Disability Advisory Panel






Minutes of a meeting of the Disability Advisory Panel held in the Board Room, Ground Floor , Town Hall on Monday, 3 August 2015 at 10.02am.





Clive Lansink




Deputy Chairperson

John Herring





Colleen Brown, MNZM, JP

From 10.10am, Item 5




Dan Buckingham





Jade Farrar





David Hughes





Nicola Keyworth





Don McKenzie, CNZM, OBE





Susan Sherrard




Liaison Councillor

Sharon Stewart, QSM






Disability Advisory Panel

03 August 2015



1          Apologies


Resolution number DIS/2015/40

MOVED by Chairperson C Lansink, seconded by Member D Buckingham:  

That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)         accept the apology from Member Colleen Brown for lateness.



2          Declaration of Interest


The Chairperson, Clive Lansink, declared that he was a member of the Auckland Branch of Blind Citizens New Zealand – see item 9.1 in the agenda.


3          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number DIS/2015/41

MOVED by Member D Buckingham, seconded by Member N Keyworth:  

That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting held on Monday, 22 June 2015 as a true and correct record.



4          Extraordinary Business



Extraordinary Business - Disestablishment of Strategic Advisors (Disability)


The Chair explained that this item was not on the agenda but that discussion should not be delayed until the next meeting as that will be after the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee will be receiving a report from the Chief Executive on the subject matter.



Resolution number DIS/2015/42

MOVED by Member J Farrar, seconded by Member S Sherrard:  

That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)         consider the matter of the Disestablishment of Strategic Advisors             (Disability) as Extraordinary Business under Item 9.1.

b)         that Item 9.1 be accorded precedence after Item 5.



Member Colleen Brown entered the meeting at 10.10am.



Disability Action Plan - Update on Progress


Teena Abbey and Tanya Mead provided a verbal update on progress being made with the development of the Disability Action Plan including a summary of the stocktake of council strategy, policies and plans, a synopsis of key themes relating to public submissions to recent plans, an outline of discussions held with key staff across the council and council-controlled organisations, details of an upcoming workshop with council staff and an outline of the next steps.


Panel members stated that they were looking for action oriented outcomes from this process and confirmed their attendance at the workshop on 6 August 2015.


Resolution number DIS/2015/43

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson J Herring, seconded by Member CB Brown:  

That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the verbal presentation concerning progress with the Disability Action Plan.




Disestablishment of Strategic Advisors (Disability)


The Chair granted permission to Kaeti Rigarlsford to speak to this item. Supporting information was tabled. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Mireille Vreeburg of the NZ Disability Support Network stated that her organisation valued the contribution from the Strategic Advisors (Disability) and that their disestablishment would be a big loss in her role.


A letter from the Auckland Branch of Blind Citizens New Zealand relating to the Disestablishment of Disability Advisor roles was tabled and read to the meeting. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Panel members asked questions about the process to date and the options open to them. It was agreed that the Chairperson would prepare a written statement to be submitted to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee ahead of its meeting on 6 August 2015 and that Don McKenzie and any other panel members available would attend the meeting to speak in support of the Panel.



Resolution number DIS/2015/44

MOVED by Member S Sherrard, seconded by Member D McKenzie:  

That the Disability Advisory Panel:


a)         thank Kaeti Rigarlsford and Mireille Vreeburg for their presentation.

b)         receive the letter from the Auckland Branch of Blind Citizens New Zealand.

c)         note that the Governing Body received a petition relating to the             disestablishment of Strategic Advisors (Disability) on 30 July 2015 and has             requested the Chief Executive to report back to the Regional Strategy and             Policy Committee on how the Disability Programme will be supported             regionally.

d)         refer to its previous advice at meetings on 16 February 2015 and 22 June 2015             when it resolved that the specialist knowledge and skills of the Strategic             Advisors (Disability) be retained.

e)         agree that a written statement be prepared by the Chairperson and submitted             to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee for its meeting on 6 August             2015.

f)          agree that Don McKenzie and any other panel members who are available             attend the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee meeting on 6 August 2015             and speak in support of the Panel’s written statement.




a     3 August 2015 - Disability Advisory Panel - Item 9.1 - Disestablishment of Strategic Advisors (Disability) - supporting information from Kaeti Rigarlsford

b     3 August 2015 - Disability Advisory Panel - Item 9.1 - Disestablishment of Strategic Advisors (Disability) - letter from the Auckland Branch of Blind Citizens New Zealand



Developing a Statement on Universal Design


Simon Harrison was in attendance and responded favourably to the draft comprehensive statement on Universal design which he undertook to present to the Universal Design Forum.


At the request of the chairperson it was agreed that Don McKenzie, John Herring and Dan Buckingham would join the working group established by Richard Cullingworth to develop the universal design tools that have been discussed with the Panel.



Resolution number DIS/2015/45

MOVED by Member J Farrar, seconded by Member D Buckingham:  

That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the draft comprehensive statement on Universal Design for adoption.

b)      thank Don McKenzie and John Herring for their input and request ongoing           involvement with the universal design project through the appointment of Don           McKenzie, John Herring and Dan Buckingham on the working group           established by             Richard Cullingworth to develop universal design tools.

c)      refer the following recommendations to Simon Harrison:


            A) Frame the aims as time-limited objectives in active voice as follows:


            1.  Everyone to be included irrespective of their capability, knowledge skill,             age or size.


            2.  Everywhere to be physically accessible to everyone and achievable in an             easy, safe independent, dignified and convenient way.


            3.  Everything to be accessible, understandable and usable by everyone,             everywhere.


            4.  Every time a task is undertaken, the desired results/outcomes are able to             be achieved irrespective of changing conditions or circumstances.


            5.  Offer choice where a single design solution cannot accommodate             everyone.


            B) Implementation.


            Urge full Council to introduce the concepts and benefits  of universal design             as standard practice over the next five to ten years in order to achieve             liveability for all Aucklanders, and to advocate this approach to Central             Government in conformance with anti-discrimination law.


            C)  Disability Advisory Panel (DAP) ongoing Involvement with the Universal             Design project.


            i  That, DAP request regular contact with the design team during the project's             formative development.  A liaison panel member could be an advantage.


            ii.  The "hub" is seen as best made up of professionals with the cross-            disciplinary knowledge and understanding of design and engineering             requirements on the one hand, and practitioners who have a proven             understanding of the access needs of people with various impairments on the             other.  Understanding diversity within the community is essential.  Reality             checks from a forum of diverse consumers is critical.


            D)  Disability Advisory Panel (DAP) engagement in the Universal Design             forum.


            That a Strategic Advisor (disability) or an interested panel member seek             participation in the forum as a liaison between the Panel, the Hub and Forum             members.




Community Summit - Progress Update


Susan Sherrard and John Herring provided a verbal update on progress made with planning for the community summit.



Resolution number DIS/2015/46

MOVED by Member D McKenzie, seconded by Member D Hughes:  

That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the verbal update on progress with the community summit.




DAP Work Programme Update


Bruce Thomas provided a verbal update on the process to revise its work programme.


Panel members requested that it include follow up after the employment forum, community summit on housing, universal design and the Disability Action Plan.



Resolution number DIS/2015/47

MOVED by Member D McKenzie, seconded by Member CB Brown:  

That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the work programme update and give further thought to those matters that should be continued and any new issues that need the Panel’s input at the next meeting.



9          Consideration of Extraordinary Items


            This item was considered after Item 5.


12.00pm                                             The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









