be given back to AT by 17 June. |
3.0 |
Rosebank Corridor Management Plan |
Claire Covacich (AT) Owena Schuster (AT) |
11.15am – 11.45am |
Members were updated on Rosebank Corridor Management Plan, which will become public shortly. Local board can provide written feedback to Auckland Transport. |
4.0 |
Declaration of Interest |
Riya Seth |
11.45am – 12.15pm |
It was agreed by all board members that declaration of interest will be included on all future board meeting agendas. |
Relationship Manager: Glenn Boyd