Devonport-Takapuna Local Board






Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board held in the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Chamber, Takapuna Service Centre, Level 3, 1 The Strand, Takapuna on Tuesday, 4 August 2015 at 6.00pm extraordinary.





Joseph Bergin




Deputy Chairperson

Dr Grant Gillon





Mike Cohen, QSM, JP





Dianne Hale, QSO, JP





Jan O'Connor





Allison Roe, MBE















George Wood




Chris Darby



Youth representative

Ian Lim




Devonport-Takapuna Local Board

04 August 2015




1          Welcome


2          Apologies


There were no apologies.


3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


5          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


6          Petitions


There were no petitions.


7          Deputations



Deputation - Results of Takapuna Northern Beach Reserve Consultation - Jan Gopperth and Gavin Sheehan, Save Takapuna Beach Holiday Park


Jan Gopperth and Gavin Sheehan, Save Takapuna Beach Holiday Park, were in attendance to present to the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board regarding the results of Takapuna Northern Beach Reserve consultation.

Presentations and an affidavit were provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments


Resolution number DT/2015/139

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      receive the presentation by Jan Gopperth and Gavin Sheehan from Save the Takapuna Beach Holiday Park regarding the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.

b)      thank Jan Gopperth and Gavin Sheehan for the presentation regarding Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.

c)      receive the tabled document from Jan Gopperth.



Secretarial Note: Member Cohen requested that the ruling of the Chairperson over the allegation in relation to Standing Order 3.15.9 – Pecuniary interest was out of order.



a     Jan Gopperth presentation

b     Jan Gopperth affidavit

c    Gavin Sheehan presentation



Deputation - Results of Takapuna Northern Beach Reserve Consultation - Simon Waymouth, Friends of Takapuna Beach Reserve


Simon Waymouth, Friends of Takapuna Beach Reserve, was in attendance to present to the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board regarding the results of Takapuna Northern Beach Reserve consultation.

A presentation was provided at the meeting. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments.


Resolution number DT/2015/140

MOVED by Member MA Cohen, seconded by Chairperson JM Bergin:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      receive the presentation by Simon Waymouth from Friends of Takapuna Beach regarding the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.

b)      thank Simon Waymouth for the presentation regarding the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.




a     Simon Waymouth presentation



Deputation - Takapuna Beach Reserve - Peter Wall, Harbour Access Trust


Peter Wall, Harbour Access Trust, was in attendance to present to the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board regarding the Takapuna Northern Beach Reserve.


Resolution number DT/2015/141

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      receive the presentation by Peter Wall from Harbour Access Trust regarding the Takapuna Beach Reserve.

b)      thank Peter Wall for the presentation regarding the Takapuna Beach Reserve.




Deputation - Takapuna Beach Reserve - David Abercrombie, Yachting New Zealand


David Abercrombie, Yachting New Zealand, was in attendance to present to the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board regarding the Takapuna Northern Beach Reserve.


Resolution number DT/2015/142

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      receive the presentation by David Abercrombie, from Yachting New Zealand regarding the Takapuna Beach Reserve.

b)      thank David Abercrombie for the presentation regarding the Takapuna Beach Reserve.





8          Public Forum



Public Forum - John Maidment


John Maidment was in attendance to discuss the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.

A PowerPoint presentation was provided at the meeting. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments.


Resolution number DT/2015/143

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member MA Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum presentation by John Maidment regarding the results of the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.




a     John Maidment presentation




Public Forum - Rohan Lord


Rohan Lord was in attendance to discuss the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.

A PowerPoint presentation was provided at the meeting. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments.


Resolution number DT/2015/144

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member MA Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum presentation by Rohan Lord regarding the results of the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.




a     Rohan Lord presentation



Public Forum - Lou Farrand


Lou Farrand was in attendance to discuss the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.


Resolution number DT/2015/145

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member MA Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum presentation by Lou Farrand regarding the results of the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.






Public Forum - Peta Stavelli


Peta Stavelli, editor of Motorhomes, Caravans and Destinations magazine, was in attendance to discuss the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.


Resolution number DT/2015/146

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum presentation by Peta Stavelli, editor of Motorhomes, Caravans and Destinations magazine, regarding the results of the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.




Public Forum - Colleen Simpson


Colleen Simpson was in attendance to discuss the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.


Resolution number DT/2015/147

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member MA Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum presentation by Colleen Simpson regarding the results of the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.




Public Forum - Dave Lane


Dave Lane was in attendance to discuss the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.


Resolution number DT/2015/148

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum presentation by Dave Lane regarding the results of the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.




Public Forum - Barbara Smith


Barbara Smith was in attendance to discuss the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.


Resolution number DT/2015/149

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member MA Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum presentation by Barbara Smith regarding the results of the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.





Public Forum - Gillian Mckenzie


Gillian Mckenzie was in attendance to discuss the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.


Resolution number DT/2015/150

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member MA Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum presentation by Gillian Mckenzie regarding the results of the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.




Public Forum - Bill Rayner


Bill Rayner was in attendance to discuss the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.


Resolution number DT/2015/151

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Gillon:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum presentation by Bill Rayner regarding the results of the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.




Public Forum - Eileen Barclay


Eileen Barclay was in attendance to discuss the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.


Resolution number DT/2015/152

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Gillon:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum presentation by Eileen Barclay regarding the results of the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.




Public Forum - Rick Mason, Takapuna Beach Holiday Park


Rick Mason, Takapuna Beach Holiday Park, was in attendance to discuss the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.


Resolution number DT/2015/153

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum presentation by Rick Mason, Takapuna Beach Holiday Park, regarding the results of the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.





Public Forum - Paul Williams


Paul Williams was in attendance to discuss the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.


Resolution number DT/2015/154

MOVED by Member MA Cohen, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Gillon:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum presentation by Paul Williams regarding the results of the Takapuna Beach Reserve public feedback exercise.




a     Paul Williams presentation



9          Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


10        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.


Adjournment of Meeting

Resolution number DT/2015/164

MOVED by Member AP Roe, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

a)         That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board agree to adjourn the meeting for ten minutes until 9.44pm.




Results of Takapuna Northern Beach Reserve Consultation


Eric Perry, Relationship Manager was in attendance to speak to this item.

Two documents were tabled at the meeting. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments.


MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      receive the analysis of feedback received during consultation on options for use of the           Northern Reserve of Takapuna Beach.

b)      note that, if the board wishes to pursue and/or investigate particular option(s) further,           a detailed report outlining the process, pros and cons, and indicative costs and           timelines associated with that option(s) should be requested from relevant subject           matter experts within council.

c)      note concern over how the informal feedback process has been influenced by interest           groups on all sides, and the impact this has had on the outcome.

d)      note that the analysis of open-ended comments revealed that the underlying           motivation for many of the respondents, regardless of the option they selected as their           first and/or second preference, was around ensuring as many individuals as possible           should have access to, and be able to get the best use out of, the northern end of           Takapuna Beach Reserve.

e)      request Auckland Council Properties Limited (ACPL) begin discussions with the           operators of the Takapuna Beach Holiday Park and report back to the board on the           process to give notice to vacate and make good the land currently occupied on the           Northern Reserve of Takapuna Beach as soon as practicable, noting the prior           commitment of the board to grant six months notice in the event the lease is           terminated.

f)       note that there is currently a publicly notified resource consent application being           processed for the Northern Reserve in the name of the Harbour Access Trust, and           that the board will make no further decisions relating to occupation of the Northern           Reserve until the decision of the hearing panel is made public.


Secretarial Note: Member Cohen requested for his Point of Order under 3.10.17 – Local boards or committees may revoke or alter any previous resolution, and 3.14.4 (d) – Misrepresentation of any statement made by a member or by any officer or employee of the Auckland Council, be noted.

Member Gillon requested for his Points of Order under 3.15.9 relating to pecuniary interest  be noted.  


Resolution number DT/2015/155

An amendment by the way of addition was MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Gillon, seconded by Member MA Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

g)        acknowledges that 80 per cent of submitters chose the retention of Takapuna Beach Holiday Park with upgrades (Option 2 – retain the Takapuna Beach Holiday Park with upgrades) as their first preference.

h)        requests, based on the results of the feedback exercise, a detailed report outlining the process, and indicative costs and timelines associated with Option 2 (retain the Takapuna Beach Holiday Park with upgrades) from relevant subject matter experts within council.

i)          requests that a detailed report as referenced in resolution h) above be submitted to the board for consideration at the earliest possible time.

j)          requests officers and the local board work with Harbour Access Trust (HAT) and Yachting New Zealand (YNZ) to find a suitable alternative off-reserve location for the proposed Community Marine Activity Hub (CMAH), preferably near Takapuna Beach.

k)         wishes to thank submitters from the various groups and the wider community for their activity and hard work in this process.

l)          wishes to thank the local board staff, and direct support and consultants for their professionalism and hard work in this process.



The substantive motion was put.


MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the analysis of feedback received during consultation on options for use of the Northern Reserve of Takapuna Beach.

b)         note concern over how the informal feedback process has been influenced by interest groups on all sides and the impact this has had on the outcome.

c)         note that the analysis of open-ended comments revealed that the underlying motivation for many of the respondents, regardless of the option they selected as their first and/or second preference, was around ensuring as many individuals as possible should have access to, and be able to get the best use out of, the northern end of Takapuna Beach Reserve.

d)         request Auckland Council Properties Limited (ACPL) begin discussions with the operators of the Takapuna Beach Holiday Park and report back to the board on the process to give notice to vacate and make good the land currently occupied on the Northern Reserve of Takapuna Beach as soon as practicable, noting the prior commitment of the board to grant six months notice in the event the lease is terminated.

e)         note that there is currently a publicly notified resource consent application being processed for the Northern Reserve in the name of the Harbour Access Trust, and that the board will make no further decisions relating to occupation of the Northern Reserve until the decision of the hearing panel is made public.

f)          acknowledge that 80 per cent of submitters chose the retention of Takapuna Beach Holiday Park with upgrades (Option 2 – retain the Takapuna Beach Holiday Park with upgrades) as their first preference.

g)         request, based on the results of the feedback exercise, a detailed report outlining the process, and indicative costs and timelines associated with pursuing Option 2 (retain the Takapuna Beach Holday Park with upgrades) from relevant subject matter experts within council.

h)         request officers and the local board work with Harbour Access Trust (HAT) and Yachting New Zealand (YNZ) to find a suitable alternative off-reserve location for the proposed Community Marine Activity Hub (CMAH), preferably near Takapuna Beach.

i)          request that the detailed reports as referenced above in resolutions d) and g) be submitted to the board for consideration at the earliest possible time.

j)          wish to thank submitters from the various groups and the wider community for their activity and hard work in this process.

k)         wish to thank the local board staff, and direct support and consultants for their professionalism and hard work in this process.


Secretarial Note: These resolutions were voted on in parts.


Resolution number DT/2015/156

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receives the analysis of feedback received during consultation on options for use of the Northern Reserve of Takapuna Beach.



Resolution number DT/2015/157

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

b)        notes the concern over how the informal feedback process has been influenced by interest groups on all sides and the impact this has had on the outcome.


A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:



Chairperson JM Bergin

Member DP Hale

Member AP Roe


Member MA Cohen

Deputy Chairperson G Gillon

Member JRK O'Connor



The motion was declared CARRIED.

The chair exercised their casting vote for so the motion was Carried.



MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

c)         note that the analysis of open-ended comments revealed that the underlying motivation for many of the respondents, regardless of the option they selected as their first and/or second preference, was around ensuring as many individuals as possible should have access to, and be able to get the best use out of, the northern end of Takapuna Beach Reserve.


A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Chairperson JM Bergin

Member DP Hale


Member MA Cohen

Deputy Chairperson G Gillon

Member JRK O'Connor

Member AP Roe



The motion was declared lost by 2 votes to 4.


MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

d)         request Auckland Council Properties Limited (ACPL) begin discussions with the operators of the Takapuna Beach Holiday Park and report back to the board on the process to give notice to vacate and make good the land currently occupied on the Northern Reserve of Takapuna Beach as soon as practicable, noting the prior commitment of the board to grant at least six months notice in the event the lease is terminated.


A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Chairperson JM Bergin


Member MA Cohen

Deputy Chairperson G Gillon

Member DP Hale

Member JRK O'Connor

Member AP Roe



The motion was declared lost by 1 vote to 5.


Resolution number DT/2015/158

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

e)         notes that there is currently a publicly notified resource consent application being processed for the Northern Reserve in the name of the Harbour Access Trust, and that the board will make no further decisions relating to occupation of the Northern Reserve until the decision of the hearing panel is made public.


A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Chairperson JM Bergin

Member DP Hale

Member AP Roe


Member MA Cohen

Deputy Chairperson G Gillon

Member JRK O'Connor



The motion was declared CARRIED

The chair exercised their casting vote for so the motion was Carried.



Resolution number DT/2015/159

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

f)          acknowledges that 80 per cent of submitters chose the retention of Takapuna Beach Holiday Park with upgrades (Option 2 – retain the Takapuna Beach Holiday Park with upgrades) as their first preference.



Resolution f) was carried unanimously.


Resolution number DT/2015/160

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

g)        requests, based on the results on the feedback exercise, a detailed report outlining the process, and indicative costs and timelines associated with pursuing Option 2 (retain the Takapuna Beach Holiday Park with upgrades) from relevant subject matter experts within council.



Resolution g) was carried unanimously.


Resolution number DT/2015/161

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

h)        requests officers and the local board work with Harbour Access Trust (HAT) and Yachting New Zealand (YNZ) to find a suitable alternative off-reserve location for the proposed Community Marine Activity Hub (CMAH), preferably near Takapuna Beach.


A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Member MA Cohen

Deputy Chairperson G Gillon

Member JRK O'Connor

Member AP Roe


Chairperson JM Bergin

Member DP Hale



The motion was declared carried by 4 votes to 2.



Resolution number DT/2015/162

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

i)          requests that detailed report as referenced above in resolution g) be submitted to the board for consideration at the earliest possible time.



Resolution i) was carried unanimously.


Resolution number DT/2015/163

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

j)          wishes to thank submitters from the various groups and the wider community for their activity and hard work in this process

k)         wishes to thank the local board staff, and direct support and consultants for their professionalism and hard work in this process.




a     Devonport-Takapuna Area Plan strategic alignment with land-use options

b     Hearing of submissions to the Takapuna Beach Draft Reserve Management Plan


Extension of Meeting Time

Resolution number DT/2015/165

MOVED by Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         agrees, pursuant to Standing Order 3.3.7, that an extension of time be granted.





Record of Briefing/Community Forum -  28 July


A document was tabled at the meeting. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments.


Resolution number DT/2015/166

MOVED by Member DP Hale, seconded by Member JRK O'Connor:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      receives the Record of the Briefing/Community Forum held on 28 July 2015.




a     Community forum record



13        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  





11.36 pm                                            The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









