I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Waitematā Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Tuesday, 9 June 2015 6.00 pm Waitematā
Local Board Office 545 Parnell Road, Parnell |
Waitematā Local Board
Chairperson |
Shale Chambers |
Deputy Chairperson |
Pippa Coom |
Members |
Christopher Dempsey |
Greg Moyle |
Vernon Tava |
Rob Thomas |
Deborah Yates |
(Quorum 4 members)
Desiree Tukutama Democracy Advisor
4 June 2015
Contact Telephone: (09) 307 6071 Email: Desiree.Tukutama@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Waitematā Local Board 09 June 2015 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 5
5 Leave of Absence 5
6 Acknowledgements 5
7 Petitions 5
8 Deputations 5
8.1 Parnell BID Boundary Expansion - Board Ratification - Cheryl Adamson, General Manager - Parnell Inc 5
9 Public Forum 5
10 Extraordinary Business 6
11 Notices of Motion 6
12 Councillor's Report 7
13 Auckland Transport Update - June 2015 9
14 Approval of the Expansion of the Parnell Business Improvement District (BID) Programme and Target rate 17
15 Local and Sports Parks Annual Work Programme 2015-2016 63
16 Sportsfield Charges 67
17 Community Development, Arts and Culture (CDAC) Work Programme 2015/2016 73
18 Waitemata Local Board 2014/2015 Local Improvements Programme Update - June 2015 83
19 Libraries Proposed Property Renewals Programme for 2015/2016 85
20 Adoption of Local Board Agreement 2015/2016 91
21 Chairperson's Report 135
22 Deputy Chairperson's Report 181
23 Board Members' Reports 191
24 Waitemata Local Board Workshop Notes 217
25 Reports Requested/Pending 227
26 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Welcome
2 Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
3 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Waitematā Local Board: a) Confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 12 May 2015, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
6 Acknowledgements
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
7 Petitions
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
8 Deputations
Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Waitematā Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.
9 Public Forum
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.
10 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
11 Notices of Motion
At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.
Waitematā Local Board 09 June 2015 |
File No.: CP2015/10118
1. The purpose of the report is to provide Councillor Mike Lee with an opportunity to update the Waitemata Local Board on Governing issues.
That the Waitematā Local Board: a) Receive the verbal update from the Waitemata and Gulf Ward Councillor, Mike Lee.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Desiree Tukutama - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
Waitematā Local Board 09 June 2015 |
Auckland Transport Update - June 2015
File No.: CP2015/10120
1. The purpose of the report is to respond to local board requests on transport-related matters and to provide information to Elected Members about Auckland Transport (AT) activities in the local board area.
Executive summary
2. This report covers matters of specific application and interest to the Waitemata Local Board and its community; matters of general interest relating to Auckland Transport activities or the transport sector; and relevant Auckland Transport media releases for the information of the Board and community.
That the Waitemata Local Board:
Receives the Auckland Transport Update – June 2015 report. |
Project Updates
Franklin Road Improvements
3. In March 2015, AT met with the Board and the Franklin Road Community to discuss feedback and revised options on the Franklin Road Improvements project.
4. Since March, further investigation on the options continued.
5. The independent road safety audit on the four concept design options has been completed and a preferred option will be advanced.
6. Engagement with residents is planned for late June 2015 and AT will continue engagement with the local board and residents through the detailed design phase.
Nelson Street Cycleway
7. Phase one of the Nelson Street Cycleway project (from Upper Queen Street Bridge to Victoria Street) is out for tender and completion is planned towards the end of 2015.
8. The second phase from Victoria Street to Quay Street and Pitt Street is currently being developed.
Works Underway
Parnell Train Station
9. Earthworks to allow the platform to be installed are well underway, with platforms due to be completed in August this year. The new station will have two platforms, ticket machines and CCTV. The refurbishment of the former Newmarket Station building is due for completion in late 2015, depending on available funding.
10. Three public information days are planned on 4 June, 2 July and 6 August from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm at the Parnell Community Centre.
11. The Parnell Station is forecast to be used by up to 2000 passengers during the morning peak with many of them heading to the nearby universities. It will also be used by people attending events in the Domain, at the ASB Tennis Stadium, and in the Parnell town centre.
12. Future stages for the Parnell Station may include an overbridge, lifts and enhanced access through the Domain. Investigation continues with Council Parks to identify options to access Carlaw Park from the station.
Indicative Only
Route Optimisation Works
13. Auckland Transport has undertaken several minor projects to improve pedestrian movement in the city centre, a significant number of projects have already been delivered including the introduction of the bus lanes on Fanshawe Street, and enhancing multi-modal provision at the large Fanshawe/Sturdee/Nelson intersection. The remaining City Centre Route Optimisation projects will be delivered this calendar year:
· Kitchener St/Bowen Avenue: Construction early June.
· Symonds St/Wakefield St intersection: Construction early June.
· Bowen Avenue pedestrian crossing: In the detailed design process. Undertaking surveys to assess the pedestrian demand at this site.
· Symonds Street/Grafton Road/Alfred Street: In the resource consent process. Planning to implement in September.
· Symonds Street/Wellesley Street: In consultation with local residents and businesses to finalise some key design issues. Planning to implement in September.
· Vincent Street/Mayoral Drive intersection: Construction early June.
· Grafton Road and Stanley Street: At concept design, planning to implement in September 2015.
Major Projects Delivery Programme 2014-15 – Waitemata
Projects Under Construction (as of June 15) |
Projects Delivered (FY2014-15) |
PT Infrastructure |
Parnell Station |
PT Network (Bus Priority Programme) |
Symonds Street Bus Lanes |
Roading/Public Spaces |
Wynyard Quarter Road and Public Space Improvements |
PT Infrastructure |
Newmarket Station Square Signage Improvements |
Walking & Cycling |
Beach Road Walking and Cycling – Stage 2 |
Roading/Public spaces |
O’Connell Street and Upper Khartoum Place |
Walking & Cycling |
Carlton Gore Cycleway |
Walking & Cycling |
Beach Road Stage 1 |
Walking & Cycling |
Wynyard Quarter Interim Cycle Path |
PT Network (Bus Priority Programme) |
Fanshawe Street Bus Lane Improvements and Fanshawe/Sturdy Street Intersection
Road Maintenance |
Ponsonby Road Resurfacing |
Local Board Transport Capital Fund Update
14. Newmarket Rail Station Artwork Fencing - The Board through the Arts Portfolio has endorsed a fence design that complements the adjacent Reuben Paterson artwork to proceed to construction. The Board’s allocated $5,000 for an upgraded fence design will complement renewals work AT will undertake on the bridge over rail structure. Update: Construction is planned to be completed by end of June, depending on the fence manufacturing process.
15. Drinking Fountains Programme – The Board resolved on 18 March 2014 [WTM/2014/37, WTM/2014/38] the intention to install three drinking fountains within their ward. A resolution was passed on 13 June 2014 to install a drinking fountain as part of the Upper Queen Street Bridge Cycleway project and on 10 March 2015 resolved to install a drinking fountain as part of the Carlton Gore Cycleway project and as part of Nelson Street Cycleway project. Update: AT is incorporating the drinking fountains in to the respective project implementation plans.
16. Waitemata Greenways Route G1 Grey Lynn Park Shared Path – The route was included in Auckland Council’s (AC) consultation on the Grey Lynn Park Development Plan. Update: Auckland Council is continuing to deliver the in-park component as funded by the Board. The Waitemata Greenways Route has been included on the NZTA Urban Cycleways Programme list for funding. Decisions on the next round of funding are expected in mid-2015, and this route will also be included as part of AT’s public consultation on the wider Auckland Cycle Network.
17. Ponsonby Road Pedestrian Experience – The project for a continuous pedestrian experience supports one of the outcomes of the Ponsonby Road Plan. Update: At the Board’s 5 May workshop and reaffirmed at the 12 May business meeting, the Board requested AT to undertake a Rough Order Cost estimate for a continuous pedestrian experience to be provided for on Ponsonby Road between Franklin Road to Williamson Avenue.
18. Newmarket Laneways Streetscape Improvements – The Newmarket Laneways Plan is being managed by AC’s City Transformation Team. AT has been working alongside City Transformation to develop proposals for delivery. Following public consultation and confirmation of Council budgets under the LTP, the Board will consider projects to progress to construction. Update: At the Board’s 5 May workshop and reaffirmed at the 12 May business meeting, the Board requested AT undertake a Rough Order Cost estimate on the six priority areas identified in the plan.
19. The Board has $1,404,786 from 2012-13 to 2015-16 to allocate and has the ability to allocate the 2016-17 year budget of $469,789 at the board’s discretion. Of the total $1,874,575, the Ponsonby and Newmarket projects, which the Board has earmarked, funding to, will consume a significant portion of that budget once projects are identified for delivery.
20. AT undertook consultation with the Waitemata Local Board Transport Portfolio Leaders on the proposals listed in Attachment A should any further comments by the full Board wish to be made.
21. Consultations that may be of particular interest to the Board are detailed below.
Public Consultation on Simplified Zone Fares
22. To support the new, more connected network of bus and train services Auckland Transport is consulting on a Simplified Zone Fare (SZF) system.
23. It is also changing the fare products and making it easier to find something that works for the frequent commuter or the visitor.
24. The current system is complex and can be difficult to understand, especially if you’re not a regular user. It’s also inconsistent and results in different fares for similar trips. There are also some anomalies between stages and relatively high fares for longer distances, while short trips are quite cheap.
25. Simplified Zone Fares mean that for people using AT HOP cards for bus and train journeys, instead of being charged a separate fare for each ride, the fare will be calculated for the total journey regardless of whether the patron transfers between different services.
26. The proposed zone map has 14 zones and boundaries are generally at 10km intervals from the CBD, so that radial trips of similar distance will pay the same fare. Fares will be calculated according to the number of zones travelled through the entire journey and patrons will not be penalised for transferring between bus and train services within certain time limits.
27. Where zone boundaries occur at major interchanges like Newmarket, New Lynn, Otahuhu, Manukau it is proposed that there will be zone overlaps with stops being in both zones.
28. Auckland Transport is also looking at a much simpler set of fare products.
· A simple monthly pass that will allow unlimited bus and train travel across all zones;
· A day pass allowing unlimited travel on buses and trains, as well as inner-harbour ferries; and
· A new Family Weekender pass that would let two children to travel free with each adult using an AT HOP card during weekends and public holidays.
29. At this stage ferry travel will not be included because the different ferry operators offer a range of weekly and monthly passes. AT will continue to work on how ferries can be brought into the simplified zone fares system.
30. Consultation is open from Monday, 11 May until Friday, 5 June. For further information visit: www.AT.govt.nz/simplifiedzonefares
31. Implementation of the new simplified zone fares is expected mid-2016.
Public Consultation for Variations to Auckland’s Regional Public Transport Plan
32. Auckland Transport is consulting on a proposed variation to Auckland’s Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP).
33. This is a statutory document that describes the services that are integral to Auckland’s public transport network and the policies and procedures that apply to those services. It describes the public transport services that Auckland Transport proposes for the region over the next 10 years and outlines how this vision for Auckland’s public transport network will be delivered.
34. The current RPTP was completed in 2013 but since then some new public transport initiatives have reached the stage where they need to be added, these include simplified zone fares, light rail, ferry development and New Network services.
35. Consultation on the proposed variation to the RPTP runs until 4pm on Friday 5 June. For further information visit: www.AT.govt.nz/rptp
New design for Auckland’s Bus Shelters
36. Auckland bus shelters are set for a new design following public feedback.
37. During July and August 2014 Auckland Transport asked for public feedback on three new bus shelter designs that were being trialled on Symonds Street in the city, and 856 responses were received.
38. The designs were assessed against a range of criteria, such as public feedback, value for money, customer comfort, durability, and ease of construction. Shelter A was the winning option, shown below.
39. The shelter is a modular system so it can be configured to reflect local settings by using different sizes and layouts, building the shelter out of materials that reflect local character and attaching or inscribing art work on the shelter.
40. The new shelter will gradually be rolled out across Auckland from the middle of the year. For more information visit: www.at.govt.nz/busshelter
AT’s Parking Strategy Released
41. Auckland Transport has adopted a parking strategy which will mean a consistent approach for the first time for parking across the region.
42. There was significant public interest in the strategy with over 5,500 submissions received.
43. The document allows for a case by case approach to parking taking into account local issues and the views of local boards and the community. Consultation with the community will continue as parking measures are introduced.
44. In Auckland, 60% of bus trips, 40% of car journeys and 35% of trips by goods vehicles are on arterials and there is a need to manage parking on arterial roads to optimise the number of people, services and goods moving on those roads while keeping town centres functioning.
45. The strategy also details the management and future of park and rides. Park and rides in the right places have proven to effectively extend the potential number of users for public transport and get people out of their cars. There are currently around 5,500 park and ride spots and 80% are full by 8am with parking overflowing into local streets. Further opportunities for park and rides will be reviewed taking into consideration appropriate land use in a rapidly growing city.
46. For the AT Parking Strategy and the submissions document visit: www.at.govt.nz/about-us/transport-plans-strategies/parking-strategy
Local board views and implications
47. The Board’s views will be incorporated during consultation on any proposed schemes.
Māori impact statement
48. Mana whenua and Mana waka are consulted on Auckland Transport’s capital programme and proposed changes to policy.
49. All proposed schemes are subject to prioritisation, funding and consultation.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Consultations |
15 |
Authors |
Priscilla Steel – Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager |
Authorisers |
Jonathan Anyon – Auckland Transport Elected Member Team Leader |
09 June 2015 |
Approval of the Expansion of the Parnell Business Improvement District (BID) Programme and Target rate
File No.: CP2015/08819
1. This report seeks approval from the Waitematā Local Board to proceed with the Parnell Business Improvement District (BID) Programme boundary expansion. It requests the Local Board recommend to the Governing Body the striking of the Parnell BID target rate budget as shown in the Draft Long Term Plan 2015-2025.
Executive Summary
2. Under the Auckland Region Business Improvement District Policy 2011, approval from Local Boards for the striking of the targeted rates is required under section 4.40.
3. Parnell Inc has completed all requirements outlined in the Auckland Region BID Policy 2011. Council officers are satisfied that the process has been followed satisfactorily. An important part relating to the boundary expansion is the undertaking of a democratic ballot; completed by Parnell Inc in May 2015 and resulting in a favourable result.
4. The proposed expansion will increase the Parnell BID target rate amount from $309,557.60 to $700,000 per annum; to take effect 1 July 2015.
That the Waitematā Local Board: a) Recommend to the Governing Body the striking of the Parnell Business Improvement District target rate amount of $700,000, as shown in the Draft Long Term Plan 2015-2025. |
5. Parnell Inc (PI) has been a Business Improvement District (BID) since 1999 and is one of 48 BIDs operating across the Auckland Region.
6. PI is a significant player in facilitating and creating local economic development in the Waitematā Local Board area. PI has currently 500 businesses and property owners involved in the existing BID Programme.
7. PI currently collects $309,557.60 (excluding GST) per annum from the BID target rate approach.
8. PI signaled their intention to expand the BID boundary at their 2014 Annual General Meeting held on 2 October 2014 resulting in a resolution to proceed with the expansion in addition, a special resolution was tabled that subject to a successful ballot, the targeted rate for the Option One boundary area would be $700,000. Both resolutions were approved.
9. Council officers commenced working with the PI executive board from this point towards the expansion project.
10. Also at the PI 2014 Annual General Meeting the membership approved an increase of the current BID target rate grant from $309,557.60 to $340,000 per annum. This increase applies to the existing Parnell BID boundary area. If the BID expansion wasn’t to be successful the amount of BID target rate grant for the 2015/2016 financial year was to be $340,000 per annum.
11. The 2015 BID expansion includes businesses located in the area defined by Falcon St, Cheshire St, Heather St, Carlaw Park Ave, Stanley Street, The Strand, York St, St Georges Bay Rd and Gladstone Rd.
12. The BID expansion will provide PI with an additional BID target rate of $360,000 per annum over and above the approved 2014 AGM approved BID target rate of $340,000. The Parnell BID target rate grant will be $700,000 per annum and increase their membership to 1000 members.
13. As part of the requirements of section 4.40 of the Auckland Region Business Improvement District Policy 2011 (BID Policy), PI completed the following requirements:
· Development of a communication plan to highlight the opportunities, the project and the benefits of being a part of the Parnell BID Programme.
· Development of a detailed database of eligible voters (business owners and property ratepayers) located in the expansion area, and used to send out the BID expansion postal ballot voting documents.
· Consulted with council officers regarding the approach to their expansion ballot.
· Communicated with the Waitematā Local Board to seek their support for the expansion of the Parnell BID programme. A council officer report was presented and adopted at the April 14, 2015 Local Board meeting. Resolution number WTM/2015/58.
· PI held four public meetings encouraging eligible voters to attend and take part in an information briefing and a question and answer session.
14. Full details of this process are outlined in the report attached as Appendix 1 completed by PI.
15. A critical stage of the process is the ballot which seeks a mandate from the eligible voters located within the expansion area. This ballot was undertaken between 28 April and 19 May 2015. Election Services Ltd, the independent polling service provider, was commissioned to undertake this work.
16. The BID Policy requires a successful ballot to achieve a threshold of at least 25% of the total voting forms returned. Of the returned voting forms, a minimum of 51% of the votes must be in favour of the proposition raised on the ballot form to achieve a mandate.
16. For the ballot, 568 envelopes containing information were lodged with NZ Post on 24 April.
17. Each envelope contained the following:
o A Parnell BID Programme information booklet (see Appendix 2) including:
· A summary of achievements
· The purpose of the ballot including the benefits of being part of the Parnell BID Programme
· Parnell BID target rate information
· Map of the Parnell BID expansion area and current BID area
o A ballot form
o Prepaid envelope for returning the ballot form
o Contact details for eligible voters to make enquiries.
18. The question on the ballot form asked: Do you support the expansion of the Parnell Business Improvement District (BID) programme delivered by Parnell Inc Business Association Inc (and accordingly support a targeted rate), to include the area outlined in blue as shown on Page 3 of the accompanying information booklet?
19. The results of the expansion ballot when voting closed on 19 May 2015 was that 52.3% (297) of eligible voters had returned their vote. Of those who voted, 75.8% (223) voted yes to the question. 24.58% (73) voted no. The return rate of 52.3% is a BID record and a great achievement for the Parnell BID programme.
20. Election Services Ltd has provided a report outlining the ballot process, results and voting documents. See Appendix 3.
21. Council officers are satisfied that PI has met all the requirements for a successful expansion as per the BID Policy, including robust consultation, development of an effective database, quality ballot process and clear planning documents on how funds will be used if successful. They have consulted with the Local Board on a regular basis.
22. Council officers are supportive of the expansion of the Parnell BID Programme and associated BID target rate. This report requests the Waitematā Local Board recommends to the Governing Body the striking of the target rated amount of $700,000 to commence 1 July 2015.
Local Board views and implications
23. PI has been before the Waitematā Local Board on several occasions and secured funding for the BID expansion project at the April 08, 2014 and again at the February 10, 2015 meeting of the board. Resolution WTM/2014/64 and Resolution number WTM/2015/11.
24. Waitematā Local Board approved the Parnell Inc proposed BID expansion boundary at the April 14 meeting of the Board. Resolution number WTM/2015/58.
25. The outcomes from the PI BID expansion will be concentrated in the Waitematā Local Board area and will not impact on any other Local Board area.
26. Waitematā Local Board supports the BID Programme and approach.
Māori impact statement
27. Maori Businesses located within the Parnell BID expansion boundary area were balloted under the same policy regulations as non-Maori businesses.
28. The funding of the Parnell BID Programme expansion and BID target rate amount of $700,000 is gained through a BID target rate levied on property owners, therefore this will be cost neutral to Auckland Council and the Local Board.
29. The funding of the $700,000 Parnell BID target rate is identified in the Waitematā Local Board 2015/2016 financials and the Auckland Council Draft Long Term Plan 2015-2025.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Appendix 1 Parnell Inc BID Expansion Ballot Report |
21 |
bView |
Appendix 2 Parnell Inc BID Programe Information Booklet |
47 |
cView |
Appendix 3 Election Services Ltd Parnell BID Ballot report |
55 |
Authors |
Claire Siddens - BID Partnership Advisor Gillian Plume - Team Leader BID Partnership |
Authorisers |
Penny Pirrit - GM - Plans & Places Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
09 June 2015 |
Local and Sports Parks Annual Work Programme 2015-2016
File No.: CP2015/09635
1. To seek approval of the draft Local and Sports Parks Annual Work Programme 2015-2016 for the Waitematā Local Board.
Executive Summary
2. The final draft of the Local and Sports Parks annual work programme for the 2015-2016 financial year includes park asset renewals, capital works, locally driven initiatives (LDI), and parks maintenance programmes.
3. The work programme excludes any projects that have not been fully funded. Additional projects may be prioritised for funding from the discretionary CAPEX budget, which has yet to be agreed and will be discussed with the local boards in the next two months.
4. If unforeseen works are needed or work priorities change from the approved annual Local and sports parks work programme the parks advisor will discuss this with the local board park portfolio holder.
5. The draft Local and Sports Parks Annual Work Programme 2015-2016 will be circulated under separate cover.
That the Waitematā Local Board: a) Approve the final draft Local and Sports Parks Annual Work Programme 2015-2016 b) Delegate approval for changes to the work programme to the Park Advisor, in consultation with the parks portfolio holders, except where the parks portfolio holders refer any changes to the full board. |
6. This report presents the final draft of the Local and Sports Parks annual work programme for the 2015-2016 financial year. The work programme includes park asset renewals, capital works, locally driven initiatives (LDIs) and the parks maintenance programme.
7. Officers discussed the first draft of the annual work programme with the local board on 31 March 2015. Due to the timing of completion of LDI work programmes, the final draft programme is not attached to this report but will be presented under a separate cover.
8. Any growth fund allocation that has been approved for full funding of a project has been included in this work programme.
9. Officers will have ongoing discussions with the board on the priority for other projects that may be eligible for other sources of funding once there is more clarity around how these will be allocated across the region.
Financial implications
10. The annual work programme is not a budget report and therefore budget figures are indicative only.
11. The final draft Local and Sports Parks Annual Work Programme 2015-2016 includes some projects that will be delivered over a number of financial years. Some flexibility is needed in the delivery of long-term, complex parks projects to adapt to changing situations. These include external factors beyond council control such as weather, or issues that may arise during the detailed design, community engagement and consenting stages. Any of these factors may affect project delivery outcomes singly or in combination.
12. In particular, staff may need to adjust asset renewal priorities if unforeseen renewals or complexities in delivering planned renewals arise.
13. Given the scale of the work programme, the limited amount of time to get the work done, and the dynamic nature of the parks asset base, it is recommended that delegation for changes to the parks work programme be given to the Park Advisor (particularly urgent or unforeseen works) subject to consultation with the parks portfolio holders, on the proviso that the portfolio holders can ask for any item to be reported to the full local board if deemed appropriate.
Alignment with strategies and policies
14. The draft annual work programme fits with the following Auckland Council guiding documents.
· Auckland Plan
· Waitematā Local Board Plan
· Sport & Recreation Strategic Action Plan.
· Parks and Open Spaces Strategic Action Plan
Local Board views and implications
15. The local board provided feedback on the first draft of the Local and Sports Parks work programme 2015-2016 at workshop on 31 March 2015. Feedback from this workshop has informed this final draft annual work programme for approval.
16. Completion of the annual work programme 2015-2016 as approved by the local board will result in projects that will contribute to the following local board outcomes:
· Connected, accessible and safe transport choices
· The natural environment is respected and enhanced
· Quality parks, open spaces and community facilities created for people to use and enjoy
· Strong communities that are inclusive, vibrant and engaged
Māori impact statement
17. Parks and open spaces contribute to Maori well-being, values, culture and traditions. Where any aspects of the work programme are anticipated to have an impact on tangata whenua, appropriate engagement and involvement in decision making will follow.
18. It is the aspiration of the Local and Sports Parks Team to share long-term park development plans with mana whenua for comment. Following local board approval, officers will engage with iwi to discuss the programme and understand interest in future development. Further engagement will follow these initial meetings as the individual projects within the programme progress.
19. Following approval of the Local and Sports Park Annual Work Programme 2015-2016, staff will begin planning the implementation of projects, ensuring the work programme is completed on time and to budget for the 2015/16 financial year. Monthly updates to the parks portfolio holder will continue and quarterly reports will be sent to the local board.
The Draft Local and Sports Parks Annual Work Programme 2015-2016 will be circulated under separate cover.
Authors |
Mark Miller - Parks Advisor - Waitemata |
Authorisers |
Ian Maxwell - General Manager Parks, Sports and Recreation Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
Waitematā Local Board 09 June 2015 |
File No.: CP2015/10336
1. This report sets out the history and framework behind the application of sportsfield charges in the central area of Auckland City and provides options to the relevant Local Boards with regard to maintaining, modifying or dropping charges from July 2015.
Executive Summary
2. Prior to the formation of Auckland Council, two basic approaches were practiced by legacy councils in relation to sportfield charges.
3. Rodney, North Shore, Manukau, Waitākere, Papakura and Franklin Councils all provided sportsfields at no cost to the user. Auckland City Council by contrast was the one legacy authority that imposed charges for use of fields by senior teams (junior teams have never been charged for the use of sportsfields).
4. With the forming of the Auckland Council in 2010 Local Boards were given delegated authority to set local charges / fees for community facilities, with the status quo being maintained in terms of the continued application of sportsfield charges in the relevant board areas (Albert Eden, Maungakiekie-Tāmaki, Orākei, Puketāpapa, Waitematā, Waiheke).
5. As part of the process to identify potential park savings, the concept of applying field charges in areas where no charges had previously been applied was put forward for consideration as part of the 2015-2025 Long Term Plan process. Offsetting savings by raising revenue through the application of sportsfield charges across the city was not however supported.
6. This report provides the relevant local boards an opportunity to review the current practice and put forward recommendations to the Governing Body on the changes, if any, they would like applied to the current practice.
That the Waitematā Local Board: a) Makes a decision as to whether sportsfield charges currently applied in their board area are: I. retained in their current form II. increased or decreased at specified rates III. removed completely. b) Identifies, should a reduction or removal of charges be supported, the means by which the budget shortfall will be covered: I. Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) Fund II. Via a request to the governing body and considered through the 2016/2017 Annual Plan or earlier if possible. c) Supports the position that, while a review of sportsfield charges in the central area is undertaken, no inflation linked increases in the sportsfield charges is supported for the 2015/2016 financial year. Fees will therefore remain at the 2014/2015 level (as per attached 2015/2016 Fees and Charges Schedule).
7. The sportsfield charges applied in the central area of Auckland City (Albert Eden, Maungakiekie Tāmaki, Orākei, Puketāpapa, Waitematā, Waiheke) have been applied for a number of years and constitute a nominal fee in terms of recouping costs for maintaining fields (ie it represents less than 8% of the maintenance costs).
8. With the formation of Auckland Council there were some local board boundary changes, which resulted in reserves where charges had been applied, being moved into board areas where charges had never been applied. These reserves are:
· Seaside Park (Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board area)
· Murphy Park (Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board area)
· Sturges Park (Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board area)
· Avondale Racecourse (Whau Local Board area)
· Riversdale Reserve (Whau Local Board area)
· Eastdale Reserve (Whau Local Board area)
· Blockhouse Bay Reserve (Whau Local Board area)
· Valonia Reserve (Whau Local Board area).
9. In order to ensure a consistent approach within the two relevant board areas, the charges previously applied to the use of sportsfields in these reserves were dropped with the formation of Auckland Council.
10. The table below sets out field charges for the three main winter codes plus fees for casual and tournament use. The seasonal fee is charged to the codes for Saturday afternoon competition play (junior competition generally takes up morning play) at the weekend and covers the use of the field for a whole season (fees and charges schedule attached).
Sportsfield charges for the three main winter codes (casual and competition games)
Prepaid |
Casual |
$ 58.00 |
$ 45.50 |
$ 29.50 |
$ 721.00 |
$ 67.00 |
$ 55.00 |
$ 33.50 |
$ 832.00 |
$ 49.50 |
$ 39.50 |
$ 25.00 |
$ 611.00 |
11. Irrespective of the code, clubs booking a lit field for two nights of training per week over a whole season are charged a fixed fee of $267. Priority is given to ensuring competition games go ahead at the weekend and the need for closing fields due to inclement weather therefore mainly impacts on midweek training. Rather than organising reimbursements, the training fees have been set at a relatively low level in order to reflect this likelihood. The practice fee does not include the cost of lights. If lights are used by clubs in the central area, an extra charge of $1.10 per lamp per hour applies.
12. Each year the charges for fields and lights have been raised roughly with the rate of inflation and the forecast income generated by the six relevant Local Boards in 2014/2015 was $263,284. However, these levels will not be achieved and the budget is revised down for 2015/2016.
13. No field charges are applied to juniors (17 yrs and under) and Rugby and League charge a standard affiliation fee to clubs, which is determined by the number of teams that a club has enrolled, rather than the area the club are located in. For these codes the regional inequity with regard to field charges therefore only applies to clubs booking fields for training rather than games organised by the codes at weekends. However, Auckland Football Federation, while applying a standard enrolment fee per team, also pass extra ground charges and referee fees, on to the club it pertains to. Soccer clubs in the relevant central board areas therefore pay higher fees to their parent body. Auckland Cricket adopts a similar practice.
14. Aside from the issue of equitability of charges being applied in some areas but not others, there are pros and cons related to field charges.
The pros include:
· Charges discourage users from making bookings that are ‘tentative’ and not actually utilised
· Ability for council to generate some income for the provision of sporting facilities that are costly to maintain and noting that other codes using courts and hockey turfs do not receive this level of subsidy from council
· Council has an accurate record of actual use levels and can therefore utilize the fields to their maximum capacity.
15. The cons include:
· Charges encourage some clubs not to book fields because of the costs entailed when making a formal booking
· Puts an additional financial burden on clubs that are run on a shoe string budget and that rely on the good will of volunteers
· Sport plays an important role in creating a sense of community with charges potentially excluding some sectors of the community
· Sport plays an important role in growing healthy communities and charges for field access that are passed onto members could be prohibitive for some families.
16. The first post 2010 report in which the issue of charges was highlighted to local boards was tabled in June 2011 and identified the issue as follows:
Sports field user charges are still applicable to the former Auckland City Council area. These nominal charges provide a level of cost recovery of around 8% of the cost of providing sportsfields. The charges have also assisted in providing robustness and integrity to the booking system, and have helped to deter block bookings of fields which have not been used.
17. The Sports Field Capacity Development (SFCD) local board workshops carried out in 2012 canvassed the concept of introducing regional sportsfield fees where they weren’t already being applied. The general feedback indicated there was no support for this concept.
18. There are a number of different approaches that could be taken by the boards with regards to fees and which could cover one of the following scenarios:
· retain charges at their current rates
· change charges by increasing or decreasing current rates
· remove charges.
19. Any change to current practice could be implemented through the 2016/2017 annual plan process or implemented in 2015/2016 by addressing the shortfall (assuming boards are looking to cut or remove charges) through LDI funding or through making savings in other parts of council.
20. While a review of sportsfield charges in the central area is undertaken it has been suggested no inflation related increase be applied to the 2015/2016 financial year. Fees could therefore remain at 2014/2015 levels (as per 2015/2016 Fees and Charges Schedules).
Local Board views and implications
21. On 12 May 2015 the Chairs of the Albert Eden, Orākei and Waitematā Local Boards presented to the Parks, Recreation and Sport Committee and requested that the inequity in relation to sportsfield charges (which only apply in the central area) be reviewed as it disadvantages sports clubs in the central area (affecting six local boards). The PRS Committee asked for a report to the Finance Committee.
Māori impact statement
22. The Maunga Authority is currently reviewing fees for activities on the Tūpuna Maunga. The Authority recognises that the sportsfields on the Tūpuna Maunga currently play a critical role in the supply of sportsfield playing hours in the Auckland region and that they are well used, with many having clubs which have had a long association with the Tūpuna Maunga domiciled next to the fields. It is proposing to remove the sportsfield charges on Ōwairaka/Te Ahi-kā-a-Rakataura/Mt Albert and Ōtāhuhu/Mt Richmond to create a consistent approach across the network of Tūpuna Maunga and to remove one of the barriers to groups wanting to utilise these fields. The Maunga Authority is currently seeking feedback from groups impacted by the fees review and is likely to adopt the new fees schedule in July 2015.
23. A board’s ability to generate income from local fees and charges are reflected in baseline revenue and expenditure levels determined by the governing body. While local boards therefore have responsibility for reviewing, setting and adopting fees and charges each year, any reduction to baseline budgets must be balanced through alternative means of funding.
24. Once the views of the six relevant boards have been gathered, a report will be submitted to the Finance Committee.
25. If there is a decision to drop charges this could be given effect immediately or delivered through the 2016/2017 annual plan process.
No. |
Title |
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aView |
Sportsfield Charges |
Authors |
David Barker - Team Leader Parks Specialists and Programmes |
Authorisers |
Ian Maxwell - General Manager Parks, Sports and Recreation Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
09 June 2015 |
Community Development, Arts and Culture (CDAC) Work Programme 2015/2016
File No.: CP2015/05654
1. This report presents the Community Development, Arts and Culture (CDAC) 2015/2016 Waitemata Local Board work programme for approval.
Executive Summary
2. This report provides information to support local boards to make decisions required to approve the CDAC 2015/2016 work programme.
3. The draft CDAC work programme aims to provide a defined work programme for the 2015/2016 financial year. The work programme covers the following areas:
· community development and safety
· arts and culture
· events
· community facilities.
4. The CDAC work programme for the Waitemata Local Board has been aligned to the following 2014-2017 Waitemata Local Board Plan priorities:
· strong communities that are inclusive, vibrant and engaged
· quality parks, open spaces and community facilities created for people to use and enjoy
· Connected, accessible and safe transport choices.
5. Local boards are being requested to approve the CDAC work programme for FY 2015/2016. Local boards are requested to note that delivery of Community Development and Safety (CDS) workstreams described in Attachment A is subject to the outcome of the current Empowered Communities Approach.
That the Waitematā Local Board: a) Approve the 2015/2016 Community Development, Arts and Culture work programme (Attachment A), noting that the Community Development and Safety component is dependant upon the outcome of the Empowered Communities Approach. b) Approve the community lease work plan for 2015/2016 (Attachment B).
6. The CDAC work programme for 2015/2016 has been developed using a co-ordinated departmental approach. Each CDAC unit has aligned their projects and initiatives to the Auckland Plan directives and the Waitemata Local Board plan 2014 – 2017.
7. The CDAC work programmes align to the following 2014 – 2017 Waitemata Local Board Plan priorities:
· strong communities that are inclusive, vibrant and engaged
· quality parks, open spaces and community facilities created for people to use and enjoy
· Connected, accessible and safe transport choices.
8. The CDAC work programme 2015/2016 for the Waitemata Local Board includes the following areas of activity:
· Community Development and Safety: These projects and programmes aim to deliver a range of social outcomes for local residents with a focus on children and young people. Projects include child-friendly city accreditation, community gardens, accessibility and low-carbon action plans, supporting community networks and graffiti prevention.
· Arts and Culture: This includes the delivery of a range of programmes including public art projects at Judges Bay, Nelson St cycleway, Myers Park underpass, Ellen Melville Hall and Freyberg Square, Auckland Domain and Queens Wharf. The work programme also includes programming at Studio One as well as the ‘Pop’ project and the regional ‘Rainbow Machine’ project for children.
· Events: This work programme includes a range of community events such as ANZAC day, volunteer appreciation awards, Christmas events, local civic functions, and citizenship ceremonies as well as administering funding rounds for local event support funding. The work programme includes the Parnell Festival of Roses and Movies in Parks.
· Community Facilities: This includes the provision of community facilities and their promotion, community leasing, providing an integrated booking system, strengthening community led centres and individual community centre programming. Specifically will involve establishing a Pioneer Women’s Community Centre leadership group and operational plan, and carrying out the centre’s redevelopment.
9. The work programme includes scoped initiatives, the allocation of budgets and established timelines. A workshop was held with the local board and CDAC staff on 16 April, to ensure activities align with the local board priorities and meet the needs of the Waitemata community.
10. CDAC’s Community Development and Safety (CDS) unit will operationalise the Empowered Communities Approach, which is part of the 2015/2016 Long-Term Plan approved on 8 May 2015 (GB/2015/31). Broadly speaking, the changes proposed to the community development function are:
· move away from direct delivery (and therefore save overheads) and fund community groups to deliver more
· for local boards to play a much more active role by allocating more funding through them
· transition delivery to a more empowered communities approach.
11. The Empowered Communities Approach model was considered by the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee at its meeting on 4 June. This report recommends that the work programme be adopted based on current arrangements, noting that FY 2015/2016 will be a transition year for CDS.
12. Local Boards are requested to approve the CDAC work programme for 2015/2016. CDAC staff will continue to work with relevant portfolio holders and the local board to ensure these projects are delivered and evaluated. Portfolio holders and the local board will also be consulted on the prioritisation of the community facilities renewal projects and community leases.
Local board views and implications
13. The draft 2015/2016 work programme was considered by the local board at a workshop on 16 April 2015. The views expressed by local board members are reflected in Attachment A.
Maori impact statement
14. Improving Maori outcomes is a priority for the region. One of the Auckland Plan targets is to increase targeted support to Maori community development projects. The CDAC work programme aims to improve well-being among Maori living in the local board area. The focus of this CDAC work programme is to support Maori targeted initiatives.
15. CDAC staff will continue to meet with portfolio holders to provide updates on the work programme and ensure it is progressed in a timely way. The CDAC work programme will be implemented within the annual plan 2015/2016 budget and reported on through the quarterly reporting process.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
CDAC Work Programme 2015/2016 |
77 |
bView |
Waitemata Community Leasing Workplan 2015/2016 |
81 |
Authors |
Sarah Zimmerman - Community Funding Advisor |
Authorisers |
Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
Waitematā Local Board 09 June 2015 |
Attachment B: Waitemata Local Board |
Draft 2015/ 2016 Lease Workplan |
Group |
Location |
Building Ownership / Ground or Bldg Lease |
Lease Expiry Date |
New lease / Renewal? |
EOI Req'd |
Notes |
New leases required |
Fully expired Sporting Groups |
Gladstone Tennis Club Inc |
110 Gladstone Rd |
Lessee |
28/02/2015 |
New lease |
N |
Herne Bay Ponsonby Racquets Club Inc |
10 West End Rd Herne Bay |
Lessee |
31/10/2016 |
New lease |
N |
Auckland Bowling Club Inc |
100 Stanley St |
Lessee |
31/03/2012 |
New lease |
N |
Fully expired Community Groups |
Royal New Zealand Plunket Society Auckland City Area Inc |
Jubilee Building 545 Parnell Rd |
Third Party |
31/01/2016 |
New lease |
N |
Royal New Zealand Plunket Society Auckland City Area Inc |
Heard Park 192 Parnell Rd |
Council |
30/06/2013 |
New lease |
Y |
Renewals |
Renewal Sporting Groups |
Auckland Tennis Inc |
72 Stanley St, Parnell (aka 20 Park Road/1 Tennis Lane) |
Lessee |
30/11/2014 |
1x 21 years |
Herne Bay Petanque Club Inc |
19 Salisbury Street, Herne Bay |
Lessee |
23/02/2015 |
2x 5 years |
Richmond Rovers Rugby League Club Inc |
55-61 Elgin St Grey Lynn |
Lessee |
7/12/2010 |
2x 5 years |
Victoria Pk Sports & Cultural Trust |
203 -271 Victoria St West |
Lessee |
19/12/2015 |
1 x5 years |
Renewal Community Groups |
Auckland Adult Literacy Centre Inc - Freemans Bay |
Freemans Bay Community Centre, 52 Hepburn St |
Council |
30/04/2012 |
1x 5 years |
Auckland Refugee Council |
4 Warnock Street (offices 2&3) |
Council |
31/07/2016 |
Auckland Womens Refuge |
4 Warnock Street (office 4) |
Council |
31/07/2016 |
1x 5 years |
Citizens Advice Bureau - Grey Lynn |
510 Richmond Rd Gry Lynn Cmty Cent |
Council |
30/06/2008 |
4x 3 years |
Doctors for Sexual Abuse Care Inc |
Community Lease |
Council |
31/07/2016 |
1x 5 years |
The Scout Association of NZ - Hawke Sea Scouts |
55 West End Rd Coxs Bay |
Lessee |
31/8/13 |
1x 5 years |
Kinder House Society Inc |
2 Ayr St Parnell |
Council |
31/12/2015 |
2x 5 years |
M.O.T.A.T. 2 |
190-200 Meola Rd Keith Park airfield |
Council |
28/02/2011 |
1x 33 years |
Societa' Dante Alighieri (Italian Society) |
Freemans Bay Community Centre, 52 Hepburn St |
Council |
30/09/2016 |
1x 5 years |
The Children's Autism Foundation |
Freemans Bay Community Centre, 52 Hepburn St |
Council |
31/12/2016 |
1x 5 years |
09 June 2015 |
Waitemata Local Board 2014/2015 Local Improvements Programme Update - June 2015
File No.: CP2015/10831
This report was not available at the time of print and will be circulated separately with the agenda.
Waitematā Local Board 09 June 2015 |
Libraries Proposed Property Renewals Programme for 2015/2016
File No.: CP2015/09489
1. This report seeks approval from the Waitematā Local Board for proposed 2015/16 property renewal capital works for Libraries.
Executive Summary
2. The property renewals programme is an annual capital works programme. The programme ensures that each Council facility can operate to the current level of service articulated in the relevant asset management plan.
3. The Waitematā Local Board proposed property renewals programme for 2015/16 is detailed in this report as Attachment A.
4. In the 2015/16 financial year, the Waitematā Local Board’s budget for each Libraries property renewal and Furniture, Fittings & Equipment’s programme (FF&E) is $1,973,847.
5. A list of all Libraries’ proposed property renewal projects for all Auckland Council Local Boards for 2015/16 is provided for your information as Attachment B.
That the Waitematā Local Board: a) Approve the property renewals programme 2015/16 as listed in Attachment A. b) Delegate responsibility to Valerie Brown, Service Delivery & Logistics Support Manager, to approve any moderate changes to the budget in the event that there is a variation to identified costs for its property renewals programme. c) Allow for any project surplus to be held as contingency for other renewals projects included within this report for this board. |
6. Community facilities are an important part of realising the vision of Auckland to become the world’s most liveable city. They contribute to building strong, healthy, and vibrant communities by providing spaces where Aucklanders can connect, socialise, learn, and participate in a wide range of social, cultural, art, and recreational activities. These activities foster improved lifestyles and a sense of belonging and pride among residents.
7. Investment in this property renewals programme will ensure that Council facilities remain valuable, well-maintained community assets that continue to meet user expectations. Not undertaking timely property renewals will have an undesirable impact on the customer experience and put asset performance at risk, and ultimately increase the cost to maintain the facility.
8. The property renewals programme is a planned and documented process comprising of seven project management framework phases. These phases are: data collection, feasibility, initiation, planning, execution & transition, closure, and benefits realisation. Local Board sign-off is within the third phase (initiation) of the Property Renewals Programme process.
9. The property renewals programme process ensures that the proposed work-lists (Attachment A) have received extensive input and assessment from both property and activity officers.
Local Board views and implications
10. Council officers are seeking Local Board approval for the proposed Waitematā Local Board property renewals programme for 2015/16. Council officers will report quarterly to the Local Board, including any reduction in project costs, to enable a review of budget options.
Māori impact statement
11. The Waitematā Local Board 2015/16 Proposed Property Renewals property renewals programme will ensure that all facilities continue to be well-maintained community assets benefiting the local community, including Māori.
12. Council officers have consulted with Local Board representatives and relevant Council departments in order to formulate both the property renewals process and the attached lists of proposed renewals. Consultation will continue with all stakeholders throughout the financial year while this programme is implemented.
13. This work will be implemented as part of Council’s Property Department’s usual business practice and delivered in partnership with Libraries.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Attachment 1 |
87 |
bView |
Attachment 2 |
89 |
Authors |
Hannah Alleyne - Principal Special Asset Planning |
Authorisers |
Kim Taunga - Manager Cust. Experience - South and East Libraries Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
09 June 2015 |
Adoption of Local Board Agreement 2015/2016
File No.: CP2015/10525
1. This report seeks adoption of local content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025, including a Local Board Agreement 2015/2016, a message from the chair and local board advocacy, together with adoption of a Local Fees and Charges Schedules for 2015/2016.
2. This report also seeks agreement on library opening hours for 2015/2016, and includes supporting material for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 on 10 year local activity budgets and 10 year local performance targets.
Executive Summary
3. For each financial year, Auckland Council must have a local board agreement between the governing body and the local board, for each local board area.
4. Every three years a local board plan is developed to inform the long-term plan (and associated local board agreements) which outlines priorities, budgets and intended levels of service over a ten year period.
5. Between January and March this year, council consulted on proposed content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025. Local boards then held discussions with the governing body on local feedback, common issues and local priorities prior to budget decisions being made on 8 May 2015.
6. Local boards are now considering local content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 which includes a local board agreement, a message from the chair and local board advocacy, together with a Local Fees and Charges Schedules for 2015/2016 and library opening hours.
7. Local boards are also agreeing allocation of locally driven initiative funding to projects and services, including whether to top up additional library opening hours.
8. Other supporting material associated with the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 includes 10 year local activity capital expenditure budgets and 10 year local performance targets. This material does not form part of a local board agreement, but is incorporated in Volume 2 of the Long-term Plan 2015-2025, albeit at a higher programme level for budgets.
9. On 25 June 2015, the governing body will meet to adopt Auckland Council’s Long-term Plan 2015-2025 including 21 local board agreements and associated performance targets and budgets.
That the Waitematā Local Board: a) Adopt local content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (Attachment A), including: I. a Local Board Agreement 2015/2016 II. a message from the chair III. local board advocacy
b) Adopt Local Fees and Charges Schedules for 2015/2016 (Attachment B)
c) Agree Library Opening Hours for 2015/2016 (Attachment C), which includes $2500 of locally driven initiatives funds to top up this service.
d) Note:
I. supporting material for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (Attachment Four), including 10 year local activity budgets and 10 year local performance targets; II. local activity budgets have been updated to reflect final budget decisions made by the governing body on 8 May 2015, budget adjustments arising from new information (including the setup of a central risk fund for capital projects) and the allocation of central costs; III. if there are outstanding (not yet agreed) matters in the local board agreement, the local board should include an explanation of these matters in the Chair’s message at the front of the local board agreement; IV. that the resolutions of this meeting will be reported back to the governing body when it meets to adopt the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 on 25 June 2015
e) Agree that the Chair be delegated authority to make any final minor changes to the above. |
10. For each financial year, Auckland Council must have a local board agreement between the governing body and the local board, for each local board area.
11. Every three years a local board plan is developed to inform the long-term plan (and associated local board agreements) which outlines priorities, budgets and intended levels of service over a ten year period.
12. Between January and March this year, council consulted on proposed content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025. Local boards then held discussions with the governing body on local feedback, common issues and local priorities prior to budget decisions being made on 8 May 2015.
13. Local boards are now considering local content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 which includes a local board agreement, a message from the chair and local board advocacy (Attachment A).
14. Local boards have also developed a Local Fees and Charges Schedules for 2015/2016 in alignment to agreed local activity budgets (Attachment B)
15. Library opening hours for 2015/2016 for this local board area are outlined in Attachment C.
16. Local boards are also agreeing allocation of locally driven initiative funding to projects and services, including whether to top up additional library opening hours.
17. Other supporting material associated with the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 includes 10 year local activity capital expenditure budgets and 10 year local performance targets (Attachment D). This material does not form part of a local board agreement, but is incorporated in Volume 2 of the Long-term Plan 2015-2025, albeit at a higher programme level for budgets. Local boards are requested to note this information.
18. Local Boards have also developed a 3-year locally driven initiatives budget (Attachment E). To note the projects and exact budget amounts for years 2 and 3 are subject to change through the Annual Plan process.
19. On 25 June 2015, the governing body will meet to adopt Auckland Council’s Long-term Plan 2015-2025 including 21 local board agreements and associated performance targets and budgets.
Local Board views and implications
20. This report seeks adoption from the local board on its content for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 and other associated material. Engagement with the community, including consultation, and a number of workshops and meetings have been held by the local board and with the governing body to finalise their local board agreement.
Māori impact statement
21. Many local board decisions are of importance to Maori and there is a need to continue to build relationships between local boards and relevant Iwi. The local board agreement is based on the local board plan and the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 which have both been developed through engagement with the community, including Maori.
22. The resolutions of this meeting will be reported to the governing body on 25 June 2015, when it meets to adopt the Long-term Plan 2015-2025.
23. The timeline to develop and produce the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 document is tight. It is possible that minor changes may need to be made to the attachments before the annual plan is adopted, such as correction of any errors identified and minor wording changes. Staff therefore recommends that the local board delegates authority to the Local Board Chair to make final changes if necessary.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Local Content to support the Long-term Plan 2015-2055: Local Board Agreement, Message from the Chair and Local Board Advocacy |
95 |
bView |
Local Fees and Charges Schedule 2015/2016 |
113 |
cView |
Library Opening Hours 2015/2016 |
121 |
dView |
Supporting Material - 10 year local activity budgets - 10 year local performance targets |
123 |
eView |
LDI Indicative Budget for the 3 years |
133 |
Authors |
Kate Marsh - Financial Planning Manager - Local Boards |
Authorisers |
Matthew Walker - General Manager Financial Plan Policy & Budgeting Judith Webster - Relationship Manager Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services |
Waitematā Local Board 09 June 2015 |
File No.: CP2015/10888
Executive Summary
Providing the Chair with an opportunity to update the local board and community on the projects and issues he and the Waitemata Local Board have been involved with since the last meeting.
Board Chair: Governance, Local and Civic Leadership, Board Strategy, Policy and Planning Leadership
Portfolios: Arts, Culture & Events (lead), Parks & Open Spaces
Positions: Heart of the City, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board, Waterfront Auckland Liaison
Committees: Finance and Grants, Central Facility Partnerships (chair)
(a) That the Chair’s Report be received.
(b) That the Waitemata Local Board consider its position on any matter raised within this report.
Activities undertaken from 1 March to 31 May 2015
This report covers activities undertaken during the period from Monday 1 March to Sunday 31 May 2015.
Highlighted activities, projects and issues
There are some specific activities, projects and issues that I wish to highlight; some for board members’ interest and as appropriate, some for decision.
1 Introduction
The Board has experienced an extraordinarily busy 3 months, with ANZAC day events, the Ports debate continuing and the Long Term Plan (10-Year Budget) dominating all, including the development of the Board’s Local Board Agreement and budget. During this period, Board members also continued to progress Local Board Plan priorities and current and proposed Local Board Agreement local projects and community concerns in their respective portfolio areas, LIPs proposals, residents, business association and community advocacy, providing input to regional policies, plans and strategies in workshops and briefings, providing input into resource and landowner consent matters, and responding to constituent and media enquiries.
2 Shared Governance Engagement
2.1 Engagement with Mayor/Governing Body
Engagements with the Mayor/Governing Body this period have included:
· Chair presented at Parks, Recreation and Sports Committee, Albert St, 12 May 2015 re Sportsfields fees.
· Chair at Budget Committee Workshop on LTP, Town Hall, 24-25 April 2015
· Board presentation to Budget Committee on LTP, Town Hall, 28 April 2015
· Chair as member of the Representation Review Working Party, Albert St, 5 May 2015
· Joint Governing Body and Local Board Chairs meeting, Town Hall, 27 May 2015 to discuss the proposed Long Term Plan.
3 Board Strategies, Policy and Planning Update
3.1 Local Board Chairs’ Forum
The regular Local Board Chairs’ Forum is held on the third Monday of every month. All Board members receive the agenda and the action points from the previous meeting when Chairs receive this information.
3.2 Council’s Long Term Plan 2015-25 (10-Year Budget )
Auckland Council's10-year budget, also known as the long-term plan (LTP) 2015-25 is nearly complete.
All councils are required by law to set a 10-year budget and review it every three years. The previous long-term plan 2012-2022 was largely based on inherited budgets and projects from the former eight councils.
Auckland Council aimed to create a long-term plan that achieves balance between the right level of investment in our city’s future and keeping debt and rates fair and affordable for all Aucklanders.
The three main regional topics of discussion are: transport, housing and rates.
All Aucklanders were encouraged to have their say on the 10-year budget. This commenced Friday 23 January and continued until 16 March 2015.
Our vision for Waitematā is to foster vibrant, connected, healthy and thriving communities. Our priorities continue to focus on preserving our character areas, protecting heritage and enhancing our natural environment. We strive for an outstanding public transport system and a people-focused city centre that is easy and safe to walk and cycle around. Through the consultation process on the Waitematā Local Board Plan 2014, you told us that the key priorities for Waitematā are to improve and increase public transport options, pedestrian and cycling connections; reinforce local character and ensure quality design that embraces heritage and enhancement of local centres and neighourhoods; protect and enhance the natural environment; provide affordable cultural and community activities and events and increase provision of informal recreation. From these priorities, we developed initiatives for the next three years in our local board plan.
What we propose to do
To keep rates affordable, we needed to plan sensibly for the future. The following key proposals have been prioritised for funding in the Long-term Plan 2015-2025:
· redevelop Pioneer Women’s and Ellen Melville Hall as a city centre community hub ($3.6m)
· fund a performance and temporary art installation series ($100k)
· fund local events such as Art in the Dark, Grey Lynn Festival, Festival Italiano and Parnell Festival of Roses ($120k)
· complete the Weona Coastal Walkway ($1.4m)
· initiate the Newmarket Laneways project ($500k).
2016 – 2025
· fund a restoration and ecological project at Waipapa Stream ($64k)
· complete the development of Newmarket Laneways ($3.5m)
· fund local events, art and culture programmes (approximately $280k per annum)
· complete the Western Springs Native Bush Restoration Plan ($150k).
Other proposals
We wanted to make you aware of some governing body proposals that will impact on Waitematā and hear from you on projects we should be advocating for that are currently unfunded.
Governing body proposals
· introduce a city centre residential targeted rate of $57.50 per year on each city centre residence. This will contribute an additional $800k towards developing and upgrading amenity in the city centre
· develop a regional Greenways Network Plan to provide safe and high amenity walking and cycling connections
· the Auckland wide proposal to reduce and standardise library opening hours which would result in reducing opening hours each week by three hours at Parnell Library, seven hours at Grey Lynn Library, three hours at Leys Institute and five hours at the Central City Library.
Local board advocacy for unfunded projects
· prioritise sand-carpeting the Auckland Domain sports fields from the sports field and local park programme budget
· complete the Auckland Cycling Network by 2030 to meet the Auckland Plan target
· create a wetland in Western Park to mitigate damage from storms
· develop a Parnell Rail Station.
Final Steps
The local board presented its priority projects to the Governing Body Budget Committee, and met with the Governing Body in Workshop to discuss the LTP. The Governing Body Budget Committee made its direction setting decisions in May and the LTP is to be finalised in June.
I have written about the outcomes in this month’s Ponsonby News.
The Board is due to consider its Local Board Agreement that results from the various decisions made at its June business meeting.
3.3 Alcohol Ban Reviews
The Board working people met in February to consider the evidence available and identified a number of areas for the current alcohol ban to lapse based on the new evidence based requirements of the legislation. A poor level of evidence was received and it was agreed to go out to a wider consultation and hearing process at its May business meeting. On 19th June a public notice will notify the consultation process and hearings will follow in August. A decision report will be taken to the Board’s September business meeting.
3.4 BID Policy Review and BID service delivery review
The Governing Body Budget Committee agreed the Differential services needs based model be implemented and no administration fee be charged to the BIDs.
4 Project Updates
4.1 Parnell Train Station
Three public information
sessions are planned at the Parnell Community Centre from 6.30 – 7.30pm on the
following Thursdays:
· 4 June
· 2 July
· 6 August
Auckland Transport is continuing to work with Council Parks on access options through the Domain to Carlaw Park.
Our priority - Secure the future protection of the historic linkage between Parnell Village and the Domain and the Greenways Route alongside Waipapa Stream.
ACPL have also stated an interest in acquiring the site at a realistic price for the purposes of a residential or mostly residential development. This will be dependent on the market value reached. If the property is sold to a private developer it is proposed to use the Public Works Act to secure the accessways. It has been confirmed that the current agreement which is in place between Kiwi Rail and Auckland Council has been notified to potential buyers. This however does not include the Greenways Route.
4.2 Greenways Regional Fund
A report is being prepared for the Parks, Sport and Recreation Committee. The report looks at what budgets are available to support Greenways across the region and a proposed structure to support this. The report will be considered by Chairs and Portfolio leads before it is taken to the Committee meeting.
The next round of the Urban Cycleway Programme will be known mid-June. A workshop has been arranged in July with the Board to undertake a stocktake on the current developments of the Waitemata Greenways Plan and future planned projects.
4.3 Auckland Domain Sandcarpeting
Funding for the sandcarpeting of the Auckland Domain has been identified in the LTP. $75,000 in 2015/16 has been allocated for initial consenting with a further $115,000 in FY18-19 for final amendments to the design, consenting and any hearings and $3m in FY19/20 for the works. We continue to query why the project has been pushed out for delivery in FY19/20.
4.4 254 Ponsonby Road
The Board has adopted a community-led partnership approach to progressing this project. Officers are meeting with the agreed residents groups and Ponsonby Business Association before a small interim group is then formed in June. It is intended that the role of the group will be to undertake further analysis of the consultation and organise a kick start event in August/September 2015. This will then lead to the development of a steering group that may include a Board member.
4.5 Auckland Cycle Network
ACN will be going out for public consultation before the end of this year however as the majority of the new investment is within the Waitemata AT are particularly interested in hearing the Board’s feedback early in the development of the revised ACN. The final ACN will be adopted with the refresh of the ITP.
4.6 Good Citizens Awards
The selection panel met on the 28th May to agree the awards from the many nominations received. A ceremony will be taking place in the Auckland Town Hall on the 17th June.
4.7 Newmarket Laneways
Consultation on the draft Newmarket Laneways Plan commenced on the 18th May and is now to conclude on 21st June 2015, due to a small delay in commencing.
A full day open day was undertaken at Station Square on 27th May and a further open day will be held on the 6th June at Osborne Street (3 hour session). Officers are working with the Newmarket Business Association who are supporting the consultation and a stakeholder workshop will be held on the 11th June to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to ask any questions prior to their feedback.
4.8 Parnell BID Expansion
A huge vote of congratulations to the Parnell Inc team, and Parnell business generally.
The results of the expansion ballot when voting closed on 19 May 2015 was that 52.3% (297) of eligible voters had returned their vote. Of those who voted, 75.8% (223) voted yes to the question. 24.58% (73) voted no. The return rate of 52.3% is a BID record and a great achievement for the Parnell BID programme. We have an agenda item this month to approve the new BID targeted rate for the expanded BID area.
4.9 Pt Erin Overnight Parking
The enforcement campaign commenced at Pt Erin carpark in April. It has had an excellent result in removing campers from the site at night. The Board agreed to allocate $5,995 for the installation of a double gate and signage. The gate has been made by the contractors and is waiting to be galvanised. It is anticipated that it will be installed by the end of June. The successful campaign at Pt Erin has however resulted in the movement of some of the campers to Cox’s Bay. A meeting was held in May with parks officers, community safety (homelessness) lead and the Community Portfolio and Parks Leads to look at what approach the Local Board can play and link into the services provided by City Mission.
4.10 Parnell Baths Centenary Book
Sue Monk and Joanna Boileau of Parnell Heritage were to launch the Waitemata Local Board funded Parnell Baths Centenary book at a function at Jubilee Hall on 4th June 2015.
5 Portfolio Updates
Arts, Culture & Events
5.1 Events
· Events sub-Portfolio – Auckland Council monthly meeting last met 20 May 2015.
· Events sub-Portfolio – ATEED bi-monthly meeting last met on 23 April 2015
5.1.1 Events Consultation
The Waitemata Local Board based events that Council Events or ATEED have consulted the local board on, for events occurring since May, are attached and marked as Attachment A.
5.2 Arts & Culture
The Arts & Culture sub-Portfolio monthly meeting last met 20 May 2015.
5.2.1 POP Programme
The POP programme is underway with a series of POP word displays, POP Plinths, POP Percussion and Ping Pong tables. The POP programme has recently been much featured in print media, as was also was recently featured on a Campbell Live profile on the night it was announced the show was to come to an end, so to a very large audience. The Board chair faced a first; being interviewed live on camera whilst playing Ping Pong.
Auckland Transport have contacted the Arts Team as the possible use of the plinths at the corner of Scotland Street, Freemans Bay to activate the corner. The plinths were to be installed on 2nd of June until the 6th of July. It has also been identified that there is a lack of installations in the Parnell area. At the request of the Board Chair the Arts team are exploring possible sites with the Arts Portfolio for the Ping Pong project to be located in Parnell, probably Heard Park.
5.3 Parks & Open Spaces
The Parks & Open Space Portfolio last met 21 May 2015.
5.3.1 Myers Park – stage II development
The Auckland City Centre Advisory Board approved a budget of $3.3m in November 2014 for Myers Park Stage II development, including $1m for a Poynton Tce upgrade. This funding was based on high-level and indicative project budget estimates. Following further project costing and detailed design, a budget shortfall of $1.25m has been identified. The project team reported the budget shortfall to the May 15 business meeting of the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board. The report sought additional funding of $1.25m bringing the total budget to $4.55m. The report also recommended the removal of Poynton Terrace work (pedestrian link from Pitt St via Poynton Terrace to Myers Park) from the scope of the project due to construction schedule of the adjacent private development at 26 Poynton Terrace. This will be proceeded with at a later date with new targeted rate funding. In addition, at the recommendation of the Board chair the report recommended adding the splash pad element to stage II as it was already designed and fully consented. The Auckland City Centre Advisory Board approved the recommendations.
Stage II is now a fully funded project and under active development. This is a very pleasing result for this Board.
5.3.2 Fukuoka Friendship Garden, Western Springs
The future operational costs of the garden were assessed when seeking council and local board support for the new garden site. It was estimated these would be in the order of $75,000 per annum, based on vegetation and pond management (including the bonsai), rubbish collection and security costs. When the garden was located within the zoo it required an average of 20 hours’ work per week, involving both regular weekly maintenance and more intensive programmed seasonal work. It is suggested if the garden is free and more accessible to the public it will likely experience greater use, harder wear and tear and possible higher incidences of vandalism that will result in higher maintenance costs.
It is anticipated that the current consequential opex provided for in the LTP would not be sufficient to meet the service levels for some of the garden’s components. Zoo Operations manager has consistently implied that the Zoo can and will pick up ongoing maintenance of the new garden. We await confirmation of this.
5.3.3 Western Park Development Plan
Consultation on the development plan closed on 15 May. Extension was given to Freeman’s Park Body Corp and Freeman’s Bay Residents Association to allow them additional time to consider the findings of the Freemans Park Flood Mitigation Options report prepared by the Stormwater Unit.
A community meeting is being organised to discuss summary of consultation feedback with key stakeholders.
5.3.4 Grey Lynn Park and Point Resolution development plans
The Grey Lynn Park and Pt Resolutions development plans were both approved by the Board at their April 2015 business meeting. At that point there is no new capex budget allocated for implementation of the development plans recommendations, other than renewals budgets. However, the LTP proposes a budget of $10m capex for local boards. Allocations per board are yet to be determined. The Board will be able to use some of this budget to implement some elements of the development plans recommendations.
5.3.5 Tole and Salisbury Reserve Playground upgrades
Both these renewal project a under way, and due for completion in June or shortly thereafter.
5.4 Auckland City Centre Advisory Board
The Board last met on 27 May 2015.
Attached and marked as Attachment B is the May 2015 Progress Update Report.
Attached and marked as Attachment C is City Centre Cycleway Report.
6 In the Press Update
Some of the activities from the last report of local Board activities were as follows:
6.1 Community Leadership
· The Hobson, April and May editions – Chair/Board’s monthly report.
Copies are attached and marked as Attachment D.
· Ponsonby News, April, May and June 2015 editions – “Chair’s Waitemata Local Board Report”. Chair, Board, monthly reports.
Copies are attached and marked as Attachment E.
7 Meetings/Events
In addition to responsibilities in constituency work and community engagement, and any matters noted above, I have undertaken the following Portfolio or Board Chair responsibilities:
7.1 Community & Civic Leadership:
· BIDS Workshop, 3 March 2015
· Waitemata Have Your Say Event: LTP Consultation, Town Hall, 4 March 2015
· Franklin Road Residents briefing – AT, Auckland Girls Grammar, 9 March 2015
· Local Board's presentation on 10 year-budget to Grafton Residents Association, Grafton Hall, 9 March 2015
· RLTP Presentation to Auckland Transport, Mercure Hotel, 10 March 2015
· Waitemata Local Board Business Meeting, Parnell, 10 March 2015
· Poynton Tce - Espano Building Owners Committee, 11 March 2015
· LTP event with Grey Lynn and Arch Hill Residents Associations, 11 March 2015
· Friends of Symonds Street Cemetery monthly meeting, 16 March 2015
· Meeting with Grey Lynn Business Assn, Surrey Hotel, Great North Rd, Grey Lynn, re safety and bus stop improvements, 9 April 2015
· Open day consultation on Western Park Development Plan, 11 April 2015
· Central Facility Partnerships Committee Meeting, 13 April 2015
· Waitemata Local Board Business Meeting, Grey Lynn, 14 April 2015
· Waitemata Local Board Extraordinary Meeting, 21 April 2015
· Representation Review Working Party, Albert St, 5 May 2015
· Presented at Parks, Recreation and Sports Committee, Albert St, 12 May 2015 re Sportsfields fees.
· Waitemata Local Board Business Meeting, 12 May 2015
· Good Citizen Awards 2015 meeting, Waitemata Local Board, 18 May 2015
· Campbell Live Interview, Aotea Square, 21 May 2015
· Budget Committee Workshop, LTP, Town Hall, 24-25 April 2015
· Presentation to Budget Committee on LTP, Town Hall, 28 April 2015
· Local Board Chairs Forum meeting, Albert St, 25 May 2015
· Good Citizen Awards selection panel meeting, 28 May 2015
7.2 Board Leadership
· Weekly update with Relationship Manager, 2 March 2015
· Engagement catch up, 2 March 2015
· LTP transport proposals, Aotea Centre, 2 March 2015
· Waitemata Local Board Workshop - briefing on HYS, 3 March 2015
· Parks Portfolio Monthly Meeting, 5 March 2015
· RLTP Feedback, 5 March 2015
· Weekly catch up with Relationship Manager, 16 March 2015
· Central Community Recycling Committee, Albert-Eden Local Board Office, 135 Dominion Road, Mt Eden, 19 March 2015
· Events Portfolio - AC - monthly meeting, 18 March 2015
· Events Portfolio - ATEED - bi- monthly meeting, 18 March 2015
· Facility Partnership Funds Meeting, 18 March 2015
· Auckland Domain Master Plan panel meeting, Town Hall, 5 March 2015
· HBDI Test, 5 March 2015
· Weekly update with Relationship Manager, 9 March 2015
· Central Facility Partnership Committee Workshop, 9 March 2015
· Community Grants Template, 10 March 2015
· Finance Committee & LIPs Portfolio Meeting, 11 March 2015
· Waitemata Local Board Workshop, 12 March 2015
· Chairs catchup, Tuihana Café, 114 Dominion Road, Mt Eden, 16 March 2015
· Waitemata Local Board Workshop, 17 March 2015
· Newton Plan Update Session, 19 March 2015
· Empowered Communities approach discussion, 20 March 2015
· Meeting with Tim Watts to discuss Lower Queen St, 23 March 2015
· Engagement catchup, 23 March 2015
· Weekly update with Relationship Manager, 23 March 2015
· Update with Senior Advisor, 23 March 2015
· Local Board Chairs’ Forum, 135 Albert St, 23 March 2015
· Community Grants Policy - Local Schedule, 35 Graham St, 24 March 2015
· Waitemata Local Board Workshop, 24 March 2015
· Meeting with Communications Advisor, 35 Graham St, 25 March 2015
· Arts & Culture Portfolio Meeting, 35 Graham St, 25 March 2015
· CENTRAL Cluster - ATEED Engagement briefing for Local Board Members, Town Hall, 26 March 2015
· K Road BA Meeting with City Transformation, 26 March 2015
· LB Chairs’ briefing on empowering communities, Town Hall, 30 March 2015
· Meeting with Paul Robinson, ATEED to discuss BIDs review process
· LB Chairs only discussion on resource consent, Town Hall, 30 March 2015
· Waitemata Local Board Workshop, 31 March 2015
· Weekly update with Relationship Manager and Senior Advisor, 31 March 2015
· Discussion on proposals for the Economic pilot study LB engagement plan, 1 April 2015
· Grants Committee meeting, Waitemata LB, 1 April 2015
· Central Cluster LPTED briefing for LB members, Albert St, 1 April 2015
· Follow up meeting with Deputy Mayor Hulse, Albert St, 1 April 2015
· Parks Portfolio monthly meeting, 2 April 2015
· Waitemata Local Board Workshop, 7 April 2015
· Weekly update with Relationship Manager, 7 April 2015
· Joint Transport Parks Portfolio meeting, 9 April 2015
· Central Facilities Partnerships Committee Briefing, 13 April 2015
· Weekly update with Relationship Manager, 13 April 2015
· St James Theatre - discussion on Local Alcohol Policy, 14 April 2015
· LTP final feedback, 14 April 2015
· Waitemata Good Citizens' Award meeting, 15 April 2015
· Briefing to discuss Michael Parokowhai work, 15 April 2015
· Waitemata Local Board Workshop, 16 April 2015
· LB Chairs Procurement Working Group, Albert St, 17 April 2015
· Empowered communities approach workshop, 20 April 2015
· Local Board Chairs only LTP discussion, 20 April 2015
· Local Board Chairs forum meeting, 20 April 2015
· Waitemata Local Board Workshop, 21 April 2015
· Weekly update with Relationship Manager, 23 April 2015
· Chair’s Briefing on LTP issues, 23 April 2015
· Waitemata Local Board ATEED Bi-Monthly Briefing, 23 April 2015
· LGNZ, Local government reputation workshop, 23 April 2015
· Follow up Finance Committee meeting, 28 April 2015
· Budget Committee Workshop, LTP, 29 April 2015
· Newmarket Laneways Meeting, 29 April 2015
· Future museum master plan meeting, 29 April 2015
· Waitemata Local Board Workshop, 30 April 2015
· 254 Ponsonby Road meeting, 30 April 2015
· Pasifika Festival Update, 4 May 2015
· Engagement Catch up, 4 May 2015
· Local Board Chair’s Empowered Communities discussion, 4 May 2015
· May agenda run-through, Waitemata Local Board, 4 May 2015
· Pasifika Festival Update, Waitemata Local Board, 4 May 2015
· Engagement catch up, Waitemata Local Board, 4 May 2015
· Local Board Chairs Empowered Communities Discussion, Albert St, 4 May 2015
· May Agenda Run-Through, Waitemata Local Board, 4 May 2015
· Waitemata Local Board workshop, 5 May 2015
· Media update, Waitemata Local Board, 5 May 2015
· Auckland Stormwater Network Discharge, Waitemata Local Board, 6 May 2015
· Meeting with Freemans Bay Association, Waitemata Local Board, 6 May 2015
· Parks portfolio meeting, Waitemata Local Board, 7 May 2015
· Briefing Special Housing Areas Tranche, Waitemata Local Board, 7 May 2015
· Weekly update with Relationship Manager, 11 May 2015
· QEII Square meeting, Waitemata Local Board, 12 May 2015
· Cox’s Bay freedom camping discussion, Waitemata Local Board, 12 May 2015
· Meeting with Western Springs Association Football Club, Waitemata Local Board, 13 May 2015
· Waitemata Local Board workshop, 14 May 2015
· I POP Foolery Local Board Visit, Grey Lynn Shops, 16 May 2015
· Interview ATEED on what makes Auckland unique on a global Level, 18 May 2015
· Local Board Chair’s discussion, Albert St, 18 May 2015
· Waitemata Local Board workshop, 19 May 2015
· Media meeting with Cathy McIntosh, 19 May 2015
· 254 Ponsonby Rd, Community Empowered Approach Next Steps, 19 May 2015
· Pre-meeting briefing Auckland Domain Committee, Albert St, 20 May 2015
· Events Portfolio monthly meeting, Waitemata Local Board, 20 May 2015
· Weekly update with Relationship Manager, 20 May 2015
· Arts and Culture Portfolio monthly meeting, 20 May 2015
· Franklin Road Safety Audit Outcome, 20 May 2015
· Parks portfolio monthly meeting, Waitemata Local Board, 21 May 2015
· Empowered Communities Approach, Albert St, 25 May 2015
· Visit to 52 Swanson St Office, 25 May 2015
· Waitemata Local Board workshop, 26 May 2015
· Pre 1944 Survey work update, 26 May 2015
· Weekly update with Relationship Manager, Waitemata Local Board, 27 May 2015
· Joint Governing Body and Local Board Chairs meeting, Town Hall, 27 May 2015
· Finance committee & LIPs Portfolio meeting, Waitemata Local Board, 28 May 2015
· Myers Park Kindergarten meeting, Bledisloe Building, 28 May 2015
7.3 Events, including Civic
· Best of the Best Westpac Business Awards, Langham, 3 March 2015
· I am, ASB Theatre, 5 March 2015
· Fela! The Concert, The Civic, 19 March 2015
· Cricket World Cup, VIP Hospitality, Auckland Cricket - South Africa V Pakistan, Eden Park, 7 March 2015
· Basement Patron's Fundraiser Event & Schools Programme Launch - Basement, 12 March 2015
· Auckland Writers Festival Programme Launch Function, Art Gallery, 17 March 2015
· Cricket World Cup Semi Final, Eden Park, 24 March 2015
· Welcome the Black Caps Home, The Cloud, 31 March 2015
· ANZAC Dawn Parade Ceremony, War Memorial Museum, 25 April 2015
· Speaker at Grey Lynn RSC ANZAC Parade and Ceremony, Grey Lynn RSC, 25 April 2015.
Attached and marked as Attachment F is the Chair’s ANZAC address.
· Opening of Newmarket Campus, 13 May 2015
· Led Citizenship Ceremony, Town Hall, 26 May 2015
· NZ Listener Gala Night, Auckland Writers Festival, Aotea Centre, 14 May 2015
· Fifa U-20 World Cup 2015, Welcome to NZ team, Aotea Square, 26 May 2915
8.4 City Centre Economic Development
(Heart of the City & Auckland City Centre Advisory Board)
· Heart of the City Board Meeting, 11 March 2015
· Heart of the City dinner with CEO candidate, 25 March 2015
· Auckland city Centre Advisory Board, Earl Gray’s farewell, 135 Albert St, 25 March 2015
· Heart of the City Board meeting, 26 March 2015
· Auckland City Centre Advisory Board workshop re: Central Wharves strategy, 135 Albert St, 25 March 2015
· Auckland City Centre Advisory Board meeting, 135 Albert St, 25 March 2015
· Heart of the City Board meeting to discuss prospective CEO, Heart of the City, 31 March 2015
· City Centre catch up, City Centre integration office, 1 April 2015
· HOTCITY Committee Meeting, 15 April 2015
· Auckland City Centre Advisory Board meeting, 22 April 2015
· Heart of the City Committee Meeting, Lorne St, 13 May 2015
· Auckland City Centre Advisory Board meeting, Albert St, 27 May 2015
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Council/ATEED events have consulted on for events occurring from May 2015 |
151 |
bView |
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board May Projects Report |
153 |
cView |
Auckland City Centre Advisor Board May Cycleway Report |
161 |
dView |
The Hobson, Chair's Local Board Column April 2015 |
169 |
eView |
The Hobson, Chair's Local Board Column May 2015 |
171 |
fView |
Ponsonby News, Chair's Waitemata Local Board Report April 2015 |
173 |
gView |
Ponsonby News Chair's Waitemata Local Board Report May 2015 |
175 |
hView |
Ponsonby News Chair's Waitemata Local Board Report June 2015 |
177 |
iView |
Chair's Grey Lynn RSC ANZAC Day Address |
179 |
Author |
Shale Chambers, Chair, Waitemata Local Board |
09 June 2015 |
File No.: CP2015/10122
Executive summary
This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities during May 2015 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, Chair of the Grants Committee, Deputy Chair of the Central Joint Funding Committee and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association Board and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee and Board liaison for the Parnell Community Centre.
That the Deputy Chairperson’s Report be received.
Community- led development: 254 Ponsonby Road
At Auckland Council we have been talking a lot about community-led development and empowered communities over the last 4 years (I reported in April on the empowering communities approach currently underway) . We’ve been introduced to the concepts through excellent visiting speakers such as Milenko Matanovic and Jim Diers. We have a community-led development champions group convened by Roger Blakely, Chief Planner of which I am a member. We have many community groups participating in shaping local services and placemaking but we don’t have many positive examples of Council putting community-led development into practice.
I am therefore really thrilled about the approach the Board has decided to take in response to the feedback on the development of 254 Ponsonby Road.
At the April business meeting we agreed that the Waitematā Local Board:
i) Notes the feedback on the three concept plan options for 254 Ponsonby Road that were subject to public consultation from September to December 2014.
ii) Further notes that subsequent to the start of the consultation period that budget for the delivery of any of the three concept plan options is no longer available.
iii) Further notes the majority of submitters support option 3 providing for full use of the site as open space.
iv) Agrees to include an advocacy position to the Governing Body seeking a capex budget to develop the site consistent with option 3.
v) Agrees to build on the consultation feedback to work in partnership with the community to develop a solution within the available resources for 254 Ponsonby Road.
vi) Agrees to reallocate $10,000 from the Heritage Planning budget 2014/2015 to support the community partnership approach to developing a solution.
vii) Requests clarification from ACPL on whether the amendment to the Council’s Revenue and Financing Policy, which now allows for sales proceeds resulting from optimisation of service property assets to be reinvested into eligible local projects, applies to 254 Ponsonby Road that was purchased to provide civic space for future generations.
viii) Agrees that submitters to the consultation on the three concept plan options are provided a summary of the feedback received.
Work has since got underway by Council officers to develop the steps involved in the process. It is going to be challenge to all involved to attempt a new model for delivering an outcome that is widely supported by the community but hopefully “254 Ponsonby Road” ends up being an exemplar for an empowered community development project.
Community funding
For the last four years I have been a member of the Central Joint Funding Committee made up of representatives from the Local Boards in the old Auckland City Council area. The Committee has continued to distribute legacy ACC grants (Accommodation Support Fund, Community Group Assistance Fund, Auckland City Cultural Heritage Fund) totalling approx. $1.2m. The final committee meeting was in April and the Governing Body has decided that from 1 July these grants, and all other legacy grants from the across the region will no longer exist.
The Auckland -wide community grant budget of $3,249,441 has been allocated equally to all 21 local Boards. Unfortunately this means a big drop in the funding available for community groups that are based in Waitematā but provide a regional service (eg Youthline).
Starting with the next round of funding (due to open in August) community groups will be directed to apply to Local Board community funding. As Waitematā Local Board grants are for a maximum of $6k (rather than $25k under the legacy central grants) there is inevitably going to be a difficult transition period for community groups who are likely to see a big decrease in funding available from Council.
At the community development portfolio meeting in May we asked that the fact that there are new arrangements and that there will be a major impact on organisations should be clearly communicated in advertising for the community funding workshops coming up (to be held on 10 June for Waitemata groups).
Portfolio Report: Transport
Ponsonby Road resurfacing
The Transport portfolio has consistently challenged Auckland Transport to consider every renewal or maintenance project in terms of what can be achieved to maximize the transport budget to provide for all transport modes (this was reflected in our feedback on the RLTP). For example maintenance projects provide an opportunity for arterials to be relooked at with new layouts that include bus lanes and cycle lanes, remove cycle pinch points and add better pedestrian crossings.
Ponsonby Road was scheduled by AT to be resurfaced in May on a like for like basis. The good news is that following Local Board advocacy and input from stakeholders, Auckland Transport has agreed to make minor but critical safety improvements when the surface is re-marked (the remarking will take place once the new surface has sufficiently hardened).
Auckland Transport’s Parking Strategy
On 27 May Auckland Transport briefed Local Boards, key stakeholders and the media on the new parking strategy that has been adopted which will mean a consistent approach for the first time for parking across the region. The strategy was developed following public consultation with AT receiving 5,500 submissions. A quarter of submissions were about the overall management of demand parking, 18% were about parking on residential streets and on park and rides and 11% were about parking on arterial roads. Half the submissions came from central Auckland or from City Centre fringe suburbs such as Parnell, Ponsonby and Newton.
The document allows for a case by case approach to parking taking into account local issues and the views of local boards and the community. As advocated by the Board, consultation with the community will continue as parking measures are introduced.
Adoption of the strategy
means that Auckland Transport can now move forward on implementing critically
needed residential parking zones for central suburbs based on the successful St
Marys Bay trial. Auckland Transport has met with the Board and Freemans Bay
Residents Association to discuss details of the Freemans Bay scheme which will
be consulted on in June.
Inner city network meeting – Transport
I facilitated the May inner city network stakeholders meeting on the theme of transport hosted at GridAKL on 28 May with presentations from Priscilla Steel on Auckland Transport’s work programme; Carol Greensmith AT’s Communications Manager on the City Rail Link; Kathryn King, AT’s Cycling/Walking manager and Ellie Craft on Generation Zero’s transport campaigns.
Transport is seen as a priority for the network stakeholders so the presentations were well received.
Workshops and meetings
During May I attended:
· The Albert-Eden Community Development Portfolio team hosted meeting on 1 May of the central boards’ Community Development portfolio leads to share ideas and issues, and opportunities for collaboration and professional development.
· Volunteer Centre Network of Aotearoa National Hui opening with the Deputy Mayor and Lee Corrick from Albert-Eden Local Board on 4 May
· Waitematā Local Board workshop on 5 May
· Communications update with the Local Board communications advisor
· Briefing discussion on kindergarten multi-premises lease on 6 May
· Meeting Freemans Bay Residents' Association and Auckland Transport to discuss progress on implementing the residents parking zone
· Meeting to discuss the urban cycleways programme with Kathryn King (AT’s walking and cycling manager) and the Mayor’s office
· Presentation by Sarah Clark Director of Office of Senior Citizens and Blair McCarthy on the Positive Ageing Strategy hosted by Joan Lardner-Rivlin on 12 May
· Meeting to discuss freedom camping in local parks and Council’s strategy
· Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 12 May
· Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 13 May
· Catch up with the NBA’s General Manager
· Waitematā Local Board workshop on 14 May
· Urban Cycleway Investment panel all day meeting in Auckland on 15 May (this was the final meeting of the panel)
· Waitematā Local Board workshop on 19 May
· Communications update with the Local Board communications advisor on 19 May
· 254 Ponsonby Road - Community Empowered Approach Next Steps discussion on 19 May
· ATEED economic development update meeting with the Board on 20 May
· Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 20 May
· Attended the Governing Body Finance and Performance Committee meeting on 21 May when the accelerated transport programme funded by a transport level was discussed and approved.
· Community Place-making champions group meeting on 25 May
· Follow up meeting regarding Waima Street issues organised by Arch Hill residents with representatives of Auckland Council, NZ Police, and Newton School.
· Presentation of the preliminary results of the Auckland’s Public Life Survey, in collaboration with Gehl Architects
· Site visit to new local board offices on Swanson street
· Waitematā Local Board workshop on 26 May
· Auckland Transport’s presentation of final approved Parking Strategy for Local Boards on 27 May
· Community development portfolio monthly meeting on 27 May
· Inner City Network meeting on Transport hosted at GridAKL
· Good Citizen Awards selection panel meeting on 28 May
Events and functions
During May I attended:
· Lisa Reihana In Pursuit of Venus [infected] opening at the Auckland Art Gallery on 1 May
· TEDx Auckland on 2 May
· The
Dolls House at the Maidment on 2 May at the invitation of Auckland Theatre
Company on 2 May
· Save our Harbour protest on 3 May
· Art Ache at Golden Dawn
· First Thursdays on K’rd on 7 May
· Sugar Tree apartments stage 1 opening at La Zeppa
· Associates breakfast – urban design, cycling and transport discussion on 7 May at the Auckland Art Gallery
· Frocks on Bikes mothers day bike ride
· GridAKL Foundation Partner announcement at the Lysaght building hosted by ATEED
· Opening of University of Auckland’s Newmarket campus on 13 May
· GLBA monthly drinks on 14 May
· Auckland Writers Festival Designing Auckland panel discussion on 16 May
· Auckland Women's Centre Charity Art Auction preview hosted by Hair Works on 16 May
· Fairtrade morning tea hosted by All Good Bananas in support of Oxfam and celebrating 5 years of fairtrade bananas
· Bike Rave on 22 May (photo with members Tava and Dempsey)
· Future of Transport meeting hosted by the Auckland Labour Isthmus hub on 23 May (see Attachment A)
· Citizenship ceremony at the Town Hall on 26 May
· Taku Tamaki: Auckland Stories opening at the Auckland Museum on 28 May
· Attended a two day Wānanga Reo at AUT over Queens Birthday weekend to further my understanding of te reo Maori
Photos: In my report I’ve included photos of the Waitematā Local Board funded Pop programme. I’ve particularly enjoyed seeing the Pop ping pong tables in action at Aotea Square.
Gifts declared:
Tickets x2 |
Auckland Theatre Company tickets to opening night productions |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
A progressive transport agenda - my presentation to Auckland Labour Isthmus |
187 |
Author |
Pippa Coom, Deputy Chair |
09 June 2015 |
File No.: CP2015/10146
Executive Summary
1. Providing Board members with an opportunity to update the local board on the projects and issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.
That the Waitemata Local Board: Receives Board Members’ written and verbal reports. |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Member Vernon Tava - Report |
193 |
bView |
Member Deborah Yates - Report |
199 |
cView |
Member Rob Thomas - Report |
205 |
09 June 2015 |
Waitemata Local Board Workshop Notes
File No.: CP2015/10612
1. The purpose of this report is to present the Waitematā Local Board workshop notes to the board. Attached are copies of the proceeding notes taken from the workshops held on:
· 5 May 2015
· 14 May 2015
· 19 May 2015
· 26 May 2015
That the Waitematā Local Board: a) Receive the workshop proceeding notes for the meetings held on 5, 14, 19 and 26 May 2015
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
5 May Workshop Proceeding Notes |
219 |
bView |
14 May Workshop Proceeding Notes |
221 |
cView |
19 May Workshop Proceeding Notes |
223 |
dView |
26 May Workshop Proceeding Notes |
225 |
Authors |
Trina Thompson - Senior Local Board Advisor - Waitemata |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
Waitematā Local Board 09 June 2015 |
Workshop Proceedings
Waitemata Local Board
Date of Workshop: Tuesday, 5 May 2015
Time: 9.00 am – 1.00 pm
Venue: Waitemata Local Board Room
Level 2, 35 Graham Street, Auckland
Chairperson: Shale Chambers
Members: Pippa Coom
Rob Thomas
Deborah Yates
Vernon Tava
Apologies: Christopher Dempsey
Greg Moyle
LBS officers: Trina Thompson
Eman Nasser
Judith Webster
Item |
Topic |
Lead officer |
Notes |
1. |
Draft Local Board Agreement |
Trina Thompson (Senior Local Board Advisor) Eman Nasser (Local Board Advisor) |
Officers presented the draft Local Board Agreement for discussion and comment. |
2. |
Auckland Transport Update |
Priscilla Steel (Elected Member Relationship Manager) |
Officers provided an update
on the outcomes of the consultation of the Park Road Bus Priority Project and
discussed a proposed approach to improving the pedestrian experience along
Ponsonby Road. |
3. |
Auckland Council Properties Limited (ACPL) |
Bronwyn Cox (Engagement Advisor)
Marian Webb (Manager Property Asset and Development)
Allan McGreggor |
Officers presented the ACPL quarterly report and provided an opportunity for members to provide comment. |
Trina Thompson – Senior Local Board Advisor, Waitemata
09 June 2015 |
Workshop Proceedings
Waitemata Local Board
Date of Workshop: Thursday, 14 May 2015
Time: 9.00 am – 1.00 pm
Venue: Waitemata Local Board Room
Level 2, 35 Graham Street, Auckland
Chairperson: Shale Chambers
Members: Pippa Coom
Rob Thomas
Deborah Yates
Vernon Tava
Christopher Dempsey
Apologies: Greg Moyle
LBS officers: Trina Thompson
Eman Nasser
Judith Webster
Item |
Topic |
Lead officer |
Notes |
1. |
City Centre Integration |
Oliver Roberts |
A presentation was provided on the City Centre Masterplan review of measures. Members provided comment on the proposed measures. |
2. |
Local Board Agreement |
Trina Thompson (Senior LB Advisor), Judith Webster (Relationship Manager), Eman Nasser (LB Advisor) |
The Board discussed and amended the Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) budget. The LDI budget outlines the key projects over the next three years. |
3. |
Library opening hours and Library Renewal Programme |
Mirla Edmundson Debbie Ashton Rachael Rivera
Officers presented the proposed library hours for the Waitemata libraries following the Budget Committee decision.
Trina Thompson – Senior Local Board Advisor, Waitemata
09 June 2015 |
Workshop Proceedings
Waitemata Local Board
Date of Workshop: Tuesday, 19 May 2015
Time: 9.00 am – 1.00 pm
Venue: Waitemata Local Board Room
Level 2, 35 Graham Street, Auckland
Chairperson: Shale Chambers
Members: Pippa Coom
Rob Thomas
Deborah Yates
Vernon Tava
Christopher Dempsey
Apologies: Greg Moyle
LBS officers: Trina Thompson
Eman Nasser
Judith Webster
Item |
Topic |
Lead officer |
Notes |
1. |
Local Board Agreement |
Trina Thompson (Senior Advisor), Eman Nasser (Local Board Advisor), Audrey Gan (Lead Financial Advisor) |
The Board finalised the draft 2015/16 Local Board Agreement including the advocacy initiatives and Locally Driven Initiatives budget and agreed the proposed approach for the Fees and Charges. |
Trina Thompson – Senior Local Board Advisor, Waitemata
09 June 2015 |
Workshop Proceedings
Waitemata Local Board
Date of Workshop: Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Time: 9.00 am – 1.00 pm
Venue: Waitemata Local Board Room
Level 2, 35 Graham Street, Auckland
Chairperson: Shale Chambers
Members: Pippa Coom
Rob Thomas
Deborah Yates
Vernon Tava
Christopher Dempsey
Apologies: Greg Moyle
LBS officers: Trina Thompson
Eman Nasser
Judith Webster
Item |
Topic |
Lead officer |
Notes |
1. |
Stormwater Options Report |
Matt Foster Phil Jaggard (Stormwater Strategy & Resilience Manager) Lynda Lucas |
Officers presented the Stormwater Options option for Freemans Park |
2. |
Auckland Transport Update |
Priscilla Steel (Elected Members Relationship Manager, Auckland Transport) |
Officers provided an update on the development of simplified zone fares and sought the Boards feedback on the variations proposed to the Regional Public Transport Plan. |
3. |
Aotea Quarter Framework |
Nic Williams (Principal Urban Design) Gavin Flynn (Senior Project Leader) Monique Jones (Urban Design) Tim Watts (Manager – City Centre Design)
Officers provided an update on the feedback received on the project to date. |
Trina Thompson – Senior Local Board Advisor, Waitemata
09 June 2015 |
File No.: CP2015/10147
Executive Summary
1. Providing a list of reports requested and pending for the Waitemata Local Board for business meetings.
That the Waitematā Local Board: a) Recieve the Reports Requested/Pending report.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Reports Requested/Pending June 2015 |
229 |
Authors |
Desiree Tukutama - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |