I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Manukau Harbour Forum will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 10 August 2015


Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Board Office
Shop 17
93 Bader Drive
Māngere Town Centre


Manukau Harbour Forum






Jill Naysmith

Franklin Local Board

Deputy Chairperson

Saffron Toms

Waitakere Ranges Local Board


Member Ami Chand, JP

Whau Local Board


Member Carrol Elliott, JP

Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board


Member Lotu Fuli

Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board


Member Bridget Graham, QSM

Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board


Member David Holm

Puketapapa Local Board


Member Graham Purdy

Papakura Local Board


Member Daryl Wrightson

Manurewa Local Board

Alternate Members

Member Simeon Brown

Manurewa Local Board


Member Brett Clark

Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board


Member Alan Cole

Franklin Local Board


Member Fa'anana Efeso Collins

Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board


Member Angela Dalton

Manurewa Local Board


Member Catherine Farmer

Whau Local Board


Member Neil Henderson

Waitakere Ranges Local Board


Member Michael Wood

Puketapapa Local Board


Member Danella McCormick

Manurewa Local Board


Member Leau Peter Skelton

Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board

(Quorum 5 members)




Riya Seth

Democracy Advisor

4 August 2015

Contact Telephone: (09) 826 5103

Email: riya.seth@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz





Manukau Harbour Forum

10 August 2015



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

6.1     Flagship Site Industry Pollution Prevention Programme                               5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    6

8.1     Sam Judd - Sustainable Coastlines                                                                   6

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  6

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                6

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          7

12        Report back on the Resolutions of Member Boards on the 2015/2016 Manukau Harbour Work Programme                                                                                                           9

13        2014/2015 Manukau Harbour Forum Work Programme - Report Back on Achievements                                                                                                                                       21

14        Manukau Harbour Forum - Options to increase Mana Whenua Participation     35  

15        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome


The Chairperson will open the meeting and welcome everyone present.


2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)         Confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 8 June 2015, as a true and correct record.


5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


6.1       Flagship Site Industry Pollution Prevention Programme


1.       The forum would like to acknowledge the Villa Maria's hosting of the Flagship Site Industry Pollution Prevention Programme on 30th July 2015.  



That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)      Acknowledges Villa Maria's hosting of the Flagship Site Industry Pollution Prevention Programme.



7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


8.1       Sam Judd - Sustainable Coastlines


1.         Sam Judd, Co-Founder and CEO of Sustainable coastlines will be in attendance to present a proposal for a large-scale event focussed on engagement with the communities and stakeholders of the Manukau Harbour.  This would see thousands of people being connected to nature along its shorelines through a large-scale educational tour and coastal clean-up with schools, businesses and community groups.    

2.         Sustainable Coastlines seeks the endorsement of the Manukau Harbour Forum for this activity.  If endorsed, they would like to explore any means that the members (and organisations that they are representing and connected to) could support this activity through promotion, contacts, funding, venues, access, logistical support ideas and media.

Executive Summary

3.         Sustainable Coastlines is a charity which has motivated over 40,000 people to remove more than 1 million litres of rubbish from the coast, plant tens of thousands of trees and directly educated over 120,000 school students, offenders, volunteers and businesspeople through presentations.



That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)      Receives the presentation from Sam Judd, Co-Founder and CEO of Sustainable coastlines and thanks him for the presentation.




9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Manukau Harbour Forum

10 August 2015



Report back on the Resolutions of Member Boards on the 2015/2016 Manukau Harbour Work Programme


File No.: CP2015/12295






1.       To forward to the Manukau Harbour Forum the resolutions of the nine member boards on funding for the forum’s 2015/2016 work programme.

Executive Summary

2.       At its meeting of 13 April 2015 the Manukau Harbour Forum Resolved as follows:

a)      That the Manukau Harbour Forum notes the information in the Update on Work Programme report.

b)      That the Manukau Harbour Forum recommends to member boards that funding be allocated to support a flagship sites programme and research hui in 2015/2016.

c)      That the Manukau Harbour Forum recommends option 2 for year 2 of the communication and activation plan for recommendation to member boards for funding.

d)      That the Manukau Harbour Forum thank officers for their attendance.

3.       A report was submitted to the May business meetings of the nine member boards to request the allocation of funds. During the preparation of that report it was noted that the amount of funding noted in the officers’ report to the 13 April meeting of the forum (appended as Attachment A) stated incorrectly that the cost per board for the 2015/2016 work programme would be $12,300 per board. The correct amount is $11,899 per board.

4.       At their May business meetings, member boards were requested to allocate $11,899 each to fund the forum’s 2015/2016 work programme as agreed in its resolutions noted above.

5.       All nine member boards agreed to allocate the $11,899 in funding for the 2015/2016 work programme. The boards’ full resolutions are appended as Attachment B.

6.       The Waitakere Ranges and Puketapapa Local Boards passed resolutions requesting that elected members play a role in any events financed by the forum as part of its work programme.



That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)      Notes that all nine member boards of the Manukau Harbour Forum have agreed to allocate $11,899 each in funding for the forum’s 2015/2016 work programme.

b)      Notes that two member boards passed resolutions requesting that elected members play a role in any events financed by the forum as part of its work programme.

c)      Requests that officers report to the April 2016 meeting of the Manukau Harbour Forum regarding funding requirements for the forum’s 2016/2017 work programme and include a full and comprehensive update on the progress of the 2015/2016 to assist member boards in making decisions around funding allocation.








13 April 2015/2016 Work Programme Report



Resolutions of Member Boards on 2015/2016 Manukau Harbour Forum Work Programme





Mary Binney - Local Board Advisor - Maungakiekie-Tamaki


Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager


Manukau Harbour Forum

10 August 2015



Manukau Harbour Forum

10 August 2015



Resolutions of the nine member boards of the Manukau Harbour Forum Joint Committee regarding the allocation of budget to the forum’s 2015/2016 work programme


Manurewa Local Board – 14 May 2015

Resolution number MR/2015/79

MOVED by Chairperson AM Dalton, seconded by Member D Wrightson:  

That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         support the request from the Manukau Harbour Forum and agree to allocate up to $11,889 to enable the Manukau Harbour Forum’s work programme for 2015/2016 to proceed, dependent on all other boards involved in the Manukau Harbour forum contributing.


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board – 18 May 2015

Resolution number OP/2015/71

MOVED by Member LT Fuli, seconded by Member MA Gush:  

That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board:

a)      support the Manukau Harbour Forum’s work programme for 2015/2016.

b)      agree to grant $11,889 to Manukau Harbour Forum in 2015/2016 and to allocate budget for that grant in the draft Local Board Agreement (LDI budget).


Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board – 20 May 2015

Resolution number MO/2015/73

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson CM Elliott, seconded by Member NL Bakulich:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board support the request from the Manukau Harbour Forum and agree to allocate $11,889 to enable the Manukau Harbour Forum’s work programme for 2015/2016 to proceed.


Papakura Local Board – 20 May 2015

Resolution number PPK/2015/74

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board support the request from the Manukau Harbour Forum and agree to allocate $11,889 to enable the Manukau Harbour Forum’s work programme for 2015/2016 to proceed dependant on all nine local boards that form the forum contributing equally.


Whau Local Board – 20 May 2015

Resolution number WH/2015/62

MOVED by Member SPT Matafai, seconded by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      Supports the request from the Manukau Harbour Forum and agree to allocate $11,889 to enable the Manukau Harbour Forum’s work programme for 2015/2016 to proceed.


Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board – 21 May 2015

Resolution number MT/2015/68

MOVED by Member BM Graham, seconded by Chairperson SD Randall:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      thanks Mary Binney, Local Board Advisor, for her attendance to speak to this item

b)      supports the request from the Manukau Harbour Forum and agree to allocate $11,889 from the Manukau Harbour water quality improvement budget to enable the Manukau Harbour Forum’s work programme for 2015/2016 to proceed.


Franklin Local Board – 26 May 2015

Resolution number FR/2015/66

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson AJ Naysmith, seconded by Member AM Fulljames:  

That the Franklin Local Board supports the request from the Manukau Harbour Forum and agrees to allocate $11,889 to enable the Manukau Harbour Forum’s work programme for 2015/2016 to proceed.



Puketāpapa Local Board – 28 May 2015

Resolution number PKTPP/2015/98

MOVED by Member DA Holm, seconded by Chairperson JM Fairey:  

That the Puketāpapa Local Board:

a)      receive the report.

b)      support the request from the Manukau Harbour Forum and agree to allocate $11,889 to enable the Manukau Harbour Forum’s work programme for 2015/2016 to proceed.

c)      request the Manukau Harbour Forum to ask the organisers of events financed by the Forum to recognise that elected members have a role – in conveying to users and guardians of the harbour the values and concerns of the public about its future; in learning from stakeholders about the most efficient and effective ways to reduce harm to the harbour; and in assessing through attendance the effectiveness of the events in furthering the goals of the forum.

d)      appoint David Holm as representative to Manukau Harbour Forum and Michael Wood as alternate.


Waitakere Ranges Local Board

Resolution number WTK/2015/93

MOVED by Chairperson S Coney, seconded by Member NR Henderson:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)    Supports the request from the Manukau Harbour Forum and agree to allocate $11,889 to enable the Manukau Harbour Forum’s work programme for 2015/2016 to proceed.

b)   Notes that a key strength of the Forum is the collective voice of the member boards and that the elected members need to be included in forum activities and ongoing engagement including flagship events.

Manukau Harbour Forum

10 August 2015



2014/2015 Manukau Harbour Forum Work Programme - Report Back on Achievements


File No.: CP2015/13527






1.         To provide a report back on the achievements and outcomes of year one of the Manukau Harbour Forum (the Forum) work programme.

Executive Summary

2.         The Forum agreed its 2014/2015 work programme at its July 2014 meeting (resolution number MHFJC/2014/12). This was subsequently endorsed by member local boards at their meetings in August and September 2014. This report provides a report back to the Forum on achievements of the first year of the Forum work programme.



That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)      Notes the information provided in the 2014/2015 Manukau Harbour Forum Work Programme – Report Back on Achievements.



3.         At its meeting in July 2014, the Forum asked its member boards to support, and provide a funding contribution, towards a work programme consisting of a series of flagship sites events, the development of a communications plan, and a research hui. The total cost of the work programme was $76,500.

4.         Table 1 below presents highlights achievements during year one of the work programme;



Flagship Sites Programme

This programme will extend over the financial year end period to avoid holding events too close together.

At the time of writing, a total of two flagship site events had been held at Auckland Airport and Harley Davidson Limited.

Communications Plan

The first year of the Manukau Harbour Forum (MHF) work programme focused on the development of a communications and engagement plan to build awareness of both the MHF and the Manukau Harbour. As such, a project resource pack was developed from interviews and research to provide content for ongoing email newsletters to stakeholders, and the Forum and Manukau Harbour pages on the Auckland Council website. The first email newsletter was distributed at the end of June 2015. The website pages went live in June 2015 – type in ‘Manukau Harbour Forum’ in the search box. A year-end report detailing the outcomes for the first year of this three year work plan is appended to the report as appendix 1.

Research Hui

This project was unable to be delivered in 2014/2015. It is estimated a hui will be held in April or May 2016.

Table 1: Work Programme Highlights

Flagship Sites Programme

5.         At the time of writing this report, a total of two flagship site events had been held, at Auckland Airport and Harley Davidson in Mt Wellington. These events provide an opportunity for local businesses to learn from other organisations on stormwater management and spill response, and to apply learnings to their own site. Feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive.

6.         The next event will be held at Villa Maria Winery in Mangere in July 2015. The Forum Chair is invited to attend events to represent the Forum. As Villa Maria is located next to the Makaurau Marae and papakainga, a representative of the marae has also been invited to attend the Villa Maria event.

Research Hui

7.         Unfortunately, staff constraints and the focus on delivering the communications work programme and flagship sites events, the research hui was unable to be delivered in 2014/2015. This lead to an underspend of $937 per board (excepting Waitakere Ranges) in the budget allocated to the Forum by member boards.

8.         It is proposed to hold a hui in the current financial year. Regional budget is available to match the contribution of member boards for this hui. Staff are currently developing the scope and focus of the hui, and identifying key speakers.


Local Board views and implications

9.         This work programme was endorsed by eight of the nine member boards in August and September 2014. All nine member boards reference the Forum in their local board plans.

10.       A number of member boards also sponsor projects supporting the goals and objectives of the Forum through their own environment work programmes. These projects are reported separately to the member boards.

Māori impact statement

11.       No specific consultation with Maori was undertaken for the purposes of this report. Feedback and input from mana whenua on the work programme was sought at a hui in November 2014.

12.       It is anticipated that there will be ongoing dialogue between mana whenua and the Forum as the Forum develops and refines its work programme. It is also noted that pending Tiriti ō Waitangi settlements may impact on the future governance model for the Manukau.


13.       There are no implementation issues arising from this report. The Forum approved year 2 of the work programme at its meeting in April 2015.







Communications plan end of year report





Emma Joyce - Relationship Advisor

Theresa Pearce - Senior Environmental Programmes Advisor


John Dragicevich - Manager Infrastructure and Environmental Services

Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager


Manukau Harbour Forum

10 August 2015



Manukau Harbour Forum

10 August 2015



Manukau Harbour Forum - Options to increase Mana Whenua Participation


File No.: CP2015/14512






1.       This report advises the Manukau Harbour Forum Joint Committee (the Forum) on options to increase engagement with Mana Whenua.  This report was requested by the Forum at a workshop on 8 June 2016.

Executive Summary

2.       The Manukau Harbour Forum was established in November 2010 and agreed Terms of Reference (terms) in June 2012.  The terms were refreshed in June 2015 (resolution MHFJC/2015/13).  Among other things the terms record the Forum “is committed to Te Tiriti o Waitangi / the Treaty of Waitangi, and it will work actively to ensure that it also acknowledges and recognises the interests of mana whenua, by providing iwi representation”.

3.       The Manukau Harbour is of great significance to Mana Whenua.  On 13 October 2014 the Forum met with Mana Whenua to consult on their strategic approach to improve the health and wellbeing of the harbour (CP2014/26142 refers).  A desire by Mana Whenua for an increased level of involvement was expressed and it was agreed a further workshop was required with advice on possible membership of the Forum.

4.       This report sets out three options to build Mana Whenua involvement with the Forum.  It is recommended the Forum hold three (3) workshops / hui in the 2015/2016 financial year to build relationships, trust, and common understanding between Mana Whenua and council.

5.       The proposed workshops would allow consideration of future governance arrangements for the Manukau Harbour in the environment of upcoming Treaty settlement negotiations, and how Mana Whenua and council might align their interests and preferred outcomes for those negotiations.  The workshops would also allow provision of information to Mana Whenua about current council-led projects (including the Forum’s work programme) and encourage better problem solving for work underway to reach more durable outcomes.  Mana Whenua views can be relayed to the Forum for consideration in the normal course of decision making.

6.       Costs for Mana Whenua representatives’ attendance at the three proposed hui can be covered under the Manager Treaty Settlements’ budget. It is anticipated proposals for engagement between the Forum and Mana Whenua in subsequent years will be developed at the workshops and this will necessarily include consideration of costs.



That the Manukau Harbour Forum:

a)      Meets with Mana Whenua representatives three (3) times in the 2015/2016 financial year to share information, discuss strategic priorities, and consider potential governance and other arrangements, including those which may be developed through Treaty settlement negotiations.





7.       Prior to the Auckland Council amalgamation, governance arrangements existed with Regional and Local Territorial Authorities over the Manukau Harbour.  A number of these agreements provided for consultation with Mana Whenua groups and enabled a degree of participation in decision making relating to the harbour. Generally, however, these initiatives were localised and how local authorities planned for use and activities over the harbour were often difficult to align.

8.       In June 2012, following the creation of Auckland Council, terms of reference was agreed for the Forum.  The terms were refreshed in June 2015 (resolution MHFJC/2015/13).  Among other things the terms record the Forum “is committed to Te Tiriti o Waitangi / the Treaty of Waitangi, and it will work actively to ensure that it also acknowledges and recognises the interests of mana whenua, by providing iwi representation”.  This is consistent with Auckland Council’s commitment to meet Treaty of Waitangi based responsibilities and its statutory obligations to Māori.

9.       As a joint committee of Local Boards, the Forum looks to conduct more efficiently the Local Boards’ business relating to the harbour (a committee can make decisions and provide officer direction without seeking confirmation and/or ratification from the member boards).  The Forum exists to champion the sustainable management of the Manukau Harbour, principally at a strategic rather than operational level.  However, the Forum’s work programme includes a number of operationally focussed outcomes funded through Local Board contributions, and thus in practice the Forum bridges governance and operational levels.

10.     The Manukau Harbour is of great significance to Mana Whenua – one of the earliest claims to the Waitangi Tribunal was the “Manukau Harbour Claim” (Wai 8).  In Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau Collective Redress Deed (the “Tāmaki Collective settlement”), signed in 2013, the Crown acknowledges Māori have unsettled historical Treaty grievances relating to the Manukau Harbour, and indicates future negotiations will lead to a collective Treaty settlement for the Harbour.

11.     Elsewhere in New Zealand, Treaty settlements over natural resources such as rivers, beaches and harbours have resulted in a legislative framework for the management of those resources.  This has typically taken the form of a co-governance structure (as compared to a co-management), which partners local body authorities and settling groups, and sometimes the Crown.  This is discussed further below.

12.     Depending on Crown priorities and the pace of the current land-focussed Treaty settlement negotiations, negotiations between the Crown and Mana Whenua groups over the Manukau Harbour may commence in 2016 or 2017, or potentially later.  Typically such negotiations take between 2 and 3 years to complete, with a further 1 to 2 years for legislation to pass through the Parliamentary process.

13.     On 13 October 2014 Forum members and staff met with Mana Whenua to consult on their strategic approach to improve the health and wellbeing of the Manukau Harbour (CP2014/26142 refers).  The Forum’s Vision and Strategy document and accompanying work-plan was presented.  Mana Whenua made a number of suggestions and expressed a preference for a vision statement that was developed jointly. Mana Whenua also expressed a desire to be involved in decisions over the Manukau Harbour, including through membership on the Forum, and to participate in work programmes designed to improve the health and raise the profile of the Manukau Harbour.  Concerns about ongoing negative environmental impacts on the harbour such as sewage discharge were expressed.

14.     At a Forum workshop in Mangere on 13 April 2015, staff from Te Waka Angamua and the Manager Treaty Settlements presented a framework for the inclusion of Mana Whenua in the decision making process regarding the health and well-being of the Manukau Harbour.  At a workshop on 5 June 2015 staff provided an advisory note on Mana Whenua participation in the broader environment of Treaty of Waitangi settlement negotiations.  Staff were asked to prepare a report with recommendations for the Forum on engagement with Mana Whenua.

Mana Whenua landscape across the Manukau Harbour and timing of Treaty settlement negotiations

15.     The political landscape of Mana Whenua groups with interests in the Manukau Harbour and their engagement in Treaty settlement negotiations is complex.  The groups with completed settlements are Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and Waikato-Tainui.  Crown negotiations with Te Kawerau ā Maki were completed in 2014 and the Te Kawerau ā Maki Claims Settlement Bill is currently before Parliament.  Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki initialled a deed of settlement on 3 July, meaning the Crown’s negotiations with them are largely over: when their deed is signed, the Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Settlement Bill will proceed through Parliament.

16.     The groups currently in negotiations with the Crown are the Marutūāhu Iwi (including Ngāti Pāoa), Ngāti Tamaoho, and Te Ākitai Waiohua.  Negotiations between the Crown and Ngāti Te Ata are presently paused as litigation is resolved.  The Crown does not appear to be considering entering into settlement negotiations with the Te Ahiwaru community at Makaurau Marae, and the status of negotiations with Ngāti Koheriki, who may also have an interest in the Manukau Harbour, is unclear.

17.     As noted, it is anticipated the Crown may commence Treaty of Waitangi settlement negotiations over the Manukau Harbour in 2016 or 2017 (see also Advisory Note of 8 June 2015).  The start of negotiations will likely be connected to progress on Treaty settlements currently underway between the Crown and individual iwi/hapū, which are focussed on the resolution of historical grievances relating to the land, not water.

18.     The Crown may be reluctant to enter into harbour negotiations with Mana Whenua groups if a number of those groups remain focussed on completing their main settlements.  This has been the case for the Kaipara Harbour, where harbour negotiations only commenced once the main Ngāti Whātua groups had concluded settlements (although they are being conducted in tandem with the settlement of all remaining Ngāti Whātua claims through Te Runanga o Ngāti Whātua).

Anticipated Treaty settlement outcomes for the Manukau Harbour

19.     A common outcome of Treaty settlement negotiations for rivers and harbours is the creation of co-governance entities involving local body authorities and iwi, and sometimes Crown representation.  This outcome should be anticipated for the Manukau Harbour.

20.     Co-governance entities are typically given a statutory responsibility to draft a strategic document setting out the issues, vision, objectives and outcomes for the natural resource.  A legal weighting requiring local body decision makers to, alternatively, “recognise and provide for”, “have particular regard to”, or “take into account” the strategic document is common.  Generally this is intended to provide influence at a governance level for iwi, with specific rules and final decisions to be made by the local authorities working within their broader policy and goal setting framework.

21.     In some instances the Crown has provided funding to support the running costs of co-governance entities.  Funding has also been provided for remedial environmental work, often in the form of a contestable or dedicated fund.  Whether funding is provided appears largely determined by the level of political influence and importance attributed to settling group(s) and the natural resource itself, rather than as the result of a coherent Crown policy.

22.     We note for local body authorities, who are significant parties in almost all Treaty settlement arrangements over natural resources, successful outcomes are often driven by good relationships between parties in negotiations.  Given the significant council interest in the Manukau Harbour, and the strong likelihood of a future Treaty settlement for the Manukau Harbour, it is prudent for council to develop good relationships with Mana Whenua groups prior to the commencement of negotiations.

23.     Of course Mana Whenua groups have significant areas of common interest with local government and the wider community, including improving water quality and other good environmental outcomes.  There is considerable common ground for cooperation and collaboration.

Options for the Forum to increase engagement with Mana Whenua

24.     The options below identify ways to build relationships with Mana Whenua, in a manner consistent with the terms of reference for the Forum, and in anticipation of Treaty settlement negotiations.  We have identified a preferred option for consideration that takes into account the interests of Local Boards, the interests of Mana Whenua and the wider public, and which provides a robust process to achieve desired outcomes.

25.     The preferred option is to hold three (3) hui / workshops with Mana Whenua in the 2015/2016 financial year.  Other options considered include maintaining the status quo or having Mana Whenua representation on the forum.  The former is unlikely to achieve positive results.  The latter is not recommended at this stage, but is an area which may be explored with Mana Whenua at the proposed workshops.

26.     The preferred approach is consistent with the process to develop and empower communities and enables rangatira ki te rangatira (chief to chief) conversations.  It does not take the place of, nor is intended to supersede other arrangements that might develop between Local Boards and Mana Whenua.

Option 1 – maintain status quo

27.     The Forum currently aims to meet with Mana Whenua annually although since the forum was established in 2010 one workshop has been held. At the 13 October 2014 hui, Mana Whenua indicated a desire to meet more frequently. 

28.     The disadvantage of maintaining the status quo is that it is a relatively passive level of engagement and is unlikely to meet Mana Whenua aspirations or council obligations.  Opportunities to build trust and understanding would be minimal and Mana Whenua partners may feel disenfranchised.  Such outcomes will be less useful in a future Treaty settlement negotiations environment.

Option 2 - Mana Whenua representation on the Forum

29.     Representation of Mana Whenua member(s) on the Forum is possible under current legislation, which allows for committee members to be appointed who are not elected members.  To achieve this would require agreement from all nine local boards on the Forum.  Resources to support new members would also be needed.

30.     The advantage of this option is it provides an opportunity for direct participation of Mana Whenua along-side local board representatives.  The approach would be broadly consistent with the terms of the Forum to provide iwi representation.

31.     At this stage a disadvantage of this option is it would require a significant and immediate change to the structure of the Forum.

32.     If Mana Whenua membership on the Forum is considered, a significant challenge for council and Mana Whenua is the representation model which might be adopted by the 16 Mana Whenua groups who are presently identified by council as having (or potentially having) interests in the Manukau Harbour: that is, how the 16 potential groups would be represented, or share representation between them, since the creation of 16 new seats on the Forum is impractical.

33.     We note the Mana Whenua groups presently identified by council as having an interest, or potentially having an interest in the Manukau Harbour are: Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara, Te Runanga o Ngāti Whātua, Te Kawerau ā Maki, Te Ākitai Waiohua, Ngāti Tamaoho, Ngāti Te Ata, Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki, Waikato-Tainui, Te Ahiwaru, Ngāti Koheriki, and the Marutūāhu Iwi (Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Pāoa, Ngāti Tamaterā, Ngaati Whanaaunga, and Te Patukirikiri).

34.     At this stage it is unknown what views Mana Whenua may have on appropriate representative model, and it is likely views will differ between individual groups.  The recommended option (below) to hold a series of three workshops / hui in the 2015/2016 financial year would allow discussions on representation.

35.     We note the “Tāmaki Collective” vehicle which was used from 2010 to negotiate collective settlement redress over the maunga (volcanic cones) and motu (islands), as well as commercial redress in the form of a collective right of first refusal, had representatives of 13 Mana Whenua groups.  However, Waikato-Tainui did not participate in those negotiations.  Nor was the Te Ahiwaru community at Makaurau Marae considered a ‘large natural grouping’ for Treaty settlement purposes.  Yet both are acknowledged by council for Resource Management Act and other consultative purposes as having an interest in the Manukau Harbour.

36.     Furthermore, not all of the 13 Tāmaki Collective groups may seek formal involvement in a representative model for the Manukau Harbour.  It is also unclear how Waikato-Tainui and their affiliated iwi/hapū may work together in the future: the affiliated iwi/hapū presently form part of the “Waiohua Tāmaki” ropū under the “Tāmaki Collective settlement”, and are negotiating their own individual Treaty settlements with the Crown.

37.     Questions of representation are therefore complex and are, on the whole, best left to Mana Whenua to resolve.  Whether all Mana Whenua groups believe the timing is right for this conversation to take place is also unknown.  It may be that for groups which are focussed on their individual Treaty settlement negotiations with the Crown, a conversation about a representation model for the Manukau Harbour is an unwelcome distraction.

38.     There is also a risk addressing Mana Whenua representation when the Crown is yet to commence Treaty settlement negotiations over the Manukau Harbour.  The Crown typically takes a leading role in assessing mandate of groups it enters into negotiations.  While an approach to representation for the Manukau Harbour might be agreed between council and Mana Whenua, this may not align with how the Crown wishes to proceed.

39.     Finally, it is unknown what co-governance structure might evolve from collective Treaty settlement negotiations for the Manukau Harbour, which may involve both Governing Body and Local Board representation, and potentially Crown representatives.  It is unknown whether the Forum will be required in its current state, or indeed whether the Forum will need to evolve in response to a new structure.

Option 3 – hold three workshops / hui in 2015-2016 financial year (preferred option)

40.     As the preferred option we recommend Mana Whenua be invited to attend three (3) workshops / hui with Forum members and staff in the 2015/2016 financial year.  The workshops would look to further develop the relationship between Mana Whenua and Local Boards, share information about the Manukau Harbour, and discuss future governance arrangements including through Treaty settlement negotiations.

41.     Views expressed by Mana Whenua at the workshops can be conveyed to the Forum and considered in the normal course of Forum decision making.

42.     More specifically, attendees at the proposed workshops / hui could focus on:

·        areas of mutual interest and aspiration for council and Mana Whenua;

·        sharing information on projects that impact on the health and wellbeing of the Manukau Harbour;

·        in anticipation of Treaty settlement negotiations, how meaningful relationships between council and Mana Whenua might be developed that provide for:

the relationship of Mana Whenua as kaitiaki and their culture and traditions with their ancestral moana;

the relationship of Auckland Council as stewards, and the cultural, environmental, social and economic sustainability of Auckland;

the relationship of ratepayers, customers, citizens and visitors and their interests in natural resources;

·        the potential scope of co-governance arrangements from Treaty settlement negotiations, and where council and Mana Whenua share interests in those negotiations; and

·        enable Mana Whenua contributions to problem solving and strategic priorities developed by the Forum.

43.     This approach represents an enhanced engagement process to build better relationships with Mana Whenua.  Staff will be available to assist in the form of briefings and the provision of technical information.

44.     We note the Forum may wish to consider how the “Manukau Harbour Forum Action Plan 2013-2015” is refreshed for the 2016-2019 period.  The proposed workshops may provide Mana Whenua an opportunity to input into future plans.  Discussion of a revised vision statement to take into account Mana Whenua perspectives may also be possible.

Māori impact statement

45.     This report will impact on Mana Whenua by providing options for engagement with the Manukau Harbour Forum and to enable Mana Whenua to discuss issues relating to the health and wellbeing of the Manukau Harbour.


46.     If the Forum supports the preferred option, the workshops with Mana Whenua will be coordinated by Local Board Services with support from Te Waka Angamua.  All correspondence and communication will be sent by or in the name of the Chair of the Manukau Harbour Forum.

47.     Diaries and subsequent arrangements will be managed by Local Board Services unless otherwise directed by the Chair of the Manukau Harbour forum.  Meetings will be arranged independently from the regular meeting schedule for the Forum at a council facility to save costs.  Forum members may be invited to meet on a Marae which can be considered as appropriate.

48.     Cost of Mana Whenua participation can be covered by the Manager Treaty Settlements.  Estimates for this process including meeting fees and travel up to around $10,000.  It is estimated up to 16 Mana Whenua representatives will be invited to the proposed workshops.  Invoices and payments will be managed by Local Board Services.

49.     We note the proposed workshops would complement and align to existing initiatives by Local Boards to strengthen relationships with Mana Whenua and enable Mana Whenua participation in Local Boards







MHF Mana Whenua Meeting Notes October 2014





Roger  Jolley - Paewhakatere Hautū Take Whanui - Principal Advisor Governance - Te Waka Angamua

John Hutton - Manager Treaty Settlements


Johnnie Freeland - Paearahi Matua - Manager

Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager


Manukau Harbour Forum

10 August 2015