I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 15 July 2015


Local Board Office
2 Glen Road
Browns Bay


Hibiscus and Bays Local Board









Julia Parfitt, JP


Deputy Chairperson

Greg Sayers



David Cooper



Janet Fitzgerald, JP



Gaye Harding-Kirikiri



Gary Holmes



Lovisa Rasmussen



Lisa Whyte



(Quorum 4 members)




Vivienne Sullivan

Local Board Democracy Advisor


8 July 2015


Contact Telephone: (09) 427 3317

Email: vivienne.sullivan@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
















Local Board Members

Local planning, policy and governance

Relationship with governing body, Chairs meeting, protocols, code of conduct, local area plans, structure plans, Unitary Plan, RUB, plan changes

Julia Parfitt –Chairperson
Greg Sayers - Deputy Chairperson

Arts and culture

Arts centres, art programmes

Greg Sayers – Lead
Julia Parfitt -Alternate


General oversight of events programme
music in parks, movies in parks

Greg Sayers and Julia Parfitt

Community services and facilities

Community development and safety, grants and funding, community facilities, community houses, community leases, Youth Connections

Julia Parfitt –Lead
Janet Fitzgerald - Alternate


Local board Youth Forum, Youth Representative

Lovisa Rasmussen – Lead
Gaye Harding-Kirkiri - Alternate



Lisa Whyte –Lead
Gaye Harding-Kirkiri - Alternate

Recreation services

Pools, multi-sport facilities

Gaye Harding-Kirkiri – Lead
Lisa Whyte - Alternate


Reserve management plans, park usage, leasing on parks, liaison with parks staff on land owner approval

David Cooper –Lead
Julia Parfitt –Alternate
Janet Fitzgerald – Lead
Lovisa Rasmussen - Alternate

Built and natural environment

Heritage, infrastructure (including stormwater, wastewater, water), environmental programmes, conservation and biodiversity, biosecurity, waste minimisation

Janet Fitzgerald – Lead
Julia Parfitt - Alternate

Economic Development

Economic development plans, developing ATEED relationship, broadband

Gary Holmes – Lead
Gaye Harding-Kirkiri -Alternate

Street environment and town centres

Gateways and mainstreet upgrades, Urban design champion

David Cooper and Gary Holmes – Leads
Janet Fitzgerald -Alternate



David Cooper – Lead
Gary Holmes – Alternate
Janet Fitzgerald – Lead
Greg Sayers - Alternate

Regulatory, bylaws and compliance

Bylaw policy feedback

Gaye Harding-Kirkiri -Lead

Julia Parfitt -Alternate

Resource consent applications

Input into notification decisions for resource consent applications

Gary Holmes – Lead
Janet Fitzgerald - Alternate

Communications and engagement

Media, stakeholder and community engagement including iwi relationships, Hibiscus and Bays Youth Voice and YAP

Julia Parfitt – Lead
Lovisa Rasmussen -Alternate


Budget overview, financial prudence and reporting, local board funding policy

Lisa Whyte – Lead
Julia Parfitt - Alternate

Civil defence/ emergency management


David Cooper –Lead
Greg Sayers -Alternate

Urban Design Champion


Gary Holmes – Lead
Janet Fitzgerald - Alternate



1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

8.1     Bays Youth Community Trust                                                                            5

8.2     Community Recycling Centre Hibiscus Coast                                                 6

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  6

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                6

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          7

12        Hibiscus and Bays 2015/2016 Parks Capital Work Programme                               9

13        Western Reserve Skate Park Renewal Project                                                        15

14        CDAC Work Programme 2015/2016                                                                           23

15        Auckland Transport Update to Hibiscus and Bays Local Board, July 2015        33

16        New Road Name – Maraeariki Close, Awaiti Way, Wallis Lane and Crompton Place, Orewa                                                                                                                                       45

17        Change Road Name – Makenzie Terrace to Maka Terrace,Orewa                        51

18        New Road Name – Te Kauae Rise and Kaipuke Crescent, Gulf Harbour             55

19        New Road Name – Manawanui  Way, Orewa                                                           63

20        New Road Name - Te Awa Place and Loretta Place, Red Beach, Orewa             69

21        Report from Devonport-Takapuna, Kaipatiki, Upper Harbour and ECB Subdivision Local Board Funding subcommittee                                                                                   75

22        Appointment of Local Board Members to Outside Organisations                        87

23        Ward Councillors Update                                                                                           89

24        Local Board Members Reports                                                                                  91

25        Record of Workshop Meetings                                                                                  93  

26        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



1          Welcome



2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 17 June 2015, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


8.1       Bays Youth Community Trust

Executive Summary

1.       Nathan Gilchrist, General Manager, Bays Youth Community Trust will be in attendance to make a presentation to the local board on the Bays Youth Community Trust.



That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      thank Mr Gilchrist for his presentation.




8.2       Community Recycling Centre Hibiscus Coast

Executive Summary

1.       Mrs Betsy Kettle has requested a deputation for herself and Mr Richard Tong to discuss a community recycling centre on the Hibiscus Coast.



That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      thank Mrs Kettle and Mr Tong for their presentation.




9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays 2015/2016 Parks Capital Work Programme


File No.: CP2015/10795




1.       To present the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Parks Capital Works Programme 2015/2016 for endorsement and approval.

Executive Summary

2.       The proposed Hibiscus and Bays annual Parks Capital Work Programme for 2015/2016 has been developed in line with the draft Long-term Plan (LTP) 2015-2025.  Budgets were approved by Auckland Council’s Budget Committee on 8 May 2015 and it was anticipated to be approved by the governing body on 25 June 2015.

3.       The Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Parks Capital Works Programme 2015/2016 includes capital development projects, renewals and Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI). It also includes  projects to be funded through the Sports Field Capacity Development Programme (SFCD), greenway priority funding and development contributions, all of which have been discussed with the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board at workshops on 8 April and 27 May 2015 (Attachment A).

4.       The Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Parks Capital Works Programme 2015/2016 excludes possible local board projects which may be funded through the Local Board Discretionary Capex Fund.  Parks and the local board will identify possible projects to be workshopped and confirmed with the local board at a later date.

5.       The proposed Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Parks Capital Works Programme 2015/2016 presented is based on LTP budget information and excludes deferrals from the financial year 2014/2015.  The Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Parks Capital Works Programme 2015/2016 information provides a strategic approach to enable staff to further scope projects in detail and set priorities, which will be workshopped with the Facilities and Reserves Committee prior to works commencing.

6.       This report seeks flexibility in project scoping by acknowledging that asset conditions are dynamic and subject to change.  It is important that a flexible approach is used for asset renewals to accommodate unforeseen circumstances, effectively deliver the renewals work programme, and mitigate against unforeseen health and safety issues.  Should priorities change from those identified and approved by the local board, Parks will then provide updates on the proposed priority changes to the Facilities and Reserves Committee meetings throughout the 2015/2016 year.



That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      approve the Parks Capital Works Programme 2015/2016 as outlined in Attachment A of this report.

b)      delegate to the Hibiscus and Bays Facilities and Reserves Committee authority to approve the reprioritisation of existing asset renewals, if required, as informed by current condition assessments for the 2015/2016 financial year.

c)      delegate to the Hibiscus and Bays Facilities and Reserves Committee the authority to approve design drawings for renewal and new development projects  in 2015/2016.




7.       The Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Parks Capital Works Programme 2015/2016 has been developed in line with the LTP, which was approved at Auckland Council’s Budget Committee on 8 May 2015, and was anticipated to be ratified by the governing body on 25 June 2015.  Key projects are the Metropark East Sportsfield development, continuation of the development of reserve areas in Long Bay, and significant coastal renewal works.

8.       The proposed  programme is also in alignment with the following strategic documents :

·    The Auckland Plan.

·    The Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Plan.

·    The Sport and Recreation Strategic Action Plan.

·    The Parks and Open Spaces Strategic Action Plan.

9.       The renewals programme is driven by asset conditions and the results of recent survey information.  Assets in the poorest condition are given priority.  Renewals cover several asset groups and include coastal structures, sports fields, playground, public toilet and car park renewals.  Staff attended a workshop with the local board on 8 April 2015 and 27 May 2015, at which a draft renewals work programme for 2015/2016 year was presented.

10.     The condition of park assets is dynamic and subject to factors beyond the Parks department’s control (weather events, vandalism, theft etc.).  Flexibility is therefore recommended to address unforeseen, urgent renewals, in particular where they pose a health and safety risk.

11.     A prioritised list of assets for scoping has been identified and is presented in Attachment A (dated 2 July 2015). The prioritisation is based on the condition of the assets. The information provided is the best information available to date while recognising that as time progresses updated information will be verified as part of asset management best practice.  Should priorities from the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Parks Capital Works Programme 2015/2016 change from those identified and approved by the local board, Parks will then provide updates on the proposed priority changes to the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Parks Capital Works Programme 2015/2016 to the Facilities and Reserves Committee meetings throughout the 2015/2016 year.

12.     A Central Risk Fund has been developed as part of council wide project management protocols for the 2015/2016 financial year.  As a centrally managed contingency fund, it will be used to support capital projects which may be impacted or delayed by unexpected (and financial) un-planned risks occurring.  Five per cent of the project’s budget will be held centrally, in order to mitigate against these unexpected risks.

13.     The local board has indicated that further discussion will be undertaken relating to possible local board projects which may be funded through the Local Board Discretionary Capex Fund.  Parks and the local board will identify projects which will be workshopped and confirmed with the local board at a later date.


Local Board views and implications

14.     It is anticipated that the local board are supportive in principle following workshop on the proposed Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Parks Capital Works Programme 2015/2016.

Māori impact statement

15.     Parks and open spaces contribute to Maori well-being, values, culture and traditions.   Where any aspects of the work programme are anticipated to have an impact on tangata whenua, appropriate engagement and involvement in decision making will follow. The impacts on Maori from each project will be assessed during the consultation phases and reported back to the local board.


16.     Following approval of the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Parks Capital Works Programme 2015/2016, staff will initiate planning and implementation to facilitate delivery within the 2015/2016 financial year.








Hibiscus and Bays Parks Work Programme 2015/2016





Tony  Strange - Parks Advisor Hibiscus and Bays


Ian Maxwell - General Manager Parks, Sports and Recreation

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Western Reserve Skate Park Renewal Project


File No.: CP2015/13600




1.       To present the detailed design for the Western Reserve Skate Park renewal project for approval by the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board.

Executive Summary

2.       The skate park at Western Reserve, Orewa, is at the end of its useful life. Many of the main skate ramps and associated facilities require continuous maintenance, and a number of skate ramp pieces have been removed recently due to health and safety issues.

3.       This project is intended to develop the Western Reserve Skate Park into a multi-use facility that caters for all ages and abilities. The design allows for use by skateboards, scooters and bikes, as well as offering socialising and viewing platform areas that are particularly important to the youth and families. The construction will be mainly concrete to improve the asset life span and reduce maintenance costs into the future.

4.       The initial feasibility, planning and design budget was provided by the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Small Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) funding, with the physical works being funded from the 2015/2016 renewals budget to construct the skate park. 

5.       A steering group was established consisting of stakeholders from the local skating community, two Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Members, and Parks department representation. This steering group has met regularly since November 2014 and has produced the detailed design attached (Attachment A).

6.       A design and construction contract (i.e. design and build) was awarded to Contrax Limited to ensure a high quality asset is produced, using the industry’s most experienced skate park builders to manage the design and construction, and to meet budget requirements.



That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      approve the Western Reserve Skate Park detailed design by Landscapes Contrax Limited (dated 19/06/15) to enable physical works to commence in August 2015.



7.       On 17 September 2014 (HB/2014/185) the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board approved allocating Small Local Improvement Projects (SLIPS) budget of $25,000 (opex) for planning and design work and $150,000 (capex) to be included as part of the renewal budget for the upgrade of Western Reserve Skate Park. A further $15,000 of SLIP’s funding was allocated by the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board on 18 March 2015 (HB/2015/23).

8.       As part of the Murrays Bay Wharf procurement process Parks were advised that not all of the project could be funded through renewals and a further $160,000 (capex) was required to ensure that this project could be delivered. As a result the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson signed an Urgent Memo, dated 17 December 2014, allocating funding of $160,000 to the Murrays Bay Wharf upgrade.

9.       Parks staff  advised the local board that the Western Reserve Skate Park is a renewal project  and as such would be fully funded through the  2014/2015 renewals budget. This would enable the local board to re-allocate $150,000 (SLIPS) from the Western Reserve Skate Park as identified in resolution HB/2014/185 to fund the Murrays Bay Wharf renewals project.

10.     The Western Reserve Skate Park project is intended to develop the park into a multi-use facility that caters for all ages and abilities. The design allows for use by skateboards, scooters and bikes, as well as offering socialising and viewing platform areas that are particularly important to the youth and families. The construction will be mainly concrete to improve the asset life span and reduce maintenance costs into the future.

11.     A steering group was established consisting of stakeholders from the local skating community, two Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Members and Parks staff representation. This steering group has met regularly since November 2014 and has agreed on the detailed design attached. (Attachment A).

12.     A design and construction contract (i.e. design and build) has been awarded to Contrax Limited to ensure a high quality asset is produced, using the industry’s most experienced skate park builders to manage the design and to meet budget requirements.

13.     Total cost of construction and design is $350,100 against a budget of $302,000. Consultation through the steering group has concluded that certain design elements could be added in at a later date and may be provided through fundraising and/or sponsorship opportunities.

14.     It was agreed that these items could be funded through other means such as holding “brand sales” to raise additional funds from the community or seek industry sponsors for particular elements. 


Local board views and implications

15.     The steering group has agreed the detailed design for the Western Reserve Skate Park as attached. This report seeks the approval of this design by the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board for the purpose of physical work to commence in August 2015. 

Maori impact statement

16.     There are no perceived impacts or adverse effects for Maori with this project.


17.     It is desired to have the project completed in full by December 2015.







Western Reserve Skate Park Design





Tony  Strange - Parks Advisor Hibiscus and Bays


Martin van Jaarsveld - Manager, Local & Sports Parks North; Local & Sports Parks

Mark Bowater - Manager Local and Sports Parks

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



CDAC Work Programme 2015/2016


File No.: CP2015/05665




1.       This report presents the Community Development, Arts and Culture (CDAC) 2015/2016 Hibiscus and Bays Local Board work programme for approval.

Executive Summary

2.       This report provides information to support local boards to make decisions required to approve the CDAC 2015/2016 work programme.

3.       The draft CDAC work programme aims to provide a defined work programme for the 2015/2016 financial year. The work programme covers the following areas:

·        community development and safety

·        arts and culture

·        events

·        community facilities.

4.       The CDAC work programme for the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board has been aligned to the following 2014-2017 Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Plan priorities:

·        safe and supported communities

·        connected communities with excellent transport choices

·        valuing our local Maori identity

·        easy access to recreation choices and open space

·        a strong local economy with skilled jobs

·        a great place to live because we planned for growth.

5.       Local boards are being requested to approve the CDAC work programme for FY 2015/2016.  Local boards are requested to note that delivery of Community Development and Safety (CDS) workstreams described in Attachment A is subject to the outcome of the current Empowered Communities Approach.



That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      approve the Community Development, Arts and Culture 2015/2016 work programme (Attachment A to the agenda report), noting that the Community Development and Safety component is dependent upon the outcome of the Empowered Communities Approach.

b)      approve the community lease work plan for 2015/2016 (Attachment B to the agenda report).

c)      approve the 2015/2016 term grant for the East Coast Bays Community Centre of $62,440.

d)      approve granting a licence to occupy and manage to the East Coast Bays Community Project Inc for part of Lot 40 DP 10801 comprising 1037 square meters and contained in NA301/186 and part of Lot 1 DP 79149 comprising 3113 square metres and contained in NA36A/368 and part of Lot 15 DP 10801 comprising 1037 square metres and contained in NA303/259

e)      approve the following amounts for community arts organisation funding (subject to the funding agreements being approved by the local board chair or delegated authority):

i)        Centrestage Theatre Trust, $20,200.00 (uninflated Opex Budget)

ii)       Estuary Arts Charitable Trust, $65,529 ($50,000 LDI + $15,529 term grant)

iii)      Mairangi Arts Centre Trust, $78,510.00 (uninflated Opex Budget).



6.       The CDAC work programme for 2015/2016 has been developed using a co-ordinated departmental approach. Each CDAC unit has aligned their projects and initiatives to the Auckland Plan directives and the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Plan 2014-2017.

7.       The CDAC work programmes align to the following 2014-2017 Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Plan priorities:

·        safe and supported communities

·        connected communities with excellent transport choices

·        valuing our local Maori identity

·        easy access to recreation choices and open space

·        a strong local economy with skilled jobs

·        a great place to live because we planned for growth.

8.       The CDAC work programme 2015/2016 for the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board includes the following areas of activity:

·        Community Development and Safety: These projects and programmes aim to deliver a range of social outcomes for local residents and include graffiti prevention initiatives, capacity-building support for community organisations including HBC Community House and Stoney Homestead Trust, facilitating a community network in Whangaparaoa, and youth development initiatives such as Youth Voice and Youth Connections

·        Arts and Culture: This includes administering funding agreements for Centrestage Theatre, Mairangi Arts Centre and the Estuary Arts Charitable Trust and overseeing construction of a new education wing at the Estuary Arts Centre.

·        Events: This work programme includes a range of community events such as ANZAC day, local civic functions, and citizenship ceremonies as well as administering funding rounds for local event support funding

·        Community Facilities: This includes administering funding agreements with community-led centres and undertaking capacity-building work with some centres, provision of community facilities and their promotion, community leasing, and delivering the local board capex renewals and level of service work.  Specific projects include operating the Stillwater Hall.

9.       The work programme includes scoped initiatives, the allocation of budgets and established timelines. A workshop was held with the local board and CDAC staff on 22 April 2015, to ensure activities align with the local board priorities and meet the needs of the Hibiscus and Bays community.

10.     CDAC’s Community Development and Safety (CDS) unit will operationalise the Empowered Communities Approach, which is part of the 2015/2016 Long-term Plan approved on 8 May 2015 (GB/2015/31) and ratified on 25 June 2015 by the governing body. Broadly speaking, the changes proposed to the community development function are:

·        move away from direct delivery (and therefore save overheads) and fund community groups to deliver more

·        for local boards to play a much more active role by allocating more funding direct to groups

·        transition delivery to a more empowered communities approach.

11.     The Empowered Communities Approach model was considered by the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee at its meeting on 4 June 2015.  This report recommends that the work programme be adopted based on current arrangements, noting that FY 2015/2016 will be a transition year for CDS.

12.     Local boards are requested to approve the CDAC work programme for 2015/2016.  CDAC staff will continue to work with relevant portfolio holders and the local board to ensure these projects are delivered and evaluated. Portfolio holders and the local board will also be consulted on the prioritisation of the community facilities renewal projects and community leases.


Local board views and implications

13.     The draft 2015/2016 work programme was considered by the local board at a workshop on 22 April 2015. The views expressed by local board members are reflected in Attachment A.

Maori impact statement

14.     Improving Maori outcomes is a priority for the region.  One of the Auckland Plan targets is to increase targeted support to Maori community development projects.  The CDAC work programme aims to improve well-being among Maori living in the local board area. The focus of this CDAC work programme is to support Maori targeted initiatives.


15.     CDAC staff will continue to meet with portfolio holders to provide updates on the work programme and ensure it is progressed in a timely way.  The CDAC work programme will be implemented within the annual plan 2015/2016 budget and reported on through the quarterly reporting process.








CDAC Work Programme FY 2015/2016 Hibiscus and Bays Local



Hibiscus and Bays Community Leasing Workplan 2015/2016





Sarah Zimmerman – Senior Advisor


Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Auckland Transport Update to Hibiscus and Bays Local Board, July 2015


File No.: CP2015/13319




1.       To respond to local board requests on transport-related matters and provide information to elected members about Auckland Transport (AT) activities.

Executive Summary

2.       The report provides an update on transport matters for the information of the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board and a register of transport issues in the local board’s area, as collated by Auckland Transport’s Elected Member Relationship Manager North.



That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      request the provision of a rough order of cost for the following Local Board Transport Capital Fund projects:

·        replacement of the existing timber boardwalks on the reserve adjacent to Beachfront Lane, Browns Bay, with either a hardier, less expensive timber that will be easier to maintain, or with areas of pressed concrete imprinted with a suitable design/colour(s)

·        replacement of the existing narrow footpath along the beachfront on Orewa Domain, Orewa Recreation Reserve and Marine Parade, Orewa, with a 3m shared concrete path.



Auckland Council adopts its 10-year budget


3.       Auckland Council has adopted its 10-year budget, setting rates, introducing an interim transport levy and agreeing on the level of investment in the region for the next ten years.

4.       In addition to general rates increases, to help fund a number of crucial transport projects including busways, cycleways and walking options over the next three years, an interim transport levy will be introduced while the council works with central government on a transport accord to find alternative funding sources.


New Network for the Hibiscus Coast


5.       The Hibiscus Coast will be the first area of Auckland to get a simplified and more frequent bus network.  Northern Express services will operate between the coast and the city at least every 30 minutes seven days a week, and every 15 minutes at peak times.   Travelling into the city is expected to be around 30 minutes quicker during off peak when AT rolls out its New Network on the Hibiscus Coast in October.  More double decker buses will also be on the Northern Express from January 2016, increasing capacity by approximately 25% between Albany and Britomart. 

6.       The changes include an extension of the Northern Express to Silverdale and a resulting increase in the frequency of services between Albany and Britomart.  Also included are more services on the weekends, a bus every half hour between Orewa and Manly, a new link for Millwater, a trial service for Arkles Bay and a trial to connect with the Gulf Harbour Ferry.

7.       In response to public feedback, AT has reconfigured the multiple bus routes that currently travel to the North Shore and Britomart.  There will be streamlined direct feeder services connecting to the Northern Express at the planned Hibiscus Coast Station, which will operate as a ‘pulse’ network where buses are scheduled to arrive together and then all depart at the same time.  This arrangement will allow passengers to transfer to other services with a shorter waiting time between connections.  The station is planned at the existing park and ride and will have up to 500 parking spaces.

8.       When consultation on the New Network for the Hibiscus Coast was carried out this time last year, 874 submissions were received, with 71% either supporting or strongly supporting the New Network.  As a result of public feedback, changes have been made to 10 of the 11 proposed routes.

9.       For a copy of the consultation report, new bus service frequencies and route map go online to www.AT.govt.nz/NewNetwork.

10.     New timetables will be available closer to launch of the new services.


New design for Auckland bus shelters


11.     Last year AT asked for public feedback on three new bus shelter designs that were trialled on Symonds Street in the CBD.

12.     The level of interest in the trial shelters was very encouraging with 856 feedback responses received.  Public feedback helped AT gauge how the community felt about the trial designs and provided ideas about how to make Auckland’s new bus shelters even more appealing to bus users.

13.     The designs were assessed against a range of criteria, such as public feedback, value for money, customer comfort, durability and ease of construction.  Shelter A (image below) is the final choice, being attractive, adaptable, innovative, safe and comfortable.

14.     The new shelters will help to create a more recognisable bus network and make life more pleasant for everyone who uses the buses.  It is a modular system so can be configured to reflect local settings by using different sizes and layouts, building the shelter out of materials that reflect local character and attaching or inscribing art work.

15.     New shelters will gradually be rolled out across Auckland from the middle of the year.


Travelwise update and school awards


16.    The Travelwise programme is an innovative schools-based programme that aims to improve road safety and achieve a reduction in the number of vehicles driving to and from schools at peak times.  The programme achieves this through encouraging and increasing alternative modes of travel and providing safer facilities for all road users.

17.     There are currently 408 schools on the Travelwise programme, at which AT supports activities and events, helps with policies and systems, promotes road safety for children and drivers, offers scooter and cycle training, and runs Back to School and Slow Down promotions.  Most of the schools have student groups which help with running the programme, together with a Lead Teacher who is the central point of contact for AT.

18.     Since its inception in 2005, Travelwise has achieved the following results:

a.       Approximately 202,000 students involved in the programme.

b.       75% of all Auckland school-aged students attend a Travelwise School.

c.       Safe School Travel Plans have helped:

·        Reduce car travel by taking 12,736 car trips off the road in the morning peak;

·        Save 2,596,000 kms in car travel, about $20.35m a year on congestion, and about 150,000 litres of fuel;

·        Reduce CO2 emissions by 735 tonnes each year; and

·        Improve safety around Auckland schools – crashes involving pedestrians and cyclists aged 5 to 13 have reduced by 58% at schools that have Safe School Travel Plans.


19.     Travelwise awards are based on four criteria:

a.       Mode share shift from when the school first started as a Travelwise School.

b.       Their inclusion of road safety and active travel in the curriculum.

c.       Efforts to involve the school community in road safety and mode share; and

d.       The inclusion of these matters in the ethos and organisation of the school.

20.     If a school is high achieving in all of these areas they are awarded Gold (e.g. mode shift of more than 4%), medium achievement is awarded Silver, and medium to low achievement is awarded Bronze.

21.     The Hibiscus and Bays schools listed below have been recognised for their outstanding Travelwise achievements in 2014:


Gold award winners

Silver award winners

Bronze award winners

·    Browns Bay School

·    Campbells Bay School

·    Murrays Bay School

·    Orewa College

·    Oteha Valley School

·    Red Beach School

·    Sherwood School

·    Silverdale School

·    St John's School

·    Whangaparaoa School

·    Long Bay School

·    Mairangi Bay School

·    Murrays Bay Intermediate School


·    Glamorgan School

·    Gulf Harbour School

·    Kingsway Senior Campus

·    Northcross Intermediate

·    Orewa School

·    Stanmore Bay School

·    Stella Maris Primary School

·    Whangaparaoa College


22.     An event celebrating these achievements is planned for the end of Term 4.



23.     A proposal for the installation of NSAAT restrictions on Deep Creek Road, Torbay, as a result of a request made by Member Rasmussen, was forwarded to the local board's TPLs on 12 May 2015 with a request for responses no later than 28 May 2015.  Advice from the TPLs on the planned upgrade of the adjacent reserve, installation of flood lights etc., and the limited parking available on the reserve, was forwarded to the engineers for consideration during the investigation. No objections to the proposal were received from local board members.

24.     Documentation describing a proposal to install NSAAT restrictions on Maire Road, Orewa, to address visibility issues for pedestrians, was forwarded to the local board's TPLs on 12 May 2015 with a request for response no later than 28 May 2015.  No objections to the proposal were received from local board members.

25.     The local board's TPLs were asked on 29 May 2015 for assistance in developing AT's 2015/16 New Footpath programme, with responses required before the end of June 2015. They were asked which footpath schemes the local board supports, which footpath schemes it does not support and why, and whether there were requests they would like added to the list. The list of candidate projects was discussed at a meeting of the local board’s transport portfolio leads on 17 June 2015.  No objections to the proposals were received from members.

26.     In preparation for implementation of the New Network for the Hibiscus Coast and AT's consultation on proposed new bus stops outside the properties at 18 and 21 Puriri Avenue, Orewa, documentation was sent to the local board's TPLs on 24 June 2015 with a request for feedback no later than 8 July 2015. 

27.     As part of the Long Bay development, Auckland Council granted resource consent to construct ‘Stage 6’ of the proposed development, encompassing five yet to be named roads, commonly referred to as ‘Road 20’, ‘Road 21’, ‘Road 24’, ‘Road 25’ and ‘Road 26’.  The roads are all two-way local roads and for the safe and efficient operation of the proposed internal road network, road humps are proposed on Roads 20, 21 and 26.   Roads 24 and 25 are proposed to be designated as Shared Zones.  Feedback on these proposals was requested from the local board's TPLs on 24 June 2015 with a request for feedback no later than 1 July 2015.


Update on the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Transport Capital (LBTCF) Projects


28.     As at 10 June 2015, the remaining budget available to the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board was $1,728,673, comprising $599,885 which it may allocate (funding for FY 2016-2017), and $1,128,788 which it must allocate before 30 June 2016 (funding for budget years up to and including 2015-2016).

29.     Whilst the $599,885 allocation for 2016/2017, if not spent, will be available to the local board elected in October 2016, funds allocated for previous years will not be available to the newly elected local board.

30.     Construction of the following LBTCF projects nominated by the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board has now been completed:

·        East Coast Road - footpath guardrail in the vicinity of Spencer Road (Project 094);

·        Safety improvements on Awaruku Road, Torbay (Project 096);

·        Duck Creek Road, Stillwater – new footpath (Project 097);

·        Titan Place to Silverdale Township, Silverdale – new footpath (Project 098);

·        504 Beach Road, Murrays Bay – footpath upgrade (Project 099);

·        201-246 Centreway Road, Orewa – new footpath (Project 100);

·        Grand Drive – Tauranga Place, Orewa – new walkway and footpath (Project 101);

·        Car parking along the southern side of Duck Creek Road adjacent to Stillwater Reserve, Stillwater (Project 209);

·        St John’s School, Mairangi Bay – new footpath (Project 229);

·        Glenvar Road, Torbay - relocation of edge line (Project 385);

·        Okura River Road Bus Stop Hardstand Area (Project 395);

·        Construction of a 280 m long footpath on the south side of Whangaparaoa Road from 601 Whangaparaoa Road to Cedar Terrace (Project 232);

·        Project 240, the provision of a safe crossing point on Tavern Road, Silverdale, consisting of a central median kerb, two pram crossings and handrails.


31.     Construction of Project 091, Mairangi Bay Art Walk, began on 2 March 2015 and is now substantially complete, with the remaining work associated with the installation of the mosaic panels and art poles.

32.     Construction of Project 383, the provision of parallel car parks at 8 Galbraith Green, Silverdale, is almost complete, with the remaining work comprising re-grassing and road marking which will be completed early in July 2015.

33.     Project 409, the provision of a 1.5m wide short connecting concrete footpath from the existing path on Waiwera Place, Waiwera, to the footpath in the beach front reserve, together with minor shrub trimming, clearance and minor changes to the park fence, began late in June 2015 and will be completed during July 2015, weather permitting.

34.     The contract for Project 346, the provision of lighting on Western Reserve, Orewa, has been awarded to Coll Electrical. Whilst a timeframe for completion of the works cannot be confirmed at this stage, it is anticipated that this will be during September/October 2015.

35.     The feasibility design for Project 411, Torbay Plaza revitalisation, is underway and further Torbay Plaza Working Party meetings to discuss progress are being scheduled regularly.  A rough order of costs will be presented to the local board’s Transport Portfolio Leads (TPLs) on completion of the feasibility design.

36.     The local board requested a rough order of costs for the provision of smart studs on the Hibiscus Coast Highway at the pedestrian crossings adjacent to Riverside Road and Florence Avenue (Project 427).  Members have been advised however that it will not be possible to install smart studs at these locations as their use is controlled by NZTA, and that the only alternative would be to install speed feedback signs.  This section of Hibiscus Coast Highway is a heavy freight and over-dimension route, so chicanes and speed tables are therefore not an option.

37.     The following requests for rough orders of cost have also been received recently from the local board:

·        replacement of the existing timber boardwalks on the reserve adjacent to Beachfront Lane, Browns Bay, with either a hardier, less expensive timber that will be easier to maintain, or with areas of pressed concrete imprinted with a suitable design/colour(s).

·        replacement of the existing narrow footpath along the beachfront on Orewa Domain, Orewa Recreation Reserve and Marine Parade, Orewa, with a 3m shared concrete path.


38.     The local board’s TPLs will be updated once the rough costs have been established.


Issues Update


39.     The following Issues Update comprises issues raised by Elected Members and Local Board Services staff to 1 July 2015:






Deep Creek Road, Torbay

Request for NSAAT restrictions on Deep Creek Road, Torbay.

Member Cooper asked on 25 March 2015 for investigation into the installation of NSAAT restrictions outside 44 Deep Creek Road, where the owner of the property says there is a safety concern for drivers exiting/entering this property and the adjacent school property. On 10 April 2015 the local board's TPLs were advised that AT's engineers will be carrying out a detailed investigation between now and early July 2015 to determine the need for the restrictions.  Under detailed investigation by Road Corridor Operations engineers.


Orewa General

Be Accessible requests for Orewa Town Centre.

Numerous requests made by ‘Be Accessible’, a group which has highlighted safety issues in and around Orewa, have been responded to previously. Still outstanding is a request relating to pedestrian safety, which members have been advised will require lengthy investigation and site visits, together with liaison with AC Parks, and that a response can be expected in July 2015. Pedestrian safety, still under investigation, due in July.


Hibiscus and Bays General

Request for information about organisational structure relating to AT's Safety Team.

Member Cooper expressed concerns that there is no dedicated safety engineer shown on AT's organisation chart for the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board area, noting that this is a recent change and asking that the reason for the changes be advised and an explanation provided as to how safety concerns in the Hibiscus and Bays area are investigated now. On 10 June 2015 the local board's TPLs were advised that AT's safety team is currently still recruiting staff to fill its team structure. There may be changes to the team in the near future, but at this stage the Road Safety team is a regional team divided into two sub-teams, North/West and Central/South, to help investigate/resolve any community concerns, internal consultations and/or resource consents requiring road safety feedback. The division of teams is purely to resolve any safety concerns raised by the community, and provide feedback to other internal teams within the organisation. Extra works/requests in these areas are divided amongst all engineers of the Central/South team, to respond and provide feedback accordingly. It was noted that individual minor safety, safety around schools and regional projects are spread around the team, without dividing into the sub-teams. Engineers are not specifically allocated to each ward or local board area.


Browns Bay CBD

Taxis in Browns Bay

Members were previously provided with information about the Total Mobility scheme in response to complaints about the unresponsiveness of taxi companies when called by elderly residents in Browns Bay. With regard to the possible relocation of the taxi stand from Bute Road (the old New World Supermarket) closer to the new New World Supermarket in Inverness Road, Browns Bay, members were advised on 21 May 2015 that this was being investigated with the industry. Response to relocation of taxi stand available in July 2015.


Gulf Harbour, Whangaparaoa

Request for installation of overflow parking at Gulf Harbour, Whangaparaoa.

On 14 May 2015 the local board's TPLs requested that AT fund the installation of bollards, gobi blocks and signage to provide a ‘green’ hard stand area, and signs indicating that this area is reserved for ferry parking only. The local board's TPL's were advised on 17 June 2015 that AT does not believe there is a shortage of parking in the Council's reserve, so would not be funding the requested improvements. However, the local board may wish to consider funding the suggested improvements through its LBTCF.


Orewa CBD

Be Accessible requests resulting from meeting 22 April 2015.

Further requests for safety improvements in Orewa town centre resulting from a discussion between the local board’s TPLs and AT's traffic engineer on 22 April 2015 are currently being investigated and members will be advised of the outcome of these as and when information becomes available.


The Strand and Waiwera Road, Waiwera

Requests from the WPORA with respect to The Strand and Waiwera Road, Waiwera.

Local board chairperson Julia Parfitt forwarded requests from the Waiwera Property Owners' and Residents' Association on 22 May 2015 for additional street lighting on The Strand, Waiwera, more frequent cleaning on Waiwera Road from Woody’s Bar and Grill to the beachfront where the drains are often blocked and it floods during rain, and a Public Toilet sign for the corner of Waiwera and Weranui Roads directing the public to the beachfront toilet block. With regard to the street sign, the local board’s TPLs were advised on 29 June 2015 that a Public Toilet sign will be installed at the corner of Waiwera Road and Weranui Road before the end of August 2015. To improve street lighting in the area, Members were told on 30 June 2015 that a new luminaire will be installed on the pole outside #12/14 The Strand in July/August 2015. Light spill from the luminaire will be controlled so that it doesn’t adversely affect the residents. The cesspit grates in the area were cleared of leaves and debris in May 2015 and street cleaning will continue on a regular one month cycle; however, if the need arises for ‘one-off’ clearing of the grates, residents should contact AT’s customer response team.


11 Delshaw Avenue, Stanmore Bay

Reinstatement / repair of vehicle crossing at 11 Delshaw Avenue, Stanmore Bay.

Member Sayers asked for assistance on behalf of the property owner at 11 Delshaw Avenue, Stanmore Bay, on 27 May 2015. The property's vehicle crossing had been poorly reinstated by a service provider and repairs requested late in 2014 had only been partially addressed by AT's contractors. An update was provided to Member Sayers on 18 June advising AT’s contractors had been asked to backfill the subsided trench, as the utility company’s and contractor’s responsibility for the work had now lapsed. Member Sayers was advised that it is however, the resident’s responsibility to reinstate the failed vehicle crossing.


Gulf Harbour Ferry

Request for information following breakdown of the Gulf Harbour ferry.

On 5 June 2015 Cr John Watson’s Governance Support Advisor advised that Cr Watson had received a number of emails complaining about the Gulf Harbour Ferry after a breakdown on 3 June which required intervention by the Coastguard. Under investigation by Ferry Services


New Network vs. Old Network

Request for information on frequency of existing bus services vs. the proposed New Network.

On 8 June 2015 Cr Wayne Walker's Governance Support Advisor asked how the frequencies of the existing bus services on the North Shore network compared with the proposed network existed. On 11 June 2015 Cr Walker's Governance Support Advisor and the local board's TPLs were provided with relevant statistics and advised that the New Network creates consistent frequencies for bus services between 7am and 7pm every 15 mins, 30 mins etc., whilst the current network has varied frequencies (early morning low frequency, morning peak high frequency, daytime varied, afternoon peak high, evening low). The information is unfortunately not available in a key such as the one set out for the New Network as it is much too complex.


Tavern Road, Silverdale

Concerns about a pedestrian refuge recently installed in Tavern Road, Silverdale.

Following the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board meeting on 17 June 2015 Member Fitzgerald advised that the pedestrian refuge recently installed in Tavern Road near the Hibiscus Coast Highway is being driven over by truck and trailer units because they are having difficulty turning off the Hibiscus Coast Highway and signs on the refuge have also been destroyed. Referred to Network Operations and Safety                                                


29 - 39 Deep Creek Road, Waiake

Request for installation of NSAAT restrictions 29 - 39 Deep Creek Road, Waiake.

On 18 June 2015 Member Rasmussen requested an investigation into the installation of  NSAAT restrictions over the stretch 29 – 39 Deep Creek Road, Waiake, noting that Traffic Operations staff are currently processing a report to AT’s Traffic Control Committee for the installation of NSAATS in the area 39 – 41 Deep Creek Road. Member Rasmussen was advised that the engineer's initial thoughts were that, because the road is relatively wide and straight in this area, NSAAT restrictions would not be approved, but it may be possible to install ‘hockey sticks’ between the driveways to keep vehicles from being parked too close to entranceways. This would also provide greater visibility for residents exiting their driveways and may allow a little more room for pedestrians to cross the road between the cars. Under investigation by Traffic Operations


Titan Place, Silverdale

Request for clean-up in Titan Place, Silverdale.

Following the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board meeting on 17 June 2015, local board staff forwarded photos of silt deposits in Titan Place, Silverdale, asking that the area be swept and that bollards be installed at a section of footpath which vehicles have been using to gain access to Flexman Place. On 29 June 2015 the local board’s TPLs were advised that AT’s contractors had removed the mud and the footpath was swept on 23 June 2015, and on 1 July 2015 they were advised that off-set powder coated barriers will be installed in an appropriate position on the section of footpath which vehicles have been using to gain access to Flexman Place. These will allow pedestrians, cyclists, mobility scooters and children on skateboards etc. to use the footpath but prevent its use by tractors and other vehicles. The work should be completed within the month.


Penlink Project, Whangaparaoa

Concerns about the safety rating applied by Auckland Transport to the Penlink Project.

Member Fitzgerald highlighted a Hibiscus Matters article in which Cr John Watson indicated AT should have applied a higher than 3/5 safety rating to the Penlink Project, asking how AT set this when the local board apparently indicated safety as their top priority in terms of the project. On 23 June 2015 the local board's TPLs were advised that, while Penlink scores measurably high (3 out of 5) on the profiling and fully acknowledges that the scheme, when built, will be built to a very high safety standard, it doesn’t score higher than this since the primary reason for its construction is not safety, i.e. there is not a high safety problem that Penlink would specifically address. Also acknowledged are the economic benefits of moving people and goods, the congestion relief and network resilience the scheme will provide but, whilst there will be some, it won’t provide huge safety benefits. In comparison, those areas that are known safety black spots that have schemes proposed to address their safety issues may not score as well (in the calculator) for the other elements that Penlink scores well on. It’s considered therefore that 3 out of 5 is a fair assessment from a safety perspective for the project.


Millwater / Bankside Roads and Longmore Lane intersection, Silverdale

Pedestrian Safety at the Millwater/Bankside Roads and Longmore Lane intersection, Silverdale.

At the Hibiscus and Bays Transport Portfolio Lead’s meeting on 17 June 2015 Member Fitzgerald asked whether the pedestrian phase of the signals at the intersection of Millwater/Bankside Roads and Longmore Lane intersection could be delayed for 2 – 3 seconds to improve safety for pedestrians, particularly children. There is a constant problem with red light runners at this intersection and parents, teachers and local board members are concerned that a child leaving the kerbside on the sound of the buzzer might be struck by one of the red light runners. Referred to ATOC and Road Safety


Lyons Avenue, Murrays Bay

Request for the implementation of speed calming measures on Lyons Avenue, Murrays Bay.

At a Hibiscus and Bays Local Board TPL meeting on 17 June the chairpreson, Julia Parfitt, requested the implementation of speed calming measures on Lyons Avenue, Murrays Bay, noting that this is a route where speeds are always excessive.  Referred to Road Corridor Operations / Safety


Okura River Road, Okura

Request for information about proposed footpath for Okura River Road, Okura.

At the Hibiscus and Bays TPL meeting on 17 June 2015 local board chairperson Julia Parfitt queried  what was planned for Okura River Road, Okura (68 Okura River Road – Vaughans Road, 1458, 1.80), which appears on AT's New Footpath Programme 2014 - 2015. On 1 July 2015 the local board's TPLs were advised that Okura River Road is a medium- to low-priority project on AT’s list, so is not likely to be constructed in the near future. For this reason it is not possible at this stage to determine on which side the footpath will be installed as it will require on-site investigations and a feasibility study to determine the best option.



Local Board views and implications

40.     This report is for the local board’s information.

Māori impact statement

41.     No specific issues with regard to the Maori Impact Statement are triggered by this report.


42.     The activities detailed in this report do not trigger the Significance Policy, all programmes and activities are within budget/in line with the Council’s Annual Plan and Long-term Plan documents and there are no legal or legislative implications arising from the activities detailed in this report.

43.     There are no implementation issues.







There are no attachments for this report.    



Ellen Barrett, Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland Transport


Roger Wilson, Council Engagement Manager, Auckland Transport


Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



New Road Name – Maraeariki Close, Awaiti Way, Wallis Lane and Crompton Place, Orewa


File No.: CP2015/13602




1.       The purpose of this report is to seek the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board’s approval for four new road names in the Orewa Heights Everise Group Limited subdivision at 106 Maire Road, Orewa.

Executive Summary

2.       The applicant wishes to name the road as Maraeariki Close and three jointly owned access lots within the 34 lot subdivision as Awaiti Way, Wallis Lane and Crompton Place.



That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      approve the new road name under section 319(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 of Maraeariki Close, and the road names for the jointly owned access lots as Awaiti Way, Wallis Lane and Crompton Place for the Orewa Heights Everise Group Limited subdivision at 106 Maire Road, Orewa, (council reference R61354).



3.       The applicant is Everise Group Limited, the site address 106 Maire Road, Orewa and the council reference is R61354.

4.       This 34 residential lot subdivision was approved in 2014. The property is accessed off Maire Road via a short cul-de-sac road which drops down from Maire Road and terminates towards a gully with a small stream running through. Several smaller joint owned access lots branch off the main cul-de-sac road, three of which serve more than five lots and will require naming.

5.       The proposed road name for the new road (Lot 100) is: Maraeariki Close - Maraeariki is Manuhiri’s brother and made his home in Orewa. Maraeariki has been proposed as a name for this road by representatives from Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust and is a name which is considered to have strong cultural/historical ties to the local area.

6.       The proposed road name for the access lot serving Lots 10-15 is Awaiti Way.  Awaiti translates to ‘little river’ in English. The stream which runs through the development is unnamed.

7.       The proposed road name for the access lot serving Lots 20-25 is Wallis Lane.  J Wallis was one of the original owners of the block in 1878 as shown on SO Plan 1095.

8.       The proposed road name for the access lot serving Lots 28-31 & 33 is Crompton Place. Isabella Crompton owned the block in 1925 as recorded on DP Plan 19630.

9.       Consultation with the local iwi has been undertaken in the road naming process. Iwi representative Fiona McKenzie from Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust has given support for the names. LINZ has given their confirmation that the new names are acceptable.


Local Board views and implications

10.     A decision is sought from the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board to approve the four new road names.

Māori impact statement

11.     The applicant has Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust’s approval of the proposed road names.


12.     Land Information New Zealand and the Land Information database confirm that there are no similar road names in the area and that these names are appropriate and unique.

13.     If and when he name is approved the developer will be advised and they are responsible for erecting the new road name sign.







Maraeariki Scheme Plan



Maraeariki Locality Map





Frank Lovering – Land Surveyor/Senior Subdivision Advisor


Bonnie Lees – Lead Consent and Performance Specialist


Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Change Road Name – Makenzie Terrace to Maka Terrace,Orewa


File No.: CP2015/13603




1.       The purpose of this report is to seek the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board’s approval to change the road name from Makenzie Terrace to Maka Terrace for the newly named road in Millwater, Orewa.

Executive Summary

2.       The applicant wishes to change the name Makenzie Terrace to Maka Terrace.



That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      approve the change of road name of Makenzie Terrace to Maka Terrace for the WFH Limited subdivision at Arran Point, Millwater, (council reference R62000).



3.       The applicant is WFH Limited, the site address Arran Point, Millwater, Orewa and the council reference is R62000.

4.       The applicant previously suggested the new name of Makenzie Terrace and this was submitted for the May meeting of the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board (HB/2015/51).

5.       The spelling was unique and the LINZ database found no others in the Auckland region. After the new name was given to LINZ to record they pointed out that phonetically, the common spelling (Mackenzie) was present in the region.

6.       It is acknowledged when saying the name that if could be confused with “Mackenzie”. Accordingly, it is requested for approval to change the name.

7.       There are no occupants on this road.

8.       The name comes from the original farm name known as Maka Farm. The original owner was nick-named “Maka”.


Local Board views and implications

9.       A decision is sought from the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board to approve the change of this new road name.


10.     If and when the name is approved the developer will be advised and they are responsible for erecting the new road name sign.







Millwater - Locality Map





Frank Lovering – Land Surveyor/Senior Subdivision Advisor


Bonnie Lees – Lead Consent and Performance Specialist


Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



New Road Name – Te Kauae Rise and Kaipuke Crescent, Gulf Harbour


File No.: CP2015/13697




1.       The purpose of this report is to seek the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board’s approval to change the name of Kaipuke Rise, recently approved, to Te Kauae Rise, and to approve the name Kaipuke Crescent for a nearby new subdivision at Gulf Harbour.

Executive Summary

2.       The applicant wishes to rename Kaipuke Rise as Te Kauae Rise and use Kaipuke Crescent for the new road in nearby Top Harbour subdivision at Parkview Drive at Gulf Harbour.



That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      approve the renaming of Kaipuke Rise to Te Kauae Rise, and the new road name of Kaipuke Crescent, under section 319(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 for the Top Harbour Limited subdivisions at Gulf Harbour, (council reference R60974 and R61485).



3.       The applicant is Top Harbour Limited, the site address is The Anchorage, and 1 Parkview Drive, Gulf Harbour, and the council references are R60974 and R61485.

4.       The local board approved the name Kaipuke Rise for the new road at the Headland site at the Anchorage on 18 February (HB/2015/9). The applicant had submitted a request on 2 February to have the name changed before the report was submitted to the local board, but that information was not received.

5.       This report seeks to have Kaipuke Rise renamed as Te Kauae Rise, and the new road half a kilometre away named as Kaipuke Crescent.

6.       There are no residents yet or addresses allocated to the previously named Kaipuke Rise.

7.       The new 39 residential lot subdivision at Parkview Drive was approved in 2014 and is nearing completion.

8.       Both Kaipuke and Te Kauae were proposed by iwi.

9.       The proposed road name Te Kauae translates to ‘chin or jawbone’ in English. The headland shape resembles a jaw bone.

10.     Consultation with the local Iwi has been undertaken in the road naming process. Iwi representative Fiona McKenzie from Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust and Glen Wilcox from Ngati Whatua o Kaipara have given support for the names. LINZ database confirms that the new names are acceptable.


Local Board views and implications

11.     A decision is sought from the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board to approve the change of name and the new road name.

Māori impact statement

12.     The applicant has local iwi’s approval of the proposed road names.


13.     The Land Information database confirms that there are no similar names in the area and that these names are appropriate and unique.







Kaipuke Crescent Scheme Plan



Te Kauae Rise Scheme Plan



Locality Map





Frank Lovering – Land Surveyor/Senior Subdivision Advisor


Bonnie Lees – Lead Consent and Performance Specialist


Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



New Road Name – Manawanui  Way, Orewa


File No.: CP2015/13699




1.       The purpose of this report is to seek the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board’s approval for a new road name in the Orewa Heights, CDIG Holdings Ltd subdivision at 34 Maire Road, Orewa.

Executive Summary

2.       The applicant wishes to name the jointly owned access lot within the 43 lot residential subdivision as Manawanui Way.



That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      approve the new road name of Manawanui Way, for the Orewa Heights, CDIG Holdings Limited subdivision at 34 Maire Road, Orewa, (council reference R62456).



3.       The applicant is CDIG Holdings Limited, the site address 34 Maire Road, Orewa, and the council reference is R62456.

4.       This 43 residential lot subdivision was approved in 2014. The property is accessed off Maire Road then Ascension Crescent.

5.       The proposed road name for the new road (jointly owned access lot) is Manawanui Way.  Manawanui translates to “strong heart”. Iwi representatives thought that the scheme plan suggested this area was the heart of the subdivision.

6.       Manawanui has been proposed as a name for this road by representatives from Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust.

7.       Consultation with the local iwi has been undertaken in the road naming process. Iwi representative Fiona McKenzie from Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust has given support for the name. LINZ database confirms that the new name is acceptable.


Local Board views and implications

8.       A decision is sought from the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board to approve the new road name.

Māori impact statement

9.       The applicant has Manuhiri Charitable Trust’s approval of the proposed road name.


10.     The Land Information database confirms that there are no similar road names in the area and that these names are appropriate and unique.

11.     If and when the name is approved, the developer will be advised and they are responsible for erecting the new road name sign.







Scheme Plan



Locality Map





Frank Lovering – Land Surveyor/Senior Subdivision Advisor


Bonnie Lees – Lead Consent and Performance Specialist


Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



New Road Name - Te Awa Place and Loretta Place, Red Beach, Orewa


File No.: CP2015/13711




1.       The purpose of this report is to seek the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board’s approval for two new road names in the Queens Homes Limited subdivision at 55 Whangaparaoa Road, Red Beach, Orewa.

Executive Summary

2.       The applicant wishes to name the road as Te Awa Place and the right of way as Loretta Place.



That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      approve the new road name under section 319(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 of Te Awa Place, and the road name for the right of way of Loretta Place for the Queens Homes Limited, 19 residential lot subdivision at 55 Whangaparaoa Road, Red Beach.



3.       The applicant is Queens Homes Limited, the site address is 55 Whangaparaoa Road, Red Beach and the council reference is R61364.

4.       This 19 residential lot subdivision was approved in 2014. The property is accessed off Whangaparaoa Road and slopes to the south to the Weiti River.

5.       The proposed road name of Te Awa Place was suggested by Fiona McKenzie from Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust and is the name of Manuhiri’s grandson. Awa is also the name for a waterway, which nicely links to the adjoining Weiti River.

6.       The proposed road name for the right of way is Loretta Place.  This name has family ties for the developer.

7.       Several other names that linked to the historic horticultural nature of the Silverdale area were considered but all were duplicated within the region.

8.       Consultation with the local Iwi has been undertaken in the road naming process. Iwi representative Fiona McKenzie from Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust has given support for the names. The LINZ database has been checked and although Awa Road in Kumeu and Awa Street in Otahuhu are similar, it is considered that there should be no confusion.


Local Board views and implications

9.       A decision is sought from the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board to approve the new road names.

Māori impact statement

10.     The applicant has Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust’s approval of the new proposed road names.


11.     The Land Information database confirms that there are no duplicated road names in the area and that these names are appropriate and unique.

12.     If and when the name is approved the developer will be advised and they are responsible for erecting the new road name sign.







Scheme Plan



Locality Plan





Frank Lovering – Land Surveyor/Senior Subdivision Advisor


Bonnie Lees – Lead Consent and Performance Specialist


Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Report from Devonport-Takapuna, Kaipatiki, Upper Harbour and ECB Subdivision Local Board Funding subcommittee


File No.: CP2015/12891




1.       To inform the local board of decisions made at the 29 May 2015 meeting of the Devonport-Takapuna, Kaipatiki, Upper Harbour and ECB Subdivision Local Board Funding subcommittee.

Executive Summary

2.       At its meeting held 29 May 2015 the Devonport-Takapuna, Kaipatiki, Upper Harbour and ECB Subdivision Local Board Funding subcommittee considered the future of sub-regional funding across multi-board areas given the impending change to a locally driven initiative (LDI) funding model. An analysis of the current situation along with possible future scenarios was tabled at the meeting (refer Attachment A).

3.       It was resolved that the subcommittee:

a)         receives the ‘Allocating Budget for multi-board Funding Activities’ document and requests that it be forwarded to the Devonport-Takapuna, Kaipatiki, Upper Harbour and Hibiscus and Bays Local Boards for consideration.

b)         notes that, in regard to capital funding, there has been merit in a multi-board sub-regional approach as it has enabled effective and efficient completion of capital projects for the community, and has allowed recipients to leverage external funding.

c)         is of the view that, for some sub-regional organisations, a multi-board approach in regards to operational funding has enabled the delivery of good community outcomes.

d)         requests that there be immediate notification via the Auckland Council website, council’s grants databases and to past applicants that it is unlikely that there will be Strengthening Communities and Community Facility Development funding available for the first half of the new financial year as the multi-board model is currently under review.

e)         requests that any applicant for Strengthening Communities and Community Facility Development funding be referred to individual local board funding schemes for consideration.



That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      receive the information from the Devonport-Takapuna, Kaipatiki, Upper Harbour and ECB Subdivision Local Board Funding Subcommittee.








Allocating budgets for multiboard funding



Local Board LDI BUdgets FY15/16





Vivienne Sullivan - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



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Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



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Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Appointment of Local Board Members to Outside Organisations


File No.: CP2015/12957




1.       To confirm the change of appointments of local board members to three Business Improvement Districts (BIDs).

Executive Summary

2.       At its business meeting on 20 November 2013, Resolution no HB/2013/241, the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board appointed local board members as representatives to the four BIDs in the local board area.

3.       Since the original appointments were made, there have been some changes in representation on the BIDs and these appointments need to be formalised by the local board.  

4.       Local board member David Cooper is now the representative on Destination Orewa Beach, local board member Julia Parfitt is the representative on the Torbay BID and local board member Holmes is the representative on the Mairangi Bay BID.

5.       Local board member Greg Sayers will continue to be the alternate member for Destination Orewa Beach. Lisa Whyte will continue as alternate for the Mairangi Bay BID and a yet to be appointed member will be the alternate for the Torbay BID.



That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      confirms the appointment of David Cooper to Destination Orewa Beach, Julia Parfitt to Torbay BID and Gary Holmes to Mairangi Bay BID.

b)      confirms the appointment of xxxx as the local board’s alternate representative on the Torbay BID.





There are no attachments for this report.    



Vivienne Sullivan - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Ward Councillors Update


File No.: CP2015/12859



Executive Summary

1.       The Hibiscus and Bays Local Board allocates a period of time for the Ward Councillors, Cr Wayne Walker and Cr John Watson, to update them on the activities of the governing body.



That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      thank Councillors Walker and Watson for their update to the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board on the activities of the governing body.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Vivienne Sullivan - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Local Board Members Reports


File No.: CP2015/12860



Executive Summary

1.       This is an opportunity for local board members to update the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board on projects and issues they have been involved with.




That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      receive the information.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Vivienne Sullivan - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Record of Workshop Meetings


File No.: CP2015/12861



Executive Summary

1.       The Hibiscus and Bays Local Board held workshop meetings on 20 and 27 May 2015, 10 and 24 June 2015.  A copy of these workshop records is attached.




That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board:

a)      endorse the record of the workshop meetings held on 20 and 27 May 2015, 10 and 24 June 2015.







Workshop Record 20 May 2015



Workshop Record 27 May 2015



Workshop Record 10 June 2015



Workshop Record 24 June 2015





Vivienne Sullivan - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015



Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

15 July 2015